Experiment # 01: To Determine The Buckling in Column Due To Loading

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Experiment # 01

To determine the buckling in column due to loading

The objective of this experiment is to determine the buckling in column due to different load and
under different end condition.


 Vernier Calliper
 Measuring Tape
 Column end Testing Machine
 Different End Condition(Pinned,Fixed)
 Slender Column( Brass,Copper,Baklite & Silver)

Related Theory:

A column is a line element ( long slender bar) subjected to axial compression. The term is
frequently use to describe a vertical member .

Types of Column

Column can be classified into 3 different types :

Slender Column

The column which has relatively high slenderness ratio is called slender oe long column. ( length
is greater than 30 times to the least cross sectional dimension).

Such element fail due to excessive lateral deflection i.e. buckling at value of stress considerably
less than the yield stress.

Short Column

The column which has relatively low slenderness ratio is called short column ( length of not
greater than 10 times to least cross sectional dimension.

Failure occur when stress over cross section reaches the yield or crushing value of the material .
Intermediate Column

The failure of column is neither short nor slender and occur due to combination of buckling and
yielding / crushing.

For intermediate column length is in between 10 to 30 times he least cross section.

Buckling of Column

Lateral bending in column when an compressive load is applied to column . Column buckle due
to bending .

Critical Buckling Load On Column

The critical or buckling or elastic buckling load of a column is:

P = π 2 EI / L2 e

Where effective length Le = KL of a column is determined by the types of end supports.

For a simply supported column Le = L in that case K = 1

Pcr = Euler buckling load

E = Modulus of Elasticity of the steel

I = Moment of Inertia

Le= Effective length = KL

K depends on end value condition

the end conditions of the column:

End Conditions
1st 2nd
Fixed Fixed 0.5
Fixed Pin 0.7
Pin Pin 1
Fixed Roller 2

1 . Measure the length of column by using vernier calliper .

2 . Measure the thickness of column using same vernier calliper,

3. Now fix the column in testing machine and select the end condition wheather it
is fix or pinnes.

4. Arrange the dial gauge according to instruction.

5. Now adjust the column in testing machine in such a way that is starting taking
load when dial gauge start giving reading you should stop applying load and then
fix the dial gauge at zero at zero load .

6. Now start applying load through machine on column which is fix in machine at
specific end conditions and start noting the value of dial gauge and load on digitak
load machine .

7. Continue applying load until load difference is very small . Note down all
readings of load at different interval .

Material Length End-condition cross-section

Copper 596 pinned-pinned 5.8x25
Brass 596 pinned-pinned 6.75x25.15

Aluminium 596 pinned-pinned 5.85x24.7

Bakellite 596 pinned-pinned 10.25x24.7
Aluminium 700 pinned-pinned 12.1x22.25
Stainless steel 596 pinned-pinned 4.6x20.1
Stainless steel 700 pinned-pinned 9.8x9.8
Stainless steel 690 fixed-fixed 4.6x20.1

Stainless steel 750 fixed-pinned 4.6x20.1

Load (N)
Deflection Copper Brass Aluminium Bakellite Stainless
(mm) Steel

0 0 0 0 0 0
0.5 116 1053 481 127 145
1 410 1302 647 250 351
2 715 1356 744 350 461
3 856 1365 779 385 500
4 942 1368 796 395 520
5 1001 1370 806 408 532
6 1033 1375 813 417 537

Slenderness ratio of Different Bars

kL/r Theoretical Stress Practical Stress
248.23 32 32
259..7 29.26 29.26
395.3 12.63 12.63
448.8 9.79 5.81

Different End Condition with same rate

Material Condition k L r kL/r
stainless pinned-
steel pinned 1 596 1.328 448.8

stainless pinned-
steel pinned 1 700 2.82 248.23
steel fixed-fixed 0.5 690 1.328 259.7
stainless fixed-
steel pinned 0.7 750 1.328 395.3

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