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Presented to:
Presented By:
Roll # 2K12/PAE/23
Email: jawedahmed371@yahoo.com


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CHAPTER # 01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 05

1.1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT------------------------------------------------------- 05

1.2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY------------------------------------------------------ 05

1.3. INTRODUCTION OF PTCL--------------------------------------------------- O6

1.4. HISTORY------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07



CHAPTER # 02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08

2.1. PARKING------------------------------------------------------------------------ 08

2.1.1. Holding Invoice Documents ---------------------------------------------- 09

2.2. Parking Invoice Documents ------------------------------------------------ 09

2.2.1. Use document parking ----------------------------------------------------- 09

2.3. Saving Invoice Documents as Complete --------------------------------- 10

2.3.1. Use Save as complete ------------------------------------------------------- 10

2.4. Demand Draft of Park -------------------------------------------------------- 10

CHAPTER # 03 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13

3.1. POSTING -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14

3.2. Account type ------------------------------------------------------------------- 15

3.3. Posting keys in the standard system ------------------------------------- 16

3.4. PAYMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------ 16

CHAPTER # 04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16

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4.1. Adjustment of Journal Voucher ------------------------------------- 16

4.2. Punching of Document ------------------------------------------------ 17

4.3. Note Sheet ----------------------------------------------------------------- 17

4.4. Reporting ----------------------------------------------------------------- 18

4.5. In Revenue ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 18

4.6. Bill Installment ----------------------------------------------------------------- 19

4.7. Bill Correction ------------------------------------------------------------------ 19


CHAPTER # 05 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20

5.1. Organizational Structure of PTCL ---------------------------------------- 20

5.2. Structure of PTCL -------------------------------------------------------------- 21

5.3. PTCL Head Office Chart ----------------------------------------------- 21

5.4. Chart of Regional Office ----------------------------------------------------- 23

5.5. Department Organization Chart ----------------------------- 24

5.6. Managerial Structure of Department ----------------------- 25

5.7. Privatation of PTCL ---------------------------------------------- 25

CHAPTER # 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26

6.1. Finance -------------------------------------------------------------------- 26

6.2. Accounting ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 26

6.3. Revenue --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26

6.4. Accounting System of PTCL -------------------------------------------------- 27
6.4.1. Revenue from Billing System --------------------------------------------- 27

6.4.2. Revenue from Others ------------------------------------------------------- 28

CHAPTER # 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28

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7.1. SWOT Analysis of PTCL ------------------------------------------------------------- 28

7.2. Strength -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 7.3.

Weakness ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29

7.4. Opportunity --------------------------------------------------------------------- 30

7.5. Threat ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30

CHAPTER # 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31

8.1. Objectives ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31

8.2. The Following Long-term Objectives ------------------------------------- 31

8.3. Vision ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 32

8.4. Mission ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33

8.5. Recommendation ---------------------------------------------------------------33

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PART – 01

This report of getting experience complete with the helps of some respectable
employess of PTCL of finance department and also revenue department. In finance
department the names of employees as under, Mr. MASOOD SHAHANI, Mr. MIR
Imtiaz Ahmed Ansari, Mr. M. Hassan, Mr. Shoaib, Mr. Walee.

This report is a necessary of Public Administration, B.S(PA) and is the Department

of faculty of social science of my learning experience with PTCL. The internship of finance
and revenue in PTCL, purpose is that to increase knowledge and to get experience. After
theoretically then practical of theory in PTCL and gain to experience, my internship on
finance and learn about software of finance which used in PTCL regional branch of
Hyderabad Fatima janah road Hyderabad. I have been learned as a practical work in
institute, this internship specially for working as financial practical work in the institute.


