Ntse Mat Material
Ntse Mat Material
Ntse Mat Material
1 Number Series
Number Series
In this type of series, the set of given numbers in a series are related to one another in a
particular pattern or manner. The relationship between the numbers may be (i) consecutive
odd/ even numbers; (ii) consecutive prime numbers; (iii) squares /cubes of some numbers
with/ without variation of addition or subtraction of some number; (iv) sum/ product/
difference of preceding numbers; (v) addition/ subtraction / multiplication/ division by
some number; and (vi) many more combinations of the relationships given above.
1. Which number will complete the given series?
4, 8, 12, 16, ?
×2 4 8 12 16 20
×3 or
+4 +4 +4 +4
2. Complete the given series
2, 14, 98, 686, ?
(A) 1976 (B) 2548 (C) 980 (D) None of these
(D) The numbers are multiplied by 7 to obtain the next numbers.
2 14 98 686 4802
×7 ×7 ×7 ×7
Direction (1 to 20) In each of the following questions a number of possible answers are
given, out of which one answer is correct. Find out the correct answer
Mental Ability Test-2017
Mental Ability Test-2017
Mental Ability Test-2017
2 Letter Series
Letter Series
In letter series the letters follow a definite order. The given series of letters can be in natural
order of in reverse order of combination of both. The letters may be skipped or repeated or
consecutive. The given series may be single or may even comprise of two different series
merged at alternate positions. While attempting questions on letter series one should note
the pattern of alphabet series.
Alphabets in natural series
1st 5th 10th 15th 20th 25th
Alphabets in reverse series are:
1st 5th 10th 15th 20th 25th
Note : On reaching Z, the series restarts from A and on reaching A, it restarts from Z.
1. Which of the given options will complete the given series?
+2 +2 +2 +2 +2
2. Which combination of letters complete the given series :
(B) The letters ion one group correspond to the letters in the next group in the
manner two steps forward, four steps backward, six steps forward (+2, –4,
+6) respectively, i.e.
+2 +2 +2
–4 –4 –4
+6 +6 +6
Mental Ability Test-2017
Direction (1 to 20) Select an appropriate term that completes the series
1. C, L, E, M G, N, I, ?
(A) J (B) K (C) P (D) O
2. Z, X, U, Q, L, ?
(A) K (B) i (C) F (D) G
3. H, J, M, O, R, T, ?
(A) W (B) S (C) U (D) V
4. B, D, G, K, M, P, ?
(A) Q (B) R (C) T (D) S
5. G, J, M, P, S, V, ?
(A) W (B) Z (C) X (D) Y
6. F, L, , Q, U, X, ?
(A) B (B) Z (C) Y (D) A
7. Z, T, O, K, H, ?
(A) G (B) F (C) E (D) C
8. B, B, C, D, D, F, E, ____, F
(A) E (B) H (C) D (D) G
9. X, V, T, R, P, ____
(A) O (B) M (C) N (D) T
10. BDF, GIK, ____, QSU
11. BFJN?
(A) R (B) H (C) P (D) Z
12. WKTN?
(A) S (B) Q (C) R (D) O
13. FGILP?
(A) V (B) U (C) T (D) W
14. RMWH?
(A) L (B) T (C) X (D) B
15. LJHF?
(A) A (B) D (C) E (D) V
16. UWVXW?
(A) V (B) T (C) Y (D) U
17. BCFGJ?
(A) M (B) L (C) I (D) K
18. YAVXS?
(A) U (B) W (C) V (D) T
19. DRGO?
(A) S (B) J (C) L (D) T
20. TWVYX?
(A) B (B) Y (C) X (D) A
Mental Ability Test-2017
Direction (21 to 40) : Which letter number will not fit in the series.
21. 7V, 13U, 19R, 23P, 26M
(A) 19r (B) 13U (C) 23P (D) 7V
22. F24, J15, M11, R6, X2
(A) P24 (B) R6 (C) J15 (D) M11
23. S21H, W16E, Z12C, A81, C7X
(A) W16E (B) A81 (C) Z12C (D) C7X
24. 2T, 4R, 12V, 18R, 72X
(A) 4R (B) 12V (C) 2T (D) 18R
25. N14, L13, K9, J6, I4
(A) J4 (B) L13 (C) J6 (D) N14
26. N22D, R16C, T13Z, W10X, Z8V
(A) Z12V (B) T13Z (C) R16C (D) N12D
27. 2O, 6Q, 2P, 8U, 6W
(A) 8U (B) 2O (C) 2P (D) 6Q
28. X2R, V6P, T12N, S3OM, P72J
(A) V6P (B) T12S (C) S30M (D) X2R
29. E13, B19, Z23, W25, V20
(A) B19 (B) W25 (C) E13 (D) V20
30. A1, B5, C9, D16
(A) B5 (B) C9 (C) D16 (D) A1
31. 1T, 4R, 6K, 24H, 120F
(A) 6K (B) 24H (C) 120F (D) 4R
32. 25F, 16N, 49O, 64R, 49H
(A) 49H (B) 64R (C) 16N (D) 25F
33. U9, Y12, X13, Z16, C18, E19
(A) E19 (B) U9 (C) X13 (D) Y12
34. 12H, 8K, 10M, 4S, 8R
(A) 10M (B) 8R (C) 4S (D) 8K
35. J18, F11, E9, B6, Z4
(A) B6 (B) F11 (C) Z4 (D) F9
36. 5, R, 8, P, 10, N, 14, L, 17, J
(A) R (B) 8 (C) 10 (D) 17
37. 2, C, 4, H, 8, N, 16, R, 32, W
(A) R (B) H (C) N (D) 4
38. R9, T10, V9, X12
(A) X12 (B) V9 (C) T10 (D) R9
39. 64, S, 32, U, 16,8, Y, 4, B
(A) 8 (B) X (C) B (D) Y
40. 4, S, 7, O, 11, K, 25, G, 49, C
(A) 7 (B) O (C) G (D) 11
Mental Ability Test-2017
41. b, c, e, g, k, ?, q, s
(A) l (B) m (C) n (D) o
42. BYA, CXB, ?, EVD
43. ZA13, YB15, XC17, ?
(A) WC19 (B) WD18 (C) WD20 (D) WD19
44. BNQ, CMR, DLS, ?
45. BEG, DGI, FIK, HKM, (?)
46. KEM, IDL, GCK, ?, CAI
47. JCME, LDOG, NEQT, (?)
48. A4X, D9U,G16R, ___
(A) K25P (B) J25P (C) J25O (D) J25C
50. BD, HJ, NP, ?, ZB
(A) RS (B) TV (C) YC (D) TV
Mental Ability Test-2017
Letter Repeating
3 Series
Letter Repeating Series
In this type of series small letters of the alphabet are used to make a set of letters which are
repeated. The candidate has to find the set of letters which will fit the blanks left in the
given series in such a manner that one section of the series is further repeated in the same
1. Which of the following groups of letters will complete the given series?
ba _ b _aab _ a _ b
Mental Ability Test-2017
9. _bbcaa_bcaa_bc_a_bca
(A) bacab (B) abbab (C) abcba (D) bcaab
10. a_bccb_ca_cca_baab_c
(A) accab (B) abcaa (C) bacaa (D) ababc
11. _cbc_a_bcaac_ca
(A) aaba (B) caab (C) bcab (D) aacb
12. ab_ba_ _ba_
(A) abba (B) baab (C) baba (D) abab
13. yx_yx_yxz_xzy_zyxz
(A) zzyx (B) xxzy (C) yyzx (D) yzxz
14. xxxy_y_xxy_yxx_
(A) xyxy (B) yxyx (C) yyxx (D) xxyy
15. aaab_aaaaba_a_abaa
(A) baa (B) aaa (C) aba (D) bba
16. nl_n_mn_m_lm
(A) mlnn (B) lnnm (C) mlnl (D) mlln
17. lm_nnll_mn_llmm_nl
(A) lmmn (B) lnnm (C) mmnn (D) mnll
18. aba_caab_cca_bac_a
(A) cbac (B) caac (C) bccb (D) abcb
19. _cd_bc_ab_dabc_a
(A) badcd (B) ccddb (C) abccd (D) ccbad
20. _ba_baa_ab_a
(A) babb (B) baab (C) abbb (D) aaba
21. ab_da_cd_bc_
(A) abdc (B) cbad (C) bcad (D) acbd
22. _yyx_xxyx_yxyx_y
(A) yxxy (B) xyxy (C) yxyx (D) xyyx
23. a_ba_bb_ab_a
(A) abab (B) baab (C) baba (D) abbb
24. x_yyx_y_ _ xyy
(A) xyyy (B) yyyx (C) xyxy (D) xxyx
25. _bcbc_caba_ _
(A) aabc (B) abac (C) caab (D) baba
26. b_ac_cc_cb_ab_ac
(A) cbaba (B) bbaac (C) abbbc (D) aabba
27. c_ac_aa_aa_bc_bcc
(A) cabba (B) ccbbb (C) bbbbb (D) cbacb
28. b_b_bb_ _bbb_bb_b
(A) bbbbba (B) bbaaab (C) ababab (D) aabaab
Mental Ability Test-2017
29. abca_bcaab_aa_caa_c
(A) bbac (B) bbaa (C) acbb (D) acac
30. ccb_c_bbc_b_cc_ _ ccbb
(A) bccbbb (B) bcccbb (C) aaaaba (D) bbbbbb
31. a_bbc_aab_cca_bbcc
(A) bacb (B) acba (C) abba (D) caba
32. ab_aa_bbb_aaa_bbba
(A) abba (B) baab (C) aaab (D) abab
33. bc_b_c_b_ccb
(A) cbcb (B) bbcb (C) cbbc (D) bcbc
34. abb_baa_a_bab_aba
(A) abba (B) abab (C) ccac (D) aabb
35. abca_bcaab_ca_bbc_a
(A) ccaa (B) bbaa (C) abac (D) abba
36. aaa_bb_aab_baaa_bb
(A) abab (B) bbaa (C) babb (D) baab
37. cc_ccbc_accbcc_c_b
(A) acac (B) abac (C) abab (D) aabc
38. _bcdbc_dcabd_bcdbc_dc_bd
(A) aaaaa (B) ccccc (C) bbbbb (D) ddddd
39. a_abbb_ccccd_ddccc_bb_ba
(A) abcda (B) abdbc (C) abdcb (D) abcad
40. a_cdaab_cc_daa_bbb_ccddd
(A) bdbda (B) bddca (C) dbbca (D) bbdac
41. gfe_ig_eii_fei_gf_ii
(A) eifgi (B) figie (C) ifgie (D) ifige
42. ab _ _ _b _ bbaa _
(A) abaab (B) abbab (C) baaab (D) babba
43. __J_V_JW_U__
(A) W U V U V U J (B) V W U V W U J
(C) V U W U V J W (D) J V U V J V J
44. _ _ J _ F _ J M _ S J_
(A) S F M S F S (B) F S M S F M (C) M F S S F M (D) F M S M S F
45. __K_E_KX_P_X
(A) P E X E P K (B) P K E X E K (C) K E P E X K (D) E P X P E K
46. _FS_G_S_GF_L
(A) G L F L S (B) L G F L S (C) S G L F L (D) F L G S F
47. _acca_ccca_accc_aaa
(A) caac (B) ccaa (C) caaa (D) None of these
Mental Ability Test-2017
48. ab _ a _ b _ a _ bba
(A) aaab (B) abbab (C) baaab (D) babba
49. ab _ aabb _ _ bb _
(A) abbb (B) abab (C) baba (D) baaa
50. babc _ abbccc _ cdbbc _ dddc _ eccddee
(A) adcd (B) abcd (C) bcdc (D) babd
Mental Ability Test-2017
4 Number Analogy
Number Analogy
In number analogy also, the relationship between the given numbers is detected and then
applied to the second part to find the missing numbers. This relationship between the
numbers can be based on any of the following pattern
(i) numbers can be odd / even/ prime numbers
(ii) numbers can be multiples of one number;
(iii) numbers can be squares / cubes of different numbers
(iv) some numbers can be added to / subtracted from/ multiplied to / divided into the
first number to get the second number;
(v) the second number can be the sum / product/ difference of the digits of first
(vi) combinations of any mathematical calculations given above can apply to the
relationship between the two given numbers.
1. Which number will come in the place of the question mark?
25 : 81 : : 36 : ?
Mental Ability Test-2017
1. 5 : 24 : : 8 : ?
(A) 65 (B) 63 (C) 62 (D) 64
2. 12 : 6 : : 36 : ?
(A) 12 (B) 18 (C) 20 (D) 22
3. 6:9::7:?
(A) 4 (B) 14 (C) 10 (D) 28
4. 7 : 28 : : 2 : ?
(A) 8 (B) 16 (C) 24 (D) 12
5. 65 : 30 : : 44 : ?
(A) 79 (B) 62 (C) 28 (D) 16
6. 99 : 76 : : 24 : ?
(A) 1 (B) 13 (C) 9 (D) 7
7. 2 : 15 : : 3 : ?
(A) 81 (B) 80 (C) 26 (D) 28
8. 663 : 884 : : 221 : ?
(A) 332 (B) 554 (C) 773 (D) 442
9. 16 : 0.16 : : ?
(A) 2 : 0.02 (B) 7 : 0.007 (C) 1.3 : 0.13 (D) 0.01 : 0.001
10. 3: ::?
2 1
(A) 6 : 12 (B) 5 : (C) 8: (D) 9 : 27
15 8
11. 43 : 34 : : 52 : ?
(A) 49 (B) 25 (C) 36 (D) 64
12. 65 : 13 : : 180 : ?
(A) 93 (B) 36 (C) 133 (D) 102
13. 882 : 447 : : 881 : ?
(A) 444 (B) 445 (C) 446 (D) 447
14. 27 : 125 : : 343 : ?
(A) 729 (B) 64 (C) 216 (D) 512
15. 30 : 42 : : 56 : ?
(A) 92 (B) 21 (C) 38 (D) 72
16. 190 : 10 : 102 : ?
(A) 4 (B) 7 (C) 3 (D) 5
17. 95 : 38 : : 167 : ?
(A) 110 (B) 120 (C) 113 (D) 134
18. 4 : 36 : : 6 : ?
(A) 63 (B) 54 (C) 48 (D) 30
19. 6 : 12 : : 20 : ?
(A) 50 (B) 30 (C) 42 (D) 38
20. 6 : 18 : : 4 : ?
(A) 2 (B) 6 (C) 8 (D) 16
Mental Ability Test-2017
21. 8 : 26 : : 9 : ?
(A) 37 (B) 48 (C) 29 (D) 33
22. 3 : 30 : : 6 : ?
(A) 20 (B) 60 (C) 40 (D) 70
23. 12 : ? : : 9 : 144
(A) 186 (B) 173 (C) 192 (D) 275
24. 7 : ? : : : 8 : 21
(A) 13 (B) 15 (C) 19 (D) 21
25. 2 : 25 : : 3 : ?
(A) 33 (B) 35 (C) 36 (D) 37
26. 4 : ? : : 6 : 74
(A) 68 (B) 50 (C) 76 (D) 80
27. ? : 35 : : 3 : 15
(A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D) 8
28. 484 : ? : : 576 : 24
(A) 32 (B) 42 (C) 62 (D) 22
29. 2 : 8 : : ? : 512
(A) 12 (B) 9 (C) 8 (D) 6
30. 1331 : 122 : : 1728 : ?
(A) 125 (B) 186 (C) 114 (D) 145
31. 125 : ? : : 512 : 66
(A) 27 (B) 51 (C) 29 (D) 67
32. 784 : ? : : 289 : 17
(A) 86 (B) 16 (C) 31 (D) 28
33. 441 : 28 : : 256 : ?
(A) 26 (B) 24 (C) 23 (D) 32
34. 2197 : ? : : 1728 : 12
(A) 13 (B) 17 (C) 15 (D) 16
35. 625 : ? : : 676 : 31
(A) 28 (B) 42 (C) 30 (D) 56
36. ? : 324 : : 24 : 576
(A) 14 (B) 16 (C) 18 (D) 20
37. 3375 : 15 : : 5832 : ?
(A) 14 (B) 16 (C) 15 (D) 18
38. 24 : ? : : 21 : 9261
(A) 13824 (B) 12632 (C) 14423 (D) 15648
39. 13824 : 24 : : 4096 : ?
(A) 12 (B) 14 (C) 16 (D) 18
40. 324 : ? : : 225 : 5
(A) 2 (B) 8 (C) 4 (D) 6
Mental Ability Test-2017
Mental Ability Test-2017
5 Letter Analogy
Letter Analogy
In this type of analogy the relationship between two given set of letters is established and
then applied to the other set to obtain the required set of letters as the answer. These letters
can be moved some steps backward or forward; reversed in whole or in sections or have
some common identity between each other.
1. Which set of letters will come in the place of question mark?
JILK : KLIJ : : MNPQ : ?
(C) The letters are written in reverse order to get the related set of letters
1. UVW : SXU : : LMN : ?
3. TSR : FED : : WVU : ?
Mental Ability Test-2017
Mental Ability Test-2017
Mental Ability Test-2017
Mental Ability Test-2017
6 Word Analogy
Word Analogy
In Analogy test the relationship between two given words is established and then applied to
the other words. The type of relationship may vary, so while attempting such questions the
first step is to identify the type of relationship, which can be any one of the following.
