Internship Barc Report
Internship Barc Report
Internship Barc Report
R. K. Sinha
Director, Reactor Design & Development Group,
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,Trombay, Mumbai - 400 085, India.
E mail:
Published by :
Dr. Vijai Kumar
Associate Director, Knowledge Management Group and
Head, Scientific Information Resource Division,
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai - 400 085, India.
E mail:
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) is celebrating its golden jubilee year during 2006-07. On the 20th January, 1956, Pandit Jawaharlal
Nehru formally inaugurated the Atomic Energy Establishment Trombay (AEET), which is renamed as Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC)
on January 22, 1967. As a premier R&D centre of the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), BARC has a mandate to provide R&D support to
the nuclear power programme, to pursue all activities related to nuclear fuel cycle, to operate research reactors for supporting neutron beam
research and supplying radioisotopes for various applications, to conduct frontline basic research in physical, chemical, biological and engineering
sciences all of which lead towards improving quality of life of our people. The achievements BARC has made over the last 50 years are well
known not only to the scientific community in the country but also to our people at large. Scientific achievements made by this premier
research centre are well documented in various publications of DAE including the series “BARC Highlights”. During this golden jubilee year, we
have made an effort to bring out some of recent research and development accomplishments in the form of 8 volumes, highlighting the
following areas:
These volumes will showcase the latest work in the aforementioned areas and will demonstrate how each of these is directed towards achieving
the overall goal of using nuclear energy for the benefit of our people.
Nuclear energy programme in India has now reached a level of maturity. Today, India is self-sufficient in building nuclear power stations of 540
MWe capacities and has gained sufficient mastery over the entire fuel cycle. We are at the threshold of entering the second stage of nuclear
power programme, in which a rapid growth in installed capacity is expected through the fast reactor programme. In the area of basic research
in science and engineering, BARC has been maintaining a leading position both in national and international scenario. One of the strongest
points of basic research in BARC lies in its capability in building in-house sophisticated research facilities. The core competence of the scientists
and engineers in our centre covers a very wide range as is reflected in the 8 companion volumes released on the occasion of the golden jubilee
Over the years a large infrastructure has been created in BARC for research and development work related to PHWRs. As a number of units
are growing older, they need ageing management and performance enhancing back-fits. Extensive work is in progress in this area specially in
the area of life management of coolant channels. It is worth mentioning here that BARC took up the challenge imposed by the technology
denial regime, resulting in indigenous development of critical components and achievement of self-reliance in almost every aspect of PHWR
For sustainable development of nuclear energy, besides fuel resources a number of important issues are required to be addressed. They should
be economically competitive as compared to other sources of energy. The issue of heightened public concern about nuclear safety, waste
management and many other issues need to be addressed. To address these issues a number of advanced reactor designs as well as fuel cycle
technologies are being pursued worldwide. BARC has designed the Advanced Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR) which is under pre-licensing safety
review by the Atomic Energy Regulatory Body. The main objective behind the development of this reactor is to develop and demonstrate
technologies related to thorium-based systems well in advance and to develop a number of passive technologies. BARC has also developed a
desalination technology, which effectively integrates with the AHWR technology.
Considering our very small petroleum reserves, and increasing worldwide oil prices, it is prudent that India find an alternative to oil for its
transport applications. The process heat from high temperature reactors provides this alternative in the form of high efficiency thermochemical
hydrogen generation processes. In addition to this, the temperature reactor concept can also be applied for the development of power pack
for electricity generation in remote areas. To cater to these requirements a Compact High Temperature Reactor (CHTR) is under design at BARC.
For breeding fissile uranium-233 from thorium, development of Accelerator Driven Sub-Critical System s(ADS) is the latest addition to the
Indian nuclear programme. This system promises shorter doubling time and incineration of long-lived actinides and fission products thus
effectively addressing the sustainability issues of availability of fissile material and of waste management. The current interest in ADS at BARC
has led to research in wide ranging areas, which include, spallation target studies, thermal and structural analysis of the radio-frequency
quadrupoles in the proton linear accelerators, among others.
BARC is operating three research reactors namely, Apsara, Cirus and Dhruva at Trombay. After satisfactory operation for nearly four decades,
Cirus was refurbished and put back in service in October 2002. The activities at these research reactors have further enhanced the immense
knowledge base in the field of design, development, operation and refurbishment of nuclear reactors. These reactors have provided an ideal
platform to the engineers and physicists to perform a number of experiments and simulation studies.
BARC has made significant contributions towards the fast reactor programme. Based on the valuable experience gained with liquid metal fast
breeder reactor technology, the construction of a 500 MWe Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR) was started in October, 2004. Major
contributions made by BARC include activities related to radiation shielding and design of inclined fuel transfer machines.
India is on a rapid economic growth path. A recent study has revealed that we will need to augment our electricity generation ten fold in the
next four to five decades. To meet this target of high installed capacity in a short time, two 1000 MWe VVERs which are pressurised water
reactors imported from Russian Federation are now under construction at Kudankulam. Our programme on reactor technology has been
broadened to encompass light water reactors. Indigenous capabilities of in-core fuel management of these reactors are being developed.
BARC is pursuing activities for enhancing the safety of nuclear power plants. Studies related to seismic analysis, design of energy absorption
devices, development of methodologies for meeting leak before break criteria are some of the important activities in this regard.
The present volume gives an outlines of the programmes in the area of Reactor Technology and Engineering, while highlighting the core
competence of the scientists and engineers working in this area.
Srikumar Banerjee
The Indian nuclear power programme today comprises our existing reactors, reactors under construction and planning, and future designs to
provide long term energy security to the country. The different segments of this programme require associated R&D support to cater to
diverse needs of ageing management, on-going design and design support, R&D for innovative designs, safety analysis and allied disciplines, and
nuclear applications including desalination and non-grid based electricity. The intensity of such R&D activities has been progressively on a path
of growth, commensurate with the growth of our nuclear power programme. BARC has the mandate to carry out multi- faceted research and
engineering activities needed to support such wide range of tasks, in particular, focusing on thermal reactors and new nuclear energy systems.
This volume brings out the spectrum of some recent activities pertaining to diverse reactor technologies, research reactors, safety studies,
material research, seismic and structural studies, integrity monitoring systems, in-service inspection, non-destructive testing, life management
and extension of reactor components, component manufacturing and testing and desalination. The range of reactor technologies covered in
this volume includes the indigenous Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors, Fast Breeders, the forthcoming Advanced Heavy Water Reactor,
Compact High Temperature Reactor, and Accelerator Driven System. Work related to Boiling Water Reactors at Tarapur and 1000 MWe VVER
Reactors at Kudankulam has also been included in the compilation.
The entire gamut of activities under Reactor Technology and Engineering encompasses a large number of scientific and engineering disciplines.
Consequently, this volume attracted an overwhelming response from more than 300 scientist & engineers working in the field. The articles
covering the activities in this vast technological arena, performed in BARC in the last few years, are compiled in a reader friendly format. For
the benefit of the readers the E mail addreses of the contributors have also been given in the respective articles. This should facilitate the reader
to obtain in-depth information, if desired.
I believe that the readers of this volume would be able to gain a reasonable insight into the wide spectrum of activities pursued at BARC, in the
field of reactor technology and engineering. I thank all the authors for their unfailing enthusiasm and persistent cooperation.
R. K. Sinha
1. A D V A N C E D H E A V Y W A T E R R E A C T O R
India’s three-stage nuclear power programme is chalked out based on the domestic resource position of uranium and thorium. The first
stage started with setting up of the Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors (PHWR) based on natural uranium and pressure tube technology.
In the second phase the fissile material base will be multiplied in Fast Breeder Reactors using the plutonium obtained from the PHWRs.
The third stage is focused on reactors designed to utilise the large thorium reserves based on thorium-233U fuel cycle. The Advanced
Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR) has been designed to fulfill the need for the timely development of thorium-based technologies for the
entire thorium fuel cycle. This chapter highlights the recent activities carried out in the design and development of the AHWR, such as
the core & process system design, nuclear data, fuel design, fuel handling systems, safety analyses, analytical studies and experimental
Nuclear power employing a closed fuel cycle is the only long term, sustainable option for meeting a major part of the Indian energy
demand. Indian resources of thorium are larger than those of uranium. Thorium, therefore, is widely viewed as the ‘fuel of the future’.
Thorium-based nuclear fuel cycle possesses several well-known characteristics as indicated below.
. Thorium can sustain a thermal breeding cycle using external fissile materials like uranium-235, plutonium or an accelerator driven
neutron source.
The cycle produces virtually no plutonium.
The waste products contain low amounts of long-lived alpha-emitters
The Indian Advanced Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR) is designed and developed to achieve large-scale use of thorium for the
generation of commercial nuclear power. This reactor will produce most of its power from thorium, with no external input of
uranium 233, in the equilibrium cycle.
AHWR is a 300 MWe, vertical, pressure-tube type, boiling light water cooled, and heavy water moderated reactor. The reactor
incorporates a number of passive safety features and is associated with a fuel cycle having reduced environmental impact. At the same
time, the reactor possesses several features, which are likely to reduce its capital and operating costs.
Slightly negative void coefficient of reactivity.
Passive safety systems working on natural laws.
Large heat sink in the form of Gravity Driven Water Pool with an inventory of 6000 m3 of water, located near the top of the Reactor
Removal of heat from core by natural circulation.
Emergency Core Cooling System injection directly inside the fuel.
Two independent shutdown systems.
AHWR employs natural circulation for cooling the reactor core under operating and shutdown conditions. All event scenarios
initiating from non-availability of main pumps are, therefore, excluded. The Main Heat Transport (MHT) System transports heat
from fuel pins to steam drum using boiling light water as the coolant. The MHT system consists of a common circular inlet
header from which feeders branch out to the coolant channels in the core. The outlets from the coolant channels are connected to tail
pipes carrying steam-water mixture from the individual coolant channels to four steam drums. Steam is separated from the
steam-water mixture in steam drums, and is supplied to the turbine. The condensate is heated in moderator heat exchangers and
heaters and is returned to steam drums by feed pumps. Four down comers connect each steam drum to the inlet header.
Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) is designed to remove the core heat by passive means in case of a postulated Loss of Coolant
Accident (LOCA). In the event of a rupture in the primary coolant pressure boundary, the cooling is initially achieved by a large flow of
water from the accumulators. Later, cooling of the core is achieved by the injection of cold water from a Gravity Driven Water Pool
(GDWP) located near the top of the reactor building.
In AHWR, subsequent to energy absorption in GDWP in vapour suppression mode, the Passive Containment Cooling System (PCCS)
provides long term containment cooling following a postulated LOCA. GDWP serves as a passive heat sink yielding a grace period of three
days. The core gets submerged in water long before the end of this period.
