2nd Unit Maths

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Differential Calculus-I

Part-1. so (2-2C to 2-7C)

Introductionto Limits, Continuity and Differentiability

Rolle's Theorem
Lagrange's Mean Value Theorem
Cauchy's Mean Value Theoremn
A. Concept Outline: Part-1 . 2-2C
B. Long and Medium Answer Type Questions. 2-3C

Part-2. (2-7C to 2-14C)

Successive Differentiation(n Order Derivatives)

Leibnitz Theorem and its Application
A. Concept Outline: Part-2... 2-7C
B. Long and Medium Answer Type Ques:ions... .. 2-8C

Part-3. eeeeeee*ee**ece*eeee*e*eeeeceeceeoc .. (2-15C to 2-27C)

Involutes and Evolutes
Curve Tracing: Cartesian and Polar Coordinates
AL Mathematics- I

to Limits, Continuity and Differentiabil

Theorem, Lagrange's Mean Value Theorem and
Cauchy Rolle
Value Theorem Mean and Medium Answer Type Questions
Long Answer Type
Que 2.1.Evaluate lim- 3 y+55
2 *+y
Limit: The function Ax, y) tends to
the limit x
b ifand only if the limitl is
independent of the path1 and
point(x,y) as x a andy >b. Then the Answer
limf(x, y) = l 3x (2)
3 = lim lim3y lim + (2 +5
++5 +5J
The function flx, y) in region
R tends to the
x a andy >b if and only if limit a lim-6x 6-3
e (a, b), there exists corresponding
to a positive
another positive number ô such number " +9 1+9 5
Ax, y)-|< e for 0 < (x
- + (y b¥ < 8& al* Que 22 Evaluate lim 2y

for every point (x, y) in R.

Continuity : A function flx, y) is said to be continuous Answer
(a, b) if at the
2x 4
lim fx, y)= f(a, 6) irrespective of the path lim y+4
lim lim lim - lim
y- along with x a , y >b. +2 8
Rolle's Theorem: Ifflx) is
i. Continuous in la, b] = lim
i. Derivable in (a, b) and
ii. Aa) fAb).=

Then there exists at least one value
Que 23.Show that the funetion flx, y) =*-yis continuous for
c e (a, b) such that f'(c) = 0. , y) e R.
Lagrange's Mean Value Theorem: Letf be
i Continuous in la, b] and Answer
i Derivable in (a, b). Let (a, b) e R2 then fla, b) = a -b
f x , y) -fa, b)|= |(x - y) - (a -b)|
Then there exists at least one value c e (a, b) such that =
|(x -a) + (b-y)|
Let&>0.Choose =
x-a|+|y -b|
then for 1x -al <8 and

|y -b| <ô, we have

Cauchy's Mean Value Theorem: Let fx) and
which are both derivable in [a, b] and s'(x) * 0 glx)
be two
tor any value from eq. (2.3.1)
a, 6. Then of r in
there exists at least one value c in between a
andb such
fb)-fla)f'lc) Hence the function f, y) =x -y is continuous for all (a, b) e R<. But
g6)- sla) g'lc) (a, b) is an arbitrary element of R2 so flx, y) x-y is continuous for all

, y) e R2
Jifferential Cal 2-5C (Sem-1)
alua, Mathematics-I

Que 24.State Rolle's theorem and also give its proof.

mean value theorem.
Answer Que 26.State and prove
A Rolle's theorem: Iffx) is Answer
Mean Value Theorem: Let f
i Continuous in la, b] Lagrange's
A and
ii. Derivable in (a, b) and Continuous in la, b]

ii. fla) flb).

= Derivable in (a, b).
i. c e (a, b) such that,
exists at least one value
Then there exists at least one value c e (a, b) such that Then there
f'lc) 0 =
B. Proof: fb)-fa = flc).
1. Iffx) =0 for all x, b-a
f'(x) = 0 all x.
2. Since fis continuous in [a, b], it for
and minimum m say at two number c and d
and attains its
maximumu B. Proof:

lying in between a and Choose olx) fAx)

