DragonsDemise 5E
DragonsDemise 5E
DragonsDemise 5E
This should have been the end to the story... but the bum-
blings of a first year apprentice at Montbatten Academy
inserted a sudden and strange twist. The morning after the You find yourself staring at the marshy edge of the Vast
dragon attack, a hundred miles away, an arrogant teenaged Vermin Swamp. A fetid mist surrounds the bog. You can’t
apprentice stole his master’s spellbook, tried his hand at a identify the odor, but it smells of some horrible concoction
forbidden teleportation spell, and accidentally ended up in of fish, sulfur, and peat. Through the mist you can barely
the Vermin Swamp, staring at the same dragon who ate your make out a narrow trail that cuts through the bog’s twisted
grandfather. and sickly-gray trees. This is the trail where your grandfather
and Aonn Tesk entered the swamp... and hopefully the trail
The apprentice should have died on the spot, but parents
that will lead you to the lost Celestial Emerald.
pay a lot of tuition money to the Montbatten school. The
accidental teleportation set off an alarm and alerted the mage A skinny and wrinkled lizard creature – or is it a wart goblin?
on duty whose job it was to handle mischief makers. To that – has set up a small wooden hovel at the start of this path
apprentice’s great fortune, the mage on call was Riversturm that leads into the swamp. He sits on a wobbly stool outside
Malreaver. his door, rocking back and forth contentedly, ignoring you.
A wooden plaque hangs from his neck. “Good guide. 10
Riversturm Malreaver. The Riversturm Malreaver. Just a year
silvers,” it says.
before the dashing wizard had become famous for going
hand-to-hand with a war demon while he casually proposed If you decide to converse with the unusual lizard creature,
to his royal paramour via a long-distance communication go to 19.
spell. The lucky princess never noticed the war demon.
And that was the least preposterous of the tales surrounding If you decide to ignore the creature and head down the
Riversturm Malreaver. path, go to 29.
#3 sacrificial knife. Weirdly, the silver blade is not rusty and
is still sharp. It looks as if it was forged and polished just
Examining the twisted bundle on the ground, you see a minutes ago.
leather pouch embedded in its middle. Using your knife, you
If you decide to test your luck and set fire to the altar, go
carefully pry the thing out. Inside the pouch you find a small
to 48.
vial, some finger bones, and a dead flower. Looking at the
vial, you see that it is labeled “Assassin’s Brew”. You pocket Otherwise, you decide to head back towards the fly-ridden
it, and kick the bundle of thorns and rocks into the water. clearing. Go to 53.
At any time, you may drink this elixir and receive advantage
on your Stealth and Athletics checks. This effect lasts until #5
the end of the adventure.
You decide to pass the night in the cottage, taking shelter
You continue on. Go to 17. from the cold swamp. You may take a long rest at this time,
regaining hit points normally.
#4 As the dawn rises, you hear a whistling sound outside the
cottage. Peeking through a small window, you see an old
The writing on the altar is clear to you. The glyphs show
woman walking towards the cottage. Two black fish flop on
that the altar is on fire, and from that fire comes the spirit
the end of the spear she carries.
of some long-dead, mask-wearing conjuror.
You back off into the gloom when you notice the woman
You realize that setting the dry vines atop the altar on fire may,
stops suddenly and stares at the hovel. She squints her eyes
indeed, summon this dangerous spirit. You’ve heard stories
and calls out in a cracking voice.
of spirits being helpful to strangers of the swamp. But you
also know that the stories of such wraiths killing the foolish “Josper? Is that you? Back so soon?”
men who summon them would never have found your ears.
Such tales are secrets only dead men know. If you come out of the hovel and reveal yourself to the
woman, go to 12.
As you consider your options, a glint catches your eye.
Half-buried in the dirt around the stone is a vicious-looking If you stay quiet inside the house, go to 43.
#6 Finally, he finds what he’s looking for. Calling up to his men,
he holds up a spherical, stone container. His men cheer him
You take a few steps closer to observe your prey. The snuf- on as they rappel down from the canopy, congratulating him
fling rodent seems to be ignoring you. Snakebait looks up on his great find.
at you optimistically.
If you decide to attack Fanghelm while he is celebrating,
To hunt the scarred rodent, either make a ranged weapon go to 34.
attack vs. AC 13, or you can set a snare by making a DC 10
If you continue to watch, go to 61.
Wisdom (Survival) check. If you succeed, you easily hunt
the creature. Snakebait hoists the rodent carcass into his
pack, and promises to cook you its liver later. #9
If you fail, not only do you scare the rodent away, it startles Foggy whispers swirl in your mind. Your senses grow dull.
you with a horrible wailing noise as it tears through the But still, you feel content and happy. The swamp’s chill turns
brush. You trip and tear your leg against a thorny vine. Take to warmth, and it feels good.
1d3 bludgeoning damage and write down STARTLED.
Soon you realize you could understand the whispers all along.
Go to 33. It wasn’t a strange, dead language, it was a special language
that only you and Anurus share. And you love Anurus. You
#7 can’t wait to lead Anurus from the swamp, and show him all
your favorite places. He tells you he needs more friends like
Leaning your back against a large willow tree, you take a few you. And you have so many ideas to help him.
minutes to rest. You may take a short rest here. Addition-
Your next few weeks are spent magically enslaved to
ally, you may make a DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine) check
Anurus, the reawakened Sorcerer Lord of the Third Darkfell.
to remember to apply some swamp herbs to your wounds,
Eventually, he is killed in a fierce magical duel with Riversturm
regaining 1d4 hit points.
