ECO401 Short Notes
ECO401 Short Notes
ECO401 Short Notes
“Economics is the study of how we the people engage ourselves in production, distribution and
consumption of goods and services in a society.”
Normative economics:
Normative economics refers to value judgments, e.g. what “ought” to be the goals, of public policy.
Normative statements cannot be tested.
Positive Economics:
The analysis of facts and behavior in an economy OR “the way things are.”
Goods are the things which are produced to be sold.
Involve doing something for the customers but not producing goods.
Factors of production:
Factors of production are inputs into the production process. The factors of production are:
o Land includes the land used for agriculture or industrial purposes as well as Natural
resources taken from above or below the soil
o Capital consists of durable producer goods (machines, plants etc.) that are in Turn used for
production of other goods
o Labor consists of the manpower used in the process of production.
o Entrepreneurship includes the managerial abilities that a person brings to the Organization
entrepreneurs can be owners or managers of firms.
Shortage of resources because economic resources are unable to supply all the goods demanded.
A process by which we limit the supply or amount of some economic factor which is scarcely available
Economic Systems:
A system in which economic decisions are taken by the dictator which may be an individual or a group of
selected people
A mode of economic organization in which the key economic functions – for whom, what, how to
produce are principally determined by government directive.
Producing the best possible results (also optimal)
Equity in economics:
A situation in which everything is treated fairly or equally, i.e. according to its due share
Doing unfair favors for near ones when in power
The behavior of individual elements in the economy
The economy as whole or on aggregate level.
Rational choice:
The choice based on pure reason and without succumbing to one’s emotions or whims.
Barter trade:
A non-monetary system of trade in which “goods” not money is exchanged.
Opportunity Cost:
It is what must be given up or sacrificed in making a certain choice or decision.
Marginal Cost:
Marginal cost is the increment to total costs of producing an additional unit of some good or service.
Marginal benefit:
The increment to total benefit derived from consuming an additional unit of good or service.
Economic growth:
An increase in the total output of a country over time
Perfect competition:
A situation in which no firm or consumer is big enough to affect the market price.
Shortage is a situation in which demand exceeds supply, i.e. producers are unable to meet market
demand for the product.
Situation of excess supply, in which market demand falls short of the quantity supplied
Goods market:
Factors markets:
Markets in which factors of production are bought and sold, for the purpose of production
Normal goods:
Whose quantity demanded goes up as consumer income increases.
Inferior goods:
Whose quantity demanded goes down as consumer income increases.
Giffen goods:
A special case of inferior goods whose quantity demanded increases when the price of the good rises
Price effect:
The sum of income and substitution effects
Income effect:
The effect of a price rise on quantity demanded that works through a decline in the real income (or
purchasing power) of the consumer.
Substitution effect:
The effect of a price rise on quantity demanded that works through the consumer switching to
substitutes goods.
Goods that compete with one another or can be substituted for one another, like butter and margarine
Goods that go hand in hand with each another.
Demand is the quantity of a good buyer wish to purchase at each conceivable price.
Law of demand:
If the price of a certain commodity rises, its quantity demanded will go down, and vice- versa.
Demand function:
An equational representation of demand as a function of its many determinants
Demand curve:
A graph that obtains when price (one of the determinants of demand) is plotted against quantity
Supply is the quantity of a good seller wish to sell at each conceivable price.
Supply schedule:
A table which shows various combinations of quantity supplied and price.
Supply function:
An equational representation of supply as a function of all its determinants
Supply curve:
When price is plotted against quantity supplied.
Equilibrium is a state in which there are no shortages and surpluses; in other words the quantity
demanded is equal to the quantity supplied.
Equilibrium price:
It is the price at which the quantity demanded is equal to the quantity supplied.
Equilibrium quantity:
The quantity at which the quantity demand is equal to the quantity supplied.
Price ceiling:
The maximum price limit that the government sets to ensure that prices don’t rise above that limit
(medicines for e.g.).
Price floor:
The minimum price that a Government sets to support a desired commodity or service in a society
(wages for e.g.).
Social cost:
The cost of an economic decision, whether private or public, borne by the society as a whole.
Elasticity is a term widely used in economics to denote the “responsiveness of one variable to changes in another.”
Types of Elasticity:
There are four major types of elasticity:
Price elasticity of demand is the percentage change in quantity demanded with respect to the
percentage change in price.
PЄd = Percentage change in Quantity demanded / Percentage change in Price Where Є
Income elasticity of demand is the percentage change in quantity demanded with respect to the
percentage change in income of the consumer.
YЄd = Percentage change in Quantity demanded / Percentage change in Income
Point Elasticity:
Point elasticity is used when the change in price is very small, i.e. the two points between The formula
for point elasticity can be illustrated as:
Є= ∆Q x P
Or this formula can also be written as:
Є= dQ x P dP Q
Where d = infinitely small change in price.
