Whisky Advocate - Summer 2020
Whisky Advocate - Summer 2020
Whisky Advocate - Summer 2020
17 Distillations
PLAN for a Pittsburgh adventure,
DELIVER a pizza and whisky
pairing, CONNECT with virtual
tastings, INDULGE in cherry whiskey,
SANITIZE with help from distillers,
PREPARE for rare Japanese whisky,
SUPPLY your cocktails with spice.
38 34
47 Straight Talk
by Charles K. Cowdery
Craft distilling is the movement
that has become an industry,
while staying on a human scale.
83 Buying Guide
Reviews of the latest whisky releases
96 A Lighter Dram
by Terry Sullivan
America’s bibulous expert, Mr.
Whiskey, serves full-strength advice
in response to reader questions.
ne of our favorite things Bars and restaurants have been especially digital team is inviting whisky lovers to stay
about whisky is enjoying it hard-hit. With donations from both major engaged and join the conversation from
with like-minded friends, spirits companies and individuals, the United home. Regular Friday afternoon Instagram
and, due to the current pan- States Bartenders’ Guild has already distrib- Live chats feature stars of the whisky world,
demic, that simple pleasure uted more than $2 million in relief to the men like Chris Morris of Woodford Reserve and
has largely disappeared. Like many of you, and women who once served our whisky Stephanie Macleod of Dewar’s. Follow us
much of the Whisky Advocate magazine staff with a smile. Bars will likely be among the on Instagram to see who shows up next. Or,
has been in isolation, working from home last businesses to reopen, but you can satisfy join the hundreds of readers engaging using
since our New York offices closed in mid- your desire for a cold cocktail even while #tastewithspace, a way to share photos of the
March. As we reflect on life before COVID-19, sheltering in place. In this issue, we examine whiskies you are enjoying while in isolation.
we realize just how fortunate we were. classic whisky cocktails for home mixing Much has changed, but some things have
However, the resilience and camaraderie (page 54). These are timeless recipes, but our not. Now more than ever, whisky remains a
of the entire whisky community has proved bartending pros capture the moment with way to connect, to find common ground, and
an inspiration. Numerous distilleries have resourcefulness and creativity, ensuring you to celebrate the good things in life. I wish for
turned their production of ethanol into hand can construct the best possible cocktail. you to keep safe and well.
sanitizer rather than beverages to help in the Like so many of you, we are carrying Sincerely,
fight against the spread of COVID-19 (see on and looking forward to a future where
page 38). At the same, many of these distill- we reconnect in person. We hope you’ll
ers are themselves suffering due to shuttered join us in the fall for WhiskyFest New
tasting rooms and flagging sales. An April York on October 29, and the inaugural Big
survey of craft distillers from the Distilled Smoke Meets WhiskyFest on October 31,
Spirits Council of the United States and in Hollywood, Florida, featuring plenty of
American Distilling Institute reported 43% of whisky and some superb cigars. Marvin R. Shanken
staff have been furloughed or laid off. Until we can resume clinking glasses, our Editor & Publisher
2019 17
Pouring It On in Pittsburgh
At the confluence of whiskey and history
N Day One
o city in the country has including the grand dames Omni William
deeper roots in whiskey Penn, Renaissance Pittsburgh, and Kimp-
history than Pittsburgh. It ton Hotel Monaco, all downtown. Breakfast, anyone? Head to the Strip Dis-
was virtually the epicenter Since downtown is laid out on a triangle, trict, named for the long, thin strip of land
of the Whiskey Rebellion in traffic intersections are less than traditional between the Allegheny River and the hillside.
1794, when farmer-distillers and parking in some areas is at a premium, so Once the rail terminal for supplying the city
raised arms against federal agents. The area opt for the “T,” Pittsburgh’s light rail system. with produce, the Strip’s transformation from
gave rise to our nation's first named whiskey There is no fare between downtown stations, industrial to retail has made it one of Pitts-
style: Monongahela rye. It was famous long and charges are reasonable to the southern burgh’s top destinations.
before Kentucky bourbon, and dominated the suburbs. There’s also great bus service with DeLuca’s Diner has been here long enough
national market until after the Civil War. citywide access. to witness that transformation and keeps
Pittsburgh's history is also entwined with the
industrialization of the U.S., and it embraces
its hard-working reputation decades after the
decline of the steel industry. Once a shot-and-
a-beer town, the Steel City’s move into the 21st
century has seen tremendous improvements in
everything from air and water quality to food,
drink, and entertainment. This heritage makes
the city more a rye and bourbon mecca than a
haven for other styles, like scotch.
Nothing quite prepares you for your first
glimpse of this city. After a rolling drive from
the airport and emerging from the Fort Pitt
tunnel, the dramatic skyline before you is
reminiscent of the Emerald City of Oz. De-
fined by the confluence of the Allegheny and
Monongahela Rivers forming the Ohio, it’s
breathtakingly beautiful, and Pittsburghers
are approachable, friendly, and genuine.
Pittsburgh offers a number of great hotels, Bridges and Bourbon
Kingfly Spirits
busy serving breakfast Once you’ve made a pur- refermenting with fruit and vegetable juices
and lunch daily. You know chase, stroll up the street resulting in inventive brews. Next, swing by
you’re in “the 'Burgh” to Leaf & Bean, a BYOB- Maggie’s Farm. There's no whiskey here, but
when you have kielbasa friendly cigar lounge and the rums are exceptional and diverse. Try an
with your eggs! Also here coffee shop. It’s a great amazing cocktail in the lounge overlooking the
is Pamela’s Diner, a local Butcher and the Rye place to relax, and there’s distillery’s Spanish-made pot stills.
chain famous for its crepe- often live music mingling Visit the Heinz History Center, located on
style pancakes and Lyonnaise potatoes. with the aroma of coffee and cigar smoke. the Strip, offering a compelling look at the his-
The Strip is Pittsburgh craft distilling’s Next, head down Smallman Street to King- tory of Western Pennsylvania and its contribu-
beating heart, so get started at Wigle Whis- fly Spirits, the newest distillery in town, lo- tions to the world. Then take a stroll through
key, the first distillery in the city since cated in a beautifully restored old warehouse. scenic Point State Park, where the rivers
Prohibition. Named for whiskey rebel Philip The only whiskey currently offered is a blend converge, and dip your toes into all three at
Wigle, it has a wide selection of spirits, some made from sourced bourbon. Its own bourbon once. Another must-visit is Phipps Conser-
organic, including rye and bourbon, offered will be ready after 5 years in cask, while rye is vatory and Botanical Gardens, a 14-room
up in a contemporary tasting room. Try the in the planning stage. The cocktails here are glasshouse and 23 distinct gardens on 15 acres.
Kilted Rye, finished in Laphroaig quarter top-notch. The most whiskey-focused distillery is in
casks. Tours are available on Saturdays by The Strip offers some of the best food in nearby Washington, about a half-hour south of
reservation. This is also the western terminus the city. Choose from any of the many restau- the city and the very hub of activity during the
of the Whiskey Rebellion Trail that extends rants for lunch: Iron Born Pizza makes great Rebellion, where Mingo Creek Craft Distill-
to Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. Detroit-style pizza, while Wholey’s fries the ers makes Liberty Pole whiskeys. Its rye may
Pennsylvania is a control state, so one liquor city’s favorite fish sandwich. Primanti Bros. be the best local representation of the modern
store is much like another, but Pennsylvania created the much-imitated “Pittsburgh” Monongahela style, and the peated bourbon is
Libations has smashed that model to bits. The sandwich—the one with fries inside. Sit at delicious. Tours are offered by reservation—
state’s craft distillers are allowed to operate up the counter and have an iconic Iron City beer with a focus on the history of the Rebellion—
to three satellite locations, and this store repre- with your sandwich, but order it like a local: and include a cocktail and a tasting flight.
sents multiple distilleries in a single storefront. “I’ll have an 'arn.” Once back in the city, head across the Al-
You can taste before you buy (a concept foreign Cinderlands Beer Co. is new to the Strip legheny on one of the many bridges to the
in Pennsylvania’s “state stores”) from a selec- but has developed a devoted following for North Side, where the Pirates play baseball at
tion of over 20 craft brands. its creative approach to brewing, including PNC Park, one of the most beautiful ball-
Day Two
Take the T across the Monongahela to Station
Square, a shopping and dining destination on
the South Side, where the river was once lined
with steel mills, with their requisite bars run-
ning up and down East Carson Street. Carson
is Pittsburgh’s equivalent to Bourbon Street
in New Orleans, with multiple watering holes
and quirky shops on every block. Breakfast
Phipps Conservatory today is at Waffles INCaffeinated, a casual,
what the Italians do, and they did invent Vera Pizza Napoletana (VPN). ity of all that tomato sauce.
pizza after all. Pizza and whisky? Um, really? While you might expect some snobbish- In between, of course, we have the take-
Pairing pizza with single malt, bourbon, ness from the maker of such strictly regu- out and delivery pies from independently
Irish, Canadian, or Japanese whisky might lated pizza—the VPN certification process owned or chain pizzerias. For these, with
not be anything you or I would consider, but takes days and covers everything from how their medium-thick crusts, look at the pizza
one meal at pizzeria Dry Milano in Italy’s the dough is made to oven construction and as a whole and take a contrasting approach to
fashion capital will change your mind. For temperature, and, of course, flavor—Agostino pairing whisky: the more complicated the top-
in that acclaimed restaurant, excellent pizza says that he is first and foremost a pizza lover. pings, the simpler the spirit. So for a standard
is served alongside not just a superlative “I see pizza as a blank canvas,” he says, supreme pizza, a lighter Canadian or Irish
cocktail menu, but also an impressive list of adding that so long as tradition is respected, whiskey, perhaps with a little ice or water,
spirits, with a strong emphasis on whisky. there is no reason not to tweak it any way makes a refreshing, palate-restoring compan-
Before turning to the pairings, however, you see fit. Noting that he personally grew ion. Similarly, although with a bit of a twist, a
it makes sense to look first at the dish itself, up on Sicilian pizza—thicker crust and ample dry, complex, and not-too-smoky single malt
since pizza can and often is interpreted quite sauce, usually rectangular, he sees nothing serves as the ideal foil to the diverse, salty, and
differently in Naples, New York, Chicago and wrong with Detroit pizza—thick and crispy intense flavors of a meat-topped pizza, and
the democratic republic of Pizza Hut. To help crust with cheese to the edge—Chicago for a spicy diavola, reach for a straight rye to
sort it all out, I turned to Rocco Agostino, ex- deep-dish pizza, or New York style pizza. match and balance the heat.
ecutive chef and partner in Toronto’s Pizzeria “There are probably two or three variations —Stephen Beaumont
Eric Allan Kramer “I went, ‘Wow, this is really nice. I’ve never
had Irish whiskey before.’ He goes, ‘Well, if
you like that, you’re going to love the single
Mobile Service
Place your whisky collection on wheels
I nvented around 3500 B.C., the wheel helps to make the world go round. But it
wasn't until the emergence of the exotic ritual of tea drinking arrived in 17th-
century England that rolling beverage service became popular. The appeal of
moving the party anywhere throughout the home, then neatly locking expensive tea
away for safekeeping applies equally to whisky. When you're ready to entertain at
Combine 9 The Wheater starts at $4,000
home, the best advice is to simply stock up on whisky and roll with it. Plenty of storage for glassware and tools along with a
motorized lift-top to literally raise your bar. combine9.com
The Heat Is On
Add some spice to your life with these cocktails
Prince of Passion
Created by Mike Bender, assistant general
manager of Seven Grand Denver
This bright, fresh cocktail has a light, toasty,
green-spice kick. “The oaked bourbon adds
hen you seek relief from the brutal summer sun, turn up the heat. roasted chocolaty notes that nicely cradle ac-
Drinks that balance spice with refreshment are the perfect way cents from the jalapeños and the poblanos in
to chill out, and since many styles of whisky are inherently spicy, the Ancho Reyes,” Bender says.
they’re perfect to combine with a little caliente flourishes. For ex-
1½ oz. Balcones Pot Still bourbon (or other
ample, “Rye brings some great baking spice and vanilla notes that
four grain or high-rye bourbon)
pair great with chile spice,” says Lenny Heykants, bar manager at
½ oz. lemon juice
El Chingon Mexican Bistro in Denver. And the roasted notes of anything aged in oak match
¾ oz. jalapeño-passion fruit syrup (recipe
well with jalapeños and poblanos, adds Mike Bender, assistant general manager of Seven
Grand Denver. Try these no-sweat recipes and see how cool spice can be.
