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Dear Sirs,
We hereby submit our offer in full compliance with the terms and
conditions of the attached tender. Earnest money Deposit in the form of a
………………………………for an amount of RS……………………..Valid upto
……………………………………………………is enclosed.
Yours truly,
Signature of Tenderer
Full name of the person
Signing the Tender
Title and capacity of the person
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I…………………………………………….Certify that I am
……………………………………..Secretary of the corporation organized under
the laws of……………………………………….and that……………
………………………….who signed the above tender is authorized to bind the
corporation company/firm by authority of its governing body /Board of Directors,
Secretary. /M.D/Director/G.M.
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In the contract documents as herein defined where the context so admits, the
following words and expressions will have the following meanings:
(3) The “Managing Director” shall mean the Managing Director of the
Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL) or his successor in office as
designated by the Owner.
(4) The “Chief Engineer” shall mean the General Manager (project)/
Executive Director (proj.), Numaligarh Refinery Limited, or his
successor in office or his authorized Project Nominee.
(6) The “Work” shall mean the works to be executed in accordance with
contract or part there of as the case may be and shall include all extra,
additional, altered or substituted works as required for purpose of the
(7) The “Permanent Work” means and includes works which will be
incorporated in and form a part of the work to be handed over to the
owner by the contractor on completion of the contract.
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(9) “Site” shall mean the lands and other places on, under, in or through
which the permanent works are to be carried out and any other lands
or places provided by the owner for the purpose of the contract.
(11) The “Contract” shall mean the agreement between the owner and the
contractor for the execution of the works including there in all
Contract documents.
(12) “EIL” means Engineers India Limited. Who are the consulting
engineers to the owner for this project and having registered office at
I. Bhikaiji Cam place. R.K.Puram . New Delhi-110066.
(14) The “Sub contractor” means any person or firm or company (other
than the contractor) to whom any part of the work has been entrusted
by the contractor, with prior written consent of the engineer-in-
Charge, and the legal personal representatives, successors and
permitted assigns of such person, firm or company.
(15) The “Specification” Shall mean all directions. Provisions the various
technical specification, attached and referred to the tender documents
which pertain to the method and manner of performing the work or
works to the quantities and qualities of the work or works and the
materials to be furnished under the contract for the work or works, as
may be exemplified or modified by the owner or Engineer-in-charge
during the performance of contract in order to provide for the
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(16) The “Drawings” shall include maps, plans and tracings or prints or
sketches thereof with any modifications approved in writing by the
engineer-in-charge and such other drawing as may, from time to
time.be furnished or approved in writing by the engineer-in-charge.
(17) The “Tender” means the proposal along with supporting documents
submitted by the contractor for consideration by the owner.
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(24) “Temporary Works” shall mean all temporary works of every kind
required in or about the execution, completion or maintenance of
(25) “Plans” shall mean all maps, sketches and layouts as are incorporated
in the contract in order to define broadly the scope and the
specification of the work or works, and all reproductions thereof.
(30) “Working Day” means any day other than declared to be holiday or
rest day by the owner.
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(33) “Value of contract” means the sum accepted or the sum calculated in
accordance with the prices accepted in tender and/or the contract rates
as payable to the contractor for the entire execution and the full
completion of the work.
(34) “Language for Drawings and instruction” all the drawings, titles,
notes, instruction, dimension, etc. shall be in English language.
(36) “Commissioning” shall mean putting into service .of the system
including the plant (s) equipment (s) , vessel (s), pipeline, machinery
(is), or any other section or sub section of installation (S) per training
to the work of the contractor after successful testing and trial runs of
the same.
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Section –II
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However, the owner doesn’t guarantee the supply of water and this
does not relieve the contractor of his responsibility in making his own
arrangement and for the timely completion of the Various works as
2.4.1 Owner will supply power at 400/440v subject to availability, at the nearest
sub-station from where the contractor will make his own arrangements for
temporary distribution. All the works will be done as per IEA regulations
and passed by the Engineer-In-Charge. The temporary lines will be removed
forthwith after the completion of the work or if there is any hindrance cause
to the other work due to the alignment of these lines, the contractor will
reroute or remove the temporary lines at his own cost. The contractor at his
cost will also provide suitable electric meters (duly tested by state electricity
board), fuses, switches, etc., for purposes of payment to the owner which
should be in the custody and control of the owner. The cost of power supply
shall be payable to the owner every month at Rs.2.53 (rupees two and paise
fifty-three only) per kWh, which would be deducted from the running
accounts bills. The owner shall not, however, guarantee the supply of
electricity and no compensation for failure or short supply of electricity will
be entertained.
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electricity acts and rules etc. The contractor will ensure that his equipment
and electrical wiring etc. are installed and modified, maintained by a
licensed Electrical/Supervisor. A test certificate to be produced to Engineer-
in-charge for this approval, before power is made available. Non adhere of
safety code shall render the contractor to be penalized as deemed fit by
2.4.3 At all times IEA regulation shall be followed failing which the
owner has a right to disconnect the power supply without any reference to
the contractor. No claim shall be entertained for such disconnection by the
Engineer-In-Charge. Power supply will be reconnected only after production
of fresh certificate from the authorized electrical supervisors.
2.4.4 The owner is not liable for any loss or damage to the contractor’s
equipment as a result of variation of voltage or frequency or interruption in
power supply or other loss to the contractor arising there from.
2.4.5 The contractor shall ensure that the electrical equipment installed by
him are such that average power factor does not fall bellow 0.90 in any
month, he will reimburse to the Owner for all units consumed during the
month. (On account of low P.F.I)
2.4.6 The power supply required for contractors colony near the plant
site will be determined by the owner and shall be as per State electricity
Board, Rules and other statuary provisions applicable for such installation
from time to time. In case of power supply to contractors colony, the power
will be made single point and the contractor shall make his own arrangement
at his own cost for distribution to the occupants of the colony as per
electricity Rules and acts. The site area and the colony shall] be sufficiently
illuminated to avoid accidents.
2.4.7 The contractor will have to provide and install his own light and
power meters duly tested by the State electricity Board which will be
governed as per Central/State Government Electricity rules. The owner shall
seal the meters.
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2.4.9 Only motors up to 3 HP will be allowed be started direct on line. For motors
above 3 HP and upto 100 hp a suitable Starting devices approved by the
Engineer-in-Charge shall be provided by the Contractor. For motors above
100 HP slip ring induction motors with suitable with suitable starting
devices as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be provided by the
2.4.10 The contractor shall ensure at his cost that all-electric lines and equipment
and all installation are approved by the state electricity Inspector before
power can be supplied by the owner.
2.4.11 The total requirement of power with equipment wise breakup shall be
indicated by the tenderer along with his tender.
The Owner will at his own discretion and convenience and for the duration
of the execution of the work make available near the site, land for
construction of contractor’s Field office, godown workshop and assembly
yard required for the execution of the Contract. The contractor shall at his
own cost construct all these temporary buildings and provide suitable water
supply and sanitary arrangement approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
On completion of the works or on getting notice from the owner which ever
is earlier, the contractor shall remove all temporary works, structures erected
by him and have the SITE cleaned as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge .If
the Contractor shall fail to comply with this requirement, the Engineer-in-
Charge may at the expense of the contractor remove such surplus, and
rubbish materials and dispose off the same as he deems it and get the site
cleared as a foresail , and contractor shall forthwith pay the amount of all
expenses so incurredand shall have no claim in respect of any such surplus
materials disposed off as aforesaid. The owner reserve the right to ask the
contractor any time during the tendency of the contract to vacate the land by
giving 7 days notice on security reasons or on national interest or otherwise.
A token licenses of fee of Rs.100/- per hectare or part or thereof per annum
shall be charge for the land so occupied. If the contractor fails to clear/vacate
the site and clean the debris the same shall be done by the Engineer-in-
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charge engaging and agency an the cost incurred for doing so shall be
recovered from bill/S.D or any other works.
Land on temporary basis for residential accommodation for stuff and labour
will be made available at the direction of the Engineer-in-Charge and rent
for the same will be as decided by the Engineer-in-Charge according to the
location and area taken by the Contractor.
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4.1 General:
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All signature in tender document shall be dated as well as all the pages of all
section of tender document shall be initialed at the lower right hand corner
and signed wherever required in the tender papers by the tenderer or by a
person holding power of attorney authorizing him to sign on behalf of the
tenderer before submission of tender.
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(a) When there is difference between the rates in the figures of words, the
rates which corre sponds to amount worked out by the tenderer shall
be taken as correct.
(b) When the rate quoted by the tenderer in figures and words tally but
the amount is in correct the rate quoted by the tenderer shall be taken
as correct.
(c) When it is not possible to ascertain the correct rate by either of above
method, the rate quoted in words shall be taken as correct. (Or the
lowest of the rates written in figure and words.)
All corrections and alterations in the entries of the tender paper shall signed
in fully by the tenderer with date. No erasures or over writing are
4.5.1 The tenderer shall contain the name, residence and place of business of
person or persons making the tender and shall be singed by the TENDERER
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with his usual signature. PATNERSHIP firms shall furnish the full names of
all partners of the tender. It should be signed in the partnership’s name by all
the partners or by duly authorized representative followed by the name and
designation of the person signing. Tender by a corporation shall be signed
by an authorized representative and a power of Attorney in that behalf
shall accompany the tender . A copy of constitution of the firm with
names of all partners shall be furnished.
Witness and sureties shall be persons of status and property and their names,
occupation and address shall be stated bellow their signature.
The tenderer should enclose the documents and furnished details as per
Performa enclosed to show that he has previous experience in having
successfully completed in recent past work of this nature, together with the
names of owners location of sites. Value of contract date of commencement
and completion of works, delays if any reason of delay an other details along
with documentary evidences The information so provided if found partly or
fully false shall render the tender of such Contractor liable to be rejected.
6.1 The tenderer must pay earnest money as given in the notice inviting tenders
and attach the official receipt with the tender failing which the tender is
liable to be rejected. The earnest money can be paid in Call Deposit Receipt
(CDR), Demand Draft or Bank Guarantee of state Bank of India or any
schedule “A” Nationalized Bank in favor of Numaligarh Refinery Limited
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6.2 The Bank Guarantee so furnished by the tenderer shall be in the proforma
prescribe owner. No interest shall be paid by the owner on the earnest
money deposited by the tenderer. The earnest money of the unsuccessful
tenderer will be refunded within a reasonable period of time.
6.3 The earnest money deposited by successful tenderer will be retained towards
the security deposited for the fulfillment of the contract, but shall be
forfeited if the tenderer fails to deposit the requisite initial security deposit as
per clause 10 hereof and /or fails to start work within a period of 21 days or
fails to execute the agreement within 10 days of the receipt by him of the
notification of acceptance of tender.
8.1 Addenda/Corrigenda to the tender documents may be issued prior to the date
of opening of the tenders to clarify documents or to reflect modification in
design or contract terms.
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tender documents has been issued. Each recipient will retain one copy of
each addendum/corrigendum for submission along with his tender and return
one signed copy to Engineer-in-Charge as acknowledgement of receipt of
the same. All addenda/corrigenda issued by project manager shall become of
part of tender documents.
9.1 The right to accept the tender will rest with the owner. The owner however
does not bind himself to accept the lowest tender and reverses to itself, the
authority to reject any or all the tender received without assigning any
reason whatsoever. The whole work may be split up between more than one
contractors or accepted in part (not entirely) if considered expedient. Quoted
rates should hold good for such eventualities.
9.2 Tenders in which any of particulars and prescribe information are missing or
are incomplete in respect and/or the prescribed conditions are not fulfilled
are liable to be rejected.
The person/ persons whose tender may be accepted (here after called the
contractor) shall within 10 days of the receipt by him of the notification of
the acceptance of the tender, shall remit/deposit the initial security deposit of
2.5% of the accepted value of the tender to Numaligarh Refinery Limited.
11.1 The work shall be executed strictly as per the time schedule given in
appendix-I in tender document. Period of construction given in time
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The tenderer shall visit the site and acquaint himself fully of the site and no
claim whatsoever will be entertained on the plea of ignorance or difficulties
involved in execution of work or carriage of materials.
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16.1 The schedule of rates should be read in conjunction with all the other
sections of the tender.
16.2 The tenderer shall be deemed to have studied the drawings, Specification
and details of work to be done within time schedule and to aquatinted
himself of the conditions prevailing at site.