Consistent with the approach used in standardised Indian PHWRs, AHWR is provided with a double containment. For containment
isolation, a passive system has been provided in the AHWR. The reactor building air supply and exhaust ducts are shaped in the form of
U-bends of sufficient height. In the event of LOCA, the containment pressure acts on the water pool surface and drives water, by swift
establishment of siphon into the U-bends of the ventilation ducts. Water in the U-bends acts as a seal between the containment and the
external environment, providing necessary isolation between the two.
. Elimination of high-pressure heavy water coolant resulting in reduction of heavy water leakage losses and eliminating heavy water
recovery system.
Recovery of heat generated in the moderator for feed water heating.
Elimination of major components and equipment such as primary coolant pump and drive motors, associated control and power
supply equipment and corresponding saving of electrical power required to run these pumps.
Shop assembled coolant channels, with features to enable quick replacement of pressure tube alone, without affecting other
installed channel components.
Replacement of steam generators by simpler steam drums.
Higher steam pressure than in PHWRs.
Production of 500 m3/day of demineralised water in Multi Effect Desalination Plant by using steam from LP Turbine.
Hundred years design life of the reactor.
A design objective of requiring no exclusion zone on account of its advanced safety features.
The AHWR fuel contains 54 fuel pins arranged in three concentric circles surrounding a central displacer rod. The inner two circles
contain 30 (Th-233U)O2 fuel pins and the outer circle contains 24 (Th-Pu)O2 fuel pins. The central rod contains dysprosia in zirconia
matrix. The fuel also incorporates a water tube for the spraying of ECCS water directly on fuel pins during a postulated LOCA. AHWR fuel
is currently designed for an average burn-up of 24 GWd/t. Its design makes it amenable for reconstitution, if desired to facilitate a
further extension of burn-up in the (Th-233U)O2 fuel pins in future.
The AHWR fuel cycle will be self-sufficient in 233U after initial loading. The spent fuel streams will be reprocessed and thorium and 233U
will then be recycled and reused. The AHWR fuel cycle has enough flexibility to accommodate a large variety of fuelling options.
Incidentally, the thorium fuel cycle also presents low proliferation risks, a factor considered significant by several nations for export of
nuclear technology. A quantitative analysis of the AHWR fuel cycle substantiates this feature.
Scaled Model (1:50) of AHWR in Acrylic Material 3-D View of AHWR Plant Layout
1.1 REACTOR PHYSICS DESIGN & NUCLEAR DATA self-sustaining in 233U and runs on composite cluster containing
both 233
U a n d p l u t o n i u m . Tw o d i f f e r e n t v a l u e s o f
Reactor Physics Design of AHWR enrichment i.e., 2.5% in the top half and 4.0% in the lower half
are used in plutonium bearing fuel pins such that the axial flux
The major design mandates are the production of more than peak is shifted away from the high steam quality upper region in
60% of the total power from Th/233U and incorporation of the coolant channel. This improves the thermal hydraulic
inherent safety features such as the negative coolant void characteristics of fuel channel, with fuel dry-out occurring at a
coefficient. A composite cluster with (Th, 233U) MOX fuel in the considerably high channel power in comparison to that with a
inner region and (Th, Pu) MOX fuel in the outer region is uniform axial enrichment.
designed to meet this desired fuel performance characteristics.
Coolant void coefficient of reactivity can be made negative in a Initial core design of the AHWR, approach to equilibrium and
slightly under-moderated heavy water system at a lattice pitch refuelling strategy studies along with the development of the
of 220 mm. For the design pitch of 245 mm, the coolant void flux mapping system, power distribution control system and
coefficient is significantly positive. Hence, a burnable absorber, analysis of various spatial instabilities are being pursued. Physics
dysprosium, is used in a centrally located multi-purpose displacer design to achieve higher fuel burn-ups of about 40,000 MWd/t
rod, to obtain the negative coolant void coefficient. Other by lattice pitch reduction and removal of burnable absorber
inherent safety features include negative fuel temperature from the fuel cluster are important ongoing activities.
coefficient, negative power coefficient and low power density.
In addition, core excess reactivity is low on account of on-power Multi-group data library has been updated for elements of
refuelling. thorium chain and for certain elements specific to AHWR such
as burnable absorber dysprosium. Various uncertainties due to
The basic lattice and composite fuel cluster has been designed thorium data have been identified and experiments are planned
for 245 mm pitch. The reactor has two independent, functionally in the AHWR critical facility to resolve them. Physics design and
diverse, fast acting shut down systems, namely, shutdown preliminary safety analysis for experiments in critical facility have
system#1 consisting of 40 mechanical boron carbide shut off been completed. Core power distribution has been optimized,
rods and shutdown system#2 based on liquid poison injection. taking into account the neutronic thermal hydraulic coupling.
There are thirteen boron carbide control rods grouped into four Studies have been carried out on generation of 233U required for
regulating rods for fine reactivity control, four absorber rods equilibrium core, achievement of self-sustaining uranium cycle,
for xenon override and five shim rods for power setback. recycling of uranium and its impact on overall fuel cycle including
toxicity of spent fuel.
Reactor control and protection systems are designed in a
fashion similar to that in currently operating PHWRs except that
the reactivity devices occupy lattice locations in the AHWR.
A notable feature of AHWR is the xenon override capability to
restart reactor anytime following shutdown. Equilibrium core is
fuelled to three burn-up zones to achieve a flattened power
distribution. Core average discharge burn-up is 24,000 MWd/t.
Compact High Temperature Reactor (CHTR) & 2, KAIGA-1 & 2 and RAPS-3 & 4 have already been discharged
from the core. Samples were obtained from one of the irradiated
The design of CHTR, which exhibits intermediate neutron ThO2 bundles and have been analyzed experimentally by alpha
spectrum, was strongly influenced by considerations of nuclear spectrometry for 232
U and by thermal ionization mass
data and associated uncertainties during its evolution. The cross spectrometry for 233
U, 234
U, 235
U and 236
U by two different
sections for several new materials, such as Er, Bi and Ga that groups in BARC. The previous analyses by two teams in BARC
were considered for CHTR show large discrepancies in different gave a factor of six to eight under-predictions in the production
cross section libraries. It is mandatory to have a negative Doppler of 232U. The discrepancy was traced back to the fact that the
feedback effect in the core design. The initial choice of pure 233U effective one-group values of cross sections for isotopes of
as fuel had been revised due to the calculated positive Doppler thorium fuel cycle and the use of assumptions in the ORIGEN
reactivity feedback. Further, the calculated Doppler reactivity code are not applicable to the irradiation of thorium in PHWRs.
effect of 233
U has a large uncertainty as the nuclear data of Simulation of the thorium experiment using the new WIMS-D
resolved and unresolved resonance region are highly uncertain. libraries, has been successfully attempted. Sensitivity results of
As the spectrum covers regions above the thermal range, accurate different modeling approaches such as single cell versus super-
knowledge of various transport and inelastic cross-sections of cell model and treatment of (n, 2n) process (pseudo-fission versus
various constituents, such as 233U, 232Th, Be, Er, Th, which affect explicit) to prediction of isotopic contents of urania have been
the design significantly at high temperatures are required. obtained. The results are shown in Table.
Experimental work to demonstrate these systems are underway.
Generation of integral data by gamma spectrometric
Thorium irradiation in FBTR (Kalpakkam) analysis of the irradiated thorium fuel is also a part of
this activity.
In the 40 MWt Fast Breeder Test Reactor (FBTR), at Kalpakkam,
fifty four thoria subassemblies (717 Kg) have been loaded in the A direct consequence of 232U concentration in bred 233U from
9th ring in the radial blanket after the nickel reflector. Plans are PHWRs, is its effect on radiation shielding modification in the
underway to consider loading additional 100 thoria assemblies in AHWR critical facility. The outer thickness of the concrete has
7th and 8 th rings as well. The 233U produced in this reactor will been increased by nearly 10% to compensate for the additional
have low content (5 ppm) of 232
U as compared to several hundreds gamma dose emanating from the fuel clusters based upon
of ppm in other situations such as a normal fast reactor core, experimental results of post irradiation analyses and using the
ADSS core with thorium and thoria in PHWR. The reason for the new basic evaluated nuclear data files.
expected low ppm of 232U in FBTR is understood as due to three
factors influenced by nuclear data and physics considerations: IAEA-CRP on nuclear data for thorium cycle
Nickel reflector brings the neutrons below the threshold of
(n, 2n) reaction in 232Th. The effective 231Pa (n, γ) cross section is The active participation in the IAEA-Co-ordinated Research
much lower in a fast spectrum as the capture cross section falls Program, on the “Evaluated Nuclear data for Thorium- Uranium
rapidly with increasing energy. Thirdly, the accumulation potential Fuel Cycle” enables to share information and to benefit from the
of 233U produced is more in saturation in a fast spectrum making developments related to the use of thorium around the world.
the ppm content of 232
U in 233
U much smaller. An experimental benchmark based upon a 30 kW, 233U fuelled
research reactor KAMINI, at Kalpakkam, is under preparation.
PIE studies of irradiated thorium bundles in PHWRs KAMINI is a low power research reactor designed and built by a
joint venture of BARC and Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic
Identical loading of thorium bundles was used in KAPP-1 & 2, Research (IGCAR). KAMINI is the only reactor in the world
KAIGA-1 & 2 and RAPS-3 & 4 to attain flux flattening in the operating with the 233U fuel. Preparation of a benchmark on
initial core. The thorium oxide used is about 400 kg in all the 35 thorium irradiation experiments and burnup measurements in
bundles put together in a reactor. The bundles loaded in KAPP-1 PHWRs is also underway.
