Cloud Computing in Healthcare
Cloud Computing in Healthcare
Cloud Computing in Healthcare
Article History: Received on 22nd Feb. 2017, Revised on 10th March. 2017, Published on 6th May 2017
Abstract- Information Technology (IT) has modernized hospitals, 2880 health clinics and 165 mobile health clinics
healthcare sector via the newest development. Cloud were reported and registered as per statistic while 217 private
computing in healthcare is budding and charming as crucial hospitals, 34 maternity nursing homes, 36 ambulatory care
methodologies by most of the stakeholders. It has the special centres and 6442 medical clinics in private sectors[3]. The
ability to offer infinite capacity and power of process in the e- growing progress of healthcare coupled with local as well as
healthcare sector. This leads computer to be used efficiently foreign patients will definitely attain huge aggregate of patient
and exclusively by the sharing of resources in healthcare. This data, variety, veracity andleads to thenecessity of perfect
paper provide a review of some proposed cloud based e- system in order to sustain and further up the good quality
healthcare architectures edge along with issues in both status of healthcare service provider. Generally this situation
technologies and the crucial reasons of enhancing forward to a creates two main problems for ahealthcare system that includes
cloud based e-healthcare especially in Malaysia. complexity and upsurges the needs of the IT experts deadly.
Keyword—cloud computing; e-healthcare; healthcare
Moving of healthcare sector to cloud computing system in
I. INTRODUCTION order to overcome this delinquent will be definitely a virtuous
Healthcare is defined as the service delivered to idea of solution of all the problems individually [4]. Cloud
individuals or populations by healthcare service providers to computing is highly rated as the sole representative from
promote, maintain, monitor or restore health [1]. current IT trends of efficiency, business agility, and cost
Internationally, the ultimatum of healthcare is well predictable reductions. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to provide a
as it is expected to endlessly expand in future due to tangible review of some proposed cloud based healthcare architectures
reasons such as projected demographic shifts among the aging solution edge along with issues in this technology and the
population, life expectancy, and lifestyle diseases. fundamental reasons of enhancing healthcare forward to cloud
computing in Malaysia.
Malaysia has escalated enormously as preferred healthcare
travel destination for the world due to the high mounting like II. CLOUD COMPUTING
the one of the paramount developing country especially among An archetypal which enable ubiquitous with expedient demand
the ASEAN countries. This agenda is parallel with the vision network access to a shared pool of configurable computing
and strategies of Malaysia’s 12 National Key Economic Areas resources such as storage, applications, network, servers, and
(NKEA) under the new Economic Transformation Program services are delineate as cloud computing. Also, cloud
(ETP) for the economy drive next 10 years as it is aimed to computing has its own exclusive benchmarks in where it
develop seamless and integrated healthcare system is aspired operate with minor management exertion or service provider
to be preferred healthcare terminus in the constituency [2]. interaction [5]. There are five important characteristics, three
service models, and four deployment models under this
World class quality of healthcare services, which includes easy masterpiece as per stated by National Institute of Standards
accessibility and patient to be competitively affordable, is the
and Technology, U.S Department Commerce. The five
crucial attractive proposition of healthcare in Malaysia.
Malaysia’s healthcare system are divided into two main important characterizes as per stated:
pathways which are apublic and private sector. Total
On demand Self Service: Consumer or client of cloud
expenditure on healthcare in Malaysia is estimated 4.75
computing can fascinate computing capabilities individually
percent of gross domestic product (GDP) while the total
including server period and network storage as required
funding of healthcare are 55 per cent and 45 per cent for
spontaneously deprived of human interaction with the entire
Government and private sector respectively.
service provider.
Correspondingly, the value of Malaysia healthcare industry is
Broad network access:Competences of this technology are
estimated at $8.4billion with as per August 2011,145 public
obtainable over the network and are retrieved through ordinary
25 © Authors
International Journal of Students’ Research In Technology & Management
Vol 5, No 1, January 2017, pp 21-25, ISSN 2321-2543,
mechanisms assorted by thin or thick client platforms, for The common example is when a client needs an email system
instance, mobile devices and workstations. or data software, they can use cloud computing service as a
solution wisely [6].