Malreaver, hero of Montbatten Academy. Although you are freed
You recall that swamp lion hide is valuable to master leather- from your charm, the town council finds you guilty of willfully
workers. If you killed the lion, you can spend an hour strip- assisting a demon. The punishment is the gallows. Alas, your
ping the lion of its thick hide before returning to the trail. journey is ended.
Otherwise, go to 50.
You watch as the nimble savages leap into the trees. They are
expert climbers and swiftly make their way over branches
and vines to the carcass of the dragon. Using their hatchets,
they chop and saw for at least fifteen minutes. Fanghelm
shouts advice to them as they work.
Swamp Lion
You are in combat with a young swamp lion. The swamp Large beast , unaligned
lion is tired and hungry, but also an experienced and clever
killer. He’s hunted many weapon-wielding humans in his Armor Class 14 (natural armor) Speed 50 ft.
Hit Points 30 (4d10+8)
time, and he prefers warm-blooded meals over the cold flesh
of reptilians. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
15 (+2) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 3 (-4) 11 (+1) 7 (-2)
Use the tactical map at the end of the adventure. Place the
lion on the blood stain in the middle of the map. Place Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4
yourself within five hexes of the predator. Senses passive Perception 13
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
If you kill the swamp lion, or befriend him with a successful
Animal Friendship or similar spell, go to 7. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
8 (2d4 + 3) piercing damage.
If you are slain by the swamp lion, there is still good news.
The predator far prefers you as a meal over the lizard-like Snake- Tactics: Each turn, roll 1d10. On a 7+, the cat tries to swipe
bait. As the lion is devouring your corpse, Snakebait manages to at whatever weapon you are fighting with. Treat this attack as a
crawl away and escape from the swamp. He carves a primitive disarm.The lion makes an attack roll contested by your Strength
(Athletics) check or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. If the lion
picture of you outside his hovel to remember your bravery. wins the contest, the attack causes no damage, but you drop the
weapon! The lion has disadvantage on its attack roll if your weapon
is two-handed.
The Blacklake is aptly named. The still water of the lake #12
is dark as night. Weirdly, pink jellyfish-like creatures litter
the shore, dead from some natural event you will never Knowing that there is no easy way out of this awkward
understand. situation, you crack the door open and slowly walk out of
the hovel.
Occasionally, you see a fish break the lake’s surface, giving
you hope that you might find a prized fish. Make a DC 10 “You’re not Josper,” says the woman, one hand of hers reach-
Wisdom (Survival) check to fashion a net and catch one of ing under her shabby coat.
the fish. Or, make a DC 15 Dexterity check to spear one
of the fish. You hastily explain your presence to the woman, hoping that
you have not stumbled across the home of some swamp witch
If you succeed, you catch one of the strange, three-eyed who lures travelers to a horrible, pox-filled end.
ebony fish. Smashing its head against the rocks, you fold it
into some spare cloth and store it in your bag to salt later. If you want to apologize and carefully explain the situation,
make a DC 13 Charisma (Persuasion) check. If you succeed, go
As you turn to leave, you hear the sound of branches cracking to 35. If you fail, go to 15.
in the underbrush nearby. You duck behind some foliage and
listen. Make a DC 12 Dexterity (Stealth) check! Or, if you want to try to be clever with the woman, perhaps
cracking a joke or flirting with her, make a DC 14 Charisma
If you succeed, you manage to get behind cover before you (Deception) check. If you succeed, go to 35. If you fail, go to 22.
are spotted. Go to 41.
Finally, you can try to intimidate the woman, perhaps
If you fail, go to 20. making her think that you are powerful and not to be trifled
with. Make a DC 15 Charisma (Intimidation) check. If you
succeed, go to 15. If you fail, go to 22.
#13 You slowly back your way into the swamp, then sprint
away from the woman before she changes her mind at using
This part of the swamp is actually quiet beautiful. Fist-sized you as fishing bait. Go to 32.
red and purple flowers grow on the side of the trail, sprout-
ing from thick reeds which are lined with barbs that remind #16
you of arrow heads.
The way to the north looks less treacherous to you, so you
Make a DC 8 Wisdom (Nature) check. If you succeed, you carefully make your way through the reed-covered path that
know to gather some redvange arrowheads – something circles around the murky lake.
you’ve heard fletchers value a great deal, due to the ease by
which they are enchanted. If you have STARTLED written down, go to 58.
Eventually, the flowers fade into the distance, and the trail Otherwise, go to 31.
forks. Consulting your map is not much use. Aonn Tesk
didn’t bother detailing out specific trail paths, it seems. #17
If you continue east, go to 2. You continue into the swamp. The path heads downhill,
until you find yourself in knee-deep, brackish water. You
If you take the trail that goes south-east, go to 57.
try not to think of the venomous snakes and sharp-toothed
fish that live in this part of the swamp.
Trudging through the water saps your strength. Each step
You cautiously approach the hovel, listening to see if anyone requires you pull your wet boot from sticky, gray silt. Oc-
is inside. All is quiet. casionally, you feel some wriggling creature bump into your
leg under the water.
You push open the door to the place, and are surprised to
find the inside dry and warm. For a cottage in the middle of Make a DC 10 Wisdom (Survival) check. If you succeed the
the Vast Vermin Swamp, it is oddly well-furnished. A cot is check, you spot a dark, debris-filled ahead that is no doubt
against the wall, with a warm blanket neatly folded on top home to a swamp coiler – an aggressive constrictor that hunts
of it. In another corner is a rough hewn table, surrounded the large swamp vermin. You steer around the nest, moving
by three chairs. as quietly as you can through the area.
A heavy iron kettle sits in the middle of the room, giving If you fail, your ignorance leads you right into the nest of
off an aura of warmth and comfort. There is no sign of a the swamp coiler. The serpent bites your leg for 1d4 pierc-
fire, and you know with certainty that this is some kind of ing damage, and then frantically flees through the water.
magical thing. Fortunately, such snake s are not venomous.
