BSBLDR403 Lead Team Effectiveness
BSBLDR403 Lead Team Effectiveness
BSBLDR403 Lead Team Effectiveness
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AH&B College
BSBLDR403 Lead Team Effectiveness
BSB40215 Cert IV in Business
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15 Lectures (not assessed)
This Workbook gives you, the participant, the space to write down answers for questions, discussions, opinions and
to complete assessable activities to demonstrate competency in the required elements for this unit. Any area that
is allocated a space for writing will need to be completed, as well as any attachments which are required must be
attached, in order to have a complete Workbook.
The Workbook is divided into chapters and the chapters include the following tasks to be completed:
It applies team leaders, supervisors and new emerging managers who have an important leadership role
in the development of efficient and effective work teams.
Leaders at this level also provide leadership for the team and bridge the gap between the management
of the organisation and the team members. As such they must 'manage up' as well as manage their
Performance Evidence
Evidence of the ability to:
apply knowledge of organisational goals, objectives and plans
develop a team work plan including documentation of how it was generated and how it will be
identify and incorporate innovation and productivity measures into a team work plan
communicate with team members and management to identify and establish the team
purpose, roles, responsibilities, goals, plans and objectives and resolve problems
use techniques to consult, encourage, support and provide feedback to team members
model team leadership behaviours and approaches
liaise with management to develop the teamwork plan, resolve issues and ensure follow-up
action is taken.
Knowledge Evidence
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must explain principles and
techniques associated with:
delegation and work allocation
goal setting
group dynamics and processes
individual behaviour and difference
leadership styles
problem solving
workplace innovation
workplace productivity.
Assessment Conditions
Assessment will be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent
performance of typical activities experienced in the management and leadership field of work and
include access to:
AH&B College
BSBLDR403 Lead Team Effectiveness
BSB40215 Cert IV in Business
information about the organisation, including organisational structure, goals, objectives and
case studies, and where possible, real situations
workplace equipment and resources
interaction with others.
Workbooks must be completed in the classroom (face to face) where class and revision activities
demonstrate consistent practical application of typical activities experienced in the general practice of the
field of work for this subject and include access to office equipment and resources.
You are required to complete each section as instructed by your educator including the spaces provided
for your own opinions and group activities. Your Workbook will be assessed either during the activities or
upon completion of each chapter. Your assessor will give you feedback on each task completed in a
designated section of the Workbook. Should the feedback include a resubmission of a particular task,
your assessor will inform you of the procedure for resubmission. Should the feedback include points for
consideration please take note and ask questions to clarify if you need to.
This Workbook is the property of the College; if you misplace this Workbook you will incur a replacement
AH&B College
BSBLDR403 Lead Team Effectiveness
BSB40215 Cert IV in Business
Element 1 Plan to achieve team outcomes
-Benchmark and expectations for evidence required from student
Task Achievement: Coherence and Comprehension:
Addresses all parts of the task, although Arranges information and ideas coherently.
some small parts may be less fully covered Demonstrates a clear overall progression in
than others. emerging comprehension of core learning
Presents a relevant opinion performance skills and knowledge outcomes
Clearly defines actions where relevant
Personally obtained conclusions/results are
made clear.
1.1 Lead the team to identify, establish and document team purpose, roles, Yes No
responsibilities, goals, plans and objectives in consultation with team members
Class Activity
Workbook Activities – Practice Task 19, 20, 21
3.2 Give the team support to identify and resolve problems which impede its
Workbook Activity – Practice Task 22
3.3 Ensure own contribution to work team serves as a role model for others and
enhances the organisation's image within the work team, the organisation and
with clients/customers
Class Activity
Workbook Activities – Practice Task 23, 24
Chapter 3: Revision activity – Part A and B
Element 4 Liaise with management
-Benchmark and expectations for evidence required from student
Task Achievement: Coherence and Comprehension:
Addresses all parts of the task, although Arranges information and ideas coherently.
some small parts may be less fully covered Demonstrates a clear overall progression in
than others. emerging comprehension of core learning
Presents a relevant opinion performance skills and knowledge outcomes
Clearly defines actions where relevant
Personally obtained conclusions/results are
made clear.
