IGS Vertical Farming Guide
IGS Vertical Farming Guide
IGS Vertical Farming Guide
Every nation around the world needs a sustainable and secure supply of fresh,
affordable and nutritious food. It is increasingly believed that such supplies
should be available even more locally, at community level, as close to the point
of consumption or production as possible to minimise waste and reduce climate
change impact. This supply of food needs to address local or regional needs
in terms of variety, quality and price.
Farming everywhere is straining under the constant Vertical farming offers a progressive, modern way
increase in demand and the crippling decrease in to complement traditional farming methods, so
arable land on which to grow. Ironically, one of the that the planet can sustain this increased demand
root causes of this decrease in accessible arable for food. As farmers and other growers put greater
land is climate change, of which agriculture is the emphasis on sustainable food security and surety of
second greatest cause, only after transport which supply chain, vertical farming is being recognised as
is reducing its impact far faster. That equation must an increasingly valuable way to diversify and
change if we are to produce enough to feed the drive efficiency.
global population, which the UN projects to grow
from the current 7.6 billion now, to 9.7 billion However, it is not a silver bullet and will never
by 2050. completely replace traditional farming.
1. un.org/development/desa/en/news/population/world-population-prospects-2019.html
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Our specialism at IGS is in enabling Total Control
Environment Agriculture (TCEA) – a very precise
and fully automated but industrial-scale approach
to indoor growing based on the latest agritech Vertical farming and
methods. We’ll refer to this simply as vertical
traditional farming
farming throughout this paper.
are companions, not
All of our plant
competitors. Real farmers
science research
is undertaken with are the people I love
the support of the
showing round our demo
independent experts
at the world-renowned James Hutton Institute – farm more than any others.
Scotland’s largest scientific research centre and one
We have made a covenant
of the biggest in the United Kingdom. The James
Hutton Institute is independent of IGS and has no with the market that IGS
investment in our business. We collaborate in the
will never grow crops for
interests of advancing our understanding of the
latest plant science to optimise our systems and on commercial sale: that’s
behalf of our customers.
what our customers do.
—David Farquhar,
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Who this paper addresses
This paper is aimed at those who are interested in learning more about vertical
farming, undertaking due diligence prior to starting their own vertical farming
facility or enhancing their existing operation. We aim to provide a fair and
balanced view of vertical farming, backed by the latest data and without
unsubstantiated assertions.
A vertical farm is an
industrial agritech machine
rather than a building.
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Vertical farming in a nutshell
At IGS, our version of vertical farming is the indoor The rectangular trays can be individually controlled
growing of crops on a small footprint of land. Here to provide optimal conditions for growth, with
are some of our specifications: remote monitoring and adjustment via an app.
Each tray can have a unique microclimate which is
• Minimum growing area, two towers easily altered for every crop cycle and even during
plus airlock: 200m 2 crop cycles.
• Minimum growing area, four towers A vertical farm is an industrial agritech machine
(recommended) plus airlock: 307m2
rather than a building. Its modular setup allows
• Minimum service area: 500m 2
for quick and simple replacement of water filters,
lighting, trays and other components of the system.
• Superstructure heights: 6m, 9m or 12m
• Growth Trays per tower: 32, 52 or 72 It suits seed-to-harvest for various crops, such
(according to height of tower) as leafy greens, and fruit or root plants for
• Growth Tray size: ~6m 2 propagation, such as strawberries and seed
potatoes. Farmers, producers, retailers and even
governments can use vertical farming to sustainably
improve their food security and ensure their supply
chains, while reducing their carbon footprint
and food miles.
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Growing optimised produce
Growth cycles
Propagation – helping growers grow better
Basil Dill Parsley Lettuce Kale Mustard Celery Sorrel shoots
The permanent summer
provided by a vertical
farming setup means
that growers can expect
basil yields that are 2–3
times higher than for a
traditional glasshouse.
Douglas Elder,
Head of Pre-sales, IGS
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Growing optimised produce
Specialising by region
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The benefits
Our aim is to optimise the growth of plants beyond In climates with adequate rainfall, vertical farms
just producing biomass of acceptable quality. can operate using only harvested rainwater.
