How To Obtain Exact Leakage Readings On An Ultrasound Probe With The Fluke Biomedical ULT800 and ESA612 Electrical Safety Device
How To Obtain Exact Leakage Readings On An Ultrasound Probe With The Fluke Biomedical ULT800 and ESA612 Electrical Safety Device
How To Obtain Exact Leakage Readings On An Ultrasound Probe With The Fluke Biomedical ULT800 and ESA612 Electrical Safety Device
readings on an ultrasound
probe with the Fluke Biomedical
ULT800 and ESA612 Electrical
Safety Device .
•• ESA612 or ESA615
•• 600/212 dual conductivity probe
•• ULT800
•• Appropriate ULT800 adapter plate specific to
the ultrasound probe you are testing
•• Two 3472633 adapters
Please ensure that no exposed wiring or connec-
tions are introduced to the solution. Prior to testing,
a visual inspection of the probe should be per-
formed, checking for cracks or flaws in the sheath- Step 2
ing that would allow the solution to penetrate the Test for conductivity of the saline solution
probe and cause shorting or damage.
A.Press the green “on” button once and wait for
the ULT800 to perform a self-test. If it passes,
Step 1 the yellow “ready” light will illuminate.
B.Using the selector switch, select “conductivity”.
Setting up for testing
C.Press the green “test” button once. Wait for
A.Connect the 600/212 probe to the ULT800 to a few seconds; if the solution is conductive
either port on the top of the unit. enough to pass the test the green “pass” light
B.Place the end of the dual probes into the saline will illuminate. If the solution fails, the red “fail”
solution. light will illuminate and the solution should be
replaced with fresh solution with the appropri-
ate concentration and the test repeated.
Step 3
Set up the ESA
A.Connect one of the 3476233 adapters into the C.Connect the ultrasound to the adapter plate.
leftmost applied parts port, then connect the
600/212 dual conductivity probe to the adapter.