4.1 Maintain open communication with line manager/ management at all times Yes No
Date: _____________________________
If Not Yet Competent: Has the student been given information on the assessment appeals
Yes / No
If yes, the student has five working days in which to access the assessment appeals procedure,
Should the student not access the procedure within the 5 working days, a new assessment
must be submitted.
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AH&B College
BSBLDR403 Lead Team Effectiveness
BSB40215 Cert IV in Business
Planning to achieve
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1.1 Lead the team to identify, establish and document team purpose, roles, responsibilities, goals,
plans and objectives in consultation with team members
Purpose, Goals, Plans and Objectives
Purpose - the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.
Goals - A goal is an idea of the future or desired result that a person or a group of people envision,
plan and commit to achieve.
Plans - a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something.
Objectives - a thing aimed at or sought.
The action or process of formally consulting or discussing.
Class Activity
Brainstorm Roles and Responsibilities involved in a team
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Actively participate.
Be an active listener.
Take notes.
Complete tasks and assignments.
Practice Task 1
Describe the type and purpose of a team in which you work or one that you know about.
Explain why the team has been structured this way
IT project team – Purpose of the team is build a warehouse and transport management software for a specific
Team is compost by 2 Developer,1 tester and 1 project manager. It was structured this way to get things done
properly and fast.
Practical task 2
Choose a team to which you belong, or one with which you are familiar
1. Make a list of three things a team to which you belong is working on, and describe
the team’s goals.
Understand customer needs, cover all the lacks in the customer process and build a
The goal is having a system that will make users able to manage company’s transport and
2. Explain how these activities are linked to the organisation’s goals and strategies plan.
AH&B College
BSBLDR403 Lead Team Effectiveness
BSB40215 Cert IV in Business
By understand customer needs and lack of process we understand what software needs to
do to be efficient to that customer.
Practice task 3
Consider yourself as a team leader:
1. Explain how you would ensure your team members were aware of their responsibilities
Involve them in goal settings and planning activities, explain the why of the task, delegate authority.
2. What signs would tell you that a team member was unsure of their responsibilities
Team member is not getting tasks done, goals are not been achieved.
3. How might you encourage team members to take their responsibilities seriously but
with enthusiasm?
Set clear goals, encourage happiness, promote the communication between staff,
offer opportunities for self-development, provide them with a pleasant place to work.
Practical Task 4
1. In one paragraph, describe the various roles of the team members. What is your role?
Leader, facilitator, coach and member. My role is member.
2. Are there any roles the team does not have at present that you believe the team requires
achieving its goals more efficiently
Practice task 5
Then look at the short introduction video at
Then, read the following:
An effective way to assess the relative strengths and weaknesses of a team. Helps the team to
understand ways in which it could improve performance.
The following were developed by Meredith Belbin in 1981, following nine years of study and have
become one of the most accessible and widely used tools to support team building. The team roles
were designed to define and predict potential success of management teams, recognising that the
strongest teams have a diversity of characters and personality types. They have been criticised due
to their potential oversimplification and 'pigeon-holing' of individuals. However, when used wisely to
gain insight about the working of the team and identify the team strengths and weaknesses it can be
extremely useful.
Belbin describes a team role as "a tendency to behave, contribute and interrelate with others in a
particular way."
It should always be remembered that the tool helps to describe an individual's 'preferred' team roles
and is designed to indicate how you would ideally operate in a team environment. Strength in one
team role is often at the expense of what might be seen as a weakness in another context.
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BSBLDR403 Lead Team Effectiveness
BSB40215 Cert IV in Business
An ideal team should ideally have a healthy balance of all 9 team roles. Strong teams normally have
a strong co-ordinator, a plant, a monitor evaluator and one or more implementers, team workers,
resource investigators or completer finishers. A shaper should be an alternative to a co-ordinator
rather than having both. In practice, the ideal is rarely the case, and it can be beneficial for a team to
know which of the team roles are either over represented or absent and to understand individual's
secondary roles.
