The petition seeks to set aside the order dismissing the application for registration of a criminal case against proposed accused. The court summarizes:
1) The application before the Ex-Officio Justice of the Peace alleges that a forged agreement was executed using bogus signatures and thumb impressions of a person who was not present in Pakistan at the time.
2) A prima facie cognizable offense is made out based on the application. Pending civil litigation does not bar criminal proceedings.
3) The petition is accepted and police are directed to register a case and investigate, first verifying if the person was in Pakistan on the date of the alleged agreement before investigating other aspects of the case. The officer will submit a report to
The petition seeks to set aside the order dismissing the application for registration of a criminal case against proposed accused. The court summarizes:
1) The application before the Ex-Officio Justice of the Peace alleges that a forged agreement was executed using bogus signatures and thumb impressions of a person who was not present in Pakistan at the time.
2) A prima facie cognizable offense is made out based on the application. Pending civil litigation does not bar criminal proceedings.
3) The petition is accepted and police are directed to register a case and investigate, first verifying if the person was in Pakistan on the date of the alleged agreement before investigating other aspects of the case. The officer will submit a report to
The petition seeks to set aside the order dismissing the application for registration of a criminal case against proposed accused. The court summarizes:
1) The application before the Ex-Officio Justice of the Peace alleges that a forged agreement was executed using bogus signatures and thumb impressions of a person who was not present in Pakistan at the time.
2) A prima facie cognizable offense is made out based on the application. Pending civil litigation does not bar criminal proceedings.
3) The petition is accepted and police are directed to register a case and investigate, first verifying if the person was in Pakistan on the date of the alleged agreement before investigating other aspects of the case. The officer will submit a report to
The petition seeks to set aside the order dismissing the application for registration of a criminal case against proposed accused. The court summarizes:
1) The application before the Ex-Officio Justice of the Peace alleges that a forged agreement was executed using bogus signatures and thumb impressions of a person who was not present in Pakistan at the time.
2) A prima facie cognizable offense is made out based on the application. Pending civil litigation does not bar criminal proceedings.
3) The petition is accepted and police are directed to register a case and investigate, first verifying if the person was in Pakistan on the date of the alleged agreement before investigating other aspects of the case. The officer will submit a report to
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(Muhammad Qasim Khan, J.) 6. In view of above, these writ petitions are dismissed being not maintainable. However, the petitioners, if so desire, may avail remedy as provided under the Land Acquisition Act, 1894. (Y.A.) Petition dismissed. ------------------------- PLJ 2021 Lahore 386 Present: MUHAMMAD QASIM KHAN, J. MUHAMMAD RIAZ MALIK--Petitioner versus LEARNED ADDITIONAL SESSIONS JUDGE and 7 others--Respondents W.P. No. 21890 of 2014, decided on 2.5.2016. Constitution of Pakistan, 1973-- ----Art. 199--Criminal Procedure Code, (V of 1898), S. 22-A(6)--Application for registration of case--Dismissed--Execution of agreement--Producing of forged lady--Cognizable offence--Civil litigation--Direction to--From a bare reading of application filed by petitioner before learned Ex Officio Justice of Peace, prima facie, commission of a cognizable of fence is made out--Mere pendency of civil litigation or availability of remedy before Civil Court cannot create any bar to launch criminal proceedings--Civil and criminal liabilities are entirely independent in nature and have no nexus with each other; hence, both she proceedings can go; side by side--Petition was allowed. [P. 387] A PLD 1992 Lahore 178 ref. Mr. Abdul Khaliq Safrani, Advocate for Petitioner. Mr. Amjad Ali Chatha, Additional Advocate General for Respondent. Mr. Zabi Ullah Nagra, Advocate for Respondent No. 4. Ex-parte to the extent of remaining Respondents vide order dated 14- 03-2016. Date of hearing: 2.5.2016. ORDER Petitioner seeks setting aside of order dated 16-07-2014 passed by learned Ex Officio Justice of Peace, whereby application under Section 22-A(6), Cr.P.C. filed by the petitioner seeking direction for registration of case against the proposed accused was dismissed. 2. Learned counsel for petitioner submits that from the contents of application commission of cognizable offence is made out, as at the time of execution of the alleged agreement Shahida Ghalib was not in Pakistan and the respondents by producing a forged lady got executed the said agreement, which 2021 M. RIAZ MALIK V. LEARNED ADDL. SESSIONS JUDGE Lah. 387 (Muhammad Qasim Khan, J.) needs investigation; civil and criminal litigation can go side by side; and while passing impugned order learned Ex-Officio Justice of Peace has not properly appreciated the material available before him; hence, impugned order is liable to be set aside and while accepting instant petition direction for registration of case against the private respondents may be issued. 2. On the other hand, learned Law Officer, while supporting the impugned order has vehemently opposed this petition. 3. Arguments decided and record perused. 4. From the perusal of application filed by the petitioner before learned Ex-Officio Justice of Peace, it appears that serious allegations have been levelled against the private respondents, as stance of the petitioner is that at the time of alleged execution of the agreement Shahida Ghalib, who was residing at Libya, was not present in Pakistan and the alleged agreement was prepared through bogus signatures and thumb impressions of Shahida Ghalib, which needs thorough investigation. 5. From a bare reading of application filed by the petitioner before learned Ex Officio Justice of Peace, prima facie, commission of a cognizable offence is made out. Mere pendency of civil litigation or availability of remedy before the Civil Court cannot create any bar to launch criminal proceedings. Civil and criminal liabilities are entirely independent in nature and have no nexus with each other; hence, both the proceedings can go side by side. Therefore, in the light of judgment passed by the Full Bench of this Court, reported as (PLD 1992 Lahore 178) Muhammad Shafi versus Deputy Superintendent of Police (Malik Gul Nawaz) and 5 others", this petition is accepted with direction that after registration of case Investigating Officer shall firstly verify the fact that on the date of execution of alleged agreement Shahida Ghalib was in Pakistan and then he shall investigate the matter on the other aspects of the case. However, during investigation, to the extent of the persons who are found innocent, the Investigating Officer will submit report for cancellation of case forthwith and he will proceed against the persons who are found guilty in accordance with law. (Y.A.) Petition allowed. ---------------------- 388 Lah. Mst. SULLI V. SHERA PLJ (Ch. Muhammad Iqbal, J.)