Use of updated nuclear data for safety analyses International collaborations in experimental
and operation of existing reactors programmes
The Fuel Temperature Coefficient (FTC) of PHWR fuel, calculated As multiple fuel cycles (e.g., U-Pu, Th-U), with the option of
by the new 69-group “iaea.lib” library gives significantly closing the fuel cycle are envisaged, the nuclear data
different results at higher burn-ups and explains as a preliminary requirements that are needed to develop the new systems with
observation, the unexpected power rise that occurred in the high burnup are demanding and include the entire range of
KAPS-1 unit. In a PHWR, the FTC which is negative at low burnups actinides and fission products for multiple fuels. The neutron
becomes less and less negative and even turns positive at some time of flight experiments to measure neutron induced reaction
burnup. The precise crossover point in burnup where the FTC cross sections from 1eV to 250 MeV, in CERN (Geneva,
becomes positive depends on many parameters such as the Switzerland) and neutron transmission experiments using the
temperature range and 19 versus 37-rod cluster. The FTC is due 150 MeV electron linac at Pohang in South Korea, would help to
to the combined effect of Doppler effect and fuel reduce the existing uncertainties in simulation studies of new
re-thermalization effect. Recent calculations of FTC of PHWR and advanced reactor concepts. The new measurements of
lattices, performed independently by several researchers, nuclear data of these experiments and analyses including
illustrate the following: The 27 group WIMS1981 library has a covariance error information are of importance. Experimental
cross over point, for FTC at about 12000 MWd/t burnup; at activation measurements to perform neutron source flux
about 9400 MWd/t with the same but 69-group library, at about characterization in DHRUVA 3001 beam hole has been taken up
6000 MWd/t for a 19 rod cluster with the new “iaea.lib” library in order to initiate neutron time.
and at about 4500 MWd/t for 37 rod cluster of PHWR with the
“iaea.lib” library. The crossover point of the FTC is not just the XnWlup software for inter-comparison of WIMS-D
issue but how negative it should be, in order to overcome multigroup cross section
positive reactivity, that includes the positive xenon kill
feedback whenever power transient occurs. The calculated An upgraded version of the computer program ‘XnWlup’ has
coolant void reactivity using the new “iaea.lib” library is observed been developed in Visual C++ to produce readily, histogram
to be lower than the earlier results obtained using the 1971 plots of the multi group cross sections of a selected nuclide, as a
library. The KAPS-1 overpower transient could be explained only function of neutron energy. It also provides the comparison of
with the use of new IAEA multi-group nuclear data libraries. the nuclear data of different nuclides from different libraries.
S. Ganesan, <>
Nuclear data is one of the major inputs for the physics design of
advanced reactor systems utilising thorium, such as the AHWR.
The basic experimental data of the available Th-U cycle available Sensitivity of different datasets for absorption
reaction rates of U-233 at BOC in the inner
requires to be established with the accuracy of current day
(Th,U-233)MOX pins
standards. The requirements of accuracy for the basic data of
the individual isotopes for thermal reactor systems, will have to
back-end analysis and sensitivity studies of the systems using
be improved in order to predict, for instance, k-effective within
thorium. There are several ingredients in this task like, assessment
0.5%, feedback coefficients within 10 % and integral reaction
of the energy group structure of thorium cycle evaluations,
rates within 1.0%. The aim of the task is to generate a processed
research towards indigenous data processing capabilities and
multi-group data-set for AHWR analysis, which would entail
development of experimental capabilities and nuclear data
benchmarking, data processing, integral testing, front-end and
evaluation methodology.
Sensitivity of different datasets for absorption Sensitivity of nuclear data for AHWR D5 cluster;
reaction rates of U-233 at EOC in the inner Scatter in void reactivity for AHWR D5 cluster using
(Th,U-233)MOX pins different libraries - ~4 mk at BOC 7 mk at EOC
Data processing for Dy isotopes and its influence on the void reactivity in AHWR D5 cluster
The availability of the basic nuclear data for the thorium cycle Sensitivity studies done for AHWR with different evaluated data
has been assessed and the multi group processed library for sets like, ENDF-B/VI, JENDL 3.2 and JEF 2.2 show significant
isotopes has been updated. The thorium-fuelled lattices have differences. For example, the 233U absorption reaction rates differ
been benchmarked to validate the available basic data. Further by 5% in thermal energy range and about 10-15 % in higher
the nuclear data set with materials and material composites have energy ranges.
also been updated for analysis of the advanced reactor systems.
Experiments have been formulated to qualify the nuclear data, The void reactivity studies for AHWR lattice also show a scatter
by validation through post-irradiation examination. of about 25 %. WIMS data set has been updated with isotopes
of dysprosium for AHWR analysis.
The review of the basic data isotopes of the Th-U cycle such as
Th, 233Th, 234Th, 231Pa, 232Pa, 233Pa, 232U, 233U,234U etc. existing
Umasankari Kannan, <>
as of now exhibit large discrepancies. The thorium fuel cycle
data in the WIMS data set has been extended with 232
U and
Pa. The 232
U content in the irradiated thoria bundles of PHWR
has been estimated with the WIMS dataset and WIMSD code
system. The ratio of 232
U/233U is calculated as ranging from
450 ppm to 590 ppm and is in good agreement with experimental
1.2 ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL TOOLS FOR subspace based solution techniques. The space-time analysis code
PHYSICS DESIGN simulates the transient, due to the disturbed reactor steady state,
all in respects to its randomness, cycle length, uniform the deliberate flattening of the power distribution. The study of
distribution etc. Correlation Coefficient of this RNG has been the neutronic transient behaviour under accidental conditions in
compared with that of different RNGs in the Table. It is seen such reactors requires accurate methods of solution of system
that current RNG has been much closer to the expected value of coupled multidimensional multi energy group time
(the correlation coefficient between neighboring bits of dependent neutron diffusion equation. Two distinct approaches
a random sequence is expected to be zero). This RNG is ready exist for this purpose namely; the direct (implicit time
to be used in any code, which requires large cycle of uniform differencing) and Improved Quasistatic (IQS) approach. Both
random sequences. the approaches need solution of static space energy dependent
neutron diffusion equations at successive time steps.
computational scheme was tested by analyzing a well-known disassembly of the core, which introduces sufficient negative
Canadian PHWR benchmark problem, which simulates a loss of reactivity. The calculation of disassembly reactivity requires the
coolant accident. solution of coupled neutronics and hydrodynamics equations.
A computer code for pre-disassembly calculations, which
The transient was simulated using two energy groups and calculates coolant voiding, fuel melting, fuel and clad
52×52×40 meshes. Twenty-nine space and energy dependent deformation and molten fuel slumping, is being developed.
calculations were done with time step of the order of 0.1 sec. For the disassembly phase a computer code DISA is developed.
Table presents the CPU gain due to parallelization. The code was This solves point kinetics equations coupled with two
dimensional hydrodynamics equations. Figures show the For a specific value of coolant temperature coefficient the critical
equation of state for fuel used in DISA. The variation of net state becomes an oscillatory state [limit cycle]. This latter state
reactivity and power as function of time for a hypothetical constitutes a new operational regime for reactor dynamics. These
transient in a typical fast reactor are shown in figures. It is studies contribute towards understanding safety and
planned to improve the neutronics model of pre-disassembly performance of reactors.
Illustration of plots of absorption resonance integral data of 232 Th at 600 K and for various
background dilution cross sections
T. K. Thiyagarajan <>
1.3 R E A C T O R S H I E L D I N G A N D I R R A D I AT I O N inside cavity, water filled cavity and inside cavity filled with shield
EXPERIMENTS plug with and without water), lattice tube simulation model-2 (similar
to the model-1 except that it is surrounded with a layer of steel balls
AHWR Shielding Experiments at APSARA and water). Results of the lattice tube simulation model-2
experiments, in which lattice tube, end fittings and shield plug
Shielding experiments essentially study the neutron and gamma
have been simulated are given in the illustrations.
streaming through duct geometries of shield models, to
optimize and validate the actual reactor shield designs.
Measurements have been carried out along the center of lattice
Streaming experiments have been carried out at the shielding
tube filled with air, water and shield plug. Radiation streaming
through 3mm air gap between lattice tube and end fitting has
also been studied. In all these experiments shield models
simulating only one lattice tube is used. Experiments with a
more representative model which has four lattice tubes and in-
between space filled with steel balls and water is underway.
Dysprosium irradiation
1.4 REACTOR SAFETY ANALYSIS parameters required to build up the simulation model namely
A set of 55 postulated initiating events have been analysed for statement of Core Damage Frequency (CDF). Important accident
750 MWt and up rated 920 MWt designs to address plant sequences suggest design modifications and to obtain insights about
behaviour to judge the adequacy of the design with respect to important dependencies and human interactions important to safety.
ECCS acceptance and fuel failure criteria. Contribution from Based on this study, design modifications have been suggested in
the analyses were utilized for deciding emergency core cooling system, isolation condenser system, end
shield cooling system and gravity-driven water pool recirculation
Design pressure of the containment and main heat system. This study has indicated that the core damage frequency of
transport system this reactor based on suggested modifications is of the order of 10-
Defuelling - refuelling time to avoid boiling crisis, 7
per reactor year. The dominating initiating event contributing to
Necessity of compartmentalization of ECCS header to avoid this CDF value is small LOCA. In arriving at this figure, it has been
core starvation on ECCS header break, assumed that the passive systems are completely reliable. However,
Assessment on hot shut down condition with ICs submerged this needs to be ensured by carrying out thermal hydraulic studies.
in GDWP, Also, the contribution from small LOCA to CDF will reduce if Leak
Assessment of relief devices capacity to ascertain the Before Break criteria is incorporated in the design. Revised PSA
integrity of pressure boundary study of this reactor is being carried out using the latest design
Assessment of adequacy of ECCS along with mode of in documents.
core safety injection.
R.K. Saraf <>
Studies are also carried out for optimization of ECCS design
parameters and evaluation of moderator as an ultimate heat
sink. Assessment of Leak Rate from the Cracked
This whole task has been achieved with active participation of
the analysis group, reactor trip committee, task force The Leak Before Break(LBB) concept is employed in defense in
committee, design review committee, preliminary safety analysis depth concepts of reactor design to avoid any unstable failure
review committee and safety documentation committee. In the in the pressure boundary, namely carbon steel pipes and
light of number of design changes in 920 MWt design and Zirconium made pressure tubes. The LBB in the pressure
re-assessment of reactor trip parameters, a fresh evaluation of boundary can be ensured when detection, confirmation and
the proposed reactor will be carried out with respect to ECCS location of the leak are carried out and the reactor is placed in
acceptance and fuel failure criteria covering pre-decided PIEs. a depressurized condition before the crack exceeds the critical
Various optimization studies are underway. Limited uncertainty crack length. The LBB concept has been applied for designing
analyses has been done to support best estimate evaluation. the AHWR reactor.
H. G. Lele <>
Comprehensive theoretical and experimental study is going on heat transport system of the PHWR and the AHWR.
to support the LBB concept applied to Primary Heat Transport The maximum operating parameters are 90 bar and 250º C.
