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Mechanical Testing and Diagnosis

ISSN 2247 – 9635, 2017 (VII), Volume 4, pp. 9-16



Dunarea de Jos University, Galati, Romania

email: viorel.totolici@yahoo.ro

The values of the shift of the center of gravity of the composite plate were analyzed. As a result of this
test program, a lot of data and observations have been gathered on the impact behavior of composite
boards, which can be used for a more complex understanding of the phenomena that may arise over the
lifetime of composite structures.
The values of the shift of the center of gravity of the composite plate were analyzed when impacted
with a force F=350 N for both a FE model (in static and dynamic approach)and an actual plate. As a
result of this test program, a lot of data and observations have been gathered on the impact behavior of
composite boards, which can be used for a more complex understanding of the phenomena that may arise
over the lifetime of composite structures.

Keywords::impact, composite, finite element method

1. INTRODUCTION of the material, with the task of being the liaison

between the reinforcement elements. In principle, the
In the light of the technological and economic two phases do not react with one another.
development, the lack of energy at the global level, The designed properties of composites make them
the collapse of the commodity prices and the increase be more useful than traditional materials. Because of
of the population’s aggression on the environment, that, they began to be used in the top technique:
lis leading to the design of new materials and new nuclear technique, automotive and naval industry,
nonconventional technologies. chemical industry, furniture, aerospace, micro
Considering the features and the development of electronics, constructions and medicine (especially as
composites [8, 9], 10, a special importance is implants).
given to their design through modeling and testing. The production of composites was necessary
They may have superior properties and are the result considering the technical considerations and not least
of mixing two or more components. the economic ones. Here the following can mention:
These materials have been created to replace, to - the opportunity to reduce the consumption of
such an extent as possible, the already existing manual labor; to decrease the duration of the
traditional materials (ferrous and non-ferrous), which technological manufacturing;
presented certain disadvantages in terms of -the need to increase safety and reliability in the
performance, processes of fabrication, mass, volume, exploitation of various installations and
geometric complexities, significant costs and areas of constructions;
applications. -the opportunity to reduce the consumption of
An important advantage of composite expensive, expensive or deficient materials;
materials consists of the possibility of modulation -the importance of creating materials that have
of properties and, thereby, answering for a special properties, which are not attained by
diversity of requirements that engineers can use in traditional materials.
the majority of technical areas. Composites have, due to their outstanding
Many composites have anisotropic properties, due properties, numerous applications in various fields,
to their components (long fibres, materials with one such as aerospace and aeronautical structures
or two dimensions much different in size order, etc.). construction; medical equipment; electronics and
From a practical standpoint, composites are made energy; consumer goods; construction of machinery,
of a matrix (metallic, ceramic or polymeric) and automobiles and ships; chemistry; optics, etc.,
reinforcing elements that grant a composite high The design of structures is generally based on the
sustainability. Matrix is representing a main element features provided by the manufacturers of materials,
Mechanical Testing and Diagnosis, ISSN 2247 – 9635, 2017 (VII), Volume 4, pp. 9-16

