Musalsal Hadith Text in English
Musalsal Hadith Text in English
Musalsal Hadith Text in English
This brief text contains a translation of a small number of pattern chained (Musalsal) hadith narrated
by Shaykh Yaḥyā bin Muḥammad al-Mullā, who hails from the historic city of al-Ahsa in Saudi
Arabia. Shaykh Yaḥyā narrates a number of the hadith contained in this text from his teachers, such
as Shaykhs: Muḥammad bin Abī Bakr al-Mullā, Aḥmad Jābir Jibrān, ʿAbdullah bin Saeed al-Lahji,
Ismāʿīl al-Zayn and many others. The bulk of his transmission of Musalsal hadith however comes
from two of his teachers, namely: Shaykh Muḥammad Yāsīn al-Fādānī and Shaykh ʿAbd al-Raḥmān
bin Abī Bakr al-Mullā. Therefore in this work the chain of Shaykh al-Fādānī will predominatly be
cited, and on occasions the chain of Shaykh ʿAbd al-Raḥmān bin Abī Bakr al-Mullā.
The Musalsal hadith contains an intimacy which distinguishes it in comparison to other hadith. When
I see that I have shaken hands with someone who has shaken hands with someone who in turn has
shaken hands with someone going back to the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace),
I visualise my hand connecting to the hand of the Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace).
There is for the soul in this an intimacy and good fortune which is not in the rest of the hadith.
— Imām Ibn al-Jawzī at the beginning of his Musalalat collection
This work is dedicated to the pious men and women scholars mentioned in the chains of narration,
who transmitted these narrations to us generation after generation. They may have passed away long
ago, but we still remember them and are indebted to them for their sacrifices. May Allah Taala reward
them with the best of rewards and raise their rank in the next world. Amin.
MERCY .................................................................................................. 5
LOVE .................................................................................................. 16
HANBALI SCHOLARS............................................................................... 21
إجازة................................................................................................... 50
It was narrated to us by Shaykh Muḥammad َحدث َنا:َحدث َنا بِ ِه الشَّ ْيخ ُم َح َّمد ياسين الفاداني قال
Yāsīn al-Fādānī who said; لي بِ ْن فالح ال َّظا ِه ِر ّي الْمدنِي والمقرئ ّ بِ ِه ال َّشََََّّّّ ْيخ َع
It was narrated to us by Shaykh ʿAli bin Falih
al-Zahiri al-Madani, the recitor Shihāb Aḥmad َّ الشَّ ََّااأ اْ ْحمد بِ ْن َع ْب ُد اللّه المخللاتي ال َّش َّامي ث
bin ʿAbdullāh al-Mukhallalātī al-Shāmī and الْ َم ِّك ّي وال َع َّل َامة الفلكي ال َّشََََََّّّّّّ ْيخ َخليفَ ة بِ ْن حمد
then al-Makkī, the most learned astronomer وسى الخزامي َ الش ْيخ اِ ْب َرا ِهي بِ ْن ُمَّ ال َن َبااني والمقرئ
Shaykh Khalīfah bin Hamd al-Nabhānī, the
السَََََّّّّّوداني ث َّ الْ َم ِّك ّي َوا ْم ِا َماح الْ َح ِاف ال َّسَََََّّّّّ ِّيد َع ْب ُد
recitor Shaykh Ibrahīm bin Musā al-Khizāmī al-
Sudani then al-Makkī, Imām Ḥāfiz Sayyid Abd الْ َح ّي بِ ْن َع ْبَّ ُد الْ َكبِير الكتََّّاني الفََّّاسََََََّّّّّّي َو ُه َو اول
al-Hayy bin Abd al-Kabīr al-Kattānī al-Fāsī, and َح ِديث ارويه َعن ُا َعن اْبِي الْ ُي ْسََََّّّّر فالح بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد
it is the first hadith which I narrate from them;
ال َّظا ِه ِر ّي الْ مدنِي َو ُه َو اول َعن ال َّسََََََّّّّّّ ِّيد ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن
from Abū al-Yusr Fālīḥ bin Muḥammad al-
Zāhirī al-Madanī and it is the first; from Sayyid لي السََّّنوسََّّي الْخ اْبِي الشََّّلفي َو ُه َو اول َعن اْبِي ّ َع
Muḥammad ʿAli al-Sanusī al-Khattābī al- َح ْفص عمر بِ ْن َع ْب َّ ُد الْ َكرِي الْ َع َّ َّار َو ُه َو اول َعن
Shalafī and it is the first; from Abū Hafs ʿUmar ا ِما َماح ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن ال ّ يب المغربي ث َّ الْ مدنِي َو ُه َو
bin Abd al-Karīm al-Attar and it is the first;
from Imām Muḥammad bin al-Tayyib al-
اول َعن امَّ َِّا َمَّاح اْبِي الْ َع َّبَّاأ اْ ْحمََّّد بِ ْن ُم َح َّمَّد بِ ْن
Maghribī then al-Madanī and it is the first; from لي بِ ْن ّ َاصر الدرعي َوا ْم ِا َماح اْبِي ا ْما ْ ْس َرار حسن بِ ْن َع ِ ن
This hadith is also known as the Hadith of Mercy and is traditionally narrated to a student by his or her
teacher as the first hadith they hear from them. Shaykh Abd al-Hayy al-Kattānī (Allah have mercy on him) at
the beginning of his work Fihris al-Fahāris (1/93) discussed the reason why the scholars of hadith started their
gatherings with this narration, he said that this hadith is, “Widespread amongst the Muslim community
(ummah), and was paid attention to by the scholars of the science (of hadith). They gave precedence to narrating
it over other hadith so that they would have a continuous pattern, as we have also done. It is also so that the
seeker of knowledge follows it and knows that the basis of knowledge is mercy, love and maintaining ties, not
turning away and breaking (off relations). So if the student is nurtured with this, with him is nurtured the call
to knowledge and mercy…and he is not raised except with the character trait of mercy.”
Imām Abū ʿAbbās Aḥmad bin Muḥammad bin اما َماح ِ يحيى العجيمي ا ْل َم ِّك ّي َو ُه َو اول َقا َما نَا ِب ِه
Nāṣir al-Darii and Imām Abū al-Asrar Ḥasan
زين العابدين ال َّ َب ِر ّي َو ُه َو اول َح ِديث س َََّّّم َعناه ِم ْن ُه
bin ʿAli bin Yaḥyā al-Ujaymi al-Makkī and it is
the first, they both said; We were informed of it بالْمقَاح من الْ َم ْسََََََّّّّّّ ِجد الْ َح َراح َقا َل َحدث َنا بِ ِه والدنا
by Imām Zayn al-Abidin al-Ṭabarī and it is the ِاما َماح محيي الدّين َع ْب ُد الْ قَ ا ِدر بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد َو ُه َو اول
first hadith we heard from him by the Maqam َقا َل اْخْ َّ َََََّّّّّ ََّب َرنِي جدي يحيى بِ ْن مكرح َو ُه َو اول َقا َل
in the Masjid al-Haram, he said; It was narrated
to us by by our father Imām Muhiy al-Dīn Abd
اْخْ ََّّ ََّب َرنِي بِ ِه جدي ُم َح َّمد الْ ُمحب ال َّ َب ِر ّي ا ْما ْ ْو َسط
al-Qāḍīr bin Muḥammad and it is the first, he َو ُه َو اول َقا َل اْخْ َّ َََََََّّّّّّّ ََّب َرنِي بِ ِه ِاما َماح ُم َح َّمد الْ ُمحب
said; I was informed by my grandfather ال َّ َب ِر ّي ا ْماْخير َو ُه َو اول َقا َل اْخْ َّ ََََّّّّ ََّب َرنِي بِ ِه َع ْب ُد اللّه
Muḥammad al-Muhib al-Ṭabarī al-Awsat and it
is the first, he said; I was informed of it by Imām
بِ ْن اسََّّعد اليافعي َو ُه َو اول َقا َل اْخْ ََََََََّّّّّّّّ ََّب َرنِي بِ ِه اِ َماح
Muḥammad al-Muhib al-Ṭabarī al-Akhir; I was ا ْماْئِ َّمة اِ ْب َرا ِهي الرضي ال َّ َب ِر ّي َو ُه َو اول َقا َل اْخْ ََّّ ََّب َرنِي
informed of it by ʿAbdullāh bin Asad al-Yafii بَِّ ِه الْ َحَّ ِاف الْ َكبِير اْ ْحمََّّد الْ ُمحََّّب ال َّ َب ِر ّي ا ْمَّا ْ ْ َبر
and it is the first, he said; I was informed of it by
the Imām of the Imāms Ibrahīm al-Radi al-
لي بِ ْن اْبِي ّ َو ُه َو اول َعن َعمه ِاما َماح اْبِي الْحس ََََّّّّن َع
Ṭabarī and it is the first; I was informed of it by بكر ال َّ َب ِر ّي َو ُه َو اول َعن ال َّش ََََََّّّّّّ ْيخ ُم َح َّمَََّّّد بِ ْن
the great Ḥāfiz Aḥmad al-Muhib al-Ṭabarī al- اِ ْسََََََّّّّّّ َم ِاعي بِ ْن اْبِي ال َّصََََََّّّّّّيي اليمني َو ُه َو اول َعن
Akbar and it is the first; from his uncle Imām
ال َّشََّّ ْيخ اْبِي الْحسََّّن الْ َم ْق ِد ِسََّّي َو ُه َو اول َعن الْ َف ِقيه
Abū al-Ḥasan ʿAli bin Abī Bakr al-Ṭabarī and it
is the first; from Shaykh Muḥammad bin Ismāʿīl
اْبِي َع ْبَّ ُد الل َّّه الََّّديبََّّاجي َو ُه َو اول َعن اْبِي بكر بِ ْن
bin Abī al-Sayf al-Yamānī and it is the first; شََََّّّّ ْب َو ُه َو اول َعن عمر الدهسََََّّّّتاني َو ُه َو اول َقا َل
from Shaykh Abū al-Ḥasan al-Maqdisī and it is اْخْ َّ ََََّّّّ ََّب َرنِي ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد الريونجي َو ُه َو اول َقا َل
the first; from the jurist Abū ʿAbdullāh al-Dibājī
and it is the first; from Abū Bakr bin Shibl and
اْخْ ََّّ ََّب َرنِي َح ْم َزة بِ ْن َع ْب ُد الْ َعزِيز المالبي َو ُه َو اول َقا َل
it is the first; from ʿUmar al-Dahstānī and it is اْخْ َََََََّّّّّّّ ََّب َرنِي اْ ُبو َح ِامد اْ ْحمد بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن يحيى بِ ْن
the first, he said; I was informed by Muḥammad بِلَال الْ َب َّزاز
bin Muḥammad al-Rayunjī and it is the first, he
(ح) َوبِ ََّّ ِه اِلَى اْبِي َح ْفص عمر بِ ْن َع ْب ََّّ ُد الْ َكرِي
said; I was informed by Hamza bin Abd al-Azīz
al-Mahlabī and it is the first, he said; I was لي الونائي َو ُه َو اول ّ الس ِّيد اْبِي الْحسن َع َّ الْ َع َّار َعن
informed by Abū Hāmid Aḥmad bin َعن الْ ُب ْر َهان اِ ْب َرا ِهي النمرس َََّّّي َو ُه َو اول َعن عيد بِ ْن
Muḥammad bin Yaḥyā bin Bilāl al-Bazzār
لي النمرسََََََّّّّّّي َو ُه َو اول َعن َع ْب ُد اللّه بِ ْن َس ََََََّّّّّّال ّ َع
[Another Chain]
A similar chain up to Abū Hafs ʿUmar bin Abd
الْ َب ْص َََََّّّّّ ِر ّي َو ُه َو اول َعن ال َّش َََََّّّّّ ْم ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن َعلَاء
al-Karīm al-Attār; from Sayyid Abū al-Hafs ʿAli الدّين البابلي َو ُه َو اول َعن الشَّ َباأ اْ ْحمد بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد
al-Wanāī and it is the first; from Burhān الش َََّّّلبي الْ َح َن ِف ّي َو ُه َو اول َعن الْجمال ُيو ُس َََّّّي بِ ْن
Ibrahīm al-Numrasi and it is the first; from Eid
bin ʿAli al-Numrāsī and it is the first; from
َز َ ِر َّيا ا ْمانْ َص َََّّّارِ ّي َو ُه َو اول َعن بر َهان الدّين اِ ْب َرا ِهي
ʿAbdullāh bin Sālim al-Basrī and it is the first; لي بِ ْن اْ ْحمََّّد القلقشََََََّّّّّّنََّّدي َو ُه َو اول َعن ّ ابِ ْن َع
from Shams Muḥammad bin Alā al-Dīn al- الشااأ اْ ْحمد بِ ْن اْبِي بكر الْ َم ْق ِد ِسي َو ُه َو اول َعن َ
Bābilī and it is the first; from Shabāb Aḥmad bin
Muḥammad al-Shalabī al-Ḥanafī and it is the ُوم ُّي َو ُه َو اول َعن اْبِي الْفر ِ الص ْدر اْبِي الْ َف ْتح الْ َم ْيد َّ
لي الْ َح َّرانِي َو ُه َو ّ َع ْب ُد اللَّ ِ يي بِ ْن َع ْب ُد الْ ُمنع بِ ْن َع
first; from Jamāl Yusuf bin Zakariyyāh al-Ansārī
and it is the first; from Burhān al-Dīn Ibrahīm
Ibn ʿAli bin Aḥmad al-Qalqashandī and it is the لي بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد ّ اول َعن اْبِي الْفر َع ْب ُد ال َّر ْح َمن بِ ْن َع
first; from Shihāb Aḥmad bin Abī Bakr al- بِ ْن الْ َج ْوزِ ّي َو ُه َو اول َعن اْبِي سَََّّّعيد اِ ْسَََّّّ َم ِاعي بِ ْن
Maqdisi and it is the first; from Al-Sadr Abū al- اْ ْحمد بِ ْن َع ْب ُد الْملك ال َّن ْي َسََّّا ُبورِي َو ُه َو اول َعن اْبِيه
Fath al-Maydūmī and it is the first; from Abū al-
Faraj Abd al-Laṭīf bin Abd al-Munʿim bin ʿAli
اْبِي َص ََََّّّّالح اْ ْحمد بِ ْن َع ْب ُد الْملك الْ ُم َؤ ّذن َو ُه َو اول
al-Harrānī and it is the first; from Abū al-Faraj َعن اْبِي َطا ِهر ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن محمش الز َيادي
ʿAbd al-Raḥmān bin ʿAli bin Muḥammad bin َو ُه َو اول َعن اْبِي َح ِامد اْ ْح مد بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن يحيى
al-Jawzī and it is the first; from Abū Saeed
Ismāʿīl bin Aḥmad bin Abd al-Mālik al-
الْ َب َّزاز بالزاي المكررة َو ُه َو اول َعن َع ْب ُد ال َّر ْح َمن بِ ْن
Naysabūrī and it is the first; from his father Abū بش ََََّّّّر بِ ْن الحك الْ َع ْب ُدي َو ُه َو اول َعن ُس ََََّّّّ ْف َيان بِ ْن
Ṣāliḥ Aḥmad bin Abd al-Mālik al-Muaʿdhin ُع َي ْي َنة َو ُه َو اول َواِلَ ْي ِه َي ْن َت ِاي التسََََّّّّلسََََّّّّ باماولية َعن
and it is the first; from Abū Ṭāhir Muḥammad
َع ْمرو بِ ْن ِدي َنَّار َعن اْبِي َقَّا ُبوأ مولى َع ْبَّ ُد الل َّّه بِ ْن
bin Muḥammad bin Mahmash al-Ziyādī and it
is the first; from Abū Hāmid Aḥmad bin ص َعن َع ْب ُد اللّه بِ ْن َع ْمرو َر ِض ََََّّّّي الل ّه ِ َع ْمرو بِ ْن الْ َعا
Muḥammad bin Yaḥyā al-Bazzāz and it is the :َعن ُا َما اْن َر ُس ْو ُل اللّه صلى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه َوسل َقا َل
first; from ʿAbd al-Raḥmān bin Bishr bin al-
،2 «ال َّر ِاح ُمو َن َي ْر َح ُم ُا ُ ال َّر ْح َم ُن َت َبَََّّّا َر َك َو َت َعَََّّّا َلى
Hakam al-Abdī and it is the first; from Sufyān
bin ʿUyaynah and it is the first, and it is here َّ ض َي ْر َح ُم ُك ْ َم ْن ِفي
»الس َما ِء ِ ا ْر َح ُموا َم ْن ِفي اما ْ ْر
where the pattern of firstness in the chain ends;
from ʿAmr bin Dīnār; from Abū Qābūs the
Mawla of ʿAbdullāh bin ʿAmr bin al-Aas
from ʿAbdullāh bin ʿAmr (Allah be pleased
with them both) that the Messenger of Allah
(Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “The
merciful are shown mercy by the All-Merciful
تبارك وتعاىل. Have mercy to those on earth, and the
Lord of the Heavens will have mercy upon you.”