System and steam lines for the AHWR and the PHWR. The facility consists of three systems namely the heating system
The theoretical study includes elasto-plastic model development achieved through oil-fired thermic fluid heater, the
for crack opening area and thermal-hydraulic model pressurization system through nitrogen system and the high
development for estimating critical flow rate through crack and pressure and high temperature system which consist of buffer
slits. Over the years various flow models are developed and chamber and test section. The system is instrumented with
validated against the published data specific to Pressurised pressure, flow and temperature sensors. Safety devices and
Water Reactors (PWRs). Prediction of crack flow with crack angle control logic interlocks have been incorporated to ensure safety
variation for PHWR Steam Generator (SG) outlet pipe is in the loop. Four close circuit cameras continuously monitor
furnished (Fig.). Influence of different flow models namely Henry’s the health of the system. Hot commissioning followed by some
Homogeneous Non-Equilibrium Model (HHNM) and Homogeneous experiments in slits has been carried out. Series of experiments
Frozen Model (HFM) on crack flow rate is also shown. A Comparison are planned with slits and cracked pipe to generate a robust
of the computed flow with flow from detectable Leakage Size database with different pressure and different sub-cooling to
Crack (LSC) gives an idea of the order of semi crack angle which validate the developed computer code.
gives a detectable crack flow.
simulating the pressure and temperature condition of primary
The PCCV model has the design pressure (Pd) of 0.39 MPa and the The pre-test predictions with BARC code ULCA published in
best estimate of the ultimate pressure of 3.15 Pd, the lower bound international journals before the release of the experimental data
conservative estimate of the minimum pressure of 2.8 Pd, which the are in excellent agreement with the test results.
test model would at least reach during the test and upper bound
estimate of the maximum collapse pressure of 3.45 Pd; beyond
which the test model is unlikely to remain in pressurized condition
were predicted with the in-house code with 90% confidence level
as per the requirements of the round robin analysis activity. The
subsequent test carried out at Sandia showed that the model had
the limit state test pressure of 3.3 Pd and the structural failure
pressure of 3.6 Pd. BARC computational results have been found to
be among the best of all the predictions.
wall portion
The crack initiation starts at internal pressure of
0.462 N/mm2
R K Singh <>
The through thickness cracking is observed at an internal
pressure of 0.467 N/mm2
The reinforcement yielding starts at an internal pressure
. .
of 0.510 N/mm2
The 0.2 mm crack width is observed at an internal
pressure value of 0.515 N/mm2
Design of AHWR fuel
System (ECCS) water directly over the fuel pins in the event of Loss cooling of ECCS water using electrically heated pins. Leakage of
of Coolant Accident. Six spacers along the length of the cluster water from the flexi collet joint has also been evaluated.
provide the intermediate pin spacing and stiffness to the cluster.
Various components of the fuel cluster like dummy fuel pins, V.Shivakumar <>
shields, top and bottom tie plates, spacers, central rod, collet
joints have been designed and fabricated. A dummy fuel cluster
has been assembled and pressure drop test, endurance test Fuel cycle analysis for AHWR
and vibration tests have been carried out for the cluster at Flow
Test Facility and Integral Test Facility. A short length model of the The AHWR follows a closed fuel cycle with the objective of
fuel cluster showing different components of the fuel cluster has utilisation of plutonium to a minimum and self-sustaining in
been made for display and for better understanding of the fuel
U. The 233
U required for the equilibrium core is planned to
cluster. be generated in-situ. Hence, the initial core of the AHWR would
consist of all (Th-Pu)O2 fuel clusters. There will be a gradual transition
The injection of water from the holes of the central rod was from initial core (Th-Pu)O2 clusters to equilibrium core containing
visualised in a test set up and its flow versus pressure drop both (Th-Pu)O2 and (Th-233U)O2 fuel. The process losses of fissile and
characteristics were obtained. A set up has been designed for fertile material in the reprocessing and refabrication should be
studying the wetting of the fuel pins and effectiveness of spray considered while carrying out the fuel cycle evaluations. The fuel
cycle analysis detailing the movement of fissile and fertile materials
for various combinations of design parameters – from initial core
to transition core to equilibrium cored is being carried out.
The AHWR fuel cycle for the near term, is a closed fuel cycle,
envisaging recycle of both fissile 233U and fertile thoria. The fuel
cycle time is eight years - four years of in-reactor residence time,
two years of cooling, one year of reprocessing and one year of
re-fabrication. For the initial few years, annual reload would consist
of only (Th-Pu)O2 clusters. The spent fuel cluster before reprocessing
would undergo dis-assembly for segregation of (Th-Pu)O2 pins,
(Th-233U)O2 pins, structural materials and burnable absorbers.
The (Th-233U)O2 pins will require a two stream reprocessing process
i.e. separation of thorium and uranium whereas the (Th-Pu)O2 pins
will require a three stream reprocessing process i.e. separation of
thorium, uranium and plutonium. Part of the recovered thoria will
be recycled into the reactor immediately by using it for the
fabrication of (Th-233U)O2 pins. The rest will be stored for 17-20
years by which time it would be similar to freshly mined thorium in
radioactivity and hence will be used to fabricate (Th-Pu)O2 pins.
Natural UO2 from PHWRs produces plutonium which along with long-lived fission products like Iodine and Technetium would be
Depleted Uranium will be used in FBRs for power generation and separated from the bulk of the waste. The R&D work on partitioning
fissile material multiplication. The plutonium required for the AHWR has already commenced. The partitioning technology developed
will come from the PHWRs. Over a long period of time, part of the will be equally applicable to both PHWR and AHWR. Transmutation
plutonium from FBR may also be used in AHWR. The plutonium of minor actinides like Neptunium, Americium and Curium and
from reprocessing of AHWR fuel has low fissile content and will be long-lived fission products like Iodine and Technetium, segregated
sent to FBR. from bulk of the waste from AHWR and PHWR, is planned for the
long-term fuel cycle for AHWR. The design of AHWR offers flexibility
Partitioning of waste is planned for AHWR. The minor actinides to incorporate a wide range of fuel cycles, including those based on
like Np, Am and Cm would be separated from the waste. (Pu-Th)O2 alone.
Similarly higher decay heat materials like Strontium and Cesium and
. Fuel analysis for AHWR out the analysis. The salient results of the analysis for various limiting
parameters are given in the Table.
The performance analysis essentially involves the thermo-mechanical
analysis of fuel by modelling the various phenomena that take place
during its irradiation. The analysis has been carried out by employing
the methodology used for the well-established UO2 fuel using
GAPCON-THERMAL code. The available database on the thoria-
based fuels is quite small. However, even the most conservative
estimates indicate that the thoria-based fuels have an inherent
advantage over the UO2 fuel in terms of the two major performance
bearing parameters thermal conductivity and fission gas release.
Thermal conductivity is considerably higher and the diffusion
coefficient, which is a measure of fission gas release, is lower
for thoria-based fuel. The thermo-physical properties of V.Shivakumar, <>
(Th-Pu)O2 fuel have been incorporated in the code for carrying
1.6 CRITICAL FACILITY The Critical Facility is designed to facilitate study of different core
lattices based on various fuel types, moderator materials and reactivity
A low power Critical Facility is under construction as part of over-all control devices. The reactor is designed for a nominal fission power
technology development program to validate the physics design of of 100 W with an average flux of 108 n/cm2/s. The design provides
the thorium-based Advanced Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR) and flexibility to arrange the fuel inside the core in a precise geometry at
for validation of safety parameters for 540/700 MWe PHWRs as the desired pitch. Reactor criticality is achieved by the manual control
well as advanced fuel designs for the PHWRs. of moderator level in the core.
The nuclear design of the lattice and core of AHWR envisages Initially, three types of cores using heavy water as moderator
the use of a novel 54-pin MOX cluster with different enrichment and reflector will be studied. The three cores are based on
of 233U and 239Pu in Thoria fuel pins with a dysprosium displacer different fuel types viz.
rod at the centre. The nuclear design of the lattice and core of
AHWR envisages the use of a novel 54-pin MOX cluster with 19 pin natural uranium metal fuel clusters to constitute
different enrichment of 233
U and 239
Pu in Thoria fuel pins with a the reference core.
dysprosium displacer rod at the centre. It is designed to have 54 pin (Th-Pu) MOX/ (Th-233U) MOX clusters to constitute
negative void coefficient of reactivity. Fuel assembly the representative AHWR core.
characteristics are evaluated by using transport theory codes 37 pin natural uranium oxide fuel clusters to constitute the
WIMS or CLUB with 69 or 172 group library. The core 540 MWe PHWR core.
calculations are done with few group diffusion theory methods.
For new fuel assembly concepts, as in the AHWR, lattice and Reactor Structure
core characteristics have to be measured in Critical Facility to
validate the above calculations. The reactor consists of a cylindrical Aluminum tank (Reactor
Tank) of 330 cm ID and 500 cm height to accommodate the
fuel, moderator and the shut-off rods. The reactor tank is
adequately sized to provide a radial reflector thickness
(heavy water) of about 40 cm around the core. The reactor
tank, which is open at the top, is connected to a square box
housing the lattice girders from which the fuel assemblies are
suspended. Shut-off rod head-gears are also supported by these
girders. The lattice girders are designed to provide the flexibility
of arranging the fuel clusters in any desired square lattice pitch
≥206 mm. The reactivity addition/regulation of the reactor is
carried out manually through controlled addition of moderator
heavy water to the reactor tank at a pre-determined rate, to
ensure safe limits of reactivity addition rate. Reactor protection
system comprises fast gravity-driven solid shut-off rods.
During long-term shutdown of the reactor, moderator
dumping will maintain.
Reactor Block assemblies and reactivity control devices and offer flexibility of
configuring the desired core lattice, at the required pitch.
The reactor is housed in a concrete reactor block. The concrete The lattice girder assemblies can be spaced as desired with the
wall of the reactor block provides shielding in radial direction. help of centre zero scale provided along the side of stainless
Shielding in axial direction is provided by two motor-operated steel rail beams.
movable shield trolleys provided at the top. The reactor block is
located inside a reactor building.
The reactor tank, square box and lattice girders which support
fuel and control assemblies are housed inside a cavity in
the reactor block. The reactor tank accommodates the fuel,
moderator and shut off rods. The tank is open at the top to
facilitate connection with a square box through an elastomer
expansion joint.
Square Box
The fast-acting shut off rods are used as primary shutdown system. Initially, three types of cores using heavy water as moderator
Fast shut down of the reactor on a trip signal is achieved by gravity and reflector are planned to be studied.
fall of six-cadmium (Cd encased in Al) shut off rods into the core.
The shut-down system is designed to provide sufficient negative The AHWR representative core of the Critical Facility is a variant
reactivity insertion reliably, for fast reduction of reactor power to of the reference core, wherein, initially the central nine natural
render the reactor sub-critical following a reactor trip. The shut off uranium clusters of the reference core will be replaced by 54
rods are normally parked above the core region. The total worth of pin (Th-Pu)/(Th-233U) oxide clusters to simulate the initial and
equilibrium AHWR core. Eventually the core will be made critical
with (Th-Pu)/ (Th-U233) oxide clusters alone. The central cluster
in the representative core is expected to have the spectrum
very close to actual AHWR spectrum.
fuel cluster. The lattice physics experiments will be carried out in three
. Measurement of Dynamic and static worth of reactivity phases, i.e., Reference core, AHWR representative core and
devices PHWR core.
