580-1 Ferro Chromium
580-1 Ferro Chromium
580-1 Ferro Chromium
Line %N %V
¾C %Si ¾P %Cr %Co
1 0 .0162 0 .2860 0 .0092 71 .92 0.0370 - 0.0700
2 0 .0168 0 .2900 0.0092 72.01 0.0432 - 0.0738
3 0 .0170 0.2925 0.0094 72.03 0.0437 0.0312 0.0755
4 0 .0170 0.2928 0.0098 72.06 0 .0442 0 .0322 0.0762
.5 0 .0173 0 .2940 0.0098 72.08 0.0442 0.0328 0.0805
6 0 .0175 0.2965 0.0101 72 .10 0.0445 0.0330 0.0818
7 0 .0175 0.2978 0.0102 72. 12 0.0450 0.0332 0 .0820
8 0 .0175 0.3012 0.0102 72.14 0.0453 0.0344 0.0822
9 0 ,0176 0.3018 0.0103 72. 14 0.0455 0.0349 0 .0830
10 0 .0176 0 .3048 0.0105 72.18 0.0458 0.0350 0.0832
11 0 .0185 0.3050 0.0105 72.21 0.0462 0.0350 0.0835
12 0 .0190 0.3050 0.0105 72.21 0.0469 0.0350 0.0835
13 0 ,0190 0 .3068 0.0106 72.22 0.0470 0.0355 0.0838
14 0 .0192 0.3083 0.0110 72.23 0.0470 0.0356 0.0840
15 0.0198 0.3100 0.0110 72.24 0,0472 0.0362 0.0840
16 0.0202 0 .3150 0.0114 72 .24 0.0472 0.0368 0.0850
17 0 ,0206 0.3150 0.0115 72.24 0.0480 0.0375 0.0852
18 0.0208 0.3175 O.OJ 18 72.25 0,0501 0.0375 0 .0872
.< 19 G~Jz08 u.3i 88 O.v'°;' 18 72. 25 0.0525 0.0378 0.0882
20 0 .0210 0 .3198 0.0120 72.28 0 .0528 0.0391 0.0912
21 0 .0 212 0.3200 0.0 128 72 .30 0 .0557 0.0948
22 LU''.? 18 0 .3258 0.01 29 72.41 -
MM :;,,,__ ,_3 8 0. 1057. o.r.~;-2 72.18 0 .C- ~66 0.0352 0.0828
SM () ('., )17 o..- 11'.':: 0.(/ . 0.11 0 .00 39 0.0021 0 .0056
: ~·:~ - -- - .
MM : Mean ~ t;ri Rj ntralebo'r_ t or ~- mean s ./ s,\ ~: Standard dev:~tion of the intralaboratory means
Arbed. Division d ' Esch Belva! , Esch -sur-Alzette. (Luxembourg) Murex Ltd ., Rainham (UK)
Bohler AG. Di.isseldorf-Oberkassel (G ermany) Patt inson & Stead. Middlesbrough (UK)
BSC Stocksbridge & Tinsley Park Works, Sheffield (UK) Ridsdale and Co . Ltd ., Middlesbrough (UK)
Bundesanstalt fi.ir Materialprii f ung (BAM) Berl in Dahlem (Germany) Societa Carlo Tassara, Breno (Italy)
Centre Techn ique Des Industr ies da la Fonderie (C .T .1.F .) Societe Cockerill, Seraing (Belgium)
Paris (France) Societa Ferroleghe S.P.A . Avenza !Italy)
Creusot-Loire, (Groupes Mar ine Schneider), Le Creusot (France) Sol mer, Fos-sur-Mer (France)
Gesellschaft fur Elektrometallurgie, Nurnberg (Germany) Societe Fran~aise D'Electrometallurgie (SOFREM),
lnstitut de Recherches de la Siderurgie Fran<;a ise ORSI D) Le Fayet (France)
Ma izieres-les-Metz (France) Societe Nouvelle Des Acieries de Pompey (France)
lnstitut de Recherches de la Sidll'rurgie F ra ni,;ai se (IRSID) Thyssen AG , Duisberg 11 (Germany)
St . Germain-en -Laye (France) Thyssen Edelstahlwerke AG ., Forschungsinstitut,
Krefeld (Germany)
Krupp Stahl AG , Bochum (Germany)
London & Scandinavian Metallurg ica l Co. Ltd ., Sh eff ield (UK I Ug ine Aciers, Laudun (France)
For the Commission of Co -ordination of the Nomenclature of Metallurgical Products-Commission of European Communities.
For information regarding the EURONORM -CRMs, pl ease refe r to the ECSC Information Circular No. 1 available- from the Institution responsible
for standardization in your country.
Pour tous renseignements sur les EURONORM -MRC, se reporter a la Circulaire d' information No. 1 de la CECA . diffusee pa les
org anismes nationaux de normalisation .
Weg en Erlauterungen uber EURONORM -ZRM siehe Mitteilung Nr. 1 der EGKS, zu beziehen durch die natlonal en
Norm enorgani sa tion en .
s., 1 - ? - 4-- !>- 6 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12- 13-15--17-18-19-20-22 Grav imetr ic, d ehydrat ion w,ch perchl or ic ac•d
J-7-14-16 At omic abso rpt ion wec-trometrv
21 Photometr ic as mo lybdenum blue