5G Report

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction:............................................................................................................................1
1.1. Challenges in present Technology:...................................................................................2
2. A POTENTIAL 5G WIRELESS CELLULAR ARCHITECTURE:.......................................2
2.1. Challenges in this Architecture:........................................................................................3
3. Promising Key Wireless Technologies:...................................................................................4
3.1. Massive MIMO Systems:..................................................................................................4
3.1.1. Challenges in MIMO:................................................................................................5
3.2. Spatial Modulation:...........................................................................................................5
3.2.1. Challeneges in Spatial Modulation:...........................................................................5
3.3. Cognitive Radio Networks:...............................................................................................5
3.3.1. Challenges in CR Networks:.....................................................................................6
3.4. Mobile Femto Cell:...........................................................................................................6
3.5. Visible Light Communications(VLC):.............................................................................7
3.6. MM Wave Networks:........................................................................................................7
3.6.1. Challenges in MM Wave Networks:.........................................................................7
4. Metrics:.................................................................................................................................8
5. Challenges for 5G Technologies:............................................................................................9
6. Conclusion:............................................................................................................................10
7. References:............................................................................................................................11

1. Introduction:
The innovative and effective use of information and communication technologies (ICT) is
becoming increasingly important to improve the economy of the world. Wireless communication
networks are perhaps the most critical element in the global ICT strategy, underpinning many
other industries. It is one of the fastest growing and most dynamic sectors in the world. The
phenomenal success of wireless mobile communications is mirrored by a rapid pace of
technology innovation. From the second generation (2G) mobile communication system debuted
in 1991 to the 3G system first launched in 2001, the wireless mobile network has transformed
from a pure telephony system to a network that can transport rich multimedia contents. In 4G
systems, an advanced radio interface is used with orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing
(OFDM), multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), and link adaptation technologies. 4G wireless
networks can support data rates of up to 1 Gb/s for low mobility, such as nomadic/local wireless
access, and up to 100Mb/s for high mobility, such as mobile access. However, there is still a
dramatic increase in the number of users who subscribe to mobile broadband systems every year.
More and more people crave faster Internet access on the move, trendier mobiles, and, in
general, instant communication with others or access to information. It has been predicted by the
Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) that 7 trillion wireless devices will serve 7 billion
people by 2017; that is, the number of network-connected wireless devices will reach 1000 times
the world’s population. As more and more devices go wireless, many research challenges need to
be addressed.

1.1. Challenges in present Technology:

One of the most crucial challenges is the physical scarcity of radio frequency (RF) spectra
allocated for cellular communications. Cellular frequencies use ultra-high-frequency bands for
cellular phones, normally ranging from several hundred megahertz to several gigahertz. These
frequency spectra have been used heavily, making it difficult for operators to acquire more.
Another challenge is that the deployment of advanced wireless technologies comes at the cost
of high energy consumption. The increase of energy consumption in wireless communication
systems causes an increase of CO2 emission indirectly, which currently is considered as a major
threat for the environment. In fact, energy-efficient communication was not one of the initial
requirements in 4G wireless systems, but it came up as an issue at a later stage. Other challenges
are, for example, average spectral efficiency, high data rate and high mobility, seamless
coverage, diverse quality of service (QoS) requirements, and fragmented user experience
(incompatibility of different wireless devices/interfaces and heterogeneous networks), to mention
only a few. 4G networks have just about reached the theoretical limit on the data rate with
current technologies and therefore are not sufficient to accommodate the above challenges. In
this sense, we need groundbreaking wireless technologies to solve the above problems caused
by trillions of wireless devices, and researchers have already started to investigate beyond 4G
(B4G)or5G wireless techniques. it is widely agreed that compared to the 4G network, the 5G
network should achieve 1000 times the system capacity, 10 times the spectral efficiency, energy
efficiency and data rate (i.e., peak data rate of 10 Gb/s for low mobility and peak data rate of 1
Gb/s for high mobility), and 25 times the average cell throughput. This means that 5G networks
should be able to support communications for some special scenarios not supported by 4G
networks (e.g., for high-speed train users).