Team roles tend to develop and mature and may change with experience and conscious attention. If
a role is absent from the team, then it is often filled by someone who has not recognised this role as
a dominant one. The team should share their team roles to increase understanding and enable
mutual expectations to be met.
Further information
Belbin, R. Meredith (2003), Management teams: why they succeed or fail, 2nd Ed,
Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford
1. Which of the Belbin team roles (above) do you think represents the way you play a
part in a team? Why?
Teamworker. I am cooperative and seek for help team to achieve the goal.
2. Explain whether the part you play in the team covers just one of these roles or several roles.
The part I play in the team covers several roles. Such as, plant as I can solve difficult problems,
specialist because I have knowledge of company’s process and needs.
1.2 Engage team members to incorporate innovation and productivity measures in work plans
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Please take notes on the lecture/discussion in this allocated area
Give assistance to
Class Activity
Expectations of leaders, “What do team members expect of their leader?”
Clarity, opportunity, involvement, consistency, respect, honesty, praise, constructive
Workbook activities
Practice task 6
List some of the behaviours you have seen from managers of leaders you admire.
Rather than listing actual operational activities they might have undertaken, focus on
the activities they have engaged in that have supported the team and helped them
Use relevant textbooks or research on the internet, to write notes for the
Integrity, fairness, decisiveness, strategic thinking, transparency and
Practice task 7
1. Why do you need to give positive feedback to people immediately or not long
after the event?
Because it helps motivation, boosts confidence, and shows people you
value them.
AH&B College
BSBLDR403 Lead Team Effectiveness
BSB40215 Cert IV in Business
2. Should negative feedback be delivered immediately and/or long after the event?
Why/Why not?
Critical feedback should be delivered as soon as possible after the
event that triggered it. When managers stockpile negative
feedback to deliver it all at once, it can be overwhelming and
demoralizing for the recipient.
AH&B College
BSBLDR403 Lead Team Effectiveness
BSB40215 Cert IV in Business
Chapter 1 Plan to achieve team outcomes
Review Activity
Getting the most for your team
Please explain each of these statements as part of a team at AH&B College or a team in your work
environment that you are familiar with
1. The team must be a real team, rather than a team in name only
2. The team must have compelling direction for its work (a clear common goal)
3. The team must have a structure that encourages and facilitates team work
4. The team must operate within a supportive organisational context
5. The team must have expert teamwork coaching
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BSBLDR403 Lead Team Effectiveness
BSB40215 Cert IV in Business
Cohesion is the action or fact of forming a united whole.
2.1 Provide opportunities for input of team members into planning, decision making and
operational aspects of work team
Opportunities - a time or set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.
Class Activity
Meetings & Role play
How would you receive the information from your team members?
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Create a small group and organise a meeting in the order of discussing the Planning,
decision making and actions.
Workbook activity
Practice task 8
Using your team you are familiar with, what are some other tools or activities, apart from
meetings, that could provide team members with opportunities to participate in running the
team, including decision making, planning and operational tasks?
Delegate responsibility
Communicate effectively
Know their strengths and weaknesses
Practice task 9
Reflect on a team which you have been familiar with at work, school etc
1. Describe the way members were encouraged to be involved in planning and making
Form a committee, Suggestion box, Offer choices, let them choose their training
2. Describe at least two strategies that would encourage team members to participate more
Encourage the members of your team to fully participate by inviting their input and
suggestions on how to do things better. Ask questions, listen to their answers, and,
whenever possible, implement their solutions. Happy employees are enthusiastic and
positive members of the team, and their attitude is infectious.
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BSBLDR403 Lead Team Effectiveness
BSB40215 Cert IV in Business
2.2 Encourage and support team members to take responsibility for own work and to assist each
other in undertaking required roles and responsibilities
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Class activity
Class Discussion-
Why is it important to work together?
A teamwork environment promotes an atmosphere that fosters friendship and loyalty.
These close-knit relationships motivate employees in parallel and align them to work
harder, cooperate and be supportive of one another. Individuals possess diverse
talents, weaknesses, communication skills, strengths, and habits.