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16.3 Rates must be filled in the copies of pages of schedule of rates of original
tender documents. . If quoted in separate typed sheet no variation in item
description or specification shall be accepted. Any exception taken by the
tenderer to the schedule of rates shall be brought out in the terms and
condition of offer, but it does not guarantee acceptance of the same by the
16.4 The quantities shown against the various items are only approximate. Any
increase or decrease in the quantities shall not from the basis of alteration of
the rates quoted and accepted. However any likely increase in quantity of
any items should be brought to the notice of Engineer-In-Charge well in
advance prior to execution.
16.5 The Owner reserves the right to interpolate the rate for such items of work
falling between similar items of lower and higher magnitude.
17.1 Only those tenders which are complete in all respects and are strictly in
accordance with the terms conditions and Technical specifications of tender
document, shall be considered for evaluation. Such tenders shall be deemed
to be under consideration immediately after opening of tender and until
such time of an official intimation of acceptance/rejection of tender s made
by owner to the tenderer.
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18.2 OWNER/EIL will be the sole judge in the matter of award of contract and
the decision of OWNER shall be final and binding, however subject to
fulfillment of clause 17.0 above and other relevant requirements of contract
documents, works shall be awarded to the techno-commercially accepted
lowest tenderer provided accepted rates are within reasonable variation with
approved estimated rates/amount and work able.
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20.2 It must be understood and agreed that such factors have properly been
investigated and considered while submitting the tender. No claim for
financial or any other adjustments due to lake of clarifications of such
factors shall be entertained.
21.1 The tenderer are expected to quote rate for each item after careful analysis of
coast involved for the performance of the completed item considering all
specifications and condition of contract. This will avoid loss of profit or gain
in case of curtailment or change of specification for any item. In case it is
noticed that the rates quoted by the tender for any item or unusually high or
unusually low, it will be sufficient cause for rejection of the tender unless
the owner is convinced about the reasonableness after security of the
analysis for such rates to be furnished by the tenderer (on demand).
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Except for and to the extent otherwise provided by the contract, the
provisions of the general condition of contract and special conditions shall
prevail over those of any other documents forming part of contract. Several
documents forming the contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory.
Should there be any discrepancy, inconsistency, error or omission in the
contract documents. The matter may be refereed to Engineer-In-Charge who
shall give his decisions and issue to the contractor instructions directing in
what manner the work is to be carried out. The decision of Engineer-In-
Charge shall be final and conclusive and the contractor shall carry out work
in accordance with this decision.
All headings and marginal notes to the clauses of these general conditions of
contract or to the specification or to any other tender documents are solely
for the purpose of giving a concise indication or not a summary of the
contents thereof and they shall never be deemed to be part thereof or to be
used in the interpretation or construction of the contract.
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23.1 Special condition of contract shall be read in conjunction with the general
conditions of contract, specification of work, Drawings and any other
documents forming part of this contract wherever the contract so requires.
23.4 Wherever it is mention in the specification that the contractor shall perform
certain work or provide certain facilities, it is understood the contractor shall
do so at his cost.
23.5 The materials design and workmanship shall satisfy the relevant Indian
standards, the job specifications contained herein and codes referred to.
Where the job specifications stipulates requirements in addition to those
contained in the standard code and specifications, these additional
requirements shall also be satisfied.
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The contractor in fixing his prices, shall for all purposes whatsoever, shall be
deemed to have himself independently obtain all necessary information for
the purpose of preparing his tender and his tender as accepted shall be
deemed to have taken into account all contingencies as may arise due to such
information or lake of same. The correctness of the details given in the
tenderer document, to help the contractor to make up the tender is not
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25.1 A sum of 10% of the accepted value of the tender or the actual value
of work done whichever is applicable due to any additional work or any other
reasons shall be deposited by the person/ persons (herein after called the
contractor) as security deposit with the owner. This may be deposited initially at
two and one half percent (2-1/2 %) of the value of contract (referred as initial
security deposit) within 10 days of receipt by him of the notification of
acceptance of tender and the balance seven and one half percent (7-1/2%) will
be recovered in installments through deduction at the rate of ten percent of the
value of each running account bill till the total security deposit amount 10% of
value of contract /actual value of work done is collected, after which no further
deductions from bills will be made on this account , subject to Clause 25.3
The earnest money deposited with the tender shall be adjusted towards
security deposit, provided it is furnished in case or demand draft only.
Alternatively the contractor may, at his option, deposit the full amount of
10% of the accepted value of the tender towards the security deposit within
10 days of receipt by him of the notification of acceptance of tender.
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25.2 Contractor can furnish the initial or total security deposit amount (a) in case
or (b) Government security or fixed deposit receipt of any schedule “A”
Bank of duly endorsed in favour of NRL or (c) through the Bank of
guarantee from any schedule “A” Bank in the form prescribed but in favour
of NRL Transfer of Government securities should be endorsed by the public
debt office of the Reserve Bank of India and enfaced for payment at a
treasury office nearest to the place of work. Security deposit, if paid
recovered in cash, may be latter on converted at the request of the contractor
to either interest bearing Government securities or F.D.R of a schedule “A”
Bank duly endorsed in favour of NRL and hypothecated with the owner or
may be converted to a Bank guarantee as stated above only after recovery of
full 10% security deposit.
25.4 All compensation or other sums of money payable by the contractor to the
owner under terms of this contract may be deducted from or paid by the
encashement or sale of a sufficient part of his security deposit or from any
sums which may be due or may become due to the contractor by the owner
on any account whatsoever and in the event of his security deposit being
reduced by reasons of any such deductions or a sale of said, the aforesaid
contractor shall within ten days thereafter make good in cash or Bank drafts
or Government Securities endorsed, as aforesaid any sum or sums which
may have been deducted from or realized by sale of his security deposit, or
any part thereof. No interest shall be payable by the owner for sum deposited
as security deposit.
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26.2.1 The general time schedule of construction is given in the tender document.
Contractor should prepare a detailed weekly or monthly or weekly
programmed jointly with the Engineer-In-Charge within one month of
receipt of LETTER OF INTENT or ACCEPTANCE of tender. The work
shall be executed strictly as per the time schedule given in the contract
document which required includes the time required for mobilization,
testing, rectification’s if any, retesting and completion in all respects in
accordance with Contract document to the entire satisfaction of the
26.2.2 The contractor shall submit a detail PERT net work within the time frame
agreed above consisting of adequate number of activities covering various
key phases of the work such as design, procurement, manufacturing,
shipment and field erection activities within 15 days from the of LETTER
OF ACCEPTANCE OF TENDER. This network shall indicate the interface
facilities to be provided by the owner and the dates by which such facilities
are needed.
26.2.3 Contractor shall discuss the network so submitted with the owner and the
agreed net work which may be in the form as submitted with the owner or in
revised form in line with the out come of discussions shall form part of the
contract, to be signed within thirty (30) days from the date of LETTER OF
ACCEPTANCE OF TENDER. During the performance of the contract, if in
the opinion of the owner proper progress is not maintained suitable change
shall be made in the contractors operation to ensure proper progress. If
however owner feels that progress is not as per pre agreed progress which
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will have re persuasion on timely completion of the contract owner will have
liberty either to terminate the contract or impose suitable penalty for delay.
The above PERT network shall be reviewed periodically and report shall be
submitted by the Contractor as directed by Owner/EIL.
Any delays in or failure of the performance of either perty hereto shall not
constitute default hereunder gives rise to any claims for damages, if any to
the extent such delays or failure of performance is caused by occurrence of
events such as Acts of God or the public enemy expropriation or
confiscation of facilities by government authorities, acts of war, rebellion,
sabotage of fires, floods, explosions & riots.
If the contractor desire an extension of the time for completion of the work
on the grounds of his having been unavoidably hindered in its execution or
any other grounds he shall apply in writing to the Engineer-In-Charge within
ten days of the date of hindrance on account of which he desires such
extension as aforesaid, and the Engineer-In-Charge shall, if in his opinion
(which shall be final) reasonable grounds have been shown therefore,
authorized such extension of time as may, in his opinion be necessary or
proper without any extra cost/liability of the owners.
29.1 The time allowed for carrying out the work as entered in the tender shall be
strictly observed by the contractor. The work shall throughout the stipulated
period of the contract be proceeded with all the diligence (time being
deemed to be essence of the contract) and the contractor shall pay to the
owner as compensation an amount equal to 1% or such smaller amount as
the Engineer-In-Charge (whose decision in writing shall be final), may
decide on the amount of the contract value for every week that the work may
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29.2 To ensure good progress during the execution of the work, the contractor
shall be bound, in all cases in which the time allowed for any work exceed
one month, to complete one fifth of the work before one fourth of time
allowed under the CONTRACT. In the event of the contractor failing to
comply with this condition he shall be liable to pay as compensation at
amount as stipulated above. The compensation so paid shall not relieve the
contractor from his obligations to complete the work or from any other
obligations and liabilities under this contract.
30.1 All sums payable by way of compensation under any of the conditions shall
be genuine pre estimate of damages and shall be considered as reasonable
compensatation without reference to the actual loss or damage, which shall
have been sustained.
Whenever any claim against the contractor for the any payment of a sum of
money arises out of or tender the contract, the owner shall be entitled to
recover such sum by appropriating in part or whole the security deposit of
the contractor. In the event of security deposit being in sufficient or if no
security deposit has been taken from the contractor, then the balance or the
total sum recoverable, as the case may be shall be deducted from any sum
then due or which, at any time there after may become due to the contractor,.
The contractor shall pay to the owner on demand any balance remaining due.
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32.1 If the contractor refuses or fails to execute the WORK or any part thereof
with such diligence as will ensure its completion within the time specified in
the contract or extension thereof or fails to perform any of his obligation
under the contract or in any manner commits a breach of any of the
provisions of the contract, it shall be open to the owner at its option by
written notice to the contractor.
(a) The whole or part of the security deposit furnished by the contractor is
liable to be forfeited without prejudice to the right of the owner to
recover from the contractor the excess cost referred to on the sub
clause aforesaid, the owner shall also have the right of taking
possession and utilizing in completing the works or any part thereof,
such materials, equipment and plants available at work site belonging
to the contractor as may be necessary and the contractor shall not be
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(b) The amount that may have become due to the contractor on account of
work already executed by himself not be payable to him until after the
expiry of six calendar month reckoned from the date of termination of
contract or from the taking over of the work or part thereof by the
owner as the case may be, during which period the responsibility for
faulty materials or workmanship in respect of such work shall under
the contract, rest exclusively with the Contractor. This amount shall
be subject to deduction of any amounts due from the contractor to the
owner under the terms of the contract authorized or required to be
reserved or retained by the owner.
32.3 Before determining the contract, provided in the judgement of the owner, the
default or defaults committed by the contractor is /are curable and can be
cured by the contractor if an opportunity given to hi, then the owner may
issue notice in writing calling the contractor to cure the default within such
time specified In the notice.
32.4 The Owner also have the right to proceed or take action as per above, in the
event that the Contractor becomes Bankrupt, insolvent, compounds with his
creditors, assigns the contract in favour of his creditors or any other person
or persons, or being a company or a cooperation goes in to voluntary
liquidation, provided that in the said event it shall not be necessary for the
owner to give any prior notice to the contractor.
32.5 Termination of the contract as provided for in sub clause 32.1 (a) above shall
not prejudice or affect the rights of the owner which may have accrued up
the date of such termination.
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In any case in which any of the powers conferred upon the owner by clause
32.0 hereof shall have become excisable and the same had not been
exercised, the non exercise thereof shall not constitute a waiver of any of the
condition hereof and such powers shall be notwithstanding be exercisable in
the event of any further case of default by the contractor for which by any
clause or clauses hereof he is declared liable to pay compensation amounting
to the whole of his security deposit, and the liability of the contractor for
past and future COMPENSATION shall remain unaffected. In the event of
the owner putting in force the powers under sub clause 32.1, 32.2, 32.3, 32.4
and 32.5 above vested in him under the proceeding clause he may, if he so
desires, take possession of all or any tools, and plans, materials and stores in
or upon the works or the site. Thereof belonging to the contractor or
procured by him and intended to be used for the execution of the work or
any part thereof paying or allowing for the same in account at the contract
prices or in case of these not being applicable at current market prices to be
certified by the Engineer-In-Charge whose certificate thereof shall be final,
otherwise the Engineer-In-Charge may give notice in writing to the
contractor to his clerk of works, foreman or other authorized agencies,
requiring him to remove such tools, plant, materials or stores from the
premises (within a time to be specified in such notice).And in the event of
the contractor failing to comply with any .such requisition, the Engineer-In-
Charge may remove them at the contractors expense or sell them by auction
or private sale on account of the contractor and at his risk in all respect
without any further notice as to the date, time or place of sale and certificate
of the Engineer-In-Charge as to the expenses of any such removal and the
amount of the proceeds and expenses of any such sale shall be final and
conclusive against the contractor.
