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Family Engagement

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ways to engage ALL families
Why family engagement is important:
Engaging families and viewing them as valuable partners in children's learning is essential in
order to set children up for success.
Creating an environment where we can build relationships that allows space, time and safety
for parents to share their feelings, dreams and concerns for their children is hugely important.
"The goal of family engagement is not to serve clients but to gain partners" (Ferlazzo, 2011).
There becomes a connect between home and school and information is more easily shared
Children are more likely to do well (academically and especially socially and emotionally) when
they feel a sense of belonging and that their family is connected to their school environment
and learning .
Ways to Promote Engagement

Provide a variety of different Make sure to create an inclusive, safe

authentic opportunities for families and supportive environment to
to be involved and engaged with welcome families into.
throughout the school year.
Acknowledge the differences of
Build trust, relationships and be family circumstances, cultures, racial
proactive with families. backgrounds, family make-ups and
parenting styles
Ways to include families:
At the beginning of the year, I start Welcoming parents and families into your
Throughout the year parents/families
by giving families an informational classroom and the school so the can see
are able to write letters with
and get to know you survey about where their child will be spending time is
provided paper and envelopes to the hugely important. Families can see the
themselves and their child. It asks
teacher with questions, concerns classroom setting and meet the teacher
about their child's
and changes occuring for their child. informally. Displaying classroom philosophy,
strengths/weakness, goals for the
This gives families the opportunity to inclusive and diverse artwork and materials
school year, who they live with, and children's work showcases to parents
authentically share what they view
about their favourite things and that we as educators value each and every
as important and valuable
interests. There is also a section child and their background. Offering light
information for the teacher to know
for parents to give additional snacks and refreshments as well as giving
throughout the year. Families can
information about themselves and families a game or task while they're there
either place the letter into the childs allows for a natural and authentic time.
any tips or tricks to help their
planner or put it in the drop box at Families are able to view some of the work
children learn and grow best.
the door of the classroom children have created during this time.
Ways to include families:

In the morning, have a soft start
routine, where children have books or
Have each child bring in a different Every Friday, we have a "Muffin
morning bins placed on the tables and
type of fruit from their home. Invite Morning." Each week a different child
are able to independently engage with.
families in to share a frienship fruit and their family volunteers to make
This allows time to meet and greet
salad in the first few weeks of school. muffins for the class. We invite all the
each family member by name of the
As we add each type of fruit talk about families in to read with their child and
people who are dropping off your
the qualities that make our class a eat a muffin. If some families cannot
students and build a relationship with
"sweet" place to be. Discuss things like make it, children will join a peers
them. An open ended, mutual and
kindness, what we can do to make our family or read with a partner. After
ongoing relationship sends the
classroom inclusive/positive and ways the reading period, students are able
message to both the child and family
to mix all our families together to be to show their families their "Top 3"
that the classroom is safe, inclusive
one "sweet" group. things they worked on throughout that
and inviting.
Documentation of children's work and learning
should be displayed throughout the room.
A variety of books, resources and posters
should be displayed for children and their
families that show inclusivity towards all
children and their families.
Promoting and celebrating diversity should be
seen in the classroom through books, family
displays and classroom materials (toys, art
supplies, posters)
Key Principles for Family
1 2 3
Provide LOTS of
Ensure a positive,
Create a home- opportunities for family
safe and
to-school engagement
welcoming school

Ferlazzo, E. (2011, May). Involvement or Engagement?. Educational Leadership,

68(8), 10-14. Retreivied from ascu.org/publications/educastiona-

Hoelscher, J. (2012) Cultivating Family Connections. Extensions: Curriculum

newsletter from Highscope, 25(1), 1-7.

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