= + x la, b].
A, x e
such that (a, b), therefore o
in la, b] and derivable in
are continuous
fc)= M and fld) = m Since fand x
in la, b] and derivable in (a, b6).
Case a:If M=m, then fis
a constant function so that f" is
all zero for is continuous
unknown constant A such
in (a, b). Now choose the
Case b:If M+m, then M =fc)2fc +h) for values of hboth positive and Ab)+bA =
¢l6) =¢la) =ffa) +a A
negative. Then
A= 6 - f a )
fc+h)-fe)s0for h>0 2.4.1)
or a - b

satisfies all the three
conditions ofthe Rolle's
and flc+h)-ffc)
h 0 for h<0 ..2.4.2)
Therefore by Rolle's
theorem there exists a number c e (a, b) such that
Since fis differentiable in (a, b) from eq. (2.4.1) and 0 $'lc) =f'lc) +A
eq. (2.4.2) as h ->0,
we have
f'lc)s0 and f'lc) 20 Thus
flc)= -A =
b a
Hence f'c) 0 for some value c in (a, b). Similarly
if m =Ad) sfd+h) » in
for values of h both positive and negative it follow that mean value theorem for flx) =

Que 2.7.Verify Lagrange's

fd+h)-fld)2 0for h>0
..(2.4.3) (1,5).
and fld+h)-fld) s ofor h<0 Answer
differentiable in (1, 5), so by Lagrange's
mean value
As h 0,f'ld) 2 andfld) s0. Hence f'ld) =0. fis continuous and
Que 2.5. Verify Rolle's theorem for flx) - alr-2e4in (0,2).
f6)-flaf(c).for some c in (a, b).
AnsweT Here f5) =
25, A1) =
1, f'lx) = 2x. Therefore
R )=0,f2)=0,fis continuous anddiferentiable,so byRolle'stheorem,
f'c) = 0. 25-1
Here fo)= [x-2)+x Xx-2) c 3 e (1, 5).
0 or 3r+ 2x-8 0
value theorem.

ue 2.8. State and prove Cauchy's


6 (0.2
thusc =E
in (0, 2) ,2)
c-2 or but c = -2 does not lie
2-6C (Sem-1) Differ ntial Caleulus 2-7C (Sem-1)
Mathematics - I

A Cauchy's Mean Value Theorem: ca+b
Let fx) andg(x) be two functions are both derivable in la.
which C la+6) la, b)
g'x) + 0 for any value of x in la, b). Then there exists at least onnd
c in between a and b such that glx) = , l1, el
ii. f=lnx,
f6)-fa) flc)
gb)-gla) g'c) f)=sa) =
B. Proof: mean value theorem,
1 Let olx) = fx) + Agix) where A is an unknowm constant. By Cauchy's
2. is derivable in la, b) becausefand gare derivable in la, b| by hypothesis.
3. Choose A such that 6) = ¢(a) i.e.,

tb)+Agtb) =fa) +Agla)

Or A [6)-fla)
gla)- glb) LPART2
with gla) glb) + 0. If gla) g(b) =0 then gla) = glb) and g satisfies Leibnitz Theorem
(n'h Order Derivatives),

conditions of Rolle's theorem and then g'tc) = 0 for some c. This Successive Differentiation
and its Application
contradiets the hypothesis + 0 for any x. Thus gta) -gtb) z 0.
Now the new function ¢ satisfies the conditions of Rolle's theorem. CONCEPT OUTLINE: PART-2
Therefore there exists at least one c e (a, b) such that
0 'c) flc) +Ag'(c)

Successive Differentiation:
the first
Thus - A = /6)-fla) Ify =flx) is a
differentiable function of x, then dy/de is called
&c) glb)- gla) differential coefticient ofy w.r.t. x.
with glb)-gla) * 0 as g'(c) * 0 for any c.
coefficient and in a
d dydy is called the second differential
Que 2.0.Verify Cauchy's mean value theorem for the functions dx dx d
i. fx)= ,glx) = a* in the interval la, b].
coofficient ofy
ii. flx)= lnx,glx) = i n [1, el. similarway isthe nh differential
is called successive differentiation.
w.r.t.r. This type of differentiation
denoted by various ways aS
nh differential coefficient can be
i. fAx) = * ,glx) = x*, la, b] D'y. ,fra) ete.
f'lx) 4r",g'lx) 2r
= = d
Some Standard Results Derivative are:
for nh
By Cauchy's mean value theorem, (m -2)..m-n+ 1) a" (ax + b"-a
1 D (ax + b" m(m 1) =

f6)-fla) f'lc) 2. D (ax +brl = (-1) n! a" (ax +b)-1

gb)- gla) gc)
3. D' ea= a'ea*b
4. Da = a"(log a)
- n-1)!a"
Dlog (ax + b) =

(ax + 6"
rential Caleuly
6. D logx= (n-1)!
2-9C (Sem-1)
7. D sin (ax sin ar cos bx
+b) a" sin .