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The contractor shall not be entitled to any increase on the contract prices or
any other right or claim whatsoever by reason of any representation,
explanation, statement or alleged representation, promise or guarantees
given or alleged to have been given to him by any person.
The contractor shall provide and maintain an office at the site for the
accommodation of his agent and staff and such office shall be open at all
reasonable hours to receive instructions, notice or other communications.
The Contractor at all time shall maintain a site instruction book and
compliance of these shall be communicated to the Engineer-In-Charge from
time to time and the whole document shall be preserved and handed over
after completion of works.
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Page 42
39.1 The contractor, on or after award of the work shall name and depute a
qualified Engineer having sufficient experience in carrying out work of
similar nature, to whom the equipment’s, materials, if any, shall be issued
and instructions for works given. The contractor shall also provide to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-In-Charge sufficient and qualified staff to
superintend the execution of the works, competent sub agent, foreman and
leading hands including those specially qualified by previous experience to
supervise the types of work comprised in the contract in such manner as will
ensure work of the best quality, expeditious working. Whenever the opinion
of the Engineer-In-Charge additional properly qualified supervisory staff is
considered necessary, the shall be employed by the contractor without
additional charge on accounts thereof. The contract shall ensure to the;
satisfaction of the Engineer-In-Charge that sub contractors, if any, shall
provide competent and efficient supervision, over the work entrusted to
39.2 If and whenever any of the contractor’s or sub contractor’s agents, sub-
agent’s, assistants, foreman, or other employees shall in the opinion of
Engineer-In-Charge be guilty of any miss conduct or found indulging in
theft or be incompetent or insufficiently qualified or negligent in the
performance of their duties or that in the opinion of the owner or the
Engineer-In-Charge, it is undesirable for administrative or any other reason
for such person or persons to be employed in the works, the contractor, if so
directed by the Engineer-In-Charge, shall at once removed such person or
persons from employment thereon. Any person or persons so removed from
the works shall not again be employed in connection with the works
without the written permission of the Engineer In Charge. Any person so
removed from the works shall be immediately replaced at the expense of
the contractor of a qualified and competent substitute. Should the contractor
be requested to repatriate any person removed from the works he shall do so
and shall bear all costs in connection therewith.
39.3 The contractor shall be responsible for the proper behavior of all staff,
foremen, workmen, and others, and shall exercise a proper degree of control
over them and in particular and without prejudice to the said generality, the
contractor shall be bound to prohibit and prevent any employees from
trespassing or acting in any way detrimental or prejudicial to the interest of
the community or of the properties or occupiers of land and properties of the
neighborhood and in the event of such employee so trespassing, the
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Page 43
39.4 If and when required by the Owner the contractor’s personal entering upon
the Owner’s premises shall be properly identified by badges of a type
acceptable to the Owner which must be worn at all times on Owner’s
premises. Contractor may be required to obtain daily entry passes for his
staff/employees from Owner to work within operating areas. These being
safety requirements, no relaxations on any account shall be given to the
i) No part of the contract nor any share or interest therein shall in any manner
or degree be transferred, assigned or sublet by the contractor directly or
indirectly to any person, firm or corporation whosoever without prior
consent in writing, of the Owner.
The Owner may give written consent to sub-contract for the execution of
any part of the works at the site, being entered in to by contractor provided
each individual sub-contract is submitted to the Engineer-In-Charge before
being entered into and is approved by him.
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Page 44
If any sub-contractor engaged upon the works at the site execute any works
which in the opinion of the Engineer-In-Charge is not in accordance with the
contract documents, the owner may by written notice to the contractor ask
him to terminate such sub contract and dismiss the sub-contractors and the
latter shall forthwith leave the works, failing which the owner shall have the
right to remove such sub-contractors from the site.
No action taken by the owner under this clause shall relieve the contractor of
any of his liabilities under the contract or give rise to any right or
compensation, extension of time or otherwise, failing which the owner shall
have the right to remove such sub-contractors from the site.
If the contractor shall not commence the work in the manner previously
describe in the CONTRACT documents or if he shall at any time in the
opinion of the Engineer-In-Charge.
i) fail to carry out the works in conformity with the contract documents,
ii) fail to carry out the works in accordance with the time schedule, or
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Page 45
iv) fail to carry out and execute the works to the satisfaction of the
Engineer-In-Charge, or
vi) Commit, suffer, or permit any other breach of any other of provisions
of the contract on his part to be performed or observed or persist in
any of the above mentioned breaches of the contract for fourteen days,
after notice in writing shall have been given to the Contractor by the
Engineer-In-Charge requiring such breach to be remedied, or
viii) If the contractor during the continuance of the contract shall become
bankrupt, make any arrangement to composition with his creditors, or
permit any execution to be levied or go into liquidation whether
compulsory or voluntary (not being merely a voluntary liquidation for
the purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction), then in any such case,
the owner shall have the power to enter upon the works and take
possession thereof and of the materials, temporary work,
constructional plant, and stock thereon, and to revoke the contractor’s
license to use the same, and to complete the works by his agents,
other contractors or workmen or to re-let the same upon any terms and
to such other person, firm or corporation as the owner in his absolute
discretion may think proper to employ and for the purpose aforesaid
to use or authorized the use of any materials, temporary work,
constructional plant, and stock as aforesaid, without making payment
or allowance to the contractor for the said materials other than such as
may to be certified in writing by the Engineer-In-Charge to be
reasonable, and without making any payment or allowance to the
contractor for the use of the temporary said works constructional plant
and stock or being liable for any loss or damage thereto, and if the
owner shall by reason of his taking procession of the works or of the
works or of the works being completed by other contractor (due
account being taken of any such extra work or works which may be
Page 45 of 128
Page 46
The contractor shall conform in all respects with provisions of any statuary
regulations, ordinances or bye laws of .any local or duly constituted
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Page 47
authorities or public bodies which may .be applicable from time to time to
the works or any temporary works. The contractor shall keep the owner
indemnified against all penalties and liabilities of every kind, arising out of
non-adherence to such statutes, ordinances, laws, rules, regulations etc.
44.0 NOTICE:
Any notice hereunder may be served on the contractor or his duly authorized
representative at the job site or may be served by registered mail direct to the
address furnished by the contractor. Proof of issue of any such notice could
be conclusive of the contractor having been duly in formed of all contents
i) The owner reserves the right to distribute the work between more than
one agencies. The contractor shall be cooperate and afford other
agencies reasonable opportunity for access to the works for the
carriage and stores of materials and execution of their works.
ii) Wherever the work being done by any department of the owner or by
other contractors employed by the owner is contingent upon work
covered by this CONTRACT, the respective right s of the various
interests involved shall be determined by the Engineer-In-Charge to
secure the completion of the various portions of the work in general
46.1 The contractor, if licensed under any patent covering equipment, machinery,
materials or compositions of matter to be used or supplied or methods and
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Page 48
46.3 The contractor shall not sell or otherwise dispose of or remove except for the
purpose of this contract, the sand, stone, clay, ballast, earth, rock or other
substances, or materials obtained from any excavation made for the purpose
of the work or any building or produce upon the site at the time of delivery
of the possession thereof, but all substance, materials, buildings and produce
shall be the property of the owner provided that the contractor may. With the
permission of the. Engineer-In-Charge, use the same for the purpose of the.
Work by payment of cost .of the same as such as rate may be determined by
the. Engineer-In-Charge.
46.4 The owner shall indemnify and save harmless the contractor from any loss
on account of claims against the contractor for the contributory infringement
Page 48 of 128
Page 49
of patent right arising out and based upon the claim that the use by the owner
of the process included in the designed prepared by the owner and used in
the operation of the plant infringes on any patent right. With respect to any
sub contract entered into by contractor pursuant to the provisions of the
relevant clause hereof. The contractor shall obtain from the sub contractor an
undertaking to provide the owner with the same patent protection that
contractor is required to provide under the provisions of clause, 46.1
47.0 LIENS:
47.1 If at any time there should be evidence or any lien or claim for which the
Owner might have become liable at which is chargeable to the contractor,
the owner shall have the right to retain out of any payment then due or
thereafter to become due an amount sufficient to completely indemnify the
owner against such lien or claim and if such lien or claim be valid, the
owner may pay and discharge the same and deduct the amount so paid from
any money which may be or may become due and payable .to the
contractor. If any lien or claim remain unsettled after all payments are
made, the contractor shall refund or pay .the owner all money that the latter
may be compelled to pay in discharging such lien or claim including all
costs and reasonable expenses. Owner reserves the right to the same.
47.2 The owner shall have lien on all materials, equipment’s, including those
brought by the contractor for the purpose of erection, testing and
commissioning of work.
47.3 The final payment shall not become due until the contractor delivers to the
Engineer-In-Charge a complete release or waiver of all lien arising or which
may arise out of his agreement or receipt in full certification by the
contractor in a form approved by Engineer-In-Charge that all invoices for
labour, materials, services have been paid in lien thereof and if required by
the Engineer-In-Charge in any case an affidavit that so far as the contractor
has knowledge or information the releases and receipts include ;all the
labour and material for which a lien could be filled.
47.4 Contractor will indemnify and hold the owner harmless, for a period of two
year after the issue of final Certificate, forms all liens and other
encumbrances against the owner on account of debts or claims alleged to be
due from the contractor or his sub contractor to any person including sub
contractor and on behalf of owner will defend at his own expense, any claim
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Page 50
48.1 In case the Contractor’s performance is delayed due to any act or omission
on the part of the owner or his authorized agents, then the contractor shall be
given due extension of time for the completion of the work, to the extent
such omission on the part of the Owner has caused delay in the contractor’s
performance of his work.
48.2 No adjustment in contract price shall be allowed for reasons of such delays
and extensions granted, except as provided in tender, where in the owner
reserves the right to seek indulgence of contractor to maintain the agreed
time schedule of completion. In such an event the contractor shall be obliged
to arrange for working by contractor’s person for additional time beyond
stipulated working hours as also on Sundays and holidays and achieve the
completion date interim targets.
49.1 If the Contract shall be terminated, the contractor shall be paid by the Owner
in so far as such amounts or items shall not have already been covered by
payments of amounts made to the contractor for the works executed and
accepted by Engineer-In-Charge prior to the date of termination .at the rates
and prices provided of in the contract and in addition to the following:
b) Any other expense which the contractor has expended for performing
the works under the contract subject to being duly recommended by
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Page 51
49.2 The contractor will be further required to transfer the title and provide the
following in the manner and as directed by the Owner.
No interim payment certificates of the Owner, nor any sum paid on account
by the Owner, or any extension of time for execution of the work granted by
Owner shall affect or prejudice the rights of the Owner against the contractor
or relieve the contractor of his obligations for the due performance of the
CONTRACT, or be interpreted as approval of the /works done or of the
equipment supplied and no certificate shall create liability for the owner to
pay for alterations, amendments, variation or additional works not ordered,
in writing, by Owner or discharge the liability of the Contractor for the
payment .of damages whether due ascertained, or certified or not or any sum
against the /payment .of which he is bound to indemnify the OWNER.
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Page 52
53.1 The title of Ownership of supplies furnished by the contractor shall not pass
on to the Owner for all supplies till the same are finally accepted by the
Owner after the successful completion of PERFORMANCE TEST and
GUARANTEE TEST and issue of final certificate.
53.2 However the Owner shall have the lien on all such works, performed as soon
as any advance or progressive payment is made by the Owner to the
contractor and the Contractor shall not subject these works for use other than
those intended under this contract.
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Page 53
57.0 SPARES:
57.1 The contractor shall furnish to the Owner all spares required for
commissioning of the plants, recommendatory an /or mandatory spares,
which are required/considered essential by the manufacturer/supplier. The
same shall be /delivered at SITE-3 (three) month before
Also the Contractor should furnish the manufacturing drawing for fast
wearing spares.