¼ oz. Ancho Reyes Verde poblano liqueur
1-2 oz. Fever Tree ginger beer (or other
ginger beer)
Rye on Fire Suzie Q Fresno chile pepper and lemon wheel
Created by Lenny Heykants, bar manager Created by Justin Lane Briggs, beverage for garnish
at El Chingon Mexican Bistro in Denver consultant at The Cabinet Bar in New Add bourbon, lemon juice, syrup, and Ancho
Wait for the heat with this drink. “This cock- York City Reyes to a shaker with ice. Shake until chilled.
tail starts citrusy and floral on the palate. The Perfect for those who like spice but not heat, Strain over fresh ice cubes in a double Old
spice creeps in on the back end while still this cocktail uses concentrated ginger syrup Fashioned glass. Top with ginger beer. To
being crisp and refreshing,” Heykants says. to enhance the natural spice in rye whiskey. garnish, cut three slices of pepper and use
toothpicks to place on the lemon wheel. Place
1½ oz. Rittenhouse Bottled in Bond rye (or 1 oz. Rittenhouse Bottled in Bond rye (or
wheel and remaining pepper on the rim of the
other high-proof straight rye) other high-proof rye)
¾ oz. Ancho Reyes Ancho Chile liqueur ½ oz. Suze liqueur
½ oz. fresh-squeezed lemon juice ½ oz. Apologue Saffron Spiced liqueur Jalapeño-Passion Fruit Syrup
½ oz. cinnamon-agave syrup (recipe below) ½ oz. ginger syrup (recipe below) 9 oz. hot water
1 dropper Bittermens Hellfire ¾ oz. lime juice 1 Tbsp. chopped dehydrated or fresh jalapeño
Habanero shrub ½ tsp. simple syrup 1 cup sugar
1 oz. citrusy and floral IPA (such as 4 Noses 2 oz. club soda 16 oz. passion fruit puree
Brewing Company 'Bout Damn Time IPA) 1 dash Angostura bitters
Bring water to a boil over high heat. Re-
Lemon twist and dried chile de árbol for Candied ginger piece for garnish
move from heat and add jalapeños. Steep for
Add rye, Suze, Apologue, ginger syrup, lime seven minutes or until desired spice level is
Combine all ingredients except IPA in a cock- juice, and simple syrup to a shaker with ice. achieved. Strain 8 oz. of the jalapeño water
tail shaker with ice. Hard shake for 10 to 15 Shake until chilled. Strain over fresh into another container and add sugar.
seconds. Strain over cubed ice into a Collins ice cubes in a Highball glass. Top Stir well until sugar is dissolved.
glass. Top with IPA. Stir gently and garnish with soda and bitters. Garnish Add passion fruit puree and
afar. “We did a virtual tour of the Balcones Gabriel RiCharde and Texas state sales man- universal. There aren’t necessarily a ton of
Distillery [on March 17], with members logging ager Alex Elrod, and opening it up to the club things we can all connect on, but people can
in from our chapters all over the world—from via Facebook Live. “Gabe and Alex led the dis- appreciate good whisky in most places around
Mexico City to all across the U.S. to Beirut— cussion, walking me around the warehouse to the world, so there’s not a lot of barriers to
where they helped us do two barrel picks,” the location of the actual barrels,” Prince says. connecting people now. That part’s nice.”
Drammers Club president Charlie Prince says. As he, RiCharde, and Elrod sampled whiskey —Zak Kostro
with spirit-preserved cocktail cherries, which juiced and then blended with Leo- and Whiskey Sours.
pold’s small-batch whiskey before
several distilleries also produce.
resting in used bourbon barrels.
—Aaron Goldfarb
opportunity to help. Hand also in short supply, so the ilege but to pivot to helping first responders
sanitizer became scarce, so decision to start making hand to stay safe when they are fighting for all of us
numerous distilleries across sanitizer was something we on the front lines in this war against an unseen
the country started producing immediately considered,” enemy galvanizes the entire New Riff produc-
their own. This effort looked says Brian Treacy, president tion team,” says head distiller Brian Sprance.
different at every distillery, of Sagamore Spirit. In the last “This is our community, where we live and
but they were all united by the common goal week of March, the Baltimore-based distillery raise our families; we are proud to do our little
of serving their communities during a crisis. began producing sanitizer in large quantities bit to fight for its protection.”
“Distilleries are in a unique position—we for first responders and healthcare providers, —Sam Stone
Hillrock Tyrconnell
Estate 1 2 3 16 year old 1
American Oloroso & 2
Single Malt Moscatel
(Barrel new Hillrock oloroso Pedro Cask-Finished bourbon barrel
OPX-30) charred bourbon sherry Ximénez single malt barrel seasoned
oak barrel barrel cask sherry 16 years with oloroso
48.2% • $105 Irish
cask sherry, then
46% • $100
moscatel wine
raisin, oak spices pear tion destroyed this whiskey. In addition to the
art, there is a fair amount of science involved.”
SHELL GAME: Try to identify coconut flavors in these whiskies. —Sean Evans
J Ohishi
apanese whisky makers have grappled Yamazaki 55 year old single malt
with dwindling stocks in recent years ABV: 46% JAPANESE RICE WHISKY
as thirst grows for their prized liquid. Price: ¥3 million/$28,000 (700 ml) Ohishi is releasing a sherry cask-matured rice
Yet that hasn’t stopped major distilleries and Release: June 30 whisky. There will be 888 bottles available—
smaller producers alike from releasing exciting Availability: 100 bottles via lottery; deliv- a number chosen specifically because 8 is a
new whiskies to celebrate a momentous year ered only to addresses in Japan lucky number in Japan, says Chris Uhde, vice
for Japan—in spite of the Tokyo Summer Olym- president of importer ImpEx Beverages.
pics being pushed to 2021 because of the global Chichibu The label features “Ganbare Nippon”—“Go
COVID-19 pandemic. —Zak Kostro A LEADER OF JAPAN’S CRAFT Japan!”—written in calligraphy, and the whis-
DISTILLERS ky itself is “to celebrate Japan as a whole.”
Craft whisky pioneer Chichibu plans to Also in 2020, Ohishi is releasing an 11 year
release a 10 year old single malt—its first old mizunara oak-finished whisky. But if that’s
age-statement whisky—this fall, according to not enough for fans, there’s more to look
brand ambassador Yumi Yoshikawa. forward to. Uhde says a limited-edition 16 year
old sherry cask-matured whisky is planned for
Chichibu 10 year old single malt release in 2021.
ABV: To be decided in August
Price: To be decided in August Ohishi 11 year old Sherry Cask
Release: Planned for fall 2020 ABV: 41%
Availability: 3,000 to 6,000 bottles total; Price: $99
allocation to be decided Release: August 1
Availability: 888 bottles; U.S. exclusive
JAPAN’S LOST DISTILLERY Ohishi 11 year old Mizunara Cask-
Whisky collector and entrepreneur Eric Finished
Huang has chosen 2020 to release his very ABV: 42.4%
last cask from Karuizawa Distillery, which Price: $99
ceased production in 2000. The Last Master- Release: August 1
piece is meant to represent a “perfect” ending Availability: 2,004 bottles; U.S. exclusive
of the legendary Karuizawa.
Joining Huang is online Japanese whisky Ohishi 16 year old Sherry Cask
Suntory retailer Dekanta with a 35 year old Karuiza- ABV: To be determined
A JAPANESE WHISKY TITAN wa. Even with the Tokyo Games postponed, Price: $160
Suntory is releasing a 55 year old Yamazaki Dekanta still wanted to honor Japan with a Release: Planned for 2021
single malt—the oldest liquid ever from the release that company founder Makiyo Masa Availability: 2,350 bottles; U.S. exclusive
vaunted Osaka distillery, according to Beam says is inspired by the concept of budo-—a
Suntory. Significantly, the youngest liquid in Japanese term to describe martial arts—and
this whisky was distilled in 1964, the same the skill of Olympic athletes who “continue to
year as the previous Tokyo Summer Olympics. practice the technique.”
The packaging aims to showcase Japan’s
meticulous craftsmanship, with “Yamazaki” Karuizawa 50 year old The Last Mas-
engraved in calligraphy on the bottle, and terpiece single malt Cask No. 6017
gold dust and lacquer embellishing the age (distilled in 1970, bottled in 2020)
statement. The bottle mouth is wrapped in ABV: 58.3%
handmade washi paper, and bound with a Price: ¥5 million/$46,000 (700 ml)
Kyo-kumihimo plaited cord, a traditional Release: Planned for July
craft from Kyoto. Each bottle comes in a box Availability: 211 bottles; not available in
made of Japan’s treasured mizunara oak. the U.S.
It was made at Old Midleton Distillery in 1974
or more than 30 years, luxury items in grand presen- and is 45 years old, making it the oldest Irish
single malt has been tation cases, treasured bottles whiskey release. Created as an experimental
the most sought-after from a distillery visit, or a dusty batch, it's a peated single malt from a distillery
style of whisky at auction. The picked up at auction after being known for blends and single pot still whiskeys.
single malt designation offers salvaged from a forgotten cellar. This is Chapter One, a worldwide release of 48 bottles priced at
assurance about the source of Collecting should be about the $35,000/£32,000, in this new annual series planned to run until 2025.
the liquid inside the bottle: It pleasure derived from assem-
was made at the distillery named bling bottles and cherishing
on the label. This is not to be the experience and the history RECORD BREAKERS
taken for granted as, incredu- behind each one, not a tawdry
lously, representatives of some excuse for rubbing your hands U.S. RECORD
of the world’s best-selling single with glee over their value.
Yamazaki 1984
malt scotches, like Glenfiddich Nothing compares to single Hammer price $10,000
and Glenlivet, find they need malts’ singular flavors, nobody Skinner Inc, Boston, February 2020
to convince people that those can quench our curiosity for The use of mizunara oak on this Japanese single malt
names aren’t just household exploring the idiosyncrasies of captured the attention of collectors on its release, despite
brands produced at large-scale every single cask, and nothing an original price tag of $600. This sale narrowed the gap
distilleries in different parts of matches its ability to develop on the Yamazaki 1984 world record bid of HK$95,000
the world and that they actually complexity in oak, whether over ($12,103) set by Bonhams, Hong Kong in August 2018.
are distilled at the individual a period of 12 years or as long
distilleries in Speyside. as 75 years. Collectors have also
When it comes to record- kept a light burning for single WORLD RECORD
breaking whisky auction prices, malts from closed distilleries, Bowmore 34 year old 1971
it’s single malts that write all the venerating the dwindling stocks. Hammer price HK$40,000/$5,137
headlines: Scotch whisky from Even within a single distillery, Bonhams, Hong Kong, February 2020
Macallan and Bowmore, and Jap- there is a rich back catalog of This wonderful sherry-cask matured 34 year old was re-
anese whisky from Karuizawa, different bottles to explore, col- leased in 2005 at a price of $800 as part of Bowmore's
Hanyu, and Yamazaki command lect, taste, and discuss. Despite Vintage Distillation Series. Limited to 960 bottles and
the highest prices. Few of us can the diversification of whisky bottled at 51% ABV, the whisky was rated 90 points by
afford million-dollar bottles, so styles, the bedrock of our love of Whisky Advocate, garnering praise for its lush fruits and
most whisky lovers focus their whisky remains unshaken: single kiln smoke. Bonhams, Hong Kong took the record from
collecting on single malts within malts rule. Scotch Whisky Auctions in this online sale.
their price range. They may be —Jonny McCormick
between auction house staff and decided to open their best bottles companies, but in the meantime
whisky collectors, while concerns to see them through the crisis. will likely continue to explore how
circulated about the persistence It’s worth remembering that they can use technology to get
of the virus on packaging materi- the secondary whisky market up and running again.
Brothers in Arms
he craft spirits movement— about distillery ownership. malt. It seems more Irish to me. Either way,
which has exploded the num- A day or so in, he had the inevitable exis- it’s quite good. A good omen for what an
ber of distilleries in the U.S.— tential crisis. “In a moment of feeling over- American single malt, a style struggling for
has not made much of a dent whelmed, I stepped outside of the conference recognition, can achieve.
in terms of sales. Its market area and sat down on a couch in the lobby,” Old Line is still small, but it has stepped
share is barely measurable, but it contributes recalls McLaughlin. A few minutes later Bob up to a 300-gallon still and now has about
in other important ways. Stilnovich joined him, and they started to talk. 90,000 proof gallons of whiskey aging in its
Old Line Golden Edition American single “He asked why I was there, and I told him it 25,000-square-foot facility in Highlandtown.
malt whiskey is a product of Baltimore’s Old was my first step toward opening a distillery.” McLaughlin and Watkins are sensitive about
Line Spirits, which started distilling in 2016. Both men are veterans. Stilnovich fought the veteran part of their story. “We don’t try to
It is 8 years old. If that math doesn’t work for in Vietnam, McLaughlin was a naval aviator leverage our military backgrounds for business
you, therein hangs the tale. in Iraq. Both of their business partners were gain,” says McLaughlin. “We embrace it as our
Golden Edition, a limited release, was not heritage, but our brand isn’t built around it.
made at Old Line’s distillery in Bob, Jim, Arch, and I connected as vets. That’s
the Highlandtown neighbor- how we rapidly established
hood east of downtown Balti- trust and rapport. That is the
more. It was distilled 3,000 miles context but not the story. The
away on Samish Island, north of story, in my opinion, is in the
Seattle, in a 60-gallon pot still at transfer of a labor of love from
Golden Distillery. Founded early one generation to the next.”
in the craft spirits movement, Yes, the American craft
Golden Distillery was a labor of spirits movement is estab-
love for two buddies in their 60s, lished enough now for that
embarking on a retirement career. kind of torch-passing. What
The pair, Bob Stilnovich and Jim Stilnovich and Caudill built
Caudill, set up in a chicken coop on in the Pacific Northwest lives
Bob’s property, and in 2010 started on in the Mid-Atlantic. As
to make malt whiskey and fruit McLaughlin and Watkins are
Golden Distillery founders Bob Stilnovich and
spirits. In 2012, their 2 year old whiskey won Jim Caudill (left) passed the distilling torch now in their 40s, there is another generation
best single malt at the American Distilling to Mark McLaughlin and Arch Watkins (right), coming up behind them. The movement has
Institute’s (ADI) annual convention. founders of Old Line Spirits. become an industry.
