Resistência Ao Amarrotamento (Winkle Tester) - AATCC 128 - 2009
Resistência Ao Amarrotamento (Winkle Tester) - AATCC 128 - 2009
Resistência Ao Amarrotamento (Winkle Tester) - AATCC 128 - 2009
11. Notes
lower the top flange gently with one hand black or that blackout curtains be mounted
until it comes to rest. on either side of the viewing board to 11.1 The AATCC Wrinkle Tester is pro-
7.7 Immediately place a total of 3500 eliminate the reflective interference. vided for introducing wrinkles in the test
grams weight on the top flange and 8.3 The observer is to stand directly in specimen under controlled conditions. This
record the exact time. front of the specimen 4 ft away from the apparatus is based on a development of
7.8 After 20 min, remove the weights, ENKA/AKU Research. The apparatus is ob-
board. It has been found that normal vari- tainable from AATCC, P.O. Box 12215,
remove the springs and clamps, raise the ations in the height of the observer above Research Triangle Park NC 27709; tel: 919/
top flange and gently remove the speci- and below the arbitrary 5-ft eye level 549-8141; fax: 919/549-8933; e-mail: orders@
men from the tester so as not to distort have no significant effect on the rating; web site:
any induced wrinkles (see 11.5). given. 11.2 All three weights (500, 1000 and 2000
7.9 With a minimum of handling, place 8.4 Assign the number of the replica g) provided with this tester are used in the test.
the shorter edge (15 cm) (6 in.) under the which most nearly matches the appear- The top flange assembly weighs 500 g which
clips on the clothes hanger and allow the ance of the test specimens. is 200 g heavier than that of the AKU Wrinkle
specimen to hang vertically in the long Tester. The AKU Wrinkle Tester may be used
8.4.1 A No. 5 rating is equivalent to the for this test by adding 200 g to the top flange.
direction. WR-5 Replica and represents the smooth- 11.3 Available from AATCC, P.O. Box
7.10 After 24 h in the standard atmo- est appearance and best retention of origi- 12215, Research Triangle Park NC 27709;
sphere gently remove the hanger with the nal appearance, while a No. 1 rating is tel: 919/549-8141; fax: 919/549-8933; e-mail:
specimen to the evaluation site (see 11.6). equivalent to the WR-1 Replica and rep-; web site:
resents the poorest appearance and poor- 11.4 Cut specimens from a wrinkle-free
8. Evaluation est retention of original appearance (see area of the fabrics. If any wrinkles are un-
Table I). avoidably present in the test specimens, press
8.1 Three trained observers should rate each lightly with a steam iron before condi-
8.5 Similarly, the observer indepen- tioning.
each test specimen independently (see
dently rates each of the other two test 11.5 If the test has been run properly, diag-
specimens. The other two observers pro- onal wrinkles should run through the center
8.2 Mount the test specimen on the ceed in the same manner assigning rat- portion of the specimen.
viewing board as illustrated in Fig. 3, ings independently. 11.6 Evaluation area should also be main-
with the warp in vertical direction. Place tained at 21 ± 1°C (70 ± 2°F) and 65 ± 2% RH.
three-dimensional plastic replicas on 8.6 A digital imaging system may be
used (see 11.8). 11.7 Since previous tests have proven that
each side of the test specimen to facilitate specimens do change in appearance during the
comparative rating. first few hours, it is important that accurate
8.2.1 The overhead fluorescent light times be observed and that a minimum time
should be the only light source for the elapses while the three observers are evaluat-
viewing board, and all other lights in the Table I—Fabric Smoothness Ratings ing the samples. Because of these changing
room should be turned off. conditions, the duration of recovery before
5—an appearance equivalent to the WR-5 Replica rating in this method has been standardized at
8.2.2 It has been the experience of 4—an appearance equivalent to the WR-4 Replica 24 h.
many observers that light reflected from 3—an appearance equivalent to the WR-3 Replica 11.8 A digital imaging system may be used
the side walls near the viewing board can 2—an appearance equivalent to the WR-2 Replica in place of the visual replicas if it has been
interfere with the rating results. It is rec- 1—an appearance equivalent to or worse than the established by the user that its accuracy is
ommended that the side walls be painted WR-1 Replica equivalent.