Asset Management Plan Apr 2010

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April 2010

Asset Management Plan

1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................... 4
2 INTRODUCTION .................................................................. 6
2.1 Purpose of Asset Management Plan ..................................................................... 6

3 ASSET MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES ........................... 7

3.1 Existing Grid Assets ............................................................................................... 7
3.2 AC Substations ...................................................................................................... 8
3.2.1 Gas-insulated Metal-enclosed Switchgear (GIS) ...................................... 8
3.2.2 High Voltage Outdoor Circuit Breakers (66 kV and above) ...................... 8
3.2.3 Outdoor 33 kV Switchyards .................................................................... 10
3.2.4 Indoor metal-clad switchgear (indoor circuit breakers) ........................... 11
3.2.5 Disconnectors ......................................................................................... 13
3.2.6 Power Transformers................................................................................ 15
3.2.7 Instrument Transformers ......................................................................... 17
3.2.8 Capacitor Banks ...................................................................................... 18
3.2.9 Static Var Compensator .......................................................................... 19
3.2.10 Synchronous condensers ....................................................................... 19
3.2.11 HV Reactors ............................................................................................ 20
3.2.12 AC Power Cables .................................................................................... 21
3.2.13 Structures and Buswork .......................................................................... 21
3.2.14 Buildings and Grounds ............................................................................ 24
3.3 AC Substations Secondary Equipment ................................................................ 24
3.3.1 Protection Relays .................................................................................... 25
3.3.2 Protection Installations ............................................................................ 26
3.3.3 Protection Settings .................................................................................. 26
3.3.4 Communication Networks and Systems in Substations ......................... 27
3.3.5 Special Protection Schemes ................................................................... 27
3.3.6 Remote Terminal Unit Replacement ....................................................... 27
3.3.7 Power Quality Monitoring ........................................................................ 28
3.3.8 Non Conventional Instrument Transformer Pilot ..................................... 28
3.3.9 Station Battery Systems .......................................................................... 28
3.3.10 Metering .................................................................................................. 29
3.4 Transmission lines ............................................................................................... 29
3.4.1 Transmission Line Asset Management ................................................... 30
3.4.2 Pole Management ................................................................................... 31
3.4.3 Tower Management ................................................................................ 33
3.4.4 Foundations (including grillage) .............................................................. 35
3.4.5 Conductor and Earthwire Management .................................................. 36
3.4.6 Conductor Joint Management ................................................................. 38
3.4.7 Vibration Damper and Sub-conductor Spacer Management .................. 39
3.4.8 Insulators and Fittings Management ....................................................... 40
3.4.9 Corridor and Access Management ......................................................... 41
3.5 HVDC ................................................................................................................... 41
3.5.1 Pole 3 Project .......................................................................................... 42
3.5.2 Pole 2 Converter Stations ....................................................................... 42
3.5.3 HVDC Control and Protection Systems .................................................. 43
3.5.4 HVDC Transmission Line ........................................................................ 44
3.5.5 Submarine Cables................................................................................... 45
3.5.6 Cable Stations ......................................................................................... 47
3.5.7 Electrode Stations ................................................................................... 48
3.6 Information Technology........................................................................................ 48
3.6.1 Telecommunications and Networking ..................................................... 48
3.6.2 SCADA and RTU Configuration Database (SARC) ................................ 49
3.6.3 Substation Data Acquisition .................................................................... 50
3.6.4 IT&T ........................................................................................................ 50
3.7 Property Rights and Environmental Approvals .................................................... 50

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 2
4 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS....................... 52
4.1 Routine Repairs ................................................................................................... 52
4.1.1 AC and HVDC Stations ........................................................................... 52
4.1.2 Transmission Lines ................................................................................. 53
4.2 Inspections ........................................................................................................... 55
4.2.1 AC and HVDC Stations ........................................................................... 55
4.2.2 Transmission Lines ................................................................................. 55
4.3 Special Inspections .............................................................................................. 56
4.4 Operating ............................................................................................................. 56
4.5 Faults.................................................................................................................... 56
4.5.1 AC and HVDC Stations ........................................................................... 56
4.5.2 Transmission Lines ................................................................................. 57

5 FINANCIAL SUMMARY ..................................................... 58

5.1 Operating Expenditure ......................................................................................... 59
5.2 Capital Expenditure .............................................................................................. 61

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 3
Transpower‟s Asset Management Plan (AMP) represents the intended asset management
strategies and programmes of work for the National Grid infrastructure and related assets. It
describes the significant „business as usual‟ investment undertaken annually to maintain
grid assets and perform minor equipment upgrades, and includes a summary of all planned
operating and capital expenditure, including major grid reliability and grid investment

Transpower‟s early adoption and development of asset management practices over the last
two decades is a good foundation for the existing capabilities of its people, systems,
processes and standards. However an important element of asset management practice is
the need to continually review and improve these capabilities.

The AMP presents Transpower‟s intended programmes of asset management works for the
National Grid, based on Transpower‟s understanding of customer and stakeholder
requirements, our knowledge of the existing and projected grid assets, the measured and
expected condition of the assets, and the required and expected asset performance

The intended audience for the AMP includes the Electricity Commission, the Commerce
Commission, Transpower customers and end-use consumers of power, and other
stakeholders with interests in Transpower‟s asset management strategies and plans.

The AMP is part of a suite of planning documents that make up Transpower‟s planning
framework along with the Annual Planning Report, the Grid Upgrade Plans, the Asset
Works Plan, the Business Plan and Asset Strategies.

Existing grid assets

The major National Grid assets include over 11,000 route km of transmission lines; about
25,000 towers and 16,000 poles; and 174 substations with over 1,000 power transformers
and about 2,300 circuit breakers. The high-voltage direct current (HVDC) link between the
North and South Islands includes 40 km of submarine cables under Cook Strait and two
converter stations at Benmore and Haywards.

Additional assets include the information technology and telecommunications equipment

and infrastructure related to the grid, metering assets, and property and easements owned
for the purpose of building, maintaining and operating the grid assets.

Asset Maintenance Programmes

The main outcomes of this AMP are the maintenance programmes covering each category
of asset held by Transpower. The goal of the programmes is to achieve sustainable assets
and to deliver the grid now and in the future. Transpower aims to maintain least-cost
service quality and capability by managing existing and new grid assets reliably, safely,
efficiently and economically. To achieve this goal, Transpower considers the asset status,
condition assessment information and performance requirements for each asset and
establishes the planned actions required to meet reliability and performance targets.

Levels of service

The intentions of Transpower‟s AMP are to provide the following outcomes:

the safety of the public and of staff and contractors
a quality of supply that at least meets regulatory standards (as measured by the
Commerce Commission‟s current measures)
a sustainable and improving overall level of performance of the National Grid.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 4
Land access

The majority of Transpower‟s transmission lines have been established under legislation
that ensures that the lines are lawfully established. This lawful establishment allows
Transpower to inspect, maintain, repair and upgrade the works subject to there being no
injurious affect caused to the land.

With the establishment of easements for new lines, access to existing lines has become
increasingly difficult and time-consuming to negotiate. Landowner expectations of payment
of compensation for existing works are causing issues. Transpower has a strategy for
establishing “access agreements” on an individual basis as required. It is intended that
working relationships with landowners will improve as the agreements are put in place.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 5
Transpower‟s Asset Management Plan (AMP) represents the programmes of work for the
National Grid infrastructure and related assets.

This comprehensive plan describes the significant investment undertaken annually to

maintain grid capability. It also includes a summary of all planned operating and capital
expenditure, including major grid reliability and grid investment expenditures.

The AMP document includes:

General condition of existing assets and programmes for their maintenance
routine maintenance and repair plans for assets
financial summary of capital and operating expenditure.

While this document is maintained as a stand-alone document, it is also incorporated into

the Grid Upgrade Plan (GUP) framework.

Transpower has decided to adopt the PAS 55 framework for Asset Management. This
framework will be implemented with the purpose to achieve certification and apply best
asset management practice. The updated AMP due late 2010 will follow the PAS 55

This version is an interim update of the AMP published in September 2009. Only limited
changes have been made. A full update will be provided in late 2010.

2.1 Purpose of Asset Management Plan

The purpose of Transpower‟s AMP is to present Transpower‟s programmes of asset works
for the infrastructure that makes up the National Grid. These programmes are presented
based on Transpower‟s understanding of customer and stakeholder requirements,
Transpower‟s knowledge of the existing and projected grid assets, the measured and
expected condition of the assets, and the required and expected asset performance

The AMP aims to translate Transpower‟s goals and objectives, the requirements of
stakeholders, and the technical and practical requirements of the assets into programmes
of work and plans of action to meet these requirements. The AMP outlines how Transpower
manages existing and new grid assets reliably, safely, efficiently and economically to
maintain service quality and quantity obligations in a least-cost way.

Transpower produces an AMP as a primary input into each GUP submitted to the Electricity
Commission. The GUP also covers major grid reliability and grid economic investments
proposed in accordance with Part F of the Electricity Governance Rules & Regulations. In
this context, this Asset Management Plan in intended to fulfil the requirements of Part F,
Rule 12.3.1 as a “comprehensive plan for asset management and operation of the grid”.

The intended audience for the AMP extends beyond the Electricity Commission and Part F
requirements for GUPs. Transpower‟s other regulator, the Commerce Commission, uses
the AMP as a reference for proposed expenditure. Transpower also intends that customers,
end-use consumers of power and other stakeholders with interests in Transpower‟s
proposed activities will find the AMP a useful, informative document. It is intended to
communicate these plans to all stakeholders, consistent with their interests in Transpower.

The intentions of Transpower‟s AMP are to provide the following outcomes:

the safety of the public and of staff and contractors
a quality of supply that at least meets regulatory standards (as measured by the
Commerce Commission‟s current measures)
a sustainable and improving overall level of performance of the National Grid.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 6
This section describes Transpower‟s existing assets by programme with summary
information on the different types and age profiles. For each asset category, details are
then provided on the asset management, status and planned actions for that category of

The goal of the life cycle approach is to achieve sustainable asset management and to
deliver the grid now and in the future. To achieve this, Transpower considers the asset
status, condition assessment information and performance requirements for each asset and
establishes the planned actions required to meet reliability and performance targets.

Transpower‟s existing assets encompass a wide range of types and ages, recognising that
the economic life of some transmission assets is up to 70 years. Given that the last period
of significant grid investment occurred in the 1950s and 60s, an increasing emphasis is
being placed on assessing asset condition, performance and risk to determine the optimum
time for planned repairs, refurbishments or replacements. It must be noted that not all
future investment requirements have been identified in the AMP for future years, particularly
in the longer term.

The longer-term forecasts will be reviewed and updated as better information becomes
available and the results of technical analysis and cost justification studies are completed to
confirm future plans.

3.1 Existing Grid Assets

Transpower‟s existing grid assets include over 11,000 route km of transmission lines; about
25,000 towers and 16,000 poles; and 174 substations with over 1,000 power transformers
and approximately 2,300 circuit breakers.

The high-voltage direct current (HVDC) link between the North and South Islands includes
40 km of submarine cables under Cook Strait and converter stations at Benmore and
Haywards. The converter stations convert power from alternating current (AC) to direct
current (DC). The HVDC link has two poles operating at 270 kV (Pole 1) and 350 kV (Pole
2) and an overland transmission line linking Benmore to Fighting Bay at the southern end of
the submarine cables. The HVDC Pole 1 converter stations are only available at times of
critical system need, and are subject to restricted operating conditions.

Information technology and telecommunications assets form a critical part of the National
Grid asset base. Substation data acquisition is supported by 375 remote terminal units
(RTUs) and 24 substation control systems associated with the national supervisory control
and data acquisition (SCADA) system.

Transpower‟s telecommunications network includes a mix of different technologies with a

wide range of ages and capabilities.

Transpower is also responsible for the supply and management of 392 grid exit point (GXP)
meters installed at 148 sites on the grid.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 7
3.2 AC Substations
The AC substations asset class comprises all plant and equipment inside sub and switching
stations, including transformers, switchgear, structures and buswork, reactive support
equipment, together with substation buildings and grounds.

Transpower‟s system has 174 substations (including two HVDC cable stations), most built
between 1920 and 1970.

3.2.1 Gas-insulated Metal-enclosed Switchgear (GIS)


There are six GIS (five 220 kV and one 110 kV), all commissioned since 1979, with an
average age of 27. The most recent was commissioned at Otahuhu in 2009/10.

The GIS are generally in good condition apart from one underground 220 kV GIS station at
Rangipo. This station, commissioned in 1983, has ongoing SF 6 gas leaks from flange seals.
Managed replacement of 80% of the seals has minimised SF 6 leaks from this equipment
but some continuing remedial work is expected to be required.

Non-invasive condition monitoring inspections and tests (including gas quality tests) are
undertaken every eight years. Invasive pilot inspections of circuit breakers representative of
each type and service duty are scheduled after 12 to 16 years of service.

The Rangipo GIS will continue to be monitored and remaining gasket and seal
replacements will continue.

3.2.2 High Voltage Outdoor Circuit Breakers (66 kV and above)


Transpower‟s has approximately 1190 high voltage (HV) outdoor circuit breakers rated for
operation at 66 kV or above. There is a diverse range of circuit breakers in the fleet with
four types of interrupter technology. Each type requires a different asset management

The fleet comprises approximately 70 models from a wide range of manufacturers. This
diversity adds complexity and cost to engineering support and maintenance and requires
increased component level spares holdings. The diversity is being reduced over time as the
procurement of replacement circuit breakers is standardised.

As at November 2009 the following statistics are available:

84% of the fleet of HV outdoor circuit breakers are SF6 interrupter types.

The average age of SF6 interrupter types is 13 with an expected life of 30-35.

Some SF6 models are prone to gas leaks from circuit breaker poles. These circuit breakers
require repair or early replacement. Approximately 200 circuit breakers are in this group.

16% of the fleet of HV outdoor circuit breakers are of an older technology and are a mix of
bulk oil, minimum oil and air blast. These models have a higher maintenance cost and more
frequent maintenance interval than the SF6 interrupter types

The average age of the older technology HV outdoor circuit breakers is 39 with an expected
life of 35-50.

11% of the fleet of HV outdoor circuit breakers are bulk oil.

