Fish Hawasa
Fish Hawasa
Fish Hawasa
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Agriculture being the main back bone of the country of Ethiopia, fishery has also
considerable potential that could contribute of the country. In 2005, the total capture
production in Africa was Approximately 4.99 million tones of these 15,681 tones were
from Ethiopia (FAO, 2006). Ethiopia endowed with 7400km2 of lake that herbivorous
fish species which are economically and ecologically important to the country (Tedela,
2003). some of these species includes Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus ) and Nile
perch (Lates niloticus) in lake Hawassa and Chemo, Africa cat fish ( Clarias garipinus )
and bar bus species are found in lake Hawassa. The current annual average commercial
catch from lake in Ethiopia estimated at 1300 tones (Habtea; 2002).
The potential yield of early fishing rate compared with current fishing rate is low and
accounted for 30-40% considering the current growth of demand for this production in
Ethiopia .It is vital to systematically develop fishery based on knowledge of ecosystem
sustain yield (FAO,2000). Ethiopia has a great potential for agriculture seems to be
providing animal protein to the people. The current increasing market demand for fish
protein in Ethiopia can be meet only the capture fishery is supplemented by agriculture
.fish became deteriorate in short period of time in tropics.
2.1 Fisheries Resources of Ethiopia
Ethiopia is endorsed with a number of lake and driver which are believed to be
promising potential of different fish stock most rift valley harbor African cat fish
(Clarias garipinus), Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and a few cyprinids mostly
Barbus species .Annual fisheries potential at the major lakes, reservoirs and major
ricers. Since 1993 is estimated to be 10-15 thousand tones and cat chin the year 1993
was estimated to be 8thous and tones (16% of potential) (habte etal, 2002). Ethiopia
fishery is undeveloped due to low level of economy absence of fisheries legislation, in
effective and ministration set up and lack of experience. Based on the facts Ethiopian
fisheries may not seem to manage but some stock (Tilapia and Nile perch on some lake)
(Hawassa and chemo) show sign of over fishing and Tilapia of Lake Ziway are probably
at full exploitation. Most notable is the lack of legal provisions to monitor fishing
activities through fisheries regulations and lack of clearly designee enforcement agency
(Golubtsove etal; 2002). Fisheries management in Ethiopia would have great
contribution to the economy. This because fisheries. It makes possible evaluation over
exploitation (FAO-2002).
4.1 Socio- Demographic characteristic of Fishermen and cooperative
The result was revealed that all of the respondents male and female out of this 55% were
under the age of 31-50 and 25% were under age of 20-30 years and 20% where under
age of 51-65 years (figure 1). The average family size in the study was person per house
hold out of these the average male and female per house hold was 3 and 2 persons,
respectively.65% of the respondents were illitrated and the rest 35 % were litrated out of
these the literate fishermen 71.4% of them attended first cycle and 28% were attended
secondary cycle and above.
Percentage of the respondents
20- 30 31-50 51-65
Total 25 100
According to the manager fish Hawassa private Fishery cooperation, the manager
transported the town lake Hawassa to the storage place and Hawassa town by helps
vesicle, which has refrigerator on it. The majority fish was supplied by fishery
cooperatives and by individual fishermen.
The survey showed that the lake Hawassa has three fish species. Among them the most
commercial important fish species were Tilapia, cat fish and Barb us. Among those very
crucial commercially important fish was Tilapia. In Lack Hawassa the fishermen caught
fish by using the same mesh size and using hook and lines. The fishing of fishermen in
the study area was using passive harvesting method by using small mesh size and active
harvesting methods. The large amount of fishes was harvested continuously during rainy
season and morning. The price of fish is depend on fish species, size and type and
distance from Landing site. The major marketing constraints fishes were Lack of proper
processing and storage facilities, Lack of transportation, Lack of fish quality, Lack of
permanent fish market place and Lack of a wariness, The factor that affect fish
production in Lake Hawassa were over harvesting poor modern service, poor fishing
gear. Continuous harvesting and Lack of proper knowledge
Based on fishing .The following recommendation were suggested.
Government should give attention to control over fishing and immature fishing that can
be done by fishermen.
Fisherman shall be better use appropriate mesh size (i.e. not use very small mesh size) in
order to protect immature fish and not large mesh size to protect endanger fish.
Fishermen shall be used boat during harvesting fish harvest safely.
The fisher men should be facilities appropriate transportation service in order to sale
fresh fish in the market timely and use refrigerator to keep them from spoilage.
It is better if the government make the area of marketing for fresh fish sellers.
The government recommends the sellers in order to avoid the sealing of contaminated
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