In 2014, Caudill became ill and couldn’t Old Line’s story is one of many. As the
continue distilling. They decided to sell the veterans too. Stilnovich explained the situa- major producers get bigger, craft distillers
business if they could. ADI’s convention was tion to Caudill (now deceased) and wondered help keep the business on a human scale.
in Seattle that year. Stilnovich drove down to if McLaughlin and Watkins might want to Small-scale craft producers provide the fuel
see if he might discover some interest. come to Washington, learn the business, buy for similarly small-scale, craft-oriented liquor
Meanwhile, Mark McLaughlin and Arch it, and take it back to Baltimore. stores, bars, and restaurants, which you can
Watkins of Baltimore were contemplating As unlikely as all that sounds, they did. now find in diverse communities all over the
their own futures. They were only in their Along with the still and related equipment country. The craft producers have perhaps
30s, with established careers, but entertained came some whiskey. When it passed its 8th not so much changed the industry as aug-
distillery dreams. To start the ball rolling, birthday last year they bottled it as Golden mented it, given it another dimension: a way
McLaughlin quit his job in finance and flew Edition. It went on sale this past November. for drinkers to connect with distilled spirits
to Seattle, for an ADI conference, to learn They think it tastes like an unpeated scotch more intimately.
(With apologies to W. H. Auden) features of many of our lives right now. While the harvest. Indulge yourself in one of this
whisky can help us unwind, alcohol is recog- decade’s greatest rediscovered luxuries:
t’s silent season in Scotland, now nized as a mood depressant and not a cure for Leave your phone behind. Cross the peat-
more than ever. Manway covers on stress, though I can’t help contrasting the lands with a springy stride, the moss sucking
cold copper pot stills hang open, dejected, earnest expressions you used to see at your boots, while damselflies scatter ahead
chattering birdsong floats in through on the faces of people at their workplaces of you in flashes of electric blue. Seek out
the stillroom’s open win- and battling through the daily commute with water; cup your hands in a stream and splash
dows, and the clanging tools of your face or take a boat out
whistling workmen echo in the across the shimmering surface
distance. Summer’s warmth has of a loch. Find an oasis in an oak
raised the temperature and reduced forest, reconnect with the music
the flow of the distillery’s water of nature, and let it restore your
source, the season’s annual chal- spirit. Sit down, perhaps even lie
lenge to the production of consis- down on the ground, stretch out
tent high-quality spirit. In years your limbs, touch the earth, and
gone by, the visitor center crew look up at the wispy clouds
would gird their loins at the sound through the canopy. Find solace
of airbrakes as buses offloaded the and experience the tranquility
next distillery tour groups. The and the reassurance of the woods
guests would have to use their that surround you.
imagination to experience the Now is the perfect moment for
vibration of the mill, the mashtun a whisky. The versatility of
ack when I was in my twenties, It was the worst cognac I have had in my I love the punkish Chicago whiskey bar
and the New Orleans Jazz and life, before or since. Delilah’s, for example, where I tend to only
Heritage Festival wasn’t quite Which is not to slight Courvoisier, but drink American whiskey or beer, since I feel
the colossus it is today, my rather to cast well-deserved aspersions upon certain that the subtleties of Canadian or
friends and I were regulars at my own youthful decision. Because in trying Japanese whiskies would be lost amid the
the springtime music fest. We’d pick one to be clever, I ignored a basic truism of taste, cacophony that descends upon the bar late on
weekend or the other—then, as now, the which is that environment fundamentally a Friday or Saturday night. (Straight rye
festival ran over two weekends with a affects the enjoyment of any beverage. works best, I find.) Conversely, amid the mel-
weekday break in between—and build a trip Basically, my Courvoisier sucked because it low tunes that have formed the soundtrack to
around it, enjoying the outdoor music during was the absolute wrong time, place, and mu- my experiences at New York’s Brandy Library,
the day and reveling even more in the sic for drinking cognac. a single malt or my previously misplaced
ubiquitous concerts that took place at night Far too many years have passed for me to cognac is the ideal tipple.
in such legendary venues as Tipitina’s, Maple remember what else was on the backbar that Lest I leave the impression that I feel mu-
night at Benny’s, but it being New Or- sic and whisky pairing is all about the degree
leans, I’m betting that there was bourbon, of attention you need to pay your tipple,
probably Jim Beam and Wild Turkey, however, I should also note that some of my
blues-rock band wailing from a stage encased Sonny Rollins play in the background, the And, frankly, if you’ve never enjoyed a
in a Blues Brothers-style sort of cage, the smoke of the whisky evoking the dimly lit, dram or two to the wailing sounds of multiple
building fully open to the street on one side cigarette-clouded clubs where the originals bagpipes, well, my friend, you’ve never really
and partially so on the other. The crowd was of these recordings were once played. tasted scotch whisky!
sparse but enthusiastic, and the vibe friendly My friend, British writer Pete Brown, gives The bottom line is that your surroundings
with a slight suggestion of danger. As I ap- a series of talks demonstrating the effect will affect the way you appreciate—or don’t—
proached the bar, my mind drifted to the different genres of music have on the enjoy- almost anything you eat or drink. So paying
most absurd drink I could possibly order ment of different styles of beer. While I tend attention to the mood and environment, both
considering the circumstances and, upon not to get as precise as he does—Pete goes so physical and aural, can improve your experi-
spying the bottle, immediately settled on a far as to pair individual artists with specific ence. Whether you’re paying $110 for a bottle
Courvoisier V.S.O.P. cognac, generously mea- beers—I do agree that music and drinks can or $12 for a dram, why would you not want to
sured into a plastic cup. and do impact each other. get the most impact for your money?
n a perfect world, we’d all be
well-equipped with a sterling Highball
silver cocktail shaker, a variety page 56
of premium mixers, and fresh
fruit, prepared to transform our
favorite whiskies into tasty cock-
tails at a moment’s notice. However,
life is often less than perfect. Mint Julep
So, we’ve delved into five classic page 60
whisky cocktails with the help of
some top bartenders, asking a lot of
questions that begin “What if…?”
Because sometimes you’re low on
limes, or can’t find a cocktail Fashioned
strainer. If you’re willing to put page 62
aside some of the pomp and ped-
antry, there’s more than one way to
make a cocktail. In fact, more than a
few great cocktails have been in- Manhattan
vented out of necessity. page 64
With their relatively short ingre-
dient lists and simple recipes, the
How to Make
a Highball
1 1⁄2 oz. whisky
4 oz. chilled club soda
Lemon twist for garnish
Add a long spear, two or three large
cubes, or several hefty chunks of ice to a
chilled Highball glass. Add whisky and
erfect for leisurely sipping on a balmy by beer, or even wine. “It pairs pretty much give it 10 gentle stirs. Slowly add soda.
summer night, the Highball is enjoying with anything you’re eating, almost like Stir gently once or twice more, and
a revival in the U.S. But in Japan, champagne,” Urushido adds. Highballs also garnish with a lemon twist.
Highballs are a way of life, says Masa- temper the potent proof of whisky. “It’s not a
hiro Urushido, managing partner and strong drink,” says Peter Mizutani, senior bar YOU’RE DOING
bartender at Japanese-style cocktail bar captain at Conrad Tokyo hotel’s bar Twen- IT WRONG
Katana Kitten in New York City. “The tyEight. “Japanese people drink Highballs to Slow your stir. The key to a good Highball
Highball has been popular for over 100 enjoy the atmosphere. Maybe in the U.S. or is a delicate touch that doesn’t agitate the
years,” Urushido says. “I think the reason is Australia or Europe, they enjoy their whisky ingredients and lose bubbles. “You don’t
because it’s so versatile.” neat, but in Japan we prefer to drink whisky need that much stirring,” says Urushido,
An ideal whisky drink, the Highball allows with soda water.” who uses his barspoon to “just lift up the
the spirit to step into roles usually occupied —Zak Kostro ice from the bottom.”
Any whisky you enjoy on its own will go well in a Highball, as the dilution and effervescence serve to reveal and lift up its flavors.
After whisky style, the obvious consideration is price. But given the simplicity of the Highball, the flavor of the whisky remains
largely unadulterated, making it a perfectly suitable vehicle for showcasing even some of your finest whiskies.
Fizz Garnish
Lemon twist is a classic garnish
Urushido likes Q Mixers’ club for good reason. “Citrus aroma
soda for its high bubble is very neutral,” complement-
content. But any type of soda ing a range of whisky flavors
will perform better if chilled and styles, Urushido explains.
before you begin mixing the Lime, orange, or grapefruit
drink. It retains more of the work well too.
carbonated gas in the liquid,
and “the higher the carbon- CR EATIV E SOLU TION
ation the better,” Urushido Raid the Pantry
notes. Vary your garnish according to
your whisky. Taking his
inspiration from a sherry
Join the Club cask-aged Macallan Highball,
Seltzer water has bubbles but Komatsu proposes raisins to
lacks the distinct taste of club highlight the “sweetness of
soda with its added minerals. dried fruits.” To enhance the
To lend seltzer or homemade brininess of an Islay malt like
soda water the alkaline edge of Bowmore, he suggests a
club soda, you can experiment salt-rimmed glass. Fresh herbs
with adding small pinches of match well with rye or
sea salt and baking soda. bourbon.
Build Your Best…
conic in presentation with its silver cup author of “The Waldorf Astoria Bar Book,” How to Make
and fresh greenery, the Mint Julep is says that respecting simplicity is important. a Mint Julep
arguably bourbon at its most refreshing. “Keep it basic,” he urges. “Stick to protocol.”
But historically, the Julep has been made Ryan Hart, bar manager at The Crunkleton 1 tsp. sugar or 1⁄2 oz. simple syrup
Handful mint leaves, plus a sprig for
with brandy, rum, and even genever—and in Charlotte, North Carolina says that the
occasionally without mint—so there’s Mint Julep is easily tweaked to suit the
Finely crushed ice
precedent for flexibility. drinker, depending on whether you prefer 2 oz. bourbon
Like many classic cocktails, the Julep bene- your cocktail stronger or sweeter. “What’s
Add the sugar to a Julep cup, along with
fits from a short ingredient list and ease of really important is getting the gist of the rec-
about a teaspoon of water—just enough to
execution. Frank Caiafa, beverage director at ipe and learning how to balance it,” he says. dissolve it—giving it a stir; if using simple
New York City’s The Stayton Room and —Susannah Skiver Barton syrup, omit the water. Add the mint leaves,
reserving one generous sprig, and press
gently with a muddler or spoon to extract
the oils. Fill the cup about halfway with
WHISKY SELECTOR crushed ice. Add bourbon and stir until
chilled. Mound more crushed ice on top.
Whether you use whiskey or another spirit, high proof is key, as the Julep’s crushed
ice will overdilute something with less alcohol. Consider our favorites or choose Garnish with remaining mint sprig, and be
your own, but remember that the sweetener may need to be adjusted accordingly. sure to include a straw for sipping.
Traditional Alternative IT WRONG
Most people apply too much muscle to
Kentucky straight bourbon is the Beyond bourbon, rye and other
muddling mint. “Breaking the cell wall [of
standby in the state that made the American whiskeys mix nicely with
the leaf] releases chlorophyll, which adds
Julep famous. mint.
bitterness to the drink,” says Hart, who
Wild Turkey 101 50.5%, $25 Pikesville 6 year old Straight rye suggests shaking the simple syrup,
Balance and heft make an ideal 55%, $50 Withstands plenty of ice bourbon, and a handful of mint leaves
cocktail ingredient melt with a jab of spice with one or two ice cubes to gently
Heaven Hill 7 year old Bottled Balcones True Blue Straight corn awaken the flavor of the mint before
in Bond 50%, $40 Powerful oak, 50%, $55 Made from roasted blue building the drink in the cup.
spice, and sweetness corn
Old Grand-Dad 114 57%, $33 Bold Jack Daniel’s Single Barrel Barrel
and potent, with lip-smacking Proof proof varies, $60 Tennessee
Silver Cup
The Julep’s signature vessel is as unique
as the drink itself. But Caiafa says a
Collins glass will suffice, as its height and
shape maintain some of the cocktail’s
“regal presentation.”
Get The Short Straw
The silver cup gets all the attention, but
the straw is the Julep’s unsung hero,
making drinking both practical and
pleasurable. Cut the straw to stick up just
above the mint sprig, so that your nose is
perfectly positioned to inhale those
beautiful aromas.
Crushed ice is a must for Mint Juleps, as
it chills the liquid much faster than larger
cubes, but ice that’s too small quickly
overdilutes the drink. Evaluate your ice
crusher or refrigerator ice maker before
you begin; the ice should be just fine
enough to pack into a mounded shape
on top. Avoid using a food processor or
blender; the friction of the blades leads
to a watery mess.
How to Make
an Old Fashioned
1 sugar cube or 1⁄2 tsp. sugar OLD FASHIONED
2 dashes Angostura bitters
2 oz. bourbon or rye
Lemon or orange twist for garnish or centuries, the Old Fashioned has
In an Old Fashioned or short rocks glass,
add sugar, bitters, and half a splash of
remained a staple at bars around the
world. “It is literally the definitive
water. Agitate with a spoon or muddler to cocktail,” says Sam Treadway, owner of If you must maraschino, limit it to a
dissolve sugar. Add whiskey and one large Backbar in Somerville, Massachusetts. single cherry. And aim to add an orange
ice cube (or several smaller ones) and stir or lemon twist, which lend a “blast of
“Once upon a time, the word ‘cocktail’ meant
well. Twist the citrus peel to release the citrus oil and aromatics when you first
specifically this one drink.” As trendy, newer
oils and run it around the rim of the glass, sip the drink,” according to Treadway.
cocktails were invented, it became known as
then drop it into the cocktail.
the “Old Fashioned cocktail.” CRE ATIVE SO LUTI O N
Will Benedetto, opening beverage director Eye Candy
YOU’RE DOING and bar consultant at The Fox Bar & Cocktail That red cherry is mostly food coloring
Club in Nashville, says the Old Fashioned is and sugar anyway, so Benedetto
Failing to fully dissolve a sugar cube or
highly versatile with whiskey—and beyond. suggests being a bit more
granulated sugar will leave you with an
“Any spirit—any worth drinking—can be made creative by reaching for
unbalanced drink that turns crunchy at
into an enlightening Old Fashioned,” he says. sugary snacks that echo
the end. “When you put in the sugar and
It’s doubtful that the elaborate craft cocktails flavors in the cocktail. Try a
bitters, add a tiny bit of water and stir
of today will be remembered in a century. But toasted marshmallow,
that around to at least start the dissolv-
caramel corn, or even
ing,” says Treadway. Once you add ice, it owing to its short list of common ingredients
gummy bears.
becomes much harder to dissolve. and simplicity, the Old Fashioned endures.