If you take rest in the cottage, go to 5. Ahead, you glimpse tall stones jutting from the water. Ap-
proaching cautiously, you find a ring of massive boulders.
Or, if you decide these places are best left alone, you con-
Inside the ring of boulders is a pile of rubble made from
tinue onwards. Go to 32.
a shiny, black stone. Perhaps this was one of the altars the
Redbelly savages made to their dead sorcerer gods.
You’ve heard the Redbellies often leave their victims’ valu-
The witch narrows her eyes at you. ables on these altars. But you’ve also heard the savages leave
traps, so that they might capture more victims to sacrifice
“If I weren’t in a good mood, I would fling you into the lake.
to their gods...
And let me tell you, the Gumperfish is especially hungry
today.” If you search the ruin, looking for valuables, go to 28.
Her eyes flick towards the lake, where you see a large, scaly Otherwise, you continue on. Go to 54.
hump emerge for moment, then vanish underneath the black
waters. You don’t know what a Gumperfish is, exactly, but
you have little care to find out today.
If you fail, the swamp cat escapes with his prey. You sadly Skills Intimidation +2, Stealth +2
return to the trail. Write down LOST SNAKEBAIT, and go to Senses passive Perception 11
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Hatchet. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
If you succeed, you catch up to the creature before it’s too
Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
late for your friend. However, make a DC 12 Wisdom check.
If you suceed, go to 10. If you fail, write down HOPELESSLY Javelin. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 30/120 ft., one
LOST on your character sheet, and go to 10. target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
#19 Tactics: The savages fight with untrained fury. On their turn they
will rush into melee range. Two start by throwing javelins, the
third charges and fights with his hatchet.
The scrawny creature stares up at you with beady eyes, seem-
ingly confused at your presence. Suddenly, a remembering
look forms on his scaly face and in one twisted motion,
contorts his reptilian body to stand on the wobbly stool he Use the tactical map at the end of the adventure. The savages
was just sitting on. start near the rocks on the map. You start adjacent to the
middle copse of trees. Or, if you succeed at a DC 10 Wisdom
He points a thumb at his sign and introduces himself as (Insight) check, you can reposition yourself wherever you
“Snakebait”. He shakes his head and gestures towards the want before combat begins.
If you survive the battle, you have two choices. You can
“Bad season, many swamp lions. Gumperfish is hungry, too,” travel south around the lake and go to 23.
he says in a clicky voice. “No guide today.”
Or, you can travel north around the lake, go to 16.
While you are not exactly sure what a gumperfish is, Snake-
bait seems unwilling to take work today. If Snakebait is your guide, he knows a path. Go to 31.
#22 #24
The woman narrows her eyes, not believing a word of your You realize that it was not a tree you knocked your head
story. Suddenly, you feel invisible hands grabbing at you. At against. It was a large stone pillar jutting from the ground.
first, you are pulled off your feet, then you are face down, a Several similar pillars form a circle around a stone altar. The
force the weight of an anvil crushing the breath of you. rubble of a collapsed roof is scattered around you. You wonder
if this is the ruin of a of serpent temple – a similar one, perhaps,
The witch’s face is in yours, and you feel her hot, fishy breath to your grandfather’s discovery weeks ago.
in your face. Through sharp teeth, she hisses.
You can see ancient glyphs on the altar. You squint your eyes,
“You are unwelcome here.” wondering if they will make any sense to you. Make a DC 12
With that, you are thrown from the shanty. Your body sails Intelligence (Arcana) check.
hundreds of feet through the air. You come crashing down If you succeed, or if you have Snakebait as your guide, you
into the black waters of the lake. Gasping for air, you struggle can make out the writing. Go to 4.
to the surface.
If you fail, you can still approach the altar. Go to 44.
Take 1d4 damage and make a DC 12 Strength (Athletics)
check! Or, you can decide these things are best left alone, and try
to make your way back to the clearing. Go to 53.
If you succeed, you catch your breath, and paddle back
to shore, staying far away from the witch’s abode. You’re a bit
disoriented by the time you get to land. Go to 16. #25
If you fail the check, you inhale water and start to choke. Snakebait leads you into the swamp. Within a few minutes, all
You fight to reach the surface, but your energy is nearly gone. the color from the world vanishes. You find yourself in a drab
Make another check. If you succeed, you take 1d4 damage, but world of twisting gray tree trunks, scabby vines, and murky
you’ve narrowly avoided drowning. Go to 16. puddles which give off a strong odor of brackish sulfur.
If you fail the second check, your flailing has caught the at- Snakebait suddenly stops and points through the dense un-
tention of some prehistoric creature of the Blacklake. You suddenly derbrush. You see an ugly pig-sized rodent snuffling its nose
feel teeth bite around your waist. You fight feebly, grabbing for into the mud. A long scar runs down its back.
your knife, but as the jaws tighten, you realize that your journey “Vermin from Vermin Swamp,” Snakebait chuckles as he
in the Vast Vermin Swamp is at an end. points to his stomach, and then to your weapon. “Tasty tasty!”