Shaykh Abd al-Baqi al-Ayyubi in his Manahil al-Salsalah (p.9) mentioned that he heard this narration from
all of his Shaykhs with the addition وتعاىل تبارك, it was not however mentioned by Ibn al-Jazari, al-Suyuti,
Muḥammad Abid al-Sindī and others. The fact of the matter is that it is not from the narration but rather it is
by way of good manners (adab) at the mention of the Divine Name. It should be recited by the narrator of this
hadith and some scholars added that it not be recorded but recited.
Shams Muḥammad bin al-Tayyib al-Maghribi then al-Madini said: This hadith – as was stated by
more than one of the Imāms – is an elevated Ḥasan hadith. It was related by Al-Bukhārī in his work
Al-Kuna and Al-Adab al-Mufrad, Aḥmad and al-Humaydi in their Musnads, al-Bayhaqi in Al-Shuab,
Abū Dāwūd and Al-Tirmidhī in their Sunan’s, Abū ʿAli al-Zafarani as recorded from his narration as
cited from him by Ibn Al-Abbar and others. Al-Tirmidhī said: This hadith is Ḥasan Ṣaḥīḥ, it was
cited by Al-Ḥākim in Al-Mustadrak who graded it Ṣaḥīḥ, and it is so taking in to account the follow
up and supporting narrations which it has which is not hidden to the one who has some familiarity
with the sciences of hadith. Likewise Zayn al-Iraqi and others were certain of it being Ṣaḥīḥ without
hesitation, and Allah knows best.4
In the footnote of the printed edition of Al-Ujalah (p.10) it states that this is a mistake.
Al-Ujalah fi Al-Ahadith Al-Musalsalah (p.10-11)
Shaykh ʿAbd al-Raḥmān bin Abī Bakr al-Mullā :اْخْ َب َرن ََّا الشَّ ْيخ َع ْب ُد الرحمن بِ ْن اْبِي بكر الملا قال
informed us and said;
It was related by our Shaykh (ʿUmar bin
الس ِّيد ُم َح َّمد علي بِ ْن ظاهر َّ رواه شيخنا عن ال َعلَّا َمة
Hamdan al-Mahrasi) ; from Allāmah al-Sayyid َعن شَّيخه ال َعلَّا َمة َع ْب ُد ال َغَّ ِني ابِ ْن اْبِي، الوتري
Muḥammad bin ʿAli bin Zahir al-Watrī َعن شيخه الحاف،َس ِع ْيد ال ُم َج َّد ِدي ال ِّد ْه َل ِوي
informed me; from his Shaykh Allamah Abd al-
،ُم َح َّمد عابد بِ ْن احمَّد علَّي امانَّصاري السندي
Ghanī Ibn Abī Saeed al-Mujaddidī al-Diĥlawī;
from his Shaykh Ĥāfiz Muḥammad Abid bin الس ِّيدَّ َصا َف ْح ُت: >قال في ثبته<حصر الشارد
Aḥmad ʿAli al-Anšārī al-Sindī, who said in his الس ِّيد ابا القاس َّ و َص ْن ِو ِه،َ احمَّد بِ ْن سَّليمان الاجَّاح
thabat Ĥašr al-Shārid: I shook the hand of Sayyid
Aḥmad bin Sulaiman al-Hajjam, his twin
، الس ِّيد َع ْب ُد الرزاق البكَّاري َّ و، ابِ ْن سليمان الاجاح
brother Sayyid Abul Qāsim Ibn Sulaiman al-
والشَّ ْيخ يوسي بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد، >صَّاحب<الق يع
Hajjam, Sayyid Abd al-Razzaq al-Bakkari the َّ صَّافحنا: قَّالوا، ابِ ْن عَّلاء الَّدين المزجَّاجي
الس ِّيد
author of al-Qati’ and Shaykh Yusuf bin :احمد بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد شريي مقبول اماهدل ؛ قال
Muḥammad Ibn Ala al-Dīn al-Mizjaji, all of
them saying; Sayyid Aḥmad bin Muḥammad
والشَّ ْيخ، َصا َف ْح ُت الشَّ ْيخ احمد بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد النخلي
Sharif Maqbul al-Ahdal shook our hand and صافحنا الشَّ ْيخ:َع ْب ُد اﷲ بِ ْن سال البصري ؛ قاما
said; I shook the hand of Shaykh Aḥmad bin َصا َف ْح ُت: قال، ُم َح َّمد ابِ ْن عَّلاء الدين البابلي
Muḥammad al-Nakhli and Shaykh ʿAbdullāh
: قَّال، الشَّ ْيخ الكبير ابا بكر بِ ْن اسماعيَّ الَّشنواني
bin Salim al-Basri, both of whom said; We
shook the hand of Shaykh Muḥammad Ibn Ala : قَّال،َصا َف ْح ُت الشَّ ْيخ ابراهي بِ ْن َع ْب ُد اﷲ العلقمي
al-Dīn al-Babili who said; I shook the hand of : قال، َصا َف ْح ُت الحَّاف جَّلال الَّدين السيوطي
the great Shaykh Abū Bakr bin Ismāʿīlal-
،َصا َف ْح ُت تقي الدين احمد بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد الَّشمني
Shinwani who said; I shook the hand Shaykh
Ibrahīm bin ʿAbdullāh al-Alqama who said; I : قال، َصا َف ْح ُت ابَّا ال اهر ابِ ْن الكويك:قَّال
shook the hand of Ḥāfiz Jalal al-Dīn al-Suyuti : قال، َصا َف ْح ُت ابا اسحاق ابراهي بِ ْن علي
who said; I shook the hand of Taqi al-Dīn َصا َف ْح ُت ابا: قال، َصا َف ْح ُت ابَّا َع ْب ُد اﷲ الخوئي
Aḥmad bin Muḥammad al-Shumni who
َصا َف ْح ُت ابا بكر:قَّال،المجد بِ ْن الحسين القَّزويني
said; I shook the hand of Abul Ṭāhir Ibn al- َصا َف ْح ُت ابَّا الحَّسن: قَّال، بِ ْن ابراهي الش ّحاذي
Kuwayk who said; I shook the hand of Abū َصا َف ْح ُت ابا منصور َع ْب ُد: قَّال، ابِ ْن اْبِي زرعَّة
Ishaq Ibrahīm bin ʿAli who said; I shook the
َصا َف ْح ُت َع ْب ُد: قال، الرحمن بِ ْن َع ْب ُداﷲ البزازي
hand of Abū ʿAbdullāh al-Khuay who said;
I shook the hand of Abul Majd bin al-
َصافَ ْح ُت ابا القاس َع ْب ُدان: قال، الملك بِ ْن نجيد
Hussain al-Qazwini who said; I shook the َصا َف ْح ُت عمر بِ ْن سعيد: قال، بِ ْن حميد المنبجي
hand of Abū Bakr bin Ibrahīm al-Shahazdhi َصا َف ْح ُت: قال، َصا َف ْح ُت احمد بِ ْن دهقان: قال،
who said; I shook the hand of Abul Ḥasan َصا َف ْح ُت ابا هرمز حين: قَّال، خلَّي بِ ْن تمَّي
Ibn Abī Zarah who said; I shook the hand of
َد َخ ْلن ََّا َع َلَّى اْنََّ بِ ْن: قَّال، دخلت عليه اعوده
Abū Mansur ʿAbd al-Raḥmān bin
ʿAbdullāh al-Bazzazi who said; I shook the
ي َّ َ َصا َف ْح ُت بِ َك ِّفي ِه ِذ ِه: َف َقا َل،َمالَِّك نَ ُع ْوده
hand of Abd al-Mālik bin Nujayd who said; َر ُس ْو ِل اﷲ صلى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه َوسل َف َما َم ِس ْس ُت َخ ًّزا
I shook the hand of Abul Qāsim Abdan bin ي َر ُس ْو ُل اللّه صلى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه ِّ َ َو َما َح ِر ْي ًرا اْ َلي َن ِمن
Humayd al-Manbaji who said; I shook the ي ِّ َف ُق ْل َنَّا م ِا ْنََّ َص ِاف ْح َنا بِال َك:َوسل ؛ َقا َل اْ ُبَّو ُه ْر ُمَّز
hand of ʿUmar bin Saeed who said; I shook
: َو َقَّا َل، الَّ ِتي َصا َف ْح َت بِ ِاا َر ُس ْو ُل اﷲ ‘ َف َصا َف َح َنا
the hand of Aḥmad bin Dahqan who said; I
فقلت ماْبِي، خلي بِ ْن تمي:َّس َلا ُح َع َل َّْي ُك َقا َل َّ اَل
shook the hand of Khalf bin Tamim who
said; I shook the hand of Abū Hurmuz ، ي الَّ ِتي َصا َف ْح َت بِ ِاا اْنََّساﹰ ِّ َص ِاف ْح ِني بِال َك:ُه ْر ُمز
when I entered upon him when visiting َو َه َك َذا َقا َل. لس َلا ُح َع َل ْي ُك َّ َ ا: َو َقا َل، َف َصا َف َح ِني
him, he said; . َو َصافَ َح تِ ْل ِم ْي ُذه، ُ ُّ َو ِاحد ِمن ال َّر َواة
We entered upon ʿAnas bin Mālik (Allah be
قُلْ ُت لِلْشَ ْي ِخي َع ْب ُد ال َّر ْح َمن بِ ْن اْبِي َب َكر:َفاْقُ ْول
pleased with him) to visit him and he said
to us, “With this very hand of mine I shook
ي الَّتِي َصا َف ْح َت بِ ِاا الشَّ ْيخ ِّ َص ِاف ْحانِي بِالْ َك:ال ُم َّلا
the hand of the Messenger of Allah (Allah : َو َقا َل، َف َصا َف َحانِي، ُع ْمر بِ ْن َح ْمدَان ال َم ْح َر ِسي
bless him and give him peace), and I have لس َلا ُح َع َل ْي ُكَّ َا
not touched silk nor brocade softer then the
hand of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless
him and give him peace).”5
Abū Hurmuz said: So we said to ʿAnas:
Shake our hands with the hand with which
you shook the Messenger of Allah (Allah
bless him and give him peace), so we shook
his hand and he said: Assalamu Alaikum
Khalf bin Tamim said: I said to Abū
Hurmuz: Shake my hand with the hand
This narration in Ithaf al-Ikhwan (p.137) has Sayyiduna ʿAnas’s description of the blessed prophetic hands
omitted, it is however cited in other collections such as Al-Ujalah (p.12).
Ibn Aqilah said: This hadith was related by al-Dibaji in his Musalsalat, Ibn Mufaddal and al-Tamimi
in his Musalsalat. The hadith has been discussed as being weak and fabricated, even if the text is Ṣaḥīḥ
as related by al-Bukhārī, Aḥmad bin Hanbal from ʿAnas, “I have never touched any silk or brocade
that is softer than the palm of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him,
nor have I ever smelled musk or scent more fragrant than the fragrance of the Messenger of Allah,
may Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him."
Al-Suyuti said in Jiyad al-Musalsalat: This hadith was related by Ibn Asakir in his Tarikh from the
route of ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Ṭabarī from Abū Muḥammad Abd al-Mālik bin Muḥammad bin Nujayd
al-Baghawi in a musalsal form. Abid al-Sindī said: Shams al-Sakhawi vigorously denied its being
musalsal and said: Abū Hurmuz – whose name is Nafi – was declared a liar on occasion by Ibn Main,
and Abū Hashim said he was severely weak (matruk dhahib al-hadith).. Abid [al-Sindī] said: He
however was not alone in narrating it, for it was related in a pattern form from the route of
Muḥammad bin Kamil.7
Therefore those wishing to narrate this hadith from Shaykh Yaḥyā al-Mullā should say the following to him
after hearing the hadith:
الرمحَن بِن َأ ِِب َبكَر املُ َّّل ِ ِّ صافِح ِاِن بِا ْل َك
َّ ف ا َّلتي َصا َف ْح َت ِ َِبا الشيخ عَبد َ َ
After which you will shake his hand and he will say to you: Assalamu Alaikum
Shaykh Abd al-Baqi al-Ayyubi in his Manahil al-Salsalah p.41-42 citing these words adds the following:
“I say: And that is by means of that which I narrate from Sayyid Amin from Abd al-Ghani, from Muḥammad
Abid, from Sayyid ʿAbd al-Raḥmān bin Sulayman bin Yaḥyā bin ʿUmar Maqbul al-Ahdal, from his father,
from Muḥammad bin al-Tayyib al-Maghribi, from his father and Shaykh Abī ʿAbdullāh Muḥammad bin ʿAbd
al-Raḥmān al-Fasi and other than them, both, all of them said: We shook the hand of Abū Salim al-Ayyashi,
who shook thhe hand of Shihab al-Khafaji, from Ibrahīm al-Alqama, from his brother Shams al-Alqama and
Sayyid Yusuf al-Armiyuni, they both from Jalal al-Suyuti, from Kamal al-Dīn, from Ibn al-Jazari, from Yusuf
bin Muḥammad al-Sarmari, from Abd al-Samad bin Abī al-Jaysh, from Abū Muḥammad Yusuf bin ʿAbd al-
Raḥmān, from his father ʿAbd al-Raḥmān biin al-Jawzi, from Ḥāfiz Muḥammad bin Nāṣir, from Abū al-
Ghanaim bin al-Nadas, from Muḥammad bin ʿAli al-Alawi, from Abū al-Fadl Muḥammad Ibn Jafar al-Khuzai,
from Abū al-ʿAbbās Aḥmad bin Saeed al-Matui, from Abū Ghanim Muḥammad bin Muḥammad bin
Zakariyyah, from Muḥammad bin al-Kamil, from Aban al-Attar, from Thabit al-Bunani, from ʿAnas bin Mālik
(Allah be pleased with him) said: I shook the hand of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him
peace), and I have not felt silk nor…”
With regards to Muhammad bin Kamil, Imam al-Sakhawi said in Jawahir al-Mukallalah that he was not relied
upon as a narrator. Thus this supporting chain also comes via a narrator who is weak, and Allah Most High
knows best.
THE PATTERN CHAIN HADITH OF THE ََاَ َلمسَلَسَلَبَقَوَلَ مَقلََأَ مَعوَ مَذَبَاّللهَمَنََالشيطان
A L L A H F R O M T H E A C C UR S E D D E V I L َالرجيَم
This part of the chain needs further examination, a discussion of which I could not find specifically in a
number of the commonly used Musalsalat works. The issue is as follows: Shaykh Abd al-Hayy al-Luknawi
mentions in his Nafi al-Kabir (p.44) that Hafidh Ibn Ḥajar passed away in 852H whilst Imām al-Suyuti was
born in 849H. Working out the dates of the death and birth of these scholars it appears that Imām al-Suyuti
was three and a half years of age at the time of Hafidh Ibn Ḥajars passing away. Imām al-Suyuti himself in
Tadhkirah al-Huffadh in the biography of Hafidh Ibn Ḥajar said that, “I have a general Ijāzah from him, and I
do not deem it far fetched that I have a specific Ijāzah from him, for my father would visit him often.”
Likewise in his work Tadrib al-Rawi (2/407) he mentions the pattern chained (musalsal) narration of Huffadh
wherein he mentions his narration from Hafidh Ibn Ḥajar by way of general Ijāzah, adding that, “I do not
narrate anything else by it (meaning the general Ijāzah) except this hadith.” This Musalsal is neither mentioned
in Imām al-Suyuti’s work Jiyad al-Musalsalat which is in print, however he does have a larger work on Musalsal
hadith which is not in print and which may shed light on this matter. Allah Most High knows best.
