July 6 2019

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Pearl Lake Property Owners Association Minutes July 6, 2019

5/25, 7/6 President, Barb Gosenheimer, called the meeting to order.

5/25, 7/6 PURPOSE: The purpose of the Association was read by Barb. “The purpose of the PLPOA is to share
information, discuss and agree on Association-sponsored activities, and offer a mechanism to connect property

5/25, 7/26 INTRODUCTION OF OFFICERS: Barb Gosenheimer, President; Chris Hess, Vice Pres.; Mike
Gosenheimer, Treasurer and Tammy Chier, Secretary were all present.
5/25 New Members to our Association are Aron and Alexandria Nelson at W4661 S Pearl Lake Rd. and Kevin and
Christi McCann at W4774 S Pearl Lake Rd. An informational packet was provided to Aron and Sue Beese will give
one to the McCanns. 7/6 There are no new members.
5/25 CONDOLENCES: Sympathies go out to the family and friends of: Dorothy Kulis, Shirley Zimmerman, Shirley
Loker, Karen Vogt and Dave Blake. 7/6 No condolences offered.
5/25 SECRETARY REPORT: the report from Sept. was read. Motion by Deb S, seconded by Steve G was approved
by voice vote. 7/6 the report from May 25th meeting were read. There being no corrections, a motion was made by
Deb S. seconded my Ron L. and approved by voice vote.
5/25 TREASURER’S REPORT: the report of current balances was read and approved by voice vote. 7/6 a summary
of current balances in checking, savings and petty cash accounts was reported by Mike. Donations received were
reported at $590 along with $600 from the Hewitts for the band and $260 from the sale of flags. There will not be a
special group of people recognized this year as in the past, with volunteer t-shirts, golf towels and water bottles.
5/25, 7/6 MEMBERSHIP: Dues are still $10 per family and are payable after the meeting. Additional monies were
received by Rick and Joni Kleinfeld and Bruce and Lisa McNair.
5/25 APPAREL: New T-shirts are available. Baby/toddler are available upon request. Order forms were provided.
Chris Hess will continue to submit orders. Orders need to be in by June 7th in order to receive them by July 6th meeting.
contact Chris at cgoodhess@gmail.com if you are interested in ordering anything. The order form will also be
available on the Pearl Lake website. Two designs of flags were offered for sale at a $5 discount; today only. Price of
the flags are $45. 7/6 We sold $1,700.00 of apparel on our last order submitted on June 10th for delivery at this
meeting. Profits on apparel are minimal. The flags that were purchased at our last meeting have proven to not hold
up in the strong storms that we have been experiencing. All flags have since been reinforced; with the exception of
one. We are still looking for that purchaser. Future flags have a rolled seam edge that holds up better. We are all
encouraged to wear your PL apparel to PLD.
5/25 PEARL LAKE DAY 2019: August 3rd. Due to the water level on the lake, the beach will not be available for
this event. Outside Aces has been contracted and 90 days prior to the event has passed so our monies cannot be
refunded. Other locations for the event are being looked into. Hobey and Laura Hewett have graciously offered to pay
for the band this year in memory of their son; Ben who perished in an auto accident last August. Activities being
cancelled this year are; Boat parade, kids activities and Car show. Additional event is the Fishing Tournament;
please contact Nick Thomas for more details. 7/6 Location for the event is at the parking lot at the top of the hill at the
boat landing. PARKING IN THIS LOT WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE from Thursday evening, August 1st until
Monday, August 4th. A tent, tables and chairs have been rented to seat 80 people. The Voldens have offered to pay
$150 toward the 2 porta potties and 1 wash station. The two neighbors next to the parking lot were approached and
gave us permission to use their electricity for our event. A postcard, such as in past years for the parade ballot, will be
sent to all property owners around the lake. Look for additional information about the Fishing Tournament on the Pearl
Lake Wisconsin Facebook page. AGENDA FOR PLD----Fishing tournament from Friday 5 am until noon on
Saturday, Golfing starting at 8am, Run, Walk, Stroll at 9am, Refreshments and food by the RGFD Aux. from 11-8:30;
Marv Nielsen and Friends performing from 12:30 until 2:30, Outside Aces performing from 4 to 8 pm. Mike presented
financials for the event that we know of. A hat was passed around and members graciously gave donations by the
suggestion of one of the members. A suggestion of a Dog Show for the younger crowd was entertained, but could not
be added to the List of Events because we couldn’t come up with anyone to “Spearhead” it. Suggestion was made to
park cars along one side of the road for clearance in case emergency personnel needed to get through. The South side
was chosen---meaning the Right side as you’re heading East and the Left side if you are heading West. It was
suggested that you ask the property owners if you are interested in launching your boat on their shoreline. WEAR
7/6 Chris H presented an idea to the members about having Marv Nielsen and Friends perform from 12:30 until 2:30
to encourage participation and support the Auxiliary Food and Drink Stand. With a show of hands, it was decided to
go ahead with the scheduling of the trio.
5/25 BOAT HOOK-UP: will occur on the 3rd and 5th Saturdays after 4pm and on meeting dates. Dates for this year
are: Today, June 20th, 7/6 July 6th and 20th, August 17th and 31st, Sept. 21st.
7/6 A Thank you to anyone that investing in and displayed fireworks last evening
7/6 Elections are at our next meeting. Please notify any officers of the nominations for any/all positions.
5/25 Drawing: Right and left handed Old Fashioned glasses were won by Tim Olig; and a golf towel was won by Rob
Thomas; two can cozies won by Marilyn Anderson and a Pearl Lake hat was won by Joni Singer. 7/6 A PL hat was
chosen by Stacy Gahn for the first number chosen; second number chosen was Steve Semrad who picked a PL shirt;
Steve Zent picked two Vodka glasses and Theresa Nagy got the last four can cozies we have. One PL hat was offered
for sale at $15.
5/25 The meeting was adjourned at 10:12 am. 7/6 9:38am
5/25, 7/6Respectfully submitted, Tammy Chier

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