To address the above challenges and meet the 5G system requirements, we need a dramatic
change in the design of cellular architecture. One of the key ideas of designing the 5G cellular
architecture is to separate outdoor and indoor scenarios so that penetration loss through building
walls can somehow be avoided. This will be assisted by distributed antenna system (DAS) and
massive MIMO technology, where geographically distributed antenna arrays with tens or
hundreds of antenna elements are deployed. Outdoor mobile users are normally equipped with
limited numbers of antenna elements, but they can collaborate with each other to form a virtual
large antenna array, which together with BS antenna arrays will construct virtual massive MIMO
links. Large antenna arrays will also be installed outside of every building to communicate with
outdoor BSs or distributed antenna elements of BSs, possibly with line of sight (LoS)
components. Large antenna arrays have cables connected to the wireless access points inside the
building communicating with indoor users. This will certainly increase the infrastructure cost in
the short term while significantly improving the cell average throughput, spectral efficiency,
energy efficiency, and data rate of the cellular system in the long run. Using such a cellular
architecture, as indoor users only need to communicate with indoor wireless access points (not
outdoor BSs) with large antenna arrays installed outside buildings, many technologies can be
utilized that are suitable for short-range communications with high data rates. Some examples
include WiFi, femtocell, ultra wideband (UWB), mm-wave communications (3–300 GHz), and
visible light communications (VLC) (400–490 THz). It is worth mentioning that mm-wave and
VLC technologies use higher frequencies not traditionally used for cellular communications.

Figure1: Proposed Heterogeneous 5G Cellular Network

2.1. Challenges in this Architecture:

These high-frequency waves do not penetrate solid materials very well and can readily be
absorbed or scattered by gases, rain, and foliage. Therefore, it is hard to use these waves for
outdoor and long distance applications.
3. Promising Key Wireless Technologies:
The purpose of developing these technologies is to enable a dramatic capacity increase in the 5G
network with efficient utilization of all possible resources. Based on the well-known Shannon
theory, the total system capacity Csum can be approximately expressed by

where Bi is the bandwidth of the ith channel, Pi is the signal power of the ith channel, and Np
denotes the noise power. From Eq. 1, it is clear that the total system capacity Csum is equivalent
to the sum capacity of all subchannels and heterogeneous networks. To increase Csum, we can
increase the network coverage (via heterogeneous networks with macrocells, microcells, small
cells, relays, MFemtocell, etc.), number of subchannels (via massive MIMO, spatial
modulation [SM], cooperative MIMO, DAS, interference management, etc.), bandwidth
(via CR networks, mm-wave communications,VLC, multi-standard systems, etc.),
and power (energy-efficient or green communications).

3.1. Massive MIMO Systems:

Conventional MIMO is unable to achieve the high multiplexing gains required to meet the 5G
KPIs, due to the limited number of antennas. By contrast, massive MIMO BSs with large
antenna arrays are potentially capable of serving dozens of single-antenna users over the same
time and frequency range. The main features of massive MIMO are as follows.
– Massive MIMO achieves a high power-gain, hence significantly increasing the received
signal power.Therefore, it necessitates a reduced transmit power to achieve a required
– Massive MIMO exhibits a high spectrum efficiency,which substantially improves the
throughput. This is attributed to the fact that BSs having large antenna arrays are capable
of serving more users.
– Channel estimation errors, hardware impairments, and small-scale fading effects are
averaged out when the number of BS antennas is sufficiently high. However, the so-
called pilot contamination becomes the main performance limitation, which is due to
reusing the same pilot signals in adjacent cells.
MIMO systems consist of multiple antennas at both the transmitter and receiver. By adding
multiple antennas, a greater degree of freedom(in addition to time and frequency dimensions) in
wireless channels can be offered to accommodate more information data. Hence, a significant
performance improvement can be obtained in terms of reliability, spectral efficiency, and energy
efficiency. Besides inheriting the benefits of conventional MIMO systems, a massive MIMO
system can also significantly enhance both spectral efficiency and energy efficiency.
Furthermore, in massive MIMO systems, the effects of noise and fast fading vanish, and intracell
interference can be mitigated using simple linear precoding and detection methods. By properly
using multiuser MIMO (MU-MIMO) in massive MIMO systems, the medium access control
(MAC) layer design can be simplified by avoiding complicated scheduling algorithms. With
MUMIMO, the BS can send separate signals to individual users using the same time-frequency
resource, as first pro. Consequently, these main advantages enable the massive MIMO system to
be a promising candidate for 5G wireless communication networks.
3.1.1. Challenges in MIMO:
Realistic channel models with proper accuracy- complexity trade-off are indispensable for some
typical 5G scenarios, such as massive MIMO channels and high-mobility channels (e.g., high-
speed train channels and vehicle-tovehicle channels). Conventional MIMO channel models
cannot be directly applied to massive MIMO channels in which different antennas may observe
different sets of clusters. Compared to conventional low-mobility wireless channels, high-
mobility channels have greater dynamics and possibly more severe fading, and are essentially
non-stationary. How to characterize non-stationary high-mobility channels is also very