which are usually in the form of the characteristic aerospace industry that was concerned about the
voltage-deformation diagrams. These diagrams are impact from meteorites hitting the aircraft.
based on static models, the properties of the material In these applications, most of the "soft" materials
being obtained during testing quasi static, i.e. the are subjected to solicitations such as impact,
solicitations of deformation of the specimen are very explosion, high-speed collisions.
slow. In general, the standards relating to the For their numerical modeling, it is of great
determination of the characteristics of the material importance to use material curves (voltage-specific
relate to test speeds (deformation) of about 0.001 deformation) to provide the most accurate way of
mm/s/or less (table 4.1). behaving during stresses. Reliable experiments on the
The characteristics of the materials are usually study materials aim to determine the specific stress-
determined from the characteristic curve of voltage- strain curves that provide the most accurate values
material deformation type, drawn on the basis of the for obtaining real structures responses.Compared
test with a test machine in quasi-static conditions, i.e. with quasi-static experiments, the dynamic
with low warp speeds. However, the behavior of the characterizations of materials, especially the "soft"
material may differ substantially from the one ones at high speed of deformation is still under study
manifested when solicited with dynamic loads. In and acquires great importance with the rise in the
light of the dynamic nature of soliciations that occur number of impact phenomena.
in a structure, the designer must be aware of the The layered composite materials reinforced with
dynamic properties of the material. Normally, a fibres are composed of a matrix (polymer) and
conventional test machine for materials is not able to reinforcing material. Heavy construction composites
apply the high rates of deformation required by the are entirely different substances which can be
dynamic solicitation. combined in such a way that their individual
The Behavior of structures at impact was properties reach optimal ocaracteristics. Typically, it
historically found to be of much interest to many involves pairs of materials in which one has a load-
engineers, both for design purposes as well as for the bearing function, while the other aims to
development of constitutive models of the materials contribute to the acquisition of the momentum
tested. However, the mechanical characteristics of of inertia.
the materials were determined over the years in terms
of static solicitation, so their strengthwas to be
determined just for this type of application to which
are subjected the structures.
The purpose of the dynamic tests shall be to
determine the characteristics of the material at high
speeds of deformation, as is the case of phenomena
that occur in practice, such as impact, shock, etc.),
ballistic (1).
The differences between the characteristic curves
of the materials obtained with different speeds are
shown in Fig. 1 [15] and it can be noticed that stress
varies with 10% to 30%, depending on strain rate.
However, there have been few investigations on
the effect that the loading speed had on the
properties of the material. Beginning in the 1950 and
1960 there was a spike in the interest about the study
of the mechanical behavior at high speeds. These
studies have been imposed, in particular with the rise
of interest in the military research that dealt with Fig. 1. Characteristic curves of materials for various
ballistic applications. Another interest was the testing speeds [15]

Table 1. Testing regimes used non-deformation speed

Deformation 5
  10 10 <  
-5 
10-1<   102<   104< 
rate, [s-1]
Physical Flowing Quasi-static Intermediate High speed Impact
Inertia forces Negligible Important
Type of test Isothermal Adiabatic
Equipment used Conventional machines (hydraulic Special operating Hopkinson bar Impact
or electromechanical) servohydraulic system type systems expanding ring

Mechanical Testing and Diagnosis, ISSN 2247 – 9635, 2017 (VII), Volume 4, pp. 9-16