Resource pooling:Numerous consumers is serve by the
providers and computing resources is pooled with a multi- Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): This service allows
tenant model that enable various physical, virtual resources theestablishment of processing, network, storage, and ensuring
dynamically assigned and reassigned rendering to consumer computing resource in where end users are arrayed and route
demand without control or knowledge over the precise location arbitrary the software such as operating systems and
of the provided resources unless in ahigher level of abstraction. applications. As per remaining other two services,
theconsumer does not oversee the cloud infrastructure but
Rapid elasticity: Cloud Computing is also able to provisioned administer over frameworks, storage, and set up applications
and released elastically, scale rapidly outward including with therestricted regulator of selected components networking
inward commensurate with demand automatically in some such as host firewalls.
selected cases. Capabilities for provisioning unlimitedly and
anappropriate quantity of time are one of the major vital B. Deployment Models
concerns for consumer particularly.
There are four types of model that are deployed under cloud
Measured service: Cloud computing systems spontaneously computing:
control and optimize resource with metering the capability at
Public cloud: This type of cloud infrastructure is provisioned
some level of abstraction by fitting into the variety of services.
for open use by thegeneral public. Corporate, academic,
Characteristically this is done on apay as per use conceptual.
government organization, or acombination of mentions above
Provider and consumer able to monitor, control, and report,
usually responsible to managed and operated as they are
resource usage which tortuously provide positive transparency
owned. The concept of payment is as peruse which sanctions
for both side of parties.
the range of resources to meet ongoing fluctuating
A. Service Models stipulateseither positive or negative.
The factorof operating costs and flexibility can be highly Private cloud:Infrastructure of private cloud is exclusive for
correlated with the service models. The above mention factors the use by a lone organization comprising multiple consumers.
are inversely proportional in where the operating cost of SaaS It may be possessed, managed, and operated by the
is the lowest followed by PaaS and IaaS, and these conditions organization, third party, or combination of them, and it may
lead to higher flexibility in IaaS followed by PaaS and SaaS. exist as on or off premises. Flexibility in imposing related
The three vital service models (Figure 1) of cloud computing compliance requirements of data ownership and seclusion is
are as indicated: greater due to the reason of single organization use only.
Software as a Service (SaaS): Service provided or available Community Cloud: This type of model is designed
to theclient is to use the applications created by host which specifically for thecommunity of consumers from
directly available on a cloud infrastructure, and the organizations that have communal concerns such as in mission
applications are easily accessible throughout various devices and policies. A third party, one or more than one organization
such as a web browser or even through a program interface. from thesamecommunity and even combination of the two
Infrastructures including network, servers, operating systems, mention above may hold, managed, and operate this type of
storage, and even individual application capabilities are not cloud and it may exist as on or off premises. Sharing
managed by the consumer or client unless with the omission of conceptual of this leads the organizations to typically have
limited users specific application configuration settings. parallel security, privacy, performance and even compliance
requirements, but conversely, the community curbs participant
Platform as a Service (PaaS): Consumer is competent to from similar industry or desires.
deploy onto the cloud infrastructure either consumer based
create or acquired applications which generated using Hybrid Cloud: This hybrid cloud infrastructure is composed
programming languages, libraries, services, and tools of two or more distinct cloud infrastructures that mention
supported by the service provider itself. The consumer does above and remain as a unique entity, but are bound together by
not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure standardized or proprietary technology which permits
including network, servers, operating systems, or storage, but portability of data and application.
has control over the deployed applications and possibly
configuration settings for the application hosting environment.