Arc Elasticity:
Arc elasticity measures the “average” elasticity between two points on the demand curve. Є = ∆
To measure arc elasticity we take average values for Q and P respectively.
Slope and elasticity of demand have an inverse relationship. When slope is high elasticity of demand is
low and vice versa.
Unit elasticity:
A 1% change in price will result in an exact 1% change in quantity demanded. Thus elasticity will
be equal to one. A unit elastic demand curve plots as a rectangular hyperbola.
Note that a straight line demand curve cannot have unit elasticity as the value of elasticity changes
along the straight line demand curve.
Normal Goods:
If the sign of income elasticity of demand is positive, the good is normal.
Inferior Goods:
If sign is negative, the good is inferior.
Short Run:
Short run is a period in which not all factors can adjust fully and therefore adjustment to shocks can only
be partial.
Long run:
A period over which all factors can be changed and full adjustment to shocks can take place.
Rational Choice:
Rational choice consists in evaluating the costs and benefits of different decisions and then choosing the
decision that gives the highest benefit relative to cost.
Ignorance and Irrationality:
There is a difference between “ignorance” and “irrationality.” A person operating under uncertainty and thus at
least partial ignorance can still make rational decisions by taking into account all the information she has
at her disposal. Rationality is an ex-ante concept.
There are two approaches to analyzing consumer behavior;
o Marginal utility analysis
o Indifference curve approach.
Utility is the usefulness, benefit or satisfaction derived from the consumption of goods and services.
Total utility is the entire satisfaction one derives from consuming a good or service.
Marginal utility is the additional utility derived from the consumption of one or more unit of the good.
• Pa Pb PC
➢ Risk averse.
➢ Risk-loving.
➢ Risk neutral.
Risk means to take a chance after the probabilities have been assigned.
The odds ratio (OR) is the ratio of the probability of success to the probability of failure. It can be
equal to 1, less than 1 or greater than 1. If it is equal to 1 we call it fair odds, if less then 1 unfavorable
odds, and if greater 1 then favorable odds.
A risk neutral person is one who buys a good when OR > 1. He is indifferent when OR = 1 and will
not buy when OR < 1.
A risk averse person will not buy if OR < 1. He will also not buy if OR = 1. He might also not decide
to buy if OR > 1.
A risk loving person will buy if OR > 1 or = 1, but he might also buy when OR is
< 1.The degree of risk aversion increases as your income level falls, due to diminishing marginal utility
of income.
An indifference curve:
A line which charts out all the different points on which the consumer is indifferent with respect to the
utility he derives.
Marginal rate of substitution (MRS):
The indifference curve between any two points is given by the change in the quantity of good Y divided
by change in the quantity of good X. This is called the.
A diminishing marginal rate of substitution (MRS) is related to the principle of diminishing
marginal utility. MRS is equal to the ratio of the marginal utility of X to the marginal utility of Y.
dY = MUX =
The indifference curve for perfect substitutes is a straight line, while it is L-shaped for perfect
Just as we can use indifference analysis to show the combination of goods that maximizes utility for a
given budget, so too we can show the least-cost combination of goods that yields a given level of utility.
A firm is any organized form of production, in which someone or a collection of individuals are
involved in the production of goods and services. A firm can be sole proprietorship (one person
ownership), partnership (a limited number of owners) or a limited company (a large number of changing
Production Function:
A production function is simply the relationship between inputs & outputs. Mathematically it can be
written as:
Q = f (K, L, N, E, T, P......... )
Q = A Kα L1 – α
Q = output
L = labor input K = capital input
A, α and 1 – α are constants determined by technology.
Short run:
Short run is a period of time in which at least one of the factors of production is fixed or Unchangeable
Long run:
Long run is a period of time in which all the factors of production used in the production are flexible. The
actual length of the short run and long-run can vary considerably from industry to industry.
The law of diminishing marginal returns states that as you increase the quantity of a variable factor
together with a fixed factor, the returns (in terms of output) become less and less.
The total physical product (TPP)
A factor (F) is the latter’s total contribution to output measured in units of output produced. Average
physical product (APP):
Is the TPP per unit of the variable factor?
Marginal physical product (MPP)
Is the addition to TPP brought by employing an extra unit of the variable factor More generally,
➢ Scale of production,
➢ Location, size of industry
➢ Optimum combination of inputs.
The location decision depends upon both the location of raw material suppliers and the location of the
market. The nature of the product, transportation costs, availability of for production, stable power supply
and good communications network, qualified and skilled workers, level of wages, the cost of local
services and banking and financial facilities are among some other important factors.