2. THE MANUFACTURE OF COMPOSITE -resistance to compression: 165 MPa;

PLATE -shock resistance: 50 MPa;
-flexural strength: 90 MPa;
There is a wide choice of coverings of plastics -the specific elongation: 5%;
reinforced with glass fibres, giving resistance to -module of elasticity: 3900 MPA.s
compression and shear, having high strength and that The properties of these fibers also depend on the
are ultra lightweight.In the year 1930 in England, chemical composition of the glass. In this respect, a
Glasgow, there were first manufactured glass fibres number of chemical glass compositions have been
[1], [2], but the reinforcement of phenolic resin with developed and tested, but only a few of them have
glass fibers had as an impediment the high working been marketed to create glass.
pressure at which composite material had to be made, Choosing the reinforcement material for the
a pressure at which the glass fibers deteriorated.The intended purpose requires knowledge of the
researches were directed towards the discovery of conditions it has to meet:
new resins which require low processing pressures. - tensile, bending and shock resistances
Thus arose the polyester resins with superior significantly higher than those of the array which
characteristics to the phenolic ones. At the same they arm;
time, it has been given great importance to the study - modulus of elasticity greater than that of the
of appropriate catalysts and accelerators that improve matrix;
the fiber resin bond. Thereafter, the layered laminates - chemical resistance to the matrix;
of unsaturated polyester resins, reinforced with glass - a form appropriate to the needs;
fibers, become the main competing metals [1]. - the surface to which the matrix adheres best.
The most commonly used resins to obtain The most commonly used reinforcement are:
thermoplastic composites are: nylon, polyethylene, glass fibres, carbon fibres, asbestos fibers, silica
polypropylene, acrilaţii, vinyl etc. They are poured fibers, fibers of quartz, and boron fibers, graphite
by injection and armed with short, chopped fibers fibre [2], [3], [4].
Among the resins used to make thermoplastic Glass fibers obtained by spinning, have the
composites are unsaturated polyester resins, esters, following main characteristics:
phenolic resins, silicone resins, epoxy resins, etc. For -high resistance values for tensile, compression
the fabrication of laminated and reinforced fiber and shock;
composites, acrylates, polyesters, polyamides are -very good dimensional stability;
used more often [2], [3]. -high resistance to corrosion;
Phenolic resins are used to obtain varnishes, -are not hygroscopic, do not rot and burn;
adhesives, corrosion protection, as casting resins and -good thermal stability (at 370C retains
as press resins. Their main properties are: high approximately 50% of the values of physico-
mechanical strength and stiffness, dimensional mechanical properties that we have at the usual
stability, high temperature resistance, corrosion temperature);
resistance and humidity, good dielectric properties, -good thermal and Electrical insulators.
resistance to solvent action. They have mechanical, When pulling the fibers through the strip, the base
chemical and electrical characteristics that place them strand is called the strand. From it you can make a
at the forefront in the hierarchy of base materials series of products like: rowing, mat, fabrics, etc.
used in composite development. The hardened epoxy Although research into high-performance
resins are very harsh materials, their hardness being reinforcement fibers has yielded very good results,
approximately seven times higher than that of their price could only be reduced to a very small
phenolic resins. During curing, these resins suffer a extent. An essential factor contributing to the
relatively small contraction (max. 25%). Their reduction in demand for glass fibers was the
chemical structure ensures good adhesion between appearance of carbon fibers, which since 1970 have
the reinforcement material and the matrix. Epoxy been widely used as reinforcement material.
resins also have other properties that recommend At present, worldwide, for several reasons,
them, such as: high resistance to solvents and acids, carbon fibers are most often used for reinforcing
high dielectric strength, resistance to electric arc, materials. One of the main strengths of their use is
good thermal stability (260 °C), very low water the production technology, which, although more
absorption. Due to their qualities, the aerospace complex, is easier to produce for mass production. A
industry is the area where they are most used. The second consideration is related to the very good
disadvantage of these resins is their high price. properties of these fibers. In our country carbon
In our country both unsaturated polyester resins, fibers are used only rarely and only in the
used for the production of varnishes and putties aeronautical industry.
(Polestral type), as well as reinforcement resins The rowing is a set of parallel base fibers or
(Nestrapol type) are produced. The main parallel and non-woven filaments. Depending on the
characteristics of Nestrapol 220 are processing techniques, several types of rowing are
-tensile strength: 50 MPa; produced: rowing for chopping, rowing for wrapping,

Mechanical Testing and Diagnosis, ISSN 2247 – 9635, 2017 (VII), Volume 4, pp. 9-16