A. Action object Relationship
1. Shoot is to Gun as Eat is to ______
Mental Ability Test-2017
Mental Ability Test-2017
21. Banlgadesh : Mango Tree
(A) USA : Beech (B) Bhutan : Maple Tree
(C) India : Banana Tree (D) Pakistan : Deodar
22. Rudimentary : Elementary
(A) Din : Silence (B) Limpid : Clear
(C) Jeopardy : Safety (D) Kindle : Extinguish
23. Linguistics : Language
(A) Ecologist : Weather (B) Zenith : Height
(C) Toxicologist : Distance (D) Seismology : Earthquakes
24. India : Rupee
(A) UK : Ruble (B) Argentia : Pound
(C) China : Yuan (D) UAE : Drachma
25. Angle : Radian
(A) Temperature : Low (B) Power : Supply
(C) Time : Shot (D) Conductivity : Mho
26. Oriya : Odisha
(A) Tamil : Tamil Nadu (B) Sindhi : Surat
(C) Punjabi : Amritsar (D) Haryanvai : Rohtak
27. Lioness : Lion
(A) Buck : Rabbit (B) Fox : Dog
(C) Bitch : Wolf (D) Mare : Pig
28. Electrically : Electrology
(A) Future : Futurology (B) History : History
(C) Geology : Earth Curst (D) Hideology : Fear
29. Maldives : Coconut Palm
(A) China : Palma real (B) Oak : Italy
(C) Cherry Blossom : Japan (D) Indonesia : Teak
30. Queue : Line
(A) Surplus : Deficit (B) Ruddy : Healthy
(C) Loath : Eager (D) Retentive : Forgetful
31. Thailand : Bangkok
(A) Manila : Russia (B) Nicosia : Canada
(C) China : Shanghai (D) Turkey : Ankara
32. Lohri : Punjab
(A) Shigmo : Goa (B) Navratras : Bihar
(C) Rajasthan : Holi (D) Tami Nadu : Thaipusam
33. Master : Mistress
(A) Drone : Douen (B) Nun : Monk
(C) Bachelor : Spinster (D) Goose : Gander
34. Thunder : Roar
(A) Croak : Frog (B) Beat : Drum
(C) Rustle : Leaves (D) Rain: Jingles
35. Rat : Rodent
(A) Amphibian : Frog (B) Chair : Wood
(C) Pen : Wood (D) Buttery : Insect
36. Cow : Elephant
(A) Bull : Cattle (B) Rat : Mouse
(C) Dog : Cat (D) Vixen : Fox
Mental Ability Test-2017
Mental Ability Test-2017
1. Find the odd number from the given options
Direction (1 to 20) : Find the odd number from the given option
Mental Ability Test-2017
Direction (21 to 40) : Find the odd number from the given option
Mental Ability Test-2017
Mental Ability Test-2017
1. Find the odd one out in the following letters
Direction (1 to 20) : Find the odd letters sequence from the given option
Mental Ability Test-2017
Direction (21 to 40) : Find the odd letters sequence from the given option
21. (A) E29Y (B) H20L (C) N31Q (D) B25W
Mental Ability Test-2017
Mental Ability Test-2017
Mental Ability Test-2017
36. (A) Racing (B) Athletics (C) Hockey (D) Table tennis
Mental Ability Test-2017
41. (A) Kilometer (B) Centimeter (C) Litre (D) Light year
43. (A) Ahmedabad (B) Ganghinagar (C) New York (D) Mumbai
47. (A) Pacific Ocean (B) Asia (C) Europe (D) Africa
48. (A) Nepal (B) Pakistan (C) Sri Lanka (D) Australia
50. (A) M.F. Hussain (B) Leonardo da Vinci (C) Birju Maharaj (D) Picasso
Mental Ability Test-2017
Inserting Missing Character
10 – Magic Square
Magic Square
In such types of questions a figure or a matrix is given in which some numbers are filled
according to a rule. A place is left blank. The candidate has to find out a number from the
given possible answers which may be filled in the blank space.
1. Which number will replace the question mark?
27 8 5
8 8 4
1 64 ?
2 3 1 1 2 3
7 2 5 3 ? 5
Mental Ability Test-2017
1. 3 5 8
5 4 9
6 ? 13
2. 1 2 9
3 1 16
? 2 25
3. 3 1 10
4 2 18
5 3 ?
4. 2 3 ?
3 4 25
2 4 20
5. 15 5 3
14 7 ?
21 3 7
6. 2 3 5
7 9 ?
13 17 19
7. 10 12 14
15 16 18
20 21 ?
8. 1 2 3
2 5 ?
3 4 31
Mental Ability Test-2017
9. 2 6 12
20 ? 42
56 72 90
10. 9 16 7
16 4 ?
25 9 8
11. 27 1 4
8 27 5
1 8 ?
12. 4 81 5
2 ? 3
6 49 1
13. 3 4 5
12 5 ?
6 8 10
14. 3 2 9
2 4 16
5 3 ?
15. 10 15 14
16 36 ?
6 9 7
16. 2 3 55
2 1 33
2 2 ?
Mental Ability Test-2017
17. 4 9 6
8 2 4
20 5 ?
18. 7 4 27
3 4 ?
5 3 8
19. 6 15 35
77 143 ?
20. 4 2 2
27 1 3
16 4 ?
21. 27 8 5
8 8 4
1 64 ?
22. 3 12 5
18 12 10
19 ? 12
23. 11 ? 7
13 15 17
19 21 23
Mental Ability Test-2017
24. 7 105 15
16 144 9
17 ? 8
25. 8 3 5
1 4 5
27 3 ?
26. 4 1 3
9 8 ?
49 27 10
27. 7 9 4
8 17 ?
2 7 3
28. 3 10 6
2 ? 2
5 17 2
29. 1 3 10
2 3 ?
3 3 36
30. 34 38 9
54 50 13
75 ? 15
31. 2 3 1 1 2 3
7 2 5 3 ? 5
Mental Ability Test-2017
32. 25 14 16 8 15 5
13 3 8 3 ? 5
33. 7 8 3 7 5 5
7 6 6 8 ? 11
34. 1 2 1 2 1 1
36 3 16 1 ? 1
35. 7 8 12 15 18 24
14 4 20 9 ? 12
36. 2 1 7 1 3 3
49 4 100 2 ? 3
37. 7 3 4 8 7 8
25 5 36 6 ? 9
38. 8 11 16 17 21 23
16 3 30 3 ? 9
39. 1 1 2 1 1 0
27 1 125 2 ? 1
40. 3 2 6 7 5 11
3 4 4 3 ? 9
41. 41 7 35
24 16 ?
36 5 45
Mental Ability Test-2017
42. 38 44 42
23 55 28
37 ? 19
43. ? 13 49
9 17 69
13 11 59
44. 4 9 20
8 5 14
10 3 ?
45. 37 33 43
61 24 29
57 ? 13
46. 78 15 69
92 12 70
66 17 ?
47. 1 5 7 75
8 3 4 ?
9 7 8 194
48. 33 44 76
23 54 66
43 ? 86
13 34 56
Mental Ability Test-2017
49. 2 1 6
3 7 ?
4 8 2
24 56 48
50. 4 5 6
2 3 7
1 8 3
21 98 ?
Mental Ability Test-2017
Inserting Missing Character
11 – Magic Circle
Magic Circle
In such types of questions a figure or a circle is given in which some numbers are filled
according to a rule. A place is left blank. The candidate has to find out a number from the
given possible answers which may be filled in the blank space.
1. Which number will replace the question mark?
4 8 0
5 0 6 7 1 6 11 ? 2
7 4 2
5 4 7 8 3 6
28 12 21
8 3 12 9 5 ?
Mental Ability Test-2017
1. 2 2 4
1 10 3 2 12 3 5 ? 3
4 5 6
(A) 18 (B) 16 (C) 15 (D) 21
2. 3 6 3
2 8 5 7 13 8 12 ? 2
6 5 3
(A) 9 (B) 10 (C) 12 (D) 13
3. 6 11 11
4 5 9 12 9 9 16 ? 5
1 4 8
(A) 9 (B) 13 (C) 10 (D) 12
4. 3 3 5
2 120 4 6 144 2 4 ? 7
5 4 6
(A) 760 (B) 820 (C) 720 (D) 840
5. 3 3 5
2 10 4 6 12 2 4 ? 7
5 4 6
(A) 40 (B) 50 (C) 70 (D) 60
6. 2 9 13
9 4 2 8 5 6 11 ? 7
3 2 5
(A) 3 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D) 8
7. 3 4 12
8 90 12 8 120 6 4 ? 6
5 10 3
(A) 54 (B) 48 (C) 52 (D) 56
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8. 1 1 9
25 12 4 36 17 9 81 ? 49
16 49 4
(A) 18 (B) 19 (C) 20 (D) 21
9. 2 6 23
1 2 3 5 3 13 17 ? 19
2 3 5
10. 8 8 8
1 7 1 8 11 27 1 ? 27
27 64 64
11. 2 3 6
1 30 3 2 54 4 5 ? 1
4 5 4
12. 1 2 4
1 37 2 2 107 4 5 ? 3
3 3 3
13. 3 4 2
2 12 8 8 16 2 25 ? 4
3 4 2
14. 1 3 4
2 100 3 2 196 4 3 ? 5
4 5 6
15. 1 2 3
3 216 1 2 343 1 3 ? 2
1 2 1
16. 2 1 7
3 14 2 3 23 6 6 ? 2
4 5 3
Mental Ability Test-2017
17. 4 3 6
6 10 3 5 9 6 11 ? 12
2 7 9
(A) 78 (B) 76 (C) 82 (D) 85
18. 6 10 11
9 8 8 11 4 12 16 ? 17
3 9 10
(A) 16 (B) 15 (C) 12 (D) 14
19. 9 5 10
8 5 4 6 8 2 9 ? 3
3 1 2
20. 15 10 15
12 1 3 18 7 2 24 ? 3
5 5 5
(A) 8 (B) 6 (C) 5 (D) 9
21. 14 12 15
2 61 3 3 98 4 1 ? 4
2 5 2
22. 14 13 13
3 25 2 6 45 3 4 ? 2
1 2 2
23. 8 7 5
7 20 3 6 12 2 4 ? 2
3 4 1
24. 2 4 6
7 14 4 3 9 12 15 ? 8
1 1 2
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25. 1 2 3
2 9 3 3 17 2 4 ? 2
3 3 3
26. 3 5 5
2 26 4 3 27 4 4 ? 4
5 3 3
27. 5 4 4
7 17 6 7 10 9 9 ? 7
3 2 5
28. 8 9 6
7 2 7 8 3 8 9 ? 7
6 6 5
29. 5 4 6
2 19 1 3 12 3 5 ? 3
3 2 4
30. 4 5 1
3 13 4 4 40 7 3 ? 5
2 4 2
(A) 45 (B) 55 (C) 52 (D) 50
7 2 6 9 11 12
4.4 5.2 ?
8 5 4 7 7 6
6 3 7 9 9 7
27 20 ?
5 7 4 8 4 6
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3 1 2 3 3 4
169 196 ?
5 4 5 4 6 5
1 2 2 2 1 2
1000 1331 ?
4 3 3 4 3 2
2 3 1 2 4 5
54 30 ?
5 4 3 4 2 5
2 3 2 3 3 4
63 107 ?
1 3 4 2 4 3
3 3 6 2 12 3
39 69 ?
2 5 8 7 5 4
16 4 9 16 4 4
10 13 ?
1 9 1 25 49 25
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3 4 6 2 5 2
17 0 ?
2 3 3 1 3 2
27 1 1 1 64 27
8 4 ?
8 8 1 1 8 1
6 1 15
41. 2 60 4 4 40 2 20 ? 3
3 3 9
(A) 235 (B) 141 (C) 144 (D) 188
6 6 5
42. 8 14 4 9 15 7 7 ? 6
3 8 7
(A) 7 (B) 9 (C) 11 (D) 13
6 3 7
43. 2 74 3 4 125 6 4 ? 1
5 8 5
(A) 94 (B) 91 (C) 86 (D) 90
5 ? 5
44. 2 62 4 3 50 8 2 53 7
6 6 9
(A) 4 (B) 3 (C) 5 (D) 7
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108 39 115
17 25 101
(A) 8 (B) 5 (C) 7 (D) 3
16 21 45
46. 21 35 28 18 54 63 37 ? 27
9 15 36
(A) 42 (B) 56 (C) 64 (D) 72
23 91 23
47. 39 53 70 58 70 47 17 ? 65
45 32 41
(A) 61 (B) 63 (C) 66 (D) 68
3 3 4
48. 1 60 4 2 36 1 6 ? 2
5 6 2
(A) 96 (B) 108 (C) 116 (D) 124
7 6 8
49. 3 41 4 4 30 3 7 ? 2
5 2 2
(A) 50 (B) 60 (C) 70 (D) 80
4 4 9
50. 9 6 1 16 18 1 4 ? 4
1 9 25
(A) 60 (B) 72 (C) 84 (D) 112
Mental Ability Test-2017
Inserting Missing Character
12 – Inserting Number
Inserting Number
In such types of questions a figure or a triangle is given in which some numbers are filled
according to a rule. A place is left blank. The candidate has to find out a number from the
given possible answers which may be filled in the blank space.
1. Which number will replace the question mark?
4 6 8
45 26 ?
7 6 5 4 7 3
(A) 24 (B) 29 (C) 22 (D) 32
(B) From First Triangle : 7×6+3 = 45
From second Triangle : 5×4+6 = 26
Similarly From third triangle : 7×3+8 = 29
Hence the question mark will be replaced by 29
2. Which number will replace the question mark?
3 2 4 8 1 5
13 80 ?
(A) 10 (B) 12 (C) 26 (D) 17
(C) From figure (a) : (3)2 + (2)2 = 13
From figure (b) : (4)2 + (8)2 = 80
Similarly from figure (c) : ? = (1)2 + (5)2 = 26
Hence the number 26 will replace the question mark.
Mental Ability Test-2017
1. 3 4 7
12 14 ?
4 5 3 7 6 8
(A) 17 (B) 20 (C) 19 (D) 21
2. 1 3 3
25 36 ?
2 2 1 2 2 2
(A) 53 (B) 42 (C) 49 (D) 48
3. 2 3 7
24 60 ?
3 4 4 5 3 3
(A) 72 (B) 63 (C) 60 (D) 5
4. 3 10 9
36 18 ?
12 9 20 9 18 5
(A) 10 (B) 9 (C) 12 (D) 16
5. 2 1 0
125 64 ?
2 1 1 2 1 2`
6. 3 10 8
6 8 ?
7 8 11 3 12 13
(A) 16 (B) 9 (C) 11 (D) 12
7. 4 4 3
5 4 ?
3 5 6 2 2 20
(A) 16 (B) 10 (C) 9 (D) 15
8. 1 3 3
14 17 ?
2 3 2 2 3 4
(A) 34 (B) 35 (C) 36 (D) 38
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9. 1 3 3
196 289 ?
2 3 2 2 3 4
(A) 554 (B) 512 (C) 1156 (D) 729
10. 1 4 16
3 2 ?
3 9 2 1 2 2
(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 7
11. 4 4 16
6 9 ?
1 9 9 16 25 9
(A) 14 (B) 11 (C) 12 (D) 13
12. 1 1 1
36 25 ?
27 8 8 8 27 64
(A) 11 (B) 64 (C) 25 (D) 10
13. 4 5 3
24 60 ?
3 2 2 6 7 4
(A) 60 (B) 55 (C) 84 (D) 80
14. 4 6 2
7 14 ?
5 12 15 21 18 1
(A) 21 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 7
15. 4 3 4
20 3 ?
16 5 9 1 24 3
(A) 22 (B) 16 (C) 18 (D) 20
16. 7 11 17
4 5 ?
4 5 4 9 13 6
(A) 5 (B) 3 (C) 7 (D) 6
Mental Ability Test-2017
17. 4 6 9
3 4 ?
4 1 7 3 8 8
(A) 6 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5
18. 4 2 11
2 2 ?
1 3 5 1 13 3
(A) 6 (B) 5 (C) 3 (D) 4
19. 2 9 1
4 3 ?
4 2 1 1 25 1
(A) 3 (B) 6 (C) 5 (D) 4
20. 2 1 1
7 4 ?
3 5 13 17 29 31
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
21. 2 4 3 4 8 9
6 7 ?
(A) 14 (B) 15 (C) 16 (D) 17
22. 3 3 4 7 6 7
9 28 ?
(A) 35 (B) 40 (C) 42 (D) 36
23. 12 4 16 2 21 7
3 8 ?
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5
24. 2 3 3 4 4 3
13 25 ?
(A) 20 (B) 21 (C) 22 (D) 25
Mental Ability Test-2017
25. 3 4 4 1 1 5
49 25 ?
(A) 36 (B) 20 (C) 24 (D) 49
26. 7 3 9 1 7 5
16 64 ?
(A) 9 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6
27. 1 1 3 1 2 1
8 64 ?
(A) 60 (B) 125 (C) 16 (D) 27
28. 3 1 5 4 4 2
8 1 ?
(A) 12 (B) 8 (C) 6 (D) 16
29. 6 3 6 2 10 2
4 9 ?