57.2 The contractor’s guarantees the owner that before the manufacturers of the
equipment’s. Plants and machinaries go out of production of spare parts for
the equipment furnished and erected by him, he shall give at least twelve
(12) months, advance notice to the owner, so that the latter may order his
requirement of spares in one lot, if he so desires.
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Page 54
All the works shall be executed in strict conformity with the provisions of
the. Contract documents and with such explanatory detailed drawings,
specification and instructions as may be furnished from time to time to the
contractor by the Engineer-In-Charge whether mentioned in the contract or
and. The contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that works through out
are executed in the most substantial, proper and workmanlike manner with
the quality material or workmanship in strict accordance with the
specification and to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-In-Charge.
The contractor shall provide all necessary materials, equipment’s labour etc.
for execution and maintenance of work till completion unless otherwise
mentioned in the contract.
The coordination and inspection of the day to day work under contract shall
be the responsibility of the Engineer-In-Charge. The written instruction
regarding any particular job will normally be passed by the Engineer-In-
Charge or his authorized representative. A work order book will be
maintained by the contractor for each sector in which the aforesaid written
instruction will /be entered. These will signed by the Contractor or his
authorized representative by way of acknowledgement within 12 hours.
60.1 The work covered under this contract having to be executed by the
contractor on a lumpsum firm price/item rate quoted by him, the owner will
not accept any proposals for changes in value of contract or extension in
time on account of any such changes which may arise to the contractor’s
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Page 55
60.2 The Engineer-In-Charge have power to make any alteration in, omission
from, additions to or substitution for, the schedule of rates, the original
specifications, drawings, designs and instruction that may appear to him to
be necessary or advisable during the progress of the work and the contractor
shall be bound to carry out such altered/extra/new items of works in
accordance with any instructions which may be given to him writing signed
by the Engineer-In-Charge, and such alteration, omissions, additions, or
substitution shall not invalidate the contract and any altered, additional or
substituted work which the contractor may be directed to do in the manner
above specified as part of the work shall be carried out by the contractor on
the same condition in all respects on which he agreed to do the main work.
The time of completion of work may be extended for the part of the
particular job of at the discretion of the Engineer-In-Charge, for only such
alterations, additions or substitutions of the work, as he may considered as
just and reasonable. The rates for such addition, altered or substituted work
under this clause shall be worked out in accordance with the following
a) If the rates for the additional, altered or substituted work are specified in the
contract for the work, the Contractor is bound to carry out the additional,
altered or substituted work at the same rates as; per specified in the contract.
b) If the rates for additional, altered or substituted work are not specially
provided in the contract for the work, the rates will be derived in from the
rates for similar class of work as per specified in the contract for the work.
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Page 56
e) Provision contained in sub clauses (a) to (d) above shall, however, not apply
to the following:
Where the value of additions of new items together with the value of
alterations, additions/deletions or substitutions is within the range of plus
minus (±) 25% of the Value of Contract. The item rates in the schedule of
rates shall hold good for all such variations between the above mentioned
limits, in respective of any increase/decrease of the quantities of individual
items of schedule of rates.
Where the value of addition of new items together with the value of
alterations, additions/deletion/substitution exceed by more than plus minus
(±) 25% of contract value but is within the following limits to the tenderer
shall be paid compensation for increase/decrease in the value of wok as
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Page 57
b) Beyond (-) 25% upto & 5% (five percent) increase shall be applicable
inclusive of (-) 50% for the difference in value of work between
(-) 25% and (-) 50% of the Contract value.
Contract shall, within 7 days of the date of recopy of order to carry out the
work, inform the Engineer-In-Charge of the rates which it is his intention to
charge for such class of work, supported by analysis of the rate or rates
claimed, and the Engineer-In-Charge shall determine the rate or rates on the
basis of the prevailing market rates, labour cost at schedule of labour rates
plus 15% to cover contractor supervision, overheads and profit and pay the
contractor accordingly. The opinion of the Engineer-In-Charge as to current
market rates of materials and the quantum of labour involved per unit of
measurement will be final and binding of the Contractor.
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Page 58
“The contractor shall observed all labour laws and other statutory
rules and regulation in force.In case of any violation of such laws, rules and
regulations, consequence if any including the cost thereto shall be
exclusively done by the contractor and owner shall have the no liability
whatsoever on this account.”
62.1 The working time at the time of work is 48 hours per week. Over timework
is permitted in case of need and the owners will not compensate the same.
Shift working at 2 or 3 shifts per day will become necessary and the
contractor should take this aspect into consideration for formulating his
rates for quotation. No extra claim to be entertained by the owner on .his
“For carrying out work beyond working hours the contractor will approach
the Engineer-In-Charge or his authorized representative and obtain the prior
written permission.”
62.2 The Contractor must arrange for the placement of workers in such a way
that the delayed completion of the work or any part thereof for any reason
whatsoever will not affect their proper employment. The owner will not
entertain any claim for idle time payment whatsoever.
62.3 The contractor shall submit to the owner reports at regular intervals
regarding the state and progress of work. The details and proforma of the
report will mutually be agreed after the award of contract.
The contractor shall provide display boards showing progress and labour
strength at work site, as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge.
63.1 The drawings accompanying the tender document are indicative of nature of
work and issued for tendering purpose only. Purpose of this drawing is to
enable the tenderer to make an offer in line with requirements of the owner.
However no extra claim whatsoever shall be entertained for any variation in
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Page 59
63.2 Detailed working drawings on the basis of which actual execution of the
works is to proceed, will be furnished from time to time during the progress
/of the work. The contractor shall be deemed to have gone through the
drawings and bring to the notice of the Engineer-In-Charge discrepancies if
any, therein before actually carrying out of the work.
63.3 Copies of all detailed working Drawings relating to the works shall be kept
at the contractor’s office on the site and shall be made available to the
Engineer-In-Charge at any time during execution of the contract. The
drawings and other documents issued by the owner shall be return to the
owner on completion of the works.
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Page 60
Agreement No._______________________
Signed _____________________________
(Contractor) (Engineer-In-Charge)
64.3 The drawings submitted by the contractor shall be reviewed by the Engineer-
In-Charge as far as practiciable within 3(three) weeks and shall be modified
by the contractor if any modifications and/or corrections are required by the
Engineer-In-Charge. The contractor shall incorporate such modifications
and/or corrections and submit the final drawings for approval. Any delays
arising out of failure by the contractor rectify the drawing in good time shall
not alter the contract completion time.
64.5 A built drawings showing all corrections, adjustments etc. shall be furnished
by the Contractor six copies and one transparent for record purpose of the
65.1 The Engineer-In-Charge shall furnish the contractor with only the four
corners of the works site and a level bench mark and the contractor shall be
set out the works and shall provide an efficient staff for the purpose and
shall be solely responsible for the accuracy of such setting out.
65.2 The Contractor shall provide, fix and be responsible for the maintenance of
all stakes, templates, level marks, profile and other similar things and shall
take all necessary precautions to prevent their removal or disturbance and
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Page 61
65.3 Before beginning the works the Contractor shall at his own cost, provide all
necessary reference and level posts, pegs, bamboo’s, flags, ranging rods,
string and other materials for proper layout the work in accordance with the
scheme for bearing marks acceptable to the Engineer-In-Charge. The center
longitudinal or face lines and cross lines shall be marks by means of small
masonry pillars. Each pillar shall have distinct mark at the center to enable
theodolite to be set over it , No work shall be started unit all these points are
checked and approved by the Engineer-In-Charge in writing but such
approval shall not relieve the contractor of any of this responsibilities. The
contractor shall also provide all labour, materials and other facilities, as
necessary, for the proper checking of layout and inspection of the points
during Construction.
65.4 Pillars bearing geodetic marks located at the sites of unit of works under
construction should be protected and fenced by the Contractor.
65.5 On completion of works, the Contractor must submit the geodetic documents
according to which the work was carried out.
66.1 The contractor shall be entirely and exclusively responsible for the
horizontal and vertical alignment, the level and correctness of every part of
the work and shall rectify effectively any errors or imperfections therein,
such rectification shall be carried out by the Contractor, at his own cost,
when instructions are issued to that effect by the Engineer-In-Charge.
67.1 The CONTRACTOR shall procure and provide the whole of the materials
required for the construction including M.S.Rods, Cement and other
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Page 62
building materials, tools, tackles construction plant and equipment for the
completion and maintenance of the work except the materials which will be
ieeued by the owner and shall make his own arrangement for procuring such
materials and for the transport there of. The owner may give necessary
recommendation to the respective authority if so desired by the contractor
but assumes no further responsibility of any nature. The owner will insist on
the procurement of the materials, which bear ISI stamp and /or which are
supplied by the reputed suppliers.
67.2 The Contractor shall properly store all materials either issued to him brought
by him to the site to /prevent damages due to rain, wind, direct exposure to
sun, etc. as also from theft, pilferage etc. for proper and speedy execution, of
his works. The contractor shall maintain sufficient stocks of all materials
required by him.
68.1 If the specification of the work provides for the use of any material of
special description to be supplied for the owners stores or it is the required
that the Contractor shall use certain stores to be provided by the Engineer-
In-Charge, such materials and store, and price to be charge therefore as
herein after mentioned being so far as practicable for the convenience of the
Contractor, but no so as in any way to control the meaning or effect of the
contract, the Contractor shall be bound to purchase and shall be supplied
such materials and stores as are from time to time required to used by him
for the purpose of the contract only. The sums due from the Contractor for
the. Value of materials supplied by the owner will be recovered from the
running account bill on the basis of the actual consumption of materials in
the works covered and which the running account bill has been prepared.
After the completion of the Work however, the Contractor has to account for
the full quantity of materials supplied to him as per relevant clauses in this
68.2 The value of the stores/ materials as may be supplied to the Contractor by
the owner will be debited to the Contractor’s account at the rates shown in
Page 62 of 128
Page 63
the schedule of materials and if they are not entered in the schedule, they
will be debited at cost price, which for purpose of the contract shall include
the cost of carriage and all other expenses whatsoever such as normal
storage supervision charges which shall have been incurred in obtaining the
same at the Owners stores. All materials so /supplied to the Contractor shall
remain the absolute property of the owner and shall not be removed on any
account from the site of the work, and shall be at all times open for
inspection to the Engineer-In-Charge.Any such materials remaining unused
at the. time of the completion or termination of the contract shall be returns
to the owners stores or at a place as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge in
/perfectly good condition at Contractor’s cost.
ii) The Contractor shall be all incidental charges for the storage and safe
custody of materials at site after these have been issued to him.
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Page 64
vi) The OWNER shall not be liable for delay in supply or non-supply of
any materials which the OWNER has undertaken to supply where
such failure or delay is due to natural calamities, act of enemies,
transport and procurement difficulties and any circumstances beyond
the control of the OWNER. In no case, the CONTRACTOR shall be
entitled to claim any compensation or loss suffered by him on this
Page 64 of 128
Page 65
xii) The Contractor should see that only the required quantities of
materials are got issued. The Contractor shall not be entitled to cartage
and incidental charges for returning the surplus materials, if any to the
stores wherefrom they were issued or to the place as directed by the
xiii) Materials equipment’s (s) supplied by the owner shall not be utilize
for any purpose (s) than issued for.
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Page 66
All gold, silver and other minerals of any description and all precious stones,
coins, treasure relics, antiquities and other similar things which shall be
found in, under or upon the SITE, shall be the property of the owner and the
contractor shall duly preserve the same to the satisfaction of the Engineer-In-
Charge and shall from time to time deliver the same to such person or peson
indicated by the OWNER.