rowing for weaving and rowing for continuous

impregnation. By grinding the base fibers (slips),
short fibers are obtained which are subsequently
treated to ensure compatibility with polyester resins.
irrespective of the complexity of the structure .
The placement of fibers in lamellas or lamine
groups is based on the mechanical performance
pursued for the structure made of the material
(stiffness, resistance to certain stresses, etc.). Layered
is characterized by the number of lamels entering it,
as well as by the  angle indicating the orientation of
the fibers in the laminate.
Each lamina has assigned a local coordinate
system Olt, where Ol axis is parallel to the direction
of the fibres, and Ot axis is perpendicular to the
direction of the fibres contained in the plan of the Fig. 2. Manufacturing of composite sheets - Use of
lamina [1], [2], [3]. the roller for extracting air between layers
Physical characteristics and mechanical properties
of elastic composite material can be estimated based 3. THE FE MODEL
on the characteristics of each of the constituents (the
mixing rule) [1], [3]. FEM calculations to determine behavior in both
For a lamina you can define the following sizes: situations: static and dynamic test.
-the percentage by weight of fibres, M(f), as the The calculation was performed with ANSYS,
ratio between the mass of fibres contained in a AUTODYN, Explicit Dynamics. The results of the
defined volume of composite material and the total dynamic calculation are given below.
mass of the same volume; The stresses and deformations that appear in the
- the percentage mass of the fibers, Mf, as the composite plate have been determined.
ratio between the mass of fibers contained in a The model is Lagrangian, isothermal (22 °C),
defined volume of composite material and the total without friction and form by two bodies and it has
mass of the same volume; 3010 nodes and 2429 elements.
- the percentage of the matrix: Mm = 1 - Mf; Material Date: Structural Steel and
- the fiber percentage, Vf, as the ratio between the Epoxy_EGlass_UD (unidirectional).
volume of fibers contained in a defined volume and The composite sample has the following
that volume; dimensions: 0.36 x 0.36 x 0.003 [m].
-: the percentage volume of the matrix: Vm = 1 - Penetrator velocity just before the impact is 1 m/s
Vf; Load is applied in the center of the plate, F = 350
- mass of fibers per unit area, m0f (kg/m2). N (step applied). The load is applied in the tangent
If indexes Mf and Mm represents the fiber and point between the ball and the plate.
matrix mass, respectively, and  the similar densities, The plate is fixed on the side edges.
then between defined relationships exist: Total time of the simulation was 1e-2 s.
Vf  (1)
Mf M m

f m
Vf f
Mf  . (2)
Vf f  Vm m
An epoxy resin was used for the panel, and
unidirectional glass fiber was used as reinforcing
material for the core. The plate is made of fiberglass
reinforced plastic and has a strong structural bond
between the faces of the shells.
The author has made a prototype (Fig. 5.2) with
the dimensions of 368 x 368 mm, which has two
coatings, also called "coatings", which form the
structure. The glass fiber impregnation was made
with epoxy resin. 9 layers of unidirectional glass Fig. 3. The meshing of the model
fiber fabric were used. The final thickness of the
product is less then 3 mm..

Mechanical Testing and Diagnosis, ISSN 2247 – 9635, 2017 (VII), Volume 4, pp. 9-16

Table. 2 Structural steel strain-life parameters

Strength Strength Ductility Ductility Cyclic strength Cyclic strain
coefficient, Pa exponent coefficient exponent coefficient Pa hardening exponent
9.2e + 008 -0.106 0.213 -0.47 1 e + 009 0.2

Structural steel isotropic elasticity

Young's modulus, Pa Poisson ratio Bulk modulus, Pa Shear modulus, Pa
2. e + 011 0.3 1.6667e + 011 7.6923e + 010

Table 3. Epoxy_EGlass_UD > PHP-building responsive elasticity (density 2000 kg/m3)

Young Young Young Shear Shear Shear
Poisson Poisson Poisson
modulus X modulus Y modulus Z modulus modulus modulus
ratio XY ratio YZ ratio XZ
directions, Pa directions, Pa directions, Pa XY, Pa YZ, Pa XZ, Pa
4.5e + 010 1e + 010 1e + 010 0.3 0.4 0.3 5. e +009 3.82e+009 5.e + 009

Epoxy_EGlass_UD > Php-building responsive strain limits

Tensile X Tensile Y Tensile Z Compressive Compressive Compressive Shear Shear
Shear XZ
direction direction direction X direction Y direction Z direction XY YZ
2.44e-002 3. 5e-003 3.5e-003 -1. 5e-002 -1. 2-002 -1.2-002 1.6e-002 1.2e-002 1.6e-002

Epoxy_EGlass_UD > Php-building responsive stress limits

Tensile X Tensile Y Tensile Z Compressive Compressive Compressive
Shear Shear YZ, Shear
direction direction direction, direction X, direction Y, Z direction,
XY, Pa Pa XZ, Pa
Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa
1.01e+009 3.5e+ 007 3.5e + 007 6.75e + 008 -1.2e + 008 -1.2e + 008 8e+007 4.61e+007 8.e+007