(A) 5 (B) 25 (C) 15 (D) 20
30. 16 4 25 9 36 16
8 15 ?
(A) 30 (B) 24 (C) 20 (D) 18
31. 3 2 4 3 1 4
13 25 ?
(A) 17 (B) 15 (C) 14 (D) 13
Mental Ability Test-2017
32. 27 1 8 8 8 27
3 4 ?
(A) 9 (B) 8 (C) 6 (D) 5
33. 4 4 9 1 25 4
4 3 ?
(A) 6 (B) 10 (C) 12 (D) 8
34. 3 4 2 5 5 2
81 32 ?
(A) 65 (B) 25 (C) 35 (D) 125
35. 9 3 32 2 64 4
3 4 ?
(A) 24 (B) 18 (C) 12 (D) 16
36. 8 10 16 24 21 29
9 20 ?
(A) 23 (B) 22 (C) 25 (D) 24
37. 12 9 23 22 32 43
7 15 ?
(A) 25 (B) 24 (C) 23 (D) 22
38. 3 4 2 1 6 3
343 27 ?
(A) 659 (B) 629 (C) 700 (D) 729
39. 27 8 14 15 20 18
36 35 ?
Mental Ability Test-2017
40. 5 9 3 7 7 9
28 20 ?
(A) 32 (B) 34 (C) 36 (D) 38
217 9
41. 126 28
1 2 ?
5 2 4
24 4 36 9 56 7
5 6 7 5 4 3
8 4 5
4 9 6 9 7 5
492 572 ?
(A) 115 (B) 130 (C) 135 (D) 140
4 16 9 36 25 64
8 18 ?
40 154 ?
(A) 60 (B) 120 (C) 256 (D) 16
Mental Ability Test-2017
4 94
10 46
2 ?
7 27
4 45
8 2
48. 64 36 ?
6 5 7
48 30 35
Mental Ability Test-2017
13 Venn Diagram
Venn Diagram
Logical Venn diagrams represent logical relationships among different items. The items
are represented by circles or any other geometrical figures. The size and shape of the
diagrams have no relevance to the quantity or nature of the items they represent. The
diagrams represent only logical relations among the items.
To start with, we shall analyze how the relation between two items can be represented
using logical Venn diagrams.
There can be only three types of relationships between any two different items. The
diagrammatic representation of such relationships is given below.
(A) The below diagram indicates that one item is completely contained in the other
item, but not vice-versa.
Fruits are represented by the outer circle, and mangoes are represented by the
inner circle.
(B) This diagram indicates that neither item is completely contained in the other
item, but the two items have some portion in common.
Some teachers may be poets, but all the teachers are not poets. Likewise, some
but not all poets may be teachers. The common portion in both the circles
represents the teachers circles represents the teachers who are also poets.
(C) This diagram indicates that nothing is common between the two items
represented by the circles.
Mental Ability Test-2017
Since the two items are entirely different from each other, the circles
representing the items do not intersect.
The logical relation among three items is represented by any one of the following
Venn diagrams.
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11
Normally, in the problems on Venn diagrams, a set of Venn diagrams is given
followed by a set of three items each. Students are required to choose the
appropriate diagram which illustrates the relationship among the three given
items. All eleven types of representations are discussed in this chapter, by taking
two examples of each type.
(i) One item contains the other two items which are different from each other.
x y
Example :
It is clear that parrot (X) and dove (Y) are separate items and both are birds (Z).
(ii) Two independent items sharing some common feature with the third item.
Example :
Boys. Girls, educated
It is obvious that only some boys are educated, some girls are educated, and no
boy is a girl and vice-versa. X represents boys, Y represents educated and Z
represents girls.
Mental Ability Test-2017
(iii) One item is partially contained in the other and the third item is fully contained
in both.
x z y
Example :
Furniture, wooden materials, wooden chair
Furniture, wooden materials, and wooden chair are represented by the circles X,
Y, and Z, respectively. Some of the furniture is made of wood. So, the circles X
and Y intersect with each other. The wooden chair is a piece of furniture as well
as a wooden material. So, the circle Z lies inside both the circles X and Y.
x y
Directions (1-5) : In each of the following questions three words (elements) related, in some
way. Find the diagram (A, B, C, D) in which these elements fit correctly
Mental Ability Test-2017
Directions (21-25) : In each of the following questions three words (elements) related, in
some way. Find the diagram (A, B, C, D) in which these elements fit correctly
Mental Ability Test-2017
3 5
6 2
31. How many persons can speak English and Hindi both?
(A) 5 (B) 8 (C) 7 (D) 1
32. How many persons can speak Marathi and Hindi both?
(A) 9 (B) 4 (C) 3 (D) None of these
33. How many persons can speak only English?
(A) 9 (B) 10 (C) 7 (D) 8
34. How many persons can speak English, Hindi and Telugu?
(A) 8 (B) 2 (C) 7 (D) None of these
35. How many persons can speak all the language?
(A) 1 (B) 8 (C) 2 (D) None of these
Direction (36-40): Observe the diagram carefully and then answer the following questions.
Here rectangle represents males, Triangle represents PhD, Circle represents Urban and
Square represents civil servants.
3 2 7
9 8 5 4
6 13
36. How many urban male civil servants are there?
(A) 8 (B) 26 (C) 11 (D) 39
37. How many female PhD are there?
(A) 39 (B) 11 (C) 15 (D) 26
38. How many urban male PhD civil servants are there?
(A) 10 (B) 8 (C) 13 (D) None of these
39. How many urban female civil servants are there?
(A) 3 (B) 2 (C) 7 (D) 15
40. How many urban male PhD are there?
(A) 15 (B) 13 (C) 39 (D) None of these
Mental Ability Test-2017
Direction (41 to 43) : The questions represents certain relationship. The same relationship
has been represented by the figures A, B, C, D and E but not in the same order. You have to
choose the right choice
46. The three items satisfy the diagrams are: (NTSE 2016)
1 5 2
4 6
Mental Ability Test-2017
Mental Ability Test-2017
14 Blood Relation
Blood Relation
The questions which are asked under this chapter, depend upon Relation. Hence, it is
necessary for the candidate to have a sound knowledge of the blood relation. To remember
easily the relations may be divided into two sides – Paternal side and Maternal side.
Relations of Paternal side : Relations of Maternal side :
(A) Father’s father – Grandfather (A) Mother’s father – Maternal Grandfather
(B) Father’s mother – Grandmother (B) Mother’s mother – Maternal Grandmother
(C) Father’s brother – Uncle (C) Mother’s brother – Maternal Uncle
(D) Father’s sister – Aunt (D) Mother’s sister – Maternal Aunt
(E) Children of uncle – Cousin (E) Children of maternal uncle – Cousin
(F) Wife of uncle – Aunt (F) Wife of maternal uncle – Maternal Aunt
(G) Children of aunt – Cousin
(H) Husband of aunt – Uncle
1. Sarita introduced a boy as the son of the daughter of the father of her uncle. The
boy is Sarita’s ______
Mental Ability Test-2017
Directions (1 to 6) : Read the following information carefully and answer the questions
given below
1. Pointing to a girl in the photograph, Ramesh said “Her mother’s brother is the only
son of my mother’s father.” How is the girl’s mother related to Ramesh?
(A) Mother (B) Sister (C) Aunt (D) Grandmother
2. Pointing to a man in a photograph, Anita said “His brother’s father is the only son of
my grandfather.” How is the Anita related to the man in the photograph?
(A) Mother (B) Aunt (C) Sister (D) Daughter
3. Pointing to his son’s portrait, a man said to a woman, “His mother is the only
daughter of your mother.” How was the woman related to the man?
(A) Sister (B) Mother (C) Wife (D) Daughter
4. Introducing a man, a woman said, “His wife is the only daughter of my father.” How
that man was related to the woman?
(A) Brother (B) Father in law
(C) Maternal uncle (D) Husband
5. If Anil is the brother of the son of Sunil’s son, what is the relationship between Anil
and Sunil?
(A) Cousin (B) Brother (C) Nephew (D) Grandson
6. Pointing to a person, a man said to a woman, “His mother is the only daughter of
your father. How was the woman related to the person?
(A) Sister (B) Mother (C) Wife (D) Daughter
Directions (7 to 9) : A, B, C, D, E and F are related each other as given here. B is F’s
daughter in law. D is A’s only grand child. C is D’s only uncle. A has two children F and C,
one male and one female (not necessarily in the same order). E is the father of C.
7. Who is the grandmother of D?
(A) B (B) A (C) C (D) D
8. Who is the mother-in-law of B?
(A) C (B) D (C) E (D) F
9. If a girl G is married into the family, what is the relationship between G and D?
(A) Mother (B) Aunt (C) Mother-in-law (D) Grand mother
Directions (10 to 15) : Read the following information carefully and answer the questions
given below it: A family consists of six members P, Q, R, X, Y and Z. Q is the son of R but R
is not mother of Q. P and R are a married couple. Y is the brother of R. X is the daughter of
P. Z is the brother of P.
10. Who is the brother in law of R?
(A) P (B) Z (C) Y (D) X
11. Who is the father of Q?
(A) R (B) P (C) Z (D) None of these
12. How many children does P have ?
(A) One (B) Two (C) Three (D) Four
13. How many female members are there in the family?
(A) One (B) Two (C) Three (D) Four
14. How is Q related to X?
(A) Husband (B) Father (C) Brother (D) Uncle
Mental Ability Test-2017
21. Raj said to Rohan, “That boy playing with the football is the younger of the two
brothers of the daughter of my father’s wife.” How is the boy playing football related
to Raj?
(A) Son (B) Brother (C) Cousin (D) Brother in law
22. Pointing a photograph X said to his friend U, “She is the only daughter of the father
of my mother.” How X is related to the person in the photograph?
(A) Daughter (B) Son
(C) Nephew (D) Cannot be determined
23. Maya who is the sister in law of Ashok, is the daughter in law of Kritika. Neeraj is
the father of Amit who is the only brother of Ashok. How Kritika is related to Ashok?
(A) Mother-in-law (B) Aunt (C) Wife (D) None of these
24. If A + B means A is the sister of B; A ×B means A is wife of B, A % B means A is the
father of B and A –B means A is the brother of B. Which of the following means T is
the daughter of P?
(A) P×Q%R+S–T (B) P×Q%R–T+S (C) P×Q%R+T–S (D) P×Q%R+S+T
25. Pointing to a woman, Amit said, “Her granddaughter is the only daughter of my
brother.” How is the woman related to Amit?
(A) Sister (B) Grandmother
(C)Mother in law (D) Mother
26. Vipul said “This girl is the wife of the grandson of my mother.” How is Vipul related
to the girl?
(A) Brother (B) Grandfather
(C) Husband (D) Father-in-law
27. Bharat mother say to Bharat, my mother has a son whose son is Amar. How is Amar
related to Bharat?
Mental Ability Test-2017
Mental Ability Test-2017
41. Pointing at photo of female, Ashok said, “ Her father’s wife is my wife’s mother in
law. What is the relation as Ashok with that female in photo?
(A) Sister (B) Wife (C) Mother (D) Daughter
42. A is uncle of B, B is daughter of C, C is the wife of D’s son. Then how is A related to
(A) Son (B) Brother (C) Father (D) Maternal uncle.
43. Sailesh introduces Mahipal as the son of the only brother of his father’s wife How is
Mahipal related to Sailesh?
(A) Cousin (B) Son (C) Maternal uncle (D) Son-in law
44. Pointing to a lady in the photograph Kaushal said, “She is the daughter of the
daughter of the only son of my ground father”. How is the lady related to Kaushal
(A) sister (B) Maternal aunt (C) Niece (D) Cousin
45. Pointing to a woman, Abhijit said, “Her grand daughter is the only daughter of my
brother.” How is the woman related to Abhijit?
(A) Sister (B) Grandmother (C) Mother-in-law (D) Mother
46. Q is a father of P and S is R’ s brother. R is the only daughter of her mother M. If S
is P’s maternal uncle, how are Q and R related?
(A) Father and Daughter (B) Brother and Sister
(C) Husband and wife (D) Brother –in –law and Sister – in – law
47. If A3P means A is the mother of P; A4P means A is the brother of P; A9P means A is
the husband of P and A5P means A is the daughter of P; then which of the following
means that K is the mother in law of M?
(A) M9N3K4J (B) M9N5K3J (C) K5J94M (D) K3J94M
Direction (48 to 50) : The question are based on the information given below.
Read the information carefully and find out the correct answer from the four
alternative and write its alternative number on your answer sheet against the proper
question number. There are six person P,Q,R,X,Y and Z, R is the sister of Z, Q is the
brother of Y’s husband. X is the father of P and grand father of Z. There are two
fathers, three brothers and a mother in the group-
48. Who is Y’s husband?
(A) Q (B)P (C) X (D) Z
49. Who is the mother in the group?
(A) X (B) Q (C) P (D) Y
50. How many male members are there in the group
(A) 2 (B) 1 (C) 4 (D) 3
Mental Ability Test-2017
15 Direction Sense
Direction Sense
Question based on directions are generally asked in each examination. Hence in order to
give correct answer, a candidate must have full knowledge about directions.
There are four main directions – North, South, East and West as shown below:
West East
There are four cardinal directions – North-East (N-E), Norht-West(N-W), South-East (S-E)
and South- West (S-W). These are shown as below
1. Gauravm walks 20 km. towards North. He turns left and walks 40 km. He again
turns left and walks 20 km. Finally he moves 20 km after turning to the left. How far is he
from his starting position?
20 km W E
20 km
20 km E S
1. A man is facing west. He turns 45° in the clockwise directions and then another
180° in the same direction and then 270° in the anticlockwise direction. Which
direction is he facing now?
(A) South (B) North west (C) West (D) South west
2. A started from a place. After walking for a kilometer, he turns to the left, then
walking for a half km. he again turns to left. Now he is going Eastward direction. In
which direction, did he originally start?
(A) West (B) East (C) South (D) North
Mental Ability Test-2017
3. From point P, Akshay starts walking towards East. After walking 30 metre, he turns
to his right and walk 10 metre. He then turns to his right and walks for 30 metre.
He again turn to his right and walk 30 metre. How far is he from point P and in
which direction
(A) Point P itself (B) 10 metre North
(C) 20 metre West (D) 20 metre North
4. A walks 10 metre towards East and then 10 metre to his right. Then every time
turning to his left, he walks 5, 15 and 15 metre respectively. How far is he now from
his starting point?
(A) 5 metre (B) 10 metre (C) 15 metre (D) 20 metre
5. A and B start from a fixed point. A moves towards North and after walking 3 km
turns to his right and covers 4 km. B moves towards West and walks 5 km and then
turns to his right and walks 3 km. Now how far are A and B from each other?
(A) 1 km (B) 5 km (C) 8 km (D) 9 km
6. A person starts towards South direction. Which of the following orders of directions
will lead him to East direction?
(A) right, right, right (B) left, left, right
(C) left, right, right (D) left, right, left
7. Amar travels one km due East; then 5 km due south, then 2 km due East and
finally 9 km due North. How far is from the starting point?
(A) 16 kms (B) 8 kms (C) 6 kms (D) 5 kms
8. A man was facing East. He took three paces forward, turned right walked another
two paces and then turned right again, took three paces and turned about. Which
direction was he last facing?
(A) East (B) North (C) South (D) None of these
9. If I stand on my head with my face pointing Northwards, in what direction will my
right hand point?
(A) East (B) West (C) North (D) South
10. Kumar stands with his face pointing to the South direction. He walked 15 metre and
then turned Northwards and walked another 12 metre. How far was he then from
the starting point.
(A) 12 metre (B) 3 metre (C) 9 metre (D) 5 metre
11. The time on the watch is quarter to three. If the minute hand points to North-East.
In which direction does the hour hand point?
(A) South-West (B) South East (C) North-West (D) North-East
12. A boy rode his bicycle Northward, then turned left and rode 1 km. and again turned
left and rode 2 km. He found himself one km. west of his starting point. How far did
he ride northward initially ?
(A) 1 km (B) 2 km (C) 3 km (D) 5 km
13. A and B start walking in opposite directions. A and B walked 5 km, 6 km
respectively. Thereafter both turned to right again and walked 3 km, again turned to
right and walked 2 km. How much distant apart are they from each other?
Mental Ability Test-2017
21. Puspha moved a distance of 50 m towards the South. Then she turned to her right
and walked 40 m. Again she turned right and walked 60 m. Finally, she turned to
left an angle of 60°. Which direction she was facing?
(A) South (B) North-West (C) West (D) South-East
22. A husband walk looking for his wife. He went 70 m in the west. He turned to his left
and walked 40 m. Again he turned to his left and walked 20 m to look for his wife at
his friend house. His wife was not there. From there, he turned to his right and
covered a distance of 10 m again he turned left and walked 50 m. Finally he met his
wife at her friend’s home. In which direction and how far the husband met his wife
from the starting point
(A) 40 m South (B) 50 m East (C) 50 m South (D) 70 m West
23. Meena was facing south. Turning to his left she walked 30 m. Then she turned to
her right and walked 40 m. Next, she moved 35 m to her left. Then again she turned
to her left and walked 50 m. Finally, she turned to left covered a distance of 45 m.
Which direction was she facing now?
