File 84 - Abstein

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I am writing down my exam questions. I am specially thankful to sani hayaf,

Abbas Arana. Focus mainly on first aid and uw.
1) when antibody is produced in our body ?

2) cox 2 expression site ? early distal tubule

3) ulcer on penis (photo). Patient is allergic to penicillin. Treatment ?


4) tetanus mechanism ?
a. heavy chain
b. Light chain

5) patient with lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, his gf had similar symptoms.

What is responsilble for these initial findings ?
b cell

6). Moth asking to abort whereas 16 year girlwants keep it

-encourage discussion between them

7. Identification (6th nerve nucleus)


8. 70 year woman with bloody in stool and cardiac auscultation abnormality. All
vital parameters were within normal limit
most likely
a. aortic stenosis
b. mitral regurgitation

9. sexullay active man with knee pain, pain along tendon line
- Neisseria gonorrhea

10. attack rate calculation

11. NNT calculation

12. Cholangocarconoma in a patient who had primary sclerosing cholangitis

what ioverexpression is the unbnderlysing caue
a. IL1
b. IL2
c .IL6
d. TNF- alpha

13. cattle worker with pneumonia

- coxiella

. 14. old man. Which hormone reduces in aging
insulin GH, testosterone

15, patient is having thrombocytopenia and eczema ( WAS)

increased decreased and normal question
igM, IgG, , IgA and IgE

. 16.

what will increase the preak with same plateau ?

a. constricted bronchiople
b. widened intrapleural space
c. widened diffusion diatance


- mucormycosis

. 18.

ans: proteus


incidence: 0.13

. 20. alcohol cyp p450 ?
ans: cyp 2E1

21. Poly arteritis nodosa, what is apared

- arteriole

22. Kawasaki treatment

- IVIG and aspiribn

23. patient with RUQ pain following meal

what is responsible

avulsion of tip of coracoid process
what will be impaired
- flexion

25. Psoas abscessCT, what will creat pain

a. trunk extension
b. hip flexion

. 26.

morphological similarity to
- pailary carcinoma of thyroid
- nephrocalcinosis


this is graph for telomerase activity. What suits for it

a. bone mmarrow stem cell
b. Hepatocyte
c. malignancy

. 29.

patient admitted multiple times in the hospital for infection.

cxr like tis
how will I confirm
- do nasal cytology

pericarditis ?
- fibrinoid necrosis

31. patient with MI at yonger age, had previous episode too.

what defect
- cysteine

32. lymph drainage of mid cervix

33. aging effect on TLC , FEV1, FEV1/FVC ratioo

34. 30 year man with back pain. Next step ?

a. esr
b. X ra7y L/s spine

. 35.
35 year down syndrome patient with poor memory

Whats the bnormal function of it ( q meant of tau)

a. microtubule assembly
b. microtubule disassembly

36. patient knee fracture. Pain does not relieve on drug. Relaxation techniques
was used
- operant conditioning method

38. very raised BP. Blood ph low, lactate level elected.

mark which complex inhibited
- complex 3

39. ASA block

substance abuser. Drug can not be goven
- diazepam

41. 3 family members developed speech difficult at a time.2 of them vomited

- c botulinum

42. tamsulosin advice:
a. take the drug and lie on bed.

43. ala synthase defect

give- B6

44. Basophil recruitment :


45. digoxin effect on AV bnodal refractory period an T wave

av- increased
T- inversion

46. patient with severe eye pain. Eye was hard on palpation. Treatment improved
his condition after one hour
adverse effect of drug was asked ?

47. paget disease clinical features. Which site affected most

- calvarium

48. HIV patient with GI ulcers. Treatment.

- metronidazole

49. a question was on eclamptic pregnant. It was arrow question.

igf , txA2 and something other

. 50. patient feels pain at early to mid urination. Pain is always lower at end
micturition. Where is the obstruction.
a figure was given including ureter , bladder and penis upto meatus
we have to mark the point

51. PCOS at in greatest risk for

- endometrial cancer

52. splenectomy patient 15 days back, having fever and shoulder pain.
what kind of pain
- referred pain

53. 50 year old man with long standing DM recently having severe dyspepsia.
give etoclopramide
b. do upper Gi endoscopy


55. Heart sound : PDA

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