Epoxy_EGlass_UD > Puck Constants

Compressive inclination XZ Compressive inclination YZ Tensile inclination XZ Tensile inclination YZ
0.25 0.2 0.3 0.2

Epoxy_EGlass_UD > Additional Puck Constants

Interface weakening factor Degradation parameter, s Degradation paramete,r M
0.8 0.5 0.5

Epoxy_EGlass_UD > Tsai-Wu Constants

XY Coupling coefficient Coupling coefficient YZ Coupling coefficient X
-1 -1 -1



Due to the material anisotropy, the stress

distribution is assymetrical, as in Fig. 5 (at moment
1.4710-3 s). Also, the stress is higher on the fromt
surface of the plate. In Fig. 5, the impactor is
transparent. Figure 4 presents the evolution of
equivalent maximum stress (von Mises), during the
impact. From this plot, one may notice that the
impactor is rebonded and after that the stress in the
plate is decreasing.
Based on the values obtained for the maximum
displacement can determine the coefficient of Fig. 4. Evolution of the maximum stress (von
amplification dynamics. Mises)in the plate

Mechanical Testing and Diagnosis, ISSN 2247 – 9635, 2017 (VII), Volume 4, pp. 9-16

Table 4. The maximum values of maximum travel

Type of request Maximum displacement
Static 4.7
Dynamic 7.4

The dynamic amplification coefficient (the

impact multiplier) is determined by the formula
For maximum values obtained in the two tests,
we obtain a dynamic amplification factor of 1.57.


Using the dynamic test bench, dynamic tests

were performed on the composite composite plate
a) Front view elastic field to determine the behavior in both
situations: static and dynamic testing. The glass
fabrics were supplied by Raymond, code T160,
having surface mass of 16011% g/m2 and the
bonding between layers were done with high
performance epoxy laminating system from
Resoltech, code 1050 and the used hardener was
1055 and the bonding mix obey the technological
guide of the producer.
The deformations occurring in the composite
plate were determined.
The board was inserted into the gripping system
(which was considered to be an embossing on the
contour for the plate). A static force of 350 N was
applied to the center of the plate.
Upon testing, a displacement of 4.85 mm,
measured with the displacement transducer, was
b) lateral view

Fig. 6. The plate positioning

c) back view

Fig. 5. At time moment t=1.4710-3 s

Based on the values obtained for the maximum

displacement, the dynamic amplification coefficient
can be determined.
For the same force (F=350 N) acting in both Fig. 7. Measuring device for deformation
situations, the values given in the table were

Mechanical Testing and Diagnosis, ISSN 2247 – 9635, 2017 (VII), Volume 4, pp. 9-16

The force of the impact was measured with a

force transducer for different values of the cylinder 6. CONCLUSIONS
pressure developed. For system calibration were
performed 5 measurements. The values of the shift of the center of gravity of
During the dynamic test, the variation in time of the composite plate were analyzed when impacted
the displacement of the point of impact was with a force F=350 N for both a FE model (in static
measured with the displacement transducer. Also, and dynamic approach)and an actual plate. As a
the entire impactor path was recorded with the high result of this test program, a lot of data and
speed camera (1000 frames/s). observations have been gathered on the impact
behavior of composite boards, which can be used for
a more complex understanding of the phenomena
that may arise over the lifetime of composite

Fig. 8. Calibration diagram, based on Table 5

Table 5. Changes in the impact loading force

as a function of pressure in the cylinder
MPa F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 Fav
a) the dynamic Test) at time t = 0
1.5 0.236 0.193 0.198 0.149 0.1962 0.194
2.0 0.280 0.271 0.267 0.262 0.2431 0.265
2.5 0.222 0.285 0.389 0.367 0.3339 0.319
3.0 0.349 0.337 0.342 0.371 0.3482 0.349

Fig. 10. Dynamic test at time t = 0.022s, hitting the
surface of a leaf

Fig. 9. Dynamic test-equipment used REFERENCES

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