Act 5
Act 5
Act 5
1935 Constitution
A. The National Territory
In this constitution, Treaty in Paris was the basis of the declaration of the
national territory.
In the 1935 constitution, the description of the national territory consisted
of all the territory surrendered to the United States under the Treaty of
Paris, and all the territory over which the government of the Philippine
Islands then exercised jurisdiction.
B. Bill of Rights
According in the 1973 Constitution, no law granting a title of royalty or
nobility shall be enacted, and also there shall no present, emolument,
office, and title would be accepted from any foreign state without the
consent from National Assembly.
“No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due
process or law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the
C. Citizenship
A Philippine born with foreign parents who, before the adoption of this
Constitution, had been elected to public office in the Philippine Islands.
Citizens of the Philippines at time of the constitution's adoption.
1943 Constitution
A. The National Territory
1943 constitution has no provisions that talk about the national territory.
B. Bill of Rights
Every citizen has the duty to render personal military and civil service as
may be required by law, to pay taxes and public charges, and to engage in
a useful calling, occupation, or profession.
“No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due
process of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the
C. Citizenship
In the 1943 constitution, those who are present in the adoption of the
constitution is a citizen of the Philippines, as well as, those who are born
in the Philippines with foreign parents who, before the adoption of this
Constitution, had been elected to public office in the Philippine Island. And
lastly those whose parents are Filipinos and those who are naturalized
with accordance of the law.
1973 Constitution
A. The National Territory
In the 1973 constitution, the national territory is the land where Philippines
has jurisdiction by historic and legal rights, same goes to the waters that
surrounds and connects the islands of the Philippines
B. Bill of Rights
No law granting a title of royalty or nobility shall be enacted.
“No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due
process of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the
C. Citizenship
A female Philippine citizen who marries a foreign individual shall retain her
Philippine citizenship unless by omission, she is, under the law to have
renounced her citizenship.
Citizens of the Philippines at time of the constitution's adoption.
1987 Constitution
A. The National Territory
The national territory is the land where Philippines has jurisdiction by
historic and legal rights, same goes to the waters that surrounds and
connects the islands of the Philippines
B. Bill of Rights
The employment of physical, psychological, or degrading punishment
against any prisoner or detainee or the use of substandard or inadequate
penal facilities under subhuman conditions shall be dealt with by law.
“No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due
process of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the
C. Citizenship
Dual allegiance of citizens is inimical to the national interest and shall be
dealt with by law.
Citizens of the Philippines at time of the constitution's adoption.
Philippines is one of the countries that are developing economically and the society has
been coping with the contemporary changes that are vital in human survival. However,
despite of the increasing development in different parts and sectors of the country, there
are still these communities that are still far from this development. And these
communities may have not experienced even just a little bit of the civilized traditions the
urban places have.
In the documentary of Kara David, “Ambulansyang de Paa”, which summarizes the lack
of medical access to some remote communities located in a town of Oriental Mindoro.
Aside from the communities are difficult to go to, they also lack on electricity.
I admire these communities who are still able to survive and actually live knowing that
they have limited access to almost everything and I also sympathize their situation
because it is not their choice that they live that way. The government is greatly in
responsible for the life and well-being of all its people. These leaders are seemed to be
distracted on what they should prioritize more. Indeed, they are doing things that are
expected from them but I just hope that they put more attention to those who are in
most need of that. Poverty is somehow hard for a country like us to eliminate but if there
is a enough support from those who are in power can lessen the effects of poverty.
Seeing situation like what the documentary have presented makes me realize of what I
have in life. That is a fact that humans cannot have everything they want but that is not
a reason for people not to be thankful for what they have because there will always be
people who would be happy if they were in our position in life. Life will never be always
in our favor but that does not mean that we are not favored, it is just the way of life. Let
this life stories be our inspiration to do better not only for ourselves but especially for
these poor, beautiful souls.