Mufaddal; from Abū Muḥammad al-Qāsim bin َاس بِ ْن سعيد بِ ْن َم ْن ُصور ال َّت ِمي ِمي َعن اْبِي ِ ُم َح َّمد الْق
Saeed bin Mansur al-Tamimi; from Abū ʿAbd
َع ْب ُد ال َّر ْح َمن ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن َع ْب ُد ال َّر ْح َمن
al-Raḥmān Muḥammad bin Muḥammad bin
ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Marwazi; from Abū al-Fadl الْمروزِي َعن اْبِي الْفض ُم َح َّمد ابِ ْن اْ ْحمد ابِ ْن
Muḥammad Ibn Aḥmad Ibn Muḥammad bin ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن الْفض الماهياني الْ َخ ِ يب َعن ِاما َماح َعل ّي
al-Fadl al-Mahiyani al-Khatib; from Imām ʿAli بِ ْن اْ ْحمد الواحدي َعن اْبِي ا ِْس َحاق الثَّ ْع َلبِ ّي َعن اْبِي
bin Aḥmad al-Wahidi; from Abū Ishaq al-
Tha’labi; from Abū al-Fadl Muḥammad bin
الْفض ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن َج ْعفَر الْ ُخ َز ِاع ّي َعن اْبِي الْ ُح َس ْين
Jafar al-Khuzai; from Abū al-Hussain ʿAbd al- َع ْب ُد ال َّر ْح َمن بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد َعن اْبِي ُم َح َّمد َع ْب ُد اللّه بِ ْن
Raḥmān bin Muḥammad; from Abū عجلَان الزنجاني َعن اْبِي ُع ْث َمان ا ِْس َم ِاعي بِ ْن اِ ْب َرا ِهي
Muḥammad ʿAbdullāh bin Ajlan al-Zanjani;
from Abū ʿUthmān Ismāʿīlbin Ibrahīm al-
ا ْما ْ ْه َوازِي َعن ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن َع ْب ُد اللّه بِ ْن بس َاح َعن روح
Ahwazi; from Muḥammad bin ʿAbdullāh bin بِ ْن َع ْب ُد ُمؤمن َعن َي ْعقُوأ الْ َحضْ َر ِم ّي َعن َسلاح اْبِي
Bistam; from Ruh bin Abd Mu’min; from النجود َعن زر بِ ْن ُح َب ْيش ُ اص ابِ ْن اْبِي ِ الْ ُم ْنذر َعن َع
الرواة اعوذ بالسميع الْ َعلِي َف َيقُول َ َقائِلا َو ِاحد من
Yʿaqūb al-Hadrami from Salam Abū al-
Mundhir; from ʿĀṣim Ibn Abī al-Nujud; from
Zarr bin Hubaish, each of the narrators reciting الشَّ ْيخ ق اعوذ بِاللّه من الشَّ ْي َان ال َّر ِجي َقا َل زر
‘I seek refuge in the All-Hearing and All- َف َلقَد َق َرات على َع ْب ُد اللّه بِ ْن َم ْس ُعود َفقلت اعوذ
Knowing’ and in response the Shaykh sayinf,
بالسميع الْ َعلِي َفقَا َل لي ق اعوذ بِاللّه من الشَّ ْي َان
‘Recite: I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed
ال َّر ِجي فَ َلقَد َق َرات على َر ُس ْو ُل اللّه صلى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه
Zarr said: I recited to ʿAbdullāh bin Masud and َوسل َفقلت اعوذ بالسميع الْ َعلِي َفقَا َل َيا ابِ ْن اح َع ْب ُد
said, ‘I seek refuge in the All-Knowing and All- ق اعوذ بِاللّه من الشَّ ْي َان ال َّر ِجي َه َك َذا اْ ْق َراْنِي ِه
Hearing’ and he said to me, ‘Recite: I seek refuge
in Allah from the accursed devil’, for I recited to
ِج ْبرِي َعن الْ َقلَ َعن اللَّ ْوح الْ َم ْحفُوظ
the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and
give him peace) and said, ‘I seek refuge in the
All-Knowing and All-Hearing’ and he said,
“O son of Umm Abd, recite I seek refuge in
Allah from the accursed devil, for this is how
Jibril instructed me to recite from The Pen, from
The Preserved Tablet.”
Shaykh Abd al-Baqi al-Ayyubi also narrates this hadith with the version of, “ الل السممممممعلي ال ل
ّ ”أعوذ ب
There is agreement amongst the expert reciters of the ten readings that the tawwudh is “ الل عن
ّ أعوذ ب
ّ أعوذ بis related by Al-Tirmidhī in his Sunan in the invocations
”الشلطان الرجلexcept that الل السعلي ال ل
for the morning and evening, however Al-Darimi and Ibn al-Sunni differed with him regarding the
additional wording of سعلي ال لand related it without it being mentioned just as the expert reciters.
Ibn al-Tayyib said: Al-Sakhawi indicated to all of its chains of transmission and was critical of Ibn al-
Jazari’s view that it possessed a good chain from the route of Al-Mutui, as he declared weak by Abū
Nuʿaym and Ibn Mardawayh. However they did clearly mention that the chains of the hadith even
if they were weak mutually strengthened each other.
Shaykh Abd al-Baqi al-Ayyubi said: The narrators of our chain from Ruh to those above him are the
Imāms of Quranic recitation, and Al-Mutui is not in this chain. The name of al-Mutui is Ḥasan bin
Sa’d, he is a great Imām, trustworthy in recitation…which was the reason why Ibn al-Jazari graded
the hadith as good, and he is the Shaykh of the Quran reciters, and most knowledgeable of the
narrators of the Quranic readings, and Allah knows best.9
Manahil al-Salsalah (p.143-144)
I was informed by Shaykh Muḥammad Yāsīn al- اْخْ َب َرن ََّ ََّّا:اْخْ َب َرن ََّ ََّّا الشَّ ْيخ ُم َح َّمد ياسين الفاداني قال
Fādānī who said;
ال َّشََّّ ْيخ ُم َح َّمد َع ْب ُد الْ َباقِي َوعمر َح ْمدَان ال َم ْح َر ِسََّّي
I was informed by Shaykh Muḥammad Abd al-
Baqi, ʿUmar Hamdan al-Mahrasi, Khalīfah bin َو َخلِيفَ ة بِ ْن حمد الن ِب ِه اني َوعلي بِ ْن فالح ال َّظا ِه ِر ّي
Hamd al-Nabhani and ʿAli bin Falih al-Zahiri, اربعتا َعن العلََّّامََّّه فََّّالح بِ ْن ُم َح َّمََّّد ال َّظََّّا ِه ِر ّي
ّ الْم ََّّدنِي َو ُه َو َوال ََّّد ا ْم ََّّاخير َعن ُم َح َّم ََّّد بِ ْن َع
the four of them; from Allamah Falih bin
Muḥammad al-Zahiri al-Madini, who is the
father of the last scholar; from Muḥammad bin السَََّّّنوسَََّّّي َعن الْجمال َع ْب ُد الحفي العجيمي َعن
ʿAli al-Sanusi; from Jamāl Abd al-Ḥāfiz al- ُم َح َّمد َهاش ََّّ بِ ْن َع ْب ُد الغفور الس ََّّندي َعن عيد بِ ْن
Ujaymi; from Muḥammad Hashim bin Abd al- لي النمرسََّّي الْ ُب ُرلُّ ِس َّ ّي َعن المعمر ُم َح َّمد البِ ِه وتي ّ َع
Ghafur al-Sindī; from Eid bin ʿAli al-Numrasi
al-Burallasi; from the senior scholar
الْ َح ْن َبلِ ّي َعن َع ْب ُد ال َّر ْح َمن ال ِب ِه وتي َعن نج ال ّدين
Muḥammad al-Bahuti al-Hanbali; from ʿAbd وط ّي َعن اْبِي ِ الغي ي َعن الْ َح ِاف جلال الدّين ال ُّسََّّ ُي
al-Raḥmān al-Bahuti; from Najm al-Dīn al- ال ّيََّّب اْ ْحمََّّد بِ ْن ُم َح َّمَّد الْ ِح َجَّازِي امََّّاديََّّب َعن
Ghayti; from Ḥāfiz Jalal al-Dīn al-Suyuti; from
Abū al-Tayyib Aḥmad bin Muḥammad al-
َقا ِض َََّّّي الْ ُق َض َََّّّاة مجد الدّين اِ ْس َََّّّ َم ِاعي بِ ْن اِ ْب َرا ِهي
Hijazi al-Adib; from the chief Judge Majd al-Dīn الْ َح َن ِف ّي َعن اْبِي سعيد العلائي َعن اْ ْحمد بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد
Ismāʿīlbin Ibrahīm al-Ḥanafī; from Abū Saeed امارموي َعن َع ْب ُد ال َّر ْح َمن بِ ْن مكي َعن اْبِي َطا ِهر
ّ السََََََّّّّّّ َل ِفي َعن ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن َع ْب ُد الْ َكرِي َعن اْبِي َع
al-Alai; from Aḥmad bin Muḥammad al-
Armawi; from ʿAbd al-Raḥmān bin Makkī;
from Abū Ṭāhir al-Silafi; from Muḥammad bin يسى بِ ْن شَ اذان الْقصار الْ َب ْص ِر ّي َعن اْ ْحمد النجاد َ ِع
Abd al-Karim; from Abū ʿAli ʿĪsa bin Shadhan َعن ابِ ْن اْبِي ال ُّدنْ َيا َعن الْحسَََََّّّّّن الجروي َعن َع ْمرو
al-Qassar al-Basri; from Aḥmad al-Najjad; from
التني ِسَََّّّي َعن الحك بِ ْن َع ْب ُدة َعن َح ْي َوة بِ ْن ُشَََّّّ َر ْيح
Ibn Abī Dunya; from Al-Ḥasan al-Jarawi; from
ʿAmr al-Tanisi; from Al-Hakam bin Abdah;
لي ِ الح ُّبُ عقبة بِ ْن ُمسََََََّّّّّّل َعن اْبِي َع ْب ُد ال َّر ْح َمن َ َعن
from Haywah bin Shuraih; from Uqbah bin ابحي َعن م َعاذ بِ ْن جب َقا َل َقا َل لي َر ُس ْو ُل ِ َعن الص َن
Muslim; from Abū ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Hubuli;
َّ اللّا: ْ َف ُق، َاللّه صََّّلى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه َوسََّّل اِنِّي اُ ِح ُّبك
from Al-Sanabahi; from Muadh bin Jabal who
said: The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him
َوح ْسنِ ِع َبا َدتِك ُ ، َوشُ ْك ِر َك،اْ ِع ِّني َع َلى ِذ ْ ِر َك
and give him peace) said to me10, “Indeed I love ََو ِفي ر َِوا َيََّّة اْبِي َد ُاود َيََّّا ُم َعََّّاذ َوالل ََّّّه اِنِّي اُ ِح ُّبََّّك
you, so recite: O Allah help me to make
َواُ ْو ِصََََّّّّ ْيكَ اْن َما َت َدع ِفي ُد ُب ِر ُ َصََََّّّّلَاة اْن َت ُقول
rememberance of You, thank You and worship
you in the best manner.”
َاللّا َّ اْ ِع ِّني َع َلى ِذ ْ ِر َك َوشُ ْك ِر َك َو ُح ْسنِ ِع َبا َدتِك
An in another version of this narration related َو َقا َل ُم َعاذ لِ ْل َصََََََّّّّّّ َنا َب ِحي اِنِّي اُ ِح ُّبكَ فَقُ الخ َو َقا َل
by Abū Dāwūd, “O Muadh! Indeed I love you, I لي اِنِّي اُ ِح ُّبكَ َف ُق الخ َو َه َك َذا َقا َل ُ ِال َص َََّّّ َنا َب ِحي ل
ِ لح ُّب
advise you to not leave after every prayer to
recite: O Allah help me to make rememberance
وخ َنا َولل ّ ِه َ ُ راو لمن روى َعن ُه َو َقا َل لَناَ َذلِكَ ُشَََََّّّّّ ُي
of You, thank You and worship you in the best الْ َح ْمد
Ibn Aqilah said: This hadith was related by Al-Daylami in a Musalsal form, and by Abū Dāwūd and
al-Nasai. Al-Suyuti said: It is Ṣaḥīḥ in terms of its chain (Isnad) and pattern. Abid al-Sindī said that
Al-Sakhawi was certain of the authenticity of the text of the narration and the pattern. Ibn al-Tayyib
said that the hadith was Ṣaḥīḥ in terms of its chain and pattern.11
There are versions where the name of the person being narrated to is mentioned, as done when some
scholars narrate this hadith.
Manahil al-Salsalah (p.26-27)
of Ramla, Imām Khayr al-Dīn; from Shaykh بِ ْن اْ ِمين الدّين َعن َوالِده اْ ِمين الدّين بِ ْن َع ْب ُد العال
Aḥmad bin Amin al-Dīn; from his father Amin
al-Dīn bin Abd al-Aal al-Janbalati; from Shaykh
الجنبلاطي َعن الشَّ ْيخ سري الدّين َع ْب ُد الْبر بِ ْن
Sari al-Dīn Abd al-Barr bin al-Muhib ا ْل ُمحب ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن ال ّش ْح َنة َعن الزين ابِ ْن ق لوبغا
Muḥammad bin Shahnah; from Zayn Ibn
Qutlubugha; from Ibn al-Dīn al-Qahiri; from
َعن اْ ِمين الدّين القاهري َعن القواح ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد
Al-Qawwam Muḥammad bin Muḥammad al- ا ْما ْ ْفَانِ ِّي َعن ا ْل ِع ّز ْا ْحمد بِ ْن المظفر بروايته َو َع ْب ُد
Akfani; from Al-Izz Aḥmad bin al-Muzaffari
with his transmission and Abd al-Aziz al-
الْ َعزِيز ُالب َخارِ ّي َعن َحاف الدّين اْبِي الْفض ُم َح َّمد
Bukhārī; from Ḥāfiz al-Dīn Abū al-Fadl بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن نصر ُالب َخارِ ّي َعن شم ا ْماْئِ َّمة اْبِي
Muḥammad bin Muḥammad bin Nasr al-
Bukhārī; from Shams al-Aimmah Abū al-
المجدغ ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن َع ْب ُد الستار الكردري َعن بدر
Mujdagh Muḥammad bin Abd al-Sattar al- ا ْماْئِ َّمة عمر بِ ْن َع ْب ُد الْ َكرِي الورسكي َعن ِاما َماح ر ن
Kardari; from Badr al-Aimmah ʿUmar bin Abd
al-Karima al-Warsaki; from Imām Rukn al-Dīn
الدّين َع ْب ُد ال َّر ْح َمن بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد ابِ ْن شيرويه الْك ْر َمانِي
ʿAbd al-Raḥmān bin Muḥammad Ibn َعن َفخر الْق َُضاة ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن الْحسن امارسابِ ْندي َعن
Sharawayh al-Kermani; from Fakhr al-Qudah
Muḥammad bin al-Ḥasan al-Arsabandi; from
عماد ا ْم ِا ْسلَاح َع ْب ُد ال َّر ِحي بِ ْن َع ْب ُد الْ َعزِيز الزوزني َعن
Imad al-Islām ʿAbd al-Raḥīm bin Abd al-Aziz يسى الدبوسي َعن َ َاضي اْبِي زيد َع ْب ُد اللّه بِ ْن ِع ِ الق
al-Zawzani; from Qāḍī Abū Zayd ʿAbdullāh bin
ʿĪsa al-Dabusi; from Ustadh Abū Jafar
ا ْما ُ ْس َتاذ ْابِي َج ْعفَر ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن عمر اماستروشني َعن
Muḥammad bin ʿUmar al-Istarushani; from لي بِ ْن خضر ال َّن َس ِف ّي َعن
ّ اِ َماح الْ َع ْصر اْبِي الْحسن َع
Imām al-Asr Abū al-Ḥasan ʿAli bin Khidr al-
nasafi; from Abū Bakr Muḥammad bin al-Fadl
ْابِي بكر ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن ا ْلفض الكماري بِ َف ْتح الْ َكاف
al-Kamari; from Imām Abū Muḥammad َعن ِاما َماح اْبِي ُم َح َّمد َع ْب ُد اللّه بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن َي ْعقُوأ
ʿAbdullāh bin Muḥammad bin Yʿaqūb al-
Saydhamuni al-Harithi; from the exemplar Abū
الص ِغير
َّ السيذموني ا ْل َحارِثِ ّي َعن ا ْلق ْد َوة ْابِي َح ْفص
Hafs al-Saghir ʿAbdullāh; from his father the َع ْب ُد اللّه َعن َوالِده ِاما َماح الْ َمشْ ُاور اْبِي َح ْفص الْ َكبِير
well known Imām Abū Hafs al-Kabir Aḥmad
bin Hafs al-Bukhārī; from the Imām and proof,
حجة اْبِي َع ْب ُد َّ ْاْ ْحمد بِ ْن َح ْفص ُالب َخارِ ّي َعن ِاما َماح ال
Abū ʿAbdullāh Muḥammad bin al-Ḥasan al- اللّه ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن الْحسن الشَّ ْي َبانِ ّي َعن ِاما َماح ا ْما ْ ْع َظ
Shaybani; from the greatest Imām Abū Ḥanīfah
Numan bin Thabit al-Kufi; from ʿAbdullāh bin
اْبِي حنيفَة ال ُّن ْع َمان بِ ْن ثَابت الْ ُك ِوفي َعن َع ْب ُد اللّه بِ ْن
Abī Abī Habibah said, I heard Abū al-Dardā’’ اْبِي َحبِ َيبة َقا َل َس ِم ْع ُت اْ َبا ال َّد ْر َداء َيقُول ُ ْن ُت َر ِد ْيي
say, “I was sitting behind the Prophet (Allah
bless him and give him peace) and he said: O
ال َّنبِي صلى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه َوسل َفقَا َل َيا اْ َبا ال َّد ْر َداء َمن
Abū al-Dardā’’, he who bears witness that there شَ ِا َد اْ ْن َما اِلَ َه اِ َّما اللّه َواْنِّي َر ُس ْو ُل اللّه َو َج َب ْت لَ ُه
is no god except Allah and that I am the
Messenger of Allah, then Paradise is incumbent
الَج َّنة قُ ْلت َواِ ْن َزنَا َواِ ْن َس َر َق؟ َقا َل َف َسا َر َسا َع َة َف َعا َد
for him. I said: Even if he commits fornication لِ َكل َِام ِه َف ُق ْل ُت َواِ ْن َزنَا َواِ ْن َس َرقَ ؟ َقا َل صلى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه
and steals?