Bulk oil have generally been reliable due to their simple robust design.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 8
Maintenance costs are relatively high and due to the large amounts of oil that require
handling raise environmental and safety issues

4% of the fleet of HV outdoor circuit breakers are minimum oil

Minimum oil are high maintenance and serious incidents have occurred

1% of the fleet of HV outdoor circuit breakers are air blast (8 in service)

These are complex and costly to maintain requiring specialist staff

Many defects and system incidents have occurred

Table 1: Number of HV outdoor circuit breakers by type and voltage

Type HVDC 220 110 66 Total

AirBlast 8 8
Bulkoil 5 77 43 125
Minimum Oil 7 29 15 51
SF6 6 442 439 83 970

Total 13 455 545 141 1154


SF6 interrupter types

Standardise the procurement of new and replacement circuit breakers based on a
small range of live tank SF6 circuit breakers.
Procurement of SF6 interrupter types to be from the minimum possible number of
vendors commensurate with the need to manage supplier risk
Investigate and implement methods and test equipment or monitors for early
detection of leaks on specific high risk circuit breakers.
Prioritise an accelerated replacement of all instances of leak prone models where
experience shows that full repair or reconditioning is uneconomic.

Bulk Oil Circuit Breakers

Complete the current programme of full replacement of bulk oil circuit breakers by
In the interim period maintain sufficient complete spare circuit breakers of the most
reliable designs to provide parts for minor repairs and maintenance.
A bulk oil circuit breaker that suffers a major failure will be replaced with an SF6
circuit breaker and separate current transformers rather than repaired or replaced.

Minimum oil circuit breakers

With the exception of the small number of minimum oil circuit breakers that have a
specialist application in the HVDC system, replace all minimum oil circuit breakers
by 2015. Some HVDC minimum oil circuit breakers will be replaced during the Pole
3 Project.
In the interim period maintain sufficient complete spare circuit breakers of the most
reliable designs to provide parts for minor repairs and maintenance.
A minimum oil circuit breaker that suffers a major failure will be replaced with an
SF6 circuit breaker rather than be repaired or reconditioned.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 9
Air Blast Circuit Breakers
The 220 kV English Electric Type Frame S air blast circuit breakers at Twizel are
scheduled for replacement - 4 in 2010/11 and 4 in 2011/12.

Frequently operated circuit breakers

A number of circuit breakers are classed as frequently operated. These need to be
replaced when they reach the recommended operation count irrespective of age or
The condition monitoring these circuit breakers is to be increased when they reach
50% of the maximum operation count.
Review the economics and practicality of relocating high operation circuit breakers
to a low operation count, less important site when they reach 75% of the maximum
operation count.

3.2.3 Outdoor 33 kV Switchyards


Transpower currently has 72 outdoor 33 kV switchyards. They were mostly constructed

between 1952 and 1984. These switchyards are critical elements of the network and serve
many major load centres.

Approximately 25% of all customer points of connection are fed from 33 kV outdoor

Outdoor 33 kV switchyards are of a wide variety of designs. The most common type are tall
concrete post structures. There are also a large number of steel and aluminium gantry type

There are 485 circuit breakers owned by Transpower in outdoor 33 kV switchyards.

Table 2: Number of 33kV circuit breakers by type


Bulkoil 348
Minimum Oil 31
SF6 106

Total 485

There are 16 sites where partial asset divestment has occurred, with 86 feeder circuit
breakers owned by customers. Transpower is still responsible for the structures, buswork
and incoming circuit breakers. These sites with mixed ownership include some of the
largest outdoor 33 kV switchyards.

The outdoor 33 kV structures have a poor record of operational performance. They are
vulnerable to insulation failure and flashovers caused by birds and wind blown debris.

Most of the structures are a single bus design without discriminating zone bus protection
and so a bus fault typically leads to total loss of supply. Bus faults occur approximately
twice a year causing significant loss of supply.

Bulk oil circuit breakers have a high maintenance cost and a high rate of forced and fault
outages compared with equivalent indoor switchgear. They comprise 70% of all outdoor 33
kV circuit breakers.

The existing outdoor 33 kV switchyards have maintenance costs that are approximately 10
times that of the equivalent indoor switchboard on a per circuit breaker basis.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 10
For all new, enhancement and replacement 33 kV switchgear projects deploy
standard solutions using arc – fault classified, fixed pattern indoor switchgear.
Progressively remove most existing outdoor 33 kV switchyards from service over
the next 15 years by:
Replacement with indoor switchboards, or
Replacement with an outdoor switchyard complying with current design standards,
Decommission the point of supply and transfer the load to other grid exit points.
Prioritise the replacement of outdoor 33 kV switchyards taking into account existing
safety and performance risks and opportunities for synergies with customer related
Avoid the relocation or refurbishment of outdoor 33 kV switchgear, particularly bulk
oil and minimum oil circuit breakers.
Communicate the safety based strategy for replacement of outdoor 33 kV
structures promptly to all affected customers and commence development of an
agreed implementation plan.

3.2.4 Indoor metal-clad switchgear (indoor circuit breakers)


Transpower‟s system has 622 indoor circuit breakers operating at voltages from 11 kV to 33
kV (see Table 2).

These are housed in 69 indoor metal-clad switchboards Prior to 1975, oil was the main
interrupting medium for indoor circuit breakers. Since then, the interrupters in switchboards
are mainly either vacuum or SF6 gas types.

11 kV switchboards currently account for 68 per cent of the indoor switchboard population.
Of the 11 kV population, eight were commissioned before 1960, including one before 1950.

The remaining indoor switchgear population consists of 20 switchboards operating at 33 kV,

and three at 22 kV, all supplied since 1981, apart from one 33 kV board supplied in 1974.
There is also a 16 kV switchboard at Benmore, installed in 1963.

Table 3: Indoor circuit breakers by type and voltage

33 22 16 11 Total
Airblast 0 0 4 33 37
Bulkoil 12 0 0 196 208
Minimum 0 0 0 10 10
SF6 116 18 0 11 145
Vacuum 39 0 0 183 222
Total 167 18 4 433 622

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 11
Figure 1: Indoor switchgear age

Indoor Metalclad Switchgear Age Profile

200 Mimimum Oil
Circuit Breakers

150 Airblast



0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70
Age (years)

Figure 2: Indoor switchgear type profile

Indoor Metalclad CBs

Number by Type

Airblast, 41

SF6, 145

Bulkoil, 208
Oil, 10

In general, 11 kV switchboards supplied before the 1960s incorporate compound-insulated

busbars and heavy oil-insulated current transformer chambers and cable boxes. This
generation of switchboard typically includes withdrawable bulk oil circuit breakers. There
are increasing maintenance difficulties with some of this equipment, and a lack of spares.
Some of these switchboards also show signs of partial discharge. Their reliability is an
issue because of ageing insulation, and compound and oil leakage. There have been some
catastrophic failures of this generation of equipment in Australia.

Recent studies on the potential for serious harm resulting from arc flash incidents at indoor
switchboards show that, at some sites, the combination of high fault current and relatively
long fault clearance times gives rise to the possibility of a very high arc fault hazard. New
requirements for personal protective equipment have been issued for work at all sites
where there is potential for a significant arc fault hazard.

Both invasive and non-invasive condition-monitoring tests are carried out periodically on
switchboards over 35 years of age to monitor insulation deterioration indicated by partial
discharge activity or increased power factor. Where tests indicate insulation deterioration
above acceptable limits, more frequent monitoring is carried out until the equipment is
either repaired or replaced.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 12
Aged compound-insulated switchboards are programmed for more intensive condition
monitoring to identify the priorities for replacement. Because invasive testing of current
transformer chambers and cable boxes is not always practicable, deterioration is indicated
by compound leakage, increased temperatures and increased partial discharge activity.

Refurbishing aged compound-filled metal-clad switchboards to extend their original

economic life has been shown to be uneconomic.

It is possible to retrofit SF 6 or vacuum circuit breakers in place of some older oil circuit
breakers with air insulated busbars. This practice has been applied overseas where a large
population of oil circuit breaker switchboards cannot be replaced immediately. It improves
the reliability and reduces maintenance costs. This option will be evaluated for Transpower
switchboards on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the overall switchboard condition
and economic analysis.

Indoor switchboards are reviewed for replacement after a 45-year life, or when condition
assessment tests indicate insulation deterioration above acceptable limits. Replacement
programmes for indoor switchboards usually require close co-operation with customers,
and may be co-ordinated with other customer-related network developments.

Replacement options at small substations may include lower-cost alternatives such as

reclosers or ring-main units, which have been successfully used in specific situations.

Sites with high potential arc fault hazard, have had arc fault detection systems installed to
help mitigate risk. Replacement and new indoor switchboard installations will be specified to
comply with the latest standards for arc fault containment.

3.2.5 Disconnectors

There are over 4,500 disconnectors and over 1,400 earth switches in the network, with six
different basic types from 33 to 220 kV:
single side break-type disconnector and earth switch, 50 kV to 110 kV
centre rotating double side break-type disconnector and earth switch, 11 kV to
220 kV
centre break-type disconnector and earth switch, 110 kV & 220 kV
rocking post-type disconnector and earth switch, 11 kV and 33 kV
vertical break-type disconnector and earth switch, 66 kV to 220 kV
pantograph-type disconnector, 220 kV.

A breakdown of the population is shown in Table 4 below:

Table 4: Number of disconnectors and earth switches by voltage

220 110 66 55 50 33 22 16 11 HVDC Total

Disconnectors 1328 1310 348 8 29 1298 35 60 133 51 4600
EarthSwitches 497 384 90 8 4 379 45 0 78 60 1545
Total 1825 1694 438 16 33 1677 80 60 211 111 6145
Note: HVDC includes all voltages, AC and DC.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 13
The age profile of the disconnector population is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Disconnector and earth switch age profile

Disconnectors & EarthSwitches Age Profile


1200 HVDC

800 110
400 33/22/11

0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 Over 50 NKN
Age (years)

All 220 kV disconnectors are post mounted (concrete or galvanised stand). The most
common types are vertical break and centre-rotating double break. Pantograph types were
used to a limited extent in the early 1990s for special bus and constrained designs. Centre
break designs have been trialled both at 220 and 110 kV.

The centre rotating double break and vertical break designs are preferred for New Zealand
conditions, taking into account seismic withstand requirements and typical conductor sizes.

Gantry-mounted 66 & 110 kV designs, particularly single side break types, depend on
correct setting up and alignment otherwise they are prone to partially open contacts and
hotspots. Side break wedge contact designs are vulnerable to partial opening during
seismic activity. Correct maintenance and contact preparation is required for ongoing
reliability. These designs were generally limited to 1600 A and a significant proportion of the
population is rated at only 800 A. At a number of sites, these disconnectors have been
replaced so they do not become the limit in the thermal chain as load increases.

Disconnector and earth switch rationalisation in the 110 and 66 kV systems (double bus
and bypass) has led to a small reduction in the population with consequential savings in
maintenance and operational costs.

All disconnectors are monitored by annual thermo-vision checks and monthly visual
inspections. Any partially open disconnectors create a forced outage to remedy. The
standard interval for servicing disconnectors and earth switches is four years, but modern
disconnector types, incorporating sealed bearings and improved contact arrangements, are
only checked for functionality at this interval.

Disconnectors and earth switches over 50 years old have typically not been type-tested to
prove current or fault ratings. These unrated disconnectors and earth switches have been
progressively replaced where their estimated operational limits have been reached.

Other disconnectors and earth switches programmed for replacement are generally older
unique designs, where there are increasing maintenance costs, due to reduced
maintenance intervals, unavailability of spares, poor condition assessment results and
increasing unreliability or where the assigned rating is exceeded.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 14
3.2.6 Power Transformers

Transpower has an in-service population of 1,116 single-phase and three-phase power

transformers of various functions and voltages as shown in Table 5:

Table 5: Number of power transformers – types and primary voltages

kV 220 110 66 50 33 22 20 11 Total

Supply - 3-ph units 60 76 18 3 11 0 0 0 168
Supply - 3x1-ph units 16 97 15 1 0 0 0 0 129
HVDC Convertor 3x1-ph units 2 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
Interconnector - 3-ph units 19 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 21
Interconnector - 3x1-ph units 28 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 31
Traction - 2-ph units 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
SVC Step Up 3x1Ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Total In-Service Banks 134 185 33 4 11 0 0 0 367

Spare* single-phase units 22 53 8 1 0 0 1 2 87

Spare HVDC converter (1-ph ) 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 6

Local Service 3 1 1 0 96 4 1 92 198

Earthing 0 0 2 0 42 0 1 58 103
Regulator (3-ph) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4
* Spare units are installed on site.

Fifty per cent of the in-service banks are three-phase units. The age profile of the
transformers (both single-phase and three-phase) is shown in Table 6 and Figure 4.

Table 6: In-service power transformers age profile

(includes 3-ph and 1-ph, 11 kV and above; excludes spare units)
Age Supply Inter- Converter Traction Local Earthing Regulating SVC
Group connecting (HVDC) 2-ph Service Step-Up
0-10 65 7 0 0 44 27 3
11-20 28 10 6 4 21 32
21-30 38 5 0 4 32 42
31-40 101 23 0 0 40 5
41-50 196 36 21 0 43 7 1
51-60 99 21 0 0 12 4 0
61-70 16 9 0 0 3 0 3
Over 70 12 3 0 0 2 0 0
Subtotal (0-50 yrs) 428 81 27 8 180 113 1 3
Subtotal (50+ yrs) 127 33 0 0 17 4 3 0
Total 555 114 27 8 197 117 4 3
Average Age (yrs) 39.0 41.5 39.8 17.9 29.2 20.8 62.0 2.0

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 15
Figure 4: Power transformer age profile

Power Transformer Age Profile

(In-Service Banks)
120 6000

100 5000
Number of Banks

80 4000

Installed MVA
60 3000

40 2000

20 1000

0 0
0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 Over 70
Age (Years)
3-Ph Transformers 3 x 1-Ph Banks
3-Ph MVA 3 x 1-Ph MVA

The estimated replacement cost of the transformer population is $1billion. Power

transformers represent approximately 40% of the replacement cost of all Transpower
substation assets.

Between 1950 and 1970 there was a large expansion of the national grid and around 50%
of Transpower‟s power transformer fleet was installed during this period. These are mostly
single phase units.

The average age of the overall fleet of power transformers is 10-12 years older than the
international benchmark. This is significant as power transformers suffer age-related
deterioration. The extent of age related deterioration is strongly influenced by loading but is
also variable between transformers of different design.

The transformer fleet is diverse with limited interchangeability and few spares. This
significantly contributes to maintenance costs and risk. A bank of three single-phase
transformers inherently suffers more outages than a single three-phase transformer due to
the increased number of individual items of equipment employed

The operational performance of the power transformers is poor with a forced and fault
outage rate that is twice the international benchmark. Maintenance costs are also
significantly higher than benchmarks.

Many single phase transformers only have off-load tap selectors. These are non compliant
with EGR rules and are only permitted because of a dispensation. The off–load tap
transformers limit the operational flexibility of the System Operator. In some parts of the grid
frequent planned outages are required to manually change the off-load tap positions. This is
costly and the frequent planned outages for transformer tap changing increase system risk
and the risk of human element incidents.