Workbook activities
Practice task 10
For each of the following scenarios, write down the consequences of a team member not
taking responsibility of their own work
- Think about operational problems that their actions might cause as well as how their
fellow team members might feel, and the impact it would have on them
It can cause problems with customers, bad reputation for the company and can
demotivate the team.
- Also, make a note of ways in which you would try to manage this problem if you were the
team leader
By analysing what is happening, explain to all the team how their roles are important for
the company and what can happen if we do not take the responsibility of our own work.
And if necessary have a private meeting with that particular staff.
Workbook activities
Practice task 11
Outline a brief scenario describing a team situation that required feedback to be given.
Use relevant textbooks or research on the internet, to write notes for the following;
1. List at least three strategies you would use to provide feedback to encourage, value and
reward team members
- Talk about the situation, not the individual
- Give praise where it is due
- Give praise where it is due: Weaving some positives among the negatives can be a good
way to reassure employees that you haven't lost perspective.
AH&B College
BSBLDR403 Lead Team Effectiveness
BSB40215 Cert IV in Business
2.3 Provide feedback to team members to encourage, value and reward individual and team efforts
and contributions
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Class Activity
Class Discussion
How can we give feedback to team members?
2.4 Recognise and address issues, concerns, and problems identified by team members or refer to
relevant persons as required
Issues and problems
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Class Activity
What are some of the problems you may have to deal with?
Workbook activities
Practice task 12
1. How can you be alert to signs that the team is not operating to its maximum potential?
By be alert to:
- Communication breakdown
- Lack of decision-making
- Unfocused team
2. What strategies can you use to monitor team cohesiveness and effectiveness?
- Define the purpose
- Assemble the team
- Determine goals
- Set expectations
- Monitor and review
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BSBLDR403 Lead Team Effectiveness
BSB40215 Cert IV in Business
- Celebrate and reward
Practice task 13
Complete this simple quiz to see if you need to plan for any potential problems that could
have a negative influence on your team. Use a team that you currently work with or know
Information Yes/No
Everyone understands what our goals are
My team has developed some guidelines and rules on how they will work Yes
Plans have been developed by the team that will enable us to reach these Yes
The people on the team have the experiences, knowledge and skills we Yes
When if people don’t contribute in the way they should there is a follow-up Yes
We have a clear decision making process Yes
As a leader, I am continually seeking feedback on my own performance Yes
Team members know they are important in the context of the wider Yes
We have the resources needed to do the job Yes
Everyone knows what is expected of them and the role they play within Yes
the team
We use feedback for our benefit Yes
Our team has culture where hard work and effort are recognised Yes
We communicate well and share information Yes
If you answered no to any of these questions – think of ways you could change the situation
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Class Activity
Write about a situation where someone in a place of leadership (boss, parent,
teacher etc.) to you behaved in a way which disappointed or surprised you(in a
negative way)? What was the behaviour? Why did you think they shouldn’t have
acted that way?
My ex-boss was very rude and once I saw him very angry and yelling to other
employee and it was very disappointed, he did not have respect for the employee.
He should talk to him, with a nice voice, because he is the model.
Did the negative way they acted(above) have an effect on how you saw them as a leader and
whether or not you listened to them etc. afterwards? Why/Why not? In what way?
It was very negative and after that I could not see him as a model to follow.
Can you think of any other examples of ways which leaders shouldn’t act? Why not?
Getting late at work, talking about other people, being rude, Missing due date.
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BSBLDR403 Lead Team Effectiveness
BSB40215 Cert IV in Business
Revision notes
What have you learned in this chapter?
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BSBLDR403 Lead Team Effectiveness
BSB40215 Cert IV in Business
Chapter 2 Lead team to develop team cohesion REVIEW
Answer the following questions based on AH&B College teams (Salon, educator etc.) or a
team that you are familiar with and have access too.
Instructions: Listed below are the five reasons that a team may fail. Write notes on the possible
consequences of these reasons.