He remained silent for a moment and then
َوسل َواِ ْن َزنَا َواِ ْن َس َرقَ َواِ ْن َر ِغ َ اْنْي اْبِي ال َّد ْر َداء
repeated his words, so I said again: Even if he الح ِديث ُ ُج ُم َعة َ َف َكا َن اْ ُبو ال َّد ْر َداء ُي َح ِّدث بِ ِا َذا
fornicates and steals? He (Allah bless him and
give him peace) said: Even if he fornicates and
َعند ِم ْن َبر َر ُس ْو ُل اللّه صلى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه َوسل َو َي َضع
steals, despite what Abū al-Dardā’’ may think. اُ ْص ُبعه على اْنفه َو َيقُول َواِن رغ اني اْبِي ال َّد ْر َداء
Abū al-Dardā’’ would narrate this hadith every
Jumah by the pulpit of the Messenger of Allah
(Allah bless him and give him peace), whilst
placing his finger upon his nose and saying:
Despite what Abū al-Dardā’’ may think.12
Ibn al-Tayyib said: The hadith is Ṣaḥīḥ, and it was related by the Imām’s of the Ṣaḥīḥ works.
The literal meaning of the saying refers to the nose of a person, it is a metaphor in the Arabic language.
Al-Ujalah fi Al-Ahadith al-Musalsalah (p.39)
It was narrated to me by Shaykh Muḥammad َحدث َنا:َحدث َنا بِ ِه الشَّ ْيخ ُم َح َّمد ياسين الفاداني قال
Yāsīn al-Fādānī who said;
بِ ِه الْ ُمحدث الْ َف ِقيه الشَّ ْيخ َم ْح ُمود ال َّس ِّيد بِ ْن
It was narrated to me by the Hadith specialist
and jurist Shaykh Mahmud al-Sayyid bin الس ِّيد الدومي الْ َح ْن َبلِ ّي َعن شَ ْيخه مص فى َّ ُم َح َّمد
Muḥammad al-Sayyid al-Dumi al-Hanbali; بِ ْن اْ ْحمد الش ي َعن اْبِيه اْ ْحمد الش ي َعن ال َعلَّا َمة
from his Shaykh Mustafa bin Aḥmad al-Shatti;
حسن بِ ْن عمر الش ي َعن مص فى بِ ْن سعد
from his father Aḥmad al-Shatti; from Allamah
Ḥasan bin ʿUmar al-Shatti; from Mustafa bin
الرحيباني َعن ُمحدث الشَّ اح ُم َح َّمد ابِ ْن اْ ْحمد
Sa’d al-Ruhaybani; from the Hadith specialist of السفاريني َواحمد البعلي ِلَا ُه َما َعن اْبِي الْ َم َوا ِهب
al-Sham Muḥammad Ibn Aḥmad al-Saffarini ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن َع ْب ُد الْ َباقِي البعلي َعن اْبِيه الْ َف ِقيه الْ ُمحدث
and Aḥmad al-Ba’li, both of them; from Abū al-
Mawahib Muḥammad bin Abd al-Baqi al-Ba’li; َّ الْ ُم ْقرِئ الشَّ ْيخ َع ْب ُد الْ َباقِي الْ َح ْن َبلِ ّي البعلي ث
from his father the jurist, hadith specialist and ال ِّد َمشْ ِقي َعن الشَّ ْيخ َع ْب ُد ال َّر ْح َمن البِ ِه وتي َعن التقي
recitor, Shaykh Abd al-Baqi al-Hanbali al-Ba’li اضي ِ شااأ الدّين َعن ال َق َ َاضي ِ التنوخي َعن َوالِده الق
and then al-Dimashqi; from Shaykh ʿAbd al- ِ
Raḥmān al-Buhuti; from Taqi al-Tannukhi;
لي بِ ْن اْ ْحمد ّ شااأ الدّين اْبِي َحامد ابِ ْن ال ُّنور َع َ
from his father Qāḍī Shihāb al-Dīn Abū Hāmid َاضي الْ ِع ّز اْبِي البر ات ِ البشبيشي الميداني َعن الق
Ibn al-Nur ʿAli bin Aḥmad al-Bashishi al- اصر نصر اللّه ِ َاضي الْ ُب ْر َهان اِ ْب َرا ِهي بِ ْن ال َّن
ِ اْ ْحمد بِ ْن الق
Maydani; from Qāḍī al-Izz Abū al-Barakat
َاضي َعلَاء الدّين ِ الْ ِك َنانِي َعن الْجمال َع ْب ُد اللّه بِ ْن الق
Aḥmad bin al-Qāḍī al-Burhan Ibrahīm bin al-
Nāṣir Nasrullah al-Kinani; from Jamāl لي بِ ْن اْ ْحمد ّ لي الْك َنانِي َعن الْ َعلَاء اْبِي الْحسن َع ّ َع
ʿAbdullāh bin al-Qāḍī Ala’ al-Dīn ʿAli al- بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد الفرضي ال ِّد َمشْ ِقي َعن الْفَخر ابِ ْن ُالب َخارِ ّي
Kinani; from Al-Ala’ Abū al-Ḥasan ʿAli bin
لي َح ْن َب بِ ْن َع ْب ُد اللّه المكبر الرصافي َعن ّ َعن اْبِي َع
Aḥmad bin Muḥammad al-Fardi al-Dimashqi;
from Al-Fakhr Ibn al-Bukhārī; from Abū ʿAli
َاس هبة اللّه بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن َع ْب ُد الْ َو ِاحد بِ ْن ِ اْبِي الْق
Hanbal bin ʿAbdullāh al-Mukbir al-Rasafi; from لي ال َّت ِمي ِمي
ّ لي الْحسن بِ ْن َع ّ الحصيني َعن اْبِي َع
Abū al-Qāsim Hibatullah bin Muḥammad bin الْ َم ْذ َهب الْ َو ِاع َعن اْبِي بكر ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن َج ْعفَر
Abd al-Wahid bin Husaini (saad); from Abū
ʿAli al-Ḥasan bin ʿAli al-Tamimi al-Madhab al-
Waiz; from Abū Bakr Muḥammad bin Jafar al- الْق ي ِعي َعن َع ْب ُد اللّه ابِ ْن ِاما َماح اْ ْحمد بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن
Qati’i; from ʿAbdullāh Ibn al-Imām Aḥmad bin
َح ْن َب َعن اْبِيه َعن اْبِي عدي
Muḥammad bin Hanbal; from his father; from
Abū Adiyy; from Humayd; from ʿAnas who َعن حميد َعن ان َقا َل َقا َل َر ُس ْو ُل اللّه صلى اللّه
said: The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him ييَ َ َع َل ْي ِه َوسل اِذا اْ َرا َد اللّه بِ َع ْب ُد خيرا ْاس َت ْعمل ُه َقالُوا
and give him peace) said, “If Allah desires good َي ْس َت ْع ِمل ُه َقا َل يوفقه لعم َصالح قب َموته
for a slave He utilizes him. They asked how does
He utilize him? He replied: He gives him the
ability to perform righteous actions before his
Shaykh al-Fādānī commented that the hadith was related by Imām al-Tirmidhī.14
Al-Ujalah fi Al-Ahadith al-Musalsalah (p.41)
It was narrated to me by Shaykh Muḥammad َحدث َنا:َحدث َنا بِ ِه الشَّ ْيخ ُم َح َّمد ياسين الفاداني قال
Yāsīn al-Fādānī who said; It was narrated to us
by Shaykh ʿAbdullāh bin Muḥammad Ghazi al- َّ بِ ِه الشَّ ْيخ َع ْب ُد اللّه بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد غَازِي الْ َم ِّك ّي َو
الس ِّيد
Makkī and Sayyid Aydarus bin Salim al-Bar al- الس ِّيد َّ عيدروأ بِ ْن َسال الْ َبار الْ َم ِّك ّي ِلَا ُه َما َعن
Makkī, both of them; from Sayyid Hussain bin ُح َس ْين بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد الحبشي الْ َم ِّك ّي َعن اْبِيه الْ ُم ْف ِتي
Muḥammad al-Habshi al-Makkī; from Shaykh
الس ِّيد ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن ُح َس ْين الحبشي الْ َم ِّك ّي َعن الشَّ ْيخ َّ
ʿUmar bin Abd al-Karim al-Attar al-Makkī;
from Abd al-Mālik bin Abd al-Munim bin Taj عمر بِ ْن َع ْب ُد الْ َكرِي الْ َع َّار الْ َم ِّك ّي َعن َع ْب ُد الْملك
al-Dīn al-Qali’ al-Makkī; from his father; from بِ ْن َع ْب ُد الْ ُمنع بِ ْن َتا الدّين القلعي الْ َم ِّك ّي َعن اْبِيه
ّ َعن جده َعن اْبِي ا ْما ْ ْس َرار حسن بِ ْن َع
his grandfather; from Abū al-Asrar Ḥasan bin
لي العجيمي
ʿAli al-Ujaymi al-Makkī; from Imām Zayn al-
Abidin al-Ṭabarī al-Makkī; from his father Abd
الْ َم ِّك ّي َعن ِاما َماح زين العابدين ال َّ َب ِر ّي الْ َم ِّك ّي َعن
al-Qāḍīr bin Muḥammad al-Ṭabarī al-Makkī; اْبِيه َع ْب ُد الْقَا ِدر بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد ال َّ َب ِر ّي الْ َم ِّك ّي َعن جده
from his grandfather Yaḥyā bin Mukarram bin يحيى بِ ْن مكرح بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد الْ ُمحب ا ْماْخير ال َّ َب ِر ّي
Muḥammad al-Muhib al-Akhir al-Ṭabarī al-
Makkī; from his grandfather Abū al-Maali al-
الْ َم ِّك ّي َعن جده اْبِي الْ َم َعالِي الْ ُمحب ُم َح َّمد ابِ ْن
Muhib Muḥammad Ibn al-Radi Muḥammad الرضي ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن الْ ُمحب ا ْما ْ ْو َسط ُم َح َّمد ال َّ َب ِر ّي
bin Al-Muhib al-Awsat Muḥammad al-Ṭabarī الْ َم ِّك ّي َعن َع اْبِيه ِاما َماح اْبِي الْيمن ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن اْ ْحمد
al-Makkī; from the uncle of his father Imām
Abū al-Yaman Muḥammad bin Aḥmad al-
الشااأ اْ ْحمد بِ ْن الرضي َ ال َّ َب ِر ّي الْ َم ِّك ّي َعن اْبِيه
Ṭabarī al-Makkī; from his father Shihāb Aḥmad ال َّ َب ِر ّي الْ َم ِّك ّي َعن َوالِده اِ َماح مقَاح الْ َخلِي ال َعلَّا َمة
bin al-Radi al-Ṭabarī al-Makkī; from his father, َر ِضي الدّين اِ ْب َرا ِهي بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن اِ ْب َرا ِهي بِ ْن اْبِي
the Imām of the Maqam al-Khalil, Allamah Radi
بكر بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن اِ ْب َرا ِهي الْ ُح َس ْي ِني ال َّ َب ِر ّي الْ َم ِّك ّي
al-Dīn Ibrahīm bin Muḥammad bin Ibrahīm
bin Abī Bakr bin Muḥammad bin Ibrahīm al- اضي ِ وقاضي الْق َُضاة ال َّن ْج اْبِي اْ ْحمد ُم َح َّمد ابِ ْن َق
Hussaini al-Ṭabarī al-Makkī, and the chief الْق َُضاة الْجمال ُم َح َّمد ابِ ْن الْ َح ِاف الْ ُمحب اْبِي
Judge Al-Najm Abū Aḥmad Muḥammad the الْ َع َّباأ اْ ْحمد بِ ْن َع ْب ُد اللّه ال َّ َب ِر ّي الْ َم ِّك ّي َقا َل ُه َو
son of the chief judge Al-Jamāl Muḥammad Ibn
al-Ḥāfiz al-Muhib Abī al-ʿAbbās Aḥmad bin
والشااأ اْ ْحمد ابِ ْن الرضي اْنا ِاما َماح عماد الدّين
ʿAbdullāh al-Ṭabarī al-Makkī. He said as did لي بِ ْن ّ اْ ُبو ُم َح َّمد َع ْب ُد ال َّر ْح َمن بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن َع
Shihāb Aḥmad Ibn al-Radi; We were informed
الْ ُح َس ْين ال َّ َب ِر ّي الْ َم ِّك ّي َقا َل ُه َو والرضي ال َّ َب ِر ّي
by Imām Imad al-Dīn Abū Muḥammad ʿAbd
al-Raḥmān bin Muḥammad bin ʿAli bin al- َاس َع ْب ُد ال َّر ْح َمن ِ الْ َم ِّك ّي اْنا الشَّ ْيخ ز ي الدّين اْ ُبو الْق
Hussain al-Ṭabarī al-Makkī. He said as did Al- بِ ْن اْبِي حرمي فتوح الْ َكاتِب الْ َم ِّك ّي اْنا ِاما َماح الْ َح ِاف
Radi al-Ṭabarī al-Makkī; We were informed by مجيد بِ ْن عمر ِ ْخ يب َم َّكة اْ ُبو َح ْفص عمر بِ ْن َع ْب ُد ال
Shaykh Zaki al-Dīn Abū al-Qāsim ʿAbd al-
قرشي الْ َم ْع ُروف بالميانشي الْ َم ِّك ّي اْنا ِاما َماح ر ن ِ ْال
Raḥmān bin Abī Hurmi Futuh al-Katib al-
Makkī; We were informed by Imām al-Ḥāfiz, اضي الْ َح َر َم ْينِ اْ ُبو المظفر ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن َعل ّي ِ ا ْم ِا ْسلَاح َق
the Khatib of Makka, Abū Hafs ʿUmar bin Abd بِ ْن الْ ُح َس ْين ال َّ َب ِر ّي الْ َم ِّك ّي الشَّ ْي َبانِ ّي اْنا جدي ِاما َماح
al-Majid bin ʿUmar al-Qurashi, better known as
al-MayʿAnashi al-Makkī; We were informed by
لي بِ ْن الْ ُح َس ْين ّ َاضي اْ ُبو َع ْب ُد اللّه الْ ُح َس ْين بِ ْن َع ِ الق
my grandfather the Imām and Qāḍī, Abū َاسِ لي بِ ْن اْبِي الْق ّ ال َّ َب ِر ّي الْ َم ِّك ّي َواْ ُبو الْحسن َع
ʿAbdullāh al-Hussain bin ʿAli bin al-Hussain خلي بِ ْن هبة اللّه بِ ْن َقاس بِ ْن عمر بِ ْن الشماخ
al-Ṭabarī al-Makkī and Abū al-Ḥasan ʿAli bin
َاس خلي بِ ْن هبة ِ الْ ِك َنانِي الشَّ ْي َبانِ ّي َقا َما اْنا اْ ُبو الْق
Abī al-Qāsim Khalaf bin Hibatullah bin Qāsim
bin ʿUmar bin al-Shimakh al-Kinani al- اللّه الْ َم ْذ ُور اْنا اْ ُبو ُم َح َّمد الْحسن بِ ْن اْ ْحمد بِ ْن
Shaybani, both of them said; We were informed اِ ْب َرا ِهي بِ ْن فراأ العبقسي الْ َم ِّك ّي اْنا اْ ُبو الْحسن
by Abū al-Qāsim the son of the aforementioned
ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن ن َِافع بِ ْن اْ ْحمد ابِ ْن ا ِْس َحاق بِ ْن نَافِع
Hibatullah; We were informed by Abū