—Sam Stone
Honey 3⁄8 tsp. Agave Syrup 3⁄8 tsp. Brown Sugar 1⁄2 tsp. Maple Syrup 3⁄8 tsp. Splenda 1⁄4 packet Cherry Syrup 3⁄4 tsp.
TIP “If you pour honey TIP Agave works well TIP If you’re substitut- TIP Check the TIP Artificial sweeten- TIP Maraschino
over an iced cocktail it with whiskey, but ing another spirit for ingredients of your ers are often highly cherries are packed in
won’t dissolve and Justin Mitchell, bar whiskey, use brown syrup. For the best concentrated. Mitchell sweet sugar syrup.
incorporate in the manager at The sugar to add a flavor, use 100% maple warns they require Mitchell suggests
drink,” says Benedetto. Dorian in San Fran- barrel-like nuance. syrup. A lot of inferior precise measurement using a barspoon’s
His solution is to add cisco, switches to “Something dry like “maple-flavored to avoid over-sweet- worth of syrup, which
it to the room-temper- tequila and mezcal as genever or Lowlands syrups” are made ening your drink. is roughly 1⁄8 oz., or 3⁄4
ature spirit or thin it the base spirit for his tequila would pair well primarily of corn Splenda, for instance, tsp. Or you can smash
with a bit of warm Oaxacan Old with brown sugar,” syrup, Benedetto requires just 1⁄16 tsp., or a cherry in the glass to
water before mixing. Fashioned. says Benedetto. cautions. 1⁄4 of the packet. free its syrup.
Tea time
An Old Fashioned without bitters
lacks intrigue and balance.
Treadway says you can achieve a
good approximation
with the tannins of
black tea and bitter
citrus peel.
Simply steep one
strong black tea
bag (or 1 tsp.
loose-leaf tea) in ½ cup
of hot water for 5-10 minutes.
Remove the tea bag and add ¼
cup sugar to the hot tea. Stir until
dissolved. Use this simple syrup
as your sweetener, muddling it
with several citrus peels, for a
balanced cocktail.
WHISKY SELECTOR in bond bourbon for a cocktail “with a little more bite.”
While Treadway points out that scotch works well in the
As with the rest of its ingredients, the whisky used in an Old
cocktail, he cautions that it can be “just a little aggressive on
Fashioned can be switched up. It’s traditionally made with rye
the smoke,” so you need to choose accordingly.
or bourbon, and if using bourbon, Mitchell recommends bottled
Here’s a list of whiskies in a variety of styles and prices.
Kentucky Straight 45%, $25 Select Kentucky Straight (Batch Straight 54.9%, $70
RYE 91 High West Double Rye! 001) 50%, $50 RYE 87 WhistlePig 10 year old
46%, $40 RYE 92 New Riff Bottled in Bond Straight 50%, $84
50%, $46
JAPANESE 88 Suntory Toki JAPANESE 89 Nikka Coffey Malt
43%, $35 JAPANESE 92 Kaiyo- Mizunara Oak 45%, $75
43%, $60
Walker 12 year old Black Label BLENDED SCOTCH 91 Sheep Dip Box Spice Tree 46%, $69
40%, $36 Original 40%, $43
SINGLE MALT SCOTCH SINGLE MALT SCOTCH 93 91 Bruichladdich Bere Barley 2010
87 Glenmorangie Original 43%, $40 Ardbeg An Oa 46.6%, $60 50%, $100
IRISH 90 The Irishman Founder’s IRISH 92 Powers Three Swallow IRISH 92 Tyrconnell 16 year old
Reserve Blended 40%, $35 43.2%, $48 Oloroso & Moscatel Cask-Finished
46%, $100
CANADIAN 94 Lot No. 40 CANADIAN 92 Crown Royal Noble
43%, $40 Collection 13 year old Blenders’ CANADIAN 94 Masterson’s 10
Mash 45%, $60 year old Straight rye 45%, $70
2 oz. whiskey
1 oz. sweet vermouth
2 dashes Angostura bitters
Cocktail cherry or citrus peel for garnish
Combine whiskey, vermouth, and bitters
in a mixing glass. Add ice and stir until
chilled. Strain into a chilled coupe and
garnish with cherry or orange peel,
expressed over the glass.
he Manhattan cocktail—a simple to balance its sweetness with bitterness and
“Do not shake a Manhattan! It’s messier
recipe of American whiskey, sweet acidity. In fact, almost any style of whiskey than it needs to be, especially at home, and
vermouth, and bitters that predates you enjoy can shine in a Manhattan. a spirits-only based drink like this deserves
the Martini—yields myriad combina- The modern Manhattan ratio is 2:1 whis- stirring only,” says Cerankosky. You can stir
tions to suit almost any whiskey lover. key to vermouth, but the original skewed the in almost any containter, as long as you
“I’m very choosy, first, about which opposite, with twice as much vermouth as have a strainer to hold back the ice.
rye—yes, rye—works best. Bourbon is too soft whiskey. Try this lower-proof rendition Cerankosky says these work well in a pinch.
for me in this drink,” says Charles Cer- well-suited to summer—or find your sweet
ankosky, co-owner of Good Luck, Cure, and spot somewhere in between. When these
Jackrabbit Club in Rochester, New York. ingredients meet with ice, it’s hard to go
However, many enjoy bourbon just fine, espe- wrong. PIE LARGE KEURIG
cially when matched with the right vermouth —Jeffery Lindenmuth FORK
The classic dilemma of the Manhattan is bourbon or rye. Within these styles exists a lot of nuance. Bartender and instructor on Master-
Class Ryan Chetiyawardana often takes the middle ground with a high-rye bourbon. “I like the corn sweetness over a straight rye—but
currently I’m on wheated bourbons with a little extra age on them to give a balance of sweetness, creaminess, and wood spice,” he says.
Sweet Vermouth
Manhattan drinkers are as fanatical
about their vermouth as they are While Angostura bitters are the
their whiskey. “As an ingredient, it’s classic, the third ingredient in a
bringing a lot to the table: sweetness, Manhattan offers more variety than
acidity, weight, tannic structure, and ever before, with boutique bitters
botanical depth,” says Smith. that accentuate cardamom, grape-
fruit, chocolate, or even rhubarb. You
CR E AT I VE SOLUT I ON can also combine multiple varieties.
Grape Expectations
Other fortified wines—like tawny
port, oloroso sherry, and madeira— Bitters Truth
can yield a tasty Manhat- Making proper bitters takes time,
tan variation. When but an a la minute preparation will
using these in place lend the requisite olfactory flair.
of vermouth, reduce James Arsenault, director of food
the amount to ¾ oz. and beverage at Harbor View Hotel
and up the whiskey to in Edgartown, Massachusetts,
2 ¼ oz., says Smith. A suggests combining baking spices
fruit-forward red wine or like cinnamon, clove, and nutmeg
even grape juice can do the job by with finely diced orange and other
adding extra bitters for balance. citrus peel, and 2 to 3 tablespoons
of dark rum. “When the taste is to
your liking, strain it and you can use
the concoction for your at-home
bitters!” says Arsenault.
Build Your Best…
The Sour is forgiving when it
comes to whiskey. “It’s one
of those drinks that sort of existed because
the spirit was not good. And now using
superior product actually makes it even
better,” Sabo says. Bourbon and rye are the
go-to choices, with Sabo preferring Ritten-
house Bottled in Bond rye and Bodenheimer
opting for Evan Williams Single Barrel
right and buoyant, the Whiskey Sour bourbon. Because it’s a dense drink, proof is
is whiskey dressed for a summer day. How to Make important. “You still want that spirit to come
The drink may have originated with a Whiskey Sour through,” Sabo says. Avoid 40% ABV
18th-century sailors combining whiskeys, which can get lost in the mix, and
2 oz. bourbon or rye reach for those between 43% and 50% ABV.
ingredients they had at hand, but the 3⁄4 oz. fresh-squeezed lemon juice
unbeatable balance of spirit, sugar, This cocktail is a wonderful way to
1⁄2 oz. rich simple syrup (recipe below)
and citrus makes this drink transcend the showcase solid whiskeys and create a
1 egg white (optional) classic drink on a budget. We identified
whims of cocktail fashion. “It’s beautiful in Lemon peel and maraschino cherry for bottles with substantial proof, ratings of 88
its simplicity and it’s delicious and it manages garnish points and higher, and prices that permit a
to be really fun, and it’s also a really nice Add whiskey, lemon juice, simple syrup, delicious cocktail for just a few bucks.
access point for whiskey for a lot of people,” and egg white to a cocktail shaker. Dry
says Dan Sabo, director of food and beverage shake (without ice). Add ice and shake
at Fairmont Century Plaza in Los Angeles. again to chill. Strain into a rocks glass over
As long as you stay focused on a balance of cubed ice. Rub the rim of the glass with a
sweet, sour, and spirit, the Whiskey Sour lemon peel. Float peel and cherry on top.
leaves plenty of room for interpretation or Rich Simple Syrup
tweaking to suit your palate. “There are a 2 cups granulated sugar
thousand things you can do to add a little 1 cup water
twist to it and that’s one of the things that Heat sugar and water until all sugar is
great classics can do,” says Neal Boden- dissolved. Pour into a sealable container
heimer, co-owner of Cure in New Orleans. “It and keep refrigerated for up to six weeks.
can handle a little bit of innovation, but the
basic version is as good.” YOU’RE DOING
Skip the bottled sour mix and get creative IT WRONG
using these fun tips. As Bodenheimer says, Trying to juice lemons, or other citrus,
“There’s really no limitation to what you can pulled directly from the refrigerator is
do with a Whiskey Sour.” wasteful. As the cold fruit contracts, it Whiskey Sours Under $2
—Ted Simmons becomes more difficult to extract juice. 88 Buffalo Trace 45%, $25 ($1.97 per drink)
89 Maker’s Mark 45%, $25 ($1.97 per drink)
88 Old Overholt Bonded rye
50%, $25 ($1.97 per drink)
Get your Juices Flowing Whiskey Sours Under $3
91 Evan Williams Single Barrel 2010
Vintage 43.3%, $30 ($2.36 per drink)
88 Rittenhouse Bottled in Bond rye 50%,
$28 ($2.21 per drink)
88 Wild Turkey 101 Straight rye 50.5%, $26
($2.05 per drink)
Dash Away
A few dashes of bitters
splashed across the frothy head
are an easy alterna-
tive to garnish that
will add a deeper
dimension to the
bright and
buoyant drink.
“Bitters act like salt
in cooking,” Boden-
heimer says. “It helps bind
things and make homogenous
Simple Syrup
You can balance the sharp bite
of citrus with virtually any
sweetener at hand (see Equal
Measures, page 62).
Green Light
The basis for the surge in new distilleries is more than
just entrepreneurs chasing a piece of the whisky boom.
There are deeper reasons concerning the environment,
the subtle ways in which whisky making is changing,
regulations that now permit smaller stills, and the
general gravitation toward food and drink born of
personalities and places. “There has been a big shift
away from the industrial production of food and drink
by large corporations to more manageable businesses
that have a clear provenance, a face behind the name,
and a reason for being,” says Annabel Thomas, founder
of Nc’nean Distillery. “A lot of it is about trust: That’s
what’s driven the change in beer and gin, and I believe
that’s what’s driving the change in whisky as well.” This
next-generation distiller hasn’t broken ranks moment mean that every bottle of scotch is “Sustainability is important to it, because it’s
with the tradition of daunting Gaelic names, great: It just means that every bottle of scotch important to me,” Thomas emphasizes. “The
however. Neachneohain means “queen of is quite similar to another one.” Thomas distillery is located in a very wild and natural
spirits” in Gaelic but, true to form, pronunci- points out that distillers in England and else- place, so we need to tread lightly.” Surrounded
ation is not as hard as it looks once you know where have more freedom to innovate, and by dense forest, Nc’nean invested in a biomass
how it’s done: Nc-NEE-an. she sees that creative competition as a mas- boiler that burns wood chips from local timber
Thomas converted vacant buildings on her sive risk to the future of scotch. It’s not any to provide energy for distillation. Thomas pays
parents’ farm in the west of Scotland, fulfill- particular regulation that Thomas finds re- a substantial premium to source organic bar-
ing a family dream to create a distillery. As strictive, more the general approach. “Exist- ley from 10 certified farms scattered up and
the project took shape, she toured Islay dis- ing large corporate interests dominate the down Scotland’s east coast. Organic farming
tilleries but was disheartened to hear the SWA, which is the fundamental problem. Its reduces barley’s significant carbon footprint
same message repeatedly: Whisky was being presence reduces creativity,” she says. “Basi- and encourages biodiversity. “You either think
made the same way as it always had been. “I cally, you’re not allowed to do anything that that’s important or you don’t, but being 100%
could see what was happening with whisky isn’t already being done. You’re taking on organic felt very important to me,” she says.
in the rest of the world, and felt it wasn’t corporates with massive marketing budgets Despite reports of challenges from distilleries
happening enough in Scotland,” she says. that small new distilleries don’t have in gen- that have undertaken organic production,
“One of the challenges is that scotch is so eral, but the good thing is it forces a more Thomas finds the local barley handles well
tightly regulated by the SWA [Scotch Whisky creative approach that can create more inter- and delivers respectable yields—close to 400
Association]. I think that limits creativity, and esting results for the whisky drinker.” liters of pure alcohol (lpa) per ton.