3.2. Spatial Modulation:

Spatial modulation, as first proposed by Haas et al., is a novel MIMO technique that has been
proposed for low-complexity implementation of MIMO systems without degrading system
performance. Instead of simultaneously transmitting multiple data streams from the available
antennas, SM encodes part of the data to be transmitted onto the spatial position of each transmit
antenna in the antenna array. Thus, the antenna array plays the role of a second (in
addition to the usual signal constellation diagram) constellation diagram (the so-called spatial
constellation diagram), which can be used to increase the data rate (spatial multiplexing) with
respect to single-antenna wireless systems. Only one transmit antenna is active at any time, while
other antennas are idle. Spatial modulation can mitigate three major problems in conventional
MIMO systems: interchannel interference, inter-antenna synchronization, and multiple RF
chains. Moreover, low-complexity receivers in SM systems can be designed and configured for
any number of transmit and receive antennas, even for unbalanced MIMO systems. We have to
point out that the multiplexing gain in SM increases logarithmically with the increase in the
number of transmit antennas, while it increases linearly in conventional MIMO systems. Multi-
user SM can be considered as a new research direction to be considered in 5G wireless
communication systems.
3.2.1. Challeneges in Spatial Modulation:
One technical challenge in developing massive MIMO systems is the signal processing
complexity. As transmit and receive signals are quite lengthy, the search algorithms must be
performed over many possible permutations of symbols.

3.3. Cognitive Radio Networks:

The CR network is an innovative software defined radio technique considered to be one of
the promising technologies to improve the utilization of the congested RF spectrum.
Adopting CR is motivated by the fact that a large portion of the radio spectrum is underutilized
most of the time. In CR networks, a secondary system can share spectrum bands with
the licensed primary system, either on an interference-free basis or on an interference-tolerant
basis. The CR network should be aware of the surrounding radio environment and regulate
its transmission accordingly. In interference-free CR networks, CR users are allowed to borrow
spectrum resources only when licensed users do not use them. A coordinating mechanism is
required in multiple CR networks that try to access the same spectrum to prevent users colliding
when accessing the matching spectrum holes. In interference-tolerant CR networks, CR users can
share the spectrum resource with a licensed system while keeping the interference below a
threshold. In comparison with interference-free CR networks, interference-tolerant CR networks
can achieve enhanced spectrum utilization by opportunistically sharing the radio spectrum
resources with licensed users, as well as better spectral and energy efficiency. However, it has
been shown that the performance of CR systems can be very sensitive to any slight change in
user densities, interference threshold, and transmission behaviors of the licensed system. This
fact is illustrated in Fig. 2, where we notice that the spectral efficiency decreases quickly with the
increase in the number of primary receivers. However, the spectral efficiency can be improved
by either relaxing the interference threshold of the primary system or considering only the CR
users who have short distances to the secondary BS.

Figure 2: The average system spectral efficiency of a CR network as a function

of the number of primary receivers with different values of interference thresholds
Q (number of secondary receivers = 20).

3.3.1. Challenges in CR Networks:

A major issue in interference-tolerant CR networks in 5G is how to reliably and practically
manage the mutual interference of CR and primary systems. Regulating the transmit power is
essential for the CR system to coexist with other licensed systems. An interference temperature
model is introduced for this purpose to characterize the interference from the CR to the licensed
networks. Interference cancellation techniques should also be applied to mitigate the interference
at CR receivers. Another issue in interference-tolerant CR networks is that a feedback
mechanism is important to periodically inform the CR network about the current interference
status at the licensed system.

3.4. Mobile Femto Cell:

The MFemtocell is a new concept that has been proposed recently to be a potential candidate
technology in next generation intelligent transportation systems. It combines the mobile relay
concept (moving network) with femtocell technology. An MFemtocell is a small cell that
can move around and dynamically change its connection to an operator’s core network. It can be
deployed on public transport buses, trains, and even private cars to enhance service quality to
users within vehicles. MFemtocells can contribute to signaling overhead reduction of the
network. For instance, an MFemtocell can perform a handover on behalf of all its associated
users, which can reduce the handover activities for users within the MFemtocell. This makes
the deployment of MFemtocells suitable for high-mobility environments. In addition, the energy
consumption of users inside an MFemtocell can be reduced due to relatively shorter
communication range and low signaling overhead.