(A) East (B) North-West (C) South (D) West
24. Aurav moved a distance of 60 m towards the East. Then he turned to the right and
covered a distance of 50 m. Then again he turned to his right and walked 10 m.
Finally, he turned to his left at an angle of 45°. In which direction was he moving
(A) North-West (B) South-West (C) South-East (D) North-East
25. Rekha faces towards West. Turning to her left she walks 25 m. Then again she turns
to her right and walks 40 m. Finally, she turns to the left and covers a distance of
30 m. In which direction is she now moving? From the starting point.
(A) East (B) North (C) North-East (D) West
Mental Ability Test-2017
26. Partik walks 20 km towards South. From there he walks 10 km towards West. Then,
he walks 5 km towards North. How far and in which direction is he with reference to
his starting point?
(A) Approximately 18 km South-West (B) 24 km South-West
(C) 19 km North-East (D) 15 km North-West
27. Pankaj left for his office in his car. He drove 20 km towards East and then he turned
right and drove 30 km. Then he turned left and covered a distance of 50 km. Finally,
he turned left and drove 15 km. In which direction is he from his starting point?
(A) South-East (B) South-West (C) North-East (D) North-West
28. After walking a distance of 10 km towards North I turned left and covered a distance
of 5 km, then turned right and covered a distance of 20 km. Then again I turned
right and covered a distance of 15 km. Which direction now am I facing now?
(A) South (B) North-West (C) North (D) East
29. Starting from point X, Harvinder walked 40 m towards north. Then she turned left
and walked 50 m. Then again she turned left and walked 20 m. Again she turned
left and covered a distance of 30 m and reached a point Y. How far and in which
direction is the point Y from the point X?
Mental Ability Test-2017
Mental Ability Test-2017
48. Ranjan goes 5 km towards North from a fixed point. Then he goes 3 km after turning
to his right. After this he goes 5 km turning to his right. In the end he goes 4 km
after turning to this left. How far and in what direction is he now from the fixed
(A) 4 km, West (B) 7 km, East (C) 9 km, East (D) 7 km, West
49. I am facing South, I turn right and walk 20 m, Then I turn right again and walk 10
m. Then I turn left and walk 10 m and then turning right walk 20 m. Then I turn
right again and walk 60 m. In which direction am I from the starting point?
(A) North (B) North-West (C) East (D) North-East
50. A walks 10 metres towards East and then 10 meters to his right. Then every time
turning to his left he walks 5, 15 and 15 meters respectively. How far is he now from
his starting point?
(A) 8 meters (B) 10 meters (C) 15 meters (D) 20 meters
Mental Ability Test-2017
16 Operation
Mathematical Operation
We are all familiar with the symbols used for indicating mathematical operations such
as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. When more than one symbol is
used in a mathematical expression, we are not supposed to carry out the operations at
our discretion. There is a rule as to which operation is to be carried out first. This rule
is called the BODMAS rule. Each latter of the world BODMAS represents a
mathematical operation and the order of the letters indicates the order in which the
operations are to be carried out. The operations indicated by the letters in BODMAS
are given below :
1. X stands for +, Z stands for , Y stands for –, and P stands for ×, then what is the
value of 10 P 2 X 5 Y 5?
(A) 10 (B) 15 (C) 20 (D) 25
10 P 2 X 5 Y 5
10 × 2 + 5 – 5 = 20
So, the answer is (C)
Direction (1 to 6) : The given equation becomes correct when symbols and number are
interchanged as given in one of the options. Find the correct option
1. 27÷3– (4+7)×18 = –1
(A) ÷ and × (B) + and – (C) – and ÷ (D) × and +
2. 6 + 45 – 9 ÷ 4 × 2 = 3
(A) × and – (B) ÷ and + (C) ÷ and – (D) + and ×
Mental Ability Test-2017
3. 40 + 3 ÷ 1 × 3 – 26 = 15
(A) ÷ and × (B) + and × (C) – and ÷ (D)+ and ÷
4. (27–8) ÷ 24 + 7 × 3 = 13
(A) + and × (B) ÷ and × (C) ÷ and + (D) × and –
5. 48 + 69 – 23 × 8 ÷ 22 = 50
(A) × and ÷ (B) ÷ and + (C) × and + (D) – and ÷
6. 32 ÷ 4 × 6 + 3 –12 = 14
(A) × and + (B) + and – (C) – and ÷ (D) + and÷
Direction (7-9) Mathematical symbols (sings) are missing between the numbers. The
missing symbols in proper sequence are given in the alternatives. When the symbols
given in one of the alternatives are inserted between the numbers in the same
sequence, the equation becomes correct. Find the correct alternative.
7. 69 23 111 37 1 = 10
(A) + – × ÷ (B) ÷ + ÷ – (C) × – × – (D) ÷ × ÷ +z
8. (8 7) 5 (78 6) = 62
(A) – × × ÷ (B) + × – ÷ (C) + ÷ + ÷ (D) × – – ÷
9. (13 9) (14 11) 13 = 3
(A) + × + ÷ (B) – × – ÷ (C) × ÷ – ÷ (D) × × – ÷
Directions (10-20) : In question below, equations have become wrong due to wrong order of
signs. Choose the correct order of signs from the give alternatives given under each
question so that the equation becomes right.
10. 7+2=2×3
(A) = × + (B) = + × (C) = + ÷ (D) + × =
11. 7 + 2 × 6 = 20
(A) = × + (B) × – = (C) + ÷ = (D) ÷ + =
12. 15 ÷ 5 = 2 × 1
(A) ÷ × = (B) ÷ = × (C) × = + (D) ÷ = +
13. 6 = 3 – 6 ÷ 12
(A) = × ÷ (B) ÷ = × (C) + = – (D) ÷ × =
14. 3 + 1 ÷ 4 = 16
(A) – = × (B) × + = (C) + × = (D) = × +
15. 8÷4=2+1
(A) ÷ = + (B) ÷ ÷ = (C) ÷ × = (D) = ÷ ÷
16. 2×2+2=2
(A) × ÷ = (B) × = ÷ (C) + × = (D) × + =
17. 5–6+8=3
(A) + – = (B) + = – (C) – = × (D) ÷ × =
18. 7÷7=1×7
(A) + – = (B) ÷ × = (C) ÷ = × (D) × = ÷
19. 3=3–7+0
(A) – + = (B) + × = (C) – × = (D) = × –
20. 4=4+4÷2
(A) + × = (B) = × + (C) ÷ = × (D) + = ×
21. If P means ×, R means +, T means ÷ and S means –, then
18 T 3 P 9 S 8 R 6 = ?
1 2
(A) 1 (B) 46 (C) 52 (D)
3 3
22. If A means –, B means ÷, C means + and D means ×, then
Mental Ability Test-2017
15 B 3 C 24 A 12 D 2 = ?
5 4
(A) 2 (B) (C) 23 (D) None of these
9 9
23. If A = 16, C = 8, D = 3, and B = 9, then
C+A×B÷D =?
(A) 27 (B) 46 (C) 72 (D) None of these
24. If A stands for +, B stands for –, C stands for × then the value of
(10C4) A (4C4)B6 = ?
(A) 60 (B) 56 (C) 50 (D) 46
25. If + means ×, ÷ means –, × means ÷ and – means + then the value of
58–6×34÷2 + ?
(A) 49 (B) 64 (C) 104 (D) None of these
26. If + means ×, – means ÷, × means –, and ÷ means +, then the value of
16÷ 64 – 8 × 4 + 2 = ?
(A) 12 (B) 16 (C) 18 (D) 2
27. In the following question you have to identify the correct response from given
premises stated according to the following questions
If ÷ stand for greater than, × stand for addition; + stands for division, – stands for
equal to, > stands for multiplication, = stands for less than, < stands for minus,
then which of the following alternatives is correct?
(A) 3 + 2 < 4 ÷ 6 > 3 × 2 (B) 3 × 2 < 4 ÷6 + 3 < 2
(C) 3 × 2 < 4 – 6 × 3 × 2 (D) 3 × 2 × 4 = 6 + 3 < 2
28. If “÷” means “+”, “–” means “÷”, “×” means “–” and “+” means “×”, then
32÷8–4×12+4 = ?
(A) 40 (B) 1/12 (C) 16 (D) –14
29. If “x” stands for “+”; “y” stands for “–”, “z stands for “÷” and “w” stands for “×” then
10w 2x 5y 5 = ?
(A) 15 (B) 12 (C) 20 (D) 10
30. If “–” stands for “×”, “×” stands for “+”, “+” stands for “÷” and “÷” stands for “–“, then
what will be the value of the following equation?
8–4+16×8–10 = ?
(A) 54 (B) 82 (C) 15 (D) 10
31. If denotes =; + denotes >, – denotes <, denotes , × denotes > and ÷ denotes < then
a + b – c denotes
(A) b c a (B) b a c (C) a bc (D) b a c
32. If * denotes “×”, denotes “÷”, denotes “–“, denotes “+”, denotes “=” and
denotes , then which of the following equation is correct?
(A) 210 * 455 126 (B) 27 9 63* 69
(C) 42* 07 1*0 (D) None of these
33. If the given signs + and – are interchanged then which of the following equations will
be correct?
(A) 2 + 7 – 8 = 3 (B) 3 – 1+ 4 = 2 (C) 9 + 3 – 5 = 7 (D) 6 + 3 – 8 = 5
34. If ‘A’ stands for ‘X’ , B stands for ‘–’, C stands for ‘+’ and D stands for ‘÷’, what will be
the result of the following expression?
8 B 3 C 10 A 2 D 5
(A) 7 (B) 1 (C) 9 (D) 13
35. If ‘×’ means ‘+’, ‘÷’ means ‘–‘, ‘+’ means ‘÷’ and ‘–‘ means ‘×’, then what will be the
result of the following expression?
Mental Ability Test-2017
8 × 7 – 8+ 40 ÷ 2
3 2
(A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 13 (D) 7
7 5
36. If plus means divided by multiplied by means minus, divided by means multiplied
by and minus means plus, then
18 + 3 ÷ 4 – 8 × 12 = ?
1 1 2
(A) 6 (B) 20 (C) 3 (D) 6
4 3 3
37. If – means ×, ‘+’ means ‘÷’, ‘×’ means ‘+’ and ‘÷’ means ‘–’, then
1 1 2
(A) 7 (B) 12 (C) 11 (D) 23
5 2 3
38. If A stands for ‘+’, B stands for ‘–‘, C stands for ‘×’, then 10 C 4 A 4 B 6 = ?
(A) 50 (B) 42 (C) 58 (D) 46
39. If stands for ‘÷’, stands for ‘×’, stands for ‘+’ and stands for ‘–‘, then
(A) 9 (B) 12 (C) 16 (D) 15
40. If ‘+’ means ‘×’, ‘–‘ means ‘÷’, ‘×’ means ‘–’ and ‘÷’ means ‘+’, then
(A) 65 (B) 17 (C) 26 (D) 11
Mental Ability Test-2017
Mental Ability Test-2017
17 Coding Decoding
A Code is a system of signals. Therefore, Coding is a method of transmitting a message between the
sender and the receiver without a third person knowing it.
The Coding and Decoding Test is set up to judge the candidate’s ability to decipher the rule that codes
a particular word/message and break the code to decipher the messages.
Example – 1:
In a certain code, TEACHER is written as VGCEJGT. How is CHILDREN written in that
Sol. Clearly, each letter in the word TEACHER is moved two steps forward to obtain the
corresponding letter of the code.
+2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2
Similarly, we have:
+2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2
So, the desired code is EJKNFTGP. Hence, the answer id (D).
1. If the word HAPPEN is coded as IJBCQRQRFGOP, what word does ‘CDFGTUUV’
stand for?
2. If SLEEP is coded as XMKKB, SPEAR is coded as XBKOY and PULL as BFMM, how
would you decode PLEASURE?
Mental Ability Test-2017
Mental Ability Test-2017
20. If PLOT is 5321, TAKE is 1790 and PINK is 5469, what is PLATE?
(A) 35710 (B) 53710 (C) 53701 (D) 53071
21. If PALE is coded as 2134, EARTH, is coded as 41590, how is PEARL coded in that
(A) 29530 (B) 24153 (C) 25413 (D) 25430
22. In a certain language, A is coded as 1, B is coded as 3, C is coded as 5 and so on,
how is GARAGE coded in that language
(A) 113193118 (B) 132362139 (C) 131271138 (D) 131351139
23. If in a certain code, SISTER is coded as 535301, UNCLE as 84670, and BOY as 129,
how is SON coded in that code?
(A) 524 (B) 643 (C) 353 (D) 846
24. If in a certain language PRIVATE is coded as 1234567 and RISK is coded as 2198,
how is RIVETS coded in that language?
(A) 687543 (B) 234769 (C) 496321 (D) 246598
25. If PLAY is coded as 8123 and RHYME is coded as 49367, how is MALE coded?
(A) 6217 (B) 6198 (C) 6395 (D) 6285
26. In a certain code ‘Bir le nac’ means ‘Green and tasty’, Pic nac hor’ means ‘Food is
tasty’. Which of the following means “Tomato is tasty” in that code
(A) Hor bir pic (B) Pic hor nac (C) Bir le hor (D) None of these
27. If ‘Nitco sco tingo’ stands for ‘Softer than flowers’. ‘Tingo rho mst’ stands for Sweet
flower fragrance’, and ‘Mst Sco tmp’ stands for ‘Sweet than smile’, what would
‘Fragrance’ stand for
(A) Rho (B) Mst (C) Tmp (D) Sco
28. In a certain code language, ‘Sup na kol’ means ‘Fruit is good’, ‘Kol so hir’ means
‘Tree is tall’ and ‘Sup zo yop’ means ‘Eat good food’, which of the following means
fruit in that language?
(A) Sup (B) Na (C) Kol (D) None of these
29. In a certain code language, 3a, 2b, 7c means ‘Truth is Eternal’, 7c, 9a, 8b, 3a means
‘Enmity is not Eternal’, 10a, 4d, 2b, 8b means ‘Truth does not Perish’. Which of the
following means ‘Enmity’ in that language?
(A) 3a (B) 2b (C) 7c (D) 9a
30. In a certain code language, ‘Pre nat bis’ means ‘Smoking is harmful, ‘ Vog dor nat’
means ‘Avoid harmful habit’ and Dor bis yel means ‘Please avoid smoking’. Which of
the following means ‘habit’ in that language?
(A) Vog (B) Nat (C) Dor (D) None of these
31. If orange is called ‘Butter’, Butter is called ‘Soap, Soap is called ‘Ink’, ‘Ink’ is called
‘Honey’, Honey’ is called ‘Orange’, which is used for washing clothes?
(A) Honey (B) Butter (C) Orange (D) Ink
32. If ‘Water’ is called ‘Food, ‘Food’ is called ‘Tree’, Tree’ is called ‘Sky’, ‘Sky’ is called
‘Wall’. On which of the following grows a fruit?
(A) Water (B) Food (C) Sky (D) Tree
33. If Cloud is called ‘White, ‘White is called ‘Rain’, ‘Rain’ is called ‘Green’, ‘Green’ is
called ‘Air’, ‘Air’ is called ‘Blue’ and ‘Blue’ is called ‘Water’. Where do the birds fly?
(A) Air (B) Cloud (C) White (D) Blue
Mental Ability Test-2017
34. If ‘Banana’ is ‘Apple, ‘Apple’ is ‘Grapes’, ‘Grapes’ is ‘Mango’, ‘Mango’ is ‘Nuts’, ‘Nuts’
is ‘Guava’, which of the following is a yellow fruit?
(A) Mango (B) Guava (C) Apple (D) Nuts
35. If ‘Shirt’ is called ‘Belt’, ‘Belt’ is called ‘Shoes’, ‘Shoes’ is called ‘Pullover’, ‘Pullover’ is
called ‘Hat’, ‘Hat’ is called ‘Collar’, then which of the following would a man wear in
(A) Hat (B) Pullover (C) Shirt (D) Collar
36. If WORD is coded as 15 how will you code GOLD?
(A) 9.5 (B) 40 (C) 8.5 (D) 3.8
37. If BASIC is coded as 6.8, how will you code TEARS?
(A) 34 (B) 12.6 (C) 40 (D) 36
38. If PUSH is coded as 64 how will you code MUST?
(A) 36 (B) 73 (C) 18 (D) 38
39. If CLASS is coded as FODVV, how will you code MONTH?
40. If TILAK is coded as VKNCM, how will you code TIMES?
Direction (41-44): The letters in column I are coded in the form of numbers. Which are
written in column II, but the order of numbers in different. Read carefully code of letters.
Find out correct answer in given alternative and write its alternative number against the
corresponding question number on your answer sheet
Column I Column II
CJL 359
EJP 092
PCK 304
KND 478
NEV 721
41. What will be code of K N P -
(A) 870 (B) 327 (C) 951 (D) 470
42. What will be code of C J E
(A) 123 (B) 392 (C) 724 (D) 803
43. What will be code of L J K -
(A) 270 (B) 903 (C) 594 (D) 741
44. What will be code of P V D
(A) 018 (B) 372 (C) 209 (D) 743
45. If in certain code language E J N P is written as C G J K. What will be code of C H L
R in same language?
(A) A D H N (B) B E J M (C) E J I O (D) A E H M
46. If in certain code language G L R T is written as 21. What will be code of C H N S in
same language?