Some single phase transformers are equipped with on-load tap changers. These are,
however, very unreliable due to the inherent design of the tap changer driver mechanisms
and limited mechanical endurance.

The single phase transformers have much higher energy losses than a modern three phase
transformer, they also typically have much higher acoustic noise emissions.

Older single phase transformer installations are not designed to meet current seismic codes
and performance during a major seismic event is likely to be poor.

The typical single phase transformer installation has no design features to manage fire risk.
A major fire in one unit is likely to spread between units and, potentially, to immediately

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 16
adjacent banks. Retrofitting fire protection measures to theses installations is impractical in
most cases.

Updated transformer specification and procurement has been standardised on critical

elements e.g. ratings, losses, bushings types and sizes to limit diversity in the fleet and
provide some interchangeability of entire transformers or components.

Procurement of strategic spare transformers provides coverage for the three phase
transformer fleet to ensure preparedness to restore security within one month of a major

Single phase supply and interconnecting transformers will be removed from service or
replaced in the next 20 years. The prioritisation for this is derived from a broad based risk
model taking into account site strategy.

Where transformers are over 45 they will be not be relocated or undergo major
refurbishment but replaced.

On-line dissolved gas analysis monitoring equipment will be fitted to high risk transformers.
This will allow Transpower to determine the benefits of wider monitoring on other

3.2.7 Instrument Transformers


Transpower has over 7,000 instrument transformers in service at AC stations. Of these,

5,269 are standalone units, with the rest integral with metal-clad and gas insulated
switchgear and „dead tank‟ circuit-breakers.

The number of freestanding instrument transformers has dropped markedly in recent years
because of significant system changes, with decommissioning of several substations and
the replacement of outdoor 33 kV switchgear with indoor switchboards.

The age profile of instrument transformers is shown in Table 7.

The average age of Transpower‟s standalone instrument transformer population has

steadily dropped to 17 years largely because of a drive to replace defective, aged and
suspect units. Overseas authorities estimate the life of an instrument transformer to be
between 25 and 35 years. However, Transpower‟s experience, as supported by surveys, is
that well-designed and well-built instrument transformers can last considerably longer.

Table 7: AC stations freestanding instrument transformers age profile

Average Age Based on Items with known year of manufacture


Average Age 17.9 15.5 16.9 11.8 16.5

Many of the older instrument transformers suffer from age-related defects (corrosion, oil
leaks, moisture ingress, insulator breakdowns etc) and it is generally more cost effective
and lower risk to replace an instrument transformer than to repair or recondition it.

Maintenance is driven by periodic inspections and testing. Minor repairs are costed and if
economic carried out.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 17
Notification from other utilities of instrument transformer failures and defects has prompted
replacement of particular models. The main driver for replacement continues to be condition
and age.

3.2.8 Capacitor Banks


Transpower has 71 capacitor banks in a range of configurations and voltages. This

excludes all the HVDC banks as well as the individual banks of the harmonic filters. The
capacitor banks on the AC system are usually used for reactive support (var compensation)
and voltage stability. The remainder are for harmonic filtering, voltage suppression or
damping of the HVDC link.

Table 8: Capacitor banks by type and system voltage

Type kV 220 110 66 33 11 Total

Reactive power source 11 14 4 10 24 63
HVDC Filter 4 2 2 8
Total 15 16 4 12 24 71
Excludes subcomponents of HVDC assets and SVC‟s

The nominal design life of a capacitor bank is 25 years. Transpower‟s capacitor bank profile
has an average age of 20 years, with 15 banks at 42 years old. Eleven of the older banks
have been upgraded with new capacitors since 1990.

Transpower‟s capacitor failure rate is 0.1 to 0.3 per cent per year, which is comparable to
the manufacturer‟s quoted failure rate.

The older HVDC filter bank capacitors are deteriorating but with replacements, sealing of
leaks around their bushings and improving the flexibility of the HV connections, the
numbers of forced outages at both HVDC stations has been reduced.

From 2005 to 2009 the following capacitor banks have been installed to provide additional
reactive support
3 x 220 kV Islington 70 MVAr each and Albany 100 MVAr
5 x 110 kV Hepburn Rd, Penrose and Bombay 60 MVAr each
1 x 66 kV Southbrook 34 MVAr
4 x 33 kV Stoke 11 MVAr each.

The capacitor bank condition is continuously monitored by out-of-balance or earth-leakage

systems. Following an alarm or tripping, each individual capacitor is tested and faulty units

The HVDC Pole 1 filter bank capacitors are inspected at least twice yearly to replace or
repair leaking capacitors. Because of the very large number of capacitors and their high
cost, it is more cost effective to replace the capacitor units as they fail rather than replace
the complete bank.

Capacitor bank spares level is set at two to four per cent based on the average reliability
and lead time for replacements. There is often a need to replace more than just the failed
capacitors to rebalance the bank.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 18
3.2.9 Static Var Compensator

Transpower has four static var compensators (SVC). The first was installed at Islington in
1997 and operates at 11 kV and a further one in 2009. A third SVC was commissioned at
the Albany substation in early 2008 and a recent SVC at Kikiwa.

Scheduled maintenance is based on manufacturers‟ recommendations.

3.2.10 Synchronous condensers


Transpower has 10 synchronous condensers, all operating at 11 kV. Six of the units,
located at the Haywards HVDC stations, are hydrogen-cooled.

The synchronous condensers vary in age from 42 to 53 years, with an average age of 47

The Haywards synchronous condensers provide dynamic voltage support for the Wellington
region, and are essential to the operation of the HVDC link.

Table 9: Synchronous condensers by rating

MVA 65 60 35 30 Total
North Island 4 2 2 8
South Island 2 2
Grand Total 4 2 2 2 10

The Haywards condensers C1 and C2 were among the last to be made using bitumen-
impregnated mica insulation in the stator windings. This insulation system is prone to
developing voids, eventually leading to failure. However, the C1 and C2 machines operate
in a pressurised hydrogen gas environment, which mitigates any partial discharges across
voids within the insulation. Operation in hydrogen will greatly increase the useful life of the
winding insulation compared with operation in air.

Haywards condensers C3 and C4 have suffered from major failures of the pony motor used
to bring the machine up to synchronous speed during start-up. The root cause of the
problem is a design deficiency with the slipring and brushgear arrangements of the pony

All the Haywards synchronous condenser units were substantially refurbished in the early
1990s, including removal of the rotor from the stator to permit re-wedging of the stator bars
in the slots of the stator core. Condensers C3 and C4 were fitted with new stator windings
and re-insulated rotor coils. All machines were provided with new static excitation and
control systems, and new cooling towers and pumps. The hydrogen-cooled machines (C1,
C2 and C7-C10) were fitted with complete replacement gas management and monitoring
equipment, and a new centralised hydrogen and carbon dioxide gas facility was

There is some movement of the building foundations supporting the Haywards condensers
C7 to C10 which, while not appearing critical, is being monitored.

In December 2007, the Transpower Board decided to partially decommission the HVDC
Pole 1 Converter stations. At Haywards, the synchronous condensers C7-C10 are

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 19
connected to the network via the tertiary windings of the Pole 1 converter transformers T7-
T10. The Pole 1 converter transformers will be decommissioned within the next few years.

However, there is continuing requirement for the Haywards condensers C7-C10 to support
Wellington region voltage and the operation of the HVDC link. This means that new unit
transformers will be required to reconnect these synchronous condensers to the 110 kV

The two Islington synchronous condensers are used as backup for the Islington SVC. The
main machines are of robust construction. Their control systems and switchgear are in poor
condition. Major refurbishment and replacement will be needed if these machines are to be
maintained in reliable condition into the future. A strategic review is being carried out to
determine the future of these machines.

A major review of asset management plans for the 8 Haywards synchronous condensers
confirmed the technical and economic benefits of upgrading the ancillary control systems is

A review of hydrogen safety and management has confirmed the continued use of the
hydrogen cooled condensers.

The continuing operational requirements for the Haywards condensers C7-C10 means that
new unit transformers have been justified and procurement is in process. The new unit
transformers will be three phase transformers of smaller rating than the existing converter

The installation of new unit transformers for the Haywards synchronous condensers C7-
C10 will provide an opportunity to provide fire separation between each transformer.
Lengthy outages of each condensers will be required for this work. These outages will be
used to facilitate the major overhaul program for each machine.

Future requirements for the Islington synchronous condensers are being reviewed, and
provision made for a major refurbishment if a significant life extension is required.

3.2.11 HV Reactors

Transpower has 377 reactors of air-cored and oil filled construction, associated with AC and
HVDC substations. These reactors provide a wide range of functions including reactive
support, fault current limiting, harmonic filtering, inrush protection as an integral part of
capacitor banks, and transient suppression and damping functions for the HVDC link.

Almost all of the AC system reactors are air-cored units. Most of these are in service in
capacitor banks installed since 1980. They are very reliable and need little maintenance.
Most dry-type reactors are in very good condition. However, the reactors in seven 11 kV
capacitor banks installed in 1983 in the Auckland region have suffered accelerated
deterioration of insulation, caused by overheating throughout the years in service.

The reactors in the HVDC Pole 2 system are all air-cored. They were commissioned in
1991 and are in good condition. The reactors in the Pole 1 system are a mixture of oil-
immersed and air-cored types, and were all commissioned in 1965. Many of the oil-
immersed types are seismically vulnerable and have no spares or modern equivalent. The
forced oil cooling systems are increasingly maintenance intensive with oil leaks and
corrosion problems.

Series reactors in capacitor banks reduce surges of current which occur when the capacitor
bank is charged (switched on) or rapidly discharged such as when there is a rapid
discharge of a capacitor bank into a nearby earth fault. Series reactors are in place at
Haywards to limit fault currents on the supplies to C1-C4 synchronous condensers and to
an 11 kV switchboard. There are also series reactors at Penrose, Tauranga and Hamilton

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 20
for limiting the fault level on the supply bus and at Islington for supplies to synchronous

The deteriorated reactors in the Auckland region 11 kV capacitor banks are expected to be
retired over the next 5 years as the existing capacitor banks are progressively replaced at
new locations. The future of the reactors in the HVDC Pole 1 system is linked with the
strategy for the retirement or replacement of the Pole 1 HVDC Converter Stations.

3.2.12 AC Power Cables


Most of Transpower‟s high-voltage power cables are rated at 33 kV and 11 kV. Older
cables are of paper insulated lead sheathed (PILC) construction. However, since the mid-
1970s, all new and replacement cables of these ratings have used cross-linked
polyethylene (XLPE) insulation, with thermo-fit terminations. This type of cable now
constitutes more than half the total population. The cables are of relatively short lengths
(most less than 200 m long) and are laid either directly in the ground or in ducts.

Transpower also has a small number of pressurised oil-filled 220 and 110 kV cables,
installed at four stations between 1973 and 1983.

Most of the cables are in good condition but some older PILC cables have failed because
the lead sheaths have cracked allowing moisture to enter, while a few of the XLPE
terminations have failed because of poor workmanship.

Transpower‟s pressurised oil-filled 220 and 110 kV cables are generally in good condition.
Historical problems with corrosion, oil leaks in the gland, and chafing of the outer sheaths
have been addressed or require more intensive maintenance to mitigate risks. There are no
plans to replace these within the 10-year planning period.

Transpower‟s 110 kV XLPE AC cables have been installed over the last 20 years and form
part of transmission circuits. They are all less than 2.4 km long. An increasing number of
cables are being installed to place short sections of overhead transmission line

Aged PILC cables with a history of failure, cracked lead sheaths or leaking compound-filled
cable terminations are scheduled for replacement.

A number of older PILC cables will be replaced as part of planned indoor switchboard
replacement projects.

Fibre optic systems that provide the facility for distributed temperature monitoring will be
installed with all new 220 kV, 110 kV and 66 kV cables installed in transmission circuits.
This facility will enable monitoring of the cable condition and management of loadings, if
required, at intervals throughout the life of the cable. The condition of the existing 220 kV
and 110 kV cables is being reviewed and temperature indicators will be fitted as necessary.

A review of spare cable replacement terminations is underway. The expertise to repair HV

cable is offshore.

3.2.13 Structures and Buswork

A variety of substation structural systems, outdoor electrical busbars and substation high-
voltage insulators are in service, reflecting design standards applied over the past 80 years.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 21

Various types of substation structures are in service as shown Table 10.

Most 33 – 110kV substations have galvanised steel lattice structures. Many older structures
at stations near the coast and in industrial and geothermal areas require corrosion repairs
and painting to preserve and extend their life.

Aluminium lattice structures are found at a few substations. Their condition is generally
good, but they are prone to distortion if the strung bus is replaced with larger conductor or
heavier disconnectors to achieve an up-rating of the busbar.

Table 10: Substation structural support systems

Structure type Structure use/age

Aluminium lattice Strung busbars, disconnectors, and line 33-110kV
structures terminations pre-1970
Galvanised steel lattice Strung busbars, disconnectors, pre-1985 (still 33-110kV
structures used for new line terminations)
Reinforced concrete Tubular conductor busbar supports, 66-220 kV
posts disconnectors, earth switches, instrument
transformers from the 1960s to 1985
Galvanised Steel posts Tubular conductor busbar supports, 66-220 kV
(tubular or RHS) disconnectors earth switches, instrument
transformers since 1985 (new line
terminations since 1990)
Wood poles A few older substations, mostly rural 11-66 kV

Reinforced concrete posts installed in 1960s are deteriorating at many sites, and reinforcing
steel is rusting, causing posts to crack or spall. As the posts continue to age, this problem
will become more serious.

Galvanised steel posts are generally in good condition. However, the performance of the
grouting under the post base plates has often proved unsatisfactory. Grout shrinkage lets
water in, resulting in corrosion of the base plate and holding-down bolts.

There is likely to be an increasing need for remedial works, life extension and partial
replacement of substation structural elements over the next 10 years.

Repairs are being undertaken on steel lattice gantry structures to preserve and extend their
life. These repairs may include application of protective coatings, and replacement of
corroded fasteners and selected gantry members.

For concrete post structures, investigations will continue into the most appropriate condition
assessment regimes and economic life extension measures. Replacements of small
numbers of badly deteriorated posts are planned at several sites.

Remedial work is planned for a small number of galvanised steel posts affected by grout
shrinkage and corrosion of the base plates.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 22
Busbar Systems

Various types of substation busbar systems are in service, as shown in Table 11.