. Lattice cell parameters
. Assessment of coolant void reactivity Natural metallic uranium cluster for reference core
. Measurement of Worth of Dysprosium burnable poison
in ThO2 & (Th-Pu)O2 and (Th-233U)O2 in AHWR clusters. The reference core will contain natural metallic uranium clusters
. Reaction rate and initial conversion ratio measurements at 55 lattice locations arranged at a square pitch of 245 mm.
. The flux distribution measurements with Cu/Au wires The metallic uranium cluster will be hung from the top of girders
and foils through an extension assembly consisting of a top adaptor and
. On-line measurements by distributed set of Fission an extension rod. The cluster consists of 19 pins of uranium
Chambers. clad in aluminium arranged in two rings of six and twelve pins
. Spectrum measurements by Lutetium and other activation around a central pin. They are held between top and bottom
detectors – High Purity foil materials ( Cu, Au) for thermal, tie plates, which are welded to the aluminium fuel tube. The
with Cd cover for epithermal and threshold detectors like
In, Ni, Fe, Ti, Zn etc, 237Np coated foils to be used with
SSNTD for fast neutron measurements
. Special fuel foils for measuring various reaction rates.
. U foils of different 235
U/238U contents
. Pu foils with different 239
Pu/240Pu contents
. 233
U foils with different 233U/234U content.
AHWR Representative Core fabricated. This cluster will be used to demonstrate the assembly
and testing of the handling tools (for pins and for cluster as a
The AHWR representative core will be constituted by replacing whole). Short length solid S S bars are used to simulate fuel pins but
central 3 x 3 array of natural metallic uranium clusters by AHWR other components like tie-plates, closure plug etc. are of full scale.
fuel clusters. They will be hung from the top in a similar way to Removal type of central rod has been made and will also be used for
the reference core clusters. The experiments will be carried out tool testing.
with sets of clusters – 1st set consisting of nine all (Th-Pu) MOX
cluster and 2nd set of nine clusters containing (Th-Pu)MOX and K.Anantharaman <>
The prototype drive mechanism has been tested for more than
5000 cycles on full-scale test facility. Design basis report has been
1.7 DESIGN OF COMPONENTS AND PROCES S The Design Basis Reports (DBRs) and Detailed Project Report (DPR)
SYSTEMS OF THE AHWR of process and safety systems of 920 MWt AHWR have been
approximately 2237 kg/s at nominal operating conditions. Water Pool. The advanced accumulator is designed to provide
The average core exit quality is about 18.7 % for the rated a large amount of cold water directly into the core in the early
reactor operating conditions. stage of LOCA and then switches passively to inject small amount
for a longer duration to quench the core. This passive switching
The two-phase mixture leaving the core is separated into steam is achieved by the Fluidic Flow Control Device of the advanced
and water in the steam drum. The steam-water separation in accumulator.
the AHWR steam drum is achieved naturally by gravity without
the use of mechanical separators. During hot shut down The system consists of four accumulators containing 240 m3
condition, the decay heat is removed using main condenser. of water pressurised by nitrogen at 5.0 MPa pressure. During
However, in case of non-availability of main condenser, Isolation the event of large pipe rupture i.e., the inlet header rupture,
Condensers will remove the decay heat in passive mode. MHT pressure falls due to blow down, and cold water from the
accumulators enters the reactor core. The high pressure injection
Emergency Core Cooling System lines are provided with rupture discs, check valves and isolation
valves. The low pressure injection from GDWP initiates after
The Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) in the AHWR isolation of accumulators by closing the valves.
provides cooling to the fuel in passive mode during first fifteen
minutes of LOCA by high pressure injection from Advanced
Accumulator and later for three days from the Gravity Driven
Important Design Features of Process & Safety based on the limitations like size of the heat exchanger and
Systems to Improve Plant Performance & Safety temperature cross.
Moderator heat utilisation The economic benefit in terms of electric power gain is
considerable compared to capital cost involved in additional to
Heat generated in heavy water moderator and heat transferred and fro feed water piping from turbine building to reactor
from fuel channel to moderator is generally transferred to building, additional heat exchangers and valves. The efficiency
process water in circulation loop, which goes as waste heat. In of steam cycle is 33.4% after utilisation of moderator heat.
AHWR, the moderator system is designed to utilize the optimum
quantity of heat to improve the thermal power output at Turbine Passive Moderator Cooling System during Station
Generator (TG). Out of 58 MWt moderator heat, 36 MWt is Black Out
utilised to heat the condensate feed water before the LP heaters
in steam cycle. With heat utilization the condensate is heated from Passive moderator cooling is designed to avoid boiling of
44ºC to 68ºC, resulting in saving of steam extraction requirement moderator and to avoid release of tritium from moderator cover
of 51.72 T/h from LP Turbine and thereby generating 3.42 MWe gas due to pressure rise in the event of Station Black Out (SBO).
power. Feasibility study is completed and detailed design is under
The moderator outlet temperature is increased to utilize the
maximum heat. The heat utilization is optimized keeping the The passive moderator cooling system removes 2 MW
sufficient time margin (~3-4 h) for moderator to reach boiling moderator heat by a heat exchanger suitably elevated from the
temperature during station black out condition and also heat source center i.e. core. Both tube side heavy water
moderator and shell side Gravity Driven Water Pool (GDWP) water steam pressure. A rupture disc is provided between the passive
circulate in the heat exchanger by buoyancy force. GDWP with valve and the steam drum for releasing the steam to valve by rupture
6000 m3 water inventory serves as heat sink. Heat exchanger and action at over pressure above the trip set pressures for SDS#1 or
the connecting piping are designed to minimise the pressure drop SDS#2.
to achieve the required flow by natural circulation.
The AHWR coolant channel has many features which facilitates on- yoke assembly attached to top and bottom end fittings
power fuelling, direct injection of cold water from emergency core respectively. Bottom end fittings are provided with feeder
cooling system to hot fuel pins in the event of LOCA, easy couplings to connect it with feeders, which are welded to Inlet
replaceability of pressure tube, suitable interfaces with Main Header. Lower ends of tail pipes are welded to top end fittings
Heat Transport (MHT) system, as well as annular gap to separate and top ends of tail pipes are connected to steam drum.
the hot pressure tube ( 285 C ) from surrounding cold moderator
( 65oC ). Fuel assembly is located inside the pressure tube and is inserted and
taken out of the channel through the top end fitting. The top end
Design Description fitting has suitable features to support and locate the fuel assembly
along with the shield plugs in its designed location and to interface
Coolant channel consists of cold worked Zr-2.5Nb pressure tube with the fuelling machine to carry out fuelling operations. After
in the reactor core region, which is extended by stainless steel fuelling is over, the top end fitting is closed using a seal plug which
end fittings at the top and the bottom. The coolant channel is butts against a seal face provided in the bore of the end fitting.
located and locked in its position by anti-torque hardware and
Operational Details
Light water coolant from MHT System enters the coolant channels
through bottom end fittings, which are connected to feeders.
Coolant at 259OC flows past the fuel assembly by removing the
heat generated by nuclear reaction and flows out as steam-water
mixture at 285OC through the tail pipe to the steam drums where
steam is separated and sent to turbine.
Rolled Joint End of Top End Fitting
Easy Replaceability of Pressure Tube
The estimated life of pressure tube in this reactor is about 30 years Feeder Coupling
due to various degrading mechanisms such as irradiation creep,
corrosion and hydrogen pick up. Easier replaceability of Pressure Feeders are connected to the bottom end fittings by feeder couplings.
tube is taken into consideration in the design to reduce the duration This is a special compact mechanical coupling with a self-energising
of shut down of the reactor, man-rem exposure and the cost of metal seal as sealing element which requires lower tightening load
replacement. Certain features are provided in its design for the than other mechanical couplings. The effectiveness of sealing increases
above purpose and are described below. with pressure in this coupling. The bottom end of the bottom end
fitting is provided with an in-built hub and the feeder is also ending
Pressure tube with a suitable hub. These hubs are provided with a taper on its
outer portion and the inner side of clamp is provided with a matching
Replacement of pressure tube has been planned by removing it taper. When the clamp is tightened over the hubs, they become
along with bottom end fitting, through the bore of the top end closer and the required amount of tightening load is applied on the
fitting. This has been achieved by keeping the bore of the top end sealing element. The feeder coupling has been designed and
fitting more than the maximum outside diameter of pressure tube, developed on the basis of performance tests.
after considering the irradiation induced diametrical creep of 4 %
and the outside diameter of the bottom end fitting. In view of this
and the rolled joint
requirements, pressure tube is
designed to have an out side
diameter of 133 mm and
thickness of 6.1 mm at the top
end and 90 mm outside
diameter at the bottom end.
Rolled Joint
Pressure tube
Pressure tube is joined to top end fitting with a rolled joint, which
can be assembled and tested remotely. The rolled joint can be
detached by shock heat method. Top end fitting which is not planned
to be removed during pressure tube replacement, is provided with
an additional set of rolled joint grooves which could be used for
making the second joint.
V. Joemon <>
in the case of 220 MWe PHWR calandria tube rolled joint, as will be used to transfer power from the induction-heating machine
estimated analytically is given in the Figure. to the work coil. In order to apply axial load during detachment
work, a tool has been designed, as illustrated in figure.
In order to estimate the various parameters involved and to
optimize their values, a mock up facility is being set up. To K Madhusoodan <>
reduce transmission loss, coaxial cable is being purchased, which
linkages. The test results are highly encouraging. conception of design, development of prototype working model,
development of testing set up, fabrication and testing prototype
On the passive damper side simple spring loaded disc critically model, test data interpretations and subsequent design
designed to allow a particular range of flow is being developed. modifications. Presently work is being carried out to design, fabricate
The disc automatically closes when there are instantaneous & test a damper suitable for the conditions specified in AHWR
increases in air velocity in the duct. reactors and also to fabricate a damper to establish the design
principles of Passive Dampers.
The active damper along with passive dampers in series can
provide a perfect solution to the need of positive and reliable
isolation of any nuclear reactors. The major works involved are
P. S. Shetty <>
1.8 FUEL HANDLING FOR AHWR channel. Considering the shielding requirement and long and heavy
Collet joint has been used for joining different components of fuel
assembly. All the above components have been tested in reactor-
Investigations on the stability
simulated conditions and design has been proven.
characteristics of the Advanced Heavy
Water Reactor
Modelling the natural circulation static and dynamic instability feed back. To simulate the out-of-phase instability in the AHWR
characteristics of the AHWR have been carried out using two core, a mathematical model has been developed based on the modal
computer codes TINFLO-A and TINFLO-S. These codes have been point kinetics model. The out-of-phase instability behaviour of the
developed to predict the static instabilities such as Ledinegg type AHWR considering the coupled multi-point kinetics model and modal
and the density-wave instabilities of the reactor respectively. point kinetics model has been compared.
