Contractor Completion Certificate and Final Payment Request: Please Turn Over
Contractor Completion Certificate and Final Payment Request: Please Turn Over
Contractor Completion Certificate and Final Payment Request: Please Turn Over
This is to request final payment for work performed under the Construction Contract dated
___/___/___ in the amount of $_________________. An invoice is attached.
I certify that this request is made in conformance with the payment terms and
conditions of the Construction Contract and that all work and materials have been
provided and properly installed or executed. In accordance with the Contract and in
connection with the final payment made thereunder, I hereby agree to discharge and hold
the Owner and the VHCB Lead Hazard Reduction Program harmless from any and all
claims (including all liens resulting therefrom) against the Owner and his/her property which
the contractor or its assignee now has or ever had by virtue of or in connection with the
work performed under said Contract. In consideration of said final payment, I hereby agree
to discharge and hold the Owner and the VHCB Lead Hazard Reduction Program
harmless from any and all claims (including all liens resulting therefrom) by all
subcontractors, all suppliers of materials and equipment and performers of work, labor or
services arising by virtue of, or in connection with the work performed under said Contract.
I warrant all work and materials for one year from date hereof. In addition, I hereby
assign to Owner all manufacturer warranties for materials provided under the Contract.
_________________________________ __________
Contractor Date
I have examined the work for which payment is requested and have found that all of the
work called for in the Construction Contract has been completed in a satisfactory manner
and in accordance with the Contract. I authorize a final payment of
$____________________, the VHCB portion of which may be made directly to the
__________________________________ __________
Property Owner Date
___________________________________ __________
Signature Date
I:\wp51\rebecca\forms\pay.frm (5/12/97)