Chapter 5 - Activity / Exercises

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Buiza, Bea Marie G.

Human Behavior in Organization

BSA 1-18 Prof. Ma. Aurora De Leon


Teamwork. As individuals, search for “Free Holland Career Model Assessment” on the
web and take one of the assessments. Get the list of jobs you are most likely to enjoy
doing and those you are least likely to enjoy. Bring your results into the team.


a. How accurately does the assessment match your own experiences?
- 90% accurate. I am really into creating and I love making art. I prefer doing
things my own way, and expressing myself through creativity is my best asset.
But I also like analytical thinking just equally.

b. How well do your degree fields match the suggested careers?

- It is half accurate. There are few suggested careers that is out of my chosen
field even though I like to be creative and imaginative. I still think I’m best at
what I like.

c. What is the group’s opinion of the personality field in which each person was
placed? How accurately does it describe each of you?
- The group thinks that the results shown almost 100% accuracy to each other’s
personality field. It describes each of us well to what we are good at.


1. Describe the two most common methods of assessing a personality. Which is

likely to be the most accurate? Why?
 The two most common methods for assessing a personality are the Myers-
Brigs Type Indicator and the Big Five Personality Model. MBTI is the most
widely used and is surely more popular for it its personality test. However,
it is the Big Five Model which has the most supporting evidence. The key
flaw with MBTI is that it classifies personality as one or the other, and there
is no in-between. For instance, a person assessed with the MBTI is
classified between extraversion and introversion despite the fact that many
people possess both traits to a certain degree. But this is not present in the
Big Five Model. Most evidence does not support MBTI’s validity as a
reliable assessment of personality. Therefore, in terms of accuracy, it is the
Big Five Model that determines more of a person’s personality.

2. Describe the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality framework. Based on the

framework, what would you think was your personality type? Why?
 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a self-report inventory designed to identify
a person’s personality type. Its goal is to help a person know more about
himself/herself. And it is made up of four different scales, Extraversion (E)
– Introversion (I), Sensing (S) – Intuition (I), Thinking (T) – Feeling (F),
Judging (J) – Perceiving (P). As for me, I think my personality type would
be ISFP. According to this type, I am introverted, observant, feeling, and
prospecting. Also, I can be creative, joyful, has good relationships and is
very expressive. To which I think really describes me of who I am as a

3. Identify and describe the five traits of the Big Five personality model.
 Openness to experience - it is the trait you should possess in allowing new
learnings, being open to ideas, and acquiring new skills towards
 Conscientiousness – this is a positive trait that helps in discipline and keeps
you organized for every tasks you delegate and in track of your progress. It
is the drive to persevere, and it comes from the word “conscience”.
 Extraversion – being socially interactive and outgoing with peers into
building relationships and leadership.
 Agreeableness – having likeable traits or behavior that makes one easy to
deal or work with.
 Neuroticism – emotional stability of a person. It determines how he/she
may react to situations. It can affect quality of work.

4. What are two attributes of values? Why are values important in OB?
 The two attributes of values are content and intensity. The content attribute
states that a mode of conduct is important, while intensity specifies how
important it is. Values therefore are specifically important in OB, because it
influences our attitude and decisions. Wherein, both is crucial in the
workplace for it affects the quality and behavior of a person towards work.
Value is what dictates on what is more of significance for the person, or
what is more important for him/her unto reaching their goals. And this
determines what they will prioritize when faced by specific situations in the
workplace. In addition, I think personal values should be aligned for work
or if not, then must be separate in order for it not to hinder your work

5. Describe the relationship between terminal and instrumental values.

 Terminal values are your long term goals that you wish to achieve in life,
while instrumental values are the means or modes that you adopt in order to
achieve the long term goals. Therefore, the relationship between the two is
coherent, for one corresponds to the needed value of the other. They work
like a team that distinguish how ends should be met. In short, you use
instrumental values towards reaching your terminal values.

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