(A) 13 (B) 11 (C) 19 (D) 17
47. If UDOMETER is coded as DUMOTERE then how will SUBLEASE be coded?
Mental Ability Test-2017
Mental Ability Test-2017
Number and
18 Ranking
Number and Ranking
Ranking is based on the arrangement of things in a particular order. The arrangement may
be on the basis of their position, size, age etc.
Position Series Test :
In this series, question are asked about the positions of the persons from up or down, or
from left or right etc, a some important types are as given below:
1. In a line of girls if Kamla’s position from the left is 15th and from the right her
position is 17th, how many girls are there in the line?
Mental Ability Test-2017
1. How many 6’s are there in the following number series, which are preceded by 5 but
not followed by 7?
(A) One (B) Two (C) Three (D) Four
2. How many 4’s are there in the following number series, which are preceded by
followed by only an even number
(A) One (B) Two (C) Three (D) Four
3. How many 2’s are there in the following number series, which are preceded by 5 but
not followed by an odd number?
(A) One (B) Two (C) Three (D) None of these
4. How many 3’s are there in the following series, which are not preceded by an odd
number but followed by 4?
(A) None (B) Two (C) Four (D) One
5. How many B’s are there in the following letter series which are flowed by G but G is
not be followed by S?
(A) 4 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) 5
6. How many D’s are there in the following series, which are preceded by K and
followed by Q?
(A) 4 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) 3
7. If the number from 4 to 55 which are divisible by 3 and also the numbers which
contain 3 as one of the digits, are removed, then how many numbers will be left?
(A) 24 (B) 23 (C) 22 (D) 25
8. Which is the third number to the left of the number which is exactly in the middle of
the following sequence of numbers
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6
9. How many 3’s are there in the following sequence which are neither preceded by 6
nor immediately followed by 9?
(A) One (B) Two (C) Three (D) Four
10. Count each 7 which is not immediately preceded by 5 but is immediately followed by
either 2 or 3. How many such 7’s are there?
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5
11. How many 6’s are there in the following series of numbers which are preceded by 7
but not immediately followed by 9?
(A) One (B) Two (C) Three (D) Four
Mental Ability Test-2017
12. How many 7’s are there in the following series which are not immediately followed by
3 but immediately preceded by 8?
(A) 10 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) 0
13. Count each 1 in the following sequence of numbers that is immediately followed by
2, but 2 is not immediately followed by 3. How many such 1’s are there?
12 134512352126145112412321752125
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 7
14. How many 7’s are there in the following series which are preceded by 6 which is not
followed by 8
(A) Nil (B) One (C) Two (D) Three
15. In the following list of numerals, how many 2’s are followed by 1’s but not preceded
by 4?
(A) Two (B) Three (C) Four (D) Five
16. If Prateek finds that he is twelfth from the right in a line of boys and fourth from the
left, how many boys should be added to the line such that there are 28 boys in the
(A) 12 (B) 13 (C) 14 (D) 20
17. Varsha ranked sixteenth from the top and twenty ninth from the bottom among
those who passed an examination. Six boys did not participate in the competition
and five failed in it. How many boys were there in the class?
(A) 40 (B) 44 (C) 50 (D) 55
18. Some boys are sitting in a row. P is sitting fourteenth from the left and Q is seventh
from the right. If there are four boys between P and Q, how many boys are there in
the row?
(A) 25 (B) 23 (C) 21 (D) 19
19. Radhika ranks twelfth in a class of forty six. What will be her rank from the last?
(A) 33rd (B) 34th (C) 35th (D) 37th
20. Ranbir and Rajbir are ranked seventh and eleventh respectively from the top in a
class of 31 students. What will be their respective ranks from the bottom in the
(A) 20th and 24th (B) 24th and 20th
(C) 25th and 21st (D) 26th and 22nd
21. Mayur is 7 ranks ahead of Manoj in a class of 39. If Manoj’s rank is seventeenth
from the last, what is Mayur’s rank from the start?
(A) 14th (B) 15th (C) 16th (D) 17th
22. In a class of 60, where girls are twice that of boys, Rohit ranked seventeenth from
the top. If there are 9 girls ahead of Rohit, how many boys are after him in rank?
(A) 3 (B) 7 (C) 12 (D) 23
23. In a row of ten boys, when Neeraj was shifted by two places towards the left, he
became seventh from the left end. What was his earlier position from the right end of
the row?
(A) First (B) Second (C) Fourth (D) Sixth
Mental Ability Test-2017
24. In queue, Piyush is fourteenth from the front and Om is seventeenth from the end,
while Palak is in between Piyush and Om. If Piyush be ahead of OM and there be 48
persons in the queue, how many persons are there between Piyush and Palak?
(A) 8 (B) 7 (C) 6 (D) 5
25. In a row of girls, Preeti and Meena occupy the ninth places from the right end and
tenth place frm the left end, respectively If they interchange their places, Preeti and
Meena Occupy seventeenth places from, Preeti and Meena occupy seventeenth
places from the right and eighteenth place from the left, respectively How many girls
are there in the row?
(A) 25 (B) 26 (C) 27 (D) Date inadequate
26. In a row of girls, Shruti is eighth from the left and Sandy is seventeenth from the
right. If they interchange their positions, Shruti becomes fourteenth from the left.
How many girls are there in the row?
(A) 25 (B) 27 (C) 29 (D) None of these
27. In a queue of children, Mahima is fifth from the left and Mehak is sixth from the
right. When they interchange their places among themselves, Mahima becomes
thirteenth from the left. Then, what will be Mehak’s position from the right?
(A) 4th (B) 8th (C) 14th (D) 15th
28. In a row of boys, Ajay is eighth from the right and Vijay is twelfth from the left.
When Ajay and Vijay interchange position, Ajay becomes twenty first from the left.
Which of the following will be Vijay’s position from the right?
(A) 8th (B) 17th
(C) 21st (D) Cannot be determined
29. Tree persons A, B and C are standing in queue. There are five persons between A
and B and eight persons between B and C. If there be three persons ahead of C and
21 personal behind A, what could be the minimum number of persons in the queue?
(A) 41 (B) 40 (C) 28 (D) 2
30. In a row of boys, Akshay is seventh from the left and Serma is twelfth from the right.
If they interchange their positions, Akshay becomes twenty send from the left How
many boys are there in the row?
(A) 19 (B) cant be determined
(C) 33 (D) None of these
31. Shivam remembers that his brother Harsha’s birthday falls after 20th May but before
28th May, while Alia remember that Harsha’s birthday falls before 22nd May but after
12th May. On what date Harsha’s birthday falls?
(A) 20th May (B) 21st May
(C) 22nd May (D) Cannot be determined
32. Yamini remembers that her father’s birthday was certainly after eighth but before
thirteenth of December. Here sister Kamani remembers that their father’s birthday
was definitely after ninth but before fourteenth of December. On which date of
December was their father’s birthday?
(A) 10th (B) 11th
(C) 12th (D) Data inadequate
33. Tejas remembers that his elder brother was born between 1th and 16th April while
his mother remembers that he was born after 14th April and before 17th April. If the
statements of both are considered correct then on which date of April he was born?
(A) 14 (B) 16 (C) 14 pr 15 (D) 15
Mental Ability Test-2017
34. In Wagha Border Amritsar, persons are sitting in a row for watching a parade,
Dhiraj is at ninth ranks ahead of Sujeet in a row of 35 persons. If Sujeet’s rank is
eighteenth form the last. What is Dhiraj’s rank from the start?
(A) 7 (B) 8 (C) 11 (D) 10
35. In an annual job fest, Amita is 7thrank ahead of Mukul who ranks twenty-fifth from
starting in a 55 persons. What is Anita rank from the start?
(A) 36 (B) 38 (C) 19 (D) 18
36. In a yoga centre, persons are sitting a row. Manjul is eleventh from the left and
Anisha is fifteenth from the right. If in this row Manjul is twelfth from the right then
what is the position of Anisha from left?
(A) 12 (B) 13 (C) 8 (D) 15
37. In a finale of KBC, audience are sitting in a row, Pooja is fifth from the left and
Aditya is ninth from right end in a row. If there are eight audience/ persons between
Pooja and Aditya. How many persons are there in the row?
(A) 20 (B) 21 (C) 22 (D) 23
38. In the examination, students are sitting in a row. Ankul is fourteenth from the left
and Babita is third from the right. There are five students sitting between Ankur and
Babita, Chitra is just left of Ankur. What is Chitra’s position from right?
(A) 9 (B) 10 (C) 11 (D) 12
39. IN a group dance competition, one of the formation of dance is in the form of row.
Amrita is twelfth from the left end of a row of 32 girls and Nisha is twelfth from the
right end in the same row. How many girls are there between them in the row?
(A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 8 (D) 9
40. In a Union of 30 persons, X is eleventh from left end and Y is seventh from the right
end. How many person are there between X and Z if Z is fourth to the left of Y?
(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 8
Mental Ability Test-2017
46. How many 3,s are there in the following number series, which are preceded by an
odd number out not followed by an even number ?
(A) One (B) two (C) Three (D) Four
47. How many 4,s are there in the following number-series which are preceded by 5 but
not followed by 7? 23423425473243192547547234529546
(A) One (B) two (C) Three (D) Four
48. How many D’s are there in the following letter-series which are preceded by K and
following by Q?
(A) 4 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) 3
49. 423411223412244335341123 in the above series, how many 3’s are there such that
4 comes before?
(A) 4 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) 1
50. Harshal is standing at the centre of a raw of boys. Ujwal is eighth to the left of
Harshal, Shubham is standing twenty first of Ujwal, but he is thirteenth to the left of
Kishore. Find the total number of boys standing in a row.
(A) 27 (B) 35 (C) 52 (D) 53
Mental Ability Test-2017
Alphabet Test
19 Letter Change
Alphabet Test Letter Change Sequence
In letter change sequence a word is given, its letter are interchanged in some sequence,
then the changed word is formed by then instructions.
1. Prudent if P interchange with fifth position third letter is interchange with adjacent
left and n is interchanged to immediate right, then what word will be formed
Mental Ability Test-2017
Mental Ability Test-2017
21. How many pairs of letters are there in the word ‘BUCKET’ which have as many
letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet?
(A) One (B) Two (C) Three (D) Four
22. Two letters in the word ‘PRESENCE’ have as many letters between them in the word
as in the alphabet and in the same order. Which one of the two letters comes earlier
in the English alphabet?
(A) C (B) E (C) R (D) P
23. How many letters are there in the word ‘CREATIVE’, which have a as many letters
between them in the word as in the English alphabet?
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
24. In the word ‘PARADISE’, how many pairs of letters are there which have as many
letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet?
(A) None (B) One (C) Two (D) Three
25. How many pairs of letters in the word ‘DABBLE’ have as many letters between them
in the word as in the English alphabet?
(A) Nil (B) One (C) Two (D) More than three
26. How many independent words can ‘HEARTLESS’ be divided into without changing
the order of the letters and using each letter only once?
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5
27. How many independent words can ‘STAINLESS’ be divided into without changing
the order of the letters and using each letter only once?
(A) Five (B) One (C) Two (D) Three
28. From the word ‘ASTOUNDER’, how many independent words can be made without
changing the order of the letters and using each letter only once?
(A) Five (B) One (C) Two (D) Three
29. From the word ‘BEHIND’, how many independent words can be made without
changing the order of the letters and using each letter only once?
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
30. From the word ‘LAPAROSCOPY’, how many independent meaningful words can be
made without changing the order of the letters and using each letter only once?
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
31. How many pairs of letters are there in the word EXPLOSION which have as many
letters between them in the word as there are between them in the English
(A) One (B) Two (C) Three (D) Four
32. How many pairs of letters are there in the word ATMOSPHERE which have as many
letters between them in the word as there are between in the English alphabet?
(A) Two (B) Three (C) Four (D) Five
33. If all the letters of the word UNIVERSAL are arranged in alphabetic order then
number of the positions of each letters is given according to new arrangement then
what is difference between number positions of vowels and those of consonants?
(A) 19 (B) 17 (C) 21 (D) 20
34. How many pairs of letters are there in the word KINDNESS which have as many
letters between them in the word as there are between in the alphabet?
(A) None (B) One (C) Two (D) Three
35. If with the first second, fifth and sixth letters of the word EXCLAIM a meaningful
word is formed then third letter of the word is the answer. If no word is possible then
Y will be your answer and if more than one such word can be made then given N as
(A) Y (B) N (C) C (D) M
36. How many pairs of letters are there in the word ‘BUCKET’ which have as many
letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet?
Mental Ability Test-2017
Mental Ability Test-2017
20 Logical Order
Logical Order
In such type of question, some words are given. The candidates is asked to arrange these
words in a meaningful order. The order may be according to the age, size and need etc.
1. Arrange the following words in a meaningful order :
Directions : Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence
1. 1. Quench 2. Thirsty 3. Man 4. Well
5. Water
(A) 1, 3, 4, 5, 2 (B) 2, 3, 5, 4, 1 (C) 2, 3, 4, 1, 5 (D) 3, 2, 4, 5, 1
2. 1. Presentation 2. Recommendation 3. Arrival
4. Discussion 5. Introduction
(A) 5, 3, 4, 1, 2 (B) 3, 5, 4, 2, 1 (C) 3, 5, 1, 4, 2 (D) 5, 3, 1, 2, 4
3. 1. Tree 2. Seed 3. Flowers 4. Fruit
5. Plant
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Mental Ability Test-2017
21. 1. Hecto 2. Centi 3. Deca 4. Kilo
5. Deci
(A) 1, 3, 4, 5, 2 (B) 1, 5, 3, 4, 2 (C) 2, 5, 3, 1, 4 (D) 5, 2, 1, 4, 3
22. 1. Honey 2. Flower 3. Bee 4. Wax
(A) 1, 3, 4, 2 (B) 2, 1, 4, 3 (C) 2, 3, 1, 4 (D) 4, 3, 2, 1
23. 1. Country 2. Furniture 3. Forest 4. Wood
5. Trees
(A) 1, 3, 5, 4, 2 (B) 1, 4, 3, 2, 5 (C) 2, 4, 3, 1, 5 (D) 5, 2, 3, 1, 4
24. 1. Site 2. Plan 3. Rent 4. Money
5. Building 6. Construction
(A) 1, 2, 3, 6, 5, 4 (B) 2, 3, 6, 5, 1, 4
(C) 3, 4, 2, 6, 5, 1 (D) 4, 1, 2, 6, 53
25. 1. District 2. Village 3. State 4. Town
5. City
(A) 2, 4, 1, 5, 3 (B) 2, 1, 4, 5, 3 (C) 5, 3, 2, 1, 4 (D) 2, 5, 3, 4, 1
26. 1. Cutting 2. Dish 3. Vegetable 4. Market
5. Cooking
(A) 1, 2, 4, 5, 3 (B) 3, 2, 5, 1, 4 (C) 4, 3, 1, 5, 2 (D) 5, 3, 2, 1, 4
27. 1. Patient 2. Diagnosis 3. Bill 4. Doctor
5. Treatment
(A) 1, 4, 2, 3, 5 (B) 1, 4, 3, 2, 5 (C) 1, 4, 2, 5, 3 (D) 4, 1, 2, 3, 5
28. 1. Study 2. Job 3. Examination 4. Earn
5. Apply
(A) 1, 3, 2, 5, 4 (B) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (C) 1, 3, 5, 2, 4 (D) 1, 3, 5, 4, 2
29. 1. Atomic Age 2. Metallic Age 3. Stone Age 4. Alloy Age
(A) 1, 3, 4, 2 (B) 2, 3, 1, 4 (C) 3, 2, 4, 1 (D) 4, 3, 2, 1
30. 1. Book 2. Pulp 3. Timber 4. Jungle
5. Paper
Mental Ability Test-2017
Direction (41 to 45) Arrange the given words in the sequence in which they occur in the
dictionary and then choose the correct sequence from the options.
41. (I) Cloth (II) Cinema (III) Chronic (IV) Christmas (V) Create
(A) (IV), (III), (II), (I), (V) (B) (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V)
(C) (IV), (II), (III), (V), (I) (D) (IV), (II), (III), (I), (V)
42. (I) Dialogue (II) Diagram (III) Diameter (VI) Diagnose (V) Dial
(A) (IV), (II), (V), (I), (III) (B) (II), (IV), (V), (I), (III)
Mental Ability Test-2017
(C) (I), (IV), (II), (V), (III) (D) (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V)
43. (I) Navigate (II) National (III) Naughty (IV) Nation (V) Narrow
(A) (V), (IV), (III), (II), (I) (B) (V), (IV), (II), (III), (I)
(C) (I), (II), (III), (IV), (V) (D) (V), (II), (III), (IV), (I)
44. (I) Peerless (II) Penal (III) Petroleum (IV) Pedestrian (V) Pharmacy
(A) (IV), (I), (II), (V), (III) (B) (I), (II), (V), (IV), (III)
(C) (IV), (I), (II), (III), (V) (D) (IV), (I), (V), (III), (II)
45. (I) Unstable (II) Unship (III) Unsafe (IV) Unseat (V) Unshared
(A) (I), (III), (II), (IV), (V) (B)(III), (IV), (V), (II), (I)
(C) (I), (IV), (V), (II), (III) (D) (V), (IV), (III), (II), (I)
Direction (46 to 50) Select the combination of numbers so that letters arranged
accordingly will form a meaningful
(A) 4, 5, 1, 2, 6, 3, 7 (B) 4, 5, 3, 2, 1, 6, 7
(C) 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 7 (D) 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7
(A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (B) 7, 6, 5, 1, 4, 2, 3
(C) 7, 6, 1, 5, 2, 4, 3 (D) 7, 6, 5, 1, 2, 4, 3
(A) 6, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3 (B) 4, 6, 5, 1, 2, 3
(C) 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (D) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
1 23456 78
(A) 7, 1, 2, 6, 8, 3, 5, 4 (B) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
(C) 8, 7, 2, 1, 4, 5, 3, 6 (D) 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8,4, 5
(A) 3, 8, 7, 4,5, 6, 1,2 (B)3, 2, 1, 5, 8, 7, 4,6
(C) 3, 1, 2, 8, 7, 4, 5, 6 (D) 3, 1, 2, 7, 8, 5, 4, 6
Mental Ability Test-2017
21 Reasoning
Arithmetical Reasoning
In this chapter the question based on age, diagrams venn diagrams and general calculation
etc. are asked. Hence thorough knowledge of Arithmetic and Algebra etc is essential.