iii. sin ar cos ar

8. D cos (ax +b)= a" cos

9. D ea sin
n+ax +0
(bx + c) =
re" sin (bx +c + no)
i. Let y =
costx = cos 2 1+2cos 2x + cos* 2x)
where T a +8

10. D" e" tan(b/a)

1-2c08 2x
(bx + c) re"
cos 3
Leibnitz Theorem : Ifu cos (bx +¢ + n0=
their and v are two
desired any functions of such that
differential coefficients
coefficient of their exist, then the n"x all .
D cos (ax +b) = a* cos | ax +b+

product is given by differential
(uv) =
"C,D" u.0 + "C, D-l u Dv +
"C, Dr-2u Du 8 2
Determination of the Value of the n ..+"CD- u D'v +. u.D°u
for x=0 Derivative of a Function
Step I: Suppose the y = cos bx sin ax
given function equals to y.
Step II: Find y(2sin ax cos bx)
i Isin (a +b)x + sin (a - b) x}
Simplify the expression by taking LCM
Square both sides to avoid square root. possible. D sin (ax +6) = a" sin | ax +b+-
ii Convert y, in terms ofy (if
Step II: Find dy ,=|la+bsin la+b)x+ a- sin (a-b)x+
. y Sin x cos ar
Step IV: Differentiate n times by Leibnitz
theorem. or y (sin4x-sin2x)
Step V: Putz = 0 in Steps (D, (I), ((I) and (V).
Step VI: Put 1,2, 3, 4 in last equation
ain 4-Pan 2
n =

of step V.
Step VII:Discuss the cases for n i.e., even or odd.
Que 2.11. Find the nh derivative of tan 4
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions Answer
d 2x

Que 2.10.Find the nh differential coefficient of 1 2 d

i. cost:
(1-2 (1-x)2-2x(-2x)
(1+-2x2+4) (1-x)2

21+) 2
Calculue 2-11C (Sem-1)
Mathematics- I
(1+) 1+
We know that,
(-1 Tsin + , =n'sin nx++n cos nx
we get
(n 10 On squaring and taking the square root,
sin^ 1/2

cortan 1/2
differentiating y,, (n -

1) times
d-1 d 2 = n'[1 + sin (2nx + ra)]12
cos r a + cos 2nx sin rr]z
= n[l+ sin 2nx
20-1)-1(n -1)!sin ne sin" 0 u, =
n'[l+(-1Y sin 2nx]2
rt =(-1y and sin
rt =

Where (
= tan=cotx
(1 -*)y2- (2n +1 )xy,^1
Que 2.14.|Ify =em cos x, then show that
Que 2.12. IF =
«" logr), show that 1, nl,+ (n 1)!
= -
(n+ m)y, = 0 and hence calculatey,,
when =0. r

AKTU 2013-14, Marks

AKTU 2016-17, Marks 3.5 then show

(1-y,.2- (2n + 1)»y,. (n2+ m*y, -

Answerr Ifcos'r = log(y)Vm, 10

calculate y, when * =0. AKTU 2015-16, Marks
0 and hence

,d log xldT log ) Answer

= elm

dTnx*"logx+ y1e cosx

m e "o s r
a-1 1-2
dn-Tx log x)+d-
1- 1 -my

log xl+(n -1! Squaring on both sides

n- + (n - 1)!

nl,+(n -

1)! (1-)=m*y2
Que 2.13.Ifu =sin nx + cos nx, then prove that
Differentiating eq. (2.14.3),
(1-x) 2y2-2xy,* = m 2yy1

u, = n"{1+(-1¥ sin 2nx)in ..(2.14.4)

(1-r)y2 -*)1-miy

where u, is the rh differential coefficient of u w.r.t.a. times by Leibnitz theorem,
we get
Differentiating eq. (2.14.4) n

