2nd Unit Maths
2nd Unit Maths
2nd Unit Maths
Differential Calculus-I
Involutes and Evolutes
Curve Tracing: Cartesian and Polar Coordinates
AL Mathematics- I
Then there exists at least one value
Que 23.Show that the funetion flx, y) =*-yis continuous for
c e (a, b) such that f'(c) = 0. , y) e R.
Lagrange's Mean Value Theorem: Letf be
i Continuous in la, b] and Answer
i Derivable in (a, b). Let (a, b) e R2 then fla, b) = a -b
f x , y) -fa, b)|= |(x - y) - (a -b)|
Then there exists at least one value c e (a, b) such that =
|(x -a) + (b-y)|
Let&>0.Choose =
x-a|+|y -b|
then for 1x -al <8 and
, y) e R2
Jifferential Cal 2-5C (Sem-1)
alua, Mathematics-I
satisfies all the three
conditions ofthe Rolle's
and flc+h)-ffc)
h 0 for h<0 ..2.4.2)
Therefore by Rolle's
theorem there exists a number c e (a, b) such that
Since fis differentiable in (a, b) from eq. (2.4.1) and 0 $'lc) =f'lc) +A
eq. (2.4.2) as h ->0,
we have
f'lc)s0 and f'lc) 20 Thus
flc)= -A =
b a
Hence f'c) 0 for some value c in (a, b). Similarly
if m =Ad) sfd+h) » in
for values of h both positive and negative it follow that mean value theorem for flx) =
6 (0.2
thusc =E
in (0, 2) ,2)
c-2 or but c = -2 does not lie
2-6C (Sem-1) Differ ntial Caleulus 2-7C (Sem-1)
Mathematics - I
A Cauchy's Mean Value Theorem: ca+b
Let fx) andg(x) be two functions are both derivable in la.
which C la+6) la, b)
g'x) + 0 for any value of x in la, b). Then there exists at least onnd
c in between a and b such that glx) = , l1, el
ii. f=lnx,
f6)-fa) flc)
gb)-gla) g'c) f)=sa) =
B. Proof: mean value theorem,
1 Let olx) = fx) + Agix) where A is an unknowm constant. By Cauchy's
2. is derivable in la, b) becausefand gare derivable in la, b| by hypothesis.
3. Choose A such that 6) = ¢(a) i.e.,
conditions of Rolle's theorem and then g'tc) = 0 for some c. This Successive Differentiation
and its Application
contradiets the hypothesis + 0 for any x. Thus gta) -gtb) z 0.
Now the new function ¢ satisfies the conditions of Rolle's theorem. CONCEPT OUTLINE: PART-2
Therefore there exists at least one c e (a, b) such that
0 'c) flc) +Ag'(c)
Successive Differentiation:
the first
Thus - A = /6)-fla) Ify =flx) is a
differentiable function of x, then dy/de is called
&c) glb)- gla) differential coefticient ofy w.r.t. x.
with glb)-gla) * 0 as g'(c) * 0 for any c.
coefficient and in a
d dydy is called the second differential
Que 2.0.Verify Cauchy's mean value theorem for the functions dx dx d
i. fx)= ,glx) = a* in the interval la, b].
coofficient ofy
ii. flx)= lnx,glx) = i n [1, el. similarway isthe nh differential
is called successive differentiation.
w.r.t.r. This type of differentiation
denoted by various ways aS
nh differential coefficient can be
i. fAx) = * ,glx) = x*, la, b] D'y. ,fra) ete.
f'lx) 4r",g'lx) 2r
= = d
Some Standard Results Derivative are:
for nh
By Cauchy's mean value theorem, (m -2)..m-n+ 1) a" (ax + b"-a
1 D (ax + b" m(m 1) =
(ax + 6"
rential Caleuly
6. D logx= (n-1)!
2-9C (Sem-1)
7. D sin (ax sin ar cos bx
+b) a" sin .
9. D ea sin
n+ax +0
(bx + c) =
re" sin (bx +c + no)
i. Let y =
costx = cos 2 1+2cos 2x + cos* 2x)
where T a +8
product is given by differential
(uv) =
"C,D" u.0 + "C, D-l u Dv +
"C, Dr-2u Du 8 2
Determination of the Value of the n ..+"CD- u D'v +. u.D°u
for x=0 Derivative of a Function
Step I: Suppose the y = cos bx sin ax
given function equals to y.
Step II: Find y(2sin ax cos bx)
i Isin (a +b)x + sin (a - b) x}
Simplify the expression by taking LCM
Square both sides to avoid square root. possible. D sin (ax +6) = a" sin | ax +b+-
ii Convert y, in terms ofy (if
Step II: Find dy ,=|la+bsin la+b)x+ a- sin (a-b)x+
. y Sin x cos ar
Step IV: Differentiate n times by Leibnitz
theorem. or y (sin4x-sin2x)
Step V: Putz = 0 in Steps (D, (I), ((I) and (V).