Date: _________________________
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BSBLDR403 Lead Team Effectiveness
BSB40215 Cert IV in Business
Student Name:
Student Number:
Disclaimer: “I have accessed the Wisenet Student Portal and have read the
Assessment Plan and am aware of the learning outcomes for this unit. I am aware
that I can contact DOS/Educator for extra assistance. “
Question 4
Key ingredients for accountability and engagement in a team are:
a. Team members’ emotional intelligence
b. Energy of team members and their attitude
c. Clarity of individual goals
d. The social networks in the team
Question 5
The following are examples of team types at work:
a. Social clubs
b. Project teams
c. Departments
d. Head offices
Question 6
When a team first starts, the key leadership focus should be:
Question 8
One of the key traps in maintaining teams is:
a. Micromanaging the team
b. Delegation
c. Allowing failure
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BSBLDR403 Lead Team Effectiveness
BSB40215 Cert IV in Business
d. Having a team charter
Question 9
When a team is just starting, the appropriate leadership style should be:
a. Validating
b. Collaborating
c. Structuring
d. Resolving
Question 10
Reasons why leaders often neglect reward and recognition in teams are:
a. There is no time
b. They feel embarrassed to do it
c. They cannot afford it
d. They don’t believe in recognition
Score /10
Short Answer Section
b) List the 5 elements necessary for a successful team and examples of each
those plans
1. A clear communicator
3. Example of integrity
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BSBLDR403 Lead Team Effectiveness
BSB40215 Cert IV in Business
Identify and write down the “Organisational Goals/ Objectives and Plans” for AH&B College students
(500 words)
AH&B College has been trading since 2004. We pride ourselves on quality training and
assessment. We believe in boutique-style learning. This means our classes are smaller
which enables the staff and the students to build a good rapport with one another. Students
feel more comfortable to approach their educators and administration staff - and therefore
receive more assistance.
The goal is to be the best provider of education in hairdressing and business and for
students to emerge from College capable of competing in the global hairdressing market and
working in many business enterprises.
The objective is with the extensive knowledge delivered to students, they will enable to enter
many specialist areas in many diverse fields with the potential to become a leader of industry
or self-employed in their own business.
Conduct a 10-minute coaching session with EACH of the team members(separately) to discuss how
they are going to meet the goals, objectives and plans (identified in a) ) as a student at AH&B College.
(Include discussion of new ideas(innovations) and productivity measures).
a) Keep notes (may be by hand) while giving EACH coaching session and attach them
as evidence.
b) As a result of the coaching session, write a plan (1/2 a page) for how EACH team
member should meet the expectations, objectives, goals and plans as a student
including feedback on their current performance as a student at AH&B College.
Student 1
Take into account the subject matter, the level of the class (is it an
introductory 100-level or a more advanced 300 or 400-level?), how essential
the course is to your degree program and the other courses you're taking
during the same term. Then set a realistic goal for the grade you think you can
earn if you work hard, and invest a reasonable amount of time working toward
this goal. Some courses are just harder, or more relevant to your intended
career path, than others, and setting a specific grade goal can help you
prioritize effectively
Student 2
Overall Goal: I will choose and take on elective class outside my comfort zone
during this academic year.
Step 1: Look at your required classes for the year to see which trimester or
semester you have room for an elective.
Step 2: Browse the college catalogue for classes you find interesting, but
wouldn't normally sign up for. Make a list of these classes.
Step 3: Email the teachers listed for each of your potential elective classes
asking for current or former students who might be willing to share their
experience of the class.
Step 4: Meet with one or more students who can share their elective
Step 5: Choose an elective and sign up for the class
Find a Mentor
Mentors can help you learn more details about the job you hope to have one
day. They can provide you with insider tips and advice for landing this type of
job and things they wish they would've done differently in the process.
Reaching out to a mentor can help your professional development and help
you learn valuable networking skills for life.
SMART Goal: I will find a mentor from my desired profession so I can make
sure it's the right job for me and learn to connect with others.
Specific: I will look for local mentor options first, then online options if needed.
Measurable: By the end of this semester, I will start a mentorship relationship.
Achievable: I'm going to reach out to a maximum of 10 potential mentors if
Relevant: Finding a mentor helps me gain self-confidence in reaching out to
strangers and further explore if I've chosen the right career path for my
personality and skills.