AKTU 2017-18, Marks (1-x)yn2 + n(-2x) ya+1+ n 2-2)y,-xY-Ry,-miy,

3.5 (n* + m*) y, 0 =

Answer (1-x)yn+2- (2n +1) xyp+1-


em cos-0= e 2
u = sin nx + cos n*x From eq. (2.14.1),y(0) =

The rth differential coefficient of u emcos 0
is given as 2
Fromeq. (2.14.2),(0)= -0

Prom eq. (2.14.4), y,(0) m2y(0) = m2e=

Put n = 1, 2, 3, 4, ... in eq. (2.14.5), we get Mathematics -I 2-13 C (Sem-1)

m On squaring both sides
y50)= (12 +m)y,0) =(12+ m*)|- me 2-m(12+m)e ? -1) y= m' y' .(2.15.1)
Differentiating eq. (2.15.1),
m (a-1) 2y + 2xy = 2m yy
{0) (2+ m)y,0)= (2
= +m) |m*e 2 | m*(2 +
m2)e 2 or ( x - 1)y, + xy, - m? y = 0
Differentiating eq. (2.15.2) n times by Leibnitz theorem,
y.(0)= (3 +
m)y,0)= (3*+ m) |-m13 +me2 -1 .+n2xy,,+ 2, +. +ny, -miy, = 0

m 2-1) p2 t (2n + 1)x yn1 + (n*-m)y, = 0

50)= - m(12 +m2) (32 +m2) e

Que 2.16.If + y m = 2x prove that

,0)= (4+ m)y,0) =m°(22 +m)(4 + m2) .? -1) , + (2n +1ay,. +(n-my. =0.
y,0) = m1 +m2)(8 +m)..(n -2 +m]e ?, ifn is odd AKTU 2014-15, Marks 05
m(2+m2)42 +m2)...n-2+m'le 2, ifn is ns
even mT Same as Q. 2.15, Page 2-12C, Unit-2.
and yn+ 2 -m(12 +m)(3+m2)..,+m°]e 2 , if n is odd Use n-2 in place of n + 2 and n -1 in place of n +1.

m(2 +m)4+m)... n +m*le2 ifn is eveen ,

Que 2.17|If y =(ar +1+", then find the nth derivative of

Que 2.15. If ylm+y-lm =

2, prove that y at x
= 0.

(r- 1) y,,2 + (2n + 1) y,,+

(n*- m)y, = 0.
Differentiating eq. (2.17.1),
Given: y +y-lm = 2x
Let 2 = yllm
So, 1 mlx + 1 + -
+z =
z2+1-2x2 =0
1+ = my ..(2.17.2)

Taking positive sign,

[xt ya2 -1] On squaring both sides,
(1+2= m2
Differentiating above equation again,
y =
lx+ya*-1 ( 1 + 2 2 +2xy2 = 2mw
z= ylm}
mix +2-1P-1|12 or (1+*2 + *y1 - my = 0

22-1 Differentiating eq. (2.17.3) n times using Leibnitz theorem,

= mlx+vr2-1m (1+n+2 + n(2x)yn1+ nln 1», +*y, .1 + ny, -my,-

or (1+yn+2 + (2n + 1xy,.1+(nd-my,= 0 .2.17.4)

2-1 (2.17.4)
x-1y = my Putting = 0 in eq. (2.17.1), eq. (2.17.2), eq. (2.17.3) and eq.
respectively, we get
y(0) = 1
2-14C (Sem-1)
Differential Cal
, 0 ) = my(0)

,0)= m
Caleansa Mathematics -I 2-15C (Sem-1)
y0)= m
n0)= (md-n*y,(0)
Putn= 1,2,3,4, 5,. i neq. (2.17.5),
.2.115 Ervelope, Involutes and Evolutes,
Curve Tracing: Cartesian and
Polar Coordinates.
y0)= (m-2)y,0) =(m*-2m2
y0)=(m2-3)y,0)= (m2-3) (m2-12
and so on.
y0)=(m2-4)(m2-2m2 Envelope: Envelope E of a given family of curves
c is a curve

member of the family of curves c and at each point of

Thus using above touches every curves C.
results, we have the envelope E is touched by same member of the family of
the method of finding approximate shape
y.0) =m(m* -1)(m° -3)..m -(n -2 1, if n is odd Curve Tracing: It is
parametric equation without
curves from their cartesian, polar
mCm-2)(m -4).. m -(n -2*), if n is even. plottinga large number of
data points.