Step VI: Put 1,2, 3, 4 in last equation
ain 4-Pan 2
n =
of step V.
Step VII:Discuss the cases for n i.e., even or odd.
Que 2.11. Find the nh derivative of tan 4
Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions Answer
d 2x
21+) 2
Calculue 2-11C (Sem-1)
Mathematics- I
(1+) 1+
We know that,
(-1 Tsin + , =n'sin nx++n cos nx
we get
(n 10 On squaring and taking the square root,
sin^ 1/2
cortan 1/2
differentiating y,, (n -
1) times
d-1 d 2 = n'[1 + sin (2nx + ra)]12
cos r a + cos 2nx sin rr]z
= n[l+ sin 2nx
20-1)-1(n -1)!sin ne sin" 0 u, =
n'[l+(-1Y sin 2nx]2
rt =(-1y and sin
rt =
Where (
= tan=cotx
(1 -*)y2- (2n +1 )xy,^1
Que 2.14.|Ify =em cos x, then show that
Que 2.12. IF =
«" logr), show that 1, nl,+ (n 1)!
= -
(n+ m)y, = 0 and hence calculatey,,
when =0. r
AKTU 2013-14, Marks
nl,+(n -
1)! (1-)=m*y2
Que 2.13.Ifu =sin nx + cos nx, then prove that
Differentiating eq. (2.14.3),
(1-x) 2y2-2xy,* = m 2yy1
where u, is the rh differential coefficient of u w.r.t.a. times by Leibnitz theorem,
we get
Differentiating eq. (2.14.4) n
em cos-0= e 2
u = sin nx + cos n*x From eq. (2.14.1),y(0) =
The rth differential coefficient of u emcos 0
is given as 2
Fromeq. (2.14.2),(0)= -0
,0)= m
Caleansa Mathematics -I 2-15C (Sem-1)
y0)= m
n0)= (md-n*y,(0)
Putn= 1,2,3,4, 5,. i neq. (2.17.5),
.2.115 Ervelope, Involutes and Evolutes,
Curve Tracing: Cartesian and
Polar Coordinates.
y0)= (m-2)y,0) =(m*-2m2
y0)=(m2-3)y,0)= (m2-3) (m2-12
and so on.
y0)=(m2-4)(m2-2m2 Envelope: Envelope E of a given family of curves
c is a curve
Write the procedure for obtaining envelope.
Oue 2.19.
y tan
Differentiating eq. (2.18.1) w.r.tx, we get .(2.18.1) Answer
eliminating the parameter a
Step I:Envelope is obtained generally by curves
, elan" between the equation of the given family
14 fr, y, a) = 0
(1+x)y, =y
Differentiating eq. (2.18.2) w.r.tx, we get .2.18.2) f, =0 .(2.19.2)
(1+y, + 2xy, =
(1+x*y,+2xy, -y, =0 Where is the partial derivative offw.r.t. a.
(1+ry + (2x - 1», =0 between eq. (2.19.1) and
Step II: In case a cannot be eliminated
Now, differentiating eq. (2.18.2)n times .(2.18.3) (2.19.1) and (2.19.2) for x and yin terms of
by Leibnitz eq. (2.19.2), then solve eq. eq.
theoren we get a. Then the envelope is given
in the parametric form by the equations
Ya1+x*)+ "Cy, (2x) +"C,y,,(2) =, * = xla) and y = yla)
the parameter a or quadratie
1+ +(2nx-1)y, n(n -1)y,-1
+ =0 Step III:If the eq. (2.19.1) is a quadratic in
then the envelope is given
in some parameter à which is a function ofa,
Differentiating eq. (2.18.4) again w.r.tz, we get .(2.18.4) by discriminant equated to zero.
yn1+x*) + 2xy,.,+ (2nx 1}y,.1 2ny,+nnln
Suppose fx, y, a) 0is rewritten as a quadratic equation
- =
0 ..2.19.3)
(1+xy,-2+ [2(n + 1 x- ll,. +nln + 1y, = 0 A2+B+C= 0
ofx, y while is either a or
function of a.
Where A, B, C are functionsw.r.t.
Differentiating eq. (2.19.3)
2A+B 0 or A= -
aleuhua Mathematics- I
Eliminating. from eq. (2.19.3) by using eq. (2.19.4) we parameter by the relation
of the required envelope as .
the equatin
where the two
a+b =c where c isagiven constant.
Using the given relation
ie, B2-4 AC= Discriminant Eliminate b =c -a from the given family
= 0
Step IV:Envelope of
evolute of the curveC. the family of normals to a
given curve C
is the Which is now a
E one-parameter family of parabolas with
a as the
Step V: For a given two parameter
family of curves parameter.
Ax, y, a, B) =0 Differentiating eq.(2.21.1) w.r.t'a',
with given relation gla, ß) =0 between
+y =c2
Thus the envelope is the astroid given by
yo- =|=,ap-u pa
x3y3= cB
pa How will you find an
or Define involute and evolute.