Muḥammad al-Ḥasan bin Aḥmad bin Ibrahīm
الْ ُخ َز ِاع ّي الْ َم ِّك ّي َواْ ُبو بكر اْ ْحمد بِ ْن َع ْب ُد اللّه بِ ْن َع ْب ُد
bin Faras al-Abqasi al-Makkī; We were الْ ُمؤمن َقا َما اْخْ َب َرن ََّا اْ ُبو ُم َح َّمد ا ِْس َحاق بِ ْن اْ ْحمد بِ ْن
informed by Abū al-Ḥasan Muḥammad bin ا ِْس َحاق بِ ْن اْبِي بكر الْ ُخ َز ِاع ّي الْ َم ِّك ّي
Nafi’ bin Aḥmad Ibn Ishaq bin Nafi’ al-Khuzai
al-Makkī and Abū Bakr Aḥmad bin ʿAbdullāh
اْنا ِاما َماح المؤرخ اْ ُبو الْ َولِيد ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن َع ْب ُد اللّه بِ ْن
bin Abd al-Mu’min; Both of them said, were اْ ْحمد بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن الْ َولِيد ا ْما ْ ْز َرقِ ّي الْ َم ِّك ّي ثنى جدي
informed by Abū Muḥammad Ishaq bin Aḥmad َعن سعيد بِ ْن َسال ُه َو اْ ُبو ُع ْث َمان القداح الْ َم ِّك ّي
bin Ishaq bin Abī Bakr al-Khuzai al-Makkī; We
وسلي بِ ْن ُمسل ُه َو الْ َم ِّك ّي َعن ابِ ْن جريج ُه َو مفتي
were informed by the Imām and historian Abū
al-Walid Muḥammad bin ʿAbdullāh bin َم َّكة َع ْب ُد الْملك بِ ْن َع ْب ُد الْ َعزِيز الْ َم ِّك ّي
Aḥmad bin Muḥammad bin al-Walid al-Azraqi َعن َع اء ُه َو ابِ ْن اْبِي َر َباح الْ َم ِّك ّي َعن ابِ ْن َع َّباأ
al-Makkī; It was narrated to me by my
َقا َل َر ُس ْو ُل اللّه صلى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه َوسل ينزل اللّه:َقا َل
grandfather; from Saeed bin Salim, and he is
Abū ʿUthmān al-Qaddah al-Makkī, and Salim
َي ْوح َولَ ْي َلة عشْ رين ومئة َر ْح َمة على َه َذا الْ َب ْيت
bin Muslim, and he is al-Makkī; from Ibn Jurayj, ِس ُّتو َن ِم ْن َاا لل ائفين َواْ ْر َب ُعو َن للمصلين َو ِعشْ ُرو َن
he being the Muftī of Makka Abd al-Mālik bin .للناظرين
Abd al-Aziz al-Makkī; from Ata, who is Ibn Abī
Rabah al-Makkī; from Ibn ʿAbbās who said:
The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and
give him peace) said, “Allah descends upon this
Ibn al-Tayyib said: Related by Al-Bayhaqi in Shuab al-Iman, Al-Khatib in his Tarikh, Al-Sabuni in the
second volume of Al-Miatayn and said: Hadith Gharib. Al-Sakhawi said it was graded Ḥasan by Al-
Mundhiri in his Targhib and Al-Iraqi in Takhrij Ahadith al-Ihyā’, it being apparent that he graded it
Ḥasan due to its supporting narrations. He said: The claim of Al-Sabuni that it is Gharib from the
hadith of Ibn Jurayj is not correct, for Al-Bayhaqi said after relating it: It was narrated Yusuf bin
Safar from Al-Awzai, from Ata, from Ibn ʿAbbās. Likewise it was related by Al-Tabarānī in Mujam
al-Kabir said: This hadith has other routes of transmission from Ibn ʿAbbās, it was related by Al-
Tabarānī in Al-Kabir, and Allah knows best.16
A brief treatise in explanation of this hadith was authored by the Makkan scholar, well known as the Shaykh
al-Dalail of his era in the Hijaz, Shaykh Abd al-Haq al-Ilahabadi.
Al-Ujalah fi Al-Ahadith al-Musalsalah (p.45-46)
Abū ʿĪsa al-Tirmidhī regarding his age and he اْ ْص َحاأ الشَّ ِاف ِعي َعن سنه َفقَا َل اقب على شَ اْنك
replied, ‘Mind your own business’; for I asked
َف ِانِّي َساْلت الشَّ ِاف ِعي َعن سنه َفقَا َل اقب على شَ ا ْنك
one of the companions of Imām al-Shafiʿī
regarding his age, and he replied, ‘Mind your َف ِانِّي َساْلت َمالك بِ ْن ان َعن سنه فَقَا َل اقب على
own business’; for I asked Al-Shafi regarding his شَ اْنك َو َقا َل لَ ْي َ من الْم ُرُُ َوءة اِخْ َبار الرج َعن سنه
age, and he replied, ‘Mind your own business’; َواِن َا َن َص ِغيرا استحقروه َواِن َا َن َبِيرا استارموه
for I questioned Mālik bin ʿAnas regarding his
age and he replied, “It is not from the
honourable conduct of a man to divulge his age,
for if he is young they will regard him as
insignificant and if old they will regard him as
being of no use.”
Shaykh Abid said: Al-Buwayti is meant by the use of the term, “One of the companions of Al-Shafiʿī”
as explicitly mentioned in the Musalsalat of Sharaf bin Abī Asrun as in the first volume of the Fawaid
of Abū al-Ḥasan al-Halabi and others. However Abū Bakr al-Naysaburi mentioned that the person
who questioned Imām al-Shafiʿī was Al-Muzani, and Al-Shafiʿī linked it via Mālik from Rabia’, and
the first view is the more well known. He said: This statement from Imām Mālik has been narrated
by more than one person, amongst them being Abū al-Ḥasan Muḥammad bin ʿAli al-Azdi al-
Manahil al-Salsalah (p.121)
Shaykh ʿAbbās Ridwan al-Hasani al-Madani (1293-1346H) said in his Fath al-Bar bi Sharḥ Bulugh al-Watr
min Mustalah Ahl al-Athar (p.48), "Perhaps the grasping of the beard is an indication that the matter is in the
hands of Allah Most High...It is thus said in the common saying, “The beard of so and so is in my hand”,
meaning under my control and decision, I deal with him as I wish. Likewise from it are His words Most High,
“There is no creature except that He (Allah Most High) holds it by its forelock.”
Shaykh al-Fādānī even narrated this hadith from his female teachers such as Shaykha Amatullah the daughter
of Shaykh Abd al-Ghani al-Mujaddidi. His students such as Shaykh Khalid al-Turkestani mention from him
that he saw Shaykha Amatullah grasp her chin when narrating this hadith.
Muḥammad bin Muḥammad bin Muḥammad (ح) َو َر َوا ُه ُم َح َّمد َعا ِبد اْ ْيضَََََََّّّّّّّا َعن َع مه ُم َح َّمد
al-Maghribi; from ʿAbdullāh bin Salim al-Basri;
from Shams Muḥammad bin Ala al-Dīn al-
ُح َس َّ ْين ا ْمانْ َص َّارِ ّي َعن ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد
Babili; from Nur ʿAli al-Ajhuri; from Badr المغربي َعن َع ْب ُد اللّه بِ ْن َسال ا ْل َب ْص ِر ّي َعن الشَّ ْم
Muḥammad bin al-Radi al-Ghazzi; from Abū al-
fath Muḥammad bin Muḥammad al-Mizzi;
ليّ ُم َح َّم ََّّد بِ ْن َع َل ََّّاء ال ََّّدّين الب ََّّابلي َعن ال ُّنور َع
from Abū al-ʿAbbās Aḥmad bin ʿAli, the اما ْ ْج ُاورِ ّي َعن الْ َب ْدر ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن الرض ََََّّّّي الْ َغ ِّزي َعن
Muadhin in Ṣāliḥiyyah in Damascus; from
Kamal Abū ʿAbdullāh Ibn Muḥammad bin al-
اْبِي الْ َف ْتح ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد الْمزي َعن اْبِي الْ َع َّباأ
Nahhas and Abū Hurayrah ʿAbd al-Raḥmān لي الْ ُم َؤ ّذن بصالحية دمشق َعن الْ َك َمال ّ ْا ْحمد بِ ْن َع
Ibn al-Ḥāfiz al-Dhahabi, both of them; from
Abū al-ʿAbbās Aḥmad bin ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-
اْبِي َع ْب ُد اللّه ابِ ْن ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن النّحاأ َواْبِي ُه َر ْي َرة َع ْب ُد
Ba’li; from Abū ʿAbdullāh Muḥammad bin ال َّر ْح َمن ابِ ْن الْ َح ََّّ ِاف ال ََّّ َّذ َهبِ ّي ِ َل ََّّا ُه َم ََّّا َعن اْبِي
Ismāʿīlbin Aḥmad al-mardawi, the Khatib of
Marda; from Abū al-Faraj Yaḥyā bin Mahmud
الْ َع َّباأ اْ ْح مد بِ ْن َع ْب ُد ال َّر ْح َمن البعلي َعن اْبِي َع ْب ُد
al-Thaqafi; from his greatgrandfather Ḥāfiz Abū اللّه ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن ا ِْس َم ِاعي بِ ْن اْ ْحمد المرداوي خ يب
al-Qāsim Ismāʿīlbin Muḥammad al-Tamimi;
from Shaykh Abū Bakr Aḥmad bin ʿAli bin
مردا َعن ْابِي ا ْلفر يحيى بِ ْن َم ْح ُمود الثَّ َق ِف ّي َعن
Khalaf al-Shirazi; from Imām Abū ʿAbdullāh جده مامه الْ َح ِاف اْبِي الْقَا ِس َّ اِ ْس َّ َم ِاعي بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد
Muḥammad bin ʿAbdullāh al-Ḥākim al-
Naysaburi; It was narrated to us by Zubair bin
لي بِ ْن ّ ال َّت ِمي ِمي َعن ال َّشََََََّّّّّّ ْيخ اْبِي بكر اْ ْحمََّّد بِ ْن َع
Abd al-Wahid al-Asadabadi; It was narrated to خلي ال ِّش ََّّ َيرازِ ّي َعن ِاما َماح اْبِي َع ْب ُد اللّه ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن
us by Abū al-Ḥasan Yusuf bin Abd al-Ahad al-
Shafiʿī; It was narrated to us by Sulaiman bin
َع ْب ُد ال ّله ا ْل َحا ِ ال َّن ْي َسَََََََّّّّّّّا ُبورِي َث َنا الزبير بِ ْن َع ْب ُد
Shuayb al-Kasai; It was narrated to us Saeed al- وسي بِ ْن َع ْب ُد ُ الْ َو ِاحد ا ْما سد ابادي َث َنا اْ ُبو الْحسن ُي
Adam; It was narrated to us by Shihāb bin
Kharash who said: I heard Yazid al-Raqashi
كسائي َث َنا َ ْالش ِاف ِعي َث َنا ُس َل ْي َمان بِ ْن ُش َع ْيب ال َّ ا ْما ْ َحد
narrate from ʿAnas bin Mālik who said: The خراش َقا َل َس ِمعت يزِيد َ شااأ بِ ْن َ سعيد ا ْمادح َث َنا
Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give
him peace) said: A slave does not taste the
الرقا ِش َّي يحدث َعن ان بِ ْن َمالك َقا َل َقا َل َر ُس َّ ْو ُل
sweetness of faith until he believes in Qadr, the َما َي ِج ُد الْ َع ْب ُد َحل ََاو َة: اللّه ص ََََّّّّلى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه َوس ََََّّّّل
good and the bad, sweet and bitter.
He said: Then the Messenger of Allah (Allah
َو ُح ْل ِو ِه، َح َّتى ُيؤ ِْم َن ِبا ْل قَ َدرِ َخ ْي ِر ِه َو َشََََََّّّّّّ ِّر ِه،اما َيم ِان ِ
bless him and give peace) grasped his beard and ض َر ُسَََََّّّّّو ُل اللّه َصَََََّّّّّلَّى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه َ َو َق َب: َقا َل. »َو ُم ِّر ِه
said, “I believe in Qadr, the good and bad, sweet
and bitter.” Thus said each of the narrators.
،«ا َم ْن ُت بِالْ َق َدرِ َخ ْي ِر ِه َو َش ََََّّّّ ِّر ِه: و َقا َل،َو َس ََََّّّّلَّ َ بِلِ ْح َي ِت ِه
I say, whilst I am grasping my beard, with a ُح ْل ِو ِه َو ُم ِّر ِه
truthful intention and sound belief, “I believe in
Qadr, its good and bad, sweet and bitter.”
َو َه َك َذا َقا َل ُ ُّ َراو ِمن ال َّر َواة َواْقُول َواْنا َقابِض َع َلى
لِ ْح َي ِتي َعن نِ َّية َص ََََََّّّّّّا ِد َقة َو َع ِق ْي َدة َصََََََّّّّّّ ِح ْي َحة ا َم ْن ُت
بِالْ َق َدرِ َخ ْي ِر ِه َوشَ ِّر ِه ُح ْل ِو ِه َو ُم ِّر ِه
Ayyub al-Khalwati said: This hadith is Ṣaḥīḥ and good. However Muḥammad bin Aḥmad bin Aqilah
said: This hadith was related by al-Ḥākim, al-Khali’, Abū Nuʿaym, and there is some weakness in it.
Al-Qawaqji said: It related by Ibn Asakir in his Tarikh with a pattern chain. Ibn al-Tayyib said that
this is how it was related by al-Ḥākim in the section of Musalsal hadith in his work on the sciences
of hadith. It was also related Abū Nuʿaym in Al-Ma’rifah in a pattern form, as also by Al-Dibaji and
from Ibn Al-Mufaddal in their Musalsal hadith collections, Al-Ghaznawi and al-Khali’ in his Fawaid,
Abd al-Ghaffar al-Sa’di in his Musalsalat and others, and it is not free of weakness.