Que 2.18.If y eta, then prove that (1


+*», + (2r- 1)y, = 0 and

(1+)y,s2 [2(n + 1)x-11y,., + nln + 1y, =0.
+ nd

AKTU 2017-18, Marks 3.5 Long Answer Type and

Medium Answer Type Questions

Write the procedure for obtaining envelope.
Oue 2.19.
y tan
Differentiating eq. (2.18.1) w.r.tx, we get .(2.18.1) Answer
eliminating the parameter a
Step I:Envelope is obtained generally by curves
, elan" between the equation of the given family
14 fr, y, a) = 0
(1+x)y, =y
Differentiating eq. (2.18.2) w.r.tx, we get .2.18.2) f, =0 .(2.19.2)
(1+y, + 2xy, =
(1+x*y,+2xy, -y, =0 Where is the partial derivative offw.r.t. a.
(1+ry + (2x - 1», =0 between eq. (2.19.1) and
Step II: In case a cannot be eliminated
Now, differentiating eq. (2.18.2)n times .(2.18.3) (2.19.1) and (2.19.2) for x and yin terms of
by Leibnitz eq. (2.19.2), then solve eq. eq.
theoren we get a. Then the envelope is given
in the parametric form by the equations
Ya1+x*)+ "Cy, (2x) +"C,y,,(2) =, * = xla) and y = yla)
the parameter a or quadratie
1+ +(2nx-1)y, n(n -1)y,-1
+ =0 Step III:If the eq. (2.19.1) is a quadratic in
then the envelope is given
in some parameter à which is a function ofa,
Differentiating eq. (2.18.4) again w.r.tz, we get .(2.18.4) by discriminant equated to zero.
yn1+x*) + 2xy,.,+ (2nx 1}y,.1 2ny,+nnln
Suppose fx, y, a) 0is rewritten as a quadratic equation
- =

0 ..2.19.3)
(1+xy,-2+ [2(n + 1 x- ll,. +nln + 1y, = 0 A2+B+C= 0
ofx, y while is either a or
function of a.
Where A, B, C are functionsw.r.t.
Differentiating eq. (2.19.3)
2A+B 0 or A= -
aleuhua Mathematics- I

a and b are connected

2-17C (Sem-1)

Eliminating. from eq. (2.19.3) by using eq. (2.19.4) we parameter by the relation
of the required envelope as .
the equatin
where the two
a+b =c where c isagiven constant.

Using the given relation
ie, B2-4 AC= Discriminant Eliminate b =c -a from the given family
= 0
Step IV:Envelope of
evolute of the curveC. the family of normals to a
given curve C
is the Which is now a
E one-parameter family of parabolas with

a as the
Step V: For a given two parameter
family of curves parameter.
Ax, y, a, B) =0 Differentiating eq.(2.21.1) w.r.t'a',
with given relation gla, ß) =0 between

(2.19.5) can be reduced to a one parameters aa the ..2.19.5) 3-1)=0

one of the parameter family
parameters say Bin terms of a by using theby eliminatian "of

gla, B). Then proceed as in Step I. given relation

Que 90. Find the
envelope of the one parameter +/3
ymr+ amP where m is family of curves
the parameter and a, p are constants.
Answer or
Ca ..(2.21.2)

get the required envelope

y = mx + amP as
Substituting eq. (2.21.2) in eq. (2.21.1),

Differentiating the given curves w.r.t. the ..(2.20.1

0 * +apmP-1 parameter 'm', we get
or +
Using eq. (2.20.2) eliminate pa .(2.20.2)
m from
eq. (2.20.1) or r " + y")ë+ { y l y " )

y"i (3) + (yi] =cV2

+ al-*p- or

+y =c2
Thus the envelope is the astroid given by
yo- =|=,ap-u pa
x3y3= cB
pa How will you find an
or Define involute and evolute.
Eq. (2.20.3)
apPyp- 1= -r"pP-1+(-xP 2..
is the
Curve. equation of required envelope of .(2.20.3) evolute ?
given family of
Que 2.21.|Determine the envelope of the two
parameter family of Evolute and Involute:
arabolas. given curve c,, the
center of curvature
As a point P moves along a

corresponding to P describes another curve ca

2-18C (Sem-1)
fferential Calev
2. The curve c, is known as the evolute
known as the involute of of the given curve 2-19C (Sem-1)
c Mathematics-I