With employee strength of 30,000 and 5.7 million customers, PTCL is the largest
telecommunications provider in Pakistan. PTCL also continues to be the largest CDMA
operator in the country with 0.8 million V-fone customers. The company maintains a
leading position in Pakistan as an infrastructure provider to other telecom operators
and corporate customers of the country. It has the potential to be an instrumental
agent in Pakistan’s economic growth. PTCL has laid an Optical Fiber Access Network
in the major metropolitan centers of Pakistan and local services have started to be
modernized and upgraded from copper to an optical network. This report is being

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started with the brief and complete introduction of organization, its

historical background, its services and its products offerings. In this report
organization structure is discussed as per the requirement of internship. What is the
hierarchy in the organization as well as working of various departments are concisely
The most important thing the BUSINESS STRAGTEGIES is discussed in such a
way that it’s not difficult to understand it. Internal and External analysis has the vital
importance, which in this report is also done. More over the Financial Analysis is also
done which is depicting the financial position of the org in the market place. Whereas
SWOT analysis is done which clearly saws what are the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats in the organization. Finally some suggestions and
recommendations are given to org in this report. Limitation although very few but
can’t be negligible are discussed. Thus this report completely depicts the true picture
of PTCL in a meaningful way.
1.3. Introduction
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) is the leading
telecommunication authority in Pakistan. The corporation provides telephonic and Internet
services nationwide and is the backbone for the country's telecommunication infrastructure
despite the arrival of a dozen other telecommunication corporations, including Telenor Corps
and China Mobile Ltd. The corporation manages and operates around 2000 telephone exchanges
across the country, providing the largest fixed-line network. Data and backbone services such as
GSM, CDMA, broadband Internet.

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The details of the share holding in the company is till now is as given from 100%
shares of the company 62% is owned by the government while 26% was sold to Etisalat
Telecommunications under the privatization program run by Shaukat Aziz in 2006 the
remaining 12% are sold to General Public  in the same year.

Founded in 14 August 1947, In 1947 the beginning there was no concept of PTCL in
Pakistan rather a department “Posts and Telegraph Department” exists which is used
for communication. In 1962 a department was established “Pakistan Telephone and
Telegraph department” replacing the first one in those days the service was provided by the
organization as a state owned entity later on in 1991 the government took the decision to
privatize the PTCL in 1994 govt. work on it and in 1996 shares are given to people holding
vouchers. In 2005 government decides to fully privatize the PTCL and sold the shares to
Etisalat which led to country wide protests and strikes by the PTCL workers.
The Government in 1991, announced its plans to privatize PTCL, and in 1994 issued
six million vouchers exchangeable into 600 million shares of the would-be PTCL in two
separate placements. Each had a par value of Rs. 10 per share. These vouchers were
converted into PTCL shares in mid-1996. PTCL launched its mobile and data services
subsidiaries in 2001 by the name of Ufone and PakNet respectively. None of the brands
made it to the top slots in the respective competitions. Lately, however, Ufone had
increased its market share in the cellular sector. The PakNet brand has effectively
dissolved over the period of time. Recent DSL services launched by PTCL .

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Internship report
The internship report is conduct on the learning period of which I have done in
PTCL, it means that investment of time in PTCL and working days of PTCL. I have been to
get the experience from this opportunity of internship in Hyderabad. The internship
report based on which I have done my work in PTCL as a internee which contain of two
departments, one is that Finance and Revenue.
Parking is the
process of recording the
documents in the SAP
software of PTCL. To
maintain record the data
for the auditing
purpose and for
company record.

2.1.1. Holding Invoice


If you are
interrupted while entering or parking an invoice, you can hold the data you have already
entered, such as the list field selections, header data, and item data. The system creates an
invoice document but does not make any checks, updates, or postings. When you continue
processing the held document later, the system proposes the data already entered.

2.2. Parking Invoice Documents

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You create an invoice document in document parking. Choose the disk icon Save
parked document to do this. Before saving the data, the system performs consistency
checks .Subsequently, you can still change, delete, or post parked documents, or save them
as complete.

2.2.1. Use document parking if:

1. Information required for posting the invoice document is missing in the invoice
document and you do not want to have to enter again the data already entered

2. The balance is not zero

3. The following updates are to take place:

1. Log of document changes

2. Informative purchase order history

3. Data for advance tax returns

4. Index for checking for duplicate invoices

5. Vendor open items

6. Vendor open items for parked documents

2.3. Saving Invoice Documents as Complete

You create an invoice document in document parking. Choose Save as complete to

do this. Before saving the data, the system performs consistency checks. In the event of
errors, the data is not saved, but is presented for correction instead. Subsequently, you can
still change, delete, or post Documents complete for posting.