Table 11: Substation busbar systems

Busbar type Busbar use/age

Flexible stranded conductor strung busbars (copper) 1940s-1980s substations
Flexible hollow core conductor strung busbars (copper) 1940s-1980s substations
Tubular and channel supported busbars (copper) 1960s-1970s substations
Flexible stranded conductor strung busbars (aluminium alloy) 1980s-present substations
Tubular and channel supported busbars (aluminium alloy) 1980s-present substations


Flexible hollow core copper conductor has been systematically replaced at many
substations. However, this policy has now been moderated to periodic visual inspections
and annual thermographic surveys, with replacement based on condition. Where new or
refurbished equipment is installed, the flexible hollow core and stranded copper is replaced
with flexible aluminium. This reduces bimetallic corrosion and the mechanical loading
imposed on the terminals of electrical equipment, due to heavier copper.

Thermal up-rating of transmission circuits has required conductor replacement at the circuit
end substations.

Conductor replacement is based on condition and opportunity when other busbar hardware
and primary assets are being replaced.

Substation insulators

The main types of substation insulators in service are shown in Table 12.

Table 12: Substation insulators

Insulator type Insulator use/age

Cap-and-pin insulators Busbar support and disconnectors pre-1980 –
for 33 kV, this type was used up to 2000
Porcelain disc insulators Strung bus pre-1970
Glass disc insulators Strung bus post-1970 to present
Solid core porcelain post Busbar support and disconnectors since mid-
insulators 1980s to present
Composite long rod insulators Strung bus in highly contaminated areas
since late-1990s to present

Ageing cap-and-pin insulators are susceptible to pin stem corrosion inside the porcelain
cap, eventually leading to the porcelain cracking. The 33 kV cap and pin type suffers from
mechanical failures caused by the expansion/contraction over time of the different
materials, i.e., porcelain, cement and the metalwork. These have become a priority for
replacement and are a driver for the outdoor to indoor 33 kV switchgear strategy.

Cap and Pin insulator replacement 66-220 kV is driven by condition and is aligned with bus
upgrades, disconnector refurbishment / replacement.

Porcelain disc replacement is governed by condition, particularly corrosion.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 23
The 33 kV cap and pin replacements that have occurred are driven by condition but the
majority will be done as part of the indoor to outdoor projects.

3.2.14 Buildings and Grounds


Increased threats of in break-ins and theft in the tougher economic climate have led to a
review of the physical security of substations. This is an important health and safety and
system security initiative.

Air conditioners have improved temperature regulation in many substation control buildings
to help maintain the life and performance of valve-regulated lead acid batteries, and to
minimise long-term risk to electronic relays and equipment caused by thermal cycling and
extended periods at high temperatures. Other steps to control solar gain and the heat
generated by the electrical equipment have been undertaken.

Transpower has a programme for mitigating oil spill risks at substations. A risk
management methodology is used to determine the appropriate oil spill mitigation for each
site. This work has been largely completed at most sites, with a small number of upgrade
projects still planned.

The key design objective for substation physical security is to prevent unauthorised people
from entering high-voltage switchyards, and to at least delay determined intruders. At sites
with a higher risk profile, electric powered fences will be added to the existing chain link
mesh fence. Attention is being paid to the integrity of substation switchyard fences and gate
structures. A new design of switchyard fencing has been developed for all new and
replacement switchyard fence projects. Condition- and risk-based criteria are used for
determining priorities for substation fence upgrade and replacement.

Safety reviews of substation earthing are carried out regularly. Modelling studies of
earthgrid performance are backed up by current injection tests to identify any potentially
hazardous step-and-touch voltages around the perimeter of the site. Mitigation of identified
hazards typically includes installing buried gradient control conductors, providing ground
surface insulating layers, and installing short sections of wooden fencing.

There is an ongoing initiative to obtain sustainable savings from routine maintenance of

buildings and grounds. Improvements in the cost efficiency of facilities management will be
obtained by converting some existing mowed lawn areas at substations to stock grazing,
and removing high maintenance cost hedges and plantings where appropriate. Improved
condition assessment and prioritisation techniques will be applied to improve cost
efficiencies in maintaining exterior painting of buildings and the upkeep of substation roads.

3.3 AC Substations Secondary Equipment

The AC substations secondary equipment asset class consists of all protection and control
assets and equipment including relays, protection schemes, as well as auxiliary equipment
including AVRs and battery power supply systems.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 24
Figure 5: Distance relay age profile

Distance Relay Age Profile

Integrated circuitry

2nd generation semiconductor
1st generation semiconductor
Number of Relays



0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26 plus
Age (years)

Table 13: Technology versus age

Technology versus age Expected Life

33 - 46 years Electromechanical 30 – 45 years
27 -32 years First generation semiconductor (discrete components) 20 – 25 years
19 -26 years Second generation semiconductor (discrete components) 20 – 25 years
0 -18 years Integrated circuitry 20 – 25 years
0 -13 years Numerical (microprocessor based) 15 – 20 years

3.3.1 Protection Relays


While electromechanical relays have been proven in service to last more than 30 years, the
next generation of relays manufactured using discrete semiconductor components are likely
to have lives averaging 25 years.

There remain large numbers of older electromechanical and static relays in protection
systems for busbar, transformers and feeders. Close monitoring of the relays using this
technology has shown that, while the relays continue to perform well, there are now issues
over their age and their use in complex schemes that require stability in failure modes.They
have no supervision or remote monitoring, meaning there is no way of knowing if they are
working. They have no fault or data recording meaning there is often very little known on
the incident should the relay operate of maloperate. The availability of spares relies on
cannibalism of removed equipment and support depends on an ever reducing number of
engineers and technicians.

Obsolete electromechanical and static relays are to be replaced and upgraded with modern
numerical protections by 2015. The prioritisation of replacement will be on criticality,
condition, risk, compliance and performance.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 25
3.3.2 Protection Installations

Protection systems and philosophies are constantly evolving. The system is being driven
harder with capacity requirements continually increasing.

Safety of people, not just assets and the system is paramount. The old practice of
accepting slow protection clearances, allowing faults to continue for long durations is no
longer acceptable. This has major repercussions on protection policies and standards,
designs and settings.

Ageing transformer protection is being replaced with transformer management relays in

conjunction with development projects or busbar and circuit breaker failure protection
installations. Transformer protection relays with PCBs are scheduled to be replaced within
seven years as agreed with the Ministry of Health.

Ageing feeder protection is being replaced with feeder management relays, as part of
switchboard replacements.

3.3.3 Protection Settings


Over 1 million protection settings are presently being administered. A four-year review
needs to be undertaken to confirm settings are identified, co-ordinated, applied correctly
and meet the technical codes. Each review of a transmission line protection relay can take
several weeks making this a very large task.

The methods used to check this equipment need to be reviewed. A protection settings
management system (StationWare) that can be linked to fault and load simulation packages
has some advantages. This allows settings to be transferred back and forth into the various
relay models. This feature together with the use of algorithms means a large numbr of
simulations for various system configurations and fault studies could be carried out quickly
and automatically. Black spots and hidden traps could be uncovered by simulation as
opposed to bad actual experience. Further investigation needs to be undertaken on
adopting this option.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 26
3.3.4 Communication Networks and Systems in Substations

A key building block for the interconnection of IEDs in a substation is an IEC61850 enabled
Local Area Network (LAN). The LAN gives the ability to transfer information between
multivendor devices using common Ethernet protocol.

As part of the Transmission Network Engineering Managers Forum a working group has
been established to create a common strategy and pathway for the adoption and
implementation of IEC61850.

Develop and implement a standard Local Area Network design and topology by 2012. The
work should be in conjunction with the Substation Management System project and provide
for the interconnection of IEDs to enable applications such as interlocking, special
protection schemes and smart grid initiatives in a cost effective manner.

3.3.5 Special Protection Schemes


Special protection schemes (SPSs) are deployed to provide an automated pre-planned

response to a contingent event. SPSs are typically employed to allow a higher grid loading
to be achieved without the need to section the grid or to install load current diverting
reactors. Smart Grid initiatives which have a set of automatically operated pre-planned
contingency action are currently in operation.

Standard system monitoring, SPSs and Wide Area Protection design setting and
maintenance policies and standards to meet the requirements of the system and Smart
Grid initiatives need to be produced.

3.3.6 Remote Terminal Unit Replacement


Transpower has approximately 375 remote terminal units (RTUs) in 174 substations. The
current generation of RTUs are proprietary embedded types with a number of issues
relating to limited processing memory, ports and communications ability that requires close
management. Over half the fleet are no longer supported by their manufacturers.

A like for like replacement option has been discounted because technology has moved on.
The SCADA functionality at a substation level is now included as part of the IEC 61850
communication system. The integration and interconnection of these previously separate
functions has been progressing and is now seen as mature.

A programme is to be established and implemented to replace the aging RTUs with

intelligent gateways that are connected to the substation IEC61850 communication system
to provide SCADA, remote access and information transfer management.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 27
3.3.7 Power Quality Monitoring

Currently none of the measurements within SCADA are calibrated and the delivery
accuracy of SCADA measurements is largely unknown. There is no routine process that
compares the measurement against any traceable reference standards. Having calibrated
data readily available will ensure certainty of SCADA accuracy and the Electricity Market
Systems estimation.

Transpower is obligated to monitor power quality in order to comply with Electricity

Governance Rules. Greater numbers of power electronics such as wind turbines on the
system along with the greater sensitivity of customers to noise and change means better
power quality monitoring is needed.

As part of the revenue metering project the access to calibrated high accuracy
measurements from the new revenue meters will be established. The new standard
revenue meter is a modern numerical intelligent device that has a very comprehensive
power quality monitoring capability. Connecting this meter up for revenue metering
requirements means power quality monitoring is available relatively cost free.

3.3.8 Non Conventional Instrument Transformer Pilot


Significant advantages including cost savings are seen with the future use of non
conventional instrument transformers (NCITs). NCITs are likely to be particularly attractive
at higher voltages. They are expected to be more reliable because they do not contain oil
which is a common source of breakdown and failure. Their installation costs are expected
to be significantly lower than conventional electromagnetic transformers. They are also able
to integrate the different specifications of protection and revenue metering by having a
bandwidth and accuracy presently only able to be provided by the installation of separate
transformer cores.

Investigate the future use of non conventional instrument transformers and their
interconnection to protection and control systems with the view of implementing a trial or
pilot by 2015.

3.3.9 Station Battery Systems


Transpower now requires dual station battery systems for all its substations. Dual battery
systems have been installed at most 220 kV Transpower substations and are being
installed at all others, prioritised according to the condition of existing system, other
upgrade work being undertaken, degree of protection remote backup and the consequence
of failure of a single battery system during a fault. In order to obtain effective backup
protection, independence of the main protection is essential, with no shared system or
common failure modes. This independence also applies to the DC battery supplies.

The DC power supplies are essential to provide service continuity of items of equipment
considered to be paramount for the operation of the high voltage power grid and are
powered by this DC supply. Transpower uses valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA), Absorbed
Glass Mat (AGM) batteries which need minimal routine maintenance. These batteries are
recombination cells (i.e. the hydrogen gas produced by the charging process is chemically
re-combined to other elements within the cell). This eliminates the need for them to be
housed in special battery rooms with flameproof fixtures. Battery charges which have a high
output ripple voltage, or do not compensate for battery temperature variations, are being
replaced. These shortcomings could prematurely reduce the life of VRLA batteries. Battery

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 28
systems are identified for replacement after eight years service and may last longer,
depending on discharge test results.

Over the last three to four years this replacement work has been consolidated as a single
managed programme of work. Dual battery systems will progressively be installed at all
remaining substations with all installation completed by 2016.

3.3.10 Metering
Transpower is responsible for the supply and management of 392 Grid Exit Point (GXP)
meters installed at 148 sites on the National Grid. These are a mixture of equipment that
includes instrument transformers, data recorders and Quad 4 revenue meters.

The existing revenue metering equipment installed at grid exit points includes data
recorders and PSI Quad4 revenue meters. These were installed around 1994 to facilitate
the establishment of the wholesale electricity market. The manufacturer stopped producing
the Quad4 meters in 2002 and second-hand meters are now difficult to obtain. The data
recorders predate the meters by some seven years. Like the meters, original manufacturer
spares for these data recorders are no longer available. Spares can only be sourced
through salvaging parts from decommissioned meters.

In response to technical obsolescence, lack of spares, meter failures, and the need for
additional meters for new grid exit points, Transpower has developed a new standard
revenue metering solution.

The new standard revenue meter is a modern IED that has a comprehensive power quality
monitoring capability. Power quality information such as voltage transients, flicker, sag and
swell can be retrieved at minimal additional cost. This information can be used to assist in
the analysis of and management of the transmission network, providing information that will
also benefit lines companies by assisting them when dealing with major customers.
Currently Transpower "voltage excursion" notifications provide insufficient information to
explain events to customers. Access to improved power quality information from all Grid
Exit Point meters will assist in the efficient analysis and communication of these events.
This extends to power factor, frequency, and reactive data.

The meter replacement will take five years. Approximately 398 meters will be replaced at all
grid exit point substations.

Utilise the opportunities created by the revenue metering replacement to provide real time
power quality data and access to calibrated high accuracy measurements from the new
revenue meters to improve SCADA and modelling accuracy.

3.4 Transmission lines

The transmission lines asset class comprises all towers, poles, foundations, conductors and
accessories including spacers, dampers and insulators. This class includes both AC and
DC overhead transmission lines but excludes underground cables and submarine cables.

Transpower has over 11,800 route km of transmission lines, supported by some 16,500
poles and 25,000 towers and configured as single circuits and double circuits, as shown in
Table 14. Double circuits have twice the length of conductors of single circuits.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 29
Table 14: Transmission line length (route km)
Transmission Line Summary (route-km)
Single Circuit Double Circuit Total
Design kV Poles Towers Poles Towers
350 0 2 0 570 571
220 3 2816 3 2897 5719
110 2182 570 60 1906 4719
66 and below 400 504 180 162 797
Total 2585 3438 243 5540 11806
1 0kV is hvdc electrode lines
2 Route km‟s measures length of line whether it has one or more circuits. For example, a double circuit 10
route km line is 20 circuit km.

Most of Transpower‟s existing line routes were constructed over 40 years ago. As a
consequence, many components are either approaching end of life or have degraded to the
stage where refurbishment in the near future is required if least lifecycle costs are to be
achieved and asset integrity is to be maintained at acceptable levels.

The age profile of lines by voltage is shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Transmission line age profile

Transmission Line Age Profile

(based on original commissioning date)

220 kV
110 kV
66/50 kV
Route km






















Age (years) as at Nov 09

3.4.1 Transmission Line Asset Management

Transpower operates an extensive condition assessment programme that monitors and
records the condition of transmission line structures, conductors and hardware. This
programme applies a consistent approach when assessing the condition of line
components and allows extrapolation of the assessed condition into the future. From this,
replacement or maintenance options can be investigated. This approach allows
maintenance planning to take into account the impact of varying environmental ageing
factors in an effective manner.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 30
Transmission line maintenance practices are benchmarked against those of comparable
international utilities. In general, Transpower‟s practices are in line with those of other
utilities, and follow good industry practice. This is particularly the case with the extent and
detail of the condition assessment process for transmission lines, and the use of predictive
models based on condition assessment data.