B. Determination of Evolute:
a. Cartesian Form: Let y fAx) be the
equation of the given c u .
cartesian form. Then the coordinates of

Due 2.4.
Que Pind the evolute ofthe hyperbola 1 , Deduce
the center of
by curvattin of a rectangular
given the evolute
form the Y=yla)+ (1+y . .2.22.1 Anower

the parameter a. equations of the evolute of C 2.22.2
expressed in ter
Equation of hyperbola

In many erms = 1
cases, the parameter x can be eliminated between eq. (2.291
and eq. (2.22.2). This
results in a relation between X and Y of
AX, Y) =0 which is the the f w.r.t. x, we get
b equation of the required evolute. iorm Differentiating
Parametric Form : Let the equation of the curve be
form x =
xtt), y
2x 2 1= 0
y(t) where t is the parameter. Then the

equations of the evolute are parametrie

Xt)=rt)- Ya*+y*)
r'y" -*"y'
a - 8 2 )

Yt) =yt)+ y)
r' y" -

X" y
Que 2.23. Determine the parametric
equations for the evolute of
the eurve= From eq. (2.24.1),

- oror a2-b2= -bAa

curvature is
Now the center of

r==tP,r=3#.y'==t.y =4 dt
X- 1.5
The coordinates of the center of curvature in bt2]
parametric form are X b a + a t br2-a'b+
X=x{t) - +y2) ba
x' y" -
*" y ..(2.24.4)

- - ..(2.23.1)

x' (r + y2)
Y yt) *y"-*" Y-y

-b'aay+b'2-y'a+b .(2.24.5)
5 4-3 .2.23.2) -6'a2
Note that the parameter t cannot be eliminated between eq (2.23.1) and
eq. (2.23.2). Therefore the equation of the required evolute in the .(2.24.6)
parametric equations X x(t) and Y =y(t)
are given by eq. (2.23.1) a
an d
From eq. (2.24.4): r
eq. (2.23.2)
2-20 C (Sem-1)
ntial Caleulus
2-21 C (Sem-1)

M a t h e m a t i c s - I

From eq. (2.24.5): *= | + 6 )

2.24.7 3. Find the region (or regions)
in which no portion of the

for Tracing Polar
Then, Procedure line.
B. is symmetrical about any
See if the curve

the initial line OX, only

is, a. if
Thus the required envelope 1. A c u r v e is
symmetrical about
remains unchanged
its equation (i.e., it
(aX)-(6Y*"= (a'+b* (or sec 6) o c c u r in is symmetrical
when is changed to
8) e.g., r = a (1 + cos 0)

=b the envelope reduces to

For a rectangular hyperbola with a about the initial
the pole
X8-y23= (2a)23 about the line through
cosec )
A curve is symmetrical sin 6 (or
in carteai. the initial line (ie.,OY), ifonly
tracing the curves to
Que 2.25. Give the procedure for sian perpendicular
(ie., itremains unchanged
when 0 is changed
occur in its equation. OY.
coordinates and polar coordinates. a sin 30 is symmetrical
to n-0) e.g, r = even powers
of r
symmetrical about the pole, if only is
is whenr
3. A curve it remains unchanged
Answer occur in the equation (i.e., about the pole.
Curves = a cos 20 is symmetrical
A Procedure for Tracing Cartesian changed to-r) e.g., limits.
between certain
curve is symmetrical
about any line. and 6 a r e confined
a See
Symmetry: ifthe b. Limits See ifr : so a s to
greatest value ofr,
1. Acurve is symmetrical about the X-axis, if only even powers of Determine the numerically a sin 38
1. a circle or
not e.g., r

the c u r v e lies within

y occur in its equation. (e.g. y'
i8 symmetrical about
4ar whether
the circle r = a.
X-axis) on if the equation remains same by replacing y by-y, lies wholly within lies by
of the curve

A curve is symmetrical about the Y-axis, if only even powers of Determine the region in which no portion imaginary. e.g.,
2. values of 6 for
which r is
x occur in its equation. (e.g. x* = 4ay is symmetrical about finding those the lines 6 =n/4
a2 20 does not lie between
Y-axis). r = cos