This work includes implementing a HVAC system However, where rainfalls can be unpredictable,
that eliminates localised temperature extremes that other forms of water source are suitable. Note
can occur in a more traditional fan-based approach. that mains water alone is generally unsuitable for
direct use due to its chlorine content, so it requires
Crop geometry is tailored to ensure we have the processing before being used in our system. The
maximum usable product. This includes paying availability or use of a borehole for water supply is
attention to the leaf to stem ratio to maximise also another option that could be considered.
vertical space and avoid energy waste in unusable
parts of the product. All water is recycled, UV filtered and cleaned after
each cycle, to reduce any contamination risk.
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The benefits
A vertical farm is a closed system housed within When configured with the same “recipe”, vertical
a standardised superstructure we have designed. farms around the world are capable of producing
It has fully controlled lighting, heating, ventilation crops that are indistinguishable from each other.
and irrigation for the Growth Towers as well as an
airlock for entry. Crop growth recipes can be adjusted to suit local
markets. Creating a smaller product, for example,
Just as you might invest in a combine harvester may be acceptable to consumers in some regions,
to support a traditional farming operation, so too allowing vertical farm operators to maximise the
can you invest in a vertical farm as though it were value of their output while meeting the expectations
another machine. of the market.
This view of vertical farms as industrial equipment Our photon-optimised system offers linear
rather than as buildings means that operators in dimming and controllable pulse width
various countries might be able to benefit from modulation (PWM) so we can provide
significant tax breaks. the ideal wavelengths and intensity of
light to which crops are exposed at
different stages of their growth,
which optimises yields and
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The benefits
The consistency of output of the vertical farm Vertical farms can grow crops in challenging
means that crops can be produced anywhere on the places that traditional farming cannot, for example
planet. This means that smart producers can take where extreme temperatures and humidity levels
advantage of the relative scarcity of some products preclude growing outside.
in various parts of the world.
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The benefits
Multiple uses
us complete control to seed potatoes and producing leafy greens ready for
consumption. It could even be a living factory for
manipulate plant chemistry synthesising medicinal compounds or tree saplings.
James Hutton Institute harbour pests, producers can take better control of
the end-to-end process. It means reducing our food
miles and being less reliant on the products from
other countries.
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The benefits
Our vertical farming system does not require its In fact, conscious avoidance of a sterile
users to apply medical-grade clean room practices. environment should reduce risk and costs by
allowing for controlled competition. For example,
We use an airlock system but the farming area is the managed presence of fungus and good
not an operating theatre. Our method of setting up bacteria may help to reduce the system’s water
the environment, supplying the nutrients and requirements. This is part of our research that
filtering the air and water means that no special goes into building the most efficient farming
suits are needed. Furthermore, we don’t require machine possible. Stricter control measures can
any staff in the Growth Towers themselves for be implemented for those crops that require them,
growing or monitoring purposes. such as seed potatoes or pharmaceuticals.
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The benefits
Environment control,
not genetic control
We have an increasingly food literate population No water touches the leaves of the growing plants.
and consumers expect consistent, natural products. That means zero spoilage and a product that can
be picked and eaten without washing. Less washing
We meet those expectations by using means a far longer shelf life.
environmental formulae to optimise the
biochemical and flavour profiles of the plants
through the manipulation of the environment
instead of through genetic engineering. Also, we
use no pesticides.
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The benefits
Rather than using proprietary systems for Once a vertical farm is set up, it runs with minimal
processes such as sowing and harvesting, we use intervention.
off-the-shelf equipment and components. This
means we can keep startup and maintenance costs The vertical farm offers complete remote control
down by providing items with which farmers are over the environment. Users see a live view of their
already familiar. crops and can adjust settings to better deal with
fluctuations in market demand to speed up, slow
If a section of the vertical farming system needs to down or pause growth of crops as required.
be replaced, such as a water filter, a lighting panel
or a tray, it can be done with almost no interruption. The Growth Tower operations are managed using a
cloud-based management system, which is simple
to operate and requires no onsite IT management.
The controls and data are accessible anywhere via
the IGS app. Our system was designed with data
security and integrity from the outset. All data
is secured and encrypted and specific to each
individual customer.