1. In a group of dogs and crows the number of legs is more than 2 times the number of
heads by 20. What is the number of dogs?
Mental Ability Test-2017
Mental Ability Test-2017
16. There are three strings of different lengths, which together is 35 cm. The smallest is
2 4
of the middle one, which is of the longest string. What is the length of the
3 5
longest string?
(A) 12 cm (B) 22 cm (C) 24 cm (D) 15 cm
2 1
17. Anil has as much money as Sunil has and Sunil has 1 times as much money
3 2
as Pravin has. If Pravin has Rs. 180, how much money does Anil have?
(A) 360 (B) 180 (C) 90 (D) 60
18. In a college union election only two candidates contested. A candidate secures 41%
of the votes, but is defeated by other candidate by 1440 votes. Totally, how many
students did cast their votes?
(A) 2880 (B) 4320 (C) 8000 (D) 5600
19. A vendor sells 40% of his mango stock and throws away 20% of the remainder. Next
day he sells 50% of the remainder and throws away the rest. What percent of his
fruit does the vendor throw?
(A) 24 (B) 30 (C) 36 (D) 40
20. To number the pages of an encyclopedia the printer used 2989 digits. How many
pages did the book contain?
(A) 924 (B) 1024 (C) 1089 (D) 1009
1 1
21. Ashok spends of the money for mangoes and of the remaining money for
8 7
sweets. With the leftover money he goes to a bakery and spends of the money to
buy bread for his father, and with the remaining money he spends and buys
flowers for his sister and from the amount left over he buys a cricket ball by
spending of the amount. Now he is left ` 48. How much money did Ashok have in
the beginning?
(A) ` 90 (B) ` 80 (C) ` 128 (D) ` 112
22. A certain number of camels and an equal number of men are going somewhere. Half
of the owners are on the back of their camels, while the remaining ones are walking
along leading their camels. If the number of legs walking on the ground is 70, how
many camels are there?
(A) 12 (B) 14 (C) 16 (D) 10
23. Two poles X and Y each of 16 cm high are placed parallel to each other on a plan
ground. Frog A is positioned at the top of pole X, whereas frog B is positioned at the
ground level near the pole Y. Frog A comes 2 cm down the pole X during the daytime
and goes up 1 cm during the night every day, whereas frog B goes up 2 cm up the
pole Y during the day and slips down 1 cm during the night every day. After how
many days will the two frogs be at the same height above the ground level?
1 1
(A) 7 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D) 9
2 2
Mental Ability Test-2017
24. Ashok working in a bank can claim ` 15 for each kilometer which he travels by taxi
and ` 5 for each kilometer when he goes in his own car. If Ashok claims ` 500 in 1
week for traveling 80 km, how many km, did he travel by taxi?
(A) 10 km (B) 15 km (C) 30 km (D) 40 km
25. A group of 1200 person consisting of professors and students joined for New Year
celebrations. For every 15 students there is one professor. What is the total number
of professors participated in the party?
(A) 75 (B) 80 (C) 70 (D) 65
26. In a bundle of 154 shirts, there are three less white shirts than red shirts, and five
more white shirts than green shirts. How many red shirts are there?
(A) 52 (B) 55 (C) 40 (D) 47
27. A monkey ate 100 idlis in 5 days, each day eating six more than the previous day.
How many did it eat on the last day?
(A) 23 (B) 26 (C) 35 (D) 32
28. A worker is paid ` 100 per day for attending office and fined ` 50 on the day of his
absence. If in a month of 30 days he earn ` 2400, how many days was he absent.
(A) 12 (B) 6 (C) 8 (D) 4
29. In a box of 100 milk chocolates, there are four times as many 5 stars and five times
as many Diary milk as there are Amul chocolates. If the cost of each Amul, 5 star
and Dairy milk are in the ratio of 2 : 3 : 4, what could be the cost of box of
(A) Rs.300 (B) Rs.260 (C) Rs.340 (D) Rs. 400
30. a : b : c :: 2 : 4 : 3. Find the ratio of the square of their average to the average of
their squares?
(A) 8 : 3 (B) 27 : 29 (C) 23 : 25 (D) 25 : 27
31. Amit spends ` 100 on articles worth ` 2 each and ` 3 each. If he buys 42 articles,
how many articles worth ` 3 has Amit bought?
(A) 13 (B) 14 (C) 16 (D) 26
32. A man and a woman 63 km apart from each other, start travelling towards each
other at the same time. If the man covers 4 km/hr and the women 3 km/hr, how
far will the woman have travelled when they met?
(A) 35 km (B) 36 km (C) 21 km (D) 27 km
33. There are four men of different heights. The fourth man is the tallest and the first
man is the shortest. If the difference in heights among the first three men was 2 in
and the difference between the third and the fourth man was 6 in and the average
height of all the four men was 74 in, how tall was the fourth man?
(A) 78 in (B) 80 in (C) 70 in (D) 74 in
34. Four numbers sum up to given 310. If they are in the ratio of 3 : 2 : 1/5 : 1, which
of the following is the smallest number?
(A) 10 (B) 62 (C) 150 (D) 31
35. Two friends A and B start walking around a circular track in the same direction.
Both of them start from the same point at 7:00 AM. A completes one round in 4 min,
whereas B takes 5 min to complete one round. At what time do A and B cross each
other for the first time?
(A) 7:15 AM (B) 7:20 AM (C) 7:30 AM (D) 7:40 A<
36. Two friends P and Q start walking around a circular track from same point at the
same time. P walks in the clockwise direction, whereas Q walks in the anticlockwise
direction. P completes four rounds in one hour. Q completes five rounds in one
hour. How many times do P and Q meet each other if both of them walk for 40 min?
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Mental Ability Test-2017
Mental Ability Test-2017
22 Alphabet Test
Alphabet Test
In the alphabet test words are arranged in alphabetical order according to dictionary letter
a, b, c, ….to z. Mean a letter will come first and z will come last. This alphabet test will
happen in words too
Direction (1 to 20) : Arrange the given words in the alphabetical order and point the one
that comes first.
1. (A) Project (B) Property (C) Page (D) Paper
Mental Ability Test-2017
Directions (21-40) : In each of the following Questions, find which one word cannot be
made from the letters of the given word.
Mental Ability Test-2017
41. If RAJU = 11 -12 -13 -14 and JUNK =13- 14- 10- 9 then RANK =
(A) 9 – 10- 11-12 (B) 10- 11- 12-9 (C) 11- 12-10 -9 (D)12-10-14-9
42. If WORK = 4 -12-9-16 then WOMAN =
(A) 4-12-14-16-13 (B) 4-26-14-13-12(C) 23-12-26-14-13 (D) 23-15-13-4-14
Direction (43 to 44) : You are given alphabets from A to Z Find out which of the letter
series follows the given rule.
43. Rule. The letters are not according to a general rule.
44. Rule: Number of letters skipped in between adjacent letter in the series is odd
45. If the following words are arranged according to the dictionary order then which will
be the second word in that order?
(A) Expound (B) Exposure (C) Expulsion (D) Expose
46. If it is possible to make a meaningful word from first, fifth, seventh and eleventh
letters of the word SCCENTRICITY then which will be the third letter of the word? If
it is possible to make more than one world then answer will be M and if the world
formation is not possible then the answer will be X
(A) X (B) R (C) N (D) M
47. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word ‘RAZORS’ each of which has as
many letters between them as in the English alphabet series:
(A) None (B) One (C) Two (D) Three
48. Arrange the following according to dictionary and determine the one at 4th place.
(A) Zamaica (B) Zidane (C) Zeast (D) Zinedine
INSTIGATION are arranged according to the dictionary, which will be the fourth
letter of the last word ?
(A) O (B) A (C) R (D) T
50. Which name will come at 3rd place in a telephone directory from the following given
Mental Ability Test-2017
23 Reasoning
Analytical Reasoning
In this type of questions some persons or things are given with some information. Out of
which something is asked. The candidate for this, should arrange the items according to the
given information and then form the chart he should find the answer.
The questions may be of many types. These types are explained in this chapter one by one.
1. (i) P, Q, R R, S and T are sitting in a closed circle facing the centre.
(ii) R is just left of T.
(iii) P is between S and T.
Then who is just left to R?
(A) T (B) P (C) Q (D) S
Solution :
(C) This seating arrangement is shown in the diagram.
Hence Q is just left of R.
Directions (1-5) : Study the following information carefully and answer the following
question given below it:
(i) A, B, C, D, E, F and G are seven members of the family
(ii) Six of them have a difference profession of Accountant, Lawyer, Teacher,
Manager, Doctor, Engineer and one is a student.
(iii) There are two married couples in the family.
(iv) A and F’s professions are Account and Doctor respectively
(v) D is the father of B and the grandfather of G and is an Engineer
(vi) No lady is either an Engineer or a Lawyer.
(vii) G, who is a student, is the grandson of E.
1. How is C related to G?
(A) Mother (B) Aunt (C) Sister (D) None of these
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Mental Ability Test-2017
(C) Either the blue car or the white car is parked in a slot next to 3
(D) One of the cars is parked in slot number 6
Directions (15-17): The membership of two clubs namely A and B must be chosen by a
group of seven persons Geetha (G), Haritha (H), Indu (I), Jahanvi (J), Kavitha (K), Lavana (L)
and Malini (M).
(a) Each of the seven people must be member of either A or B
(b) No one can be member of both clubs simultaneously.
(c) Malini cannot be in a club Geetha or Jahnavi
(d) Haritha cannot be with Indu
15. If Haritha is a member of club A, which of the following must be true?
(A) Malini is a member of club A (B) Geetha is a member of club B
(C) Indu is a member of club B (D) Lavanya is a member of club A
16. If Lavanya is not a member in a club with Kavitha or Indu, which of the following
cannot be true?
(A) Malini is in a club with Indu (B) Geetha is in a club with Haritha
(C) Haritha is in a club with Kavitha (D) Indu is in a club with Kavitha
17. If exactly two people are members of club A, which of the following must be one of
the two?
(A) Geetha (B) Malini (C) Jahanvi (D) Kavitha
Directions (18-20) : These questions are based on the following information
Each of eight person A through H likes a different colour among- Red, Blue, Black, White,
Pink, Orange, yellow and Indigo. The information known is
(a) A likes neither Red nor Indigo
(b) Either B or C likes Yellow
(c) E likes either Pink of Indigo
(d) Either G or H likes White
(e) B likes Black while D does not like Blue
(f) F and G like Pink and Blue in any order.
18. Who likes Red Colour?
(A) B (B) C (C) D (D) H
19. Which of the following must be true
(A) B likes Yellow (B) F likes Pink (C) A likes Orange (D) G likes Pink
20. What are the colours that A and E like?
(A) Red, Indigo (B) Red, Pink (C) Black, Indigo (D) Orange, Indigo
Direction (21 to 25): These questions are based on the following information.
A, B, C, D, E and F are six persons travelling together in a boat. Three of them B, C and E
are women and the rest are men. However A, B, C and E are all vegetarian and D and F are
non vegetarian. Finally, B, E and F know swimming while the rest do not know how to
21. In a group, who is the non vegetarian male who does not know swimming?
(A) D (B) F (C) A (D) E
22. In a group, who is the non-vegetarian male who knows swimming?
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) None of these
23. How many of the vegetarian males in the group known swimming?
(A) None (B) Some (C) All (D) Can’t say
24. In the group who is the vegetarian female who knows swimming?
(A) C (B) B (C) A (D) F
25. In the group who is the only female who does not know swimming?
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(iii) C converses in French and Spanish. (iv) E, a native Italian can also converse in
34. Which of the following, can act as an interpreter when C and D wish to confirm ?
(A) A only (B) B only
(C) A or B (D) Any of the other three executives
35. Which of the following cannot converse without an interpreter?
(A) B and E (B) A and B (C) A and C (D) B and D
36. Besides E, which of the following can converse with D without an interpreter?
(A) A, B and C (B) A only (C) A and B (D) B only
37. Of the languages spoken at this conference, which are the two least common?
(A) English and Spanish (B) English and French
(C) Italian and Spanish (D) English and Italian
38. If a sixth executive is brought in, to be under stood by the maximum number of the
original five, he should fluent in:
(A) English and French (B) Italian and English
(C) French and Italian (D) Italian and Spanish
Directions (39 to 40): A loop bus has exactly six stops on its route. The bus first
stops at stop one and then at stops two, three, four, five and six in that order. After
leaving the stop six, the bus returns to stop one and continues around the loop
again. The stops are at six building –G, H, J, K, L and M:
(i) L is stop three. (ii) H is stop six.
(iii) K is the stop immediately before M. (iv) J is the stop immediately before G.
39. If J is the stop four, which of the following must be the stop immediately before L?
(A) K (B) M (C) J (D) G
40. If G is the stop two, which of the following must be the stop immediately before H?
(A) G (B) L (C) K (D) M
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Mental Ability Test-2017
24 Arrangements
Sitting Arrangements
In such questions, first of all diagram should be made. By doing so questions are easily and
quickly solved.
Example (a) 6 boys are sitting in a circle facing towards the centre of the circle.
(b) Rajeev is sitting to he right of Mohan but he is not just of the left of Vijay.
(c) Chandar is between Babu and Vijay.
(d) Ajay is sitting to the left of Vijay.
Who is sitting to the left of Mohan ?
Solution :
Directions (1-3): A, B, C and D are to be seated in a row. But C and D cannot be together.
Also B cannot be at the third place from the left.
1. Which of the following must be false?
(A) A is at the first place (B) A is at the second place
(C) A is at third place (D) A is at the fourth place
2. If A is not at the third place, then C has which of the following option?
(A) The first place only (B) The third place only
(C) The first and third place only (D) Any of the places
3. If A and B are together, then which of the following must be necessarily true?
(A) C is not at the first place (B) A is at the third place
(C) D is at the first place (D) C is at the first place
Direction (4-8): These questions are based on the following information.
Six friends A, B, C, D E and F are sitting around a circular table as per the following
conditions. F is sitting to the left of A. B is sitting between C and E and is opposite
to A. E is sitting to the right of D.
4. Who is sitting opposite to D?
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) F
5. Who is sitting to the left of B?
(A) C (B) E (C) D (D) F
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6. If E interchanges his place with the person sitting opposite to B, then who sits to the
right of F?
(A) A (B) C (C) B (D) E
7. If each person interchanges his place with the person opposite, then who is sitting to
the right of C?
(A) E (B) B (C) A (D) F
8. If A interchanges his place with D, F interchanges with E, and B interchanges with
C, then which of the following statements must be true?
(A) A is to the right of F
(B) There are two persons sitting between B and D
(C) C and D sit opposite each other
(D) E sits to the right of F
Directions (9-15): Select the correct alternative from the given choices
9. Six persons P, Q, R, S, T and U are sitting around a hexagonal table. P is opposite to
U and T is not sitting next to R and S. Q is sitting to the immediate right of U and
opposite to R. Who is sitting to the immediate left of P?
(A) R (B) S (C) T (D) U
10. Eight persons – A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H are sitting around a circular table. A is
sitting opposite to B, C is sitting opposite to D, H is sitting adjacent to B and D and
G is sitting to the right of A. If E is sitting to the right of D, then which of the
following statements must be true?
(A) D is sitting between E and G
(B) E is sitting adjacent to F
(C) F is sitting between B and C
(D) Either E or F is sitting opposite to H
11. Seven persons – A, B, C, D, E, F and G are sitting around a circular table in the
following manner. C is sitting between E and F. G is sitting to the left of A, who is
sitting to the left of D. If F is sitting to the left of G, then who is sitting to the right of
(A) F (B) C (C) D (D) E
Direction (12 to 15) Each of these questions are based on the information given below:
Six friends A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting around the hexagonal table each at one corner. A
is second to the left of F. B is the neighbor of C and D. E is second to the left of D.
12. Which of the following is sitting opposite to E?
(A) C (B) B (C) Cannot be determined (D) D
13. Out of the five , four pairs alike, Find odd one:
(A) B, D (B) A, C (C) E, F (D) E, A
14. Which of the following are the neighbours A ?
(A) F and A (B) E and C (C) F and C (D) Data inadequate
15. Who is four person left of B ?
(A) A (B) F (C) C (D) Data inadequate
Directions (16 to 20) : These questions are based on the following information.