3d4. find the

A curve is symmetrical about the liney =x, ifon a n infinite branch,
3. interchanging Asymptotes: If the curve possesses

x andy, its equation remains unchanged, (e.g. r+y'= 3axyis C.

symmetrical about the line y = X).
Points: values of
d 0, find the corresponding
b. Origin: successive values to
1. Giving
1. See if the curve passes through the origin. (A curve passes T. coincides with the
through the origin ifthere is no constant term in its equation). Determine the points where the tangent where
2. to it (i.e., the points
radius vector or is perpendicular
2. If it does, find the equation of the tangents at that place by tan = r dô/dr 0 or co).

equating to zero the lowest degree terms. o

Ifthe origin is a double point, find whether the origin is a =a*.
3. node, Trace the curve(a-x)
cusp or conjugate point. Que 2.26.
C Asymptotes: Answer
1. See if the curve has any asymptote parallel Given curve:y(a -x) =x3
to the axes.
the curve is symmetrical about
Symmetry: All powers ofy
are even,
2. Then find the inclined asymptotes, if need.
X-axis. it
d Points: contain any constant term, therefore,
2 Origin Equation does not
1. Find the points where the curve crosses
the axes and the passes through origin. coefficient of highest
3. Asymptote: Parallel to Y-axis by equating the
2. Find the points where the tangent is
to the X-axis (ie., the points where parallelor perpendicular
degree ofy to zero
dy/dx =
0 or a - x= 0
2-22 C (Sem-1)
ferential Calcy
We can discuss the position of the curve w.r.t. asymptote. = a.
YA Mathematics - I
2-23 C (Sem-1)
X= A
meets the initial line at (ta, 0).
Hence, the curve
Tangent aAsymptotes: The curve has no asymptote.
Y= 0 X
, 0) Value of :
Fig. 2.28.1. When 0,
4 Points of Intersection with
at the
Axes: The curve meet A-axis and Y.. 0 , r =ta
origin only axis For
0) and (-a, 0), the tangents are perpendicular to
5. Region: Equation of curve Hence, at the points (a,
the initial line.
Points and Region:
5. Special is
y a-x From eq. (2.28.1),
ycos 20
=a (Taking +ve root as curve

y is negative for x < 0 and x > a. symmetrical about the pole)

Thus curve does not - a sin 20
exist for a <x<0. dr
Required curve is shown in the given Fig. 2.26.1. do ycos 20

Que 2.27.Trace the curve y*(2a -s)»*. 0<6<

TT dr
is-ve =5r decreases in this range
AKTU 2014-15, 2015-16; Marks 081 <B<T,ia
18 +ve > r increases in this range
Answer When
0 0,r =a
Same as Q. 2.26, Page 2-21C, Unit-2. froma to 0.
Replace a by 2a. As increases from 0 tor decreases
Hence, no portion of the c u r v e
Que 2,28. | Trace the curve: P=a' cos 28. F o r < 0 < , r is imaginary.

AKTU2014-15, Marks 05 between the lines 0= and 0=4

Answer 3T and increases from 0 to a.
to t,r is +ve
Again, as 0 increases from
The equation of the curve is r = a* cos 20 about the initial line. The part
..228.1) Thus, we can trace
the part ofthe c u r v e the
1. Symmetry: The curve is symmetrical about the initial line, the line initial line can be traced by symmetry. Hence,
ofthe c u r v e below the 2.28.1.
is as shown in the Fig.
shape of the c u r v e
0 and
pole. Y
3nl4 Tn/4
2. Origin or Pole: Putr = 0 in eq. (2.28.1), we get
cos 20 =
0 =cos A(a, 0)
-a, 0)
= , which are real.
Hence, the curve passes through the pole and the tangents at the pole

are 8 t
4 Fig. 2.28.1.
Also when, 0,r ta
2-24 C (Sem-1)
ential Calecuhe
Mathematics - I
2-25 C (Sem-1)
Que 2.29. Trace the curve : 4ay=x r-2a).
x = a(6- sin 0),y = al1- cos ..(2.30.1)
AKTU 2013-14, Mar Let us trace the curve firstly for values of 9 in the interval [0, 2n)
Answer 1. Symmetry : On changing 0 to -0 in eq. (2.30.1),changes to- and y
is symmetrical about Y-axis.
Therefore curve
remains unchanged.
The given Origin: Putting y
= 0 in eq. (2.30.1), w e get,
curve 4ay2 (x-2a
is, = x 2
1. Origin: The equation of the curve does not contain any
Therefore it passes through origin. constant . .2.29:1 a(l-cos 0) = 0
1- cos = 0~ cos 9 =1 or 0 = 0