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2.3.1. Use Save as complete if:

1. No more changes are to be made to the invoice document

2. The balance is zero

3. The invoice document is to be parked for posting but not posted yet cheers.

LPS (late payment sub-charge), it is the part of money where PTCL to pay at the
time of late, after due date to pay the amount to vender or bills or other.


PTCL issue Demand Draft (DD) from NBP on debit account (loan) of all branches of
division. Bank reconciliation report. PTCL issue DD from National Bank Pakistan (NBP)
on debt account (loan) of all branches of division of Hyderabad. Means PTCL to give
document of as a letter to provide the DD then PTCL to make check for the making
payment on draft then forward to the vender or the bills.

Folio, it is kept by the PTCL for the purpose of auditing. It is leaf for office copy on
the tap is check, record of document number, invoice reference date, value, with tax, net.

Parking on system application product (SAP) by the semen’s company, here many
models but PTCL used the fico model. Fico model especially used for the finance of PTCL.

There are three users of PTCL first one is that the parking which is do for the giving
the entry and recording the documents, second one is posting which for the verifying the
documents for the payment and third is the payment which means the to pay the amount
to the vender or bills, and theirs idea totally different from each other.

Internship report

Regional General Manager (RGM), and widrow means the PTCL to pay the amount
for funding the benevolent fund. Benevolent means a employee who has been died and
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pension to pay his wife. “F-53” is the code of parking and posting in the SAP software
after open ID or user account in SAP software. Then options as under in SAP general
leadger (GL) and code as a example is “4830821”, post out going payments, process open
items and payment document code is “26”. If document make be done in the code of 25,
then is known as document complete in parking document. For credit the code is “50”,
and for revers is “48” in PTCL Hyderabad.

/nfbz5 this code use for print for payment document and /n_ for back to the menu
and company code “1100”, “/fbvo” for find payment, “/fahn” for know about check,
“/faglb03” for tell the balance of vender and “/fbl1n” for now punch paid payment to the

M.O maintenance order and note sheet where employee want to advance amount
from the company (PTCL), for the purpose of employee to do work of his job. Advance
payment means temporary payment to the employees, and MO done in SAP software as
known as adjusting and the code for adjusting is /Fv50 and tax code is “yo” which always
in debit side and cost center code (40870) always in credit side and cost centers are
different because every employee working on different cost centers. Profit center (1129)
is stand same for the regional company and employees have different codes which is
known as person code (example 10025282), B.M.C Business manager center and L&W for
stand as line and wire.

Jv for temporary advance and for the funding to benevolent fund, vender to be clear
from Lahore head office and named as senior manager HR coordinator, hurship means
heritage/ hierarchy of the family which confined the venders and benevolent documents
from the court and then company head means company authority to clear for the
funding. But in past there was a authority runs as named DIRECTOR COMMERCIAL
which was working all over in PTCL and his work was same as clearing the funds of

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Reference number increase in the blank of reference and parking number as example
p-5326, then vender code (example 3505842). Click on tax to select the division then
switching to senior engineer (S.E) then go on payment and to fill house bank box and
house bank code is “nb040”.



Recording of the transaction for the G/L account, for making it finalize. Before
posting the document of G/L accounts to complete the two steps which are as allocation
and parking. Two-character numerical key that controls the entry of line items. The
posting key determines.

Regarding to the document posting to means to clearance the document and allow
the fund. After clearing the document, the assistant manager of finance, again do parking
process and then to give assigned for the billing and to forward the document for
payment. Assistant manager (A.M) send the email with the documents of funds to post
and then A.M to re-parking the documents in PTCL. Example Doc# 25…46735, then doc
posted and green color displayed in screen, if red color show that means error in posting
doc. Urgent code is Z000, and for more than 30 days or one month the code is Z030.