that’s a bad thing for moving the industry on. Nc’nean began distilling 100% organic spirit Nc’nean aims to make 100,000 lpa annu-
It’s not like the regulations on scotch at the in 2017, with sustainability front and center. ally, about 1/150 of Macallan Distillery’s
he American Single Malt
Whiskey Commission braces some of the most important tenets of roasted to different levels. “Look at a very tradi-
was founded by nine
distilleries in 2016 and has since grown
Virag Saksena
to include some 160 craft distillers from distills both
around the country who seek to peated and
establish a standard of identity for unpeated
American single malt. “What’s most single malt at
his San Jose,
important is that the industry at large—
the trade, the retailers, the bars and distillery.
restaurants of the world, and ultimately
consumers—starts to recognize this
category,” commission president Steve
Hawley says. “We want consumers to
have confidence that what they’re
picking up off the shelf, what they think
is in that bottle, is actually in that
The commission’s proposed definition
stipulates that American single malt be:
fully mature single malt—scored 90 points in barrels, it “creates this really nice crust that
American Single Malts the Buying Guide. The whiskey is malt-for- brings out a lot of the sugars in the wood—
to Try Now ward, with layers of fruit, nut, spice, and honey
flavors. The 91-rated Courage & Conviction
even more so than just a regular char, because
it’s not just the wood that’s being toasted—it’s
93 Balcones Brujeria Sherry George G. Moore batch, just released in April, the wine.” These cuvée casks can impart
Cask-Finished (Batch 18-1) shows lemon and orange oil, guava, kiwi, dried intense flavors into the whiskey in as little as
62.9% • $130 leaves, nutty tobacco, and peppery spice. two or three years—a significantly shorter
Raisins and dried chile on the nose, a full, Instead of incorporating a multitude of period of time than aging in bourbon or
tannic palate, and dark chocolate on different malt types, Virginia Distillery Co. sherry casks—so Moore and the distillery
the finish. focuses on mashing, fermentation, and matu- team keep close watch on the liquid as it
91 Virginia Distillery Co. Courage & ration, while leveraging the state’s climate— matures. “You’re always looking for balance,
Conviction (George G. Moore Batch) hot and humid in the summer, but often and don’t want the STR cask to overpower the
46% • $75 below freezing in the winter—to produce a fragile distillate,” Moore adds. “Malted barley
Lemon and orange oil, guava, kiwi, dried single malt whiskey that shines in its com- has a lot of very delicate flavors, and we want
leaves, nutty tobacco, and peppery spice, plexity and balance. “Rather than insulating that to shine through in the final product.”
with a gentle, slow-fading finish. ourselves from the wild temperature swings
90 Stranahan’s Sherry Cask in Virginia, we end up embracing them,” CEO Grappling for Consensus
(Batch 004) 47% • $80 Gareth Moore says. “That’s kind of the easy The American Single Malt Whiskey Commis-
Milk chocolate Toblerone, grape soda, part—letting the climate do its thing. In warm sion hopes to secure a formal definition for
raspberry coulis, candied ginger, almonds, maturation environments, there’s going to be the style “within a year,” Hawley says,
Fig Newtons, and drying oak. a lot of influence from the cask in a shorter although when that could actually happen
90 Westland Garryana (Batch 4|1) period of time than in a traditional climate remains decidedly uncertain. “It’s out of our
50% • $150 like Scotland. The more complex part is hands at this point and up to the TTB,” he
A gentle nose precedes a rich, robust working with our distillate to match those adds.
palate with nuts and mocha, and a short temperature swings.” Because difference of opinion is a corner-
but satisfying finish. Virginia Distillery Co. uses a longer mash- stone of American discourse, not every dis-
89 10th Street 46% • $65 ing cycle to create a clearer wort and elimi- tiller has embraced the commission’s
Briny, with rubbery, mineral peat on the nate cereal flavors from the husks of the grain proposed definition. Among them is Winters,
nose, a sweet and savory palate, and a carrying through to distillation. It also uses who believes it’s too soon to establish strict
nutty finish. two different yeast strains and short, high- regulations. “I think that we need to have a
89 Hillrock Estate (Barrel No. temperature fermentations to drive the de- longer period of experimentation, innovation,
OPX-30) 48.2% • $105 velopment of fruit and floral esters, with a and exploration before we say firmly, ‘This is
A vibrant nose of baby back ribs and sweet flavor profile, before aging the spirit in what [American single malt] has to be,’” Win-
grilled corn; finishes with lingering three different cask types: bourbon, sherry, ters says. “There might be [distillers] coming
savory smoke. and what Moore calls cuvée. First-fill bour- up with really brilliant ideas and beautiful
88 McCarthy’s Oregon bon barrels impart a mellower flavor than executions that would make the category
(Batch W13-01) 42.5% • $55 new charred oak, Moore says, but still more even more valid and vibrant, and…they get
Bold peat with creamy malt leads to a robust than typically found in single malt cut out of the party” if the commission’s
refined finish. scotch. “If you’re sending barrels to Scotland, proposed guidelines were ratified. “A far
88 Whiskey Del Bac Dorado it doesn’t make sense to ship empty air across more valuable regulation for us as distillers
45% • $56 the ocean, so they’re [often] broken down and [and for consumers] is one that just insists on
Dripping with barbecue flavors; cayenne, re-coopered on the other side,” Moore ex- transparency—‘This is how a product is
walnuts, and spiced ginger balanced with plains. “But if you’re sending them one state made, this is what it’s made from, and this is STAN OLSZEWSKI / SOSKIPHOTO
apples, oranges, and pears. over,” from neighboring Kentucky, they arrive who makes it,’” Winters adds.
87 St. George (Lot 19) 43% • $100 intact. “That means they’re a little bit fresher, A single malt, whether defined by the
Chocolate-covered marshmallows, plums, with more of the bourbon influence, sweeter Scotch Whisky Regulations or the American
nectarines, and hot cocoa with whipped notes that would otherwise dry out.” commission’s proposed standard of identity,
cream. The cuvée casks, sourced from European can come from only one distillery—that’s the
87 Westward 45% • $80 red wine makers, have been shaved, toasted, “single” part. So it’s not surprising that High
Creamed honey, caramel, and candied and re-charred (the process is known as STR, West master distiller Brendan Coyle ignited
nuts balance big vanilla from new and such casks are used by dozens of distill- debate when he asserted that the distillery’s
charred oak. eries around the world, including at least a High Country American single malt—its first
100% malt whiskey, a complex blend of three we should differentiate a little more for Amer-
different recipes across three different barrel
finishes—is still a single malt, despite the fact “Single malt whisky is ican single malt, open it up a bit, and allow the
opportunity for some more innovation and
that the liquid was made at two different
sites. High West’s production is spread inherently interesting blending. It’s very important that we have a
definition that does not allow third-party
across two distilleries—its Park City, Utah
saloon and its ranch facility in nearby Wan- because of its diversity.” [sourced whiskey] to go into a single malt. But
I do think that having the versatility of using
ship. Each operates under a separate distilled —STEVE HAWLEY, PRESIDENT OF THE different plants,” provided they belong to the
spirits plant license, and High Country in- same distillery, “would be a great addition to
cludes whiskeys from both sites. While some the definition. That’s where [the commission
would say that makes High Country a While Coyle says High West shares “most and High West] kind of differ.”
blended malt rather than a single malt, Coyle views” with the commission, he also believes Even without an official definition locked
disagrees. All the liquid “is coming from there’s room for “robust discussion” when it in, Saksena sees the road ahead as unequivo-
100% High West Distillery-owned facilities,” comes to establishing an official designation cally auspicious—for 10th Street and other
he said when High Country debuted last for American single malt. “High West is a craft distillers who are charting the course
December. “They’re really one and the same. blender and a producer,” Coyle explains. for American single malt whiskey. “We’re
In a way, it’s like running two different reci- “Blending is a very important part of the artis- trying to create something based on our ter-
pes in one location—just happens to be two tic nature of what we do. For the most part, I roir,” Saksena says. “Rich, complex, flavorful
different locations, but controlled by the one think that aligning with Scotland’s definition whiskeys which are not bound by what the
driving force.” of single malt is a benefit. But I do think that normal conventions have been.”
n the whisky world, “finished” refers to mezcal casks, an 87-point bargain at $22. 85 WA Selections
whiskies that undergo a second matura- Bardstown Bourbon Co. racks up 92 points with
tion in a distinct type of cask to add a final its bourbon finished in The Prisoner wine
86 Scotland
layer of flavor. They are a familiar topic barrels, while Sagamore Spirit Calvados Cask- 88 United States
around Whisky Advocate and on page 41 we look Finished rye rated 91 points. Other whiskies 91 Canada
at distillers that are using multiple specialty have been finished with various beers (including
finishing casks on the same whisky. dark stout), port, brandy, Pedro Ximénez sherry, 92 Ireland
This practice may seem excessive, but our and even umeshu, in the case of a 92-point 93 Japan
ratings bear witness to the success of whisky Canadian whisky finished in barrels seasoned
93 World Whiskies
finishes. No style of whisky, and no empty cask, with the Japanese plum liqueur: WhistlePig The
seem immune to distillers and their penchant for Boss Hog VI (see Collectibles, page 85).
creative finishing. Among the finished whiskies While there is a lot to feast on in every Buying
you’ll discover sprinkled throughout the Buying Guide, we can always count on finished whiskies
Guide are Dewar’s blended scotch finished in to add some spice and an element of surprise.
92 WhistlePig The Boss
89 Paul John Nirvana, 92 Benromach Hog VI: The Samurai
40%, $30 10 year old, 43%, $60 Scientist Umeshu Barrel-
What I love about this is that it’s This expression was distilled from Finished Rye (Barrel 8),
fresh and fruity with plenty of malt peated to 12 to 14 ppm, and 60.3%, $500
zip. The nose has hard candy, aged for 9 years in 80% bourbon Made using ko-ji during fermenta-
fresh laundry, floral notes, apple, and 20% sherry casks before a tion and finished in barrels
and peach puree. A fruit medley final year in more sherry casks. seasoned with umeshu, a plum
with nectarine, pear, and Sweet smoke on the early nose, liqueur. Earthy and a bit mysteri-
satsuma, followed by vanilla, with malt, vanilla, quite dry sherry, ous, with sandalwood incense,
lime, almond, and five spice, apple, and toffee. Smoky barley, cedar smoke, eucalyptus, barrel
becoming more rounded, with vanilla, subtle sherry, and light char, and sweet aromas of vanilla taffy, key lime
apple and fudge and a spiced honey on the palate. Peaches, pie, and lemon oil. There’s a lot of dry oak on the
citrus finish.—JM ginger, and woodsmoke on the palate, but it’s balanced with chewy herbs,
medium-length finish. Very accomplished.—GS lapsang souchong tea, pistachio, orange peel,
milk chocolate, fennel, and peppery spice. The
finish is long, spiced, and herbal, with licorice,
88 Jane Walker, BOURBON
mint, eucalyptus, and dry oak.—SSB
41.9%, $38 92 Bulleit Blender’s
Unlike the Jane Walker package Select Kentucky Straight
for Johnnie Walker Black Label (Batch 001), 50%, $50
released in 2018, this is a new The nose shows great maturity, 91 The Last Drop
whisky altogether, a blend of with varnish, leather couch, Single Grain 1977
various malts aged at least 10 black cherry syrup, dark (distilled at Dumbarton),
years, including Cardhu and chocolate, and wet walnuts. 48.4%, $3,000
Clynelish. The nose is floral and There’s a pleasant tartness to Fresh pear, grilled banana, chile
gently nutty, with rose water, the palate, like just-ripe cherries, oil, cardamom, brown sugar, oak
salted almonds, green apple, along with the richness of sawdust, vanilla, snuff tobacco,
nougat, and caramel chews. chocolate torte, blackberry jam, birch syrup, and peppery crackers on the nose.