As a minimum, each tower and associated span has its condition assessed every eight
years and each pole structure every six years. Assessments are performed more frequently
if the structure or span falls into any of the following three categories:
the condition of any asset component has deteriorated to a predetermined level
the asset is located in an aggressive environment, eg, those in particularly
polluted or windy environments
the structure/span is deemed to be highly critical, eg, due to its overall position in
the grid, or where failure of the structure would pose an unacceptable risk to
people or property.

The current status and planned actions for towers, poles, foundations, conductors and
accessories, insulators, vegetation control and HVDC lines are described in the following

3.4.2 Pole Management

Poles are regularly inspected and their condition assessed. Poles are replaced with a
modern equivalent concrete pole when the condition assessment shows that they are
reaching the limits of their ability to perform.

Accurate calculations of remaining wooden pole strength are made by measuring diameter
below ground. Poles are scheduled for replacement just prior to be being unable to support
their design load. As required by Electricity Regulations any pole found to be unable to
support its design load must be replaced within 12 months.

Poles can be of pre-stressed concrete, steel or hardwood construct.

Pre-stressed concrete provides the lowest lifecycle cost solution. They are maintenance
free and last longer than the other options.

Quality hardwood poles are becoming increasingly difficult and expensive to source.

Table 15: Tower/pole construction type

Number of Structures Double Single Total

Cct Cct
by Type
Poles Concrete 849 7729 8578
Steel 28 177 205
Wood 624 7036 7660
Total 1501 14942 16443
Towers 14978 9801 24779

Transpower began installing concrete poles in preference to hardwood poles in the early
1990s. A total of 8,032 wood pole structures remain in service, most of them original. The
following figures show the condition of concrete, hardwood and steel poles.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 31

Figure 7 shows the condition codes for concrete, steel and wooden poles. A code of 100
indicates „as new‟ condition, while a code of 20 indicates replacement criteria have been

Approximately 350 wooden poles per annum are likely to meet replacement criteria over the
next 10 years and those with low conditions codes are prioritised for replacement.

Figure 7: Pole structure condition assessment

Concrete Pole Condition


110 kV
66 kV

50 kV


Not Rec



% Rem aining LIfe

Steel Pole Condition


220 kV
110 kV

66 kV


Not Rec






% Rem aining LIfe

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 32
Wood Pole Condition

110 kV

1000 66 kV

50 kV
33 kV

Not Rec



% Rem aining LIfe

3.4.3 Tower Management


Tower maintenance activities are concerned mainly with corrosion control. On rare
occasions, members may require replacement following damage caused by third parties or
where excessive wear or corrosion has taken place.

Of the 24,800 towers on Transpower‟s network, 44 per cent are within 25 km of the coast
and a further eight per cent are in geothermal regions. New Zealand has a particularly
aggressive corrosive environment, with a prevailing salt-laden westerly wind flow,
geothermal regions and high rainfall – all factors affecting the rate of corrosion.

Transpower began painting towers in the early 1990s. Some 2800 towers have been
painted to date.

A growing number of insulator attachment points on towers are showing significant signs of
corrosion and wear, particularly in corrosive environments.

Figure 8: Steel Tower age profile

Lattice steel tower ages by voltage



Number of towers

220 kV
110 kV












2009 Age (Years)

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 33
As can be seen in Figure 9, a significant number of the steel towers are approaching the 50
per cent or less condition assessment rating when painting would optimally occur.

Table 16 provides a breakdown of number of towers in the network. Towers that have been
painted are generally from areas where corrosion is more severe.

Table 16: Number of towers by corrosion zone

Corrosion Zone Number of Towers

Very Severe 40
Severe 1,701
Moderate 11,338
Low 8,968
Painted 2,734
Total 24,781

Figure 9: Steel Tower condition assessment

Unpainted Lattice Steel Towers

Corrosion zones and 2009 Condition


Number of Towers

4000 Unpainted Very Severe

Unpainted Severe
3000 Unpainted Moderate
Unpainted Low


0 - 10

10 - 20

20 - 30

30 - 40

40 - 50

50 - 60

60 - 70

70 - 80

80 - 90

90 - 100

CA Code


A recent study investigated all options to manage tower corrosion, ranging from painting the
tower when near new through to allowing corrosion to cause severe section loss and then
replace the tower. It concluded that the most cost effective method to manage corrosion is
to paint towers when their condition code reaches 40 (30 for towers in benign
environments) and then repaint prior to paint failure, nominally every 15 years.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 34
A large number of towers are at or approaching CA 40 condition. As such, the number of
towers painted each year needs to increase significantly to achieve least lifecycle cost
corrosion management

The annual planned expenditure on tower painting is programmed to increase by some

33% per year from the current $13m to a peak of $45m in 2014/15.

The replacement of specific steel members or components is required due to heavy

corrosion and / or wear. In particular, there is a growing volume of work in the replacement
of insulator attachment points. If attachment point fasteners become too corroded the
crossarms must be lowered to ground level to enable their removal: this work will impact on
transmission line availability and materially impact on maintenance budgets. Consequently,
fasteners will be changed before corrosion has reached a point where crossarms need to
be removed to affect their replacement whenever practicable.

Where possible replacement attachment points will be designed to aid washing by rain
thereby mitigating the risk of accelerated corrosion.

3.4.4 Foundations (including grillage)


Buried steel grillage foundations are the oldest type of tower foundation used on the grid
and comprise more than half of all tower foundations – approximately 14,600 towers. Asset
age ranges from 41 to 84 years.

Approximately 10,084 towers have concrete foundations. Of these, some 6,500 towers
have base plate and anchor bolt base connections. This type of foundation and base
connection was installed between the mid 1960s and the late 1970s. Since then, essentially
all foundations have been constructed with a concrete pile/plug and cast-in stub leg. About
3,600 of these foundations exist on the network.

Piled/pedestal foundations are generally used at or near river crossings. Figure 10 shows
the relative numbers of foundations by type.

Figure 10: Quantity of foundation types

Quantity of foundation types


9576 Grillage
Bored Plug
14579 Piled/Pedestal

Many of the approximately 14,350 towers with buried steel grillage foundations are now
showing corrosion on tower legs and bracing near the ground line. Excavations have
revealed that the extent of corrosion further underground, at the grillage level, varies from
light to severe. Despite numerous national and international trials, no reliable non-intrusive
method has been found to accurately predict which towers have corroded grillages. Age
and soil type influence the grillage condition, but other factors also have an effect. The only
reliable method of determining foundation condition found to date is to dig and inspect.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 35
Base plate and anchor bolts were used on the first cast-in-situ concrete foundations
Approximately 6,500 towers have this type of foundation. Poor quality dry-pack mortar
originally used under the base plate on the first cast-in-situ concrete foundations (with base
plate and anchor bolts) has led to mortar crumbling. Moisture ingress under the base plate
has subsequently led to corrosion.

Cast-in-situ concrete foundations with cast-in stub legs are generally in good condition but
an increasing number are starting to corrode at the concrete and steel interface.

Investigative testing on selected concrete pile foundations has been undertaken in the last
few years using a non-intrusive testing system. This has shown that some of the tower
foundations have less concrete than their design required (incorrect depth or shape),
generally because of the construction methods and quality control practices at the time.
Studies have also revealed that concrete foundations built before 1983 were usually
designed based on very limited soil testing and often assumed soil properties, leading to
undersize foundations being designed. Recent studies, including full-scale foundation
testing, suggest that under-strength foundations still exist in some cases.

Due to the age profile for grillage foundations, it is recognised that many will be
approaching end of life.

All grillage foundations are planned to be refurbished over the next 30 years. This means
approximately 500 towers will need to be refurbished annually. Condition assessment data
gathered during the refurbishment programme will be used to help prioritise future works.
After several years of data collection re-evaluation of the annual target will be made.

The grillage foundations are refurbished either by removing the corroded grillage and
replacing it with a newly galvanised one or encasing the existing grillage in concrete. Where
practical, and cost effective, concrete encasement designs should be installed in preference
to a new or refurbished grillage. The design of refurbished foundations should be sufficient
to carry the anticipated loads of likely upgrades on the line.

The current baseplate and anchor bolt refurbishment programme will continue. This
involves removing and replacing the mortar with non-shrink grout, treating or replacing
corroded anchor bolts and sealing with a paint system.

Structures with concrete pile foundations built before 1983 will continue to be investigated.
Foundations found to be under-strength will be programmed for strengthening. Structures
will be prioritised for investigation based on potential risk to people, property and the grid.

3.4.5 Conductor and Earthwire Management


Most of Transpower‟s existing lines were built over 45 years ago using both copper and
Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR) conductors. Approximately 98 per cent of
the copper conducts Transpower has on its 110, 66 and 50 kV circuits are over 50 years
old. Figure 11 shows the conductor population for aluminium and copper conductors by
voltage. Figure 12 shows the age profile for conductors by type.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 36
Figure 11: Conductor type by voltage

Conductor type by voltage

Circuit km

6000 Aluminium conductors

4000 Copper conductors

11 33 50 66 110 220 DC ETH

Figure 12: Conductor age profile

Conductor Age

Circuit km

<10 10 - 20 20 - 30 30 - 40 40 - 50 50 - 60 60 - 70 70 - 80 80 - 90 90+
Years in service

Three types of ACSR are in service. The first two types installed (ACSR/GZ) have greased
and ungreased galvanised steel core wire, while the third and most recent type (ACSR/AC)
has greased aluminium-clad steel core wire. ACSR/AC is more corrosion resistant than
ACSR/GZ and has slightly lower electrical power losses due to its increased conductivity.

In relatively benign environments, conductors can be expected to last for 80 years. In more
aggressive environments, end of life can be reached in 20 to 25 years. In some areas,
environmental conditions faced by Transpower‟s conductors are more severe than normal
because of the exposure to salt-laden wind flow and high winds.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 37
Figure 13 shows the condition assessment of conductors by circuit kilometre.

Figure 13: Conductor condition by circuit-km

Conductor Condition by circuit-km


1500 220 kV

110 kV
1000 66 kV
50 kV

500 HVDC

Not Rec


Assessed Rem aining Life %


Transpower replaces conductors and earthwires when condition assessment data shows
widespread lengths have reached the end of their life. Replacement conductors are
selected from Transpowers range of approved options to carry electrical loads predicted
over the length of its life. A cost benefit analysis is carried out to select the conductor with
the lowest lifecycle cost.

Several lines are expected to require reconductoring over the next 10 years to replace
corroded conductors.

Ground based conductor condition assessment is enhanced by a programme of close – up

inspections by helicopter and the use of a non destructive Cormon testing robot. Recent
experience has shown that ground and tower based assessments alone are not sufficiently
accurate to predict conductor condition.

Currently, only ACSE and AAAC conductors are approved for use (copper is used only for
minor repairs). All Aluminium Alloy Conductor (AAAC) will be used whenever practical.

Investigations are underway to assess and approve a suitable high temperature conductor
for New Zealand conditions.

3.4.6 Conductor Joint Management

Transpower has over 60,000 mid – span Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR)
and copper joints in service. As the joints age, the internal resistance increases. If left
unchecked this could lead to joint burning and failure. Failure of a midspan or dead – end
joint will drop conductor to the ground posing serious risk to people and property.

Recent imaging results suggest a small percentage of joints are in urgent need of

All conductor joints will be condition assessed using thermal imaging by June 2014.
Suspect joints will have their resistance measured and will be replaced / remade if
unacceptable high resistances are found.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 38
3.4.7 Vibration Damper and Sub-conductor Spacer Management
Sub-conductor Spacers


Around 50 per cent of the 170,000 sub-conductor spacers in service are constructed with a
galvanised ring that is susceptible to corrosion rates similar to those of tower steel. The
remainder of the sub-conductor spacers are of solid aluminium or aluminium-clad steel.
Figure 14 shows the condition code profile for sub-conductor spacers.

Figure 14: Sub conductor condition

Subconductor Spacer Condition

No of circuit spans

Andre Hinged Clamp (457mm)

Asahi SC/AC Ring
1500 Dog-bone with Rubber Ends
1000 Electropar SC/AC Ring

500 Other
Salvi Galvanised (U-bolt)
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Spacer Damper
Condition Code

Inter-phase spacers used to separate phases and constrain conductor movement are
installed on specific transmission line spans with a history of snow unloading or „galloping‟,
which are linked to seasonal system disturbances.

Spacer corrosion is monitored visually through condition assessment and spacers are
replaced upon reaching replacement criteria. Around 200 replacements are expected each
year, with some variation from year to year.

Vibration Dampers

Approximately 80,000 vibration dampers are in service. These are constructed with
galvanised messenger wires that have corrosion rates similar to those of tower steel. All
dampers were installed between the early 1990s and 2005.

As the dampers absorb the energy from the vibration, they are essentially sacrificial and do
intentionally wear out. Worn or corroded messenger wires will eventually fail to provide
adequate vibration protection, and should then be replaced.

Aeolian vibration generally occurs with light winds blowing across the conductors at near
right angles, causing fretting and fatigue damage to conductors – typically at the
suspension points. This significantly shortens the life of the conductor. Most Transpower
lines did not have vibration dampers fitted when first constructed as Aeolian vibration was
not a recognised phenomenon until around 1990. By the time this issue was identified, the
conductors had already been damaged by vibration. The damper installation programme
began in the early 1990s and was completed in 2005. Correctly installed vibration dampers
remove the vibration before the suspension point. Figure 15 shows the condition code
profile for dampers.

Dampers are monitored visually through condition assessment and are replaced upon
reaching replacement criteria. To date, isolated replacements have been carried out but no
total line replacements have been required. Maintenance-driven work to replace vibration

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 39
dampers is forecast to increase over the next five years as dampers located in corrosive
environments begin to reach end of life.

Figure 15: Vibration damper condition

Vibration Damper Condition Codes

No of spans

Directional dog-bone
Dulmison dog-bone
PLP damper
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Condition Code

3.4.8 Insulators and Fittings Management


Approximately 190,000 insulator strings are in service. The three types are glass disks,
porcelain disks and composite (fibreglass rod with silicon rubber sheath and sheds).

Figure 16 shows the population of insulator circuit sets on the network by type and by
voltage. A circuit set will generally comprise three insulator strings on a suspension
structure, and nine strings on a strain structure.