You head south around the Blacklake. At one point, you see If you ignore the hunting opportunity, preferring to make
a two-tailed swamp rodent lapping water from the lake. Sud- good time to your destination, go to 33.
denly, a massive reptile crashes out from the water, devours the
creature in one bone-crunching bite, and then slowly settles #26
back into the lake. Before it disappears from view, you see the
thing flick a curious glance at you. You feel the warm pulse of magic emanating from this col-
ored rod. You close your eyes and press your fingers over the
You decide to walk as far away from the shore as possible. markings on the wand, hoping that the magical artifact will
reveal itself to you. This doesn’t always work, but–
As you follow the curve of the lake, you see a small cottage
ahead of you. The hovel is made from logs, twigs, and has Suddenly, the rod’s history flashes through your head. This
a messy thatched roof. A ramshackle dock juts out into the belonged to a witch who attended the Montbatten Academy.
water. From this distance, you cannot tell if the hovel is oc- From the image of her you see in your mind, she lived decades
cupied, or if its been long-deserted. ago. You see her walking down this trail with her cloaked
friends. They are not happy. You can tell their conversation is
If you approach the hovel, go to 14. angry and intense. But then a black shadow passes over them.
Or, you can avoid the hut and continue south. Go to 31. The woman pulls this wand out of her pocket, and a bolt of
lightning emanates from it. The shadow passes over her again, If you decide to take the direct route and leave the path,
there is a flurry of violence, and your vision ends. go to 36.
You have found Domitia’s Rod. This slender, 2-foot rod is If you decide to continue on the path, and hope it heads
enchanted as a Staff of Swarming Insects. However, the rod in the right direction, go to 51.
is less powerful than the staff of the same name, and only
has 5 charges, regaining 1d4+1 charges daily at dawn. It
requires attunenent by a bard, cleric, druid, sorcrer, warlock, #30
or wizard. Legends say casting spells from this rod causes Shrieking that his spell failed, Anurus’ fingers lengthen and
unlickiness for the caster for days afterwards. form into fiery tendrils. He pounces down on you, whipping
Pleased with your discovery, you continue on. Go to 50. and lashing with his flaming hands.
You continue on in the swamp. You pass by a ghost-white wil-
low tree that has rough-hewn sigils carved into its pale bark.
About an hour later, you check your map again. You seem
to be near one of the landmarks on the map – the blacklake.
The ebony fish in this lake, when dried and salted, are prized
delicacies to the noble families of West Megalos. You consider
making a stop to fetch some of the fish.
#31 Otherwise, you can circle the large lake by going south. Go
to 23.
You continue your way around the lake, cautious to avoid
the snakes that slither lazily along its shore. At one point, Or, you can circle the lake by heading north. Go to 16.
you see a bloated constrictor basking in a ray of sunlight.
The carcass of a giant swamp rodent seems to be settling in #34
its stomach. You shiver, grateful the snake found the rodent
before it found you. You scream a battle cry and charge at Fanghelm, hoping to
surprise him before he can continue his work.
Soon, you find a trail littered with bones. Consulting your
map, you see this area marked with hastily-written elvish Fanghelm spins around. He laughs in delight as he sees you
script. This is the way to the clearing where the serpent approaching and readies his great axe. He arrogantly pull his
dragon fell. helmet off, revealing himself to you.
Go to 50. You are horrified by the man’s visage. His face is brutally
scarred off by what can only be acid. A small piece of his
#32 jawbone is exposed. Worse, a cracked dragon incisor juts
out from the top of his white-haired skull at an odd angle.
You trek onward through the swamp, wondering how much How this man survived the jaws of dragon serpent, you will
distance you’ve really covered since you started this journey. never know.
Have you barely traveled a mile, just walking in circles? Or
Fanghelm advances on you, brandishing his great axe eagerly.
have you covered more ground than you realized?
It is time to fight for your life. Use the battle map at the end
You consult Aonn Tesk’s map. In hastily written elvish script, of the adventure. Place Fanghelm on the blood stain in the
it shows that you should be near the “Path of Bones” – a trail middle of the map. You start at the right edge of the map.
that leads to the place where the serpent dragon fell. Sure
Also, unless you wrote down the word TREE CLIMBERS,
enough, you soon see the path you’re on littered with the
Fanghelm is joined by his two Redbelly servants. Place them
bones of vermin, Redbellies, giant constrictors, and strange
on any two separate edges of the map. They are stunned by
reptilians you can’t recognize.
your appearance and await Fanghelm’s orders; they will not
You take a few moments to kick at some of the piles of bones. act on the first round of combat. If Fanghelm is struck down,
Make a DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check. they will retreat into the swamp.
If you survive the battle with Fanghelm and have TREE
CLIMBERS written down, go to 64.
“I haven’t seen had someone make me laugh this hard in a
Otherwise, if you survive, go to 46.
decade!” laughs the witch, as you relax at her table.
If you fall in battle, Fanghelm kicks your fallen body,
“You know, I saw that Riversturm Malreaver defeat that ser-
grins, and replaces the helm on his head. He orders his men to
pent,” she explains. “I really hate saying anything good about
strip you of your valuables, then leaves your bare body in one
Montbatten Academy, but they did do a good job on him!’
of the clearing’s acidic pools.
She pours you some more of her private batch of mead. It’s
your fourth glass, and your head feels as if it has bees buzzing
inside it.
Fanghelm “I’m so glad you found my house. It’s really too dangerous
Medium humanoid, chaotic neutral out there for people like you!” she continues. You aren’t sure
Armor Class 13 (hide) Speed 30 ft. you’ve gotten much of a word in since she invited you into
Hit Points 26 (4d8+8)
her cottage two hours ago.
You thank the witch for her hospitality, insisting you must go.
15 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
She sighs theatrically and refills your glass.
Skills Intimidation +4
Senses passive Perception 11 “Oh, I understand. Well, you’ve really brightened my day all
Challenge 1 (200 XP) the same.”
Resilience. Fanghelm has advantage on saving throws against She stands up, catches her balance, and then walks to the cor-
poison and spells that charm or paralyze. ner of the room. She reaches through the wall and rummages
around a bit. At first you thought the mead had affected your
War Axe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one senses, but then you realize it was an illusionary wall!
target. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing damage.
