Namagunga Primary Boarding School: Name

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NAME: ___________________________________

STREAM: _________________________________


1. Read well and answer all questions.

2. You must write well.

3. Write correct spellings and answer in full sentences where



1. Name one member of a nuclear family.


2. Write one example of people found at school.


3. How are markets important to people in your community?


4. Name the craft drawn below.

5. Who is a grandmother?

6. Give one building material for temporary houses.


7. What do you call a person who grows crops and rears animals?

8. Write one example of a plant found in our school compound.


9. Which type of weather is best for drying harvested seeds?


10. Why do people eat food?


11. Write one means of railway transport.

12. State one use of ropes to children.


13. What is a sty?


14. Write one item that can be made from clay.

15. Give one need of a child at home.


16. Mention one example of an animal kept for milk production.


17. Why do people sing?


18. Where can people get food?


19. How do we keep our homes clean?


20. Draw this road sign.

Zebra crossing
21. Write one tool used by security officers while at work.

22. Give one value of land to people.


23. Name one item that we can use in the kitchen.


24. What do we call the state of living in harmony with others?

25. Write one dangerous thing found on the road.

26. How does a dog move?


27. What is wind?


28. Mention one activity done during rainy weather.


29. Where do wild animals live?


30. Name this example of house.

31. What do we call the room in the house where we sleep?


32. How can you live happily with others?


33. Apart from food, mention one other basic need of a family.

34. Write one way of caring for people at home.


35. Why do we need matrons at school?


Religious Education

36. Name one Holy book.


37. Write one good behaviour needed in a home.


38. How many apostles did Jesus have?


39. What was the work of Zacchaeus?


40. Name one gift you can give to a friend.


41. a) Give two examples of common accidents in our community.
(i) ______________________________________________

(ii) _____________________________________________

b) Write two ways we can use to control accidents at home.

(i) ______________________________________________

(ii) _____________________________________________

42. a) Name two important places found in our community.

(i)_____________________ (ii) ___________________

b) What is the place of work for a teacher?


c) Why do we need a barber in our community?


43. a) Write two elements of weather.

i) _________________ ii) _________________

b) Why do people put on sweaters?


c) How is too much sunshine dangerous to people?


44. Match the following animals to their young ones.

a) horse calf

b) cat foal

c) dog kit/ kitten

d) cat puppy
45. a) What is a school?
b) Give two needs of a school.
(i) ____________________________________________

(ii) ____________________________________________

c) How is a library important in the school?


46. Name these things that harm the body.

47 a) Give the use of the following items to people at home.

i) brooms - _____________________________________
ii) hoes - ________________________________________
iii) mats - ________________________________________
iv) knives - _______________________________________

48 a) What are ornaments?


b) Write two examples of ornaments.

i) __________________ ii)____________________

c) Where do people get beads for making some ornaments?


49. a) What is transport?


b) Name the commonest type of transport in your community.

c) Where do people board the following means of transport?
(i) taxi - ______________________

(ii) bus - _______________________

50. a) Name two people who keep peace at school.

(i)___________________ (ii)___________________

b) Give one way of keeping peace at school.


c) What causes insecurity at school?


51. a) Write two ways of getting family needs.

(i) _____________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________

b) What are the problems people face in getting family needs?


(ii) _____________________________________________

Religious Education

52. a) What miracle did Jesus perform at Cana?


b) How did Jesus show love to other people?
(i) ____________________________________________

(ii) ____________________________________________

c) Give one example of people Jesus made happy.


53. Which gifts from God do we use to do the following;

(a) smelling: __________________

(b) eating: ___________________

(c) seeing : __________________

(d) hearing : _________________

54. a) Name two examples of religious leaders.

i)____________________ ii) ___________________

b) What lesson do you learn from Jesus as a good leader?


c) Why do people pray?


55. Match correctly.

Judas Iscariot earthly father of Jesus

Pontius Pilate denied Jesus three times

Simon Peter betrayed Jesus

Joseph sentenced Jesus to death


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