3.5. Visible Light Communications(VLC):

Visible light communication uses off-the-shelf white light emitting diodes (LEDs) used for solid-
state lighting (SSL) as signal transmitters and off-the-shelf p-intrinsic-n (PIN) photodiodes (PDs)
or avalanche photo-diodes (APDs) as signal receivers. This means that VLC enables systems that
illuminate and at the same time provide broadband wireless data connectivity. If illumination is
not desired in the uplink, infrared (IR) LEDs or indeed RF would be viable solutions. In VLC,
the information is carried by the intensity (power) of the light. As a result, the information-
carrying signal has to be real valued and strictly positive. Traditional digital modulation schemes
for RF communication use complex valued and bipolar signals. Modifications are therefore
necessary, and there is a rich body of knowledge on modified multi-carrier modulation
techniques such as OFDM for intensity modulation (IM) and direct detection
(DD). Data rates of 3.5 Gb/s have been reported from a single LED. It has to be noted that VLC
is not subject to fast fading effects as the wavelength is significantly smaller than the detector

3.6. MM Wave Networks:

Due to its large bandwidth, mm Wave supports Gigabit wireless services. Mm Wave can be a
scalable solution for future wireless backhaul networks. Mm Wave transmission has been
adopted in several standards such as IEEE 802.15.3c for indoor wireless personal networks
(WPANs) and IEEE 802.11ad for WLANs. As one of the key 5G techniques, mmWave systems
exhibit the following features.
– Compared to the traditional low frequency communication systems, the path-loss
experienced by high-frequency mmWave signals is increased by several orders of
magnitude . Hence, mmWave transmission is only suitable for short-range systems.
– In mmWave systems, highly directional communication relying on narrow beams is
employed for achieving a high beamforming gain and for suppressing the interference
arriving from neighboring cells.
– For a fixed array aperture, mmWave BSs pack more antennas into a given space and
hence attain an increased array gain. They also adopt low-complexity analog
beamforming/precoding schemes due to hardware constraints experienced at these high
3.6.1. Challenges in MM Wave Networks:
The mmWave channel characteristics can be highlighted as follows:
• Increased path-losses. According to the Friis transmission formula of free-space
propagation, the pathloss increases with the square of the carrier frequency, which
indicates that mmWave transmissions suffer from high power losses.
• Different propagation laws. NLOS signals suffer from a higher attenuation than LOS
signals. This important feature of the propagation environment has to be incorporated
into the design and analysis of mmWave networks.
• Sensitivity to blockages. MmWave signals are more sensitive to blockage effects than
signals in lower frequency bands, and indoor users are unlikely to be adequately covered
by outdoor mmWave BSs.
These channel characteristics have a significant effect on cell coverage, which indicates that
the attainable throughput of mmWave networks is highly dependent on the user association .The
users are assumed to be associated with the specific BS offering the minimum pathloss, where
stochastic geometry based mmWave modeling incorporating blockage effects was considered.
The mmWave networks tended to be noise-limited, because the high path-loss attenuated the
interference, which was likely to be further attenuated by directional beamforming. Hence, user
association metrics designed for interference-limited homogenous systems are not well suited to
mmWave systems. In contrast, user association should be designed to meet the dominant
requirements of throughput and energy efficiency without considering interference coordination.
Additionally, user orientation has a substantial impact on the performance of mmWave links due
to the fact that directional transmission is required for combatting the high path-loss. As such,
users may not be associated with the geographically closest BS, since a better directional link
may exist for a farther away BS.

4. Metrics:
For user association in 5G networks, different metrics have been adopted for determining which
specific BS should serve which user. Five metrics are commonly used in this context:
Outage/coverage probability, spectrum efficiency, energy efficiency,
QoS, and fairness
• Outage/coverage probability: A crucial aspect in the evaluation and planning of a
wireless network is the effect of co-channel interference imposed on radio links. The
probabilities that the signal-to-interference-plusnoise ratio (SINR) drops below and rises
above a certain threshold are defined as outage probability and coverage probability,
respectively. The outage/coverage probability is crucial in terms of benchmarking the
average throughput of a randomly chosen user in the network, and serves as a
fundamental metric for network performance analysis and optimization.
• Spectrum efficiency: Spectrum efficiency refers to the maximum information rate that
can be transmitted over a given bandwidth in a specific communication system. With the
surge of data traffic and limited spectrum resources, a high spectrum efficiency is a
mandatory requirement of 5G networks.
• Energy efficiency: Driven by environmental concerns, green communication has drawn
tremendous attention from both industry and academia. Various energy efficiency metrics
have been adopted in the literature to provide a quantitative analysis of the power saving
potential of a certain algorithm. There are two main types of energy efficiency metrics:
1) The ratio between the total data rate of all users and the total energy consumption
(bits/Joule) .
2) The direct presentation of the power/energy saving achieved by means of a certain
algorithm (e.g.,the difference in power/energy consumption before and after the adoption
of a certain algorithm, the percentage of power saving, etc.)
• QoS: As the salient performance metric experienced by users of the network, the QoS is
of primary concern for network operators, whilst maintaining profitability. The QoS
provision can be quantitatively measured in terms of the traffic delay, the user throughput
the SINR, etc., in order to cater for the heterogeneous requirements of today’s and
tomorrow’s diverse multimedia infotainment applications and broadband-hungry mobile
• Fairness: Facilitating fairness amongst users constitutes another important issue in the
radio resource allocation of wireless networks. The traditional fairness problem is related
to packet scheduling among users, where each user should receive a fair amount of radio
resources for his/her wireless access. In HetNets, the fairness problem arises not only in
scheduling within a traditional cell but also in the user association decision among cells
in different tiers. Specifically, if radio resources are allocated on the basis that the lowest
achievable rate among users is maximized, the allocation is said to be max-min fair. In
other words, users with a poor channel quality will receive more radio resources and
those having a good channel quality will receive a smaller proportion of radio resources.