74.1 The execution of the work may entail working in the monsoon also. The
Contractor must maintain a minimum labour force as may be required for
the job and plan and execute the construction and erection according to the
prescribe schedule. No extra rate will be considered for such work in
74.2 During the monsoon and other period, it shall be the responsibility of the
Contractor to keep the construction work site free from water at his own
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Page 67
76.1 The Engineer-In-Charge will have full power and authority to inspect the
work at any time wherever in progress either on Site or at the Contractor’s
premises/workshop wherever situated, premises/workshop of any person,
firm for corporation where work in connection with contract ma be in hand
or where materials are being or are to be supplied, and the contractor shall
afford or procure for the Engineer-In-Charge every facility and assistance
carry out such inspection. The CONTRACTOR shall, at all time during the
usual workings hours and at all other time at which reasonable notice of the
intention of the Engineer-In-Charge or his representative to visit the work
shall have been given to the Contractor, either himself be present to receive
orders and instructions, or have a responsible agent duly accredited in
writing, present for the purpose. Orders given to the Contractor’s agent shall
be considered to have the same force as if they had been given to the
Contractor himself. The Contractor shall give not less than seven days notice
in writing to the Engineer-In-Charge before covering up and otherwise
placing beyond reach of inspection and measurement of any work in order
that the same may be inspected and measured. In the event of breach of
above the same shall be uncovered at Contractor’s expense for carrying out
such measurement or inspection.
76.2 No material shall be dispatched from the contractor’s stores before obtaining
the approval in writing of the Engineer-In-Charge. The Contractor is to
provide at all time during the progress of the work and the maintenance
period, proper means of access with ladders, gangways etc. and the
necessary attendance to move and adopt as directed for inspection or
measurements of the work by the Engineer-In-Charge.
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Page 68
78.1 All workmanship shall be the respective kinds described in the contract
document and in accordance with the instructions of the Engineer-In-Charge
and shall be subjected from time to time to such test at Contractor’s cost as
the Engineer-In-Charge may direct at ,the place of manufacture or fabrication
or on the site or at all or any such places. The Contractor shall provide
assistance, instruments, labour and materials as are normally required for
examining, measuring and testing any workmanship as may be selected and
required by the Engineer-In-Charge
78.2 All the tests that will be necessary connection with the execution of the work
as decided by the Engineer-In-Charge shall be carried out at the field testing
laboratory of the owner by paying the charges as directed by the owner from
time to time .In case of non availability of testing facility with the Owner the
required test shall be carried out at the cost of contractor at Government or
any other testing laboratory as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge.
78.3 If any tests are required to be the carried out in conjunction with the work or
materials or workmanship not supplied by the contractor, such tests shall be
carried out by the Contractor as per instructions of Engineer-In-Charge and
cost of such tests shall be reimbursed by the Owner.
78.4 Bidder shall include in his offer the quality Assurance program containing
the over all quality management and procedures which is required to be
adhered on during the execution of contract or after the award of the contract
detailed quality assurance program to be followed for the execution of the
contract under various divisions of work will be mutually discussed and
agreed to.
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Page 69
If it shall appear to the Engineer-In-Charge that any work Has been executed
with unsound, imperfect or unskilled workmanship, or with materials of
inferior description, or that any materials or articles provided by the
Contractor for the execution of works are unsound, or of a quality inferior to
that contracted for, or otherwise not in accordance with the contract, the
Contractor shall on deemed in writing for the Engineer-In-Charge or his
authorized representative specifying the work, materials or articles
complained of notwithstanding that the same may have been inadvertently
passed, certified and paid for , forthwith rectify or remove and reconstruct
the work so specified and provide other proper and suitable materials or
articles at his own cost and in the event of failure to do so within the period
specified by the Engineer-In-Charge in his demand aforesaid ., The
Contractor shall be liable to pay compensation at the rate of 1%(one percent
) of the estimated cost of the whole work, for every week limited to a
maximum of 10%(ten percent) of the value of the whole work , while his
failure to do so shall continue in the case of any such failure the Engineer-
In-Charge may on expiry of noticed period rectify or remove and re execute
the work or removed or replaced with others , the materials or articles
complained of to as the case may be at the risk and expense in all respect of
the Contractor. The decision of the Engineer-In-Charge as to any question
arising under this .clause shall be final and conclusive.
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Page 70
i) Subject to the provisions of sub par (ii) of this clause, the Contractor
shall if ordered in writing by the Engineer-In-Charge, or his
representative, temporarily suspend .the works or any part thereof for
such period and such time and so ordered and shall not after receiving
such written order, proceed with the work therein ordered to be
suspended until, he shall have, received a written order to proceed
therewith. The Contractor, shall not be, entitled to claim compensation
for any loss or damage sustained by him .by reason of temporary
suspension of the work aforesaid. An extension of time for
completion, corresponding with the delay caused by any such,
Suspension of the works as aforesaid will be grant to the Contractor
should be apply for the same provided that the suspension was not
consequent to any default or failure in the part of the
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Page 71
If the Contractor fails to make good the defect noticed during, the liability
period, the Owner shall carry out such works and recover the actual cost
incurred towards labour, supervision, materials, and consumables or
otherwise plus 100%(hundred percent) towards overhead from any pending
bill/security deposit of the contractor.
If the contractor feels that any variations in work or any quality of materials
or proportions would be beneficial or necessary to fulfill the guarantees
called for, he shall bring this to the notice of the Engineer-In-Charge in
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Page 72
If at any time, before the work is taken over, the Engineer-In-Charge shall:
In case contractor shall fail to do so , the owner may take , at the cost of the
Contractor, such step as may in all circumstances, be reasonable to make
good such defects. The expenditure so incurred by the Owner will be
recovered from the amount due to the Contractor. The decision of the
Engineer-In-Charge with regard to the amount to be recovered from the
Contractor will be final and binding on the Contractor. As soon as the work
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Page 73
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Page 74
For work like water-proofing, acid and alkali resisting materials, pre-
construction soil treatment against termite or any other specialized works
etc. the CONTACTOR shall invariably engage SUB-CONTRACTORS who
are specialists in the field and firms of repute and such a SUB-
CONTRACTOR shall furnish guarantees for their workmanship to the
Owner, through the Contractor . In case such a SUB-CONTRACTOR
/FIRM is not prepared to furnish a guarantee to the OWNER, the Contractor
shall give that guarantee to the OWNER directly.
87.1 If during the progress of the work, OWNER /EIL shall decide and inform in
writing to the Contractor, that the unsound or imperfect or has furnished
plant inferior to the quality specified, the Contractor on receiving details of
such defects or deficiencies shall at his own expenses within (7) seven days
of his receiving the notice, or otherwise within such time as may be
reasonably necessary for making it good, proceed to alter, re-construct or
remove such work and furnished fresh equipment's up to the standards of the
specifications . In case the contractor fails to do so , Owner may on giving
the Contractor 7 (seven) days notice in writing of his intentions to do so,
proceed to remove the portion of the work so complained of and at the cost
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Page 75
87.2 The Contractors full and extreme liability under his clause shall be satisfied
by the payments to the OWNER of the extra cost .of such replacements
procured including erection/installation as provided for in the contract, such
extra cause being the ascertained difference between the price paid by the
Owner for the such replacements and the contract price portion for such
defective plants and repayments of any sum paid by the owner to the
Contractor in respect of such defective plant. Should the Owner not so
replace the defective plant the Contractors extreme liability under this clause
shall be limited to the repayment of all such sums paid by the Owner under
the contract for such defective plant.
If any action in any court is brought against the Owner and consultant or an
officer an agent of the Owner , for the failure , omission or neglect on the
part of the Contractor to perform any acts , matters, convenience or things
under the contract, or damaged or injury caused by the alleged omission or
negligence on the part of the Contractor, his agents, representatives or his
sub-Contractors, or in connection with any claimed based on lawful
demands of sub-contractors workmen suppliers or employees , the
.Contractor , shall in such cases indemnify and keep the Owner, and
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Page 76
89.1 Contractor shall be solely responsible for making available for executing the
work, all requisite CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT'S, Special aids, barges,
cranes and the like, all tools, trackless and testing EQUIPMENT'S and
appliance, including imports of such equipment's etc. as required In case of
import of the same the rates Applicable for levying of custom duty on such
Equipment, Tools, & Tackles and the duty drawback applicable there on
shall be ascertained by the Contractor from the concerned authorities of
Government of India. It shall be clearly understood that owner shall not in
any way be responsible for arranging to obtain custom clearance and/or
payment of any duties. and /or duty draw backs etc. for such equipment's so
imported by the Contractor and the Contractor shall be fully responsible for
all taxes, duties and documentation with regard to the same . Tendeer, in his
own interest may contract, for any clarifications in the matter, the office of
chief Controller or imports and exports, Ministry of Commerce, Govt. of
India Udyog Bhawan, Maolana Azad Road, New Delhi-110001. All
clarification so obtained and interpretations thereof shall be solely the
responsibility of the CONTRACTOR.
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Page 77
The price to be paid by the OWNER to Contractor for the whole of the work
to be done and for the performance of all the obligations undertaken by the
Contractor under the contract documents shall be ascertained by the
application of the respective schedule of rates (the inclusive nature of which
is more particularly define by way of application but not of limitation, with
the succeeding sub-clause of this clause) and payment to be made
accordingly for the work actually executed and approved by the Engineer-
In-Charge . The sum so ascertained shall (excepting only as and to the extent
expressly provided herein) constitute the sole and inclusive remuneration of
the Contractor under the contract and no further or other payment
whatsoever shall be or become due or payable on the Contractor under the
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Page 78
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Page 79
The schedule of rates shall be deemed to include and cover the risk of all
possibilities of delay and interference with the Contractor’s conduct of
works which occur from any clause including orders of the owner in the
exercise of his power and on account of extension of time granted due to
various reason and for all other possible or probable causes of delay.
For work under unit basis, no alteration will be allowed in the schedule of
rates by reason of works or any part of them being modified altered,
extended, diminished or committed. The schedule of rates are fully inclusive
of rates which have been fixed by the Contractor and agreed to by the Owner
and cannot be altered.
For lumpsums Contracts, the payment will be made according to the work
actually carried out , for which purpose an items wise , or work wise
schedule of rates shall be furnished suitable for evaluating the value of work
done and preparing running account bill .
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Page 80
91.1.2 Consultant shall scrutinise check the measurements recorded on the sheets/
books and shall certify correctness of the same on the measurement
The Contractor will be allowed to prepare and submit the bills in a month in
following manner.
91.1.3 Consultant shall pass on the bills after carry out the comprehensive
checks in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract, to the
91.1.5. While preparing the final bills overall measurements will not be taken
again. Only volume of work executed since the last measured bill alongwith
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Page 81
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Page 82
94.1(a) Should the Contractor consider that he is entitled to any extra payment or
compensation or to make any claim whatsoever in respect of the works he
shall forthwith give notice in writing to the Engineer-In-Charge that he
claims extra payment and /or compensation. Such notice shall be given to
the Engineer-In-Charge within ten days from the ordering of any work or
happening of any event upon which the contractor bases such claim and such
notice shall contain full particulars of the nature of such claim with full
details and amount claimed. Failure on the part of the Contractor to put
forward any claim with the necessary particulars as above within the time
above specified shall be and absolute waiver thereof. No omission by the
Owner to reject any such claim and no delay in dealing therewith shall be by
the owner of any rights in respect thereof.
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Page 83
94.1(b) The Contractors agrees, and undertakes, that if the claims are not raised
within the said period of 10 days as above mentioned, then he shall be
stopped and debarred from raising such claims latter on in arbitration
proceeding or before any Court of Law. Such claims if presented before
arbitrator shall be deemed to be rejected by the Arbitrator and shall be liable
to be summarily dismissed forth with.
94.2 Owner shall review such claims within a reasonable period of time and
cause to discharge these in a manner considered appropriate after due
deliberations thereon. However, Contractor shall be obliged to carry on with
the work during the period in which his claims are under consideration by
the Owner, irrespective of the outcome of such claims.
No payment shall be made for works estimated to cost less than RS. 20,000/-
till the whole of the work shall have been completed and a certificate of
completion given. But in case of works estimated to cost more than RS.
20,000/- that contractor no submitting the bill thereof be entitled to receive a
monthly payment proportionate to the part thereof approved and passed by
the Engineer-In-Charge, whole certificate of such approval and passing of
the same so payable shall be final and conclusive against the Contractor.
This payment will be made after making necessary deduction as stipulated
else where in the contract document for materials, security deposit etc.