The company needs to pay its invoices in order to function properly. It also needs to
record vendor invoices and payments in the accounting books and registers. SAP is a help

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here. Accounts Payable is an important part of SAP Finance. Let’s look at the process of
posting the invoice into SAP Finance.

Would they be able to park and post the same transaction are is restricted to
only posting of transactions which they have not parked. Go to t-code FBV0 and
select your document number. Click the List button if you need to search for your

Here the option for checking

list of documents and select the
posting document and open the
document and do posting by
individual documents or to select
some documents then post in
group. And before the post
document to fulfil the option such
like as company code, document
code or number, then year.

Then press enter to open the

Edit screen. Here, you can make
additions/adjustments to the parked

3.1. Account type

 Debit/credit posting
 Layout of entry screens

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When you enter a posting, enter a posting key for each item. This key determines
how the item is posted. Posting keys are defined at client level and therefore apply to
all company codes. The posting key determines:

 The data you can enter in the line item

 How data you post is processed
 How the system updates the data you enter

Posting keys are differentiated by customer, vendor and G/L accounts. Apart from the
General Ledger Accounting
(FI-GL) and Accounts Receivable
and Payable (FI- AR/AP)
components, there are also
posting keys for asset and material

SAP delivers predefined

posting keys with the standard
system. The following
table lists some of the posting
keys in the standard system.
3.2. Posting keys in the standard system
Posting Key Description
40 G/L account debit posting
50 G/L account credit posting
01 Customer invoice
11 Customer credit memo
21 Vendor credit memo
25 Vendor payment
31 Vendor invoice

The posting key specifies which account types you can post to. A posting key can
only be entered for an account type which is permitted for that document type.

As well as the predefined posting keys in the standard system, you can also define
your own keys in Customizing. To do this, proceed as follows in Customizing.

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It is the last process of SAP software which makes the payment and makes check for
save the for late penalty bills. After checking document of posted files by the financial
manager of PTCL then he to allow the payment to the venders, and other documents.

After the Posting, All bills go for the payment either in manually or automatic. I
learnt and practiced on payment in SAP which is too easy for the payment.




Adjustment is the method of adjusting of payments which company paid in
advance to the contractor and to the employees. After payment to pay in advance
after period complete of advance then need to adjust the balance.
Fv50 is the code of adjusting in SAP of PTCL, line and wire (LW). Open the SAP
to fill the code and then fill process of adjusting, start from the basic data then
vender code, invoice date posting date, tax amount, text and then company code
(1100), then go farword to payment give the code of house bank and in last on with-
holding, after completation of adjusting then click on simulate button for the saving
adjustment document.
Invoice date means which date document have to increase in the company
process. For automatic payment transaction parameter code is /nf110, in single
document code is 26 and for menual document is 44. In adjusting profit center code
only in credit side, debit in tax code, cost center only in debit, check register code is


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Punching means saving documents in excess software, if no network

working in company then financial managers and in finance department
manager do their work on excess software for temporary period when SAP start
working then increase documents in SAP from the excess.
Punching the bills of PTCL through different regions and to pay the amount of
bill to the different organization, but in case of electric bills which connection get from
the electric company that’s bills to pay to the electric company for example main
branch of Hyderabad to pay the bills to HESCO.
FPA, Fuel Payment Adjustment, for recording the bills to open the excess and
set recent date of bill and then click on add new bill for setting the bill and recording.
Amount posted code is 26, document clearing code is 11, vender start code bf-350, m-
03 clearing, document adjustment code is 34, 48 is revenue cod.
It is the process of making note sheet of document in the way of data, and note
sheet link from the crystal software. It makes the purposes of auditing when company
give assignment to the auditor and employees who working internally the
organization after complete all the process then they make note sheets.
In wapda the profit center is 1808, if income tax on document then we have to
three rows, vg code of GST, pay term code is z000 and this code is only in wapda bills,
y0 is the code of yes working on the pay tax if no tax then write vg code. If you have
target of amount then tick on the tree off/on, and then click on the calculate text for
automatically amount calculate. G/L code change only in PTCL office of regions bills
otherwise same code on all the bills.
CSR Customer Service Representative means line-man, 1,000 instalment of bikes
which line man use and bikes provide by the company to line man and also 30 liters of
petrol for a month. Bills of petrol received by the HR department of PTCL and to clear
and check in completely then forward to the finance department.
EPI Employee Personal Identify number or code, Assistant Manager Admin
checks the bills of CSR of bike’s petrol which may to send by the pump stations or
employees and verify by the Admin of region then forward to the SM for allocating
budget. This budget will be required for Admin of HR, who has need and who has a
authority for requesting for budget. For this purpose to fill the options of SAP
software as like here serial number, vehicle number (HBE-1409), month (jan-april
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2015), monthly limit liters (30), liters, fuel amount, liberal amount, total invoice,
payees or vender and in last remarks.