She returns to the table and hands you a green-bladed short-
Redbelly Climbers sword.
Medium humanoid, chaotic evil
Armor Class 13 (hide) Speed 30 ft. “Now, if you’re going to be slicing open dragon bellies you’re
Hit Points 15 (2d8+6) going to need something sharper than, well whatever it is
you’re carrying,” she exclaims. “Take it! Don’t say no... I have
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA no use for it anyway!”
14 (+2) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)
The witch smiles, then hiccups. Then kisses you warmly on
Skills Intimidation +2, Stealth +2 both cheeks.
Senses passive Perception 11
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) “Now go before I decide you keep you here... forever!”
Hatchet. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one tar- She bursts out in a wheezing laugh. “I’m teeeeasing!”
get. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.
You decide that it is time to go, before you discover whether
Tactics: Fanghelm fights intelligently, using cheap tricks and the or not she is actually teasing. You bid her a fond farewell,
range of his brutal axe to his advantage. Fanghelm’s savages fight
awkwardly realizing that you had either forgotten her name,
more cautiously, preferring to let Fanghelm draw blood first.
or never gotten it.
Go to 32.
#36 #38
You crash into the underbrush. Within minutes, your trail is As you kick through a pile of bones, you see the a strange-
blocked by thick, thorny vines. The tendrils seem to move and colored branch clutched in bony hands. Looking closer, you
squirm... but only when you are not looking at them. You real- can tell that the colored rod is twisted and hand-painted. You
ize that you’re unsure the direction you came from, or which pry it loose from the skeletal hand, and are surprised to see
way you are heading. etchings in the wood. Make a DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana)
Suddenly, you hear a loud squawking sound, and a deadly
bundle of thorns, rocks, and branches plummets from the If you succeed (or cast an Identify spell), go to 26.
canopy above. You try to leap out of the way.
Otherwise, you carefully put the colored rod in your pack
Make a DX 12 Dexterity save! If you succeed, you avoid the and continue down the trail. Go to 50.
attack. If you fail, you are hit for 1d6 bludgeoning damage.
You have no idea what kind of creature launched the attack. #39
Was this something innocent that fell from a nest? Or did some You wander through a fog-filled section of the swamp for
intelligent creature try to bombard you? You’re unsure. Make another hour. Suddenly, you hear voices from ahead. You
a DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check. cannot recognize the language. They must be members of
If you succeed, go to 3. the Redbellies, degenerate men who live here and worship
the graves of long-dead sorcerers. They are known for raiding
Otherwise, go to 17. human settlements that exist near the swamp and bringing
captives back for nightmarish sacrifices.
#37 Suddenly, the men stop talking. Did they hear you?
As you pick up one of the large pieces of black rubble, you Make a DC 11 Dexterity (Stealth) check to avoid notice.
freeze. Underneath the rock you see a wet rope. Examining If you succeed, you spend an hour in a game of cat and mouse,
it more carefully, you realize that this rope is staked into the dodging the Redbellies’ eyes and ears. Go to 32.
ground, and held in place by this rock. Had you lifted it up, you
realize one of the larger henges from the ring surrounding you If you fail (or have no tolerance for such evil savages), you
would have likely crashed down upon you, killing you instantly. find yourself surrounded by the men, who are hungry to capture
you and drag you to one of their ancient altars. Go to 20.
Avoiding the trapped stone, you work around it. Suddenly, you
see the glint of gold. You carefully reach down and pull out
an ancient-looking helm. The style of the magnificent bronze #40
helm is alien and unfamiliar, but the craftsmanship is excellent. The swamp cat’s black claws narrow miss your throat. You
This Corinthian-style helm is enchanted to allow the wearer to fumble with your weapon, but the hilt is slick and covered
cast the Shield spell as a bonus action once per day. It is also in moisture.
enchanted so the wearer has no hearing or vision loss while A horrible scream followed by a gurgling sound causes you
wearing the helm. to pivot around in horror. Poor Snakebait. He never saw
Satisfied with your discovery, you continue onward. Go to the swamp cat coming. As the massive lion drags him in the
54. swamp, he feebly reaches out to you, his eyes wide with terror.
You doubt the poor fellow will survive more than a minute in
the jaws of the predator. You also question you can take on a
swamp cat by yourself...
#41 #43
Peering out from behind cover, you see three emaciated, primi- You slink back into the shadows of the cottage, hoping that
tive men lope towards the Blacklake. You’ve heard tales of these this woman is not one of the Fen Witches. The stories say they
savages. They worship the dead sorcerers that used to call this the witches were once ambitious students that were thrown out
swamp home, and are known to raid nearby villages to bring of Montbatten Academy a generation ago. Supposedly, they
back sacrifices to their gods. They are called the Redbellies, accidentally killed their herbology professor and tried to cover
since they paint their bellies red after each sacrifice. it up by replacing him with a demon. The ruse did not last
long, and the women were exiled to the swamp as punishment.
This particular hunting party wear tattered hides and carry
stone-tipped spears. The savages don’t seem to have noticed “Oh it’s all true!” says the woman, opening the door to the
you. They seem to be debating a good spot to spear fish, though cottage. Did she read your mind?
you don’t understand their language.
Of course, she did. You curse yourself as you see the woman
If you try to sneak away, make a DC 11 Dexterity (Stealth) just a few yards away, pointing at you with a withered finger.
check. If you succeed, you have no choice but to circle the lake to
the south. Go to 23. If you beg for your life, make a DC 13 Charisma save! If
you succeed, go to 15.
If you fail your check, the savages hear you. With an angry
scream, one throws a spear your way! Go to 20. If you fail, or choose not to beg, go to 22.
Or, if you have no patience for such savages, draw your #44
weapon and go to 47!