Computer code TINFLO-S can simulate the interactions of several
parallel boiling channels of the reactor to induce the out-of-phase Influence of void reactivity feedback and fuel time constant on the
instability in the reactor when operated under natural circulation thermal hydraulic stability behaviour of the AHWR has been analysed.
conditions. To analyse the flow pattern transition instability in the Effect of delayed neutrons on the reactor stability has also been
reactor, the model considers the flow pattern transition criteria and analysed. Constant decay ratio lines, which are indications of the
flow pattern specific pressure drop models both in single and two- stability margin of the reactor, were predicted at the rated pressure
phase regions of the horizontal and vertical sections of the reactor.
quality conditions, a slight change in quality due to any disturbance instability. Moreover, the frequency of oscillation is very less in the
can cause a large change in void fraction and consequently in the AHWR (<0.08 Hz) as compared to that normally observed in vessel
driving head to induce oscillations. Whereas Type II instabilities occur type BWRs (>0.5 Hz) due to very long feeder pipes in the AHWR
at high power conditions when the quality is high. The two-phase main heat transport system. Due to the low frequency of oscillations,
frictional pressure loss may be high owing to the smaller two-phase the Type I and Type II thermal hydraulic instabilities can get suppressed
mixture density. Having a large void fraction will increase the void with the negative void reactivity feed back inherent with the neutronic
propagation time delay in the two-phase region of the system. characteristics of the core. To study the neutron field dynamics, a
Under these conditions, any small fluctuation in flow can cause a coupled multipoint kinetics model is used.
larger fluctuation of the two-phase frictional pressure loss due to
fluctuation of density and flow to induce the oscillations in the The codes developed are currently validated with in-house data and
system. other commercial codes like RELAP5. As a future course of this
activity, four equation drift flux model of the AHWR configuration
will be used to assess its stability and compared with the
homogeneous model. Stability behaviour of the AHWR considering
carry-under will form part of the simulation studies.
The Type I instabilities is of concern for the AHWR operation, especially Simulations have confirmed the stability of single-phase as well as
during the power raising process, start-up, set-back and shut down two-phase natural circulation during the reactor start-up, with
conditions. However, since the heat generation rate is less, it may stage-wise external pressurization and low power heat up.
not cause occurrence of CHF in the channels. However, the reactor This scheme requires an external boiler with a pressure rating of 70
operation at these conditions may not be possible and to avoid bar. Further start-up case studies at lower system pressure have
them, a suitable operation procedure needs to be worked out. On also been investigated. The results of these simulations are discussed
the other hand, the Type II instabilities occur at much higher power, below.
beyond the reactor trip set point. Hence, it is not of concern for
the AHWR operation. Variation of core flow during reactor start-up with an
external stage-wise pressurization
The frequency of oscillations at different operating conditions are
estimated and also shown in the same figure. It is observed that the Pressurization is carried out in such a way that cold pressurization
frequency of Type II instabilities is much larger than that for Type I limits for structural components is not exceeded. In this scheme
Start-up procedure
with onetime external
pressurization of system at
10 bar
Reactor start-up with one time pressurisation and boiling inception at 10 bar
. Flow pattern transition instability loop The facility was also used for the investigation of pressurized start-
up procedure in natural circulation systems. This facility also
Instabilities due to flow pattern transition in natural circulation generated a few data points for critical heat flux under oscillatory
reactors are reported to occur while operating near the slug flow natural circulation flow.
to annular flow transition regions. The primary reason for this
instability is that the frictional pressure loss in slug flow is more than
that in annular flow. Therefore, while operating near the slug to
annular flow transition condition, a slight increase in power leads to
annular flow. Due to the lower pressure drop in annular flow, the
flow rate tends to increase. The increased flow rate reduces steam
production and hence the flow reverts back to the slug flow regime.
Now due to the larger frictional pressure drop, flow reduces causing
more steam production and the flow switches to annular regime
once again. The process repeats itself and is known as flow pattern
transition instability. The main objectives of the experiments were
to generate data for
bubbly flow to slug flow transition,
slug flow to annular flow transition,
void fraction and
flow pattern specific pressure drop.
The steady state analysis shows a close agreement with the theoretical
results. Void fraction assessment with the various correlations has
yielded in identifying few correlations which can be used for low
mass flux systems such as natural circulation systems. A photograph
of the facility as it was erected in the Apsara reactor hall and few
typical experimental results are illustrated.
Comparison of experimental and calculated To account for the density variation in the buoyancy term, a new
mass flow rates
parameter βh , which is the volumetric thermal expansion co-efficient
and defined as h as been used, where, νm is mean
specific volume and h is the enthalpy at that pressure and quality.
. Development
Correlation for
of Generalized
Tw o - P h a s e
Circulation Loops
ITL is a scaled facility which simulates the main heat transport system . Generation of database for the performance
(MHTS), Emergency Core cooling System (ECCS), Isolation Condenser evaluation of the following systems in the
System (ICS) along with the associated controls of the AHWR. The plant environment
scaling philosophy for the ITL facility is based on the 3-level approach Natural circulation in the MHT loop
in which integral, local phenomena and boundary flow (mass and Steam separation process in the steam drum
energy) effects are given due importance. Fluidic device in the advanced accumulator
Gravity driven cooling system
The integral (or global) scaling is based on the power-to-volume Isolation condenser system and
scaling philosophy. Care has been taken to preserve important local Active shutdown cooling system
phenomena, which can significantly influence the integral behaviour. Evolution of a start-up procedure, generation of
Typical examples are CHF (critical heat flux) in the core simulator, database for plant transients and accident
steam-water separation in the steam drum etc. Important boundary scenarios like LOCA
flow effects simulated are that due to emergency coolant injection,
feed water injection, etc. The facility is a single channel test facility
simulating the full elevation, pressure and temperature of the AHWR.
Advanced Accumulator
Scaling Philosophy
has been predicted. The predicted steady state mass flow rate was
Comparison of stability maps between AHWR found to increase with power. With reduction in pressure, void
and ITL with single channel for in-phase fraction and buoyancy force increases, which increase the mass
mode of oscillation
flow rate. The start up can be associated with following types of
instabilities e.g. geysering, flashing and low quality density wave
Pre-Test analysis instability. Typical start-up transient at 2% power (40 kW) with an
initial pressurization of 20 bar is shown in the Figure. As soon as the
To gain an insight in to system thermal hydraulics a pre-test analysis boiling starts at 25000 s the low quality density wave instability sets
has been carried out using non-homogeneous, non-equilibrium in. This instability dies out as the system pressure rises. The power
two fluid thermal hydraulic code RELAP5/MOD3.2. The steady state raising from 2% to 100% (2035 kW) at 0.5 % per second shows
and transient (e.g. startup and power raising) performance of ITL stable operation.
Comparison of steady state mass flow rates Variation of steam drum pressure
at various powers
The facility has been installed and commissioned in all respects and
experiments that are planned are listed as follows
Station blackout at various system pressures and powers
Loss Of Coolant Accident (LOCA) simulation with various header
break sizes at various system pressures and powers
Simulation and evolution of the start-up procedure for
various system pressures and sub cooling
Natural circulation experiments at different powers, pres
sures and subcooling
Performance evaluation of the Active ShutDown Cooling
System (ASDCS)
Performance evaluation of the Fluidic Flow Control Device
However, due to uncertainty in the prediction of the complex A two-phase multiplier (Φ2LO) for 54 rods fuel cluster was calculated
phenomena of CHF there is a need to substantiate the prediction of by taking the ratio of two phase pressure drop and single phase
the thermal margin by experimental data in simulated geometrical pressure drop across the bundle. A correlation is derived using the
and operating conditions of AHWR. In view of this, a CHF program experimental two phase multiplier data. The present correlation
has been formulated to generate experimental data on rod bundle was able to predict the experimental data with an error band of
CHF. A tubular test section for the CHF experimental set up has 20%.
been installed and experiments are in progress. The fuel rod simulator
for the CHF experiment has also been designed and is being Single-phase pressure drop experiments have been carried out in
fabricated. The Freon CHF data is planned to be generated and the 3 MW Boiling Water Loop (BWL) for 52 rods cluster. The
equivalent water data can be evaluated using the fluid to fluid components like shield plug, collet and rod bundle were fabricated
modeling approach. and installed in the coolant channel test section in 3 MW BWL.
Single phase pressure data have been generated and
analysed. A typical result for the pressure drop across shield plug of
D. K. Chandraker <> AHWR coolant channel is presented below. It can be seen that the
shield plug loss coefficients reduces exponentially with the Reynolds
Experimental Measurement of Pressure
Drop Across Various Components of AHWR
Fuel Bundle
Single phase water and two phase air-water experiments were carried
out in flow test facility with 52 rods cluster (with five and six spacers)
to generate pressure drop data for the bundle and its various
components. The total pressure drop across the bundle with five
spacers was found be 3-6% less than that with six spacers.
The single phase variation of fuel friction factor i.e., the resistance
offered by the wall surface to the flow, the variation of loss coefficient
i.e., resistance to flow due to shape or flow geometry change
across tie-plates and spacer are shown in the illustration.
The experiments were also carried out for Reynolds Numbers in the
range of 7900 to 79000 with 54 rods cluster with six spacers for
single phase and two-phase.
Variation fuel friction factor (single-phase) Variation of loss coefficient across tie plates (single phase)
. AHWR fuel cluster vibration studies. microns and tube vibrations are insignificantly low. Due to these
observed level of vibrations, the possibility of putting just five spacers
The fuel bundle vibration induced by high velocity coolant flow is an instead of original six spacers is under review. Such a design change
important issue that needs to be addressed for ensuring its is expected to reduce the pressure drop in the channel, which is a
satisfactory performance in the reactor. Normally the coolant flow desirable feature for the natural circulation loops in AHWR.
has the potential to excite the bundle and the fuel elements
inside it. This excitation can give rise to low amplitude vibrations The illustration shows the vibration spectrum of the cluster and the
that are enough to cause inter element rubbing. There are many frequency band of flow excitation for five and six
reported incidences of fret related damages to fuel bundles due to spacers in the cluster. The vibration spectrums of
rubbing in all type of reactors. The vibration studies on AHWR fuel five spacers and six spacers cluster show similarity in its
cluster was taken up in an experimental facility to assess the fuel contents. The cluster modes around 5 Hz and 11 Hz can be
cluster/element vibration. clearly seen in both the spectra. There are no other indications that
could be attributed to significant fuel element vibrations in both
AHWR fuel cluster is a 4.3 meter long slender structure made up of the cases.
