The Design For Portable Fixturlaser Shaft and Mathematical Model Study
The Design For Portable Fixturlaser Shaft and Mathematical Model Study
The Design For Portable Fixturlaser Shaft and Mathematical Model Study
Mu Li, Wang Xinwei,Zhang XiuHeng
(Department of Mechanical Engineering Shenyang Ligong university LiaoNing
Shenyang 110168)
Abstract: :A design of laser shaft alignment purpose can be realized by adjusting shaft position
based on double LD-PSD is proposed in this paper.
according to the calculted result.
The mathematic model of shaft alignment is
established and hardware circuit is designed. The
2. The mathematic model of
laser shaft alignment equipment can carry out
measurement system
alignment measurement under various conditions.
And it can resolve the effect of soft ground pin and
There are two deviations in shaft misalignment.
temperture.Sampling machine testing indicates that
One is the parallel deviation. It means two jointed
the measurement precision, reliability are higher
shafts are parallel, but not collinear. Another is the
than similar products. It can meet the measure
angle deviation. It means two jointed shafts are not
requirement of coaxiality in shafting.
parallel and formed angle[3]. When Measuring,
Keywords: shaft alignment; Mathematic usually the two-axis spatial location are
model; Machinery; Spot
decomposed into two mutually perpendicular plane,
then the deviation can be calculted using the spatial
1. Introduction relationship of the two-axis, at last adjusting the
shaft alignment according to the calculation result.
Machine jointed by coupling would generate
The laser shaft alignment’s principle is changing
vibration in the running because of shaft
the data measured by PSD into the adjustment of
misalignment, the vibration affects the using life of
the slave shaft’s anchors.That is the process of
machine and damages the parts. So shaft alignment
building mathematical model.When installing,two
is an important process in power machinery
pillars were fixed vertically on driven shaft and
slave shaft respectively, two pillars’s height are
The advanced Laser technology is the key
roughly equal and adjusted, as shown in figure
technology in measuring and adjusting shaft
misalignment. Laser shaft alignment producted in
china is used as alignment tools and the data
require manual calculation. And foreign products
are expensive[2]. So laser shaft alignment product
based on double LD-PSD is designed.And the
product can realize shaft alignment measurement
by various modes.In the actual measurement,the
relative position of the two shafts can be calculted
by measuring the spot’s coordinate of the double
Figure 1 Two-beam LD / PSD diagram
LD-PSD on three different angles.The alignment
x′o′y ′ plane is vertical to slave axis.The angle A( x0 , y0 ) = A(e ⋅ cos β , e ⋅ sin β ) (1)
A( x 0 , y 0 ,0) PSD2
Figure 3 Measurement principle of arbitrary 3 points
B ( x0′ , y 0′ ,0)
z o′ When measuring any three points,the rotation
angle is α1 , α2 , α3 respectively,then
O P1(x1, y1,0)
σ 1 , σ 2 , σ 3 is:
Y x′
center is point O and radius is L;the track of point According to the least square principle the result
can be calculated, setting the distance between rear anchor to frant anchor on
3 slave shaft motor.
M = ∑ [σ i − ( x0 ⋅ cosα i + y0 ⋅ sin α i )]
i =1
Y-coordinate of E y and Fy can be cumulated by
∂M ( x0 , y 0 )
(6) A B
∂M ( x0 , y 0 ) = 0 Y K
∂y 0 ky y0′
3 3 3 3
i =1
i =1 i =1
and deviation of alignment
k = x′ + d ( x0 − x0′ ) driven shaft and slave shaft respectively. A laser spot
x 0 α emerged,when laser beam irradiated on PSD.The spot
tan(θ x ) = ( x0 − x0′ ) position on the detected object coordinates can be
α gained by PSD’s signal processing circuit.The signal
2.3 Temperature compensation
D ( x, y )
Supposing H 1 and H 2 are the high of drive Y1
amplifying performance. Next, adder and subtraction plane- E x and Fx ,calculating deviation of the shaft
operation would be realized with operational
amplifiers. And division operation would be realized misalignment on and vertical plane- E y and Fy . At
with analog divider. Finally, we can obtain a voltage
the same time, calculating the angle between the
signal that is proportional to the positional signal.
And after linking to the computer by high speed A/D horizontal and vertical plane- θ x and θ y .
converter, we can calculate the shaft misalignment
value and the adjustment value.
4. The experimental results analysis
Y-axis direction were shown in Table 1. The parallel misalignment value met the precision demand of shaft
deviation and angle deviation in X-axis and Y-axis alignment-- tolerance Level T14 in geometric
direction were shown in Table 2, while changing the tolerance zone.
distance D.
Table 2. the actual measured values when the 5. conclusion
distances between the laser and the detector
changed This experimental system is simple and easy to
use, and can be used by manual or automatic
angle measurement methods. The system has automatic
deviation/rad collection, transmission, storage data capabilities. It
Parallel Vertical horizontal vertical can calculate the data automatically and give the
deviation deviation angle angle adjustment quantity by software. And the system has
1 0.056 0.054 0.011 0.010 good repeatability and strong anti-jamming
2 0.053 0.051 0.010 0.010 characteristics. Through many times testing, the
3 0.059 0.052 0.011 0.010 alignment effect is good, and it is convenient in
4 0.051 0.058 0.010 0.011 adjustment, it owns promoting value and many
5 0.069 0.065 0.013 0.012 advantage compared with overseas similar product.
6 0.0576 0.056 0.011 0.0106
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