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The benefits
Faster development of
new crop varieties
7–10 YEARS
* Baby leaf 16-24 days (e.g. celery, lettuce, spinach); micro greens
8-12 days (e.g. radish, red mustard, watercress)
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Points to consider
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Points to consider
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Points to consider
Vertical farming has a significant energy input Our proprietary and patented use of three-phase
requirement so that LED lighting, HVAC and other technology converts high voltage mains power
parts of the system can function. from the grid into extra-low voltage for distribution
within the system, using busbars to deliver power to
The system will be set up to harvest and use each Growth Tray.
rainwater where possible, though vertical farms
still provide an efficient solution even in places
where there is minimal rainfall, such as arid or
desert climates. A more important concern is the
availability of a relatively cheap energy source.
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Practical and technical considerations
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Why IGS?
We take a data-driven approach to developing Here are some further reasons to choose us as
our vertical farm system. We don’t believe that your vertical farming provider:
unsubstantiated claims about performance or
economics will influence anyone who looks to Optimisation of design
undertake serious due diligence on such systems.
We build a vertical farm with a fully automated
We combine agricultural and crop-science research growing area which can support industrial scale
to produce a system that is continually refined so operations consisting of hundreds of microclimates,
that yields are optimised and it is a cost-effective which enables high-volume production, economic
companion to traditional farming methods. efficiency and operational flexibility in parallel.
We’re committed to furthering the understanding The HVAC uses recirculated air, so outside
of vertical farming and plant science and we hold temperatures don’t affect the running of the
six patent families. Our intention is to continue to vertical farm.
publish performance-based statistics using actual
data from our own operations. The volume and temperature of the air delivered
by our specially configured HVAC means that we
don’t need to install heat sinks on the LEDs (which
interfere with the internal temperature) or water-
cool the LEDs. This in turn avoids condensation
that would eventually damage the lights and hence
increase maintenance costs. All water is delivered
from beneath the crop, such that no water touches
the leaves. This virtually eliminates the potential
for spoilage.
intelligentgrowthsolutions.com 20
Why IGS?
We UV-filter and securely aerate all water in the A dry, low cost and abundant substrate such as a
system, controlling its pH and nutrients. The crop coir (coconut husk) may suit vertical farms running
absorbs around 5% of the water delivered during in tropical climates, for example, whereas more
irrigation, the remainder being recaptured, cleaned temperate locations might suit a different soil-
and UV filtered again. Additionally, capturing all free substrate that works well with our method of
condensate in the system means that the only hydroponic irrigation.
water leaving our facilities is in the body of the
plants themselves. We are substrate agnostic. Our recommendations
to farmers will always be based on what the
We can flex our consumption of electricity with the science tells us is best for their local market and
local power grid at different times, to optimise the the substrates we use can often be recycled as
use of low-cost power, while still addressing the high-grade compost.
needs of the plants.
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Onwards and upwards
This paper has given you a balanced look at vertical farming’s position as a
companion to traditional farming. Rather than being a wholesale replacement
to traditional methods, vertical farming is an increasingly viable route for
farmers and other food producers to create a consistent, reliable product
regardless of location.
For those who want to take full control of their To find out more about vertical farming through
processes so that they can offer sustainable IGS, or to learn how we are collaborating with the
food security and surety of supply chain to their James Hutton Institute to advance the industry’s
customers, vertical farming is one of the solutions understanding of plant science, please get in touch.
to support this. It offers full environmental control
for growing on an industrial scale.
P Photon optimisation
P Modular from two towers to 200 +
P Closed loop recycling of irrigation water
P Extended shelf life of produce
P Optimum crop yields
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Improve crop yield, quality
and consistency.
IGS has an international profile for its approach to vertical farming. We achieved
global press coverage for our innovations. Leading publications such as The
Economist, The Financial Times and the BBC have reported on the productivity and
efficiency benefits we create, plus our systems’ engineering and technical excellence.
IGS is multi award-winning with accolades received from peers and independent
observers across industry, environmental and professional services organisations, in
recognition of the systems and approach that we have developed for the market.