Adverse Claim of Title and Reversion of Estate

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The document is making a claim to reversion of ancestral land title and outlining the author's lineage and nationality.

The document claims that the author is an heir to ancestral Moabite lands in North America through lineage and nationality, and that treaties give the author rights to reclaim inherited lands.

The document provides details on the author's nationality and lineage, references treaties between Morocco and the US, and outlines documents that have been publicly filed to support the claims without rebuttal.

Adverse Claim of Title and Reversion of Estate

In the Morocco Consular Court at the Washington State Republic

for the Tri-Cities Territory

Consular Jurisdiction and Venue

Affidavit of Fact
Adverse Claim of Title and Reversion of Ancestral Estate

international document
notice to agent is notice to principal and notice to principal is notice to agent

RE: Estate in reversion known as 9804 Buckingham Drive, Pasco, WA 99301

Adverse Claim of Title and Reversion of Estate

Stare Decisis

“A state cannot refuse to give foreign nationals their treaty rights because of fear that valid
international agreements may possibly not work completely to the satisfaction of state
authorities. Under the supremacy clause of the United States Constitution Art VI, Clause 2, state
policies as to the rights of aliens to inherit must give way to overriding federal treaties and
conflicting arrangements. Kolovrat v. Oregon, 366 U.S. 187, 194, 81 S. Ct. 922 (1961)

I, Kamau James Augustus Bey, in propria persona, sui juris, being aboriginal and indigenous
Moorish American National of the continental Americas in the Moroccan Empire, being of legal
age, having placed my name correction, proclamation and declaration on the public record, duly
swear the following to be true and not intended to be misleading:

1. I am one of the surviving consanguinity heir apparent of the late ancient Moabites
(modernly known as Moroccans) from the land of Moab who received permission from
the Pharaohs of Kemet to settle and inhabit North-West Africa (Amexem); they were the
founders and are the true possessors of the present Moroccan Empire, with their
Canaanite, Hittite, and Amorite brethren who sojourned from the land of Canaan seeking
new homes. Their dominion and inhabitation extended from North-East and South-West
Africa, across the great Atlantis even unto the present North, South, and Central America
and also Mexico and the Atlantis Islands, before the great earthquake, which caused the
great Atlantic Ocean.
2. My political status and Class A1 citizenship as an indigenous Moorish American
sovereign national and direct descendant of the ancient Moabites (Moroccans) is
recognized under registration number © AA 222141, Class A, with the Clock of Destiny
Moorish American National Identification Card and Zodiac Constitution recorded
September 10, 1952, in the Library of Congress Copyright Office, Washington, District
of Columbia, and the United States Department of Justice.
3. My Moabite ancestors died intestate, and retain reversionary interest in the lands and
resources of the Moroccan Empire at North America which foreign European colonists
presently occupy and use in usufruct while exercising feudal law practices de facto as
citizens of the United States under the expired fifty (50) year mandate, i.e., the Treaty of
Peace and Friendship of 1836 (in force 1837) between the United States of North
America and the Empire of Morocco; which superseded the Treaty of Peace and
Friendship of 1787 between the United States of America, and his Imperial Majesty the

Adverse Claim of Title and Reversion of Estate

Emperor of Morocco. This treaty is part of the supreme Law of the Land per the
‘Supremacy clause’ of the Constitution for the United States of North America Article
VI, clause 2; and Article 25 of this treaty avers the duration of such occupation as
Article 25. This Treaty shall continue in force, with the help of God, for fifty
years; after the expiration of which term, the Treaty shall continue to be binding
on both parties, until the one shall give twelve months notice to the other of an
intention to abandon it; in which case, its operations shall cease at the end of the
twelve months.”
4. Per my treaty right under Article 22 of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1836
between the United States of North America and the Empire of Morocco, and in
accordance with the international law provisions of the United Nations Declaration on
the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, I am competent to make claim to my inherited
ancestral estate in reversion as a surviving rightful heir apparent which is being held in
trust de facto by the foreign corporate STATE OF WASHINGTON (Inc.) and
subsidiaries as escheated fee simple property under color of law within purview of the
plausible 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution. Per the stare decisis law in
the Kolovrat case mentioned above, my treaty right to inherit property under Article 22
of the said Peace Treaty of 1836 overrides any and all state policies that are made to the
contrary, which aver the following:

Article 22. If an American citizen shall die in our country and no will shall
appear, the Consul shall take possession of his effects, and if there shall be no
Consul, the effects shall be deposited in the hands of some Person worthy of
Trust, until the Party shall appear who has a right to demand them, but if the Heir
to the Person deceased be present, the property shall be delivered to him without
interruption; and if a will shall appear, the property shall descend agreeable to that
will, as soon as the Consul shall declare the validity thereof.