Shaykh Abd al-Baqi al-Ayyubi commented: I say: I do not know of the reason for its weakness, for
all of its narrators are trustworthy, Shihāb was declared trustworthy by Ibn al-Mubarak, Abū Zurah,
Ibn Main and Al-Ijli. As for the statement of Ibn Adiyy that there is in some of his narrations that
which is reprehensible, then it does not harm him as a narrator.20
Manahil al-Salsalah (p.69)
Shaykh Muḥammad Yāsīn al-Fādānī informed اْخْ َب َرن ََّا بِ ِه الشَّ ْيخ ُم َح َّمد ياسين الفاداني َف َل َّما فرغ
us when he finished from his reading he made
dua for the those in the gathering and said; The
مجل َوخت بِال ُّد َعا ِء َقال ْ ْمن الْ ِق َر َاءة َد َعا ماه ال
most learned scholar and hadith specialist الس ِّيد ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد َّ اْخْ َب َرن ََّا بِ ِه ال َعلَّا َمة الْمسند:
Sayyid Muḥammad bin Muḥammad Zabarah الص ْن َعانِ ّي الْ َي َمانِ ّي بِ َم َّكة َف َل َّما فرغ من َّ زباره الحسني
al-Hasani al-Sanani al-Yamani informed us in
مجل َوخت بِال ُّد َعا ِء َقا َل َث َنا ْ ْالْ ِق َر َاءة َد َعا ماه ال
Makka, when he finished from his reading he
made dua for the those in the gathering and الص ْن َعانِ ّي
َّ لي الْ َي َمانِ ّي
ّ لي بِ ْن َعّ َاضي َع ِ شيخ ا ْم ِا ْسلَاح الق
said; It was narrated to us by Shaykh al-Islām َو َع ْب ُد اللّه بِ ْن اْ ْحمد بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد الجنداري َف َل َّما فرغ
Qāḍī ʿAli bin ʿAli al-Yamani al-Sanani and
مجل بِال ُّد َعا ِء ْ ِْم ْن ُا َما من الْ ِق َر َاءة َد َعا لنا َوخت ال
ʿAbdullāh bin Aḥmad bin Muḥammad al-
Jandari, when both of them finished reading الس ِّيد ا ِْس َم ِاعي بِ ْن محسن بِ ْن َّ َقا َما َحدث َنا ال َعلَّا َمة
they made dua for us and ended the gathering الص ْن َعانِ ّي َف َل َّما فرغ من َّ َع ْب ُد الْ َكرِي ا ِْس َحاق الحسني
with dua, both of them said; It was narrated to مجل بِال ُّد َعا ِء َقا َل َحدث َنا ْ ْالْ ِق َر َاءة َد َعا لنا َوخت ال
us by Allamah al-Sayyid Ismāʿīlbin Muhsin bin
Abd al-Karim Ishaq al-Hasani al-Sanani, when
الس ِّيد ال َع َّلا َمة اْ ْحمد بِ ْن زيد الكبسي َو َع ْب ُد اللّه بِ ْن َّ
he finished reading he made dua for us and ِم ْن ُا َما من لي الشَّ ْو َانِ ّي َفلَ َّما فرغ ّ ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن َع
finished the gathering with dua. He said; It was مجل بِال ُّد َعا ِء َقا َما َحدث َنا ْ ْالْ ِق َر َاءة َد َعا لنا َوخت ال
narrated to us by Al-Sayyid Allamah Aḥmad bin
لي الشَّ ْو َانِ ّي َف َل َّماّ َاضي ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن َع ِ شيخ ا ْم ِا ْسلَاح الق
Zayd al-Kabsi and ʿAbdullāh bin Muḥammad
bin ʿAli al-Shawkani, when of them finished مجل بِال ُّد َعا ِء َقا َل ْ ْفرغ من الْ ِق َر َاءة َد َعا لنا َوخت ال
reading thye made dua for us and finished the لي بِ ْن اِ ْب َرا ِهي بِ ْن ّ َحدث َنا ال َعلَّا َمة ال ُّنور اْ ُبو الْحسن َع
gathering with dua. They both said;
الص ْن َعانِ ّي َف َل َّما فرغ من الْ ِق َر َاءة َد َعا لنا َّ َعامر الشَّ ِايد
It was narrated to us by Shaykh al-Islām Qāḍī
Muḥammad bin ʿAli al-Shawlani, when he مجل بِال ُّد َعا ِء َقا َل َحدث َنا َح ِامد بِ ْن حسن ْ َْوخت ال
finished reading he made dua for us and مجلْ ْشَ ا ر َف َل َّما فرغ من الْ ِق َر َاءة َد َعا لنا َوخت ال
َّ بِال ُّد َعا ِء َقا َل َحدث َنا
finished the gathering with dua. He said; It was
narrated to us by Allamah Al-Nur Abū al-Ḥasan
وسي ُ الس ِّيد ال َعلَّا َمة اْ ْحمد بِ ْن ُي
ʿAli bin Ibrahīm bin Amir al-Shahid al-Sanani
بِ ْن الْ ُح َس ْين الْعلوِي القاسمي الحسني َف َل َّما فرغ من
when he finished reading he made dua for us مجل بِال ُّد َعا ِء َقا َل َحدث َنا ْ ا ْل ِق َر َاءة َد َعا لنا َوخت ا ْل
and finished the gathering with dua. He said; It
َاس بِ ْن ِاما َماح ِ الس ِّيد بر َهان الدّين اِ ْب َرا ِهي بِ ْن الْق َّ
was narrated to us by Hāmid bin Ḥasan Shakir
when he finished reading he made dua for us مجل ْ ْالْ ُم َؤيد َف َل َّما فرغ من الْ ِق َر َاءة َد َعا لنا َوخت ال
and finished the gathering with dua; الس ِّيد الْ ُح َس ْين بِ ْن اْ ْحمد زباره َّ بِال ُّد َعا ِء َقا َل َحدث َنا
It was narrated to us by Al-Sayyid Allamah مجل بِال ُّد َعا ِء ْ َْف َل َّما فرغ من الْ ِق َر َاءة َد َعا لنا َوخت ال
Aḥmad bin Yusuf bin al-Hussain al-Alawi al-
Qasimi al-Hasani when he finished reading he
َقا َل َحدث َنا َع ْب ُد الْ َعزِيز بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد الحبيشي َف َل َّما فرغ
made dua for us and finished the gathering with مجل بِال ُّد َعا ِء َقا َل َحدث َنا ْ ْمن الْ ِق َر َاءة َد َعا لنا َوخت ال
dua. He said; It was narrated to us by Al-Sayyid الس ِّيد الْ َاا ِدي بِ ْن اْ ْحمد الْجلَال َف َل َّما فرغ من الْ ِق َر َاءة َّ
Burhan al-Dīn Ibrahīm bin al-Qāsim bin al-
Imām al-Muayyid when he finished reading he
مجل بِال ُّد َعا ِء َقا َل َحدث َنا َع ْب ُد الْقَا ِدر ْ َْد َعا لنا َوخت ال
made dua for us and finished the gathering with بِ ْن زِ َياد الخواستي َف َل َّما فرغ من الْ ِق َر َاءة َد َعا لنا َوخت
dua; It was narrated to us by Al-Sayyid al- مجل بِال ُّد َعا ِء َقا َل َحدث َنا َع ْب ُد الْ َعزِيز بِ ْن َت ِق ّي الدّين ْ ْال
ْ ْالحبيشي َف َل َّما فرغ من الْ ِق َر َاءة َد َعا لنا َوخت ال
Hussain bin Aḥmad Zabarah when he finished
reading he made dua for us and finished the
gathering with dua. He said; It was narrated to الس ِّيد َطا ِهر بِ ْن ُح َس ْين اماهدل َّ بِال ُّد َعا ِء َقا َل َحدث َنا
us by Abd al-Aziz bin Muḥammad al-Hubayshi مجل ْ ْالزبي ِد ّي فَ َل َّما فرغ من الْ ِق َر َاءة َد َعا لنا َوخت ال
لي بِ ْن ّ بِال ُّد َعا ِء َقا َل َحدث َنا الْ َو ِجيه َع ْب ُد ال َّر ْح َمن بِ ْن َع
when he finished reading he made dua for us
and finished the gathering with dua, he said; It
was narrated to us by Al-Sayyid Al-Hadi bin
ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن الديبع الشَّ ْي َبانِ ّي َفلَ َّما فرغ من الْ ِق َر َاءة َد َعا
Aḥmad al-Jalal when he finished reading he مجل بِال ُّد َعا ِء َقا َل َحدث َنا اْ ُبو الْ َع َّباأ زين ْ ْلنا َوخت ال
made dua for us and finished the gathering with الدّين اْ ْحمد بِ ْن اْ ْحمد بِ ْن َع ْب ُد اللَّ ِ يي الشرجي بزبيد
dua. He said; It was narrated to us by Abd al-
Qāḍīr bin Ziyad al-Khawasti, when he finished
مجل بِال ُّد َعا ِء ْ َْف َل َّما فرغ من الْ ِق َر َاءة َد َعا لنا َوخت ال
reading he made dua for us and finished the َقا َل َحدث َنا نَ ِفي الدّين ُس َل ْي َمان بِ ْن اِ ْب َرا ِهي الْعلوِي
gathering with dua. He said; It was narrated to البوماني ال َّر ِاش ِدي َف َل َّما فرغ من الْ ِق َر َاءة َد َعا لنا َوخت
us by Abd al-Aziz bin Taqi al-Dīn al-Hubayshi
مجل بِال ُّد َعا ِء َقا َل َحدث َنا الْمسند جمال الدّين اْ ُبو ْ ْال
when he finished reading he made dua for us
and finished the gathering with dua. He said; It َع ْب ُد اللّه ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن َع ْب ُد ال َّر ْح َمن الحبيشي َف َل َّما فرغ
was narrated to us by Al-Sayyid Ṭāhir bin مجل بِال ُّد َعا ِء َقا َل ْ ْمن الْ ِق َر َاءة َد َعا لنا َوخت ال
Hussain al-Ahdal al-Zabidi when he finished
َحدث ِني َوالِدي َف َل َّما فرغ من الْ ِق َر َاءة َد َعا لنا َوخت
reading he made dua for us and finished the
ِ ْ ْال
gathering with dua. He said; It was narrated to
ليّ مجل بِال ُّد َعاء َقا َل َحدث َنا اْ ُبو َح ْفص عمر بِ ْن َع
us by Al-Wajih ʿAbd al-Raḥmān bin ʿAli bin الشرعبي بتعز الْيمن َف َل َّما فرغ من الْ ِق َر َاءة َد َعا لنا
Muḥammad bin al-Daybi’ a;-Shaybani when he َاضي اْ ُبو ِ مجل بِال ُّد َعا ِء َقا َل َحدث َنا الق ْ َْوخت ال
finished reading he made dua for us and
finished the gathering with dua. He said; It was
ا ِْس َحاق اِ ْب َرا ِهي بِ ْن اْبِي بكر ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن اِ ْب َرا ِهي
narrated to us by Abū al-ʿAbbās Zayn al-Dīn مجل َد َعا لنا َوخت ْ ْال َّ َب ِر ّي َف َل َّما فرغ من ال
Aḥmad bin Aḥmad bin Abd al-Laṭīf al-Sharji in
Zabid when he finished reading he made dua for َاس َع ْب ُد ِ مجل بِال ُّد َعا ِء َقا َل َحدث َنا ا ْل َف ِقيه ْا ُبو الْق ْ ا ْل
us and finished the gathering with dua. He said;
ال َّر ْح َمن بِ ْن اْبِي حرمي فتوح بِ ْن بِ ْن َين الْ َكاتِب الْ َم ِّك ّي
It was narrated to us by Nafis al-Dīn Sulayman
bin Ibrahīm al-Alawi al-Bulani al-Rashidi, when مجل بِال ُّد َعا ِء ْ َْف َل َّما فرغ من الْ ِق َر َاءة َد َعا لنا َوخت ال
he finished reading he made dua for us and َقا َل َحدث َنا سرا الدّين اْ ُبو َح ْفص عمر بِ ْن َع ْب ُد
finished the gathering with dua. He said; قرشي َفلَ َّما فرغ من الْ ِق َر َاءة َد َعا ِ ْمجيد الميانشي ال ِ ْال
It was narrated by the hadith specialist Jamāl al-
Dīn Abū ʿAbdullāh Muḥammad bin ʿAbd al-
مجل بِال ُّد َعا ِء َقا َل اْخْ َب َرن ََّا اْ ُبو ال َّا ِهر ْ ْلنا َوخت ال
Raḥmān al-Hubayshi when he finished reading لي الشَّ ْي َبانِ ّي ال َّ َب ِر ّي َ َذلِك َقا َل ّ المظفر ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن َع
he made dua for us and finished the gathering مح ِاملِي َ َذلِك َ ْاْخْ َب َرن ََّا اْ ُبو ال َّا ِهر يحيى بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد ال
with dua. He said; It was narrated to me by my
father, when he finished reading he made dua
َقا َل اْنا اْ ُبو الْحسن َجابر بِ ْن َياسر الحنائي َ َذلِك َقا َل
for us and finished the gathering with dua. He اْنا اْ ُبو َطا ِهر ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن َع ْب ُد ال َّر ْح َمن المخلفي َ َذلِك
said; It was narrated to me Abū Hafs ʿUmar bin َقا َل اْنا اْ ُبو َج ْعفَر اْ ْحمد بِ ْن ا ِْس َحاق بِ ْن بِ ِه لُول َ َذلِك
ʿAli al-Sharabi in Ti’z in Yemen, when he
َقا َل اْنا اْبِي ِاما َماح ا ِْس َحاق بِ ْن بِ ِه لُول َ َذلِك َقا َل اْنا
finished reading he made dua for us and
finished the gathering with dua. He said; It was مادي َ َذلِك َقا َل اْنا َمالك بِ ْن ان ْ َع ْب ُد ال َّر ْح َمن بِ ْن
narrated to us by Qāḍī Abū Ishaq Ibrahīm bin َ َذلِك َقا َل اْنا ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن ِش َااأ َ َذلِك اْناَ ُع ْر َوة
Abī Bakr Muḥammad bin Ibrahīm al-Ṭabarī,
َ َذلِك َقا َل َحدَّثت َنا َعائِشَ ة فَ َل َّما َف َر َغت ِم َن الْ ِق َرا َءة
when he finished reading he made dua for us
and finished the gathering with dua. He said; It
مجلِ بِال ُّد َعا ِء َو َقالَت َا َن ْ ََد َع ْت لَ َنا َو َخ َت َم ْت ال
was narrated to us by the jurist Abū al-Qāsim َر ُس ْو ُل اللّه صلى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه َوسل اِ َذا َف َر َغ ِمن َح ِد ْي ِث ِه
ʿAbd al-Raḥmān bin Abī Hurmi Futuh bin َواْ َرا َد اْن َي ُق ْوح ِمن َم ْجلِ ِس ِه َيقُول اللّا َّ ا ْغ ِف ْر لَ َنا َما
Banin al-Katib al-Makkī, when he finished
َاْخْ َانَا َو َما َت َع َّم ْدنَا َو َما اْ ْس َر ْرنَا َو َما اْ ْع َل َّنا َو َما اْنْ َت اْ ْعل
reading he made dua for us and finished the
gathering with dua. He said; It was narrated to بِ ِه ِم َّنا اْنْ َت الُم َق ّدح َواْنْ َت ال ُم َؤخِّ ر َما اِلَه اِ َّما اْنْ َت
us by Siraj al-Dīn Abū Hafs ʿUmar bin Abd al- َ
Majid al-MayʿAnashi al-Qurashi, when he
finished reading he made dua for us and
finished the gathering with dua. He said; We َ
were informed by Abū al-Ṭāhir Yaḥyā bin
Muḥammad al-Mahamili in a similar way, he
said; We were informed by Abū al-Ḥasan Jābir َ
bin Yasir al-Hanai in a similar way, he said; We َ
were informed by Abū Ṭāhir Muḥammad bin
ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Makhlafi in a similar way. َ
He said; I was informed by Abū Jafar Aḥmad َ
bin Ishaq bin Bahlul in a similar way, he said; I
was informed by ʿAbd al-Raḥmān bin Mahdi in
a similar way, he said; I was informed by Mālik َ
This hadith was mentioned as the final narration by Shaykh al-Fādānī in his work Al-Ujalah fi Al-
Ahadith al-Musalsalah without any reference.
Abū Bishr said: Allāh have mercy on ʿAli, how يرح: يي لو ادرك زماننا هذا ؟ وقال ابن بدران
would it have been if he had lived in our time?