You cautiously approach the altar. It is made from a strange,
#42 polished black stone. While you don’t know its exact purpose,
you have heard stories of the vicious Redbellies, a tribe of sav-
You lift away a piece of heavy rubble, and make a grunt of age men who worship at altars like these.
satisfaction as you see the glint of gold underneath the water.
Indeed, as you look at the ground, you see that there are men’s
Suddenly, however, you heard the sound of a tightening rope, tracks in the soft dirt. It looks to be a combination of sandals
a massive splash, and the groan of stone against stone. You and bare feet.
look up and see one of the massive henges tilting and falling
towards you! If you decide to follow the tracks, go to 49.
Make a DC 12 Dexterity save as you frantically roll away from Otherwise, you return back to a familiar trail. Go to 13.
the crushing block. If you fail, you take 4d6 bludgeoning dam-
age as the stone brutally crushes you. #45
If succeed the saving throw or survive the damage, you slip You have caught up to the fierce swamp lion, and cornered
backwards, lose your footing in the water, and smash your him amongst some rocks. Snakebait weakly shakes in his jaws,
head against a log. You black out, and your body gets caught silently pleading for help. The swamp cat drops his prey and
in a current. You drifts lazily towards a large, black lake in the roars at you, preparing to use the last of his energy to defend
distance. his meal..
Fortunately, you are spared a watery grave. Your wool cloak Write down SAVED SNAKEBAIT, draw your weapon,
gets caught in a tangle of debris, keeping your head above the and go to 10.
water. A few minutes alter, the current deposits you on the gray
sand shores of the Blacklake. You gasp and cough into the sand, #46
unsure of whether you were unconscious for minutes or hours.
You kneel down and take the emerald in your hand. So, you
As you regain your bearings, you hear voices from up ahead. think, this is the Celestial Emerald that both your grandfather
You duck behind some marsh reeds and peek out to identify and this Fanghelm died for. How many other men died trying
the source of the voices. to retrieve this gem over the centuries?
Go to 41.
The gem is indeed beautiful. Holding it up to the light, you see Make a DC 12 Intelligence save. If Snakebait is with you, you
what looks like small planets orbiting in the middle of the stone. get advantage on your roll as he frantically tugs on your hand
Is this just an illusion of the facets of the gemstone, or is there and pleads with you to stay with him.
some grand magical secret that this stone holds. You’re unsure.
If you fail the contest, turn go to 9.
Although you are in a hurry to leave the swamp, you find
yourself walking slowly. Fatigue and the memories of your If you succeed, go to 30.
grandfather weigh you down. As a child, you were always
delighted by his tales of adventure and treasure hunting. Your #49
mother always told you that half the tales weren’t true, and the
other half were exaggerated. Now, you wonder if she’ll believe You follow the tracks for a hundred yards or so. The soft dirt
what you accomplished today. makes them easy to follow. But then the trail leads you across
a murky stream, and you momentarily lose your bearings.
It doesn’t matter, you think. You know your grandfather is Make a DC 8 Wisdom (Perception) check to track the prints.
smiling somewhere, proud that you recovered a treasure that
he himself could not keep. If you succeed, you pick up the trail and follow it for another
hour. Go to 39.
Satisfied that you have found what you came for, you return
to civilization. Go to 65. If you fail, you have lost the trail. Make a DC 10 Wisdom
(Survival) check. If you succeed, you find your way back to where
you originally found the prints. Go to 13.
If you fail the check, you have become lost. You curse yourself
You draw your weapon, scream a battle cry and attack. The for having followed the tracks. Go to 59.
savages are startled by your presence. Write the word AMBUSH
on your character sheet.
Go to 20.
You’ve arrived. You are in a massive clearing. The ground below
you seems burned and scattered with ashes and green, acidic
#48 puddles. But there is no sign of the serpent dragon.
You pour a few drops of lantern oil on the altar’s vines. Hold- You angrily kick at a stone on the ground, wondering if you’ve
ing your breath in anticipation, you spark a fire. come all this way for nothing. As you go to pull out your map,
A fiery, sulfurous explosion knocks you backwards into a clump you hear the trees above you rattle in the wind. You look up.
of debris and rubble. Make a DC 10 Dexterity save or take
1d4 fire damage.
The man shouts angrily into the sky. Though you don’t speak
its language, you have no doubt that he yelled, “I am freed”
in its dark tongue.
There, above you in the canopy, is the twisted corpse of the
black serpent dragon. The thing hangs amidst the branches,
at least a dozen yards above you. Its mouth is agape in shock, You walk over to the dragon’s carcass. Its jaws lie open on the
but it’s eyes are dull white and dead. ground, and you marvel at the thing’s size and strength. You
notice scorch marks all along the wyrm’s neck, and wonder
The size of the creature is stunning to you. This serpent dragon’s
if those are the marks left by the great wizard Riversturm
long, lithe body is twice the length of a house. The jaws could
Malreaver’s attacks.
devour a man in one bite. It seems to have wings, but they
look to be torn off. Holding your breath, you take out your sharpest weapon and
slice deep into the belly of the dragon. You hope that this
A splatter of acidic blood falls from its mouth and you see it
whole story Aonn Tesk told about your grandfather was right.
sizzle on the ground next to you. Suddenly, you hear the sound
of voices coming towards you. You duck behind a large tree Acid-pocked bones and slimy green dragon innards spill out
and watch as two Redbelly savages lope from the swamp. All from the carcass. Then you see the stone-textured, spherical
of them hold stone hatchets. But they are led by a larger man, container Aonn Tesk described. You pull it out of the dragon,
who wears what looks like leather armor fashioned from the pull out a knife, and pry the container open. Inside, you
hide of some reptile. His face is hidden by a leathery helmet see the glittering prize that your grandfather died for – the
shaped like a fanged snake, and he carries a massive axe on his Celestial Emerald.
