Elementary Science Curriculum (Physics, Earth and Space Science)

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Rapu-Rapu Community College

Poblacion, Rapu-Rapu Albay

MC SCI 102 Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades (Physics, Earth & Space Science)

Elementary Science Curriculum (Physics, Earth and Space Science)

NAME: Sharwin B. Bordarais


Activity 1 The Basic Education Science Curriculum

Answer the following questions below:

1. What is the overall goal of basic education science?

As a learner, I believe that the basic education science overall goals is to develop our
cognitive skills in understanding and generating investigation and scientific
explanations or evidences and to prepare us in making decision and on how to react
with regard to aspect of life and environment as things are gradually developing or

2. What is the content of the science curriculum?

Back then, in my previous studies, the content that we had been studied for is all
about and focused to the Natural Sciences such Earth and Space, Chemistry, Physics
and Biology which brought us essential and various of Knowledge that enlighten our
minds which give awareness to us of what is happening in our environment .

3. How is the content of the science curriculum organized?

Personally, it is well-organized, the series of the content are connected. It is not
confusing when another topic follows to the first one. Therefore, the learnings that
we obtained in each particular lesson widen our knowledge.
Activity 2 The Curriculum Guide

The curriculum guide explicitly discusses important concepts such as domains of learning
science, theoretical foundations, teaching approaches and curriculum features. Fill out the
table below by selecting the set of items that should be under each column.

Set A: Learner-centered, Inquiry-based, Spiral progression of concepts and skills, Intertwined

science content and science processes, Problem-based

Set B: Multi-interdisciplinary approach, Science-technology-society approach, Contextual


Set C: Constructivism, Social cognition learning model, Learning style theory, Brain-based

Set D: Understanding and applying scientific knowledge, Performing scientific processes and
skills, Developing and demonstrating scientific attitudes and values

Domains of Theoretical Approaches to Curricular Features

Learning Science Foundations Learning Science

Set D: Set C: Set B: Multi- Set A: Learner-

Understanding and Constructivism, interdisciplinary centered, Inquiry-
applying scientific Social cognition approach, Science- based, Spiral
knowledge, learning model, technology-society progression of
Performing scientific Learning style approach, concepts and skills,
processes and skills, theory, Brain-based Contextual Learning Intertwined science
Developing and learning content and science
demonstrating processes, Problem-
scientific attitudes based
and values
Activity 3 The Guiding Principles of Science Curriculum Framework

The Department of Science and Technology developed the Science Framework for Basic
Education. Included in this document are the guiding principles for the formulation of the
science framework. Read the following principles carefully.

1. Science is for everyone.

2. Science is both content and process.
3. School science should emphasize depth rather than breadth, coherence rather than
fragmentation and use of evidence in constructing explanation.
4. School science should be relevant and useful.
5. School science should nurture interest in learning.
6. School science should demonstrate a commitment to the development of a culture
of science.
7. School science should promote the strong link between science and technology,
including indigenous technology.
8. School science should recognize that science and technology reflect, influence and
shape our culture.

Activity 4 Science Framework for Basic Education

Below is the science curriculum framework for basic education in the Philippines. A
curriculum framework is a set of standards or learning outcomes that defines the
content to be learned in terms of clear, definable standards of what the students should
know and be able to do.
Below is the conceptual framework of science education in the Philippines. A conceptual
framework is used to understand the place of and inform the direction of a research

Compare the two frameworks. What patterns, common concepts, themes,

target outcome do you see? What do these themes and patterns mean to you?

Both aims of the development of scientifically, technologically, and environmentally literate

of individuals. For me, it means that the frameworks envision well-rounded individuals, as a
good Citizen who are capable of making judgements regarding application of scientific
knowledge that may have social, health and environmental consequences.

Activity 5 21st Century Science Classroom

How does a 21st century science classroom look like?

I will described it as an innovative and advanced learning place. A place that is creativity
allows students to participate in the learning activities. It is Learner-centered which teachers
are the one who serves as the facilitator of the students in building new knowledge or

Alata, EJ., et.al. (2020) Teaching Strategies for Elementary Science (Physics, Earth and Space Science) Rex Book
Store, Inc. Sampaloc Manila

“Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth
to other people.” – Spencer Johnson


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