يي لو ادرك زماننا هذا ؟ وقال، اﷲ ابا الحسين
Ibn Hussam said: Allāh have mercy on Abū
Bishr, how would it have been if he had lived in يَََّّّي لَََّّّو ادرك، يرح اﷲ ابن بَََّّّدران: السلفي
our time? ، يرح اﷲ السََّّلفي: زماننا هذا ؟ وقال الامداني
Abū al-Hussain said: Allāh have mercy on Ibn يي لو ادرك زماننا هذا؟ وقَّال ابوالفض سليمان
Hussam, how would it have been if he had lived
in our time?
يَّي لَّو ادرك، يَّرح اﷲ جعفَّراﹰ الامَّداني:
Ibn Badran said: Allāh have mercy on Abū al- ، يرح اﷲ سليمان:زماننَََّّّا هَََّّّذا ؟ وقَََّّّال العلائي
Hussain, how would it have been if he had lived : يي لو ادرك زماننَََّّّا هَََّّّذا؟ وقَََّّّال ابَََّّّن ظاَََّّّيرة
in our time?
Al-Silafi said: Allāh have mercy on Ibn Badran,
يي لو ادرك زماننا هذا؟، يَََََََََّّّّّّّّّرح اﷲ العلائي
how would it have been if he had lived in our يَّي لَّو، يرح اﷲ ابن ظاَّيرة: وقالت اح هانيء
time? يرح:ادرك زماننا هذا ؟ قال الحاف السََََََّّّّّّيوطي
Al-Hamdani said: Allāh have mercy on Al-Silafi,
يي لو ادر ت زماننا هذا؟ وقال، اﷲ اح هانيء
how would it have been if he had lived in our
time? ، يرح اﷲ الجلََّّال السََََََّّّّّّيوطي: ابن عبََّّدالغفََّّار
Abū al-Fadl Sulaiman said: Allāh have mercy on : يي لَََّّّو ادرك زماننَََّّّا هَََّّّذا؟ وقَََّّّال ق ب الدين
Jafar al-Hamdani, how would it have been if he
يي لََََََّّّّّّو، يرح اﷲ شيخنا احمد بن عبدالغفار
had lived in our time?
Al-Alai said; Allāh have mercy on Sulaiman, : ادرك زماننَّ َََّّّا هَّ َََّّّذا؟ وقَّ َََّّّال الشيخ احمد العج
how would it have been if he had lived in our يي لو ادرك زماننَّ َََََََََّّّّّّّّّا، يرح اﷲ ق ب الدين
time? يرح اﷲ احمد: هَّ ََّّذا؟ وقَّ ََّّال مَّ ََّّوماي الشريي
Ibn Zahirah said: Allāh have mercy on Al-Alai,
how would it have been if he had lived in our
يي لو ادرك زماننا هذا؟ قال الشََََََّّّّّّيخ، العج
time? ، يرح اﷲ موماي الشََّّريي:محمد ابن س ََّّ َََََََّّّّّّّنة
Umm Hani said: Allāh have mercy on Ibn يي لو ادرك زماننا هذا؟ وقََََّّّّال الََََّّّّشيخ صََََّّّّالح
Zahirah, how would it have been if he had lived
in our time?
يي، يرح اﷲ الشيخ محمد بن سنة: الفَّلاني
Ḥāfiz al-Suyuti said: Allāh have mercy on Umm : لو ادرك زماننا هذا؟ وقال الَََّّّشيخ محمَََّّّد عابَََّّّد
Hani, how would it have been if she had lived in يي لو ادرك،يرح اﷲ ش ََّّيخنا ص ََّّالح الفلاني
our time?
يرح اﷲ:ز ماننا هذا ؟ وقال الشََََََّّّّّّيخ عبدالغني
Ibn ʿAbd al-Ghaffar said: Allāh have mercy on
Jalal al-Suyuti, how would it have been if he had يي لو ادرك، شيخنا الشيخ محمد عابد السندي
lived in our time? يرح: زماننا هذا؟ وقال السيد محمد علي الوتري
Qutb al-Dīn said: Allāh have mercy on our
يي لو ادرك، اﷲ الشََََََّّّّّّيخ عبد الغني الدهلوي
Shaykh bin ʿAbd al-Ghaffar, how would it have
been if he had lived in our time?
: زماننا هذا؟ وقَّال الَّشيخ عمر حمدان المحرسي
يرح اﷲ شََََََّّّّّّيخنا السََََََّّّّّّيد محمد علي بن ظاهر
Shaykh Aḥmad al-Ajl said: Allāh have mercy on وقال الشَّ يخ، يَّي لَّو ادرك زماننا هذا؟، الوتري
Qutb al-Dīn, how would it have been if he had
يرح اﷲ ش ََََّّّّيخنا:َع ْبد ال َّر ْح َمن بِن اْبِي َب َكر ال ُملَّا
lived in our time?
Mawlay al-Sharif said: Allāh have mercy on يي لو ادرك، الَّشيخ عمَّربن حمدان المحرسي
Aḥmad al-Ajl, how would it have been if he had يرح اﷲ شيخنا الشَّ يخ: وانا اقول، زماننا هَّ ََّّذا ؟
lived in our time? يَّ ََّّي لَّ ََّّو ادرك، َع ْبد ال َّر ْح َمن بِن اْبِي َب َكر ال ُملَّا
Shaykh Muḥammad Ibn Sinnah said: Allāh have
mercy on Mawlay al-Sharif, how would it have
زماننَّا هذا؟
been if he had lived in our time?
Shaykh Ṣāliḥ al-Fulani said: Allāh have mercy
on Shaykh Muḥammad bin Sinnah, how would
it have been if he had lived in our time?
Shaykh Muḥammad Abid said: Allāh have
mercy on our Shaykh Ṣāliḥ al-Fulani, how
would it have been if he had lived in our time?
Shaykh ʿAbd al-Ghani said: Allāh have mercy
on our Shaykh Muḥammad Abid al-Sindī, how
would it have been if he had lived in our time?
Sayyid Muḥammad ʿAli al-Watri saod: Allāh
have mercy on Shaykh ʿAbd al-Ghani al-
Dihlawi, how would it have been if he had lived
in our time?
Shaykh ʿUmar Hamdan al-Mahrasi said: Allāh
have mercy on our Shaykh Sayyid Muḥammad
ʿAli bin Zahir al-Watri, how would it have been
if he had lived in our time?
Shaykh ʿAbd al-Raḥmān bin Abī Bakr al-Mullā
said: Allāh have mercy on Shaykh ʿUmar
Hamdan al-Mahrasi, how would it have been if
he had lived in our time?
I say: Allāh have mercy on Shaykh ʿAbd al-
Raḥmān bin Abī Bakr al-Mullā, how would it
have been if he had lived in our time?
Ibn Fahd said in Al-Mawahib al-Saniyyah: Al-Alai said that the hadith was Ṣaḥīḥ in terms of its pattern
chain, and it has been transmitted by other than this route. Ibn al-Tayyib said that the scholars of
Musalsal narrations are agreed upon relating it.21
Ithaf al-Ikhwan (p.165)
al-Ghayti; from Shaykh al-Islām Zakariyyah al- ، َعن ْابِي اسحاق ابراهي التنوخي،ُم َح َّمد العقَّبي
Ansari; from Ḥāfiz Abū al-Nuʿaym Ridwan bin
َعن اْبِي العباأ احمد بِ ْن اْبِي طالب الحجَّ ََََََََََََّّّّّّّّّّّّار
Muḥammad al-Uqba; from Abū Ishaq Ibrāhīm
al-Tannukhi; from Abū al-ʿAbbās Aḥmad bin
َعن اْبِي المنجا َع ْب ُد ﷲ بِ ْن عمر،الدمََََََََََََّّّّّّّّّّّّش ََََّّّّقي
Abī Talib al-Hajjar al-Dimashqi; from Abū al- َعن اْبِي الوقَََّّّت َع ْب ُد اماول بِ ْن عيَََّّّسى، البغدادي
Manja ʿAbdullāh bin ʿUmar al-Baghdādi; from َعن اْبِي الحسََّّن َع ْب ُد الرحمن بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد، الاروي
Abū al-Waqt ʿAbd al-Awwal bin ʿĪsa al-
Harawi; from Abū al-Ḥasan ʿAbd al-Raḥmān
َعن اْبِي ُم َح َّمد َع ْب ُد ﷲ بِ ْن احمد بِ ْن، الداودي
bin Muḥammad al-Dāwūdi; from Abū اْخْ َب َرن َََََََََّّّّّّّّا ابو عمران، عيسَّى بِ ْن عمر السَّرخسَّي
Muḥammad ʿAbdullāh bin Aḥmad bin ʿĪsa bin اْخْ َب َرن ََّ ََََّّّّا ابو ُم َح َّمد،عيسى بِ ْن عمر الَّ ََََّّّّسمرقندي
ʿUmar al-Sarakhsi; We were informed by Abū
َحَّدث َنَّا: قََّّال،َع ْبَّ ُد ﷲ بِ ْن َع ْبَّ ُد الرحمن الََّّدارمي
Imran ʿĪsa bin ʿUmar al-SamarqandĪ; We were
informed by Abū Muḥammad ʿAbdullāh bin َعن يحيى بِ ْن اْبِي، َعن اماوزاعي، ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن َّثير
ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Darimi, he said; َعن َع ْب ُد، َعن اْبِي س َََّّّلمة بِ ْن َع ْب ُد الرحمن، ثير
Muḥammad bin Kathir narrated to us; from Al-
اأ ِ " َق َع ْدنَا نَف ًَرا ِم ْن اْ ْص َََّّّ َح: قال، ﷲ بِ ْن س َََّّّلاح
Awzai; from Yaḥyā bin Abī Kathir; from Abū
Salamah bin ʿAbd al-Raḥmān; from ʿAbdullāh : َف ُق ْل َنا، َف َت َذا َ ْرنَا، َ ََّر ُس ْو ُل اللّه َصلَّى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه َو َسل
bin Salam who said, “We a group from the لَ ْو نَ ْع َل ُ اْ َّي اما ْ ْع َم ِال اْ َح َّب اِلَى ال ّله لَ َع ِم ْل َنا ُه؟ َفاْنْ َز َل
companions of the Messenger of Allah (Allah
ات َو َما ِفي ِ { َس َّ َّب َح اللّه َما ِفي ال َّس َّ َم َو: َّ اللّه َع َّز َو َج
bless him and give him peace) sat and discussed
saying: If we were to know the action which is
} َياْ ُّي َاا ا َّل ِذ َين ا َم ُنوا1{ ُ ض َو ُه َو الْ َعزِي ُز الْ َح ِكي ِ اما ْ ْر
most beloved to Allah we would do it. } َقا َل َع ْب ُد اللّه بِ ْن2-1 لِ َ َتقُولُو َن َما ما َت ْف َعلُو َن اية
Allah ( َّ ) َع َّز َو َجrevealed: All that is in the heavens
َ َّ َق َراْ َها َع َل ْي َنا َر ُس ْو ُل اللّه َصلَّى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه َو َسل:َسلا ٍح
and all that is in the earth proclaim Allah’s
َه َك َذا
purity, and He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.
(1) O you who believe, why do you say what you
do not do? (2)
ʿAbdullāh bin Salam said: The Messenger of
Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace)
recited it to us like this.22
Ibn al-Tayyib said: This hadith is Ṣaḥīḥ and continuous in terms of its chain and pattern, its narrators
being trustworthy, rather some of the Huffaz said it is the most authentic of the Musalsal hadith
which we have found and the most authentic Musalsal narrated in the world. It was related by Al-
Tirmidhī in his Jami’, al-Ḥākim in Al-Mustadrak in a Musalsal form, and he graded it Ṣaḥīḥ according
to the criteria of Al-Bukhārī and Muslim.23
The whole of this chapter of the Quran al-Karim is recited.
Manahil al-Salsalah 162:
Forty Hadith
Allamah Aḥmad bin Yaḥyā Hāmid al-Dīn al-Yamani said in Nazm Ajwad al-Ahadith al-Musalsalah (p.12):
This hadith is Musalsal by means of the Itrah, known in the lands of Yemen from long ago and to this day as
Silsilah al-Ibriz bi al-Sanad al-Aziz. The author of the Tabaqat al-Zaydiyyah Sayyid Ibrahīm bin al-Qāsim bin al-
Muayyad al-Hasani al-Yamani, from al-Shihar and then of al-Taiz (d.1153H) has a biographical entry for the
compiler of the Silsilah al-Ibriz, Sayyid Ubaydullah bin ʿAli al-Jalabadhi, attributed to Jalabadh, an area that
was in Naysabur. He likewise has biographical entries for other narrators from its chain who lived in the past.
It was commented on by Allamah al-Shaykh Ṣāliḥ bin Ṣiddīq al-Namazi al-Ansari al-Shafiʿī al-Yamani who
passed away in the year 975, in a work entitled Al-Qawl al-Wajiz fi Sharḥ Ahadith Silsilah al-Ibriz.