Six friends – A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting around a circular table as per the
following condition. F is sitting to the left of A. B is sitting between C and E and is
opposite to A. E is sitting to the right of D.
16. Who is sitting opposite to D?
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) F
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25 Syllogism
In syllogism questions two or more statements are given and these statements are followed
by two or more conclusions. The candidate is required to find out which of the conclusions
logically follow from the given statements. The statements have to be taken true even if they
seem to be at variance from the commonly known facts.
For such questions, the candidates should take the help of Venn diagrams. On the basis of
the given statements, the candidate should draw all the possible diagrams, then he should
drive the solution from each of these diagrams separately. Finally, the answer common to
all the diagrams is taken.
1. Statements
I. All dogs are asses.
II. All asses are bulls.
I. Some dogs are not bulls.
II. Some bulls are dogs.
III. All bulls are dogs.
IV. All dogs are bulls.
From the diagram it is clear that II and IV conclusions logically follow.
Directions: In each question given below two statements are followed by four conclusions
numbered I, II, III and IV. You have to take the two given statements to be true even if they
seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read the statements and conclusion
and decide which of the conclusions logically follows from the two given statements,
disregarding commonly known facts.
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(A) All apples being sweets is a possibility.
(B) All guavas are sweets
(C) All sweets being guavas is a possibility.
(D) No orange is sweet.
26. Statements
Some tables are jugs.
Some jugs are pots.
All pots are plates.
I. Some plates are jugs. II. Some pots are tables.
III. Some plates are tables.
(A) None follows (B) Only I follows
(C) Only II follows (D) Only II follows
27. Statements
All chairs are rings.
Some rings are sticks.
All sticks are branches.
I. Some branches are chairs II. Some branches are rings
III. Some sticks are chairs
(A) None follows (B) Only I follows
(C) Only II follows (D) Only III follows
28. Statements
All bulbs are chairs.
All chairs are tables.
All tables are mirrors.
I. Some mirrors are bulbs. II. Some tables are bulbs.
III. All chairs are mirrors.
(A) Only I and II follow (B) Only I and III follow
(C) Only II and III follow (D) All follow
29. Statements
All knives are hammers.
No hammer is sword
Some swords are nails
I. Some nails are hammers. II. Some swords are knives.
III. No nail is hammer.
(A) None follows (B) Only either I or III follows
(C) Only II follows (D) Only III follows
30. Statements
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35. Statements :
No bottle is a jar.
All cans are jars.
All cans are tumblers.
I. All tumblers are jars II. All bottles being tumblers is a
(A) neither conclusion I nor II is true. (B) both conclusions I and II are true.
(C) only conclusion II is true. (D) either conclusion I or II is true.
36. Statements :
Some prints are designs.
All designs are copies.
All copies are motifs.
I. At least some prints are motifs
II. All designs are motifs
(A) only conclusion I is true (B) both conclusions I and II are true
(C) either conclusion I or II is true (D) neither conclusion I nor II is true
37. Statements :
All clouds are vapors.
No vapors is a gas.
All gases are rains.
I. All vapors being rains is a possibility.
II. All vapors are clouds
(A) either conclusion I or II is true. (B) both conclusions I and II are true.
(C) only conclusion I is true. (D) only conclusion II is true.
38. Statement:
All soaps are clean.
All clean are wet.
I. Some clean are soaps. II. No clean is a soap.
III. Some wet are soaps. IV. All wet are soaps.
(A) Only I follows (B) Only I or II follows
(C) Only either III or IV follows (D) None of these
39. Statement:
I. Price rise is a natural phenomenon
II. If production increases prices fall. III. High prices affect the poor.
If production rises the poor feel relieved.
(A) Only (i) and (ii) (B) Only (i) and (iii)
(C) Only (ii) and (iii) (D) Data sufficient
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40. Statement:
Adversity makes a man wise
I. The poor are wise. II. Man learns from better experience.
(A) Only conclusion I is right (B) Only conclusion II is right
(C) Both conclusion are right (D) Both conclusion are wrong
41. Statements :
(I) Some Cubes are squares. (II) All squares are circles.
(I) All cubes are circles. (II) Some circles are cubes.
(III) Some circles are square (IV) All squares are cubes.
(A) Only conclusion I follows (B) Only conclusions I, II and III follows
(C) All conclusions follows (D) Only conclusions II and III follows
42. Statements:
(I) All doors are cots (II) Some cots are erasers
Conclusions :
(I) Some doors are erasers. (II) All cost are doors
(III) Some cots are doors. (IV) Some erasers are doors
(A) Only conclusions III and IV follows (B) Only conclusions I and II follows
(C) Only conclusions III follows (D) Only conclusions IV follows
43. Statements :
(I) All parrots are koels (II) No koel is goat
(I) No parrot is goat (II) Some Parrots are goats
(III) All koels are parrots (IV) Some goats are parrots
(A) Only conclusion I follows (B) Only conclusion III follows
(C) Only conclusion II and III follows (D) Only conclusion IV follows
44. Statements :
(I) Some pencils are papers (II) Some papers are boxes
(I) Some pencils are boxes (II) Some boxes are pencils
(III) Some boxes are papers (IV) Some papers are pencils.
(A) Only conclusions I and II follows (B) Only conclusions II and III follows
(C) Only conclusions III and IV follows (D) All conclusions follows.
45. Statement
(I) Some books are pencils. (II) Some pencils are pens.
(I) All books are pens. (II) Some pens are books.
(A) Only conclusion (I) is true
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26 Calendar
Points to be remembered about Calendar -
A year divisible by 4 is a leap year.
In case of century, a leap year is that which is divisible by 400
There are 365 days in an ordinary year, so there are 52 weeks + 1 day. Hence, an
ordinary year contains 1 odd day.
There are 366 days in a leap year. Hence, a leap year contains 2 odd day.
There are 28 days in February in an ordinary year while in leap year there are 29 days
in Feb.
The day of week on 1st January 1 A.D. is Monday.
After 11 years the calendar is repeated
1. If 22nd August is Sunday, What day was on 22days before?
No. of odd days = 1 3 1
1 day before Sunday is Saturday
Hence, it will be Saturday before 22 days
1. How many Mondays are there in a particular month of a particular year, if the
month ends on Wednesday?
(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 3 (D) 4 or 5
2. If the day, two days after tomorrow be Thursday, what day would have been two
days before yesterday?
(A) Friday (B) Tuesday (C) Monday (D) Saturday
3. Mahatma Gandhi was born on 2 October 1869. The day of the week was
(A) Sunday (B) Monday (C) Saturday (D) Friday
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4. 5 March 1999 was on Friday. What day of the week was 5 March 2000?
(A) Monday (B) Sunday (C) Friday (D) Tuesday
5. On what dates of August, 1998, does Friday fall?
(A) 5 (B) 4 (C) 14 (D) 17
6. India got independent on 15 August 1947. What was the day of the week?
(A) Monday (B) Friday (C) Thursday (D) Sunday
7. 7 January 1992 was Tuesday. Find the day of the week on the same date after 5
year, i.e., on 7 January 1997?
(A) Tuesday (B) Wednesday (C) Saturday (D) Friday
8. Number of times 29th day of the month occurs in 400 consecutive years is
(A) 4497 (B) 4800 (C) 4400 (D) None of these
9. The first republic day of India was celebrated on 26 January 1950, What was the
day of the week in that date?
(A) Monday (B) Wednesday (C) Saturday (D) Thursday
10. In an ordinary year the days of March as begin on the same day of the week of other
(A) Feb; Nov (B) Jan; Nov (C) Feb; Oct (D) Jan; Sept
11. If 2 March 1994 was on Wednesday, 25 March of 1994 was on
(A) Wednesday (B) Thursday (C) Friday (D) Monday
12. Calendar for 2000 will serve for also
(A) 2003 (B) 2006 (C) 2007 (D) 2005
13. A day after tomorrow will be X-mas day. What will be the day on New Year day if
today is Monday?
(A) Monday (B) Wednesday (C) Sunday (D) Tuesday
14. Sunanda remembers that she saw her mother on Tuesday after 26th of a month. If
4th of that month fell on Friday, then on what day of the week did she meet?
(A) 27th (B) 28th (C) 29th (D) None of these
15. If 18th February, 1997 falls on Tuesday then what will be the day on 18th February,
(A) Monday (B) Tuesday (C) Thursday (D) Friday
16. If Saturday falls four days after today which is 6th January, on what day did the 1st
of December of previous year fall?
(A) Sunday (B) Wednesday (C) Tuesday (D) Friday
17. If Thursday falls on 20th September 1984, what day will be on 20th September 1992?
(A) Monday (B) Tuesday (C) Sunday (D) Friday
18. Which two months in a year have the same calendar?
(A) June, October (B) April, November
(C) April, July (D) October, December
19. If Wednesday falls on 25h May 1977, what day will be on 25th May 1996?
(A) Sunday (B) Saturday (C) Friday (D) Monday
20. I bought the January issue of “Vigyan Pragati” in 1986, which contained the
calendar of that year. Tell the other year for which this calendar can be used.
(A) 1997 (B) 2001 (C) 1995 (D) 2003
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21. Radha remembers that her father’s birthday was after 16th but before 21st April,
while her brother Mangesh remembers that his father’s birthday was after 19th and
before 22nd April. On what date his father’s birthday falls?
(A) 19th April (B) 21st April (C) 20th April (D) None of these
22. Prabhat remembers that his mother’s birthday falls after 17th but before 21st April
while his sister Urmila remembers that her mother’s birthday falls after 19th April
but before 24th April. On what date her mother’s birthday falls?
(A) 20th April (B) 21st April (C) 19th April (D) 22nd April
23. Anuradha remembers that her friend had visited her after 13th but before 18th of the
month, while Anuradha’s sister remembers that Anuradha’s friend had visited after
16th but before 20th. If it was Saturday on 16th, of the month, then on which day of
the week, Anuradha’s friend did visit to her?
(A) Saturday (B) Monday (C) Sunday (D) None of these
24. If 18th Jan., 1997 falls on Tuesday, what day will fall on 18th Feb., 1997?
(A) Monday (B) Tuesday (C) Thursday (D) Friday
25. If 1st October falls on Sunday, what day of week will fall on 1st November?
(A) Monday (B) Tuesday (C) Wednesday (D) Thursday
26. If 17th Dec., 1982 falls on Saturday, what day of the week will fall on 22nd Dec.,
(A) Monday (B) Tuesday (C) Thursday (D) Sunday
27. If the seventh day of a month is three days earlier than Friday, what day will be on
the 19th day of the month?
(A) Sunday (B) Monday (C) Wednesday (D) Friday
28. If the 1st
day of an ordinary year (Not leap year) falls on Friday, then what will be the
day on the last day of that year?
(A) Monday (B) Friday (C) Saturday (D) Sunday
29. Which of the following years, is a leap year?
(A) 1982 (B) 1704 (C) 1978 (D) 1954
30. If on Wednesday there will be X-mas-day. What will be the day on the next New-
(A) Sunday (B) Thursday (C) Wednesday (D) Monday
31. Kamla is 41 weeks older to me while Anuradha is 15 weeks older to her. If Anuradha
was born on Saturday, on which day was I born
(A) Friday (B) Wednesday (C) Sunday (D) Saturday
32. Veerchand was born on 22nd
March 1982. On what day of the week was he 14 years
7 months and 8 days of age?
(A) Tuesday (B) Monday (C) Sunday (D) Wednesday
33. Hemant took the calendar of the year 1990 and with its help he came to know about
the days of the year. Can he use the same calendar for any other year? If so then for
which year?
(A) 1996 (B) 2001 (C) 2005 (D) 2004
Directions (34 to 35 ): Study the information given below and then answer each of
these questions:
(i) Kamal is available at home from 12 noon to 4 pm on Tuesday, Thursday and
Mental Ability Test-2017
(ii) His younger brother Navin is available at home on Monday, Thursday, Friday and
Sunday between 10 am to 2 pm
(iii) The eldest brother Rajeev is available between 9 am to 12 noon on Monday,
Wednesday and Thursday while 2 pm to 4 pm on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
34. At a time on which of week all the three brothers are available at home?
(A) None (B) Sunday
(C) Thursday (D) Can’t be determined
35. For how many days youngest brother is available at a particular time in a week?
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
36. On which day(s) of a week the youngest and the eldest brother are available at home
at the same time?
(A) Only Monday (B) Monday and Thursday
(C) Only Thursday (D) Only Friday
37. If on 1st September is Sunday, then 1st November will be
(A) Monday (B) Tuesday (C) Friday (D) Thursday
38. Which of the following years is not a leap years?
(A) 1600 (B) 1000 (C) 800 (D) 1200
39. In U.P. on 17th October 1996 the president rule was declared. Find the day of week
on that day
(A) Tuesday (B) Friday (C) Wednesday (D) None of these
40. If it was Saturday on 15th November, 1981, what will be the day on 22nd November
(A) Monday (B) Tuesday (C) Wednesday (D) Sunday
41. If your birth day 30th June, 2003 falls on Monday, on what day of the week does
your birth day fall in the year 2005?
(A) Sunday (B) Tuesday (C) Wednesday (D) Thursday
42. On what day of the week India will celebrate its Republic Day on 26th January,
(A) Sunday (B) Monday (C) Tuesday (D) Wednesday
43. Manuni went to the movies nine days ago. She goes to the movie only on Thursday.
What day of the week is today?
(A) Sunday (B) Tuesday (C) Thursday (D) Saturday
44. If the fifth day of month is Friday, which of the following will be the seventh day
from 10th of that month?
(A) Wednesday (B) Sunday (C) Friday (D) Saturday
45. If 21st November falls five days before Wednesday, then what will be the day on 25th
(A) Monday (B) Tuesday (C) Wednesday (D) Thursday
46. If 1st October is Sunday, then 1st November will be
(A) Monday (B) Tuesday (C) Wednesday (D) Thursday
47. Which two months in a year have the same calendar?
(A) June, October (B) April, November
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27 Clock
The hour hand and the minute hand of a clock move in relation to each other continuously
and at any given point of time, they make an angle between 0° and 180° with each other.
Minute hand covers 360° in 1 hour, i.e., in 60 minutes. Hence, MINUTE HAND COVERS 6°
Hour hand covers 360° in 12 hours. Hence, HOUR HAND COVERS 30° PER HOUR i. e., 12°
per minute.
The following additional points also should be remembered. In a period of 12 hours, the
hands make an angle of
0° with each other (i.e., they coincide with each other), 11 times
180° with each other (i.e., they lie on the same straight line), 11 times.
Any other angle with each other, 22 times.
1. At what time between 5 and 6 O’clock are the hands of a clock together?
3 3
(A) 5 hr 26 min (B) 5 hr 23 min
11 11
(C) 5 hr 20 min (D) 5 hr 27 min
1. Here, H = 5
60H 60 300 3
5 27
11 11 11 11
Hands of a clock are together at 22 minutes past 5 O’clock
2. At what time between 5 and 6 O’clock will the hands of a clock be at right angle?
10 7
(A) 5 hr 10 min (B) 5 hr 43 min
11 11
(C) 5 hr 22 min (D) Both (A) and (B)
2. Here, H = 5
12 12 10 7
5H 15 5 5 15 10 & 43
11 11 11 11
10 7
Hands of a clock are at right angle at 10 minutes past 5 and 43 minutes
11 11
past 5.
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1. Find at what time between 2 and 3 O’clock will the hands of a clock in the same
straight line but not together.
7 7
(A) 2 hr 43 min (B) 2 hr 33 min
11 11
7 7
(C) 2 hr 22 min (D) 2 hr 3 min
11 11
2. Find the time between 4 and 5 O’clock when the two hands of a clock are 4 minutes
2 5
(A) 4 hr 26 min (B) 4 hr 17 min
11 11
(C) 4 hr 11 min (D) Both (A) and (B)
3. Find the angle between the two hands of a clock at 15 minutes past 4 O’clock.
(A) 37° (B) 22° (C) 37.5° (D) 27.5°
4. The minute hand of a clock overtakes the hour hand at intervals of 65 minutes. How
much a day does the clock gain or loss?
10 10 10 10
(A) 9 min (B) 10 min (C) 11 min (D) 12 min
143 143 143 143
5. At what time between 3 and 4 O’clock are the hands of a clock together?
7 4
(A) 15 minutes past 4 (B) 16 minutes past 3
11 11
(C) 16 minutes past 2 (D) None of these
6. At what time between 7 and 8 O’clock will the hands of a clock be at right angle?
5 9
(A) 19 minutes past 2 (B) 21 minutes past 7
11 11
(C) 18 minutes past 4 (D) None of these
7. Find at what time between 8 and 9 O’clock will the hands of a clock be in the same
straight line but not together?
9 7
(A) 11 minutes past 5 (B) 9 minutes past 5
11 11
(C) 10 minutes past 8 (D) None of these
8. At what time between 5 and 6 O’clock are the hands of a clock 3 minutes apart?
(A) 24 minutes past 5 (B) 22 minutes past 3
(C) 26 minutes past 4 (D) none of these
9. Find the angle between the two hands of a clock at 30 minutes past 4 O’clock
(A) 40° (B) 30° (C) 45° (D)None of these
10. How much does a watch gain or lose per day, if its hands coincide every 64
8 2
(A) 32 minutes gain (B) 34 minutes gain
11 11
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(C) 32 minutes loss (D) None of these
11. How often between 11 O’clock and 12 O’clock are the hands of the clock an integral
number of minutes apart?