Time-Based: I will spend the month of September exploring mentor options to
find a good fit for me. I will reach out to potential mentors in October and have
a mentorship locked in by the end of December.
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BSBLDR403 Lead Team Effectiveness
BSB40215 Cert IV in Business
c) Get the educator to check the draft copy of your plan and discuss any necessary
changes you need to make.
d) Make changes to the plan as necessary and email(attach copies of each email as
proof) the final copy of the plan to team members and to the educator.
e) Write how you will support EACH team member(500 words for EACH team member)
Reviewing work frequently
Don’t leave your team working on the big report for two months and then
review it right at the end.
Be sure to check in with your team early and often.
Leaving your team to work alone until you come in and criticise their work will
lead to increased stress and potentially a lot of rework.
Book regular progress meetings to understand how your team members are
progressing, and if they need assistance.
Communicating accountability
Make it easy for your team member when you delegate accountability to
them. Tell the team member they are accountable. Then tell the people they
are working with. This removes a lot of infighting that can occur as part of
delegating accountability.
Setting standards
Working in a team without any standards is difficult for everybody. It’s difficult
for you, the leader, because team members will produce variable outcomes.
It’s difficult for your team members because they don’t have direction.
You need to support your team by setting standards for the work that you do.
If your team works on technical tasks, make sure technical standards are in
Being available
Set times when you will be available and stick to them. Make yourself
available to your team so they have opportunities to discuss and confirm
things with you.
Yes No
Assessor Comments
Date: _________________________
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BSBLDR403 Lead Team Effectiveness
BSB40215 Cert IV in Business
Chapter 3 Participate in and facilitate team work
Participate or Facilitate
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3.1 Actively encourage team members to participate in and take responsibility for team activities
and communication processes
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Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place, person or
group to another.
Class Activity
How to encourage others to participate in team activities
Each team present their findings to the rest of the team. Write notes
Get people in the room to say “yes” Have them agree to something (even
unrelated) right off the bat;
Be friendly;
Let others “own” the idea;
Avoid arguing and show respect;
Share context and data.
Workbook activities
Read the following Case Study
A team starts a new year or a project with enthusiasm and the best of intentions. They meet
to debate their goals, create a set of team rules, and allocate tasks through a carefully thought
our work plan. They agreed they want to achieve all their goals and work like a well-oiled
machine. Their team leader is thrilled and provides glowing reports to the section manager.
Everyone expects a lot from this group of individuals. Their team goals and rules are typed,
printed and posted on the wall. Everyone admires them. A month later the fancy statements
are forgotten as everyone is working furiously on tasks and hurrying to meet deadlines.
The team rules, such as “We will take responsibility for our actions as a team, and as
individuals”, “Everyone will communicate openly” We will contribute ideas and opinions and
we will listen to and value all team members’ contributions are a distant memory. Team
meetings become a place where blame is allocated and people lose their temper.
The team leader is frustrated and, frankly a little bit scared. The project had started so well,
but the workload was huge and a few deadlines were missed early on. The section manager
is starting to ask questions about how the team is working. How can the team leader get
things under control and get team members to participate and take responsibility for their work
and for the team’s progress?
Practice Task 14
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BSBLDR403 Lead Team Effectiveness
BSB40215 Cert IV in Business
1. What do you think the team leader in the example above has or hasn’t done to cause this
Team leader did not do any changes on the plan when he saw it was not working
properly. He also got frustrated and did show it to the team.
2. List some opportunities and strategies the team leader could implement to get the team
back on track
Regular meeting to track the project
Using software to manage tasks and performances
Delegate tasks
Change strategy when it is not working
Listen staff suggestions
Practice task 15
What are some things you could do to encourage participation from a team member who does
their job well but has no interest in team camaraderie?
Cross-functional teams
Work together
Address conflict
Bond over breaks
Listen team members
Practice task 16
What things do you think can go wrong when information is not shared in a team?
Goals will not be clear, so probable team will not achieve it. Tasks will not get done and staff
will be stuck.
3.2 Give the team support to identify and resolve problems which impede its performance
Team support
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When you're part of a team, it means you have to help when you're needed.
