Impacts of Orthodontic Treatment On Peri
Impacts of Orthodontic Treatment On Peri
Impacts of Orthodontic Treatment On Peri
e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 18, Issue 4 Ser. 1 (April. 2019), PP 22-31
Abstract: With a number of patients opting for orthodontic therapy for esthetic reasons, it becomes necessary
to evaluate the resulting effects of orthodontic treatment on the periodontal tissues. In many cases, orthodontic
tooth movement improves the periodontal conditions, and also, periodontal therapy often facilitates orthodontic
tooth movement. The orthodontic treatment for the patients need to be carefully planned and carried out in
order to prevent unwanted effects on the periodontium. So it is of great importance to determine the need and
consequences of interdisciplinary periodontal-orthodontic approach in order maintain harmonious periodontal
and orthodontic relation and bring out the best results for the patient. Thus, the aim of this review is to discuss
in detail the effects of various orthodontic forces on the periodontal tissues.
Keywords:Orthodontic forces, periodontal tissues, excessive,infrabony, recession
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Date of Submission: 20-03-2019 Date of acceptance: 06-04-2019
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I. Introduction
An increasing number of adult patients are seeking orthodontic treatment, many of whom are likely to
have some degree of periodontal disease. A reduction in periodontal support can be associated with labial
flaring, extrusion, rotation, spacing and drifting of the teeth 1. Such changes are believed to occur when the
periodontal ligament is no longer able to stabilize the teeth against external forces 2. Maxillary incisors are
particularly susceptible to pathological migration and over-eruption 3. These acquired occlusal changes, along
with any underlying skeletal discrepancy, often result in a complex malocclusion that necessitates an
interdisciplinary treatment approach.
Periodontal disease is not necessarily a contraindication to orthodontic treatment provided that the
condition has been stabilized; however, loss of alveolar bone and soft-tissue architecture may pose considerable
challenges to oral rehabilitation. It has been concluded that adjunct orthodontic treatment may play an important
role in developing the optimal base needed for re-establishing an esthetic and functional dentition in these cases
. Orthodontic extrusion of unrestorable teeth, for instance, may assist the periodontist and restorative team in
harnessing alveolar bone and improving the soft-tissue architecture1. This adjunct treatment is particularly
useful for patients who require dental implants in esthetic zones.
Orthodontic therapy may also have detrimental effects, including root resorption 5 and bone dehiscence
. The introduction of fixed orthodontic appliances into the oral cavity also increases the amount of acidogenic
biofilm, thus increasing the risk of gingivitis and caries. A critical issue in the treatment planning of any patient
revolves around how much orthodontic movement the periodontium can tolerate before it becomes adversely
Orthodontic intrusion may be a useful treatment adjunct in a wide range of cases, including the management of
elongated incisors and traumatic deep-bite, and the restoration of severely worn incisors.
The extrusion of teeth has been advocated as an effective method for managing one- and two-wall
infra-osseous defects 38. Numerous case reports have been published to illustrate the potential benefits of tooth
extrusion on the adjacent soft and hard tissues 28,39,40. Some of these reports have found favorable effects on pre-
existing periodontal pockets, including a reduction in pocket depth, an increased zone of attached gingiva and
crestal bone apposition 39. Although some of these changes have been attributed to the regular periodontal
maintenance often implemented during treatment 38, it seems biologically reasonable that stretching of the
periodontal ligament fibers would induce some bone apposition at the alveolar crest 41.
Both maxillary and mandibular arches undergo a significant amount of transverse development during
normal growth 50,51. In addition to these growth-related changes, arch expansion can be achieved using a number
of orthodontic appliances, including arch-wires, removable plates, fixed expanders and orthognathic surgery.
Several animal and human studies have investigated the relationship between arch expansion and gingival
recession, attachment loss and bony dehiscence.
Rapid maxillary expansion has been shown to cause significant changes in alveolar bone thickness
following treatment 52. Recently, a comparison between pre- and post-treatment spiral computed tomography
images in a small sample of adolescents receiving rapid maxillary expansion identified several areas of bony
dehiscence and a 0.6–0.9 mm reduction in buccal bone plate thickness of the banded teeth 52. Interestingly, the
presence of thinner buccal bone plates at the onset of treatment was associated with greater changes in crestal
bone levels and the occurrence of a bony dehiscence following expansion.A few studies have investigated the
effects of maxillary expansion on the long-term health of the periodontal tissues. In one such study by Graber
LW et al (2005), which included young patients, the prevalence of gingival recession on one or more teeth in the
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Impacts of Orthodontic Treatment on Periodontium: A Review
rapid maxillary expansion and fixed appliance groups were 20% and 6%, respectively 53.Ballanti et al. (2009)54
measured bone thickness from computed tomography scans at the level of the root furcation and did not account
for the relatively thinner marginal regions in which periodontal breakdown would be expected to occur during
tooth movement.
Surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion is often used to manage transverse skeletal discrepancies
in adult patients. The effect of surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion on the periodontal tissues seems
less detrimental, with minimal change in attachment levels reported. One reason for the more pronounced
effects of conventional rapid maxillary expansion on the periodontal tissues may be related to the heavy forces
delivered by these appliances to the supporting periodontium.