Light-bodied and silky in the Concord grape jelly, and leathery oak. It Light vanilla and caramelized
mouth, it has bright flavors of lime, lemon, finishes with lengthy cherry syrup, high-end brown sugar, then mouth-drawing
vanilla, and coconut, before edging into nutty dark chocolate, and more varnish and with apple and lemon peel. A spicy buildup spills
milk chocolate and finishing with good length, leather.—SSB into banana peel and banoffee pie; the mouth-
and a final savory note.—SSB feel gains weight over time. Smooth, sweet,
caramel finish. (150 bottles)—JM
Scotland CAMPBELTOWN SINGLE MALT with wood fire ashes. Somewhat oily on the
90 Glen Scotia Victoriana, 51.5%, $82 palate, where sweet peat begins to dry, along
SPEYSIDE SINGLE MALT This was matured in a combination of first-fill with oranges, apricots, and marshmallows. The
92 Benromach 10 year old, 43%, $60 and refill bourbon casks before 70% was finish is relatively long, with vanilla and fresh
See Editors’ Choice, page 85 finished in deeply charred casks and 30% in oak dipped in hot tar.—GS
first-fill Pedro Ximénez sherry casks. Char is
90 Benromach 15 year old, 43%, $100 apparent on the nose, along with pineapple, 85 Glen Scotia Double Cask, 46%, $40
This spent 9 years in a combination of wood polish, blackcurrants, and a sprinkling of Initially aged in first-fill bourbon barrels, then
bourbon and sherry casks, then 6 years in sea salt. Oily on the palate, with dark berry finished in Pedro Ximénez sherry casks. On the
first-fill European oak oloroso casks. Sherry is fruits, sherry, crème brûlée, and oak. The finish nose, ripe peaches, apricots, vanilla, caramel,
to the fore on the nose, with apple pie, honey, is spicy, with charred maritime oak.—GS and mildly smoky sherry surface. The slightly
vanilla, black pepper, and ultimately pipe viscous palate offers more sherry, wood spices,
tobacco. A viscous and rich palate, with more 89 Glen Scotia 15 year old, 46%, $60 cinnamon, salted caramel, oak, peanuts, and a
apple pie and vanilla, while the sherry is drier, After initial maturation in bourbon casks, this hint of salt. The finish is medium in length,
with new leather and woodsmoke. Salted expression underwent a 2-month finish in herbal, and drying, with sea salt.—GS
caramel and spicy oak on the finish.—GS first-fill oloroso sherry casks. Initially it offers
char, then ginger, honey, and sweet smoke on
90 Benromach Organic 2011 the nose, with apricot tarts and toffee. The 92 Bruichladdich 25 year old Black
(Bottled 2019), 43%, $70 palate is quite earthy and peppery, with stone Art 1994 (Edition 07.1), 48.4%, $430
First released in 2006, this expression was fruit, cinnamon, sea salt, and light smokiness. The nose reveals blackcurrant, damsons, black
distilled from organically certified barley and Medium length in the finish, with citrus fruit pepper, dark sherry, coconut, and nougat. Very
aged in virgin oak casks. Spicy new oak and and salty oak.—GS smooth on the palate, quite full, with early oak,
subtle smoke on the nose, with white pepper, then leather, tropical fruits, honey, and resin
bananas, cereal, and cut grass. The palate is 87 Glen Scotia 10 year old Peated, notes from old component whiskies. A long
oily, with more pepper, hazelnuts dipped in 50%, $55 finish, with mango, raisin, hazelnut, and lots of
honey, and tropical fruits. Vanilla and toffee on Sweet peat on the early nose, with pineapple, spice. Complex and intriguing. (12,000
the slowly drying finish.—GS toffee apples, and coconut. Slightly savory, bottles)—GS
HIGHLAND SINGLE MALT the nose. Slightly savory on the smooth palate, BLENDED SCOTCH
91 Glenmorangie 15 year old with sweet peat smoke, honey, dark chocolate, 93 Royal Salute 29 year old
The Cadboll Estate, 43%, $85 and a very mild maritime note. Ginger, apricot, Pedro Ximénez Sherry Cask-
This was produced from barley grown on the and more sweet peat in the finish.—GS Finished, 40%, $549
distillery’s Cadboll Estate and matured for 15 This second release in the Flask Collection
years in first-fill bourbon casks. Soft malt, 87 anCnoc Rascan, 46%, $90 epitomizes deft management of PX finishing to
ginger, honey, tangerines, and rose petals on One of anCnoc’s peated expressions, Rascan’s produce an opulent treat. Honey and sherry
the pleasing, harmonious nose. Rounded on the barley was peated to 11.1 ppm, and aged in notes, chunks of fruit-and-nut chocolate, melting
palate, with malt, more honey, white chocolate, bourbon barrels for what the distiller caramel, plummy fruit, chocolate-covered
fudge, and tangy citrus notes. Citrus fruit, describes as “nearly a decade.” The nose raisins, refined dry spices, and stimulating
vanilla, and cocoa powder on the finish—GS gives sweet smoke, with ripe peaches and a peppercorn notes as the whisky warms. Thick
hint of barbecue. Vanilla emerges, and the and luxurious texture with vanilla, caramel,
90 anCnoc 24 year old, 46%, $250 aroma becomes floral. Apples, vanilla fudge, Seville orange, plum pudding, crème caramel,
This veteran from Knockdhu Distillery has been and peat smoke on the palate. The smoke crystallized citrus, and melted chocolate, with a
aged in a combination of bourbon and sherry dries slowly, with citrus fruit giving way to lightly spicy, sweet caramel finish.—JM
casks. The nose is rich and inviting, with apricots oak and chile.—GS
in syrup, marzipan, caramel, and new-mown hay. 87 Dewar’s 8 year old Ilegal Smooth
Voluptuous in the mouth, with tangy fruits, 87 Glenglassaugh Evolution, 50%, $55 Mezcal Cask-Finished, 40%, $22
barley sugar, cinnamon, sherry, and ultimately This is the second edition of Evolution, first Double-aged with a finish in Ilegal reposado
coffee grounds. An oaky finish with cocoa released in 2013, and the ABV has been mezcal casks, it has a zesty nose with plenty
powder, white pepper, and lemon juice.—GS reduced from 57.2% to 50%. Like the first, it of bite: lime, cut grass, new bookbindings,
was matured in first-fill Tennessee whiskey grapefruit juice, and lilies. The glutinous
90 anCnoc Vintage 2001, 46%, $100 barrels. The nose gives vanilla, ginger, honey, mouthfeel has more mezcal influence, with dull
Matured in a mix of sherry casks and bourbon tropical fruits, and milk chocolate, plus a floral fruit, herbal features, caramel, a snarl of
barrels for over 15 years, the nose is floral and note. More vanilla, milky coffee, oak, honey, pepper and chile flakes, and lengthy smoke
fruity, with honeysuckle, nectarines, malt, and toffee, and pineapple on the oily palate. Spicy and spice to finish. A bold creation, but I’m
soft spices. Very smooth and creamy on the caramel in the finish.—GS going to need more persuasion that this
palate, with apple pie, butterscotch, honey, enhances the scotch.—JM
and tangerines, combining with dried fruits. 87 Crabbie’s Yardhead, 40%, $25
Citrus fruit and spicy milk chocolate in the John Crabbie & Co is in the process of
medium-length finish.—GS returning whisky distilling to Leith, Edinburgh, 92 Blackadder Puff Adder
but in the meantime it has launched this single (Batch PA 01), 46%, $75
90 Glen Garioch 12 year old, 48%, $60 malt from an unspecified Highlands distillery. The nose starts with caramel-coated short-
This was aged in a mix of bourbon and sherry The nose is light and youthful, with vanilla, bread sprinkled with sea salt, then opens to
casks. The nose yields Jaffa orange, plums, apple peel, peanuts, and developing mild oak. reveal crushed almonds, raspberry jam, grilled
sherry, malt, and vanilla. Ginger, honey, more Clean and straightforward on the palate, with pineapple, and a whiff of sweet peat smoke.
orange, dried fruit, and toasted oak on the full more apple, butterscotch, and cinnamon spice. Those raspberries explode on the palate, which
palate. The finish is relatively long, with spicy Spicy oak in the medium length finish. Perfect is fruity and sweet but counterbalanced by
orange and oak. Complex and satisfying.—GS for cocktails.—GS brine, nuts, and smoke. The texture is oily and a
bit waxy, mouth-coating and lush without being
90 Glen Garioch 1797 Founder’s 85 Glenglassaugh Revival, 46%, $55 heavy: a slithering snake indeed, and pure
Reserve, 48%, $45 A combination of first-fill and refill bourbon elegance. (500 bottles for the U.S.)—SSB
Butterscotch, vanilla, pepper, and citrus fruit casks was employed for maturation, followed by
emerge on the nose. A nutty, peppery palate 6 months of finishing in first-fill oloroso sherry 88 Jane Walker, 41.9%, $38
features orchard fruits, chile spice, and a butts. The nose proclaims youthfulness, with See Best Values, page 85
subtle meatiness. Lemon and oak tannins in metallic notes and a hint of yeast, but the sherry
the medium-length finish.—GS casks provide walnut, old leather, tobacco, and
orange. Sherry, freshly planed wood, white 91 The Last Drop Single Grain 1977
90 Glen Garioch Virgin Oak, 48%, $120 pepper, and red currants on the palate. Plums (distilled at Dumbarton), 48.4%, $3,000
Glen Garioch spirit is sufficiently robust to cope dipped in sherry on the finish.—GS See Collectibles, page 85
well with virgin oak, and the nose of this
expression yields the bold aromas you would
ISLAND SINGLE MALT 90 Arbikie Highland Rye Single
expect from heavily-charred virgin oak matura- 88 Highland Park 21 year old Grain (2020 Release), 46%, $350
tion: spicy milk chocolate, buttery malt, and ripe (November 2019 Release), 46%, $350 Distiller Kirsty Black selected four casks laid
peaches. Cocoa, malt, and cloves on the palate, This latest release comprises the contents of down in 2015, made from rye grown on the
plus lots of wood spice. The finish yields vanilla, nine first-fill European sherry-seasoned oak Arbikie estate. The nose displays greater
ginger, and the inevitable oak.—GS hogsheads, eight bourbon barrels, and nine depth and fruit than the first (2018) release,
refill casks, all laid down in 1998. Hints of warm with cinnamon, nutmeg, cocoa, dates, dried
88 Glenglassaugh Torfa, 50%, $55 machine oil and herbs on the nose, with apricots, orange oil, and mango. Chocolate-
The first peated expression from Glnglassaugh pineapple, barley sugar, and white pepper, covered peanuts, walnut, and cocoa on the
after reopening in 2008, Torfa is made from plus a touch of heather and faint smokiness. palate, with peppery spices, raisin, date, and
barley malted to 20 ppm and matured in Slightly bitter on the palate, with wood spices, crème brûlée, then a dry finish of dark
bourbon barrels. Bonfire smoke, ozone, orchard while fruitiness lurks in the background. chocolate cookies, praline, and further spice.
fruits, malt, and black pepper are present on Peppery oak char and coal in the finish.—GS (1,220 bottles)—JM
late, blackberry, and baking spice. The stacks, strawberry lollipop, sugared pineapple, 86 Oregon Spirit Single Barrel Bottled
mouthfeel is smooth, but with heat and power, mango, dried kiwi, and grape soda. Without in Bond (No. 150330 01), 50%, $75
as well as rich flavors of honey, cinnamon, water, the palate is crowded with oak, peppery The nose starts with anise cookies and
blackberry tart, bitter chocolate, roasted heat, and cocoa; add a bit, however, and there’s butterscotch, then reveals magnolia leaf,
peanuts, and leather. On the finish come room for sweet plums and cherries, grape jelly, bergamot, sarsaparilla, and tea leaves.
playful flavors of baking spice, cherry tart, butterscotch, and chai spices, finishing with dry Barrel-driven, the palate is peppery, minty, and
more blackberry, tobacco, and white pepper. oak, peanuts, licorice, and tobacco. Made with a little piney, with bitter chocolate and roasted
An excellent blend of spice and chocolate with the distillery’s signature “Tennessee high malt” nuts. More black pepper, chocolate, pepper-
playful berry notes—rich, powerful, and mashbill, which includes corn, malted rye, and mint stick, and bitter oak into the short finish.