Figure 16: Number of insulator circuit sets

Insulator type by Voltage

No of circuit sets

11 33 50 66 110 220 DC ETH

Composite insulators provide better contamination performance and reduced audible noise
compared to cap and pin insulators. Their longevity in the New Zealand environment is still
unknown as the first of these was only installed on the network in the early 1990‟s. For this
reason glass insulators are still preferred in low contamination environments.

Armour grip suspension units provide better vibration protection to the conductor than
trunion clamps and cost no more. They are now the industry standard.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 40

Insulators will be regularly inspected and their condition assessed. Inspections will
generally be visual but will be augmented with corona and voltage testing on suspect

Insulators will be replaced upon reaching replacement criteria. Composite insulators will be
installed in areas with medium to high contamination. Conventional glass cap and pin
insulators will be installed in low contamination areas.

Insulator fittings will be regularly condition assessed ad replaced upon reaching

replacement criteria. Trunion clamps and armour rods will be phased out in favour of
armour grip suspension units.

3.4.9 Corridor and Access Management


Vegetation control continues to be a high-cost activity. In part, this is due to the lack of any
formal property rights over most of the land the transmission lines cross. Recent aerial line
surveys have provided vegetation control information, which guides maintenance
vegetation control work.

Transpower‟s approved standard for managing trees near transmission lines is based on
accepted vegetation control practices that are consistent with industry good practice and
meet the requirements of the Electricity Regulations (Hazards from Trees) 2003.

When accessing property to undertake vegetation control, Transpower follows an

established protocol for access agreements and codes of practice for entry onto land. If
access by agreement is declined or proves difficult, then formal notice under the Electricity
(Hazards from Trees) Regulations 2003 is served. When access to property is denied, the
process under the regulations provides for the liability to undertake necessary vegetation
control to pass to the landowner.

3.5 HVDC
The high-voltage direct current (HVDC) link connects the North Island and South Island
power systems. At Benmore, in the South Island‟s Waitaki Valley, a converter station
connected to the South Island grid converts power from alternating current (AC) to direct
current (DC). A 535 km HVDC transmission line runs from Benmore to Fighting Bay at the
top of the South Island, with 40 km of submarine cable under Cook Strait to Oteranga Bay
in the North Island, and 37 km of transmission line to Haywards. At Haywards, another
converter station connects the HVDC to the North Island power system.

The HVDC asset class comprises the HVDC substations including the Pole 1 and Pole 2
converter equipment, HVDC control and protection systems, transmission lines and towers,
submarine cables, cable stations, and electrode stations.

As at 1 July 2007, the two poles on the HVDC link operated at 270 kV (Pole 1) and 350 kV
(Pole 2).

Pole Commissioned Converter Type Converter Rating Pole Capacity

Pole 1 1965 Mercury Arc Valves 648 MW 540 MW
Pole 2 1991 Thyristor Valves 700 MW 500 MW

However, in September 2007, the Transpower Board decided to “stand-down” the Pole 1
converter stations pending a review of the risks associated with continued operation of this
plant. Following extensive investigations, the Board announced in December 2007 that half

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 41
of the HVDC Pole 1 Converter station capacity would be decommissioned and dismantled,
Pole 1 is available for limited use for up to 3,000 hours and 250 starts, annually in north
direction only, operating between 130 and 200MW.

Submarine power cables 4 and 5 are now connected to Pole 2 and cable 6 is connected to
Pole 2. This allows the Pole 2 converter stations to operate up to 700 MW capacity. This
monopolar mode of operation requires continuous ground return current through the ground
electrodes at each converter station. The present operating configuration is illustrated as

Figure 17: HVDC configuration

110 kV

47.5 Mvar
47.5 Mvar HAYWARDS
220 kV

220 kV 16 kV + 270 kV C7
Cable 6 C1 R1
35 km DC line
VG1 535 km DC line section VG4 60 Mvar 40 Mvar
section – South North Island T2
Pole 1 assets C10
Pole 2 assets
C2 60 Mvar
50.5 Mvar
Ground (Earth/Sea) Return Current mode

Pole 2
F2 (existing thyristor
Converters 700 MW) C3 C4
50.5 Mvar R5
35 Mvar
40 km Cook Strait each 40 Mvar
79.3 Mvar
Cable 5 F3
106.3 Mvar
79.3 Mvar
- 350 kV F4
Cable 4
106.3 Mvar

3.5.1 Pole 3 Project

Transpower awarded the principal contract for the construction of Pole 3 to Siemens in
October 2009.

The HVDC Pole 3 Project involves procuring, constructing and commissioning a new
thyristor-based 700 MW pole and associated equipment (including converters, converter
transformers, dynamic reactive compensation, new control systems and protection) at
Haywards and Benmore by 2012. This pole will replace the existing Pole 1 of the HVDC
inter-island link, and together with Pole 2 will provide a 1000 MW link capacity from 2012
(Stage 1). The investment is staged so that capacity can be released incrementally. Stage 2
of the Proposal (scheduled for 2014) will increase the link capacity to 1200 MW. A further
stage (Stage 3, including installation of an additional submarine cable) has not been
included as part of this Proposal as it falls beyond 2017. However, if Stage 3 were
undertaken the overall capacity of the link would increase to 1400 MW.

The future reliability of the control and protection systems now faces additional risks (see
Section 3.5.3 below).

3.5.2 Pole 2 Converter Stations

Transpower‟s Pole 2 thyristor converter stations were commissioned in 1991-92 during the
DC Hybrid Link Project, and have a planned economic life of 30 years. The installed
capacity of the Pole 2 plant is 700 MW.

The Pole 2 equipment is generally in good condition. The main circuit equipment is
expected to achieve its planned economic life, but needs increasing maintenance.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 42
Condition assessment has identified increased corrosion and accumulation of aluminium
hydroxide in the stainless steel couplings in the Pole 2 water cooling system. These
couplings are critically important components that distribute cooling water to the thyristor
valve layers. Corrosion in similar components in other HVDC thyristor valves is a possible
cause of cooling water leakage, flashover and catastrophic failure of the complete thyristor

Electricity market operations cause frequent changes of HVDC power transfer, tap changes
of the converter transformers, and switching of the Pole 2 filter bank circuit breakers –
leading to a number of circuit breakers reaching the limits of their mechanical endurance.
The circuit breakers with the highest switching frequency, HAY CB762B and BEN CB752B,
were replaced in 2005.

Circuit breakers HAY CB762A and HAY CB722A were refurbished with new heads and pull
rods in 2007. BEN CB692B was fitted with a new type of operating mechanism in 2007 and
refurbished heads in 2009.

The control equipment for the Pole 2 converter stations is not expected to have the same
useful life as the main circuit equipment. Most of the control equipment is based on 19-
year-old single-board computer technology and is obsolete. A substantial quantity of spare
control equipment is held, but the microprocessor-based parts of the control system will be
replaced with new controls as part of the Pole 3 Project work.

Due to the high number of transformer tap changer operations, the Pole 2 converter
transformer tap changes will soon need an extensive and time-consuming overhaul.
Scheduled outages for this will be extensive – up to seven days per year if one unit is
swapped out and replaced with a refurbished unit the following year.

All stainless steel couplings in the thyristor valve cooling circuits at both Haywards and
Benmore will need to be replaced. Monitoring of corrosion rates continues annually by a
sample of 12 couplings. The rate of increase in corrosion identifies that the coupling will not
require replacement in the next few years, however, if any leaks start then a replacement
programme will need to be implemented.

3.5.3 HVDC Control and Protection Systems

A number of HVDC system incidents in recent years have focused attention on the risks of
deteriorating system performance caused by HVDC control and protection system faults.
The control system equipment on Pole 1 was completely replaced during the installation of
the Pole 2 converters in 1991-92, so the following issues are common to Pole 1 and Pole 2.

The HVDC control and protection systems are a mixture of 190 different types and families
of digital and analogue electronic circuit boards. Some circuit boards are used widely as
part of the ABB Master system in industrial control applications, while many others were
custom-built by ABB for HVDC control applications. The complete system was state-of-the-
art in the late 1980‟s. Around 4,570 boards are in service. The technology has been
obsolete for more than 19 years, and replacement modules are becoming increasingly
difficult and costly to procure.

A number of risks are associated with operating the HVDC link with an obsolete control and
protection system:
increased forced outage rate because of age-related failures of control and
protection equipment, with possible implications for under-frequency event
decreased HVDC system availability because of shortages of spares to replace
faulty control and protection equipment
operational difficulties because of inability to expand the functions of the existing

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 43
Over the years the equipment has had numerous faults, with some causing significant
system disturbances.

Defects in analogue buffer cards caused trips of Pole 2 during 2004 and forced a temporary
reduction in Bipole transfer capacity. A programme of extensive refurbishment of analogue
buffer cards was completed in 2005-06. There are limited spares in the existing inventory
and increasing risks of future unavailability of a few critical items. The risk exposure varies
significantly between modules, in terms of their historic rate of failure, the stock of existing
spares and the present market availability of replacement spare modules.

Faulty boards will be repaired where practical, and some additional control and protection
boards will be procured to improve the level of confidence in operational performance of
Pole 1 and Pole 2 over the next five years. Beyond that point, the control, protection and
SCADA systems of Pole 1 and Pole 2 will need to be entirely replaced. This replacement is
planned following the initial commissioning of Pole 3 in 2012.

3.5.4 HVDC Transmission Line

The HVDC line was built in the early 1960s. The supporting towers have since gone
through three major strengthening programmes: the first was started before the line was
commissioned and the last was completed in the early 1990s. In general, Transpower
manages and maintains the HVDC transmission line to the same standards as its core grid
AC transmission lines.

HVDC towers

From a total tower population of 1,649, 1,504 towers on the HVDC line are still identified as
being part of the original supply contract. There have been four tower collapse incidents –
in 1963, 1975, 1988 and 2004 – involving a total of 14 towers.

It is now understood that a major contributor to the 14 tower failures experienced since
1963 is the effect of the Southern Alps on the prevailing westerly wind direction (ie, the
orthographic lee effect). This effect was not taken into account during the original design
and the strengthening works that preceded the failure.

From investigations completed to date, it is believed that a single tower failure on this line
currently has a return period of approx 10 years. This is consistent with historical

For much of the line length, the route is inland, generally sheltered by the Southern Alps
and not exposed to the corrosive coastal conditions. Towards the top of the South Island,
and for all of the North Island section, the line is considered to be in a coastal environment
and has additional insulation to accommodate higher levels of contamination.

Most towers in the North Island section of the line have been replaced. These had
corroded significantly and were assessed as under required strength.

HVDC tower foundations

Most towers have buried steel grillage foundations that have performed well for the last 40
years. It is unlikely these foundations will last a further 20 years without a refurbishment
program or some remedial work on some of the more corroded foundations. During the
most recent tower failure, the foundations performed satisfactorily and failed only after the
towers had collapsed. However, in some soils the grillages could require strengthening to
achieve a satisfactory performance.

The reliability of the existing towers and foundations is currently being investigated as part
of the Pole 3 project. Some strengthening and complete tower replacements will be
implemented as part of the project.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 44
Grillage foundations will be programmed for either replacement or concrete encasement as
part of the wider grillage refurbishment programme currently underway for all towers with
grillage foundations.

Conductors and insulation


The line insulation was completely replaced during the DC link upgrade project from 1989
to 1991 when the rated voltage was increased from 250 kV to 350 kV.

The line conductors are original, but the condition of the conductor in coastal regions is
deteriorating significantly.

Re-conductoring of the North Island section is programmed for completion in 2011. The
South Island coastal section is likely to require reconductoring in the next 10 years as
replacement criteria are reached. Some porcelain insulator strings in coastal regions have
been replaced with composites to improve performance.

3.5.5 Submarine Cables

The Cook Strait HVDC submarine cables (cables 4, 5 and 6; 350 kV 1,430 A power cables)
and the first two fibre optic cables (cables 7 and 8) were laid in 1991. The three power
cables are required if the present level of HVDC transfer capacity is to be maintained as
there is no redundancy or spare capacity. Damage to, or premature failure of, any one of
the power cables can result in a reduction of HVDC capacity to 886 MW. Two replacement
fibre-optic cables (cables 9 and 10) were installed in late 2002 and are now the primary in-
service fibre optic cables. The two fibre optic cables operate in parallel, so there is 100 per
cent redundancy. Cables 7 and 8 remain operable but are now kept as standby cables in
case of damage to cables 9 and 10.

A remote-operated vehicle (ROV) survey in 1993 showed that the three power cables were
in good condition and generally well supported by the seabed. Observations suggest that
the cables are likely to have a useful life of at least 30 to 40 years in respect of severe
abrasive damage to the serving. However, the 250/270 kV cables 1, 2 and 3 laid in 1964
(now out of service) were found in 1993 to have suffered significant armour damage (total
loss in some sections) in parts of the high tidal current area known as the Terawhiti Rip, two
to 10 km offshore from Oteranga Bay. Work during the 1996 ROV-2 project established that
this was caused by the aggressive abrasive environment resulting from gravel and sand
being transported on the seabed and over the cables by the tides. The polypropylene
serving on cables 4, 5 and 6 so far seems more resistant to abrasion than the jute serving
on cables 1, 2 and 3, but the extent of their abrasion damage warrants ongoing monitoring.

The 1993 and 1996 ROV surveys also found conclusive evidence of damage to fibre optic
cable 7, caused by illegal fishing activity.

The Submarine Cables and Pipelines Protection Act 1996 provides legal protection of a
Cable Protection Zone (CPZ) across Cook Strait, and is intended to prevent the risk of
damage to the cables from fishing activities. However, frequent violations of this CPZ have
resulted in cable damage. In 1995 Transpower started marine patrols of the Cook Strait
CPZ, initially focusing on the hoki fishing season from June to September (the time of
greatest risk of damage from illegal fishing). Cable breakage incidents (see below) and
efforts by fishermen to circumvent the (then) part-time patrol led to full-time patrolling, which
has been in place for some years. An ongoing, highly visible presence is maintained to
deter illegal fishing.

In 1998, fibre optic cable 8 was fouled and broken by trawling. The cable has been repaired
but now does not follow its as-laid route. In July 2000, fibre optic cable 7 was fouled and
broken by fishing vessel trawling gear and repaired in August 2000. Surveys have also

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 45
found that cable 7 had been dragged north, resulting in two crossovers between cables 7
and 4. Cable 7 has been pulled tight and now contains a number of additional suspensions.

In October 2004, 350 kV cable 6 failed in very shallow water (about 5 m deep) about 200 m
offshore in Oteranga Bay, with the cause not completely established (but not illegal fishing
or anchoring). Repair was completed in March 2005, supported from a shallow-draft barge.