The adverse effects of heavy forces on the supporting periodontium have fueled interest into the use of
light-force appliances, which may theoretically favour the movement of teeth „with bone‟. Self-ligation brackets
are reported to produce low friction, which permits light forces to be delivered to the teeth 55. Using a well-
designed randomized clinical trial, the changes in buccal bone were assessed following transverse expansion
with self-ligating brackets. Transverse expansion was found to occur mainly as a result of buccal tipping, rather
than by true translation of the teeth „with‟ buccal bone. Unlike the other tooth movementsdiscussed previously,
it is plausible that bone apposition does not accompany transverse and sagittal tooth movements to the same
extent because the overlying cortical plate in this direction is far too thin for the osteogenic progenitor cells to
form new bone 56.
While a small amount of bone may be formed by periosteal apposition, excessive tooth movements are
likely to cause the periodontal ligament to fuse with the adjacent periosteum, thus creating a bony dehiscence.
This theory seems to be well supported by work of Batenhorstet al.(1974)57, who found distinctive tissue
changes when teeth were both extruded and advanced labially. During these tooth movements, the alveolar bone
and epithelial attachment increased at the lingual, interproximal and apical sides of the experimental teeth. On
the labial aspect, however, bony dehiscence was noted and the epithelial attachment was located more apically.
The effect of retaining the apices of premolar teeth outside the cortical plate has also been studied by
Wainwright WM et al (1973) in a small group of Macaca speciose monkeys 58. Histologic analysis of the
premolar teeth, immediately after expansion, revealed thinning of the buccal cortical plate, lack of bone over the
root apex and disorganization of the periodontal ligament. It has been suggested that thinning out of the buccal
tissues during expansion may predispose to long-term gingival recession as a result of mechanical trauma and/or
periodontitis 58.
The ideal position of the mandibular incisors has long been the subject of intense debate. Significant
changes in the pretreatment position of the mandibular incisors are associated with a greater risk of relapse,
which makes it an important factor to consider when planning orthodontic cases. Still, a more pressing issue is
often the effect of incisor proclination on the health of the periodontal soft tissues and alveolar bone. The effect
of incisor position on the adjacent alveolar bone has been studied both in dogs 17 and in monkeys 57. Nearly all
of these animal studies have found a consistent reduction in the level of the alveolar bone following incisor
tipping or bodily displacement. Interestingly, marginal bone levels increased and experimentally induced
fenestrations/dehiscences resolved following the repositioning of previously expanded teeth within the alveolus
. However, that eruption of the incisors during this repositioning process may also have influenced the level of
the marginal bone in these studies, as the alveolar crest migrates coronallyto maintain its relationship with the
cemento–enamel junction 61.
Alveolar bone defects may also occur in theabsence of any deliberate attempt to protrude theteeth
outside the cortical plate. In addition to the development of a bony dehiscence or fenestration, labial
advancement of the mandibular incisors is reported to cause tension at the free gingival margin, which reduces
its apicocoronal height and buccolingual thickness 62. Several predisposing factors have been reported, including
patient age 63, gingival biotype 62 and width of the attached gingiva 64. The extent of incisor proclination and the
presence of visible plaque have also been linked with gingival recession 62. In particular, a thin gingival
biotypes, coupled with excessive proclination of the incisors, can render the gingival tissues less resistant to
plaque-induced inflammation and traumatic toothbrushing 62. A recent systematic review by Joss-Vassalli I et al
(2010) in this area described the current level of evidence as low and highlighted a number of methodological
weaknesses, including the use of retrospective study designs, inadequate clinical records and lack of follow-up
data 65. The standard of oral hygiene is often not accounted for in these studies. These limitations highlight the
need for well-designed prospective studies to investigate the factors that predispose to gingival recession during
orthodontic treatment.
Based on the data available, it would seem prudent to maintain the position of the teeth within the
alveolar process. Excessive bodily advancement or proclination of the teeth for the purpose of gaining additional
arch space may adversely affect the health of the periodontal tissues, especially in the presence of specific
triggering factors, such as overzealous toothbrushing 4. There may be some cases, such as dentoalveolar
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Impacts of Orthodontic Treatment on Periodontium: A Review
retrusion, where the incisors can be advanced with less risk of recession 56. Careful evaluation of the periodontal
tissues, oral hygiene, underlying skeletal structures and magnitude of tooth movement is therefore recommended
for individual patients.
II. Conclusions
In general, the controlled movement of teeth seems to have a positive, but highly variable, effect on the
supporting tissues. The correction of some orthodontic problems, such as excessively tipped molars, traumatic
deep-bites and flared and spaced incisors, may be particularly beneficial in periodontally compromised patients
who are motivated to undergo treatment and demonstrate stable periodontal conditions. Specific tooth
movements can also help develop alveolar bone sites for placing dental implants. However, several factors may
contribute to a harmful periodontal response including the use of heavy forces, inappropriate force systems and
poor oral hygiene. Excessive and unrealistic tooth movements are also likely to result in reduced alveolar bone
thickness, especially in patients with thin cortical plates. On the other hand, the response of the soft tissues is
less predictable and likely to be influenced by multiple factors. Well-designed long-term prospective studies are
therefore needed to identify these patient and/or treatment factors.
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