Python Programming - Syllabus
Python Programming - Syllabus
Python Programming - Syllabus
Unit I
BASICS : Python - Variables - Executing Python from the Command Line - Editing Python Files - Python
Reserved Words - Basic Syntax-Comments - Standard Data Types – Relational Operators - Logical
Operators - Bit Wise Operators - Simple Input and Output.
Unit II
CONTROL STATEMENTS: Control Flow and Syntax - Indenting - if Statement - statements and
expressions- string operations- Boolean Expressions -while Loop - break and continue - for Loop.
LISTS:List-list slices - list methods - list loop – mutability – aliasing - cloning lists - list parameters.
TUPLES:Tuple assignment, tuple as return value -Sets – Dictionaries.
Unit III
Unit IV
ERROR HANDLING: Run Time Errors - Exception Model - Exception Hierarchy - Handling Multiple
Exceptions - Data Streams - Access Modes Writing - Data to a File Reading - Data From a File - Additional
File Methods - Using Pipes as Data Streams - Handling IO Exceptions - Working with Directories.
Unit V
OBJECT ORIENTED FEATURES: Classes Principles of Object Orientation - Creating Classes - Instance
Methods - File Organization - Special Methods - Class Variables – Inheritance – Polymorphism - Type
Identification - Simple Character Matches - Special Characters - Character Classes – Quantifiers - Dot
Character - Greedy Matches – Grouping - Matching at Beginning or End - Match Objects – Substituting -
Splitting a String - Compiling Regular Expressions.
1. Allen B. Downey, ``Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist‘‘, 2nd edition, Updated for
Python 3, Shroff/O‘Reilly Publishers, 2016
2. Guido van Rossum and Fred L. Drake Jr, ―An Introduction to Python – Revised and updated for
Python 3.2, Network Theory Ltd., 2011.