Transpower, Telecom, Southern Cross Cables and Shell Todd Oil Services have applied to
the Minister of Transport to have improvements made to the Submarine Cables and
Pipelines Protection Act 1996, to help gather evidence of vessel and fishing activities and
improve the chances of a successful outcome to an investigation. The first application was
made in 2000 and an updated application has since been drafted. The Ministry of Transport
has advised that any new application is now not likely to reach the government‟s legislative
programme before 2010 at the earliest.

Due to the nature of the marine environment, corrosion of areas of exposed armouring on
the cables was expected, with cathodic protection needed on the cables. However, ROV
surveys and diving have shown virtually no corrosion of the armouring to date. The recently
completed (November 2006 – January 2007) ROV and diving survey in Oteranga Bay has
again found exposed armouring to be in sound order. A cathodic protection process seems
to be occurring naturally, possibly due to a natural voltage difference between the North
Island and South Island.

It was determined at the 1993 ROV survey that an ongoing programme of inspection was
needed to regularly monitor cable condition and help understand the deterioration
processes caused by the marine environment.

Full ROV inspections of selected parts of the cable corridor were planned for about every
three years until a history was established and trends observed. After the 1996 survey, this
interval was extended to five years. The cost of ROVs and dynamically positioned support
vessels is driven by world demand from the offshore oil and gas industry, is volatile and
worldwide demand is currently high. However, in October 2000 Transpower, with Shell
Todd Oil Services, formed an agreement with a local ROV survey provider, giving access to
a New Zealand-based ROV at a stable, much lower price than overseas sources, allowing a
return to the preferred three-yearly inspection. This service was used for surveys in 2001,
2004 and late 2006/early 2007.

Diving inspections of the cables in near-shore seabed areas have checked the condition of
cables in the severe environment of Oteranga Bay. Earlier survey results showed that the
previously planned three-yearly dive inspection could be amended. It is proposed that
„deep‟ inspections (25 to 45 m) be made every five years and „shallow‟ inspections (up to 25
m) continue at three-yearly intervals. The overall effect is to reduce the average annual cost
of dive inspections. The last inspection was in the 2007 summer.

A diving inspection of the cables in the near-shore seabed areas of Fighting Bay in the
1999-2000 summer found that all cables were self-buried within Fighting Bay. Given the
degree of protection likely, it is assumed that the cables are in sound condition. No further
routine inspection of these cables in Fighting Bay is expected to be required in the medium
term. No further natural cathodic protection investigations or any further prevention action is
planned to be taken at this stage.

The Transpower-initiated marine patrol service of the Cook Strait CPZ, started on a
seasonal basis in 1995, has for some years been extended to year-round patrols.
Prosecutions by the Ministry of Transport for illegal fishing continue, based on evidence
from the patrol vessel.

The shallow draft barge used for the 2005 cable 6 repairs will remain in New Zealand
waters to meet future repair requirements.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 46
3.5.6 Cable Stations

The submarine cable stations at Fighting Bay and Oteranga Bay were modified and
upgraded during the DC Hybrid Link project in 1991. Both stations are affected by the
severe maritime climate of Cook Strait and need regular attention to monitor corrosion and
deterioration of buildings and structures. However, except for the roof bushings, the cable
terminal buildings and equipment can generally be expected to last at least another 20

The HVDC cable station at Oteranga Bay faces extremely severe environmental conditions,
with regular gale and storm force winds from both north and south. In storm conditions,
heavy salt deposition occurs. This is possibly the most demanding operational HVDC site
world-wide in terms of environmental conditions, which cannot be directly simulated by any
HVDC electrical equipment type tests. The high wind speed and constant windborne salt
pollution significantly reduce the life of the outdoor roof bushings. The extreme conditions
place very high stresses on porcelain type bushings.

To help gain some experience with newer technology at this site, a 270 kV-rated SF6 gas-
filled composite bushing with silicon rubber sheds was installed in the Pole 1 roof bushing
position at Oteranga Bay when the upgraded HVDC link was commissioned in 1991.

The Oteranga Bay Pole 2, 350 kV porcelain roof bushing failed in service during 1996 after
four years of duty. It was replaced with a spare porcelain bushing, and in February 2000,
there was a further replacement with an SF6 gas-filled composite bushing with silicon
rubber sheds.

While some difficulties have also been experienced with the composite bushing, this is still
the preferred technology because of the superior external insulation performance.

A new composite 350 kV roof bushing of improved design was procured in January 2005,
and installed in the Pole 2 position at Oteranga Bay in February 2006.

The original Pole 1 270 kV composite roof bushing has been in service at Oteranga Bay
since 1992. It is also showing signs of deterioration and will probably require replacing in
three to five years.

The Fighting Bay Cable Terminal station has a much less severe climate than the Oteranga
Bay site, and this leads to reduces stresses on the insulation of the roof bushings.
However, diagnostic tests of the two porcelain roof bushings at the Fighting Bay station
have revealed some signs of deterioration in the bushing in service on Pole 2.

The Oteranga Bay main control block building roof and cladding were replaced in February


Routine maintenance of the cable terminal stations is typically planned around annual
shutdowns. Regular condition assessment is undertaken of Pole 1 and Pole 2 roof
bushings, including visual inspection, monitoring of corrosion in the sealing and central
flange area, hydrophobicity test, monitoring of internal bushing gas pressure and top-up
intervals, and bushing gas analysis. Roof bushings are regularly cleaned to maintain
hydrophobicity at a required level.

A replacement will be procured for the Fighting Bay Pole 2 roof bushing together with an
additional unit to serve as a spare for either site.

The Oteranga Bay 350 kV cable terminal building is likely to need re-cladding in about

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 47
3.5.7 Electrode Stations

Both electrode stations were substantially upgraded during the DC Hybrid Link project. The
service life of electrodes depends on the quantity of electrode current passed through them
over time. The normal operating mode of the HVDC link is in balanced current operation
where the electrode current is very small. As long as unbalanced current operation makes
up only a small proportion of total operating time, then relatively little maintenance of the
electrodes should be required over the next 20 years to deliver adequate performance.

However, with the sudden decommissioning of a Half Pole of Pole 1 at each terminal
station in 2008 and the operational restrictions placed on Pole 1, Pole 2 has been run
mostly as a mono pole. The result of this is significant electrode erosion at Bog Roy, the
earth electrode near Benmore. Electrode condition is monitored and this determines the
priority of electrode replacement. We are currently replacing 1 of the 6 electrode arms each
year. This is expected to continue until Pole 3 is commissioned and beyond to rebuild each
electrode. At Te Hikowhenua 42 new sea electrodes were installed in 2007-08. Mono pole
operation causes the electrodes to become covered with a thick layer of magnesium and
calcium hydroxide, a result of operation as a cathode. This layer has increased the
resistance of the electrode significantly, increasing step voltages, and marine voltage
gradients in the vicinity.

At Te Hikowhenua we will continue with three-monthly inspection of the two pilot electrodes
by lifting and six-monthly lifting and cleaning.

At Bog Roy the current programme of replacing one electrode arm each year will continue.

3.6 Information Technology

3.6.1 Telecommunications and Networking

Transpower‟s communications network is a mix of different technologies with a wide range
of ages and capabilities. Table 17 shows the expected life and average remaining life of
communication assets.

Table 17: Average remaining life of communication assets

Asset Profile Depreciated Avg of

life (yrs) remaining
life (yrs)

Antennas & Networking equipment 8 -

Comms electricity supply 52 36
Comms Fibre Optics 25 18
Comms: other comms equipment 10 2
Communication DC Systems 8 2
External Comms lines 25 4
Multiplexing & Interfacing Equip 10 1
Other Panels 25 6
Powerline Cable Carrier 15 3
Radio Towers & Earthing 25 4
Radios 10 2
Telephone equipment 10 2

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 48
The telecommunications network is in a transitional state and the existing assets need to be
understood in the context of the future plans. The third year of a five plus year
telecommunications and networks strategic plan has started. This will continue to build and
expand the core telecommunications transmission network linking major grid operations
centres, upgrade corporate telephone systems, and provision security platforms and
network management systems.

The present network provides telecommunications bearers for operational and

administrative voice and data, protection signalling, SCADA, real-time video conferencing
and circuits leased to third parties. The network is a mix of different suppliers, technologies
and equipment models with a wide range of capabilities. It is inflexible and costly to operate
and maintain.

Figure 18: Current technology age profile

Current Technology Age Profile


100 9

Number Installed

Cable (non fibre)

Fibre Optics
60 1
8 Radio
40 3 75 1

20 42 37 33

0 2
<5 5-14 15-24 25-34 >35
Technology Age (Years)

3.6.2 SCADA and RTU Configuration Database (SARC)


The existing system for documenting and managing the configuration information for
Transpower‟s RTUs associated with the national SCADA system is presently
accommodated on more than 4,000 spreadsheets. This is considered to be unsatisfactory
and a project is in place to address this issue.

The present system is expensive to operate and exposes Transpower to a high risk of
system malfunction.

A project to develop a database to manage RTU and SCADA configuration and cabling
information was initiated in 2007. That project (SARC) was to replace all existing
spreadsheets used to manage RTU configuration information. Since 2009, SARC has been
discontinued and a new project called „RTU1FORM‟ has been initiated. As at April 2010,
RTU1FORM is in Startup phase, seeking funds to create a new initial business case and
produce a concept design.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 49
3.6.3 Substation Data Acquisition

The remote terminal units (RTUs) associated with the national SCADA system is a mix of
different technologies with a wide range of ages and capabilities. This technology is now
heading towards the end of its lifecycle.

An investigation project was revived in 2007 to continue the move towards Substation
Management Systems (SMS) with a first full implementation planned for a new substation
at Drury in 2010 and Pakuranga upgrade in 2011. Transpower will likely be rolling out the
technology from 2011 onwards across all substations as they come up for replacement
work or upgrades. The SMS initiative was renamed „SA‟ (Substation Automation) in 2009 –
the purpose of which is to explore the best approach to SA technology selection. In 2009,
SA succeeded in defining an approach for having only one supplier to Transpower of SA
technologies. This was a refinement of the strategy that has been in pace for many years
governing RTUs, which saw two RTU suppliers with two different technologies maintained
in the grid. The rationale for that strategy was to reduce the risk to Transpower of exposure
to a monopoly supplier.

3.6.4 IT&T
Transpower has a complex and diverse infrastructure platform supporting both business
and critical applications. The infrastructure platform consists of Data Centres, networks,
telecommunications, servers, workstations, laptops, and peripheral devices (ie printers,
scanners etc). While these technologies support Transpower business today, these
systems are expensive and difficult to manage and maintain.

Four programmes of work have been created to focus on improving services, reducing
costs and simplifying the technology for ease of support and management. These
programmes are as follows.

Infrastructure and OS – the focus is to complete a strategy review on the Data Centres and
replace core technologies that are no longer “fit-for-purpose”. These include but are not
limited to File Systems and business services.

Security – align the security platform that protects Transpower information and critical
systems with the new security policy. This means moving away from a very complex 5-layer
„defence-in-depth‟ architecture called „NSPI‟, to more supportable and flexible security

Disaster Recovery – build on the current process, procedures and practises in place.

Management and Monitoring (M&M) – build solutions that deliver views of critical
application technologies and business services from a business users perspective.
Integrate the current solutions provided via third parties and enable holistic, enterprise-wide
monitoring of new applications like the Market Systems. Since 2008, M&M has been
discredited as not going far enough and not having a broad enough vision for Business
Service Management (BSM). Accordingly, a BSM investigation project, RFI and RFP has
identified a unifying framework that will give Transpower IST the visibility and control across
ICT provider towers.

3.7 Property Rights and Environmental Approvals

Transpower owns property and easements for the purposes of building, owning, operating
and maintaining the grid. Most of Transpower‟s transmission network is protected by
statutory rights set out in the Electricity Act 1992 rather than by a registered property right.
At present, about 98% of the transmission network is protected by this regime with the rest

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 50
protected by easements. The statutory rights allow Transpower access to maintain, operate
and up-rate its assets.

The majority of Transpower‟s transmission lines have been established under legislation
that ensures that the lines are lawfully established. This lawful establishment allows
Transpower to inspect, maintain, repair and upgrade the works subject to there being no
injurious affect caused to the land.

With the establishment of easements for new lines, access to existing lines has become
increasingly difficult and time-consuming to negotiate. Landowner expectations of payment
of compensation for existing works are causing issues. Transpower has a strategy for
establishing “access agreements” on an individual basis as required. It is intended that
working relationships with landowners will improve as the agreements are put in place.

Transpower is required to gain approvals under the Resource Management Act (RMA) for
some aspects of building, maintaining and operating the grid. Transpower holds 1228
consents of various types. The types of approvals held include discharge consents to air,
land and water, water take rights, land use consents, subdivision consents, coastal permits
and designations.

The introduction of the National Environmental Standards on Electricity Transmission in

January 2010 standardised and simplified RMA consenting requirements for many
maintenance activities.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 51
The routine maintenance plan and budget is developed to maintain assets to Transpower
standards and policies. Cyclic scheduled expenses, such as periodic inspections and rates,
are based on annual schedules and current prices. The budget and plan for unscheduled
works (fault restoration, operating and routine repairs) are based upon historical data, but
can vary in areas due to variable scope of work (eg, higher than normal fault rate).

The maintenance plan and budget are developed in conjunction with service specifications
determined by Transpower standards, contractor reports and an internal challenge process.
The routine maintenance activities are grouped to six categories:
routine repairs
special inspections
service charges.

Each category is broken down further into transmission line assets, station assets, revenue
metering and facility management. Service charges cover costs such as land rates, third-
party lease costs (eg, when co-locating on generator sites), electricity connection and use
charges and water usage costs.

Contractors for Transpower provide services under period maintenance contracts. Routine
maintenance is carried out through the period maintenance contracts, except for facility
management, which is completed by a separate period contract. The maintenance
contracts are supported by service specifications for each work activity.

A description of the asset maintenance work for each category is provided in the following

4.1 Routine Repairs

4.1.1 AC and HVDC Stations

Repairs work is condition-based maintenance and excludes any work covered under the
faults and inspections categories. Generally this work is identified during site inspections,
condition monitoring, or during the „inspections‟ category of work detailed below. It also
provides for other work that may be incurred relating to maintenance. Examples of routine
repairs include:
transformer unit changes
corrosion control
operating mechanism issues for circuit breakers
removing contamination on structures and buswork
contact re-alignment of disconnectors and earth switches
protection downloads – requested by various Transpower parties
repair of can failures on capacitor banks
battery bank and charger repairs
investigation work – e.g., incident reports for equipment failures
repair of fences, civil works and buildings (facilities management contract).