26 © Authors
International Journal of Students’ Research In Technology & Management
Vol 5, No 1, January 2017, pp 21-25, ISSN 2321-2543,
III. CLOUD COMPUTING IN HEALTHCARE SECTOR Reference [9] suggested migration of healthcare sector towards
cloud computing brings some risk which strongly interrelated
Traditionally, healthcare sector underutilized technology to the privacy and security although benefits from this decision
especially in improving the delivery of patient care. is attainable. Consequently, it is necessary to maintain,
Healthcare has entered sixteen years after millennium, but upgrade, and monitor the hardware and software which
hence in healthcare, the number of system operate manually, consists of healthcare data and are crucial in order to avoid
generally or relaying on paper, such as medical records to negative consequences.
notify and make decisions in most of the conditions still
significantly high. Healthcare industry differs greatly from Complexity and facilitating can be reduced while collaboration
other industries, and the key differences of thehealthcare among the information systems in healthcare sector can be
industry with other industry can be categorized into three increased if cloud computing is included in this sector. The
segments. Firstly this sector are highly regulated by governed architecture of cloud computing have the capability to
law including regulations to safeguard patients. Secondly cost assemble, integrate, analyze the data from various sources
of high risk errors to occur in healthcare are more costly than either in real time and permits doctors to access patient records
in other industry, and finally, this sector consists of numerous without any barrier of place and time. One of the offers that
number units such as hospital administration staff, labs, and important in healthcare that could be done by cloud computing
patients. is the capability of recovery of data in anemergency state such
as disaster recovery, and backup data redundancy as it
Exceptionality privacy of healthcare and security of patients’ reproduces the data in numerous locations for more heftiness
data makes the data itself sensitive and any criteria misleading and accessibility [10] [8] [11].
will cause severe impact and may lead to life or death at times.
Hence, the sensitivity of data handling can result to be References [12] mentioned IT cost which usually bare heavily
unhurried by the adoption of new technologies. Universally, by healthcare sector can be reducedsignificantly when moving
healthcare is reorganized, and reform causes the healthcare towards cloud computing which can be seen immediately.
information technologies (HIT) to be modernized and as a Additionally, adopting to cloud model will cause migration of
pathway for this route or center of this transformation is all the IT processes to the infrastructure of cloud computing
definitely cloud computing without hesitation [7]. where the processes will be stored and performed more
effectively and precisely. Significantly, the latest model which
Adoption of cloud computing in healthcare can ominously known as “pay-as-you-move” allows organizations to pay only
enrich the healthcare system especially in the comfort zone of for what they use or implement. To put in other words, the
efficiency, effectiveness, and reliability. Cloud computing associations will not have any particular explanation behind
offers an infrastructure that permits hospitals, medical getting costly equipment infrastructure, programming warrants
27 © Authors
International Journal of Students’ Research In Technology & Management
Vol 5, No 1, January 2017, pp 21-25, ISSN 2321-2543,
or to keepin site staff for maintenance, security, and national clearinghouse at UK to regional health centres which
replications. This is as the cloud offers packages which take located at Canada into more granular health information
care the reasons which may be questionable from the exchanges where all realized numerous degree achievements.
respective organizations. Furthermore, countries that have hopped over paper records
and move towards diagnostic image believe to additional
Reference [13]declared a human life is very precious, and the triumph in a restricted manner but however yet to attain
facilities of the medical resources are restricted. Along these victory in patient record due to its larger gear [14].
lines, human services administrations embraced in cloud
suppliers coordinate a practical idea where patients wellbeing Previously, majority of IT departments providers are
associated exploit this innovation by enhancing persistent habituated to traditional technologies in where the necessity of
nature of administration through a circulated high incorporated licensed software platforms, and heavy hardware
stage which coordinating of medical process and additionally infrastructures and followed by a large group staff. As
decreasing IT base of venture or upkeep cost which prompts a innovated technologies presented, IT infrastructure demands
superior human services environment. forces the bounds of the assured more efficient. While
groundbreaking in theory, government enticements do not
A. Current State Of Cloud Computing In Healthcare shield overhauling legacy equipment cost and modernizing
Over the last few years, cloud computing technology has facilities. As electronic health records, advanced clinical
gradually gained attention in research and numbers of systems are evolving and becoming more well-known which
implementations have increased in public and private sectors causes current storage resources to be extended.
as well. According to Economics Commerce and Management
Implementation of digital time pathology ensure the backend
of United Kingdom, major businesses was expected to invest
technologies are accurately designed and working often taking
over $150 billion on cloud computing by 2014 but however the
focus away from the clinical criteria applications and user’s
final results shows the final amount is far more higher than
attention. Reduction of implementation time is perilous in
predicted earlier. Besides, studies on global healthcare IT
order to facilitate aptitude adapt hurriedly based on needs of
trends, expected worldwide healthcare cloud computing
changing and the introduction of novel applications.
