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Written Task 3: 

Philippine Past Presidents' Significant Contribution

Name of Student: Sandara Reel A. Pagara Grade & Section: Grade 11- Integrity
Direction: Complete the table by writing significant contributions of the specified administrations to the different sectors of
the country.
Deadline: February 1, 2021

Sector Estrada Administration Arroyo Administration Aquino Administration

1. Education Estrada increased budget for basic President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo The Aquino Administration
education and planned to achieve signed the Executive Order No. proposes to expand Government
universal Primary education by 358 in September 15, 2004 which Assistance to Students and
2015. He spent more amount for mandates TESDA and CHED to Teachers in Private Education
early childhood education and pre- develop and implement a unified (GASTPE) to aim for 1 million
school education. He built national qualifications framework private HS students every year
economic reforms to support the that establishes equivalency through education service
finance department of Philippines.  pathways and access ramps for contracting (ESC).
easier transition and progression Also reforms the education system
between TVET and higher in the
education. Philippines by shifting to K–12
education, a 12-year basic
Launching of the internet-based education cycle.
Education Program.
2. Health Estrada administration's health Launching of 3-billion universal On June 19, 2013, President
contribution centers on the internal health insurance coverage that Aquino signed RA 10606 (An Act
change of the health provides free hospitalization and Amending the National Health
department. ... Expenses on health other medical assistance. Insurance Act of 1995), which
infrastructures reduced by closing mandates the provision of
certain health sanitariums that are comprehensive health care
no longer of huge significance, services to all Filipinos, through a
since the health problems dealt in socialized health insurance
these sanitariums can be program that will prioritize the
addressed already at home.  health care needs of the
Estrada promotes primary health underprivileged, sick
centres which are well-quipped
and provide free services.
3. Agriculture  Agricultural sector showed Under her term, massive agri- Aquino was catapulted as
substantial growth during his fishery infrastructure projects were President. She named Ramon V.
administration. He contributed established, as the DA's budget Mitra, Jr. as MAF Minister who
lands to the landless farmers and greatly increased. Also, Arroyo implemented policy and
increased the CARP coverage for administration implemented institutional reforms that freed
the landless farmers. Estrada various projects and policies the agriculture markets, enabling
promotes primary health centres towards the attainment of food farmers to enjoy higher farmgate
which are well-quipped and security and self efficiency, prices
provide free services. particularly the FIELDS program
The Estrada administration launched by President Arroyo in
widened the coverage of the 2008.
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
Program (CARP) to the landless
peasants in the country side. The
latter's administration distributed
more than 266,000 hectares of
land to 175,000 landless farmers,
including land owned by the
traditional rural elite.
4. Environment  Natural resource protection and  International Conservation Caucus  The Aquino administration's
environmental nurturing. Foundation (ICCF) and Global groundbreaking environmental
Environment Facility (GEF). policies have made headway to
cushion the impacts of climate
change, improve disaster
mitigation, preserve the remaining
forests and biodiversity, and
secure the country's food supply.
PR 21, 2013
5. Labor & The Estrada administration is Various labor groups have cited Aquino paid close attention to our
Employment working on the mechanics of Labor President Arroyo for the local domestic workers or
Based Infrastructure Developed implementation of policies and kasambahay because are
Program and other livelihood programs which provided benefits considered vulnerable workers,”
programs to alleviate for Filipino workers and their said Baldoz. To promote welfare
unemployment. families and the country as a whole and social protection of
under her nine-year regime. kasambahay, the Philippines
ratified ILO Convention 189, or the
Domestic Workers Convention
2011 (No. 189) on September 5,
6. Tourism As part of the Estrada Promoted a "culture of tourism" In a greater thrust by the Aquino
Administration's back-to-basics among Filipinos in her keynote administration to pump billions of
tourism program, the DOT speech at the Culture and Arts dollars into the sector, tourism is
launched a drive for clean Conference 2002 on June 13 and expected to employ 7.4 million
restrooms in gasoline stations, bus 14 at the Pearl Hotel on Taft people by 2016, or about 18.8 per
stations, stores, restaurants and Avenue in Manila. Arroyo stressed cent of the total workforce,
municipal buildings. The Tourist the need for "accommodation" to contributing 8 per cent to 9 per
Assistance Centers are being increase tourism revenues. cent to the GDP.
established by the DOT to offer a
range of services
7. Justice  President Estrada created the President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo President Aquino has repeatedly
Presidential Anti-Organized Crime supported the Framework Plan for promised justice and peace in all of
Task Force (PAOCTF). The Women which aimed to promote his State of the Nation Addresses
purpose of PAOCTF is to women’s economic empowerment, (Sonas), but many of them remain
minimize, if not, to totally eradicate protect women’s human rights, and to be just like that—promises.
car theft, and the worsening of promote and strengthen gender- There have been some
kidnapping cases in the responsive governance. It served achievements by the Department
Philippines. as the government’s guide in of Justice (DOJ) and the Office of
With this, the Philippine National planning and budgeting for GAD the Ombudsman. But the Aquino
Police for the first time in history programs and projects, and administration remains to have
obtained a record high trust rating activities. more undelivered promises,
of +53 percent. especially in security and the
peace process.

8. Transportation Contributed to the Philippine Clean President Arroyo filed House Bill
Air Act of 1990 that would relate to 5092 entitled the Philippine The Aquino administration has
transportation's smoke that should Transportation Security Act of so far awarded nearly 130 billion
not be black. 2017, which seeks to create a pesos worth of PPP contracts that
commission that will “improve the include the construction of airports,
reliability and security” of railway, hospital, classrooms,
transportation in the country. expressway, transport terminal,
among others.

9. Science & Passage of the Clean Air Act, and The President, together with Trade During her term, President
Technology the decision to pursue the 15-year and Industry Secretary Manuel Corazon Aquino encouraged
modernization program of the Roxas II, Science and Technology scientists and inventors to bring
Armed Forces of the Philippines. Secretary Estrella Alabastro and the Philippines to its former
[37] His last State of the Nation Philippine Economic Zone position as second to only Japan in
Address pushed for the Authority (PEZA) Chairman Lilia de the field of science and
advancement of industries and Lima toured Intel Corporation’s technology. One of the goals of
schools into the Internet age, as state-of-the-art assembly and test her administration was to achieve
well as the announcement of the facility at the Gateway Business the status as being an
passage of the e-Commerce Act. Park in General Trias, Cavite industrialized country by 2000
10. Finance The administration of Arroyo has President Benigno Aquino III has
Financial aspect of Philippine contributed a lot in finance. During signed into law institutionalizing the
governance. her 6-year term, there are several Financial Inclusion Steering
jobs created which resulted to an Committee (FISC), the governing
increase of 23% in the rate of new body to implement the
investment in the Philippines. government's National Strategy for
There were also several Financial Inclusion (NSFI).
improvements in the country. Most
of her administration's contribution
was focused on labor as they
formulated laws that redounded to
the benefit of the workers. Through
this, the creation of jobs has
helped the country elevate its
financial condition and economy.

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