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Page 84
When the fulfills his obligations under 84.4 he shall be eligible to apply for
COMPLETION CERTIFICATE,. The Contractor may apply for separate
completion certificate in respect of each such portion of the work by
submitting the completion document along with such application for
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Page 85
Within one month of the completion of the work in all respects, the
CONTRACTOR shall be furnished with a certificate by the Engineer-in-
Charge of such completion, but no completion certificate shall be given nor
shall the work be deemed to have been executed until all the scaffolding,
surplus materials and rubbish is cleared off the site completely nor until the
work shall have been measured by the Engineer-In-Charge, whose
measurement shall be binding and conclusive. The work will not be
considered as complete and taken over by the Engineer-in-Charge, until all
the TEMPORARY WORK, labour and staff colonies etc. Constructed are
removed and work site cleared to the satisfaction of the Engineer-In-Charge.
If the contractor shall fail to comply with the requirements of this clause on
or before the date fix for the completion of the work., the Engineer-In-
Charge may the expense of the Contractor remove such scaffolding, surplus
materials and rubbish and dispose of the same as the thinks fit, and clean of
such dirt as aforesaid, and the Contractor shall forthwith pay the amount of
all expense so incurred and shall have no claim in respect of any such
scaffolding or surplus materials as aforesaid except for any sum actually
realized by the sale thereof.
For the purpose of clause 97.0 the following documents will be deemed to
form the completion documents.
i) The technical documents according to which the work was carried out
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Page 86
Upon the expiration of the period of the ability and such subject of the
Engineer-In-Charge being satisfied the work has been duly maintained by
the Contractor during the monsoon or such period as here in before provided
in clause 84.1 and that the Contractor has in all respects duly made up any
subsidence and performed all his obligations under the contract, the
Engineer-In-Charge shall (without prejudice to the rights of the Owner to
retain the provisions of relevant clause thereof) otherwise give a certificate
herein refereed to as the FINAL CERTIFICATE to that efficient on the
Contractor shall be not considered to have fulfill the whole of his obligations
under the contract until FINAL CERTIFICATE shall have given by the
Engineer-In-Charge notwithstanding any previous entry upon the work
taking procession, working or using of the same or any part thereof by the
All costs, damages or expenses which Owner may have paid or incurred,
which under the provision of the contract, the contractor is liable, will be
claimed by the Owner. All such claims be billed by the Owner to the
Contractor regularly as and when they fall due. Such bills shall be supported
by appropriate and certified vouchers or explanations to enable the
contractor to properly identify such claims. Such claims shall be paid by the
contractor within 15 (fifteen) days of the receipt of the corresponding bills
and if not paid by the Contractor within the said period, the owner may then
deduct the amount for many moneys due or becoming due to the contractor
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Page 87
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Page 88
101.1 The Contractor agrees to and does hereby accept full and exclusive liability
for the payment of any and all taxes , duties, including,excise duty , Octoris
etc. now or hereafter imposed, increased or modified , and all the sales taxes,
duties , octoris etc. now in force and hereafter increased, imposed, or
modified, from time to time in respect of works and materials and all
contributions and taxes for unemployment compensation, insurance and old
age pensions or annuities now or hereafter impose by any Central or State
Government authorise which are imposed with respect to or covered by the
wages, salaries, or other compensations paid to the person employed by the
Contractor and the contractor shall be responsible for the compliance with
all obligations and restrictions imposed by the Labour Law or any other law
affecting employer-employee relationship and the contractor further agrees
to comply , and to secure the compliance of all sub-contractors , with all
applicable Central, State, Municipal and local law and regulation and
requirement of any Central, State or local Government agency or authority
.Contractor futher agrees to defend, indemnify and hold OWNER harmless
from any liability or penalty which may be imposed by the Central, State or
Local authorities by reasons of any violation by the Contractor or Sub-
Contractor of such law, regulations or requirements and also from all claims,
suits for proceedings that may be brought against the OWNER arising under,
growing out of , or by reason of the work provided for by this CONTRACT,
by third parties, or by Central or State Government authority or any
administrative sub-division thereof.
Tax deducting will be made as per the rules and regulation and force, in
accordance with acts prevailing from time to time.
Tenderer should quote all inclusive prices including the liability of Sales
Tax/ Turn Over Tax whether on the works contracts a whole or in the
respect of brought out components used by the Contractor in execution of
the Contract. Owner shall not be responsible for any such liability of the
contractor in respect of this contract.
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Page 89
104.1 GENERAL:
` Contractor shall at his own expense arrange secure and maintain insurance
with reputable insurance companies to the satisfaction of the owner as
Contractor at his cost shall arrange secure and maintain insurance as may be
necessary and to its full value for all such amount to protect the works in
progress from time to time and the interest of owner against all as detailed
herein. The form and the limit of such insurance, s defined here in together
with the under works thereof in each case should be as acceptable to the
Owner. However, irrespective of work acceptance the responsibility to
maintain adequate insurance coverage at all times during the period, of
contract shall be that of Contractor alone. Contractor failure in this regard
shall not relieve him of any of his responsibilities and obligations under
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Page 90
The Contractor agrees to and does hereby accept full and exclusive liability
for the compliance with all obligations imposed by the employee State
Insurance Act 1948 and the Contractor further agrees to defend, indemnify
and hold Owner harmless for any liability or penalty which may be imposed
by the Central, State or Local authority by reason of any asserted violation
by contractor or Sub-Contractor of the employees, State Insurance Act,
1948, and also all claims, suits or proceeding that may be brought against the
owner arising under growing out of or by reasons of the work provided by
this contractor whether brought by employees of the Contractor, by third
parties or by Central or
State Government authority or any political sub-division thereof.
Owner shall retain such sum as may be necessary from the total VALUE OF
CONTRACT until the Contractor shall furnish satisfactory proof that all
contributions as required by the Employees State Insurance Act, 1948, have
been paid. This will be pending on the CONTRACTOR when the ESI Act is
extended to the place of work.
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Page 91
Insurance shall be effected for all the Contractor’s employees engaged in the
performance of this Contract. If any of the work is sublet, the Contractor
shall require the Sub-Contractor to provide workman’s compensation and
employer’s liability insurance for the latter’s employees if such employees
are not covered under the Contractor’s Insurance.
Contractor shall also carry or maintain any and all other insurance (s), which
he may be required under any law or regulation from time to time without
any extra cost to OWNER. He shall also carry and maintain any other which
may be required by the OWNER.
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Page 92
such loss or damage is due to fault and/or the negligence or willful acts or
omission of the Contractor, his employees, agents, representatives or SUB-
ii) The Contractor shall take sufficient care in moving his plants, equipment's
and materials from one place to another so that they don't cause any damage
to any person or to the property of the owner or any third party including
overhead and underground cables and in the event of any damage resulting
to the property of the OWNER or of a third party during the movement of
the aforesaid plant, equipment or materials the cost of such damages
including eventual loss of production, operation or services in any plant or
establishment as estimated by the OWNER or ascertained or demanded by
the third party shall be borne by the CONTRACTOR. Third party liability
risk shall be Rupees Two Lakh for single accident and limited to Rupees Ten
iii) The Contractor shall indemnify and keep the OWNER harmless of all claims
for damage to property other than the OWNER’s property arising under or
by reason of this agreement, if such claims result from the fault and /or
negligence or with full acts or omission of the Contractor, his employees,
agents, representative of SUB-CONTRACTOR.
iv) The agency should consider within his quoted rates, the third party liability
ii) Contractor shall indemnify and keep the OWNER harmless of all claims for
damage to property other then the OWNER’s property arising under or by
reason of this Contract, if such claims result from the fault and /or
negligence or willful acts or omission of the CONTRACTOR, his
employees, agents, representative of Sub-Contractors.
Page 92 of 128
Page 93
ii) The Contractor shall not pay less than what is provided under law to
laborers engaged by him on the work.
iii) The Contractor shall at his expense comply with all labour laws and
keep the OWNER indemnified respect thereof.
iv) The Contractor shall pay equal wages for men and women in
accordance with applicable labour laws.
v) (a) Contractors labour shall no privity with owner nor any Employer-
Employee relationship with the OWNER nor shall Owner be
constructed as principal employer vis-à-vis such Contractor’s Labour
for whom the principal Employer for purpose of contract Labour
(Abolition & Regulation) Act be the contractor.
Page 93 of 128
Page 94
1st half of the current month (1) the accident that occurred during the
said fortnight showing the circumstances under which they happened
and the extent of damage and injury caused by them and (2) the
number of female workers who have been allowed Maternity Benefit
as provided in the Maternity Benefit Act 1961 or rules made there
under and the amount paid to them.
viii) The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the payment of
Wages Act1936, Minimum Wages Act 1948, Employers Liability Act
1938, Workmen’s compensation Act 1923, Industrial Disputes Act
1947, the Maternity Benefit Act 1961 and Contract Labour regulation
and abolition Act 1970, Employment of children Act1938 or any
modifications thereof or any other law relating thereto and rules made
there under from time to time.
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Page 95
107.1 The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Apprentices Act
1961 and the rules and orders issued thereunder from time to time. If he fails
to do so, his failure will be a breach of the Contract and the Engineer-In-
Charge may, at his discretion, cancel the Contract.The Contractor shall also
be liable for any pecuniary liability arising on account of any violation by
him of the provisions of the Act.
107.2 The Contractor should strictly comply with the provisions of the Employees
provident Fund Act.
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Page 96
i) The Contractor shall indemnify the Owner and every member office
and employee of the Owner, also the Engineer-In-Charge and his staff
against all actions, proceedings, claims, demands, costs and expenses
whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the matters referred to
in clause 105.0 and elsewhere and all actions, proceedings, claims,
demands, costs and expenses which may be made against the
OWNER for or in respect of or arising out of any failure by the
CONTRACTOR in the performance of his obligations under the
Contract Documents. The Owner shall not be liable for or in respect
of any demand or compensation payable by law in respect or in
consequence of any accident or injury to any workmen or other
person. In the employment of the Contractor or his Sub-Contractor the
Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Owner against
all such damages and compensations and against all claims, damages,
proceedings, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect
thereof or in relation thereto.
Should the OWNER have to pay any money in respect of such claims
or demands as aforesaid the amount so paid and the costs incurred by
the OWNER shall be charged to and paid by the CONTRACTOR and
the Contractor shall not be at liberty to dispute or question the right of
the OWNER to make such payments notwithstanding the same may
have been made without the consent or authority or in law or
otherwise to the contrary.
Page 96 of 128
Page 97
any part thereof by deducting it from the security deposit or from any
sum due to the Contractor whether under this Contractor otherwise.
The Owner shall not be bound to contest any claim made under
section 12, Sub-Section (i ) of the said Act , except on the written
request of the Contractor and upon his giving to the OWNER full
security for all costs for which the Owner might become liable in
consequence of contesting such claim.
In respect of all labour directly employed in the works for the performance
of the Contractor’s part of his agreement, the Contractor shall comply with
or cause to be complied with all the rules and regulations of the local
sanitary and other authorities or as framed by the Owner from time to time
for the protection of health and sanitary arrangements for all workers.
The Contractor shall provide in the labour colony all amenities such as
electricity, water and other sanitary and health arrangements. The Contractor
shall also provide necessary surface transportation to the place of work and
back to the colony for their personnel accommodated in the labour colony.
110.1 All disputes of difference whatsoever which shall at any time arise between
the parties hereto touching or concerning the works or the execution or
maintenance thereof of this contract or the rights touching or concerning the
works or the execution effect thereof or to be rights or liabilities or the
construction meaning operation or effect thereof or to the rights or liabilities
of the parties or arising out of or in relation thereto whether during or after
completion of the Contract or whether before or after determination,
foreclosure or breach of the contract ( other than those in respect of which
the decision of any person is by the contract express to be final and binding)
shall be endeavor to be amicably settled by the parties in the following
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Page 98
“ In the event of any dispute or difference between the parties hereto, such
dispute or difference shall be resolved amicably by mutual consultation or
through the good offices of empowered agencies of the Government. If such
resolution is not possible, then, the unresolved dispute or difference shall be
referred to arbitration of an arbitrator to be nominated by secretary,
department of Legal Affairs (Law Secretary) in terms of the office
Memorandum No. 55/3/1/75-CF,. Dated of 19Th December1975 issued by
the Cabinet Secretariat (Department of Cabinet Affairs), as modified from
the time to time. The Arbitration Act 1940 (10 of 1940) shall not be
applicable to the arbitration under this clause. The award of the Arbitration
shall be binding upon parties to the dispute. Provided, however, any party
aggrieved by such award may make a further reference for setting aside or
revision of the award, to Law Secretary whose decision shall bind the parties
finally and conclusively.