Having found the treasure for which you came, you depart
The men enter the clearing and point upwards at the dragon. the swamp.
Fanghelm laughs loudly, delighted by the find. In a language
you don’t understand, he orders his men up into the trees to Go to 65.
cut the beast down.
#51 Go to 51.
The soft ground of the swamp makes travel slow and tiring.
Several times, your boot sinks deep into the mud, forcing you
to pause and pull it out with a horrible squelching noise. Your soggy boots make awful squelching sounds as you trudge
through the thick, black water. Soon, you realize that you have
Soon, you come to a dry clearing. A thick cloud of flies buzz
reached the shores of the Blacklake, the large body of water
around you, likely drawn to the scent of your swear. You wave
that lies between you and your goal – the carcass of the dragon
them off unsuccessfully.
serpent that slew your grandfather.
Two trails lie before you. One continues east, towards your
Go to 11.
destination. The other winds downhill, and you do not know
where it leads.
If you continue to the east, go to 13.
The hinges to the door make a rusty groan as you push it open.
If you take the downhill path, go to 56. You stick your head inside, and marvel to see a what looks
to be a small alchemy laboratory on the inside of the stump.
The room inside is lined with shelves and open cabinets. A
small table is set up a few paces inside the room, covered in
strange-colored stains that smell sweet, like cherries and grapes.
Notes are nailed to the walls of the room, but in language you
do not understand.
Judging from the dust on the floor and shelves, the lab appears If you decide to avoid the Blacklake and take a soggy deer
to have been abandoned for quite some time. You search the trail that seems to head in the direction you want to go, go to 17.
place and find a single vial of purplish liquid sitting on the
shelf. Unlike everything else in the room, it is clearly labelled Or, you can venture to the shores of the Blacklake. Go to
– “M. Batten’s Blade Polish”. You wonder if it has anything 11.
to do with Montbatten Academy, the esteemed wizard school
nearby. #58
If you want to take your chances and smear the polish over With a ferocious roar, a horse-sized, black-striped swamp cat
one of your weapons, go to 27. hurls itself from the brush. You curse yourself as you realize
this creature must have been stalking you for at least a mile.
Otherwise, you can save the M. Batten’s Blade Polish for
later, and continue onwards. Go to 60. If you have Snakebait with you, go to 40.
#56 Otherwise, you roll out of the way and yank out your
weapon. Go to 10.
The hill is steeper than you anticipated, and you find yourself
stumbling and sliding in the slick mud. Make a DC 12 Dex- #59
terity (Acrobatics) check.
A sulfur-smelling fog rolls in, enveloping you in a mist that is
If you succeed, go to 33. so thick, it is difficult to even read your own map. Squinting
at the parchment, you realize you have no idea where you
If you fail, you fall off the path, tumble through thorny brush,
are. You are far away from any known landmarks or trails.
and knock your head on a tree. Take 1d4 bludgeoning damage.
Your heart sinks in fear, and you curse yourself for crashing
When you shake yourself off, you realize you’re in a strange loca-
through the brush after something that was nowhere near your
tion. Go to 24.
ultimate destination.
You really should give it a name, you think. Unless you have some kind of magical protection (e.g., Druid-
craft, Animal Friendship, Barkskin), the insects sting and bite
Checking your bearings with your map, you see that you are you as you make your way through this area of the swamp.
approaching the Blacklake, the large body of water known for Make a DC 12 Constitution save. If you fail, you are struck
both its delicious fish, but also for the dangerous, primeval with a mild blood poisoning and suffer disadvantage on all
creatures that lurk within its depths. saving throws until you can get a long rest or end the adventure!
Leaving the insect swarm behind, you cross a cold and soggy If you want to open the door, making a DC 12 Dexterity
marsh. Checking your map, you realize that you will soon be on (Thieves’ Tools) check, or a DC 15 Strength check to force
the shores of the Blacklake, a large body of water that separates open the door. Or, if you have a spell like Knock, you can
you from the dragon’s carcass you seek. use that too.
The stump is surprisingly large, easily the size of a small cottage. If you succeed at scaling the trees and cut the dragon down,
The top of it is scorched, though whether by a natural disaster go to 52.
or magical one, you are unsure.
Otherwise, you have no way of reaching this dragon. You
Something has carved a small home out of the stump. Recessed wonder if you should have waited for the Redbellies to cut the
into the wood is a small door, half as high as one meant for a creature down first. Realizing that surviving the swamp is reward
man. You listen at the door, but hear nothing inside. Finally, enough, you decide to leave your grandfather’s prize here. You
you reach down and shake the handle to the door, but it is quietly leave the swamp. Go to 65.
locked tight.
After several days travel, you arrive back in the town
of Ariminum. You head straight towards your sister’s
house, excited to see a familiar face. As if detecting Treasures of the Swamp
your presence, your sister emerges from her home,
shaking her head in disbelief. Treasure Section Reference Value
Rodent carcass #6 10 gp
“When Aonn told me you chased after grandfather’s Ebony fish #11 40 gp
grave, I couldn’t believe it,” she says. Bizarre bronze mask #21 80 gp
Swamp lion hide #7 40 gp
You shrug apologetically. Redvange arrowheads #13 50 gp
Colored Rod / Domitia’s Rod #26 2,000 gp
“So, tell me,” she continues. “Are the vermin in the Ghost willow bark #33 50 gp
swamp as big as they say?” Fanghelm’s great axe #64 25 gp
Fanghelm’s leather helmet #64 10 gp
You laugh as you walk over and embrace her. Magnificent bronze helm #37 150 gp
Sacrificial knife $4 15 gp
“Grandfather was a brave fool, just as we always Green-bladed shortsword #35 500 gp
thought,” you tell her. Suddenly, you catch a glimpse Gossamer dragonfly #57 150 gp
of Aonn Tesk in the door of her house. The old elf is Assassin’s brew #3 100 gp
holding up a glass and toasts you from afar. Celestial Emerald #52 800 gp
“And just as I always told him!” he says, smirking. * The Celestial Emerald acts as an Elemental Gem. If you use an action to
break the gem, a water elemental appears as if you had cast the Conjure
Congratulations! You have bested the Vast Vermin Elemental spell... and the gem’s magic is lost.