5. Challenges for 5G Technologies:

Trying to achieve the ambitious goal relying on the paradigms and architectures of present
networks is not sustainable, since it will inevitably lead to an energy crunch with serious
economic and environmental concerns.
• Economic concerns. Current networks are designed to maximize the capacity by scaling
up the transmit powers. However, given the dramatic growth of the number of connected
devices, such an approach is not sustainable. Using more and more energy to increase the
communication capacity will result in unacceptable operating costs. Present wireless
communication techniques are thus simply not able to provide the desired capacity
increase by merely scaling up the transmit powers.
• Environmental concerns. Current wireless communication systems are mainly powered
by traditional carbon-based energy sources. At present, information and communication
technology (ICT) systems are responsible for 5% of the world’s CO2 emissions, but this
percentage is increasing as rapidly as the number of connected devices. Moreover, it is
foreseen that 75% of the ICT sector will be wireless by 2020, thus implying that wireless
communications will become the critical sector to address as far as reducing ICT-related
CO2 emissions is concerned.
Figure 3: Energy Efficient 5G Technologies

As illustrated in Fig. 3, most of the approaches useful for increasing the energy efficiency of
wireless networks can be grouped under four broad categories as follows.
a) Resource allocation. The first technique to increase the energy efficiency of a
wireless communication system is to allocate the system radio resources in order
to maximize the energy efficiency rather than the throughput. This approach has
been shown to provide substantial energy efficiency gains at the price of a
moderate throughput reduction.
b) Network planning and deployment. The second technique is to deploy
infrastructure nodes in order to maximize the covered area per consumed energy,
rather than just the covered area. In addition, the use of base station (BS) switch-
on/switch-off algorithms and antenna muting techniques to adapt to the traffic
conditions, can further reduce energy consumptions.
c) Energy harvesting and transfer. The third technique is to operate
communication systems by harvesting energy from the environment. This applies
to both renewable and clean energy sources like sun or wind energy, and to the
radio signals present over the air.
d) Hardware solutions. The fourth technique is to design the hardware for wireless
communications systems explicitly accounting for its energy consumption, and to
adopt major architectural changes, such as the cloud-based implementation of the
radio access network.

6. Conclusion:
So from the above literature review done on the 5G networks we can say that 5G networks are to
be created not only for faster data rates but also should take into consideration the environmental
concerns into consideration.
Fig 4: Expected 5G networks

7. References:

Buzzi Stefano et al. (2016). A Survey of Energy-Efficient Techniques for 5G Networks and

C. Han et al. (2011). Green Radio: Radio Techniques to Enable Energy Efficient Wireless
Networks. IEEE Communication Magazine .

Cheng-Xiang Wang et al. (2014). Cellular Architecture and Key Technologies for 5G Wireless
Communication Networks. IEEE Communications Magazine .

Dohler, M. e. (2016). Realizing the Tactile Internet: Haptic Communications over Next
Generation 5G Cellular Networks. IEEE Wireless Communications .

Elkashlan, M. e. (2016). User Association in 5G Networks: A Survey and an Outlook. IEEE


M. D. Renzo et al. (2014). Spatial Modulation for Generalized MIMO: Challenges,

Opportunities, and Implementation. IEEE .

Y. Wang, W. X. (2012). Optimal energy-efficient power allocation for OFDM-based cognitive

radio networks. IEEE Communications Letters .

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