sector’s revenue in 2017 will unquestionably boost up to $5.4
billion due toupwelling of this sector. Furthermore the prime Patients of this era are advocates better in rate for their
contributor, North America prophesied to impact the market healthcare. One of the reasons is because most of the patients
share of this sector up to $6.5 billion in 2018 from 1.7 billion are well educated, or concern to their diseases and raises
in 2013. demand of accessing to up to date technologies. This leads to
the seeking of supreme care at the finest cost and is even
Most of the countries that have been developed and
enthusiastically to investigate the options
establishing healthcare data clearing houses that can aid data as
available.Additionally, patients are demanding for access to
more portable than earlier. For instance, Canada is the country
their personal records and organizations have to keep up.
that recognised diagnostic imaging repositories across the
country in order to aid in patients care and as well as cost B. Strength and Weakness
saving. All the countries endure to invest in cloud computing
mechanism will definitely improve patient care. Based on Implementations of cloud computing in healthcare have its
study, statistic shows that 37% of healthcare service providers own range of strength and weakness (Figure 2).
have strategic plans with adoption of cloud, 22% are in the
planning stages while 25% are in the midst of executing in The main or core strength of using cloud computing in
which this can definitely drive the respective industry. Besides, healthcare is the cost dynamic. The cost of operating can be
the 5% that have already embraced cloud computing have reduced extremely due to the absence of start-up expenditures
recognized an average of 20% savings on implemented in these plans which abide by the host initially. This situation
applications which is a successful news that will bring this is classified as a plus point for healthcare sector as they are not
sector into a higher level. affordable to the intense expenses due to lack of resources if
compare to information technology sector. Additionally,
Exchange of patient data among clinicians, departments and access to the patient’s records anytime and anywhere can be
even patients is rare and definitely a complex agenda. An done very smoothly and easily which indirectly hints to rise
organization dependence on vendors to knit together their alliance between doctors and patients as well as
various technologies which indicate too expensive with theintensification of quality services to patients. [4] [9]
unverified data experiments. This issue have approached by
various countries in different ways such as from the central Realizing cloud computing in thehealthcare sector is
aweakness of this whole idea as it is not a tranquil chore as
28 © Authors
International Journal of Students’ Research In Technology & Management
Vol 5, No 1, January 2017, pp 21-25, ISSN 2321-2543,
there they are numerous negative factors involved in adopting cloud computing in various aspects. The government of
and implementing. Moreover, anadaptation of cloud Malaysia, cloud stakeholders as well as private and public
computing increases the percentage of dependable of client or organizations have lately instigated determinations to uphold
healthcare sector in this scenario to the service provider where acceptance and implementation of cloud services in their
it can indicate to theproblem in future. Other than that, even in respective association [19].
advance country, many hospitals do not have even internet
connection especially in theurban area in order to connect to In an analogous move, IBM particularly in Malaysia recently
the cloud, thus implementing and practicing cloud computing broadcast the nationwide development of Kumpulan Perubatan
is definitely will be tough. Therefore, it can be stated clearly Johor which widely known as KPJ Healthcare Berhad in the
fundamental and essential requirement for connecting to the cloud healthcare infrastructure. KPJ Healthcare Berhad can be
cloud is the internet connection and moving forward towards it honored as the first ever private healthcare organization in
is simply impossible with the absence of requirement[15]. adopting cloud computing. Moreover, KPJ Healthcare Berhad
is prominent private healthcare provider which provides
seamless healthcare services to more than 2.8 million patients
per year across more than 25 hospitals in Malaysia and 4
overseas hospitals [20].
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Vol 5, No 1, January 2017, pp 21-25, ISSN 2321-2543,
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University College, Kota Seriemas, Nilai, Malaysia, for their system. In Proceedings of the 6th Euro American
continuous encouragement and support. We wish to express Conference on Telematics and Information Systems, pp.
our sincere thanks to all the authors for the information that 151-156.
guide us throughout this journey.
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