111.0 JURISDICTION: Clause 111 has been modified . please refer to para
(h) of Annexure –7 for the same.
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Page 99
112.0 GENERAL:
iii) All critical industrial injuries shall be reported promptly to owner, and
a copy of CONTRACTOR’S report covering each personal injury
requiring the attention of a physician shall be furnished to the
ii) The Contractor shall observe and abide by all fire and safety
regulations of the OWNER, Before starting construction work
CONTRACTOR shall consult with OWNER’s safety Engineers or
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Page 100
Smoking within the battery area, tank farm or dock limits is strictly
prohibited. Violators of the no smoking rules shall be discharged
b) Hoisting Areas.
When a ladder is used and extra Majdoor shall be engaged for holding
the ladder and if the ladder is used for carrying material as well,
suitable footholds and handholds shall be provided on the ladder and
the ladder shall be given an inclination not steeper than 1 in 4 (1
horizontal 4 vertical)
ii) Scaffolding or staging more than 4 meters above the ground or floor,
swing suspended from and overhead support or erected with
stationary support shall have a guard rail properly attached, bolted,
braced and otherwise retarded at least one meter high above the floor
or platform of such scaffolding or staging and extending along the
entire length of the outside and ends thereof with only such opening as
may be necessary for the delivery of materials. Such scaffolding or
staging shall be so fastened as to prevent it from swaying from the
building or structure.
All trenches 1.2 meters or more in depth shall at all times be supplied with at
least one ladder for each 50 meters length or fraction thereof.
Ladder shall be extended from bottom of the trench to atleast 1 meter above
the surface of the ground. The sides of the trenches which are 1.5 meter s in
depth shall be stepped back to give suitable slope or securely held by timber
bracing, so as to avoid the danger of sides to collapse. The excavated
materials shall not be placed within .1.5 meters of the edge of the trench or
half of the trench width whichever is more. Cutting shall be done from top to
bottom. Under no circumstances
Undermining or undercutting shall be done.
a) All roads and open areas adjacent to the work sites shall either be
closed or suitably protected.
f) The Contractor shall not employ men below the age of 18 years and
women on the work on painting with products containing lead in any
form. Wherever men above the age of 18 years are employed on the
work of lead painting, the following precautions should be taken.
2) Suitable face masks should be supplied for used by the workers when
paint is applied in the form of spray or a surface having lead paint dry
rubbed and scrapped.
iii) When the work is done near any place where there is a risks of
drawing, all necessary safety equipment's should be provided and kept
ready for use and all necessary steps taken for prompt rescue of any
person in danger and adequate provisions should made for prompt
first aid treatment of all injuries likely to be sustained during the
course of the WORK.
In addition of the above, the CONTRACTOR shall abide by the safety code
provision as per C.P.W.D. safety code and Indian Standard Safety Code
from time to time.
The Contractor has to ensure all precautionary measures and exercise utmost
care in handling the inflammable gas cylinder/inflammable liquids/paints
etc. as required under the law and/or as advised by the fire authorities of the
Temporary combustible structures will not be built near or around work site.
Explosives shall not be stored or used on the works or on the site by the
CONTRACTOR for without the permission of the ENGINEER-IN –
CHARGE in writing and then only in the manner and to the extent to which
such permission is given. When explosives are required for the works they
will be stored in a special magazine to be provided at the cost of the
CONTRACTOR in accordance with the Explosives Rules. The
CONTRACTOR shall obtain the necessary license for the storage and the
use of explosives and all operation in which or for which explosives are
employed shall be at sole risk and responsibility of the CONTRACTOR and
the CONTRACTOR shall indemnify the OWNER against any loss or
damage resulting directly or in directly therefrom.
123.1 Safety code the CONTRACTOR shall at his own expense arrange for the
safety provisions as required by the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE in respect of
all labour directly employed for performance of the works and shall provide
all facilities in connection therewith. In case the CONTRACTOR fails to
make arrangements and provide necessary facilities as aforesaid, the
ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE shall be entitled to do so and recover the costs
thereof from the CONTRACTOR.
123.2 Failure to comply with safety Code or the provisions relating to report on
accidents and to grant of maternity benefits to female workers shall make the
CONTRACTOR liable to pay company liquidated damages an amount not
exceeding RS. 50/- for each default or materially incorrect Statement. The
decision of the Engineer-in-charge in such matters based on reports from the
Inspecting Officer or representative of ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE shall be
final and binding and deduction for recovery of such liquidated damages
may be made from any amount payable to the CONTRACTOR from all
provisions of Mines Act, 1952 or any statutory modifications or re-
enactment thereof the time being in force and any Rules & Regulation made
thereunder in respect of all the persons employed by him under this
CONTRACT and shall indemnify the OWNER from and against any claim
under the Mines Act or the rules and regulations frame thereunder by or on
behalf of any persons employed by him or otherwise.
The CONTRACTOR shall take requisite precautions and use at his best
endeavors to prevent any riotous or unlawful behavior by or amongst his
workmen and others employed on the works and for the preservation of
peace and protection of the inhabitants and Security of property the
neighborhood of the work. In the event of the OWNER requiring the
maintenance of a special police force at or in the vicinity of the site during
the tenture of works, the expenses thereof shall be borne by the
CONTRACTOR and if paid by the OWNER shall be recoverable from the
The CONTRACTOR shall remove from his camp such labour and their
families as refuse protective in occultation and vaccination when called upon
to do so by the ENGINEER-IN- CHARGE’s Representative. Should
Cholera, Plague or other infectious diseases break out the CONTRACTOR
shall burn the huts, bedding, clothes and other belongings used by the
infected parties and promptly erect new huts on healthily sites as required by
the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE failing which within the time specified in the
Engineer’s requisition, the work may be done by the OWNER and the cost
thereof recovered from the CONTRACTOR.
A. The OWNER being desirous of having provided and executed certain works mentioned,
enumerated or referred to in the tender documents including Letter Inviting Tender General
Tender Notice, General Conditions of CONTRACT, Special Conditions of CONTRACT,
Specifications, Drawings, Plans, Time Schedule of Completion of Jobs, Schedule of Rates,
Agreed Variations, other documents has called for Tender.
B. The CONTRACTOR has inspected the site and surroundings of the works specified in the
tender documents and has satisfied himself by careful examination before submitting his
tender as to the nature of surface, strata, soil, sub - soil and ground, the from and nature of
site and local conditions, the quantities, nature and magnitude of the work, the availability of
labour and materials necessary for the execution of work, the means of access to site, the
supply of power and water there to and the accommodation he may require and has made
local and independent enquiries and obtained complete information as to the matters and
things referred to, or implied in the tender documents or having any connection therewith,
and has considered the nature and extent of all probable and possible situations, delays,
hindrances or interferences to or with the execution and completion of the work to be carried
out under the contract, and has examined and considered all other matters, conditions and
things and probable and possible contingencies, and generally all matters incidental thereto
and ancillary thereof affecting the execution and completion of the work and which might
have influenced him in making his tender.
C. The tender documents including the notice letter, inviting tender, General Conditions of
CONTRACT, Special Conditions of CONTRACT, Schedule of Rates, General obligation,
Specifications, Drawings, Plans, Time schedule of completion of jobs, Letter of Acceptance
of tender and any statement of agreed variations with its enclosures copies of which are
hereto annexed form part of this CONTRACT though separately set out herein and are
included in the expression " CONTRACT" wherever herein used.
The OWNER accepted the Tender of the CONTRACTOR for the provision and the execution of
the said work at the rates stated in the Schedule of Quantities of work and finally approved by
OWNER (hereinafter called the " Schedule of Rates") upon the terms and subjects to the
conditions of CONTRACT.
2. In consideration of the due provision execution and completion of the said works, the
OWNER does hereby agree with the CONTRACTOR that the OWNER will pay to the
CONTRACTOR the respective amounts for the work actually done by him and approved by
the OWNER at the Schedule of Rates and such other sum payable to the CONTRACTOR
under provision of CONTRACT, such payment to be made at such time in such manner as
provided for in the CONTRACT.
3. In consideration of the provision, execution and completion of the said works the
CONTRACTOR does hereby agree to pay such sums as may be due to the OWNER for the
services rendered by the OWNER TO THE CONTRACTOR, such as power supply, water
supply and other as set for in the said CONTRACT and such other sums as may become
payable to the OWNER towards the controlled items of consumable materials or towards
loss, damage to the OWNER's equipment, materials construction plant and machinery, such
payments to be made at such time and in such manner as is provided in the CONTRACT.
It is specifically and distinctly understood and agreed between the OWNER and the
CONTRACTOR that the CONTRACTOR shall have no right, title or interest in the site made
available by the OWNER for execution of the works or in the building, structures or works
executed on the said site by the CONTRACTOR or in the goods, articles, materials, etc. brought
on the said site (unless the same specifically belongs to the CONTRACTOR) and the
CONTRACTOR shall not have or deemed to have any lien whatever charge for unpaid bills will
not be entitled to assume or retain possession or control of the site or structures and the OWNER
shall have an absolute and unfetted right to take full possession of site and to remove the
CONTRACTOR, their servants, agents and materials belonging to the CONTRACTOR and
lying on the site.
The CONTRACTOR shall be allowed to enter upon the site for execution of the works only as a
licensee simpliciter and shall not have any claim, right, title or interest in the site or the structures
erected there on and the OWNER shall be entitled to terminate such licence at any time without
assigning any reason.
The materials including sand, gravel, stone loose earth, rock, etc. dug up or excavated from the
said site shall, unless otherwise expressly agreed under this CONTRACT, exclusively belong to
the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR shall have no right to claim over the same and such
excavation and materials should be disposed off on account of the OWNER according to the
instruction in writing issued from time to time by the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE.
In Witness whereof the parties have executed these presents in the day and the year first above
Signed and Delivered for and on behalf Signed and Delivered for and on
of OWNER Numaligarh Refinery Ltd. behalf of CONTRACTORS.
____________________________ __________________________
____________________________ __________________________
In witness where of the Bank, through its authorized officer, has set its hand stamp on
this………Day of…………….19………………at……………
Dear Sirs:
The tender conditions of contract provide that the Contractor shall pay a sum of
Rs……….… (Rupees ………………………………) as initial/full security Deposit in
the form there in mentioned. The form of payment of security deposit includes guarantee
executed by Nationalized Schedule ‘A’ Bank, undertaking full responsibility to
indemnify Numaligarh Refinery Ltd. in case of default.
1. We hereby undertake and agree with you that if default shall be made by
M/s………… in performing any of the terms and condition of the tender or in
payment of any money payable to Numaligarh Refinery Ltd. We shall on demand
pay to you in such manner as you direct the said amount of Rupees ……… only or
such portion thereof not exceeding the said sum as you from time to time require.
2. You will have the full liberty without reference to us and without affecting this
guarantee postpone for any time or from time to time the exercise of any of the
powers and rights conferred on you under the contract with the said
…………………………. and to enforce or to forebear from endorsing any powers
or rights or by reason of time being given to said ………… which under law
relating to the sureties would but for provision have the effect of releasing us.
6. We have power to issue this guarantee in your favour under Memorandum and
Articles of Association and the undersigned has full power to do under the power
of Attorney dated ……………. granted to him by the Bank.
Yours faithfully,
_____________ Bank
By its Constituted Attorney
And whereas the Owner has agreed to make an advance of Rs………………… (Rupees
………………………………………………) being ……..% value of the contract on
......................................... as provided in the contract as the said advance to the contractor
carrying no interest.
AND WHEREAS the contractor has agreed with the owner authorizing him to deduct the said
advance under the terms of the said contract from the amount that becomes due and payable to
contractor as per the terms and conditions described under the clause "Terms and Conditions of
payment" of the contract on proper execution of the contract.
Now this deed witness that in consideration of the said advance or any balance thereof made by
the owner to the contractor, the surety hereby GUARANIEES the payment of the said advance
by the contractor, and undertakes to pay the owner on demand the said sum of RS.
……………………….. subject to the following condition.
(a) "Surety hereby gives an irrevocable guarantee and declares that its liability under this
bond shall extend to the payment of the whole of amount viz. RS. ………………… paid
as advance as provided for the contract as the said advance."
(b) This Guarantee shall remain in force and effect so long as the said advance of any part
thereof remains outstanding and shall expire and become ineffectual only after the
recovery of the entire sum of Rs. ………………. covered by the Guarantee and upon
intimation thereof being given by the owner to the surety in which event, the surety shall
be discharged by the owner.