Being part of the Support Team means not only helping out clients, but each
Workbook activities
Practice task 17
Group work
Discussion – How to help a team identify and resolve problems
Discussion points
Contingency planning
Possible problems
Individual team member contributions
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BSBLDR403 Lead Team Effectiveness
BSB40215 Cert IV in Business
Management plans
Participation in resolving problems
3.3 Ensure own contribution to the team serves as a role model for others and enhances the
organisation’s image within the team, the organisation and with clients/customers
Contributions and styles
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Leadership styles
Autocratic Style
Authoritative Style
Pacesetting Style
Democratic Style
Coaching Style
Affiliative Style
Laissez-Faire Style
Class activity
Work out which leadership style you think you are or would be and Why?
I think I would be a democratic style, because I always want to know what is the team opinion,
and if my decision would affect them.
Workbook activities
Practice task 18
Choose and research any one of the people in the list below. Write one or two paragraphs
explaining how they led by example. How much did their reputation depend on their setting
and example?
1. Mahatma Gandhi
2. Anita Roddick
3. Martin Luther King Junior
4. Winston Churchill
5. Emily Pankhurst
Emmeline Pankhurst was born on 14 July 1858 in Moss Side, Manchester. As she
grew older, Emmeline noticed that women were treated differently to men and
became motivated to help change that. In 1903 she, along with her daughters Sylvia
and Christabel, founded the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU).
Emmeline Pankhurst is remembered for her hard work with the WSPU in the fight to
help get British women the right to vote.
AH&B College
BSBLDR403 Lead Team Effectiveness
BSB40215 Cert IV in Business
Practice task 19
Think of a team situation that you have been involved in, and put yourself in the role of team
1. Rate yourself from one to five (5 being the top score) using the following list that combines
the characteristics described above.
2. Explain how you could improve those characteristics to which you have given allow score
5 Communicates well
5 Is innovative
AH&B College
BSBLDR403 Lead Team Effectiveness
BSB40215 Cert IV in Business
Activity REVIEW
3. How they encouraged their team members to participates in and take responsibility for
team activities
He was present, always ready to help. He also use to give good feedbacks.
4. How they supported their team members in the problem identification and resolution
He did use to work with the team to identify and sort problems out, and teaching the
members how to do it.
Part B
1. Select four characteristics you believe are essential for a good leader and provide
examples of how you would demonstrate these characteristics as a leader
Integrity - integrity is essential for the individual and the organization. It’s
especially important for top-level executives who are charting the organization’s
course and making countless other significant decisions.
2. By adopting some of the practices of the persons you researched for Part A, how could
you be an effective leader?
By seeking for equal rights and making decision that could affect people positively.
Date: _________________________
AH&B College
BSBLDR403 Lead Team Effectiveness
BSB40215 Cert IV in Business
Chapter 4 Liaise with management
Communication Management
Please take notes on the lecture/discussion in this allocated area
Open communication
Please take notes on the lecture/discussion in this allocated area
Workbook activity
Practice Task 20
Read the following scenario. Choose what you think would be the most appropriate form of
communication for Angeline to use from the 3 options listed. Explain why you choose this
Angelina has just been called into her manager’s office. Changes are afoot and the company
is going to be restructured. Her manager thinks that it’s best that people aren’t told too much
and are informed of changes once the new structure has finally been decided. Angelina
disagrees. She knows what rumours are already circulating and people are scared they’ll
lose their jobs. She convinces her manager that she needs to let her team know as much as
I think she should choose the 1st option, because she will be transparent with her team,
making them feel part of the company and do not overthink about what is going on.
Management to team
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Workbook activities
Practice Task 21
What do you think the possible issues could be between management and the team with
regards to communication?
Misunderstand information and tasks, do not know the goals.
Is it possible to overcome these issues and how would you go about it?
Yes, by setting up a communication plan. Having regular meeting to update the team and do
a brainstorm, and tracking the results.
4.3 Communicate unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by the team/team members to
line manager/ management and ensure follow-up action is taken.