delicate all at once. (2,500 bottles)—DF two types of malted barley.—SSB Water recommended. (278 bottles)—SSB
90 Penelope Barrel Strength Four 88 Hudson Baby Straight (Batch 9), 86 Penelope Four Grain Straight
Grain Straight (Batch 4), 58.3%, $60 46%, $50 (Batch 2), 40%, $35
The nose offers cherry, raspberry tart, dried The barrel dominates here, by design, and it Fresh, green, and earthy: bell pepper, jalapeño,
orange slices, butterscotch, black pepper, and manifests on the nose with fresh-cut oak, unshucked corn, and lime leaf, as well as cacao
antique closet. The palate is powerful, with cinnamon, black tea leaves, cashews, blackcur- nibs, cedar cigar box, and cinnamon. More
sweet syrup up front, bold flavors of herbs and rant, dark chocolate, and a sprinkling of spices. peppers on the palate, this time dried and
spice, grain, dusty oak, and an earthy note of Savory and oak-forward on the chewy palate, smoked, along with roasted pecans, chocolate,
warehouse floor. More spice emerges with which has roasted nuts, grilled corn, dark nuts, bitter oak, and a hint of tobacco. The
water, bringing semi-sweet chocolate, cooked chocolate, peppermint stick, dried chile, black finish is short and light; a little more proof
raspberries, and leather. Creamy and well- pepper, espresso bean, and tobacco leaf, all would go a long way.—SSB
balanced, with its spice tempered by deep sweeping into a lengthy, chocolaty finish.—SSB
chocolate, cooked cherries, and a musty yet 86 Soldier Valley True American 6,
interesting character.—DF 88 Tumblin’ Dice 4 year old 45%, $50
Single Barrel Barrel-Proof Bright with lemon and lime, as well as garde-
89 Redemption High Rye Straight Straight (No. 1), 57.85%, $59 nias and peonies—a fresh garden on the nose;
(Batch 122), 46%, $30 The nose is redolent of tea leaves, peach skin, there’s also uncooked corn on the cob, mint
The nose offers caramel custard, chocolate, and herbal honey throat lozenges, blueberries, toothpaste, tea leaf, and pecan shell. The
maple syrup. An oak-driven palate has lots of brown sugar, licorice, and toasted grain. More palate is spiced and oak-forward, countered
heat and integrated spice, but is also loaded herbaceousness hits on the palate, cooling by grape jelly, dark chocolate, coffee bean,
with chocolate, coffee beans, almonds, and some of the cinnamon spice of the high proof and hints of tobacco. It’s occasionally jumbled,
maple syrup. The finish is the best part, with rich with spearmint and licorice notes; add water, even into the finish, which has roasted pecans,
notes of chocolate, coffee, and spice, but plenty and nuttiness emerges. Continued herbal pipe tobacco, leather, and black pepper.—SSB
of finesse. Water brings out more chocolate on a flavors into the finish, which also has citrus oil
slightly tart but rich finish. Lots of assertive and peppery spice. Strong barrel character 86 Soldier Valley Omaha Beach,
flavors, but with a gentle, smooth texture.—DF throughout. (5,500 bottles)—SSB 45%, $55
There are nostalgic bubble gum notes on the
89 Saint Lawrence Spirits Kentucky 87 Oregon Spirit Straight (Barrel nose—Bazooka and Big League Chew—as well
Son Straight, 45%, $46 Series No. 150317), 47%, $45 as orange sherbet, strawberry shortcake, cherry
Rich aromas of marzipan, black tea, blackberry, The nose is dark and roasty: clay, dried leaves, pie, snickerdoodles, and milk chocolate. Sweet
cherry, chocolate, brown sugar, and tobacco walnut and pecan shells, cacao nibs, dried and fruit-forward on the palate, with grape jelly,
leaves. The palate is chewy, with oak char, black chiles, tobacco leaf, and darjeeling tea, as well cherry preserves, chocolate, cinnamon, clove,
tea, roasted nuts, semi-sweet chocolate, root as hints of tropical fruit. Full-bodied and and a hint of rose water. It finishes a bit short
beer spices, ginger, red apple, and mint; water oak-driven on the palate, with spiced tea-leaf and soft, rolling out spiced oak and a bouquet
brings out cinnamon and pecans. It shows complexity highlighted by tobacco leaf, of candied violets. (700 bottles)—SSB
vivaciousness into the finish, with more oak cinnamon, clove, allspice, black pepper, mint
char, mint, black pepper, and chocolate- oil, chocolate, and roasted corn. Continued 85 Luca Mariano Old Americana
covered almonds. (2,000 bottles)—SSB chocolate, oak, and spice into the finish, Small Batch Kentucky Straight
interwoven with cigar wrapper and pops of (Batch 2019-03), 41.5%, $45
88 Cathead Old Soul Blended Straight licorice and mint.—SSB Peanut brittle on wax paper, corn pudding,
(Batch 1), 45%, $45 orange slices, grape Nerds, cotton candy, and
Cinnamon babka, powdered donuts, pecan- 86 Old Camp Wolf Moon Straight, kettle corn on the nose. The palate has plenty
studded coffee cake: Call this breakfast whiskey. 40%, $25 of oak, Corn Nuts, peanuts, tea leaf, apple,
The nose is sweet, light, and nutty—a beignet Licorice, black tea, lemon, green apple, white pepper, and Fruit Stripe gum, though it
with sugary chicory coffee. Sturdy and spiced pomegranate, and almond on the nose. The begs for more proof. It finishes fairly quickly,
on the palate, it has flavors of cinnamon, allspice, palate is fruity, smooth, and light up front, with vanilla and oak. (7,000 bottles)—SSB
pepper, stone fruit, cherry pie, roasted pecans, with notes of dried orange slices, orange
and bracing oak, along with garden herbs. The Creamsicle, lemon curd, and accents of 85 Three Chord Blended
finish is medium-length, with milk chocolate, nuttiness. The finish offers more orange, as (Batch 0007), 40.5%, $40
black pepper, and roasted nuts.—SSB well as flavors of vanilla cream and sweet Fruit-forward on the nose with apples,
raspberry, all spiced with an overlay of white blueberries, cinnamon, coffee ice cream, and
88 Chattanooga 111 Proof Straight pepper. Wispy and lacking deep complexity, chocolate-caramel milkshake. It’s silky and
(Batch 19J03E), 55.5%, $47 but with balanced sweetness and some very light-bodied in the mouth, with a heaping slab
Grainy on the nose, with butterscotch hay- pleasant notes.—DF of dry oak, peanut shells, walnuts, pepper,
cacao nibs, and orange peel. The oak persists blackcurrant, set against jalapeño spice and The palate has flavors of clove-studded
on the finish, which is a bit abrupt.—SSB smoke. The palate offers flavors of cinnamon orange, spice, and the chewed end of a pencil.
and burnt espresso beans, with an alluring It’s light-bodied and verges on thin when
85 Whiskey Acres Bottled in Bond smoky bitterness and notes of jalapeño, water is added, so be judicious. The finish is
(Batch 1), 50%, $50 smoked chiles, and black pepper. On the finish, gentle, with peppery oak, cinnamon, and
Cinnamon Red Hots, peanut shells, almonds, dried dark fruits and bitter chocolate emerge, espresso bean. This is a new higher proof and
burnt sugar, pencil shavings, and fresh ears of with a blast of pepper at the end. Rich, the whiskey is now non-chill filtered, so don’t
corn on the nose. There’s more cinnamon on brawny, and assertive, but also supple and well be surprised by a little haze if you add water
the palate, as well as milk chocolate, Goobers, integrated.—DF or ice.—SSB
orange oil, a pretty floral character, and plenty
of chewy oak; a few drops of water straighten 89 Belfour Spirits Limited Edition 87 Rod & Hammer’s SLO Stills Straight,
up the balance. The finish is all about the oak Straight, 50%, $299 45%, $39
and cinnamon, warming and sweet. (2,100 A nose of lemon drops, tea leaves, light barrel Lovely, perfumy, fragrant nose: orange and
bottles)—SSB char, and herb-garden notes. The palate is peach blossoms, tea rose, lilacs, apricot jam,
honeyed, with lemon, licorice, herbs, and and blueberry muffins. It remains floral and
RYE earthiness, balancing against vanilla cream and sweet on the palate, but with a solid oak
93 Barrell 4 year old Cask Strength spice, all integrating well with the barrel. A backbone surrounded by red berries, orange
(Batch 003), 58.35%, $90 lengthy finish is well-textured and spiced, sherbet, ginger, baking spice, and a fizzy zing
There’s much to discover in the depths of this highlighted by notes of tobacco, herbs, and that finishes sweet and light, sprinkled with
glass, which continues to develop over time. chocolate. Creamy, spicy, and a bit unusual, pepper and drizzled with Hershey’s chocolate
Dark fruit, tobacco, orange pekoe tea, white this whiskey offers spiced complexity and syrup. (1,000 bottles)—SSB
pepper, leather, dry-roasted peanuts, and impressive flavor balance on the palate.—DF
varnish unfold on the nose, while the palate is 86 Pinhook Rye’d On Kentucky
fruity with blackberry, raspberry, blueberry, 89 Blinking Owl Single Barrel Straight Straight (2020 Release), 48.5%, $38
and orange; it also has dry oak, nuts, tobacco, (Batch 2), 45%, $75 The first whiskey fully distilled at Castle &
and a lot of black pepper spice. The finish is Is there such a thing as “beach rye?” Wafting Key—site of the old Colonel E.H. Taylor, Jr.
leathery and peppery, with cigar and persis- breezes carry coconut, almond orgeat, and Distillery—since its revival in 2018. A fragrant,
tent dark berry flavors. A dense, decadent tropical fruit aromas, along with dried orange floral nose offers candied orange, lemon,
whiskey that makes it all seem effortless. rind, chamomile tea, clove, mint, and earthy toasted almonds, and banana cream pie. The
(12,000 bottles)—SSB pecans. The easy-drinking palate has less fruit palate is soft, with notes of creamy vanilla,
and more herbs, with licorice, spearmint, and baking spice, and pepper. A smooth texture
93 Elijah Craig Kentucky Straight, allspice, underpinned by nuts and dry oak. characterizes the finish, with notes of banana
47%, $30 Rounded out with orange blossom water, chai, and almond still emerging. Youthful in profile,
See Editors’ Choice, page 85 dark berries, and more spearmint, allspice, and but a promising start.—DF
oak on the finish. This should come with a
91 Hudson Manhattan Straight hammock.—SSB 86 Porter’s Small Batch Straight,
(Batch 5), 46%, $50 45%, $40
A well-choreographed interplay of rich dark 89 Saint Lawrence Spirits Rye Knot, A tropical note of lime on the nose, as well as
fruit—plums, Luxardo cherries, Concord 45%, $42 licorice and ginger root, offers youthful but
grapes—and deep spices on the nose, along The nose is layered with mature baking spices, balanced oak. The mouthfeel is creamy, with
with hints of wood char and licorice; it turns cacao nibs, tobacco barn, Cherry Coke syrup, grapefruit and orange peel on the front palate
tropical and nutty when water is added. The praline, pistachio, and dusty oak. Spiced and melding into vanilla cream and underlying
palate is richly spiced—cedar, ginger, cloves, herbal on the palate, with bracing oak, coffee flavors of spice and pepper. The finish brings
allspice—and silky with extra-dark chocolate, with almond cream, roasted nuts, dark more citrus and creamy vanilla, along with
grilled plums, espresso beans, and hints of chocolate, cinnamon, licorice, and peppermint, cinnamon and drying oak. It seems young, but
aged cigar. It ends rich and toasty, with lush all pillowed by a creamy texture. It finishes the profile is fresh and offers interesting
oak, hookah tobacco, and coffee bean.—SSB with minty dark chocolate, espresso, leather, flavors.—DF
and integrated oak. No need for an after-
91 Sagamore Spirit Calvados dinner coffee; this’ll do. (2,000 bottles)—SSB 86 Three Chord Amplify (Batch 0015),
Cask-Finished, 50.6%, $69 47.5%, $50
Mature but lively character; it has dark fruit, 88 Tincup Straight, 45%, $30 Piney and grassy on the nose, with fruity
black tea, mint oil, fennel seed, and licorice on Dark berries, cola, iced tea, dark chocolate, aromas of grape Kool-Aid, bubble gum, and
the nose. The palate is brawny and robust—it toasted oak, white pepper, and lime on the nose, grapefruit, as well as new wood. The palate
practically eats water—and swells with mint, permeated by an earthy character. Strong oak picks up the herbal and pine notes, adding
licorice, root beer, black pepper, baking spice, on the palate is kept in check by spice—ginger, licorice and spearmint, as well as honey,
espresso, and grape Robitussin. The lengthy cinnamon, pepper—and dark fruit, with notes of orange, blueberry, grape, and grapefruit oil,
finish is peppery and rich, with oak, herbs, black tea and roasted peanuts as well. The finish with Popsicle stick throughout. Lingering mint,
baking spice, tea leaves, and dark is nutty and quite spiced, with lingering black- banana bread, citrus oil, and green wood on
chocolate.—SSB berries and a touch of bitter oak.—SSB the finish. (8,400 bottles)—SSB
91 Wood’s 2 year old Alpine 87 Old Overholt Straight, 43%, $18 86 Wheel Horse Straight, 50.5%, $28
(Batch 16), 49%, $55 Sweet cherries, bubble gum, and fresh The nose has gooey butterscotch, pralines,
From Colorado-based Wood’s High Mountain blueberry on the nose, along with nougat, toasted oak, vanilla custard, and blueberry
Distillery. A nose of apple, brown sugar, and honey-roasted peanuts, and milk chocolate. muffin, with pops of green apple and Asian
pear. On the full-bodied palate, stewed fruit 91 Virginia Distillery Co. with balanced oak and light fruit. Excellent
and oak vie for pride of place, with baking Courage & Conviction (George complexity, with spice melding well with notes
spice, butterscotch, and lemon and orange G. Moore Batch), 46%, $75 of chocolate and fruit. (60,000 bottles)—DF
peel urging restraint. The finish is hot and The official debut of the distillery’s 100%
centers on toasted oak, stewed apples, and own-make single malt. The nose has an earthy 89 Broken Barrel Isle of Peat, 55%, $50
nuts; cloying at times. (16,500 bottles)—SSB expression of the grain, and works in heady A blend of American single malt and wheat
aromas of guava, pomegranate, blueberries, whiskeys, finished on staves from peated Islay
WHEAT WHISKEY and kiwi, along with sandalwood soap. It’s oily scotch casks using Broken Barrel’s proprietary
89 Dry Fly Cask and Release Series and silky in the mouth, with forthright lemon process. The effect is herbaceous rather than
Beer Barrel-Finished, 45%, $50 and orange oil, guava, and kiwi, as well as smoky; this has tons of eucalyptus, bay leaves,
It opens with floral and fruit aromas: dried leaves, nutty tobacco, and peppery black pepper, and juniper—more like an amaro
strawberries, peach blossoms, dried apple spice. The finish is gentle and fades slowly, in aroma than a whiskey. Dry and lean in the
rings, mulberries, plums. There’s also amaretto, with lemon oil, milk chocolate, and a hint of mouth, there’s mint, black pepper, eucalyptus,
dried ginger, licorice, and cacao nibs. Rich and ashy charred nuts. (9,600 bottles)—SSB cola spices, dark chocolate, licorice, and