Eq. (2.20.3)
apPyp- 1= -r"pP-1+(-xP 2..
is the
Curve. equation of required envelope of .(2.20.3) evolute ?
given family of
Que 2.21.|Determine the envelope of the two
parameter family of Evolute and Involute:
arabolas. given curve c,, the
center of curvature
As a point P moves along a
B. Determination of Evolute:
a. Cartesian Form: Let y fAx) be the
equation of the given c u .
cartesian form. Then the coordinates of
Due 2.4.
Que Pind the evolute ofthe hyperbola 1 , Deduce
the center of
by curvattin of a rectangular
given the evolute
form the Y=yla)+ (1+y . .2.22.1 Anower
the parameter a. equations of the evolute of C 2.22.2
expressed in ter
Equation of hyperbola
In many erms = 1
cases, the parameter x can be eliminated between eq. (2.291
and eq. (2.22.2). This
results in a relation between X and Y of
AX, Y) =0 which is the the f w.r.t. x, we get
b equation of the required evolute. iorm Differentiating
Parametric Form : Let the equation of the curve be
form x =
xtt), y
2x 2 1= 0
y(t) where t is the parameter. Then the
Yt) =yt)+ y)
r' y" -
X" y
Que 2.23. Determine the parametric
equations for the evolute of
the eurve= From eq. (2.24.1),
r==tP,r=3#.y'==t.y =4 dt
X- 1.5
The coordinates of the center of curvature in bt2]
parametric form are X b a + a t br2-a'b+
X=x{t) - +y2) ba
x' y" -
*" y ..(2.24.4)
- - ..(2.23.1)
x' (r + y2)
Y yt) *y"-*" Y-y
-b'aay+b'2-y'a+b .(2.24.5)
5 4-3 .2.23.2) -6'a2
Note that the parameter t cannot be eliminated between eq (2.23.1) and
eq. (2.23.2). Therefore the equation of the required evolute in the .(2.24.6)
parametric equations X x(t) and Y =y(t)
are given by eq. (2.23.1) a
an d
From eq. (2.24.4): r
eq. (2.23.2)
2-20 C (Sem-1)
ntial Caleulus
2-21 C (Sem-1)
M a t h e m a t i c s - I
for Tracing Polar
Then, Procedure line.
B. is symmetrical about any
See if the curve
A curve is symmetrical about the Y-axis, if only even powers of Determine the region in which no portion imaginary. e.g.,
2. values of 6 for
which r is
x occur in its equation. (e.g. x* = 4ay is symmetrical about finding those the lines 6 =n/4
a2 20 does not lie between
Y-axis). r = cos
are 8 t
4 Fig. 2.28.1.
Also when, 0,r ta
2-24 C (Sem-1)
ential Calecuhe
Mathematics - I
2-25 C (Sem-1)
Que 2.29. Trace the curve : 4ay=x r-2a).
x = a(6- sin 0),y = al1- cos ..(2.30.1)
AKTU 2013-14, Mar Let us trace the curve firstly for values of 9 in the interval [0, 2n)
Answer 1. Symmetry : On changing 0 to -0 in eq. (2.30.1),changes to- and y
is symmetrical about Y-axis.
Therefore curve
remains unchanged.
The given Origin: Putting y
= 0 in eq. (2.30.1), w e get,
curve 4ay2 (x-2a
is, = x 2
1. Origin: The equation of the curve does not contain any
Therefore it passes through origin. constant . .2.29:1 a(l-cos 0) = 0
1- cos = 0~ cos 9 =1 or 0 = 0
tern For 0, x = a(0- sin 0) = 0. Therefore, the curve passes through the
Symmetry: Equation contains only even powers of y, thereforei origin.
symmetrical about X-axis. itia Asymptotes : Since
for any finite value of 0, x and y does not tends to
3. Point of Intersection with X-axis: On putting y 0, in infinite, therefore the
curve has no asymptote.
we get
eq. (2.291 Points of Intersection:
0 in eq. (2.30.1), w e get
Intersection with X-axis : Putting y
Multiplying by
1, we get
12-cos 02-1 -1s-cos 0s 1 or
V4a 1 - 1 s 1 - cos 0s 0s1-cos 0 s2
1+1 or
an |a 1 2am
Q u e 2.30. Trace the curve x = a td-sin ) , y =a ( l - cos ) .
AKTU 2016-17, Marks 04 dx
0) are parallel to
Answer Tangent at the point (0, 0) and (2a7, dyldt *)
dem-1) TudrT(uMT-Tainm SIUebz
cosec osec 1
Also Le., <3
or y
or dx 2Cosec? y< 3x
d2 4a
The curve is
concave downwards.
is negative for all
values ofg
2 Hence curve lies below tangent y = v3x .
At x = 3a, y =0