tern For 0, x = a(0- sin 0) = 0. Therefore, the curve passes through the
Symmetry: Equation contains only even powers of y, thereforei origin.
symmetrical about X-axis. itia Asymptotes : Since
for any finite value of 0, x and y does not tends to
3. Point of Intersection with X-axis: On putting y 0, in infinite, therefore the
curve has no asymptote.
we get
eq. (2.291 Points of Intersection:
0 in eq. (2.30.1), w e get
Intersection with X-axis : Putting y

x (x - 2a)2 = 0 i. is (0, 0).

0 which give X =0. Therefore, intersection withX-axis
(2.30.1), w e have
x = 0, 2a 0 in
Intersection with Y-axis : Putting eq.
* =

On putting x ii. which gives y 0. =

0, in eq. (2.29.1), we get - s i n = 0, which is
satisfied by only 0 0, =

So, the point of intersection is (2a, 0). Therefore,

intersection Y-axis is (0,0).
know that -
1 s cos 0s 1
4 Region: Region: We
day x (x 2a)2 = -

Multiplying by
1, we get
12-cos 02-1 -1s-cos 0s 1 or
V4a 1 - 1 s 1 - cos 0s 0s1-cos 0 s2
1+1 or

y becomes imaginary ifx < 0. 0 sal1- cos 0) s 2a or 0sy s 2a

Curve does not lie on left of Y-axis. the lines y = 0 and y
Curve lies between
5. Points: From eq. (2.30.1),
Asymptotes: The curve has no asymptote. Special
6. dx a ( l - cos 0) and a sin
Tangent: Equating the lowest
degree term to zero, we get x
=0. do
Therefore a = 0 is tangent at origin.
a sin 9 1 .2.30.2)
dy cot
dx al1-cos 0)
different values of
and dy/dx for
values of x, y
X given below:
3T/2 2t

an |a 1 2am
Q u e 2.30. Trace the curve x = a td-sin ) , y =a ( l - cos ) .

AKTU 2016-17, Marks 04 dx
0) are parallel to
Answer Tangent at the point (0, 0) and (2a7, dyldt *)
dem-1) TudrT(uMT-Tainm SIUebz

Tangent at the Differential

point (an, 2a) is parallel to
From eq. (2.30.2),
Caledua Mathematics - I
Cot 2-27 C (Sem-1)
Differentiate w.r.t.x, 3a-x
y *a+
dy Cosec2 &l de Ifx = 0, then y = 0
dr 22 dr Whenx is positive and small, y is real

cosec osec 1
Also Le., <3

or y
or dx 2Cosec? y< 3x
d2 4a
The curve is
concave downwards.
is negative for all
values ofg
2 Hence curve lies below tangent y = v3x .
At x = 3a, y =0

When x 3a, yis imaginary

x = a, y=a
YA When

When x 2a, y=1.2a (nearly)

Ifwe transfer origin at (3a, 0), then by eq. (2.31.1), x =0will be tangent.
1 2a
Taking all above points in consideration, the approximate shape of the
curve is shown in Fig. 2.31.1.
Fig. 2.301 2
Que 2.31. Trace the
curve:yla +x) =s*(3a -a).
Answer AKTU 2017-18, Marks J3a,0) Xx
3.5 X
equation of the curve is
1. yla
+x) x(3a =

Symmetry Since the power-x)

of y
symmetrical aboutX-axis. are
even, therefore .2.31.1)
the curve is Fig. 2.31.1
Origin: Equation does not contain
passes through origin (0, 0). The any constant
3ax2 tangents at the origin Therefore,
are given
y = tV3x

Which represent two

expect a node at the
straight lines. Hence
3. origin. we wo

Asymptotes: Parallel to Y-axis, by equating the may

degree of y to zero. coefficient of hicha.
a+*=0 hest
- a

Points of Intersection with Axes: The curve

(0, 0) and (3a, 0) while it meets Y-axis
only at (0, 0).
meets X-axis at
5. Region: Eq. (2.31.1) can be rewritten as

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