After completing all the processes then need to prepare the report and
/nfag1103 is the code reporting in SAP software for open the reporting process then
have to write this code. G/L account code is 2441015, company code is 1100. Line
staff, open item this only for posting, then click on the clear items for make
clearance then all items and click on executive button. /nfb02 this for entry view
for check print code is /fvz5.

4.5. In Revenue
In revenue department, PTCL has 4 OSS (one stop shop). The revenue system has
been going on them. It depends on computerized system. Every OSS has one RO (revenue
officer) who monitor the all activity which is done in OSS. It has many functions like wise:

 The bill correction

o Installment
o Bills correction
o Retention
o Off line
 Customer Relationship Management
o Duplicate bills
o Customer details
o Check the EVO
o EVO activation
o Complain
 Public Dealing
In OSS, the public dealing is the most common factor which increase the confidence of
internee and he learns that how deals with different customer and how we can manage them.

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It is the process of making portion of amount which in the shape of bills of
customers. The time of instalment of bill at that time when a customer have need to pay
the bill in the portion because amount large, customer want a instalment of bill.
In a branch there is a officer with the position of REVENUE OFFICER, who is the
controller or the head of a branch, he has authority to make two or three instalment of a
bill and instalment only makes on the amount of erries’s bills not included the current bill.
After instalment then to plus with the current bill.
The process of correcting the bills, at the time when bills in heavy amount and to
cut the erries of last bill. Other thing is that wrong bill issue or difference in the digits of
bill amount then correction process start.





An Organizational Structure clarify the roles of personnel of an Organization and to

determine who has to do what task, which is responsible for what, objectives to be achieved, who
is to report to whom and to remove the obstacles for performance caused by confusion and
uncertainty of job assignment as well as to make easy decision- making and communication
networks reflecting and supporting organization objectives.
PTCL is divided into five major zones i-e north zone Rawalpindi and Islamabad, central
zone Punjab , south zone Sindh and Baluchistan , western zone KPK and head quarter

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Islamabad , the zones are further divided into regions , PTCL has been divided into almost thirty-
two Regions (Nine Development and twenty-three Maintenance Region ).

All the company head’s offices are in Islamabad head quarters .The head of Pakistan
Telecommunication Company Limited is called “President”. Then there are SEVPs (Senior
Executive Vice Presidents), i.e. SEVP (Finance), SEVP (Operations), SEVP (Technical), and SEVP
(Human Resource Management), SEVP (Marketing & Business Development). Then there is a
chain of Executive Vice-presidents (EVPs) like EVP (Finance Central), EVP (Marketing), EVP (HR
Central), EVP (Accounts), EVP (Operation), EVP (Information Technology, Training & Research),
and EVP (Revenue). All these are appointed at Pakistan Telecommunication Company,
Headquarters at G-8/4, Islamabad. Apart from these EVP, there are also EVP (Operation), EVP
(HR) etc. who are heading the other regions of PTCL in

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5.2. PTCL Head Office Organizational Chart

major cities country wide. Then there are Chief Engineers and General Managers at H/Qs
who report to their relevant EVP. Then there are Senior Managers, Deputy Directors,
Assistant Directors, Account Officers, Assistant Account Officers, Financial Analysts,
Marketing Managers, Computer Programmers, and IT Specialists etc.