(A) 55 times (B) 56 times (C) 58 times (D) 60 times
12. Number of times the hands of a clock are in a straight line every day is
(A) 44 (B) 24 (C) 42 (D) 22
13. My watch gains 5 seconds in 3 minutes was set right at 7 a.m. In the afternoon of
the same day, when the watch indicated quarter past 4 O’clock, the true time is
7 3
(A) 59 min. past 3 (B) 12 min past 3
12 11
(C) 4 p.m. (D) 7 min past 4
14. My watch gains 5 min. every hour. How many degree the second hand moves in
every minute?
(A) 375° (B) 380° (C) 390° (D) 365°
15. At what time between 4 : 30 and 5 will the hands of a clock be in a straight line?
(A) 50 mins. Past 4 (B) 42 mins. Past 4
(C) 54 mins. Past 4 (D) 46 mins. Past 4
16. A watch which loses uniformly was observed to be 12 minutes fast at 4:00 a.m. on
6th of a month. It showed 20 minutes less than the correct time at 6 p.m. on the 10th
of the same month. When did the watch show the correct time?
(A) 9:15 p.m. on the 7th (B) 9:5 a.m. on the 8th
(C) 9:35 p.m. on the 9th (D) 9:20 p.m. on 7th
17. A clock strikes 4 talking 9 seconds. In order to stride 12 at the same rate, the time
taken is
(A) 27 seconds (B) 36 seconds (C) 30 seconds (D) 33 seconds
18. How often are the hands of a clock at right angle everyday?
(A) 38 times (B) 44 times (C) 40 times (D) 48 times
19. How many times in a day, the hands of a clock are straight?
(A) 22 (B) 24 (C) 44 (D) 48
20. At 12 O’clock the minute hand points east. At 4:30, in which direction will the hour
hand point?
(A) North-west (B) South-east (C) South (D) South-west
21. A clock is set right at 5 a.m. The clock loses 16 min. in 24 hours. What will be the
true time when the clock indicates 10 p.m. on the 4th day?
(A) 9 a.m. (B) 11 p.m. (C) 11 a.m. (D)9 p.m.
22. My watch was 3 minutes slow at 5 p.m. Tuesday and it was 5 minutes fast at 11
p.m. Wednesday. When did it give correct time?
(A) Wednesday 4 : 15 a.m. (B) Wednesday 7:15 a.m.
(C) Tuesday 7:30 a.m. (D) None of these
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23. A watch, which gains uniformly, was observed to be 4 minutes, slow at 6:00 a.m. on
a Monday. On the subsequent Thursday at 7:00 p.m. it was noticed that the watch
was 6 minutes fast. When did the watch show the correct time?
(A) 5:00 p.m. Tuesday (B) 4:00 p.m. Tuesday
(C) 6:00 p.m. Tuesday (D) 3:00 p.m. Tuesday
24. A man who went out between 3 and 4 and returned between 8 and 9, found that the
hands of the watch had exactly changed places. He returned at
(A) 14 mins. Past 8 (B) 21 mins past 8
2 6
(C) 19 mins past 8 (D) 18 mins. Past 8
13 13
25. A clock gains 10 minutes in every 24 hours. It is set right on Monday at 8 a.m. What
will be the correct time on the following Wednesday, when the watch indicates 6
(A) 5:30 p.m. (B) 5:40 p.m. (C) 4:36 p.m. (D) none of these
26. A watch, which gain uniformly, was observed to be 5 minutes slow at 12 noon on
Monday. It was noticed 10 minutes fast at 6 p.m. on the next day. When did the
watch show the correct time?
(A) 9:00 p.m., on the same day
(B) 9 hours 30 minutes p.m., on the same day
(C) 10 hours 30 minutes p.m., on the same day
(D) 10:00 p.m., on the same day
27. The watch which gains uniformly is 2 minutes slow at noon on Sunday and is 4
min. 48 sec. fast at 2 p.m. on the following Sunday. The watch was correct at
(A) 2 p.m. on Tuesday (B) 12 noon on Monday
(C) 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday (D) 12:45 p.m. on Monday
28. A watch which gains uniformly is 6 minutes slow at 4 p.m. on a Sunday and 10
minutes fast on the following Sunday at 8 p.m. During this period (Day and Time)
when was the watch correct?
(A) 2:36 a.m. (B) 1:36 a.m. (C) 2:36 p.m. (D) 1:36 p.m.
29. If a clock takes 22 seconds to strike 12, how much time will it take to strike 6?
(A) 10 seconds (B) 12 seconds (C) 14 seconds (D) None of these
30. A clock strikes 12 and it takes 22 seconds to do so. How much time will it take to
strike 4?
(A) 10 s (B) 6 s (C) 8 s (D)11 s
31. At what angle are the hands of a clock inclined at 20 minutes past 7?
(A) 80° (B) 90° (C) 100° (D) 120°
32. What is the angle between the two hands of a clock, when the time is 2 hours 35
(A) 122½° (B) 142½° (C) 132½° (D) 116½°
33. At what time between 6 and 7 O’clock, are the hands of a clock together?
(A) 6 hours 32 811 minutes (B) 6 hours 33 611 minutes
(C) 6 hours 34 511 minutes (D) 6 hours 29 711 minutes
34. At what time between3 and 4 O’clock are the hands of a clock in the opposite
(A) 3 hours 48 611 minutes (B) 3 hours 49 111 minutes
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46. At 12 o’ clock minute hand points east, At 4 : 30, in which direction the hour hand
will point?
(A) North – East (B) South – East (C) South (D) South – West
47. A bus for Bombay leaves after every forty minutes from a but stand. An enquiry
clerk told a passenger that the bus had already left ten minutes ago and the next
bus will leave at 10 : 45 a.m. At what time did the enquiry clerk given the
information to the passenger?
(A) 10 : 05 a.m. (B) 9 : 35 a.m. (C) 10 : 35 a.m. (D) 10 : 15 a.m.
48. At 3: 40 A.M., the hour hand and the minute hand of a clock form an angle of
(A) 120° (B) 125° (C) 135° (D) 130°
49. I left home for bringing milk between 7 am and 8 am. The angle between the hour-
hand and the minute-hand was 90° I returned home between 7 am and 8 am. Then
also the angle between the minute –hand and hour –hand was 90°. At what time
(nearest to second) did I leave and return home?
(A) 7h 18 m 35 s & 7h 51 m 24 s (B) 7h 19m 24s & 7h 52 m 14s
(C) 7h 20 m 42s & 7h 53 m 11s (D) 7h 21m 49s & 7h 54m 33s
50. I left home at 3 : 00 pm and returned at 3 : 48 pm. The clock was rotated by 45°, so
that when I left, the hour-hand of a clock was pointing along the south-east
direction. In which direction would the hour-hand point when I returned ?
(A) 15° East of South (B) 21° East of South
(C) 63° South of East (D) 27° South of East
Mental Ability Test-2017
Two different positions of a dice are shown above. Which number will appear on the
face opposite to the face with number 4 ?
Solution : Faces with four numbers 6, 2, 5 and 3 are adjacent to the face with No. 4
Hence the faces with no.6,2,5 and 3 cannot be opposite to the face with no. 4.
Therefore the remaining face with no. 1 will be opposite to the face with no. 4.
Rule No. 2. If two different positions of a dice are shown and one of the two common
faces is in same position then of the remaining faces will be opposite to each other.
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1. Which symbol will be on the face opposite to the face with symbol *?
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8. Two positions of a cube with its surfaces numbered are shown below. When the
surface 4 touch the bottom, what surface will be on the top?
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15. How many points will be on the face opposite to the face which contains 3 points?
(A) 1 and 4 only (B) 3 and 4 only
(C) 1 and 2 only (D) 1, 2 and 4 only
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Directions (21 to 22) : Select the correct alternative from the given choices.
21. If five cuts are made on a cube, what is the minimum number of pieces obtained?
(A) 18 (B) 6 (C) 16 (D) 25
22. If six cuts are made on a cube, what is the maximum number of identical pieces
(A) 16 (B) 18 (C) 36 (D) 27
23. The figures given on the left hand side in each of the following questions is folded to
form a box. Choose from the alternatives (1), (2), (3) and (4) the boxes that is similar
to the box formed
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(A) 1 and 3 only (B) 1 and 4 only (C) 2 and 4 only (D) 3 and 4 only
28. Choose the box that is similar to the box formed from the given sheet of paper (X)
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29 Counting Figures
Counting Figures
Questions in this chapter involve counting of geometrical figures such as squares, triangles,
rectangles, and parallelograms in a given figure. In order to count the figures accurately, we
should follow a systematic method. If we adapt a random method for counting the figures,
the chances of making mistakes are high. Moreover, it may also result in wasting our
valuable time.
1. Consider a square, which is divided into four parts horizontally and vertically. Count
the total number of squares
1. How many quadrilaterals are there in the given figures?
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29. Count the number of triangles and squares in the given figure.
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Mental Ability Test-2017
30 Mirror Image
Mirror Image
The image of an object as seen in a mirror is known as mirror image.
In mirror image of an object, right side of the object appears at left side and vice versa.
There are some objects whose mirror images are identical to the objects. The objects given
below are such objects.
A, H, I, M, O, T, U, V, W, X and Y
Mental Ability Test-2017
(A) In problem figure two diagrams are joint to a make one diagram. If the mirror
images of then two are seen separately then images will be seen as in answer
figure (A). Because the mirror image of will be as and the mirror
image of will be as . The image of the right will be at left and vice
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Mental Ability Test-2017
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(A) (B) (C) (D)
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(A) (B) (C) (D)
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(A) (B) (C) (D)
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(A) (B) (C) (D)
40. BANK
(A) (B) (C) (D)
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31 Classification
In classification the problem figures themselves are also the answer figures. Out of five
figure A, B, C, D and E four are similar in a certain way. One figure is not like the other
four. This means that four figures belongs to one class. The question is, which one of the
figures does not belong to this class. The candidate has to find it.
Type I Figure based on the number of lines
Type II Figure based on the arrangement of lines
Type III Figure based on shape of diagrams
Type IV Figure based on the parts of the diagrams
(E) Except (E) all the figures are made of five lines but the figure in (E) is of six
lines. Hence odd figure is in answer figure (E)
(A) Except (A) in all the other figures the designs are made of straight lines
which in figure (A) there is a circle which is not made of straight line.
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Mental Ability Test-2017
Mental Ability Test-2017
Direction : Out of the set of problem figures, lies one figure which is one among the answer
figure itself. The problem figure possess among each other some relationship. But one of
these figures does not possess the same relationship as other figures. We have to find out
odd man figure from the options available in the given figures.
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Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
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Answer Figure
(A) (B) (C) (D)
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32 Series
In this type of questions, there are two sets of figures. One set is called ‘Problem Figures’
while the other as ‘Answer Figures’. Problem figures are first and four in number while
answer figures are after and four in number. The answer figures are indicated by A, B, C
and D. The five problem figures make a series. That mean they change from left to right in
specific order. The question is, if the figure continue to change in the same order what
should be the next figure?
Type I – Based on Numbers
Type II – Based on shape and size of figure
Type III – Based on rotation of figures
Type IV – Based on Position
Type V – Based on Combination and Diffusion
Type VI – Based on Increasing or Decreasing Figure
Therefore answer is
Mental Ability Test-2017
Direction : Problem figures are A to E while answer figures are (1) to (5). The answer figures
are indicated by 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The five problem figures make a series. That mean they
change from left to right in specific order. The question is, if the figure continue to change
in the same order what should be the next figure?
1. Problem Figure
Answer Figure
2. Problem Figure
Answer Figure
3. Problem Figure
Answer Figure
4. Problem Figure
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Answer Figure
5. Problem Figure
Answer Figure
6. Problem Figure
Answer Figure
7. Problem Figure
Answer Figure
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8. Problem Figure
Answer Figure
9. Problem Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
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Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
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Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
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Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
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Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
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Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
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Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
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Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Mental Ability Test-2017
Folding Paper
33 Cutting &
Transparent Paper
Folding Paper Cutting and Transparent Paper Folding
This type of questions are based on a transparent sheet. Some marks are made on the
transparent sheet and a dotted line is made on the sheet. Then this sheet is folded along
the dotted line. Four answer figures are also given with this problem figure. The candidate
has to find out that figure among the answer figures, which resembles the pattern formed
when the transparent sheet carrying a design is folded along the dotted line.
(A) If the problems figure the arrow indicates the mark on the transparent sheet.
The vertical dotted line shows the first fold while the horizontal dotted lines
represents the second fold. Thus in folding the transparent sheet we will get
the figure as shown in answer figure (A)
(C) On folding the transparent sheet along dotted line, all the transparent sheet
along dotted line, all the points, will go inside the circles. Hence the answer
is (C)
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Folding Paper Cutting
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Mental Ability Test-2017
Transparent Paper Folding
In each of the following problems, a square transparent sheet (X) with a pattern is given.
Figure out from amongst the four alternatives as to how the pattern would appear when the
transparent sheet is folded at the dotted line.
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Mental Ability Test-2017
Formation of
34 Figure Analysis
Formation of Figure Analysis
In such questions there is a box in problem figures. In this box there are some designs. In
answer figures there are boxes. In these boxes there is a complete design in each box. The
candidate has to find out from the answer figures which figure can be formed with the
designs given in the box in problem figure. The following few example will clear the idea.
(B) By combining all the four rectangles given in the box in problem figure we get
a figure as shown in box (B) in the answer figures. Hence the answer is (B)
(B) In the box of problem figure there are three designs. These all the three
designs are present only in answer box (B) of the answer figures. Hence the
answer is (B)
Direction : Select the alternative which represents three out of the five alternative
figures which when fitted into each other would form a complete square
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Mental Ability Test-2017
Mental Ability Test-2017
Directions (21 to 30): In each of the following questions, five diagrams marked A to E are
given. Three of these when put together form an equilateral triangle and have been given as
one of the four alternatives under the question. Find the correct alternative in each case
and mark your answer.
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Mental Ability Test-2017
Mental Ability Test-2017
35 Dot Situations
Dot Situation
Dot situation is for the assessment and testing of students’ shrewd observation power. A
problem figure is given in which has one or more dots are placed in the space enclosed by
two or more geometrical figures such as square, rectangle, circle triangle, pentagon,
hexagon, octagon etc. One has to identify the region(s) where the dot is/are situated in the
problem figure. Then search for an answer figure in which dots are placed in a similar
enclosed area.
Direction : From amongst the figures marked (A), (B), (C) and (D) select the figure
which satisfies the same conditions of placement of the dots as in figure.
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36 Embedded Figures
Embedded Figures
The questions are of this type, a problem figure is given (X) following by five figure (1), (2),
(3) and (4). The answer figure has a hidden figure of the problem figure and one should
identify that figure.
Solution (A)
Directions for question 1 to 15: In each question below, you are given a figure (X) followed
by five figure (1), (2) (3) and (4) such that (X) is embedded in one of them. Trace out the
correct alternative.
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37 Water Image
Water Image
The reflection of an object as seen in water is known as water image. The upper part of the
object seen downward and vice-versa . There are some objects whose water images are
identical to the objects. Such objects are given below
B, C, D, E, H, I, K, O and X
Water Image Numbers
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21. KICK
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(A) (B) (C) (D)
23. KID
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(A) (B) (C) (D)
26. HIKE
(A) (B) (C) (D)
27. CODE
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(A) (B) (C) (D)
31. ODD
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(A) (B) (C) (D)
33. DK17C
(A) (B) (C) (D)
34. D6Z7F4
(A) (B) (C) (D)
35. ab45CD67
(A) (B) (C) (D)
36. abc
(A) (B) (C) (D)
37. 01234
(A) (B) (C) (D)
38. XYZ
(A) (B) (C) (D)
39. MNOP
(A) (B) (C) (D)
40. CDEF
(A) (B) (C) (D)
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38 Analogy
In this type of questions, there are two sets of figures. The figures on the left are ‘Problem
Figures’ and those on the right are ‘Answer figures’. Problem figures are presented in two
units. The first unit contains two figures and the second unit contains one figure and a
question mark in place of fourth figure. There is some relationship in the two figures of the
first unit of the problem figure. The same relationship also exists between the two figures of
the second unit of the problem figures. The candidate has to find out which one of the
answer figure should be in place of the question mark.
There are many bases of the relation between the problem figure out of which some are
(A) From Pf1 to Pf2 the outer design becomes inner after reducing while the inner
design becomes outer after enlarging. Therefore the same relation is found
between Pf3 and Answer figure (A)
(B) From Pf1 to Pf2 the design is inverted. The same relation is found between Pf3
and answer figure (B).
1. Problem Figure
Answer Figure
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2. Problem Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
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Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
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Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
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Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
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Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
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Mental Ability Test-2017
Answer Key –1. Number Series
Assignment – 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Assignment – 2
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54
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Answer Key – 33. Folding Paper Cutting & Transparent Paper Folding
Assignment – 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Assignment – 2
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
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