5. I hereby make an adverse claim of aboriginal title to my ancestral estate in

reversion as described below, to wit:

Adverse Claim of Title and Reversion of Estate

ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land with resources, buildings and
improvement thereon erected, situated, lying and being known to be located near
Pasco, Washington state republic, known by the corporate street address of 9804
Buckingham Drive, Pasco, Washington 99301 at Maghrib al Aqṣá, North-West
Amexem, and geographically located on the North American continent within the
dominions of the Moroccan Empire at Maghrib al Aqṣá, North-West Amexem,
Latitude 46.282879, Longitude -119.219484, GPS (Global Positioning System)

6. The document titled Affidavit of Clear Allodial Land Title recorded on the County of
Franklin Auditor’s website on or about February 15, 2019. Also recorded on the world-
wide public record of, i.e., September 28, 2019
shall be used as conclusive proof of my Aboriginal Title and allodium ownership of the
above described property under seal of a Consulate Post Head of the Moorish Nation,
and is made pursuant to the aboriginal land tenure systems, traditions, and customs of
my Moorish Nation in accordance with international law under Articles 26, 27, 28, 29,
30, and 37 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

7. The above-described property is registered in a private allodial trust titled: The Infinite
Moor Aboriginal Trust, which I am the Trustee of; and the document can be found on the
public record at

8. Any mortgage, hypothecation, lien, encumbrance, or fee simple deed (color of title)
attached to my ancestral estate in reversion known as 9804 Buckingham Drive, Pasco,
Washington republic, claimed or held by any citizen(s) of the United State via feudal law
practice within purview of the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution, being
recorded in the Land Records of Baltimore City, Maryland, are held to be ineffective,
invalid, null, void and unconstitutional per the Congressional Record Proceedings and
Debates of the 90th Congress, 1st Session, Volume 113 – Part 12, June 12, 1967, page
15614 (The 14TH Amendment Is Unconstitutional).

Adverse Claim of Title and Reversion of Estate

9. I am, therefore, executing this Affidavit for the purpose of attesting to the truthfulness of
the facts set forth herein, and a copy of this Affidavit, the Owner’s Aboriginal Title – on
the public record site known as, and the summary of our Trust have been
made viewable, for publication purposes, at the respective websites:
Private-Trust-02282019 and the allodial, indigenous title to the land known in the
corporate government records as 9804 Buckingham Drive, Pasco, Washington 99301 .

There has been no rebuttal to the Affidavit(s) produced for the record, being made point-by-point
and signed under oath or affirmation by any interested person in over two years from the initial
public recording of these documents and it has been several months since these documents, i.e.
quo warranto, writ of error and default judgment were placed on the public record in the
corporate government at the county of Franklin in the State of Washington. As a result, this
Affidavit and the information herein stands as prima facie evidence and conclusive proof in the
records of cause # 20-2-50144-11 of the corporate government’s lack of jurisdiction and fraud
in this matter. That cause is void ab initio due to these two factors.

Adverse Claim of Title and Reversion of Estate

Chronos: August 4, 2021

i am: kamau james augustus bey, natural person - in propria persona; sui juris, in proprio solo,
in proprio heredes  all rights exercised at all time  no corporate entity, including corporate courts
has personam jurisdiction over me or any moor I am not in “joinder” with any person or
corporation, no communication by me or about me can create a contract  only my wet red ink
autograph along with the other parties’ wet ink signature that accompanies a written contract can
create a contract  and that autograph is non-negotiable  if the autograph is not affixed to a wet ink
set of signatures as described herein. An “adhesion” contract is an oxymoron as hidden elements
vitiate a lawful contract.
use of my appellation in all capital letters evidences a crime as my appellation employs one or
more titles of nobility (el, al, bey, dey and ali) and united states of america or us citizens cannot
lawfully use my or any title of nobility without breaching the constitution for the united states of
america - 1789 / 1791  prohibiting the “use” of titles of nobility…using them for profit while
keeping the flesh and blood, living person unaware of such exploitation of the homonym [all
caps rendering]  as the strawman is a homonym, it is void for vagueness thus voiding its use
when spoken aloud or written, in all caps on any presentment, as it often creates an adhesion
contract…unbeknownst to the “victim”…again, void for vagueness. Further, the use of the
straw name in place of my free national name or appellation, i.e. kamau james augustus
bey, is known as “forced assimilation” and it is a “crime” under the Organization of the
American States, American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Articles 47-48
macn xxxxxx303

certificate of service

I, kamau james augustus bey, hereby certify that on this 4th day of August, 2021, the enclosed
affidavit of fact: Adverse Claim of Title was sent via United States Postal Service next day mail
delivery to the following recipient, Mr. Darin Campbell, commissioner of the Counties of Benton
and Franklin corporate courts [Superior Court] at the City of Kennewick (and city of Pasco) of
the State of Washington. And to, Shawn Sant, Prosecutor for the County of Franklin.

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