There are Regional Heads (General Managers) to head PTCL Regions, There are
numbers of Senior Managers of different departments like HR, consumer, R&C and
Finance works under the supervision of RGM. There are three Senior Business Managers
and five senior managers are working under RGM Hyderabad though their general
managers are different.

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As a human resource internee we will discuss HR department particularly, SM –

HRBP is the one who is looking After all the management affairs of Hyderabad region SM
– HRBP reports to General Manager human resource Karachi, manager HR & his staff are
responsible to take care of Personnel affairs at Regional Level and reports to SM-HRBP,
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there are around 3 Assistant managers that works under manager supervision i-e AM –
HRBP , AM- ADMIN, AM-PAYROLL. Then the non-gazette staff there are Engineering
Supervisors Operations /Switching /Power plant /Optical Fiber system/M.W Media,
Account Assistants, Stenographers, Assistants, Key Punch Operators, Telecom Technicians,
Upper Division Clerks, Lower Division Clerks, Line Men, Wire Men, Drivers, Exchange
Cleaners, Naib Qasids and Peons etc. All the staff is recruited by the HR Department
headed by SEVP HR. The HR experts are responsible for hiring & to further streamline its
recruitment process.

5.4. Department Organizational Structure

G.M (A/N(D&M))

M&BB) S.E Cord S.M(HR) S.M(D&Sp Project) S.M(Switch) S.M(Ops) S.M(Fin)

ger Engineer S.E (as above) S.E(switch) Business


Engineer Engineer S.A.O


Ass: B.M
Assistant Clerks
stallers E.S develop E.S (Switch)

E.S (Bus)
U.D.C, L.D.C, Stenos etc.

T.O, Tech:, Wire man etc

Line man,
Note: so in the above structure Tech:scaled
I have Cable etc.
from SM, till CPE installers. I did my internship in DSL department so
Tech:, Cable, Line man etc.
I am mentioned the names of only concerned designations and the department structure is highlighted in the chart

Senior Manager(SM)  Esa Khan (DIK)

Manager (MM&BB)  Yaseen Khan1
Assistant Manager(AM)  Tariq Ayaz CPE Installers  Fahad
Burhan, Irfan khan, Dawar

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5.5. Managerial Structure of the Department




G.M (Functionality & Administration)

ship Department

S.M(finance) S.M(HR) S.M(Switch)

S.M (D & Sp Project) S.M(reven)



CPE installers In

Hyderabad there is no GM so in the above structure I have scaled from SM, till
CPE installers and the SM report to two GMs i.e. Functional and Administrative. I
did my internship in finance department so I am mentioned the names and
designations o employees of that department only, and the department structure is
highlighted in the chart above.
Senior Manager(SM)  Abdul Rauf Outho
Manager (finance)  Masood Shahani
Assistant Manager(AM)  Mir Muhammad Baloch
CPE Installers  Nauman, Ameen, Waheed


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PTCL was sold to Etisalat at a loss of $394 million with the share price
reduced from the original bid of $1.96 per share to $1.66, according to a report.
The original bid offered in June 2005 by Etisalat priced PTCL at $ 2.599 billion
while the revised bid approved by the cabinet in March2006 valued the company
at $2.205 billion. However, the government denied giving any concessions to
Etisalat. Officials add the price of 26 percent PTCL shares remained the same i.e.
$2.6 billion, and then any lowering of bid price in the revised agreement approved by the
cabinet in March. The official documents state that the accumulated bidding price in the
revised bid came down to $2.205 billion against the original Etisalat bid of $2.599 billion,
said a report in the Gulf Today.
The PTCL privatization agreement with Etisalat allegedly inflicted a further loss of
billions of rupees to the national exchequer besides unprecedented concessions offered in
the long term, indirect conflict with Article 30 of the Public Procurement Rules 2004, it
said. By far, the PTCL has been the highest profit earning state-owned company with real-
estate assets worth billions of  rupees across the country including commercial plazas,
residential colonies and exchanges. According to the government documents, the Share
Purchase Agreement (SPA) of the PTCL with Etisalat lapsed in September 2005 after the
non-payment of the dues by the winner bidders. After further negotiations with the
Etisalat management, the government agreed to offer additional concessions and
modifications to the transaction structure.