Team to management
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Workbook activities
Practice task 22
When do you think you would refer an issue to senior management?
As senior-level managers become more involved with different aspects of the
company, they often take on more responsibility in addition to creating word
documents and spreadsheets. Depending on their unique role, they may need to
learn specialized software founded on accounting and coding principles.
Who are the senior management of AH&B College, or a workplace that you are familiar with
like Coles etc.
Coles - Steven Cain
4.4 Communicate unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by the team/team members to
line manager/management and ensure follow-up action is taken
Follow up
Please take notes on the lecture/discussion in this allocated area
Workbook activities
Practice task 23
When communicating information to a team or to mangers, team leaders have a number of
challenges to overcome. Think of the ways you would deal with these common workplace
problems. Rumours and misinformation – concerned team members come to you saying their
heard from another staff member (not in your team) that the company is moving premises and
AH&B College
BSBLDR403 Lead Team Effectiveness
BSB40215 Cert IV in Business
50 jobs will be cut. What do you do?
I would check the information and have a meeting with the team to explain what is going on.
Being unable to share all information – your manager tells you that in six months time he is
retiring and that you will be promoted to his position. You are pleased and are sure that in turn
one of your team members could step into your role. However, six months is a long time and
you would prefer not to tell the team these plans in case the members lose focus. What do
you do?
I would keep the information for me and analyse how would be the best option to replace
myself, at the same time I would help team member to improve their skills.
The problem is out of your control – it turns out that your Finance Department proved you with
incorrect information when you were costing the project you’re working on and as a result all
of the team’s estimates are wrong. Your team is worried and want you to do something about
it. What do you do?
I would talk to finance department and senior management before any decision, I would check
how the mistake did happen and what can be done to sort it out, after have all information I
would talk to the team.
Needing help – All managers need to convey to their teams that a new knowledge
management system is being implement through the organisation. You are expected to do
this and to do it so that your team is enthused and comfortable with the idea. The problem is:
you are having trouble yourself understanding what it’s all about. What do you do?
I would ask someone to help me with it. Explain again and I would look for more resources
that could help me,
Not being understood – you have just delivered a long report to your manager about some
concerns you and your team have identified regarding the way materials are handled in the
warehouse. If ignored, it could have major implication for your company. Your manger flicked
through it, tossed it on this desk, and started talking about his weekend. You are worried that
he doesn’t understand the seriousness of the issue and that your team’s hard work will go
unrecognised. They will be waiting for you to report to them when you go back to your floor.
What do you do?
I would listen about his weekend and talk about the report again, and reinforce the information
asking he has any doubt.
AH&B College
BSBLDR403 Lead Team Effectiveness
BSB40215 Cert IV in Business
Set up monthly meetings with them and send weekly report to update everyone about the
Create an intranet, and feed with information, that would be relevant for everyone.
Create an intranet, and feed with information, that would be relevant for everyone;
Promote the open communication in the company;
Have weekly meeting with the team.
Having meetings;
Sending emails;
Giving feedback.
Date: _________________________
AH&B College
BSBLDR403 Lead Team Effectiveness
BSB40215 Cert IV in Business
Foundation Skills -This section describes language, literacy, numeracy and
employment skills incorporated in the performance criteria that are required
for competent performance.
Skill Performance Description Student Application
Third Party Report: Based on workplace practical skills & performance of tasks
relating to the unit of competency
Student Name:
Student number:
Student Work-place
Name :
Workplace Address :
Instructions to Student must please remove this form from their workbook. Take it to their
student & workplace workplace and get their supervisor to tick and sign to confirm their active
supervisor: participation with-in the skill set area. The supervisor will be contacted to
validate student active participation in the workplace. Students are
encouraged to take photographs (if appropriate and in accordance with
the organisations privacy and workplace policies) as further evidence.
Once this report is filled-in student must present this form, (by re-attaching
to the workbook), with their completed workbook to be submitted for
Observation checklist
Time period (Dates) From: To:
Assessor Declaration
I confirm that I have validated this document by confirming the above with the employer/supervisor
to ascertain the practical application of learning in the workplace
Assessor sign: Date: / /