2 - MTD - Volume 4 - 2017 Totolici
2 - MTD - Volume 4 - 2017 Totolici
2 - MTD - Volume 4 - 2017 Totolici
email: viorel.totolici@yahoo.ro
The values of the shift of the center of gravity of the composite plate were analyzed. As a result of this
test program, a lot of data and observations have been gathered on the impact behavior of composite
boards, which can be used for a more complex understanding of the phenomena that may arise over the
lifetime of composite structures.
The values of the shift of the center of gravity of the composite plate were analyzed when impacted
with a force F=350 N for both a FE model (in static and dynamic approach)and an actual plate. As a
result of this test program, a lot of data and observations have been gathered on the impact behavior of
composite boards, which can be used for a more complex understanding of the phenomena that may arise
over the lifetime of composite structures.
which are usually in the form of the characteristic aerospace industry that was concerned about the
voltage-deformation diagrams. These diagrams are impact from meteorites hitting the aircraft.
based on static models, the properties of the material In these applications, most of the "soft" materials
being obtained during testing quasi static, i.e. the are subjected to solicitations such as impact,
solicitations of deformation of the specimen are very explosion, high-speed collisions.
slow. In general, the standards relating to the For their numerical modeling, it is of great
determination of the characteristics of the material importance to use material curves (voltage-specific
relate to test speeds (deformation) of about 0.001 deformation) to provide the most accurate way of
mm/s/or less (table 4.1). behaving during stresses. Reliable experiments on the
The characteristics of the materials are usually study materials aim to determine the specific stress-
determined from the characteristic curve of voltage- strain curves that provide the most accurate values
material deformation type, drawn on the basis of the for obtaining real structures responses.Compared
test with a test machine in quasi-static conditions, i.e. with quasi-static experiments, the dynamic
with low warp speeds. However, the behavior of the characterizations of materials, especially the "soft"
material may differ substantially from the one ones at high speed of deformation is still under study
manifested when solicited with dynamic loads. In and acquires great importance with the rise in the
light of the dynamic nature of soliciations that occur number of impact phenomena.
in a structure, the designer must be aware of the The layered composite materials reinforced with
dynamic properties of the material. Normally, a fibres are composed of a matrix (polymer) and
conventional test machine for materials is not able to reinforcing material. Heavy construction composites
apply the high rates of deformation required by the are entirely different substances which can be
dynamic solicitation. combined in such a way that their individual
The Behavior of structures at impact was properties reach optimal ocaracteristics. Typically, it
historically found to be of much interest to many involves pairs of materials in which one has a load-
engineers, both for design purposes as well as for the bearing function, while the other aims to
development of constitutive models of the materials contribute to the acquisition of the momentum
tested. However, the mechanical characteristics of of inertia.
the materials were determined over the years in terms
of static solicitation, so their strengthwas to be
determined just for this type of application to which
are subjected the structures.
The purpose of the dynamic tests shall be to
determine the characteristics of the material at high
speeds of deformation, as is the case of phenomena
that occur in practice, such as impact, shock, etc.),
ballistic (1).
The differences between the characteristic curves
of the materials obtained with different speeds are
shown in Fig. 1 [15] and it can be noticed that stress
varies with 10% to 30%, depending on strain rate.
However, there have been few investigations on
the effect that the loading speed had on the
properties of the material. Beginning in the 1950 and
1960 there was a spike in the interest about the study
of the mechanical behavior at high speeds. These
studies have been imposed, in particular with the rise
of interest in the military research that dealt with Fig. 1. Characteristic curves of materials for various
ballistic applications. Another interest was the testing speeds [15]
Mechanical Testing and Diagnosis, ISSN 2247 – 9635, 2017 (VII), Volume 4, pp. 9-16
Mechanical Testing and Diagnosis, ISSN 2247 – 9635, 2017 (VII), Volume 4, pp. 9-16
Mechanical Testing and Diagnosis, ISSN 2247 – 9635, 2017 (VII), Volume 4, pp. 9-16
Mechanical Testing and Diagnosis, ISSN 2247 – 9635, 2017 (VII), Volume 4, pp. 9-16
c) back view
Mechanical Testing and Diagnosis, ISSN 2247 – 9635, 2017 (VII), Volume 4, pp. 9-16
Fig. 10. Dynamic test at time t = 0.022s, hitting the
surface of a leaf
Mechanical Testing and Diagnosis, ISSN 2247 – 9635, 2017 (VII), Volume 4, pp. 9-16
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