52 fuel rods of 11.5 mm diameter. The bottom and the top of the
cluster have collets and the fuel tubes are held by spacers along its The fluid fluctuation spectra for both the cases also show
length to maintain gap between the tubes and to similarity except for minor variations of little consequence.
provide guide support to the fuel rods. The cluster is housed inside
a coolant channel through
which the coolant flows from
bottom to top. The coolant
flow, which is driven by natural
circulation, induces vibration in
the fuel rods. In order to
characterise the dynamic
behaviour of the cluster, study
has been carried out to assess
the fuel rod and cluster
vibration in a simulated flow
test facility.
A.Ramarao <>
. Development
Fuel Rods
of Indirectly Heated conductors of electricity. Very high heat flux can be achieved in this
type of FRS. However, for unsteady state tests, simulation of stored
heat is extremely difficult in such a design. For safety related
The safety of nuclear reactor is to be ensured not only under normal experiments, fast transients are involved, the stored energy and
operating conditions, but also under transient and transfer of stored energy in fuel play an important role. Indirectly
accident conditions. Loss Of Coolant Accident (LOCA) is one of the heated FRS, which simulates stored energy better, is preferred for
postulated accidents, the course of which is strongly such applications. In indirectly heated FRS, the heating element is
dependent on thermal hydraulic characteristics of the reactor core, kept inside the clad tube and the gap is filled up with the ceramic
comprising of fuel rods. The complex nature of the powders compacted to a certain density to achieve high thermal
phenomena occurring during accidents calls for extensive conductivity of the powders.
experimental investigations. Electrically heated Fuel Rod
Simulators (FRSs) are extensively used to simulate nuclear Indirectly heated Fuel Rod Simulators (FRSs) have been developed
heating (particularly decay heat) in out-of-pile experiments. The to perform out-of-pile thermo-hydraulic experiments. Two types
designs of FRS are mainly categorized into directly heated fuel rod of FRS (one with and the other without gas gap) have been fabricated
simulators and indirectly heated fuel rod simulators. In directly heated and tested. The FRS with gas gap has been tested in 3 MW Boiling
type FRS, current is passed directly through the tube which Water Loop (BWL) up to 35% of AHWR fuel rod rated power while
geometrically simulates the cladding of a nuclear fuel rod. This type the one without gas gap has been tested up to 130% of rated
of FRS finds application in experiments related to steady state heat power.
transfer in single and two-phase flow of fluids, which are non-
(a) (b)
Fuel Rod Cluster Simulator: a) Different Components b) Installed at Integral Test Facility
A. Borgohain <>
distribution and
investigation of (a) carry-over phenomena
i.e., entrainment of water droplets
in the air going out of the pool and (b)
carry under phenomena i.e.,
entrainment of air bubbles along
with the water flowing to the down comer
Although this set-up is built to study sensitivity to the process Mimic Flow Diagram
parameters of flow sharing between parallel coolant channels,
modular construction makes it a versatile tool useful for a wide
variety of other studies in the area like reactor start up
procedures, possible channel flow reversal, effectiveness of flow H.P.Vyas <>
pattern control devices and effect of change in system
. Investigations
instability and
on parallel
of void
reactivity feedback in the Parallel
Channel Loop
For providing insight in to the flow distribution at different power well as unequally heated channels,
levels flow, temperatures and power of individual channels are generation of out-of-phase (regional) and in-phase
monitored. The channel flows are measured using a specially designed (global) instability maps,
low-flow, low-loss venturi meters. The process parameters are void fraction measurement using conductance probe,
displayed on-line in the mimic flow diagram by a PC-based data simulation of neutronic feed back on thermal hydraulic
acquisition system. oscillations,
. study of carryover and carryunder: demonstration using When the water level in the accumulators is above the standpipe
transparent sections in riser and downcomer, the water enters the fluid flow control device through both the
study of low-pressure two-phase instabilities like flashing inlets i.e., stand pipe and side connection, and since the flow is
and geysering, smooth, a large flow of water is discharged from the
Effect of nano-particles on natural circulation and stability. accumulators. When the water level in the accumulators drops
below the top of the stand pipe, the water enters the chamber
The pre-test analysis are carried out using RELAP5/Mod3.2 and the through the side connection only, which is tangential to the
illustration represents a typical instability obtained using this code. chamber. This increases the flow resistance, due to formation of
vortex, resulting in reduction of flow.
Dr. A.K. Nayak <> Three devices of different dimensions have been fabricated to
evaluate their performance. The objectives of the scaled model are
. Studies on Thermal Stratification PHOENICS. Simulation of whole isolation condensers will be carried
out to study the thermal stratification phenomenon in GDWP pool.
Thermal stratification denotes the formation of horizontal layers Based on these simulations, the configuration of isolation condensers
of fluid of varying temperature with the warmer layers of fluid will be proposed such that the effect of thermal stratification is
placed above the cooler ones. Thermal stratification is minimized.
encountered in large pools of water increasingly being used as heat
sink in new generation of advanced reactors like GDWP of AHWR in
which Isolation Condensers are immersed.
Temperature contours after 15000 s for constant heat flux of 500 W/m 2
Velocity vectors after 15000 s for constant heat flux of 500 W/m 2
Design of the Passive External Condenser (PEC) for PCCS has been
carried out. A computer code CONISA (CONdensation In Steam-Air
mixture) has been developed to estimate the heat transfer coefficient,
for steady-state free convective film condensation in presence of
noncondensable gas where the steam condenses on the cooling
surface. The model has been validated against experimental data
available in literature. The results have also been compared with the
correlations developed by Uchida and Dehbi. The variation of heat
transfer coefficient with change in air (noncondensable gas) mass
fraction in the steam-air mixture is illustrated. To validate this model,
an experimental setup has been fabricated, installed and
Schematic of Passive External Condenser
In severe accidents, other noncondensable gases like hydrogen can rays. The 16N activity i.e., the radionuclide production and the
get mixed with the steam-air mixture making the treatment of thermal power are directly proportional to the neutron flux and
multicomponent noncondensable gases having different mass hence 16N activity is used for on line power measurement. Coolant
diffusion coefficient important. The computer code CONISA has flow measurement is obtained from the transit time measurement,
been modified to account for the multicomponent noncondensable i.e., by cross correlating 16N noise signals from two detectors,
gases mixed with vapour. A computer code CONFIN has also been placed along the flow path of the coolant.
developed for the passive external condenser to account for finned
were located 2 cm away from the surface of the coolant pipeline,
positioned by mild steel platforms. The signals were captured and
Measurement of Reactor Power and Flow analysed in the FFT analyzer from the reactor hall. The power and
Using 16
N gamma signals the flow measurements have been carried out at different power
levels from start up to 40 MWt. The dc output signals were found
The power and flow measurement technique using N signals is an
to be proportional to the power level. The measured transit time
on-line and non-intrusive method, independent of the flow regimes. was 156 ms and the corresponding calculated velocity was
Hence this measurement technique is of importance to the AHWR. 5.76±0.17 m/s and the corresponding flow rate worked out to be
The thermal power & flow measurement experiments have been 2.34±0.07x104 l/min, which agreed well with the actual flow rate
carried out in Dhruva reactor. The results are given in the illustrations. of 2.18x104 l/min, indicated by the venturi flow meter. The
experiments have been repeated with 6Li glass scintillation detector
N is produced in the core by fast neutron activation of O of the
and similar results were observed, (BARC Report/2002/I/023).
coolant and decays with a half-life of 7.35 s emitting 7 MeV gamma
Capacitance type on-line void fraction measuring system
Void Fraction Measurement by Conductivity Probe
Two Phase Mass Flux Measurement by Pitot Tubes
Assembly and Gamma Densitometer
Rotating Electric Field Admittance Probe
J.Aparna <>
Normalised response of sensor with 30° angular apertures S.S. Jana <>
with air bubble injection on X-Y plane
Detail of Industrial sensor measure local void fraction the Single point conductivity probe and
Five point conductivity probes were developed.
Principle of Measurement of the pipe can be regarded as consisting of a circle and two annuli
all of equal area, with one electrode monitoring the circle and two
The principle of measurement is based on the difference electrodes monitoring each of the annuli.
in conductivity between liquid and gaseous phase.
When probe tip in contact with liquid phase,
the circuit between two electrodes is closed, whereas
the circuit is opened as soon as probe tip touches the
The time averaged local void
fraction is given by
α ∑ i=1,2,3……N
very little disturbance in flow path, which is very important for two
phase natural circulation studies. Flow regime identification is possible
using chordal void fluctuations.
is proportional to the admittance between the sensor electrodes. A A computer code has been developed to carry out steady state and
reference sensor, which produces a signal proportional to the stability analysis of a super critical water Natural Circulation Loop
admittance of the single-phase liquid, is used to compensate for (NCL). Using the computer code, steady state analysis has been
the changes in the admittance of the liquid due to variations in the carried out to obtain the parametric effects on the natural circulation
temperature and concentration of impurities. The relative
admittance of these two sensors gives the void fraction of the two-
phase mixture. The sensor details are given in the figure. The probe
electronics measures magnitude and phase of the admittance. By
measuring relative variations in conductive and capacitive
components and fluid impedance particularly the phase angle, the
flow distributions can be identified. The phase velocities can be
predicted from the transit time signals obtained from the pair of
probes by random signal analysis methods.
Rajalakshmi R <>
Super critical fluids have the advantage that there is no phase change
above the critical point (CP) eliminating the occurrence of the critical
heat flux phenomenon. The large variation in thermal expansion
coefficient near the CP can be exploited for designing natural
circulation-based Super Critical Water Reactors (SCWRs). From the
viewpoint of design, it is essential to identify the operating
parameters near the CP such that high circulation rate and hence
high heat transfer rates are achievable during natural circulation. In
Effect of L/D on stability behaviour
addition, it is desirable to operate such loops in a stable condition,
which requires identification of the stable and unstable zones by a
stability analysis. Experimental determination of stable and unstable
zone in loops of different diameters is planned.
flow rate in a supercritical loop. The loop has been designed for 300 suggested. The evaluation of INPRO methodology for the AHWR
bar pressure and 400 C temperature.
comprised of:
the reactor,
listing the attributes affecting each of
1.10 E V A L U A T I O N OF DESIGN BY INPRO the design features and
METHODOLOGY evaluating effect of INPRO parameters on
each of the attributes.