The PTCL FINANCE & ACCOUNTING system is actually divided into three wings.

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The SEVP (FINANCE) is concerned with the makeup of the all type of financial
decisions especially in the context of acquisition, financing and management of all assets
with some goal in mind. The EVP (Finance) with the General Manager (Finance) extend
their expertise in the decision making process.

Here the SEVP (Finance) is once again concerned by heading the EVP (ACCOUNTS) and
General Manager (Accounts) to deal with all Accounts Decision. In PTCL the Finance and
Accounting are scope related but the difference between finance and Accounting is the method of
Funds Recognition and the decision making. In the Accounting the Director Accounts in the PTCL
Regions assist the higher management.
Here the SEVP (Finance) is once again concerned by heading the EVP (Revenue)
and General Manager (Revenue) to deal with all Revenue matters. One Director Revenue
within the Region
asist to implement and control the inflow of Revenue and Reconcile it with the PTCL
Headquarters Islamabad. The PTCL is actually the Revenue Generation organization.
PTCL Collect the Revenue from the following modes.1) Revenue from System Billing of
Land Line Numbers. a) Through Line Rent of Land Line Numbers. b) Through National
wide dialing from LLN’s (Land Line Numbers)c) International dialing from LLN’s d)
Providing Value Added services to customers. Like UAN (Universal Access Numbers),
PABX (Private Auto Branch Exchanges),VPN( Virtual Private Network) Bandwidth of
ISP’S (Internet service providers)e) PTCL has its three subsidiaries PAKNET (leading
ISP in the country),UFONE (unique cellular phone company in Pakistan), TF (Telecom
Foundation) the leading foundation for the welfare of employees of Telecom Sector.


In PTCL the rules contained in the special volume of the PTCL under which the
SEVP (FINANCE) is responsible for creating the procedure of Accounting matters.
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a. Revenue from Usual customer.
 b. Revenue from DXX System.
c. Revenue from DSL System.
d. Revenue from PABX/PBX System
e. Revenue from Card Phone Operators.
f. Revenue from IPOs Internet service providers
g. Revenue from Mobile Phone Operators.
h. Co-location charges from various companies


a. Revenue from Overseas calls (Incoming)
 b. Revenue from Premium PRS (0900) calls
c. Income from Dismantle Exchanges
d. Revenue from MDF used by other companies


Here I am giving SWOT analysis of PTCL. I tried to use my keen observation in

order to find the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. As it is very
difficult for an internee to discuss with the employees of any organization about its
weaknesses, moreover they are also not so much open in telling their strengths and
opportunities. Where there is a company in operation it has to work in two kinds of

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environment i.e. The external environment and The internal environment of the

For a company to avail maximum and avoid maximum, it has to know what it has
to avail and what it has to avoid. The external environment has scanned by the
management for any arising opportunities or any critical threats. The resources of a
company constitute its strengths and weaknesses.

PTCL have largest infrastructure through out the country or we can say that PTCL
own the basic infrastructure of telecom in country. PTCL is the cheapest broadband
provider through the world. As the past serving and current Significant Market Player
(SMP), PTCL, no doubt, has got the largest operational network and infrastructure within
ICT (Information & Communication Technologies) section. PTCL don't lack in numbers
and potential, if we talk about human resources or in other word PTCL have good HR.
Data center is another strength of PTCL. PTCL financial and strategic position become
more stronger when Etisalat has joined them as investment arm as compare to other
competing firms.

PTCL is enjoying monopoly in fixed line telephone or landline.

PTCL (Ufone) is market challenger in GSM segment. Overall they have the one of the
largest consumer power on average   in the whole Pakistan telecom or cellular

PTCL having over 2 million lines, PTCL is the largest WLL provider and 1134 base stations
cover 720 cities still increasing the capacity. PTCL market share more than 94% share in
fixed line or land line segment.


