Improving Teaching and Learning Through Kaizen and 7 TH Habit
Improving Teaching and Learning Through Kaizen and 7 TH Habit
Improving Teaching and Learning Through Kaizen and 7 TH Habit
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All content following this page was uploaded by Joseph Cuarteros on 23 May 2017.
This institutional research article explicates the application of Kaizen in a teaching and learning milieu.
The prime idea of this inquiry is anchored on Kaizen principles espoused by Kaizen expert, Masaaki
Imai, who articulated that “Kaizen strategy is the single most important concept in Japanese
management, the key to Japanese competitive success.” Also backing up this inquiry is the 7th Habit-
described as “Sharpen (ing) the Saw”-- from Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
Both popular principles are the springboard of this research inquiry into Kaizen’s 5S principles and 7th
Habit against the backdrop of academic functions as exemplified by instructors and leaders of learning in
school and universities in an attempt to improve the quality of learning. The author then explores the
validity of the effectiveness of the Kaizen principles in various areas of learning facilitation. The author
recommends the adaption of Kaizen principles to teaching to sustain continuous quality improvement in
all learning undertakings-whether on the practicality of the principles in teaching, their reliability in
learning among various learners, or their effectiveness in educational leadership. As a practitioner of
continuous quality improvement and a facilitator and leader of quality teaching and learning for years,
the author has considered the role that teachers and school leaders play in the implementation of
continuous quality improvement to attain and sustain the effectiveness and efficiency of quality learning
in the academe.
Keywords: Kaizen, Continuous quality improvement, Kaizen in teaching, 5S principles, 7th habit.
Kaizen is about changing the way things are. In his book, Kaizen: The Key to Japan’s
If you assume that things are all right the Competitive Success, Imai stressed that
way they are, you can’t do kaizen. So change Kaizen is the lone most important concept in
something! --Taiichi Ohno Japanese management-the key to Japanese
competitive victory. Its success has
Revolutionizing teaching and learning manifested in many organizations around
through Kaizen philosophy to achieve the world. Hence, many authors and
quality education has been a vital concern educators have tried the effectiveness of
among educators in the academe in the principles in teaching and learning in their
world today. [1] Kaizen, which means respective area of specialization.
continuous improvement, is built on quality
as a part of the total process. Thus, to do
Kaizen, or to kaizen, is to implement Kaizen
principles in the name of quality or
continuous quality improvement. This
concept, first espoused by Masaaki Imai only
to improve industrial efficiency in Japan,
has now become an interesting theory in the
teaching and learning process.
The same principle has also become a model Furthermore, the author specifically verified
in classroom management and educational the validity of the effectiveness of kaizen
leadership undertakings. principles in many areas of teaching and
learning endeavors through the
Origin of Kaizen corroboration of many authors and the
Kaizen (ky-‘zen) originated from the actual application of the author himself.
Japanese term ‘kai,’ which means ‘change,’
and ‘zen,’ which means ‘good’ (to be better).
Some interpret ‘kai’ as continuous, and ‘zen’
as improvement. The term, which has been a
password to log in the concept of
improvement in every aspect of organization,
has now become synonymous with
continuous quality improvement.
Applying Kaizen as a Challenge
In Japan, Kaizen has been a familiar term in
schools. This is why most schools in Japan For the author, applying kaizen in teaching
are frequently changing. Kaizen in schools was at first a tremendous challenge. This
refers to continuous quality improvement of was basically tantamount to taking a
students’ learning through the use of quantum leap or changing the wagon’s gear
innovative (kaizen) teaching techniques and without sacrificing the quality of education
tools being implemented by the teachers and while trying to maintain or sustain the
supported by school administration. expertise of long years of teaching
experience, including classroom
Although kaizen principles were originally management skills and time-tested teaching
designed for industries, some of its aspects techniques.
are being used to revolutionizing schooling.
This is the objective of this investigation –to Kaizen philosophy in education is equivalent
verify the effectiveness of these principles in to aiming for quality, which had become a
changing the face of education. continuous struggle for both teachers and
students. But since kaizen means
Rationale of Inquiry continuous quality improvement, it means
This paper is anchored on Kaizen principles continuing improvement in personal, home,
espoused by Kaizen expert, Masaaki Imai, social, working, school and university life. As
who articulated the effectiveness of kaizen Lal Fonseka, a productivity consultant of
as a single theory in Japanese management, Brand Lanka Limited, put it, when applied
which later became the source of competitive to the school, kaizen means continuing
success in Japan management. improvement involving every person –the
principal or dean, teachers, parents and
This inquiry likewise wanted to probe the students. [2]
effectiveness of the 7th Habit from Stephen
Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective For the author, to kaizen means to draw on
People, which is described as “balance” and and apply 100% effort and creativity to
“renewal” of “your resources, energy, and achieve set goals in teaching and leadership.
health to create a sustainable, long-term, It requires a teacher to have three-horse
effective lifestyle.” power to push daily workloads. It needs
180kp/h to be efficient to meet expected
Both popular principles are the springboard learning outputs as manifested in course
of this scholarly endeavor probing that intended learning outcomes which are being
Kaizen’s 5S principles and 7th Habit assessed in every term.
(Sharpening the Saw) could also manifest in
the academic milieu and could possibly be To kaizen means to answer two humungous
exemplified by instructors and leaders of questions: (1) How can we meet the standard
learning in school and universities in an of teaching as measured against students’
attempt to improve the quality of students’ learning or the degree of excellence achieved
learning. by the learners; and (2) How can the teacher
Ronel Mondragon Sapungan et. al | January 2016 | Vol.4 | Issue 01 |01-07 2
Available online at:
acquire the kaizen skill and possess it as a and quality training; e) teachers have
distinctive attribute or characteristic in his completely changed their teaching styles,
or her teaching career? with most now being "95 per cent
facilitators" rather than lecturers; and f) all
students set very high improvement goals.
With the objective of improving students’ using like Facebook, Instagram or Tweeter.
learning in mind, kaizening class Many students may already have disliked
instructions can be done! arrays of common assessments you give
after every lectures; hence, you could
present online games as formative
assessment using their Iphones or the
popular YouTube to analyze uploaded videos
of diverse social issues.
Kaizening my home…