The size of an industry can lead to external economies and diseconomies of scale.
Budget Line:
Amount of money needed or available
Expense incurred in production.
Variable Cost:
Costs which vary with the level of activity (or output) are called variable costs.
Fixed Costs:
Costs which do not vary with the level of activity or output are called fixed costs. In long run there are no
fixed costs.
Total Cost:
Total cost (TC) is the sum of all fixed and variable costs.
Average Cost:
Average cost (AC) is the vertical summation of the AFC & AVC,
where AC = AFC + AVC
Marginal Cost:
Marginal cost is the addition to TC caused by a unit increase in output. More generally:
MC = ∆TC/∆Q. The Long-Run Average Cost Curve (LRAC):
The long-run average cost (LRAC) curve for a typical firm is U shaped.
As a firm expands, it initially experiences economies of scale (due to productive efficiency, better
utilization of resources etc.); in other words it faces a downward sloping LRAC curve.
After the scale of operation is increased further, however, the firm achieve constant costs i.e., LRAC
become flat.
If the firm further increases its scale of operation, diseconomies of scale set in (due to problems with
managing a very large organization etc.) and the LRAC assumes a positive slope.
Envelope curve:
The LRAC curve for a firm is actually derived from its SRAC curves. The exact shape of the LRAC is a
wave connecting the least cost parts of the SRAC curves. In practice however, LRAC is shown as a
smooth U- shaped curve drawn tangent to the SRAC. This is also called an envelope curve.
Revenues are the sale proceeds that accrue to a firm when it sells the goods it produces.
Total Revenue (TR):
Total revenue (TR), average revenue (AR) and marginal revenue (MR) concepts apply in the same way
as they did to TC, AC and MC.
TR = P x Q
A firm that does not have the ability to influence market price is a price-taker.
For a price taker, AR=MR=P. In this case TR is a straight line from the origin. The demand (or AR)
curve the firm faces is a horizontal line.
Price-maker Firm:
A firm that influences the market price by how much it produces can be called a price- maker or price-
As profit is maximized at the point where MR = MC, so by equating values of MC and MR function,
we get,
16 + 6Q = 48 – 2Q
6Q + 2Q = 48 – 16
8Q = 32
The equation for total profit is, Tñ = TR – TC
= 48Q – Q2 - (12 + 16Q + 3Q2)
= 48Q – Q2 – 12 – 16Q – 3Q2
= -4Q2 + 32Q – 12
Putting Q = 4, we get, Tñ = - 4(4)2 + 32 (4) – 12
= -64 + 128 - 12
Tñ = 52
So profit is maximized where output is 4 and the maximum profit is 52.
Market structure refers to how an industry (broadly called market) that a firm is operating in is
structured or organized.
The key ingredients of any market structure are:
o Number of firms in the market/industry
o Extent of barriers to entry
o Nature of product
The main assumptions of perfect competition are:
Large number of buyers and sellers, therefore firms price-takers.
No barriers to entry (also implies free mobility of factors of production). Identical/homogeneous
products Perfect information/knowledge
Perfect competition can be thought of as an extreme form of capitalism, i.e. all the firms are fully subject
to the market forces of demand and supply.
Concentration ratio:
Is used to assess the level of competition in an industry It is simply the percentage of total industry
output that is produced by the 5 largest firms in the industry.
Productive efficiency:
This is attained when firms produce at the bottom of their AC curves, that is, goods are produced in the
most cost efficient manner. Perfectly competitive firms also achieve this in the long run because they
produce at P=MC
A situation where there is a single producer in the market.
Price discrimination (PD) happens when a producer charges different prices for the same product to
different customers.
Monopolistic competition is also characterized by a large number of buyers and sellers and absence of
entry barriers.
Similar to monopoly in the sense that there are a small number of firms (about 2-20) in the market and,
as such, barriers to entry exist.
Collusion occurs when two or more firms decide to cooperate with each other in the setting of prices
and/or quantities.
A cartel is most likely to survive when the number of firms is small, there is openness among firms
regarding their production processes.
Break down of Collusive Oligopoly: A collusive oligopoly (say based on production quotas) is likely
to break down when the incentive to cheat is very high. This can arise, for instance, in a situation
there is a lure of very high profits so that individual firms cheat on their quota and try to increase output
and profits.
A prisoner’s dilemma situation for oligopolistic firms arises when 2 or more firms by attempting
independently to choose the best strategy anticipation of whatever the others are likely to do, all end up in
Maximin strategy is a cautious (pessimistic) approach in which firms try to maximize the worst payoff
they can make.
Maximax strategies:
A maximax strategy involves choosing the strategy which maximizes the maximum payoff (optimistic).