a little hot on the palate, it’s chewy with honeyed lemon tea. The finish is medium-
dry-roasted almonds, cracked walnuts, coffee 90 Westward Oregon Stout length with oak, mint, pepper, and persistent
bean, chai spice, and grilled plums. Mouthwa- Cask-Finished, 45%, $90 herbs. Profoundly outside the box, but it
tering on the finish, drawing out chile heat, Tropical and floral on the nose, with kiwi, works. (6,600 bottles)—SSB
black pepper spice, chocolate-covered coffee mango, hibiscus, coconut cream, and pistachio
bean, and dry oak. (450 bottles)—SSB and almond halva; add water and a big burst 86 Blackened American
of honeysuckle blooms. There are more (Batch 097), 45%, $50
TENNESSEE tropical notes on the palate: melon, guava, A blend of straight whiskeys that’s finished in
90 Jack Daniel’s Tennessee pineapple, and Juicy Fruit, as well as almond, brandy casks using proprietary “sonic
Taster’s Barrel Reunion #2 Oatmeal coffee ice cream, milk chocolate, and spice. enhancement.” Sweet vanilla, lemon cream pie,
Stout Barrel-Finished (Selection The mouthfeel is robust, becoming mouthwa- spiced apricots, ginger, cracked corn, and
No. 005), 46%, $40/375 ml tering on the finish, which is oak-led but licorice start off the nose, balanced against a
An herbal, lightly malty nose starts with notes balanced with floral hop character.—SSB soft influence of new oak. The palate is sweet
of sweet barrel char, cherry hard candy, and well-textured, with notes of spice, candied
raspberry pastilles, and a hint of green banana. 88 Wood’s 7 year old Sawatch apple, cooked plums, chocolate nuttiness, and
The palate is rich, with flavors of chocolate American Malt (Batch 2), 49%, $75 a fair amount of barrel influence. There’s some
and burnt espresso beans, bitter orange, At first, the nose is earthy and roasty, with good length on the finish, which offers sweet
pepper spice, and burnt almonds. The lengthy dried chile, cocoa powder, toasted oak, curing flavors of light chocolate, along with lingering
finish has notes of candied raspberries riding tobacco, and dried clay, but a few drops of spice and layered oak.—DF
atop some deeper notes of allspice and water reveal dried jasmine, honeysuckle, and
pepper. Balanced and fruity overtones rose petals: a delightful surprise. The palate is 85 Broken Barrel Mizunara, 50%, $50
throughout, anchored by earthiness and spice savory and earthy with plenty of mole sauce, A blend of 5 year old Kentucky and 4 year old
underneath. (24,000 bottles)—DF cocoa powder, charred nuts, and pepper. It’s Indiana corn whiskeys, finished on mizunara
lengthy on the finish, unfurling into cigar, oak staves using Broken Barrel’s proprietary
AMERICAN SINGLE MALT espresso, and unsweetened cocoa flavors.—SSB process. The nose is unusual, with candied
93 Breuckelen 6 year old Brownstone fruit, grape Kool-Aid, blueberries, fresh
Malt (Batch 1), 50%, $75 86 Rogue Spirits Dead Guy, 40%, $45 coconut shavings, Popsicle stick, and a grassy
A peculiar nose of cucumber, cinnamon Red Tropical fruit on the verge of overripeness: character. Muted tropical fruit vies with oak on
Hots, cedar shavings, fresh melon, jasmine tea, pineapple, papaya, kiwi, plus jasmine flowers, the palate, which is silky; soon chile pepper
and tobacco barn, and somehow it all works. almond halva, and the piney-lemon aroma of and oak dominate. It finishes with peppery
There’s much complexity to be explored here, hops. The hoppiness is evident on the palate, heat and sweet oak. (6,600 bottles)—SSB
with a whole spice cabinet tumbling out on which is light in body and consequently less
the palate, dusting black tea, Cherry Coke,
pecans, espresso, and taut oak with its clouds
expressive in flavor, though there’s dry
nuttiness and grain, overlaid with sweeping
of blooming flavor. The finish expresses lovely tropical fruit. More of the same hoppy, juicy
barrel char, red chiles, coffee beans, herba- fruit flavors juxtaposed with oak on the finish. 92 Benjamin Chapman 7 year old,
ceous pops of licorice, and a lingering incense If you like beery whiskey, this is one to try. 45%, $40
quality. Enchanting. (1,000 bottles)—SSB (10,000 bottles)—SSB A complex nose, rich in aromas of fresh peaches,
wild beach roses, prairie sage, hints of rye
91 Tattersall Single Malt, 55%, $50 OTHER/MISCELLANEOUS spices, and lumber. A sweet, hot, peppery palate
Opening with fresh grain aromas, it soon 91 High West Bourye Blend of Straight bursts with rye spices, high floral tones, gummy
develops to show complex cinnamon, clove, Whiskeys (Batch 19L06), 46%, $100 bears, then earthy herbal notes, river plants, and
chai, black tea, dried orange peel, and smoked A nose of herbs, candied oranges, cherries, some pulling wood tannins Loaded with rye and
salt; delicate pastry notes also appear. The treacle, and baking spice, with pleasant aged apple juice. Fades slowly into herbal notes,
palate is rich, roasty, and hot without water, accents of leather armchair and earthy brown sugar, and a hint of peach pits.—DdeK
offering dark chocolate, dried chiles, barbe- warehouse floor. The palate offers semi-sweet
cued brisket, cacao nibs, charred nuts, and chocolate, spice, dark fruit, roasted pecans, 92 WhistlePig The Boss Hog VI: The
peppery spice that starts as a small flame and blackberries, cola, and pepper. Water brings Samurai Scientist Umeshu Barrel-
builds into a burn on the warming, chocolaty, out richer chocolate, pistachio, and blackberry Finished Rye (Barrel 8), 60.3%, $500
ashy finish. (1,200 bottles)—SSB jam. The finish is nutty, spicy, and peppery, See Collectibles, page 85
IRISH SINGLE POT STILL sliding into chewy toffee with coffee notes and
a hint of raspberry, though harried by peppery
FOCUS ON spices so sharp they taste spiky.—JM
89 Cask & Crew Double Oaked delivering a remarkable intensity of red berry it’s quite nutty, and the spice starts building
Straight Rye, 48%, $50 fruit. Orange peel, pine cone, vanilla, and walnut early on. Hold out till the end for black cherry,
From Rochester, New York-based Cask & Crew, on the nose. Raspberry, cherry, plums, and toffee, and burnt fruitcake, with a finish of
this was distilled in Canada, matured 4 years in active spices like a wildfire across the tongue, autumnal fruits, menthol, and aniseed.—JM
new charred oak, then finished in another new with pepper and chile heightened by the
charred oak barrel. Spice, pistachio, and a note strength and menthol late on the finish.—JM
of barrel char on the nose, and a nutty, creamy 90 The Whistler Double Oaked,
palate with notes of blueberry pie, chocolate, 93 Redbreast 21 year old, 46%, $280 40%, $30
cooked plums, and light spice. The finish offers Honey, vanilla, peppercorn, Golden Delicious Sweetness and richness were my first
more spice, coffee cake, and almond nuttiness. apples, macadamia nut, green banana, and impressions of this sourced whiskey blended
The profile is young, but full of good clove-spiked orange. The flavors are bright with at Boann Distillery, and it’s the oloroso sherry
flavors.—DF green apple, banana, vanilla, and citrus, finish that’s made all the difference. Apple,
developing a delicious creaminess to support barley sugar, aromatic spices, baked citrus,
ing spice. Worth getting to know this whiskey 91 Tin Shed Iniquity Single Malt ISRAEL
well to appreciate its full potential.—JM (Batch 10), 46%, $225 90 M&H Whisky in Bloom
A curious single malt smoked with native Lightly Peated Young Israeli
87 Sadler’s Peaky Blinder, 40%, $19 Australian peat and mallee wood stumps, and Single Malt, 46%, $55
Named after the infamous gang that weapon- matured in port casks. The smoke expresses M&H (Milk & Honey), founded in 2013, is
ized their flat caps by stitching razor blades itself little on the nose, which shows aromas Israel’s first whisky distillery. This expression
into the peaks, this whiskey threatens a nose of nougat, apples, pears, blueberries, black- and its sibling bottling Double Cask are M&H’s
of raisin, banana bread, Irish soda bread, beer currants, raisins, and a mineral freshness. But first to hit the U.S. Aged 2 years in bourbon,
mash, and dark honey. A lightweight mouth- the palate allows plenty of room for the STR (shaved, toasted, and re-charred), and
feel, with dried apple, baked goods, oat bars, smoke, which has a gentle, herbaceous Islay casks, its nose offers candied lemon, lime
vanilla extract, and pancakes slathered with pungency of tarragon, tobacco leaf, and leaf, tea, and licorice. The palate is soft, fruity,
maple syrup, a spicy swallow, and a finish of eucalyptus; there’s also licorice, dark choco- and spiced, with chocolate and light peat. The
burnt fruitcake. An easy-drinking whiskey.—JM late, coffee bean, and rich oak. The finish is finish is spiced and lightly peated, with
equally rich, with lingering herbal smoke. (120 tropical fruit accents. Brilliant texture and an
89 Drayman’s Highveld 5
year old French Oak Reserve
ARMENIA 94 Amrut 6 year old Aatma Single Cask Single Malt, 43%, $100
87 Hye-Land 12 year old Small Batch Single Malt (Cask No. 4675), 57.1%, $215 This is a highly fragrant young whisky with
Armenian, 43%, $39 Sweet saline peat on the nose, along with red aromas of peeled satsumas, zested lime,
Hye-Land’s inaugural U.S. release, made from berries, milk chocolate, hazelnuts, dates, and rosebuds, graham cracker, sponge cake, and a
100% malted wheat at Eraskh Winery in nougat. It’s lush and rich, qualities that extend trace of aromatic spice. Light to medium-
Armenia (which also has a distillery), aged in to the palate’s oily, dense character, which is bodied with sweet orange honey, marmalade,
Caucasus Mountain oak barrels, and then floral and soapy before shifting into plummy walnut, and malt, then a slow crescendo of
finished in Armenian brandy barrels. The nose red berry fruit, dark chocolate, roasted cocoa, spice, and cereal notes to a finish of
offers seasoned oak, citrus, ginger, and hazelnuts, and a panoply of spices. The finish grated chocolate. (1,200 bottles)—JM
allspice. The palate brings sweet notes of is ashy, peppery, sweet, and mouthwatering,
melon, coconut shavings, tobacco, Christmas with long, lingering smokiness. Water is a WALES
cake, ginger, and clove, all lightly accented by must to showcase the rounded, powerfully 94 Penderyn 10 year old Madeira
black pepper. The finish is viscous and has flavorful balance of this whisky. (360 bottles; Cask-Finished Single Cask Single
balanced sweetness.—DF U.S. exclusive)—SSB Malt (No. 047-3), 58.1%, $110
When you feel you’ve earned a treat, pour a
AUSTRALIA 90 Amrut 7 year old Single Grain dram of this bottled candy. The nose is a tropical
95 Dram Hunters 7 year old Southern Single Cask (No. 1431), 57.1%, $100 fruit basket, with papaya, guava, mango,
Coast Distillers Single Cask Single Clean and sweet on the nose, with jackfruit, and dried kiwi; extra goodies come in
Malt (Cask No. 112), 63.6%, $250 confectionary aromas of vanilla, coconut, the form of Jordan almonds and vanilla sand-
Without water, this oddball is deeply herbaceous lemon curd, shortbread, and almond halva; wich cookies. Consistent tropical flavors on the
and spiced with aniseed, coriander, hardwood there’s also concentrated orchard fruit, milk silky palate. Nuttiness, gentle spice, milk
smoke, brown sugar, and powerful oak through- chocolate, and jasmine. It’s dry and chewy on chocolate, and coffee bean emerge with water.
out the nose and palate. Add some water, and the palate, with plenty to enjoy—spiced plums, Intensely satisfying on the finish, with persistent
suddenly the sunbeam breaks through the crack raspberries, incense, milk chocolate—though fruit, integrated oak, almonds, and grapefruit
in the curtain. There are still plenty of herbal and the complexity flattens out into the finish, peel. (243 bottles; U.S. exclusive)—SSB
spice notes, but now more dimension emerges— which is sweet with vanilla custard, milk
orange, forest fruits, semi-sweet chocolate, chocolate, fresh raspberries, and lingering
coffee ice cream, and sweet woodsmoke, fully floral notes. (108 bottles; U.S. exclusive)—SSB You can search the entire
relaxed in its integration. The finish is savory, database of Whisky
then sweet—clean and rich, a revelation. (150 89 Paul John Nirvana, 40%, $30 Advocate reviews online at
bottles; U.S. exclusive)—SSB See Best Values, page 85
Friends Kim, Judy, and Wayne gathered in Orange Tim Warner of Chicago is making the best of
Beach, Alabama for a Mardi Gras party that included sheltering in place during COVID-19. The crowd’s
a bourbon and scotch tasting. a little stuffy, but the bourbons are great.
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r. Whiskey, America’s Neutral grain spirit made in a factory where Is rye whiskey made from rye bread?
undisputed expert in all the switch for the bottling line is turned on —Confused in Connecticut
things bibulous, is back with a human hand. Yes. And vodka is made from whole wheat,
with the answers to a while cognac is from French bread, sour
curious nation’s burning I read that Keith Richards drinks vodka mash bourbon is from sourdough, and grappa
questions about distilled spirits, cocktails, with orange Fanta. Is this a thing now? is distilled focaccia. Most tequila is made
and your sometimes annoying behavior. Also, —Starstruck in San Luis Obispo from crushed tortillas.
Mr. Whiskey knows what he’s talking about Only if you want to grow up to look like Keith
or he wouldn’t be called Mr. Whiskey, would Richards. Have you tasted any of the new whiskey
he? (Mr. Whiskey uses the royal we because alternatives? —Dry in Des Moines
he’s a prince of a fellow.) Indeed, we have. Tried one with Sprite Zero,
paired with an Almost Meatburger, but in the
My fiancé drinks single malt scotch with end we decided to stick with our regular
Sprite Zero. Is that OK? —Fran from whiskey alternative, añejo rum.
Dump him as quickly as you can. In a country How do you make a purple yam Daiquiri?
of 330 million people there are myriad —Aspiring in Ashtabula
choices for you among men who aren’t We don’t make a purple yam Daiquiri for the
desperately trying to fit into skinny jeans. We same reason that we didn’t make Purple
recommend going to Bardstown, Kentucky, Passions in college. Purple is for Tinky Winky
where male descendants of the Beams and Teletubby and eggplants, and we prefer not
other sainted distilling families are fairly to see either of them in a cocktail glass. If we
thick on the ground. See if you can snag one. feel an unmet need for a glass full of purple,
we order a nice malbec.
What do you think of peanut butter- What do you think of hard soda?—Curious
flavored whiskey?—Trendy in Tucson in Keokuk Was Johnnie Walker a real person?
We think it probably sticks to the roof of your We try not to, but when there’s no way out, —Truth-seeker in Tucumcari