L20 - Marketing Mix
L20 - Marketing Mix
L20 - Marketing Mix
In the previous lesson you learnt that marketing identifies consumers’ needs and supplies
various goods and services to satisfy those needs most effectively. So the businessman
needs to: (a) produce or manufacture the product according to consumers’ need; (b)
make available it at a price that the consumers’ find reasonable; (c) supply the product
to the consumers at different outlets they can conveniently approach; and (d) inform
the consumers about the product and its characteristics through the media they have
access to.
So the marketing manager concentrates on four major decision areas while planning
the marketing activities, namely, (i) products, (ii) price, (iii) place (distribution) and
(iv) promotion. These 4 ‘P’s are called as elements of marketing and together they
constitute the marketing mix. All these are inter-related because a decision in one area
affects decisions in other areas. In this lesson you will learn about the basic aspects
relating to these 4‘P’s viz., product, price, place and promotion.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to :
• explain the concept of marketing mix and its components;
• explain the meaning of product and its classification;
• state the various factors affecting pricing decisions;
• describe different methods of pricing;
• state the meaning of channels of distribution;
• identify the various channels of distribution;
Product Promotion
Having acquainted ourselves with the broad nature of the four components of marketing
mix, let us now learn some important aspects of each one of these in detail in the
following sections.
2. For the following categories of goods, give two examples of each, from the products
that you see around you :
Notes 3. (a) The following words refers to tangible and intangible products. You are required
to put these products into their right class in the appropriate boxes.
Tangible Intangible
(b) The following is a list of durable and non durable consumer goods. You are
required to put them in the appropriate boxes.
Durable Non-Durable
(b) Demand : Demand also affects the price in a big way. When there is limited
supply of a product and the demand is high, people buy even if high prices are
charged by the producer. But how high the price would be is dependent upon
prospective buyers’ capacity and willingness to pay and their preference for the
product. In this context, price elasticity, i.e. responsiveness of demand to changes
in price should also be kept in view.
(c) Competition : The price charged by the competitor for similar product is an
important determinant of price. A marketeer would not like to charge a price
higher than the competitor for fear of losing customers. Also, he may avoid charging
a price lower than the competitor. Because it may result in price war which we
have recently seen in the case of soft drinks, washing powder, mobile phone etc.
(d) Marketing Objectives : A firm may have different marketing objectives such as
maximisation of profit, maximisation of sales, bigger market share, survival in the
market and so on. The prices have to be determined accordingly. For example,
if the objective is to maximise sales or have a bigger market share, a low price will
be fixed. Recently one brand of washing powder slashed its prices to half, to grab
a bigger share of the market.
1. Cost Based Pricing : Under this method, price of the product is fixed by adding
the amount of desired profit margin to the cost of the product. If a particular soap
costs the marketeer Rs. 8 and he desires a profit of 25%, the price of the soap is
fixed at Rs 8 + (8x25/100) =Rs. 10. While calculating the price in this way, all
costs (variable as well as fixed) incurred in manufacturing the product are taken
into consideration.
Manufacture Customer
(b) One Stage Channel of Distribution : In this case, there is one middleman i.e.,
the retailer. The manufacturers sell their goods to retailers who in turn sell it to the
consumers. This type of distribution channel is preferred by manufacturers of
consumer durables like refrigerator, air conditioner, washing machine, etc. where
individual purchase involves large amount. It is also used for distribution through
large scale retailers such as departmental stores (Big Bazaar, Spensors) and super
Manufacture Retailer Customer
(c) Two Stage Channel of Distribution : This is the most commonly used channel
of distribution for the sale of consumer goods. In this case, there are two middlemen
used, namely, wholesaler and retailer. This is applicable to products where markets
are spread over a large area, value of individual purchase is small and the frequency
of purchase is high.
Manufacture Wholesaler Retailer Customer
Manufacture Agents Wholesaler Retailer Customer Notes
Marketing Mix Consumer goods Durable goods
Product Convenience goods Non-durable goods
Price Shopping goods Tangible goods
Place Speciality goods Intangible goods
Promotion Industrial good Advertising
Publicity Personal selling Sales promotion
Make a list of atleast five different types of products. Classify them into the product
categories that you have studied (viz. consumer goods, industrial goods, durable and
non-durable, tangible and intangible goods)
Find out about the type of channel of distribution that is used for these five products.
Also, find out about the promotional activities that generally associated with the products.