(c) The surety shall not be discharged or released from the guarantee by any arrangement
made between the owner and the contractor with or without the consent of the surety or
by any alternation in the obligation of the parties or by any indulgence, forbearance,
whether as to payment, time performance of otherwise.
(d) The Guarantee shall come into force from the date contractor receives from the owner the
said advance.
(e) Notwithstanding anything stated above, the liability of the surety under the guarantee is
restricted to Rs. ………………………… (Rupees. ………. ………………………….)
and this guarantee will remain in force up to in the first instance. Further unless a claim
or Demand is made against the Surety within six months from the date of expiry of this
guarantee viz. …. ………………….. all rights of the owner under this guarantee shall be
forfeited and the surety shall be released and discharged from all liability hereunder
unless this guarantee shall have been previously extended. However if the contract for
which this guarantee is given is not completed or fully performed, the surety (Bank)
hereby agrees to further extend the Guarantee till such time as is required to fulfil the
NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESS that in pursuance of the said agreement and in
consideration of amounts aggregating to the sum of
Rs.......................(Rupees...................................................................................only) on or after the
execution of these presents paid to the Numaligarh Refinery Limited. (The receipt where of the
Contractor hereby acknowledge) contractor both hereby covenent and agreewith the Numaligarh
Refinery Limited and declare as follows:
2. That the materials detailed in the said Running Account Bills which have been offered to
and accepted by the Numaligarh Refinery Limited as Security are absolutely the
Contractor’s own property, and free from encumbrances of any kinds and the contractor
hereby agrees to indemnify the Numaligarh Refinery Limited against all claims to any
materials in respect of which an advance has been made to him as aforesaid.
3. That the materials detailed in the said Running Account Bills (hereinafter called the said
materials) shall be used by the Contractor solely for the execution of the said works in
accordance with the directions of the Engineer-in-charge and in terms of the said
4. That the contractor shall make at his own cost all necessary and adequate arrangements
for the proper watch, safe custody and protection against all risk of the said materials and
that until used in construction as aforesaid the said materials shall remain at the site of the
said works in the Contractors custody and on his own responsibility and shall at all times
be open to inspection by the event of the said materials or any part thereof being stolen,
destroyed or damaged the contractor will forthwith replace the same with other materials
of like quality or repair and make good the same as required by the Engineer- in –charge.
5. That the said materials shall not on any account be removed from the site of the said
works except with the written permission of the Engineer- in –charge or an officer
authorised by him on that behalf.
6. That the advanced shall be repayable in full when or before the Contractor receives
payment from the Numaligarh Refinery Ltd. of the price payable of him or the said works
under the terms and the provision of the said agreement provided that if any intermediate
payments are made to the contractor on account of work done then the occasion of each
such payments the Numaligarh Refinery Ltd. will be at liberty to make recovery from the
contractors bill for such payment by deducting there from the value of the said materials
then actually used in the conclusion and in respect of which recovery has not been made
previously the value for this purpose being determined in respect of each description of
materials at the rates at which the amounts of the advances made under these presents
were calculated.
7. That if the contractor shall at any time make any default in the performance or
observance in any of the terms and provision of the said agreement the total amount of
the advance or advances that may still be owing in the Numaligarh Refinery Ltd. together
with the interest thereon at eighteen(18) percent per annum from the date or respective
dates of such advance or advances to the dates of repayment will with all costs, charges,
damages and expenses incurred by the Numaligarh Refinery Ltd. in the recovery thereof
the security or otherwise by reason of the default of the contractor hereby convenants and
agrees with the Numaligarh Refinery Ltd. to repay and pay the same respectively to him
8. That the contractor hereby gives charge of all the said materials for the repayment to the
Numaligarh Refinery Ltd. of the said sum aggregating to
Rs………………………(Rupees…………………………………………….. only) and
all costs, charges, damages and expenses payable under these presents PROVIDED
ALLWAYS AND it is hereby agreed and declared that notwithstanding anything in the
said agreement and without prejudice to the powers contained therein if and when ever
the money owing shall not be paid in accordance herewith, the Numaligarh Refinery Ltd.
may at any time thereafter adopt all or any of the following courses as it may deem best.
a) Seize and utilise the said materials or any part thereof in the completion of the
said works on behalf of the contractor is accordance with the provision in that
behalf contained in the said agreement debiting the contractor with the actual
cost of effecting such completion and the amount due in respect of advances
under these presents and crediting the contractor with the value of work done
as if he had carried it out in accordance with the said agreement and the rates
thereby provided. If the balance is against the Contractor he is to pay the same
to Numaligarh Refinery Ltd. on demand.
b) Remove and sell by the public auction the seized materials or any part thereof
and out of the money arising from the sales retain all the sums aforesaid
repayble to the Numaligarh Refinery Ltd. under these presents and pay over
the surplus (if any) to the contractor.
c) Deduct all or any part of the money owing out of the security deposits or any
due sum to the Contractor under the said agreement.
9. That in event of any conflict between the provisions of these presents and the said
agreement the provisions of the said agreement shall prevail and in the event of any
dispute or difference arising over the construction or effect of these presents the
settlement of which has not been herein before expressly provided for, the same shall be
referred to arbitration as provided in the said agreement.
Address :
Address :
AND WHEREAS the Contractor is also required to furnish an undertaking from a Bank
in lieu of deposit of 10 % of the value of the Contract towards security deposit (hereinafter
referred to as the “Security Deposit”) valid till the end of the defect liability period as specified
in the said contract.
AND WHEREAS the Owner has agreed to accept the single undertaking from a Bank to cover
both the said advance and the Security Deposit in the name & style of “Composite Bank
I. The owner shall have the fullest liberty without reference to the Bank and without
affecting in any way the liability of the Bank under this undertaking, at any time and / or
from time to time to anywise vary the said contract and / or any of the terms and
conditions thereof the said advance and / or to extend time for performance of the said
contract and /or payment of the said advance in whole or part or to postpone for any time
and /or from time to time any of the said obligations of the contractor and either to
enforce or for bear from enforcing any of the terms and conditions of or governing the
said contract and / or the said Advance, or the securities, if any, or any of them available
to the Owner and the bank shall not be released from its liability under this presents and
the liability of the Bank shall remain in full force and effect with notwithstanding any
exercise by the Owner of the liberty with reference to any or all the matters aforesaid or
by reason of time being given to the contractor or any other forbearance or omission on
the part of the owner or any indulgence, by the owner to the contractor or of any other act
, matter or thing whatsoever which under any law could (but for this provision) have the
effect of releasing the Bank from its liability hereunder or any part thereof.
II. It shall not be necessary for the Owner to proceed against the Contractor before
proceeding against the Bank and the undertaking herein contain shall be enforceable
against the bank as Principal debtor notwithstanding the existence of any security for any
indebtedness of the Contractor to the Owner (including relative to the said advance or for
the Security Deposit) and not with standing that any such security shall at the time when
claims is made against the Bank or Proceedings taken against the Bank hereunder, be
outstanding or unrealised.
III. As between the Bank and the Owner for the purpose of this undertaking the amount
claimed or demanded by the Owner from the Bank with reference to this undertaking
shall be final and binding upon the bank as to the amount payable by the Bank to the
Owner hereunder.
IV. The liability of the Bank to the Owner under this undertaking shall remain in full force
and effect notwithstanding the existence of difference or dispute between the Contractor
and the Owner, The Contractor and the Bank and / or the Bank and the Owner or
otherwise howsoever touching or affecting these presents or the liability of the Contractor
to the Owner, and notwithstanding the existence of any instructions or purported
instructions by the contractor or any other person to the Bank not to pay or for any cause
with hold or defer payment to the Corporation under these presents, with the intent that
notwithstanding the existence of such difference, dispute or instruction, the Bank shall be
and remain liable to make payment to the Owner in terms hereof.
V. This undertaking shall not be affected by any change in our constitution or that of the
Contractor or the Owner or any irregularity in the exercise of borrowing powers by or on
behalf of the Contractor.
VI. This undertaking shall be valid for all claims / demands made by the Owner to or upon us
upto …………………………………….. provided that the Bank shall upon the written
request of the Contractor extended this guarantee by a further period.
VII. The bank doth hereby declare that Shri ……………………….. who is the ………………
(designation) of the Bank is authorised to sign this undertaking on behalf of the Bank and
to bind the Bank thereby.
VIII. The Bank hereby agrees not to revoke the Bank guarantee during its currency except with
the previous consent of the Owner, in writing.
IX. The Bank Guarantee is enforceable in the courts having jurisdiction over Guwahati,
(Assam) only.
X. Not withstanding anything contained herein above our liability under this Guarantee is
restricted to Rs………………….. (Rupees ………… …………………) only and it shall
remain inforce upto & including ………………….. (date) unless a claim under this
guarantee is made on or before ………………. (date). All your rights under the said
guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be released & discharged from all liability there
under, our undertaking shall commence from the date of execution.
Yours faithfully,
For and on behalf of the Bank
Name ……………………………
Designation ……………………..
4. (Clause no. 21.0) Force Majeure The following sentence shall be added to the clause
Clause The CONTRACTOR shall keep records of the
failure of performance and bring this to the notic
immediately on such occurrences.
5. (Clause no. 24.0) CONTRACTOR The following para shall be added to the clause
to obtain his own The CONTRACTOR’s attention is drawn towards var
information for use of Forest Products like sand, stone, timber etc
the Government of Assam. The CONTRACTOR wil
from the local District Forest Officer after payment of
owner shall facilitate the CONTRACTOR by way
Government Agencies in order to enable the CONTRA
payment of royalty.
6. (Clause no. 25.0) Security Deposit The following para shall be added to the clause :
Mobilisation advance may be paid against a
equivalent amount to cover Mobilisation advanc
7.5% against security deposit, provided initia
amount of the contract value is furnished. Such
per format enclosed as Annexure -6 to GCC.
7. (Clause no. 28.0) Extension of The Clause is modified to the extent as mentioned belo
Time Until a final decision is taken by the ow
CONTRACTOR for extension of time on any gr
may be given by Engineer-in-charge in order t
prejudice towards the rights, claims, contentions
the CONTRACTOR as per terms of the contract.
decided by the engineer-in-charge) for delay sha
extension period and the amount shall be recov
Bills and other bills & dues of the CONTRACTO
8. Clause no. 29.1) Compensation The Clause is modified to the extent as mentioned belo
for Delay Liquidated damage for delay in completion shal
thereof on the amount of the contract value for e
10% of the contract value.
9. Clause no. 106.0) Labour Laws The following para shall be added to the clause :
The CONTRACTOR will comply with the pr
indemnify the company against all claims, whi
Acts, & Rules framed thereunder:
i) The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abo
ii) The Minimum Wages Act.
iii) The Workman's Compensation Act.
iv) The Payment of Wages Act,
v) The Payment of Bonus Act,
vi) The Employees Provident Fund & Misc. P
vii) Family Pension Scheme,
viii) Inter State Migrant Workmen (Regulation
Condition of Service) Act,
or any other acts or statute not hereinabove specifical
engagement of workers directly or indirectly for exec
10. (Clause no. 110.0 ) Arbitration The Arbitration clause as appearing in the GCC shall b
Clause “ a) Any dispute or difference of any nature w
counter-claim or set off of the Company
regarding any right, liability, act, omission
hereto arising out of or in relation to his agr
Arbitration of the Managing Director of the
Company who shall be nominated by
CONTRACTOR will not be entitled to
arbitrator on the ground that the arbitrator i
he has dealt with the matters to which the c
of his duties as an Officer of the Company
any other matters in dispute or difference
whom the matter is originally referred, bein
or being unable to act for any reason, the M
time of such transfer, vacation of office or i
of the Managing Director designate anot
accordance with the terms of the agreem
original Arbitrator shall be entitled to conti
withstanding his transfer or vacation or offi
the Managing Director does not designate a
such transfer, vacation of office or inab
persons shall be entitled to proceed with th
it was left by his predecessor. It is also a t
other than the Managing Director or a per
Director of the Company as aforesaid shal
12. Annexure 2,3,4&6 Proforma for The Annexures are modified to the extent as mentioned
Bank Guarantee The addressee of the Bank Guarantee shall be