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 52
Increases in routine repairs are due to the following reasons in the various asset categories:
transformers – no replacement of aging assets and reduced refurbishment.
Additional transformers being installed in the northern North Island will enable
outages for maintenance on old transformers which have previously been difficult
to access.
reactive power plant – increase in installed capacitor banks and greater focus on
protection and monitoring.
structures and buswork – increased focus on the condition of earth wires and
earth peaks.

4.1.2 Transmission Lines

The routine maintenance plan and budget for transmission lines covers all minor repair
works on towers, poles and associated components, such as insulators and hardware,
conductors and accessories and tower foundations. It also includes the control of
vegetation and the maintenance of access roads and bridges.


The routine maintenance plan and budget for this category covers minor works on
structures (towers and poles) and mainly caters for short-term situations where a tower or
pole is either at risk, and/or presents a risk to third parties, or the structure require minor
maintenance works for its integrity. Typical examples are:
LSD CPI and OPGW sign replacement and/or repairs
tower member maintenance
anti-climb frames installation and repairs
mitigation works on conductive structures and fences
repair and reinstatement following vandalism damage
removal of birds‟ nests and other foreign objects and debris
touch-up painting and rust repair works
responding to developers and landowners for NZECP34 advice, etc.

Conductors and conductor accessories

The routine maintenance budget for this expenditure category covers minor works on
conductors and conductor accessories and caters mainly for short-term situations where a
conductor is either at risk, presents a risk to third parties, or the conductor or accessories
need minor maintenance for their integrity. Typical examples are:
lightning conductor damage
wire strikes caused by third party cranes and trucks etc
fires under conductors and any associated conductor repairs
joint repairs
sub conductors, inter-phase spacers or vibration dampers working loose
vandalism repairs
mandatory replacement items
vibration measurements
conductor-to-ground measurements for buildings and line crossings, etc.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 53

The routine maintenance plan and budget for this expenditure category covers minor works
on foundations on towers and, to a lesser extent, on poles. It caters mainly for short-term
situations where the ground conditions or foundations conditions have changed causing a
threat or risk to the structure, or the foundations need minor maintenance for their integrity.
Typical examples are:
river diversion or bed protection works
checking/repairing splice and anchor bolts
tower base/ground connection maintenance and repair (including grout
water pooling around tower bases
earth or ground subsidence or movement
animal congregation damage
vehicle and farm activity damage
minor grillage and direct buried steel and associated interface repairs
dead-men anchor integrity tests.

Insulators and hardware

The routine maintenance plan and budget for this expenditure category covers minor works
on insulators and associated hardware and caters mainly for short-term situations where
the insulator and/or hardware is either at risk, and/or presents a risk to third parties or
requires minor maintenance for its integrity. Typical examples are:
replacing damaged insulators caused by weather, birds, shot, lightning, etc
RF or physical noise complaints and remedial works to correct this
vibration damage affecting insulators and hardware
insulator and hardware change associated with other maintenance works
replacing mandatory replacement items
composite insulator washing, cleaning and hydrophobicity tests
insulator washing and cleaning in coastal areas
removal of foreign matter and debris.


The routine maintenance plan and budget for this expenditure category covers all
vegetation works in the transmission line corridor and caters for all situations where the
vegetation presents a risk to the safe and secure operation of the circuit. Landowner
relationship management is also incorporated into this category.

Typical examples are:

removing vegetation threatening the line conductors to comply with legislative
maintaining satisfactory clear vegetation corridor under line conductors
identifying and, where possible, removing vegetation encroaching the growth limit
zone and within fall distance
liaising with landowners about plantations/sentimental and shelter belt vegetation,
locating and managing public vegetation, ie, National Parks, reserves, etc
easement vegetation costs associated with standard easement agreements
managing vegetation in accordance with the Electricity Regulations (Hazard from
Trees) 2003.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 54
Access roads and bridges

This expenditure category covers all works on access roads and bridges and caters mainly
for all situations where access to key assets is required. Maintaining access tracks and
bridges guarantees access to key areas in an emergency. Regular access maintenance
also helps address past landowner commitments and strengthens landowner and public
relationships. Transpower also has a responsibility to maintain any access to meet
acceptable safety standards. A work practice has also been established with owners and/or
managers of access roads and bridges for these to be maintained to an acceptable and
safe standard, particularly where members of the public also use these facilities. Typical
examples are:
maintaining 4WD access tracks on private and public lands
maintaining and diverting culverts and water courses
bridge assessment and minor repairs
water table and water diversion maintenance
maintaining access gates/fences
controlling vegetation on access tracks
liaising with landowners on access tracks and bridges, etc.

The plan and budget for each year is based on the average cost for each activity per asset
over the last three years and adjusted for general rates increase. Another calculation allows
for maintenance variation costs asset due to structure types, age, terrain and route length.

4.2 Inspections

4.2.1 AC and HVDC Stations

The scope of these periodic scheduled activities and the intervals are set by Transpower
policies. Inspections are carried out in accordance with Transpower service specifications.
Inspections by contractors also cover certain administration service activities included in the
maintenance plan and budget, such as works programming and management, fault
response call-out administration, administration of records, contract works reporting,
administration/control of procurement of contractor supplied and Transpower-owned spares
and materials.

This category also covers site inspections, and security inspections of fences, civil works
and buildings required under the facilities management contract.

4.2.2 Transmission Lines

The inspection category covers line management, line patrols and condition assessment.

Line management

This category covers the fixed management component of the Alliance contracts.

It also covers contingencies for emergency tower exercises and miscellaneous work for
specialist engineering and other non-contractor and consultant work. The contractors have
additional processes to manage the changes associated with the tree regulations,
Transpower‟s commitment to landowners, Department of Conservation, and the complaint
procedures and various easements and landowner agreements. Typical examples of this
spend category are:
detailed annual and monthly work programme
monthly and special „as required‟ reporting
Transpower materials management (routine works and emergency preparedness)
landowner/access and vegetation database management
fault call-out and escalation management.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 55
recording and maintaining historic, landowner, vegetation and all line-related
monthly and quarterly Alliance meetings
recruitment and training.

Routine patrols

This category covers the fixed routine patrols included in the Alliance contracts, as well as
contingencies for additional patrols not included in the fault response category.

More work is involved from the introduction of the tree regulations where extra measures
are necessary to identify tree-to-conductor clearances and the notification process
associated with this. The New Zealand Electrical Code of Practice for Electrical Safe
Distances (NZECP34) also requires significant attention for field compliance.

The routine patrol service has been changed to focus on system security and integrity items
only, i.e., identification of defects/situations that could disrupt the supply of electricity,
damage assets and/or cause harm to someone.

Condition assessment

This category covers the fixed condition assessments included in the Alliance contracts.

Condition assessment services are based on a scale determination process to identify the
condition of all transmission line structures, components, foundations and conductors. All
towers are inspected on an eight-year cycle and poles on a five-year cycle. Adjustments are
made to this schedule depending on condition assessment levels of specific items where
these may be inspected more frequently.

The category also includes contingencies for additional assessments that may be initiated
by Transpower or contractors.

4.3 Special Inspections

This category covers maintenance and special inspections of stations equipment at the
Otahuhu, Bay of Plenty and Islington warehouses. Requests for this work can come from
the procurement group. The category also covers work associated with patrolling
Transpower‟s power and communication cables in Cook Strait and detailed cable
inspections using a submersible remote operating vehicle and scuba diving.

4.4 Operating
The operating category is the responsibility of Asset Operations and is managed under a
separate operating contract. It covers scheduled and unscheduled operating.

Scheduled operating covers the management of the Regional Operating Centres (ROC).
Unscheduled work includes switching carried out by the maintenance contractors on behalf
of the ROC, and is requested by parties such as the ROC and customers. Updating and
managing the single line diagrams and relay and instrumentation diagrams are also part of
this category.

4.5 Faults

4.5.1 AC and HVDC Stations

Fault callouts are generally initiated from the ROC but can also originate with the IST call
centre. If equipment must be fixed after the original callout, it is covered in the repairs

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 56
4.5.2 Transmission Lines
This routine maintenance category covers fault response activities. Fault callouts are
initiated by lightning/adverse weather, public or landowner calls, earthquake checks,
transient faults etc.

Faults that are located and repaired are covered by the relevant related activity that initiated
the situation, i.e., insulator failure work would fall under the routine maintenance for
insulators and hardware.

This category also caters for the ongoing management of the Lindsay and BICC temporary
towers, associated emergency equipment and management systems.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 57
This section provides a summary of Transpower‟s Financial Plan. This covers the
comprehensive plan for asset management and operation of the grid and includes capital
and operating expenditure for the asset management projects and activities. Forecast
operating expenditure is inclusive of inflation. Forecast capital expenditure is also inflation-
adjusted and includes not only the Asset Management refurbishment and replacement
investment, but also customer and IST development projects and major capital
development programmes that are the subject of Grid Upgrade Plans.

The financial tables and graphs in this section provide 10-year projections of estimated
operating and capital expenditures to be recovered from transmission customers. These
are included in the Asset Management Plan at the request of the Electricity Commission.

While the Asset Management component of the plan is stabilised by the well-understood
drivers of asset refurbishment and renewal, the plan is dominated in the earlier years by
capital development projects.

The first five years of the plan are determined by efficient delivery of projects to meet need-
by dates following a least-cost project planning and delivery methodology. The plan may be
impacted by approval delays, incurring increased project costs through the need to utilise
less efficient delivery methods to meet the need date. Consequential impacts from this
include lower than planned investment in the earlier years, time compression of project
delivery and increased cost in later project phases, representing rescheduled activities.

Accordingly, readers can expect that; more distant capacity enhancements will continue to
be added to future plans in year six and beyond as projects are developed to meet
emerging grid needs; and there will be some approval related volatility in timing and cost for
projects in years three to five.

Asset Management Plan Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 58
5.1 Operating Expenditure

Table 5-1: Forecast operating expenditure*

Full Full Full Full Full Full Full Full 10 years
Full Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Full Year ($m)
2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19
Transmission line maintenance 43.6 44.7 45.8 46.9 48.0 49.1 50.3 51.5 52.8 54.0 487
AC substation maintenance 46.4 47.5 48.6 49.8 51.0 52.2 53.5 54.8 56.1 57.4 517
DC maintenance 10.2 8.4 8.6 10.9 9.0 9.2 11.7 9.7 9.9 12.6 100
IT operations 32.2 31.8 32.1 27.4 28.1 28.8 29.5 30.3 31.0 31.8 303
Investigations 15.1 15.6 16.1 17.2 17.8 18.3 18.8 19.3 19.8 20.3 178
Overheads** 83.4 88.0 90.4 95.2 99.4 101.7 101.8 106.5 109.0 109.1 985
230.9 236.0 241.6 247.4 253.3 259.4 265.6 272.0 278.6 285.2 2,570

*Forecast beyond 2011/12 are subject to revision as noted in Section 5

**Overheads in the above table include personnel and contractor costs (both direct and indirect to operating and maintaining the grid) , industry levies, accommodation and travel.

Asset Management Plan 2009 Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 59
Figure 5-1: Forecast operating expenditure*

253.3 259.4
250.0 241.6 247.4
230.9 236.0





Full Year Full Year Full Year Full Year Full Year Full Year Full Year Full Year Full Year Full Year
2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19

Transmission Lines Expenditure AC Substations Maintenance DC Substations Maintenance IT Operations Investigations Overheads**

*Forecasts beyond 2011/12 are subject to revision as noted in Section 5.

Asset Management Plan 2009 Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 60
5.2 Capital Expenditure
Table 5-2: Forecast capital expenditure in $m*
Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total
2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 10 years
Transmission Lines 145.6 215.6 169.0 105.5 74.0 93 0 0 30 35 868.0
Substation 14.2 149.2 202.5 225.9 123.7 97 126 100 50 50 1,137.7
HVDC 86.4 226.5 164.5 68.8 50.9 66 42 69 23 15 812.0
Communication 38.3 47.8 33.8 0.3 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 120.2
Infrastructure 12.5 21.0 27.9 17.2 17.6 19 19 19 19 20 192.5
Development 296.9 660.1 597.7 417.8 266.2 274.5 186.3 188.0 122.2 120.6 3,130.3

Transmission Lines 18.7 26.2 35.4 32.5 22.5 36 15 43 31 57 317.5

Substation 61.8 23.7 13.8 2.4 13.0 10 10 10 10 10 164.8
HVDC 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Communication 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.4
Infrastructure 2.3 4.7 4.4 1.8 5.4 5 5 5 5 5 44.2
Enhancement 83.2 54.6 53.7 36.7 41.0 51.1 30.1 58.4 46.1 72.0 526.8

Easements/Freehold Purchases 65.1 38.3 50.5 7.9 1.7 9 0 2 21 15 209.7

Transmission Lines 32.8 39.6 44.7 34.5 31.8 24 19 22 21 1 270.5

Substation 10.2 3.4 5.4 1.0 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 23.9
HVDC 2.4 13.7 12.8 9.6 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 38.7
Communication 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Infrastructure 7.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 11 1 0 0 0 18.7
Refurbishment 52.8 56.8 63.0 45.1 32.3 35.8 20.0 22.7 21.9 1.2 351.8

Transmission Lines 19.6 24.7 26.1 23.6 11.7 4 11 18 5 7 150.6

Substation 41.7 53.8 47.6 35.0 59.8 65 55 35 35 70 497.4
HVDC 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.1 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 2.6
Communication 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 1.5
Infrastructure 6.6 6.8 7.0 6.9 20.1 20 24 29 32 30 182.6
Replacement 70.2 86.0 81.2 65.6 91.7 89.4 89.6 82.2 71.4 107.2 834.6

Minor Fixed Assets 2.0 1.8 1.5 1.6 1.7 1 1 2 2 1 16.1

Other 2.0 1.8 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.7 1.5 16.1

Total 570.2 897.7 847.5 574.6 434.6 461.4 327.5 354.6 283.8 317.2 5,069.3

*Forecasts beyond 2011/12 are subject to revision as noted in Section 5.

Capital expenditure has been adjusted to exclude the sale of freehold land, system operator expenditure, Energy Market Services expenditure, and includes the capitalisation of new leases.
Asset Management Plan 2009 Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 61
Figure 5-2: Forecast capital expenditure by asset type*











Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan
2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19
($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m)

Transmission Lines Substation HVDC Communication Infrastructure

*Forecasts beyond 2011/12 are subject to revision as noted in Section 5.

Asset Management Plan 2009 Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 62
Figure 5-3: Forecast capital expenditure by investment category*





600.0 574.6

500.0 461.4
300.0 283.8



Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan
2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19
($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m) ($m)

Development Enhancement Easements/Freehold Purchases Refurbishment Replacement Other

*Forecasts beyond 2011/12 are subject to revision as noted in the main body text.

Asset Management Plan 2009 Transpower New Zealand Ltd 2010. All rights reserved 63

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