Swamp, and you have quite the tale to tell your
friends and family.
Small humanoid (goblinoid... maybe?), neutral good
Nimble Escape. Snakebait can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of its turns.
Swamp Hatchet Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d6+2) slashing damage.
Personality & Tactics: A consumate professional, Snakebait takes his guide duties seriously. His biggest delight in life
is roasting swamp vermin with his employers. Snakebait is generally useless in combat, taking cautious swings with his
hatchet only if he thinks that his employer is in serious danger. Otherwise, he stands in the back and defends himself.
Name: Nameora Littleton - half-elven messenger
Player: Age: 29
Class: Ranger Race: Half-elf
Level: 2 Alignment: Neutral good
Speed: 30’ Inspiration
+1 12
STR Athletics
+2 15
Sleight of Hand
+1 13
CON +1
-1 12
INT Arcana
+2 9
Ranger Training: You are proficient in light, medium armor, shields, simple
+1 10
weapons, and martial weapons. You are also proficient in Strength and Dexterity
+2+1 Initiative Fighting Style (Duelling): When you are wielding a melee weapon in one
hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage.
Spell Save
Spell Attack
Armor Class
Armor: 11
13 Shield:
+2 Main Weapons
Weapon To-Hit Damage Type Weight
Longsword +3 1d8+3 slashing 3 lbs
Hit Points (2d10) Shortsword +4 1d6+4 slashing 3 lbs
Max: 18
Con: +1 Longbow +4 1d8 piercing 2 lbs
HD Used:
18 Temp: w/ 10 arrows
Gold & Gems
Item Weight Notes
Leather armor 10 lbs. AC 11 + Dex modifier 10
Rations (3 days)
Mess kit
For three years you have loyally served Lord
Hamnos of Hyrnan. You were his most trusted
messenger, running messages every week to
the lord’s cousins, uncles, mistresses, and any
other person he thought to influence.
Languages Racial Traits: Half-Elf Attack
Darkvision: You can see in darkness (shades
Attack, shove, or grab (Ath-
Common, Sylvan of gray) up to 60 ft.
letics vs. Athletics/Dexterity)
Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on sav-
ing throws against being charmed, and magic
can’t put you to sleep.
Attribute 12-13 +1
Long Rest (8 hours): Regain all lost Attribute 14-15 +2 DC 10 Medicine check
HP and spent HD equal to have the Attribute 16-17 +3
PC’s total HD. Attribute 18-19 +4
Name: Saad Amina - work-for-hire herbalist
Player: Age: 25
Class: Druid Race: Human
Level: 2 Alignment: Neutral good
Speed: 30’ Inspiration
-1 9
STR Athletics
+2 14
Sleight of Hand
+2 15
CON +2
+0 11
INT Arcana
+3 16
Druid Training: You are proficient in Clubs, daggers, darts, javelins, maces,
+1 13
quarterstaffs, scimitars, sickles, slings, spears, and also Light armor, medium
armor, and shields not made from metal. You are also proficient in Intelligence and
Wisdom saves.
Circle of the Land - Spellcasting (2nd): You know three cantrips (Frost-
Passive Wisdom bite, Shape Water) and three 1st level spells. You cast spells with Wisdom..
13 (Perception)
Circle of the Land - Natural Recovery (2nd): Once per long rest during a
short rest, you choose expended spell slots to recover. The spell slots can have a
+2 Proficiency Bonus combined level of up to 1, and none of the slots can be 6th level or higher
Wild Shape (2nd): As an action, you can magically assume the shape of a
beast that you have seen before twice per short rest. You can stay in beast
+2 Initiative shape for 1 hours before reverting back to your normal form (or as a bonus ac-
tion earlier or if you fall unconscious, drop to 0 hit points, or die).
DC 13
Spell Save
Spell Attack
Armor Class
15 Armor: 11
Shield: +2
Dexterity: +2 Main Weapons
Weapon To-Hit Damage Type Weight
Scimitar +4 1d6+2 slashing 3 lbs
Hit Points (2d6)
Max: 17
Con: +2
HD Used:
17 Other:
Gold & Gems
Item Weight Notes
Leather armor 10 lbs. AC 11 + Dex modifier 10
Spring of Mistletoe
Waterskin and rations (3 days)
You’ve worked a contract for Montbatten
Academy for a year, trekking into the dan-
gerous Blackwoods to supply the wizardry
school with magical herbs - mandrake,
moondusk, blue orcas, etc. You’ve made a
good living, but you’ve spent most of the
money you’ve made on your cottage and
your hobbies.
Weight Carried: lbs (5X Str is -10’ Speed; 10X Str is -20’ Speed and Disadvantage)
Languages Racial Traits Attack
Attributes: Humans receive +1 to all attributes Attack, shove, or grab (Ath-
Common letics vs. Athletics/Dexterity)
Language: You know one bonus language.
Druidic, Dwarvish
Attribute 14-15 +2
Long Rest (8 hours): Regain all lost DC 10 Medicine check
Attribute 16-17 +3
HP and spent HD equal to have the
Attribute 18-19 +4
PC’s total HD.