Sondayschool Lesson 5: God Is To Be Feared

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Praises and Testimonies

In this lesson, the children will better understand the use of the word fear in the Bible as it relates
to respecting and honoring God. God doesn't want us to be terrified of Him, but we should respect
and honor Him.

Bible Verse:
"‘For I am a great king,’ says the LORD Almighty, ‘and my name is to be feared among the nations.’"
Malachi 1:14b NIV

Explain that God loves us and doesn't want us to be terrified of Him. However, we respect and
honor Him. Have the kids read the verse again replacing the word “feared” with the word
"respected." Then, as a group, read the verse once again replacing the word “feared” with the word

Today, we are going to learn that God should be feared, but not in the way that you might expect. Ask
the kids the first word or words that come to mind when they read or hear these words - Prayer,
Love, Fear, God. I would like everyone to share what came to mind when you read the word fear.
(Remember each child’s response to the word fear on the whiteboard. Likely most of their
responses were Pachad type fear.

In the English language, there is only one word for fear. In the Hebrew language (the language the
Old Testament was written in), there are two words for fear, pachad and yare. Both of these words
are used in the Bible, but have very different meanings.

Pachad - Fear
Dread, Terror, To be startled

Yare - To stand in awe

Reverence, Respect, Recognizing the power and position of God and giving Him proper respect.

Read Psalm 22:23

Discussion Questions:
1. What kind of fear is this verse referring to? (Yare.)
2. How does this Psalm command the descendants of Jacob to act towards God? (Praise Him, Honor
Him, Revere Him.)

Our next verse talks about a different type of fear. King Saul had become very jealous of David and
started chasing him all over the countryside. King Saul wanted to harm David and his men.

Read 1 Samuel 23:15-18

Discussion Questions:
1. What kind of fear is this verse referring to? (Pachad.)
2. Would you put your hand into a fire? (No, of course not. Explain that the reason people don't put
their hand in a fire is because they have yare fear of the fire. We have a respect or reverence for the
rules or boundaries of the fire. It is the same with God; we know His commands and we should
respect and obey them.)
Today, we learned that we need to approach God with reverence and respect.

Discussion Questions:
1. Has your understanding of today's memory verse changed because of this lesson?
2. How will you fear God this week?

Come back next week to learn about a judge who never makes a mistake!

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