Zayn al-Dīn Abū Qatadah Hamza al-Tayyar bin بِ ْن م ا َعن ابِ ْن عسََََََّّّّّّاف الْ ُح َسََََََّّّّّّ ْي ِني الماناوي اْنا
َّ َوالِدي
Mutai’ al-Musawi; We were informed by my
الس ِّيد اْ ُبو ثقبة عساف َفخر الدّين بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد
father Sayyid al-Majd Abū Anqa’ Musā bin
Matain Ibn Assaf al-Hussaini al-Mahannawi; الس ِّيد اْ ُبو هرا بِ ِه اء الدّين َّ الماناوي َقا َل اْنا َوالِدي
We were informed by my father Sayyid Abū ُم َح َّمد الْ َخالِص بِ ْن اْبِي جازان عساف سيي الدّين
Thaqbah Assaf Fakhr al-Dīn bin Muḥammad بِ ْن مانا بِ ْن َد ُاود الْ ُح َس ْي ِني
al-Mahannawi who said; We were informed by
my father Sayyid Abū Harraj Baha al-Dīn
(ح) َو َر َوا ُه ال َّس ََّّ ِّيد ِاما َماح اْ ُبو بكر الش ََّّلي اْ ْيض ََّّا َعن
Muḥammad al-Khalis bin Abī Jazan Assaf Sayf ال َّسََّّ ِّيدين زين العابدين َوعلي ابِ ْني محيي الدّين َع ْب ُد
al-Dīn bin Muhanna bin Dāwūd al-Hussaini الْ قَ ا ِدر بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن يحيى ال َّ َب ِر ّي َعن اْبِي ِا َما َعن
[Another Chain] It was also narrated by Sayyid
Imām Abū Bakr al-Shilli also from the two
جده ال َّسَّ ِّيد يحيى بِ ْن مكرح بِ ْن محب الدّين ا ْماْخير
Sayyids Zayn al-Abidin and ʿAli the sons of بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد َر ِضََََََّّّّّّي الدّين ا ْماْخير بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد محب
Muhi al-Dīn Abd al-Qāḍīr bin Muḥammad bin الدّين ا ْما ْ ْو َس ََّّط بِ ْن ش َّ ََّااأ الدّين اْ ْحمد بِ ْن َر ِض ََّّي
Yaḥyā al-Ṭabarī; from the father of both of
الدّين الْ َكبِير َعن جده ال َّس ََّّ ِّيد محب اْ ْحمد َعن اْبِيه
them; from his grandfather Sayyid Yaḥyā bin
Mukarram bin Muhib al-Dīn al-Akhir bin شااأ ا ْماْخير َعن َع اْبِيه ال َّس ِّيد اْبِي الْيمن َ ال َّس ِّيد ال
Muḥammad Muhib al-Dīn al-Awsat bin Shihāb ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن اْ ْحمد بِ ْن اِ ْب َرا ِهي َعن اْبِيه ِاما َماح َر ِض َََََّّّّّي
al-Dīn Aḥmad bin Radi al-Dīn al-Kabir; from
الَّدّين الْ َكبِير اِ ْب َرا ِهي بِ ْن ُم َح َّمَّد بِ ْن اِ ْب َرا ِهي بِ ْن اْبِي
his grandfather Sayyid Muhib Aḥmad; from his
father Sayyid al-Shihāb al-Akhir; from his
بكر بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن اِ ْب َرا ِهي بِ ْن اْبِي بكر بِ ْن َعل ّي بِ ْن
father’s uncle Sayyid Abī al-Yaman Muḥammad َفارأ الْ ُح َسَََّّّ ْي ِني ال َّ َب ِر ّي الْ َم ِّك ّي اْنا الثِّقَة الصَََّّّدوق
bin Aḥmad bin Ibrahīm; from his father Imām اْ ُبو الْقَا ِس َََّّّ َع ْب ُد ال َّر ْح َمن بِ ْن اْبِي حرمي الْ َم ِّك ّي َقا َل
Radi al-Dīn al-Kabir Ibrahīm bin Muḥammad
bin Ibrahīm bin Abī Bakr bin Muḥammad bin
السادة بحلب َفخر الدّين اْ ُبو َّ الس ِّيد الشريي َب ِق َّية َّ اْنا
Ibrahīm bi Abī Bakr bin ʿAli bin Faris al- َج ْع َفر اْ ْحمََّّد بِ ْن ُم َح َّمَّد بِ ْن َج ْعفَر الْ ُح َسََََََّّّّّّ ْي ِني اْنََّّا
Hussaini al-Ṭabarī al-Makkī; لي بِ ْن َياسََّّر ا ْمانْ َص َّارِ ّي بروايته ّ السََّّرا ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن َع
َّ ُه َو وبِ ِه اء الدّين ُم َح َّمد الْ َخالِص َعن
We were informed by the trustworthy and
ِ الس ِّيد الْف
truthful Abū al-Qāsim ʿAbd al-Raḥmān bin Abī
Hurma al-Makkī who said; We were informed لي بِ ْن ّ َب ِق َّية ال َّس َََّّّادة ببلخ اْبِي ُم َح َّمد الْحس َََّّّن بِ ْن َع
by the Sayyid and nobleman, the remnant of the الْحسََََََّّّّّّن بِ ْن عبيد اللّه بِ ْن ُم َح َّمد بِ ْن عبيد اللّه بِ ْن
Sayyid’s of Halab, Fakhr al-Dīn Abū Jafar
حجة بِ ْن َّ ْلي بِ ْن الْحس ََّّن بِ ْن الْ ُح َس ََّّ ْين بِ ْن َج ْعفَر ال ّ َع
Aḥmad bin Muḥammad bin Jafar al-Hussaini;
We were informed by Siraj Muḥammad bin ʿAli عبيد اللّه ا ْما ْ ْع َر ابِ ْن الْ ُح َس ْين ا ْما ْ ْصغَر ابِ ْن َعل ّي زين
bin Yasir al-Ansari by means of his narrating as لي رح اللّه َوجاه ّ العابدين بِ ْن الْ ُح َس ْين السبط بِ ْن َع
well as Baha al-Dīn Muḥammad al-Khalis; from َقا َل ا ْمانْ َص َّارِ ّي َس َّ َماعا من لَفظه َقا َل َحدث ِني َوالِدي
the Vurtuous Sayyid and remnants of the
Sayyid’s of Balkh Abū Muḥammad al-Ḥasan bin
لي بِ ْن اْبِي َطالب الْحسن ّ اْ ُبو الْحسن َع
ʿAli bin al-Ḥasan bin Ubaydullah bin َقا َل ثنى َو ِالدي اْ ُبو َطالب الْحسََََََّّّّّّن ال َّن ِق يب َقا َل
لي عبيََّّد الل َّّه بِ ْن ُم َح َّمَّد ثنى ّ َحَّدث ِني َوالَّدي اْ ُبو َع
Muḥammad bin Ubaydullah bin ʿAli bin al-
Ḥasan bin al-Hussain bin Jafar al-Hujjah bin
َوالِدي اْ ُبو الْحسن ُم َح َّمد ال َّزا ِهد َقا َل َحدث ِني َوالِدي
Ubaydullah al-Araj Ibn al-Hussain al-Asghar
Ibn ʿAli Zayn al-Abidin bin al-Hussain al-Sibt ََََََّّّّّّلي ثنى َوالِدي اْ ُبو الْقَا ِس ّ لي عبيد اللّه بِ ْن َع ّ اْ ُبو َع
bin ʿAli (Allah ennoble his countenance); Al-
لي ثنى َوا ِلدي اْ ُبو ُم َح َّمد الْحسََََََّّّّّّن ثنى َوا ِلدي ّ َع
Ansari said having heard directly; He said: My
father Abū al-Ḥasan ʿAli bin Abī Talib al-Ḥasan الْ ُح َسََََََّّّّّّ ْين َو ُه َو اول من دخ َبلخ من َه ِذه ال َّائِفَة
narrated to me, he said; My Father Abū Talib ثنى َوالَِّدي َج ْعفَر الملقََّّب بَِّالْح َّجَّ ِة ثنى اْبِي عبيََّّد
Al-Ḥasan al-Naqib narrated to me, he said; My اللّه ُه َو ا ْما ْ ْع َر ثنى اْبِي الْ ُح َس َََّّّ ْين ُه َو ا ْما ْ ْص َََّّّغَر ثنى
father Abū ʿAli Ubaydullah bin Muḥammad
narrated to me; My father Abū al-Ḥasan
لي ثنى اْبِي الْ ُح َسََََََّّّّّّ ْين َي َعني ّ اْبِي زين العََّّابََّّدين َع
Muḥammad al-Zahid narrated to me, he said; :لي بِ ْن اْبِي َطالب َقا َل ّ السبط ثنى اْبِي َع
My father Abū ʿAli Ubaydullah bin ʿAli
narrated to me; My father Abū al-Qāsim
narrated to me;
May father Abū Muḥammad al-Ḥasan narrated
to me; My father Al-Ḥasan and he is the first of
those from this this group to enter Balkh
narrated to me; My father Jafar known as Al-
Hijjah narrated me; My father Ubaydullah, who
is al-Araj narrated to me; My father al-Hussain
who is Al-Asghar narrated to me; My father Zayn
al-Abidin ʿAli narrated to me; My father al-
Hussain meaning Al-Sibt narrated to me; My
father ʿAli bin Abī Abī Talib narrated to me, he
َقا َل َر ُس ْو ُل اللّه صلى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه َوسل لَ ْي َ الْخَ َب ُر ِ َوبِ ِه َقا َل صلى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه َوسل الْ ُم ْس ِل ُ ِم ْرا ُة الْ ُم ْس ِل
َال ُم َعا َي َن ِة 3. He (Allah bless him and give him peace)
1. The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him said, “A Muslim is a mirror of a fellow
and give him peace) said, Muslim”
“News of a matter is not like actually
witnessing it.” َوبِ ِه َقا َل صلى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه َوسل ال ُم ْس َتشَ ا ُر ُم ْؤ َت َمن
4. He (Allah bless him and give him peace)
َوبِ ِا َذا ا ْم ِا ْس َناد َقا َل صلى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه َوسل الْ َح ْر ُأ said, “The one whose advice is being sought
خُ ْد َعة is being entrusted”
2. And with this chain of narration;
He (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, َوبِ ِه َقا َل صلى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه َوسل الدَّا ُّل َع َلى الْخَ ْي ِر
“War is deception”
َ َفا ِع ِل ِه
5. He (Allah bless him and give him peace)
said, “The one who guides towards goodness
َوبِ ِه َقا َل صلى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه َوسل اِ َّن ِم َن الشِّ ْع ِر لَ ِح ْك َمة َوبِ ِه َقا َل صلى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه َوسل َما يشْ ُك ُر اللّه َم ْن َما
ًَواِ َّن ِم َن الْ َب َي ِان لَ ِس ْحرا
َ َيشْ ُك ُر ال َّن
19. He (Allah bless him and give him peace) 25. He (Allah bless him and give him peace)
said, “Indeed there is wisdom in poetry, and said, “The one who has not thanked the
in some speech has a magical effect” people has not thanked Allah”
َوبِ ِه َقا َل صلى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه َوسل الْ َم ْر ُء َم َع َم ْن اْ َح َّب وأ َع َلى ُ َُوبِ ِه َقا َل صلى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه َوسل ُج ِب َل ِت ا ْل ُقل
21. He (Allah bless him and give him peace) ض َم ْن اْ َس َاء اِلَ ْي َاا
ِ ُح ِّب َم ْن ا ْح َس َن اِلَ ْي َاا َو ُب ْغ
said, “A person will be with the one whom he 27. He (Allah bless him and give him peace)
loves” said, “Hearts are naturally inclined to those
whom are kind to them, and disliking whom
َ َوبِ ِه َقا َل صلى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه َوسل َما َه َلكَ ا ْم ُرؤ َع َر
ف are unkind to them”
َق ْد َر ُه
22. He (Allah bless him and give him peace) َوبِ ِه َقا َل صلى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه َوسل التَّائِ ُب ِم َن ال َّذ ْن ِب
said, “A person who knows his own worth is َ َم ْن َما َذ ْن َب لَ ُه
not destroyed” 28. He (Allah bless him and give him peace)
said, “The one repenting from a sin is like the
ش َولِ ْل َعا ِه ِر
ِ َوبِ ِه َقا َل صلى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه َوسل الْ َولَ ُد لِ ْل ِف َرا one with no sin”
ال َح ْج ُر
23. He (Allah bless him and give him peace)
said, “The child is for the woman and the
stone is for the adulterer”
َوبِ ِه َقا َل صلى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه َوسل الشَّ ا ِه ُد َي َرى َما َما 35. He (Allah bless him and give him peace)
َيرا ُه الْغَائِ ُب said, “The best of matters is where
moderation is observed”
29. He (Allah bless him and give him peace)
said, “The one witnessing sees that which the
person absent does not” َوبِ ِه َقا َل صلى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه َوسل اللا بارك مامتي في
بكورها يوح الخمي
َوبِ ِه َقا َل صلى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه َوسل اِ َذا َج َاء ُ ْ َ ِري ُ َق ْو ٍح 36. He (Allah bless him and give him peace)
َفاْ ْ ِر ُمو ُه said, “O Allah, bless my ummah in their
journey on Thursday morning”
30. He (Allah bless him and give him peace)
said. “If a nobleman of a people comes to
you, then honour him” َا َد الْ َف ْق ُر اْ ْن َي ُكو َن َوبِ ِه َقا َل صلى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه َوسل
ُ ْفر ًا
ِ َوبِ ِه َقا َل صلى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه َوسل الْ َي ِمي ُن ا ْلف
َاج َر ُة َت َذ ُر 37. He (Allah bless him and give him peace)
ال ِّد َيا َر َبلَا ِق َع said, “It may be that poverty leads to
31. He (Allah bless him and give him peace)
said, “A false oath brings destruction to
countries” الس َف ُر ِق ْ َعة ِم َن
َّ َوبِ ِه َقا َل صلى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه َوسل
ِ الْ َع َذ
َوبِ ِه َقا َل صلى اللّه َع َل ْي ِه َوسل َم ْن قُ ِت َ ُدو َن َمالِ ِه َف ُا َو 38. He (Allah bless him and give him peace)
شَ ِايد said, “Travel is a form of punishment”
28. Ibn Majah, it was related by Al- Musnad, al-Ḥākim and al-Bayhaqi in
Tabarānī with some additional Al-Shuab.
wording as in Majma’ al-Zawaid 35. Al-Sakawi (455) referenced it to Ibn
(10/200). al-Samani in Dhayl Tarikh Baghdād
29. Aḥmad, Al-Diya’ in Al-Mukhtarah, with unknown narrators, Ibn Jarir in
Abū Nuʿaym in Al-Hilyah as in Tafsir, Al-Bayhaqi and Al-Daylami
Maqāṣid al-Ḥasanah (584) without a chain.
30. It was mentioned by Al-Ghazali in Al- 36. Abū Dāwūd, Al-Tirmidhī who graded
Ihyā’ (1/229), Al-Iraqi referenced it to it Ḥasan, al-Nasai, Ibn Majah, Ibn
Ibn Majah, Abū Dāwūd in Al-Marasil Hibban in his Ṣaḥīḥ, as mentioned by
and al-Ḥākim. Al-Targhib (2/529).
31. Al-Mundhiri in Al-Targhib (2/622) 37. The author of Al-Mishkat referenced it
indicating it is weak and referenced it to Al-Bayhaqi in Shuab al-Iman with
to Al-Bayhaqi. additional wording. It was related by
32. Al-Bukhārī and Muslim Abū Nuʿaym in Al-Hilyah as in Jami’
33. Al-Bukhārī al-Saghir.
34. Al-Sakhawi in Maqāṣid al-Ḥasanah 38. Al-Bukhārī and Muslim
(579) referenced it to Abū ʿAbd al- 39. Abū Dāwūd
Raḥmān al-Sulami in Adab al-Suhba 40. Abū al-Shaykh, Ibn Hibban and Al-
with some weakness in the chain. It Daylami as mentioned in Jami al-
was also related by Al-Daylami in his Saghir and its commentary Fayd al-
Qāḍīr (3/373)
All praise is due to Allah the Lord of the Worlds, الح مد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام علي سيدنا مُح ََّمد
blessings and peace be upon our Master
Muḥammad and upon his family and all of his : وبعد، وعلي آله وصحبِه ِ أجمعين
companions. To proceed:
The distinguished student: ة/ة النجيب/حضرت عندي الطالب/فقد حضر
heard from me the Hadith of Mercy and a …………………………………………………
number of pattern chained narrations which I
narrate along with their conditions from my سمعت مني حديث الرحمة وجملة صالحة/وبعدما سمع
master, Shaykh Muḥammad Yāsīn al-Fādānī
َّ من المسلسلات التي رويتها بشروطها ع َن سيدي
and Shaykh ʿAbd al-Raḥmān bin Abī Bakr al- الشي ْخ
َّ مُح ََّمد ياسين الفاداني و
،الشي ْخ ع َبْد ُ الرحمن ب ِنْ أَ ب ِي بكر الملا
He/she has requested me to grant him/her a
license to transmit (Ijāzah) just as my notable ها اجازة عامةكما أجازني/طلبت مني ان أجيزه/قد طلب
teachers granted me a license to transmit, even
though I am not qualified to do so. However ول كن،مشائخي الاعلام وأن كنت لست أهلا لذالك
acquiescing to his/her request I say seeking help
through Allah Most High: ها فأقول مستعينا بالله تعالي قد أجزت/نزولا لرغبته
ت ذي السعي المشكور بكل ما تصح لي روايته/الأخ
I have granted a license to transmit to this
brother/sister, a person of laudable effort, all :من منقول ومعقول كما أجازني بذالك شيوخي منهم
that I narrate from the transmitted and rational
sciences, just as I was granted a license to do so َّ الشي ْخ مُح ََّمد ب ِنْ أَ بِي بكر الملا والعم
الشي ْخ َّ سيدي الوالد
by my teachers, amongst them being: My father
and Master Shaykh Muḥammad bin Abī Bakr الشي ْخ مُح ََّمد ياسين الفاداني
َّ ع َبْد ُ الرحمن ب ِنْ أَ بِي بكر الملا و
al-Mullā, my uncle Shaykh ʿAbd al-Raḥmān bin
Abī Bakr al-Mullā, Shaykh Muḥammad Yāsīn َّ الشي ْخ حسن المشاط و
الشي ْخ ع َبْد ُالله ب ِنْ سعيد اللحجي َّ و
al-Fādānī, Shaykh Ḥasan al-Mashāṭ, Shaykh
ʿAbdullāh bin Said al-Lahji, Shaykh Ismāʿīlal- َّ الشي ْخ اسماعيل الزين و
.الشي ْخ أحمد جابر جبران وغيرهم َّ و
Zayn, Shaykh Aḥmad Jābir Jibrān and others.
ها بتقوي الله عزوجل في السر والعلن/وأوصيه
I advise him/her to have taqwa of Allah the
Mighty and Majestic privately and publically. والأبتعاد ع َن التبديع والتكفير والرجوع الي ال كتب
Likewise to distance themselves from labelling
others as innovators or declaring them as تنساني ووالدي وشيوخي من/ وأن لا ينساني.الأصيلة
disbelievers, rather they should refer back in
matters to the reference works. ها في السر والعلن في الأوقات الروابح/صالح دعواته