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PTCL customer service is still not good and this is one of their main weaknesses and
due to this there is very less number of brand loyal customer. The monopolistic culture of
PTCL won't let then to improve their service. PTCL have over employment and low
productivity as well. PTCL HR department is not up to set standards on the bases of
appraisal system of their employees. PTCL waste huge amount of resources. Their staff
won't get any benefit for their higher qualification and since 12 year their promotions are

Action of resources e.g they have complaint management system but still customer
complaints are not rectified on time.

PTCL corporate culture is similar to the government offices.

PTCL is not properly marketing their new services and product.

PTCL have huge opportunity to increase their profit ability by improving customer

Can improve the broadband market share by tracing their technical staff and replacing
copper wire with Optical fibers.

PTCL can save a lot of resources if they bring so betterment in their planning process.

Raise their market share by improving their marketing tactic.

PTCL must grab bright opportunities like WI-MAX.

PTCL must have to come up with video call.

Must have to grab the opportunity of 3G technology.

PTCL is facing huge threat of migration from landline to mobile phone.

Involvement of rivals in social activities can badly effect PTCL Image and market share.

Brilliant customer service of rivals is a huge threat for PTCL.

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Increasing rate of cyber-crime is also threat for PTCL high speed internet devices like
EVO, EVO nitro.

Continuously improving quality of Naya tell is also threat for PTCL.


The primary objective of Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited is to
provide telecommunication services to the people in the country or in short to satisfy
the telecommunication needs of its customers. Responding to the rapid economic and
technological growth, the company is determined to meet the challenge of expanding
needs of telephone and data communication such as public data network, integrated
services digital network and Internet services. The major focus of attention is to
improve and expand the services, minimize the faults and provide communication
facilities to rural areas. It is also one of the major objectives of management that the
company should not improve its performance but also encourage the private sector to
enter the Tele business.
The company has entered the domain of free market economy, which
necessitates the liberal management policies and private sector. The following basic
policy steps have been taken to meet the objectives laid in PTCL Act to expand and
operate telecommunication services in the country. The main objective of any

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company is to earn the profit and minimize expenses by winning goodwill in the

8.2. The following are the long-term objectives of the organization :

 Provision of Telecom services all over the country.
 Plan, establish and maintain telecommunication
 Acquire, promote and manage research and development, transfer of technology
and software development including manufacturing of telecommunication
equipment and plant
 Enhance efficiency, improve quality and expand the system to meet
customer satisfaction and provide service on demand.
 Create congenial climate for binding of human skill and horizon of employees
through training and education.
 Convert its cash basis single entry accounting system to accrual basis double
entry system meeting the commercial international accounting standards.
 To introduce computerized directory assistance and complaint services reform
billing and a revenue collection system.
 Strengthen relation with foreign international administration, entities,
services providers, international and regional telecom organizations for better
international communication and technical cooperation in telecommunication
 Expand customer awareness of all value-added services of PTCL.
 To improve the efficiency of Customer Service Centers by deputing qualified
persons who are well aware of public relation techniques.

8.3. vision
 To be the leading ICT service provider in the region by achieving customers'
satisfaction and maximizing shareholders' value.
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 The future is unfolding around us. In times to come, we will be the link that allows

global communication. We are striving towards mobilizing the world for the future.
By becoming partners in innovation, we are ready to shape a future that offers
telecom services that bring us closer.

8.4. Mission

 To achieve our vision by having:

 An organizational environment that fosters professionalism, motivation and quality
 An environment that is cost effective and quality conscious
 Services that are based on the most optimum technology
 "Quality" and "Time" conscious customer service
 Sustained growth in earnings and profitability
 Core Values

According to my internship time period that I have been some good features of
company and good persons are working under the following some advises as:
 The company should have to care about their employees.
 The need to make trust with the employees and give them
opportunities of growth within the organization or externally.
 Company have to be makes motivational environment in the
organization for the receiving a better work and employees and
customers who get interest on the company.
 To be clean buildings and to give advance facilities to the
employees during work in office building, like as air condition
system and new electronic machines.

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 It is the most important that customer care is the first priority

of company that focus on customer care, and to invent new
machines in customer care centers.
 I think also company are responsible that to achieve goals and
for this then company have to be fulfil needs and wants of
employees, because without employees company nothing.


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