BARC participated in the IAEA initiated International Project on
Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO) which involved This procedure was well appreciated by the agency. The case study
evolving a methodology for evaluation of innovative nuclear reactors has been completed and a final report has been sent to IAEA
and fuel cycles. The AHWR has been accepted as a case study to test containing the description of the plant, near and
the adequacy of INPRO methodology, to suggest any changes, if long-term fuel cycle of AHWR, review of the Basic Principles, User
needed and to evaluate AHWR using INPRO methodology. The Requirements and the Criteria, salient design features of AHWR and
methodology consists of application of basic principles, user case study evaluation.
requirements and criteria in six areas of economics, environment, &
sustainability, safety of nuclear installations including fuel cycle facility, The following table is part of the evaluation of INPRO
waste management, proliferation resistance and cross cutting issues. methodology for AHWR in the area of fuel cycle. The different
design features of AHWR related to fuel cycle are listed and their
The basic principles, user requirements and the criteria in all the effects on different areas of INPRO parameters are indicated.
above-mentioned six areas were reviewed and modifications were
K. Anantharaman <>
M.G. Andhansare <>
The present nuclear power programme in India is based mainly on a series of 220 MWe pressurised heavy water reactors. These reactors use
pressure tube technology with natural uranium as fuel and heavy water as moderator and coolant. Currently, there are fifteen PHWRs in
operation including 540 MWe TAPS 4, the first of its kind in India. This chapter highlights the current R&D activities being carried out in the field
of physics design & safety assessment, fuel management studies, on-line flux mapping systems, fuelling machine testing, design of control and
shut off rod mechanisms, experimental studies and severe accident programmes.
2.1 FUEL MANAGEMENT STUDIES TO OPTIMIZE . Use of depleted uranium in the initial fuel loading of the
FUEL UTILIZATION IN INDIAN PHWRs new reactors and the reactors started after en-mass
coolant channel replacement activity.
The optimised fuel management makes the best use of the fuel and Use of depleted uranium and deeply depleted uranium
therefore reduces the unit energy cost. Hence different possible (about 0.3% w/w) fuel in the initial fuel loading of TAPS-4
alternatives have been studied to optimise the fuel utilisation in reactor (540 MWe).
Indian PHWRs. A few of them have been successfully implemented
in the power reactors. Fuel management code TRIVENI is being Lattice calculations for MOX-7,MOX-97, MOX-888 clusters
used in all the power stations. The equilibrium core optimisation and equilibrium core burnup optimisation studies have been carried
studies have been performed by TAQUIL and the snapshot core out for the PHWRs. Feasibility studies have been carried out for the
calculations were performed by TRIVENI. use of thorium MOX cluster such as MOX-Th24, MOX-Th20 in
PHWRs. The core calculations with regard to the utilisation of MOX-
The following burnup optimisation studies have been carried out 7 cluster as well as MOX-888 cluster along with natural uranium
to improve the fuel utilisation in Indian PHWRs. at large scale in PHWRs have also been carried out.
. Full power operation with corner adjusters fully withdrawn The operation in the peaked flux distribution scheme has been
from the core. implemented at all the PHWRs and more than 30% saving in natural
Reactor operation at reduced power with peaked flux uranium has been achieved. Usage of depleted uranium in PHWRs
distribution. has been implemented at RAPP-3&4 & KGS-1&2 and 30% saving in
Regular use of Depleted Uranium (DU) fuel at full natural uranium has been realised. Test irradiation of 50 bundles of
power operation. MOX-7 is under progress at KAPS-1. Existing PHWRs can use 40%
of MOX-7 or MOX-888 along with natural uranium.
2.2 REACTOR PHYSICS DESIGN AND SAFETY discharge burnup have been carried out. The evaluation of trial
ASSESSMENT OF PHWRS irradiation of Pu MOX bundles in KAPS-1 reactor has been
Modification of the fuel management code TRIVENI as and when These are called the Flux Mapping ( FM ) detectors. They are one
required and inclusion of special features such as the supply of pitch (28.6 cms) in length and made to measure the point
latest nuclear data files for better estimations of reactivity thermal flux at their locations. The electrical signal generated in
coefficients is one of the important ongoing activities. the FM detectors is due to the b decay of V. The relevant reaction
Dynamic configuration validation FPDs) mode set. The in situ testing and fine tuning the response of
OFMS will be undertaken as and when the full power operation of
Under this scheme, the OFMS software is extensively tested in the reactor commences.
dynamic close loop environment. A space-time kinetics code with
dynamic RRS feed-back, xenon feed-back and temperature feed- A.K.Kulkarni <>
back is developed for this purpose. A detector model for both
vanadium and cobalt SPNDs is also included to give realistic estimate
of detector readings. This validation gave the insight to the adequacy
of the FM system.
PHWR fuel
Experimental validation
mode set used in OFMS software. Therefore the complete set of 29 A 19-rod MOX bundle has been designed for loading in PHWRs and
flux shapes will be changed depending upon the core irradiation 50 of these bundles have been loaded in the KAPS reactor. MOX
status (at 0 FPDs, 40 FPDs, 100 FPDs ,400 FPDs and the equilibrium fuel for TAPS has been designed and twelve bundles have been
core). This is done to minimize the prediction errors in flux map and successfully irradiated.
to get better knowledge of the operating state of the reactor.
An analysis has been carried out using ANSYS to evaluate the fuel
The Hardware implementation and testing of OFMS was carried out temperatures due to hot spot formed by Pu-agglomeration, for
at ECIL using generated detector signals from the dynamic core various Pu particle sizes at different heat generation rates for TAPS-
simulation code. The onsite commissioning of the OFMS is completed BWR and PHWR (220MW e) MOX fuel. The meshed finite
at TAPP 4 site, Tarapur. The OFMS is loaded at site with initial core (0
Fuelling Machine Test Facility has been set up and fuelling machine
head is installed on the test carriage and the oil hydraulic water
element model for pellet with the particle is shown in Figure.
hydraulic systems have been commissioned. The fuelling machine
The fabrication specification for the maximum Pu-rich particle size
head has been calibrated & commissioned. Necessary rectification
is in the range of 200-400 microns. The analysis shows that the
and fine-tuning of fuelling machine head have been incorporated
agglomerates can cause spikes in fuel temperatures of about 300-
by suitable modification /changes of components.
500°C depending upon the size and concentration of Pu in the
agglomerate. Variation of particle maximum temperature for various
heat generation ratios and for different particle sizes for TAPS-BWR
fuel are illustrated. The presence of the Pu-rich particle on the
surface of pellet will result in clad temperature rise of only about
The following tests were done in reactor-simulated condition:
Performance testing:- 6 times bundles loading & 6 times
bundles receiving.
TAPS-BWR fuel: Variation of particle
maximum temperature with heat generation ratios Acceptance testing : 10 times bundles loading & 10 times bundles
for different particle sizes
Cycling of Ram extension:- 10 times loading and 10 times
An analysis has been carried out for MOX fuel pins irradiated at receiving.
PWL CIRUS, as part of round robin exercise, using modified GAPCON
code. The peak centreline temperature evaluated was in the range The fuelling machine head has been qualified with successful
of 1300°C (for 42kW/m linear heat rating) and cumulative fission completion of above tests. Full testing has been completed in very
gas release of about 2.0% for fuel burnup of 16 GWd/t. short period of 5 months.
PC Based Control
Jet Condenser
3. C O M PA C T H I G H T E M P E R AT U R E R E A C T O R ( C H T R )
It is generally agreed that in the long term, nuclear energy would emerge as the primary source of energy replacing fossil fuels. It would be
expected to satisfy all energy related needs of mankind. Thus, In addition to producing electricity, it would provide necessary energy for
producing alternate fuel or energy carrier for transport applications, facilitating production of potable water and satisfy various heating needs
of the populations living in colder parts of the country. Small and compact nuclear power packs with very long refuelling periods would supply
electricity in areas not connected to the electrical grid of the country. A high temperature reactor has a large potential to satisfy all the above-
mentioned needs.
Description of the CHTR These particles are mixed with graphite powder as a matrix and
made into cylindrical fuel compacts. The fuel compacts are packed
The reactor core consists of nineteen prismatic beryllium oxide (BeO) in fuel bores in the walls of each of the nineteen fuel tubes. Eighteen
moderator blocks. These 19 blocks contain centrally blocks of beryllium oxide reflector surround the moderator blocks.
located graphite fuel tubes. Each fuel tube carries fuel inside 12 These eighteen blocks have central holes to accommodate passive
equi-spaced longitudinal bores made in its wall. The fuel tube also power regulation system. This system works on temperature
serves as coolant channel. The fuel is based on TRISO coated particle feedback and in case of rise of coolant outlet temperature beyond
fuel, which can withstand very high temperature (1600°C). A cross design value, inserts negative reactivity inside the core. Graphite
section of the particle fuel is shown below; reflector blocks surround these beryllium oxide reflector blocks.
This part of the reactor is
contained in a shell of a
material resistant to corrosion
against Pb-Bi eutectic alloy
coolant and suitable for high
temperature applications. Top
and bottom closure plates of
similar material close this
reactor shell. Schematic of a
single fuel bed and
cross-sectional layout of the
reactor core are shown in the
Above the top cover plate and below the bottom cover plate, transfer from reactor core to outside heat sink. On top of the
plenums provide for core-outgoing and core-incoming coolant upper plenum, the reactor has multi-layer heat utilisation vessels to
respectively. Nuclear heat from the reactor core is removed provide an interface to systems for high temperature heat
passively by the lead-bismuth liquid metal coolant which flows due applications. A set of sodium heat pipes is in the upper plenum of
to natural circulation between the plenums, upward through the the reactor to passively transfer heat from the upper plenum to the
fuel tubes and returning through the down comer tubes. These heat utilisation vessels with a minimum drop of
plenums have graphite flow guiding blocks to increase the velocity temperature. Another set of heat pipes transfers heat from the
of the coolant between the coolant channel exit and the entry to upper plenum to the atmospheric air in the case of a postulated
the down comer tubes of the reactor. The flow-guiding blocks have accident. To shut down the reactor, a set of seven shut-off rods has
passages for the coolant to flow from the inner to outer region of been provided, which fall by gravity in the central seven coolant
the plenum. The reactor shell is surrounded by two gas gaps that channels. Appropriate instrumentation like neutron
act as insulators during normal reactor operation and reduce heat detectors, fission/ ion chambers, various sensors and auxiliary systems
loss in the radial direction. There is an outer steel shell, surrounded such as a cover gas system; purification systems, active interventions
by heat sink. This shell has been provided with fins to improve its etc. are being incorporated in the design as necessary. If temperature
heat transfer capabilities. A passive system has been provided to fill of coolant increases beyond its design value, a set of seven shut-off
the gas gaps with molten metal in case of abnormal rises in coolant rods fall by gravity in the central seven coolant channels to shutdown
outlet temperature thereby providing a conduction path of heat the reactor.
At the current stage, a feasible configuration of the reactor from Future Work and Design of New Reactors
reactor physics, heat removal and reactor control
considerations have been worked out. R & D and technology . Experimental facility for CHTR (Initial operation at low
development for most of the technology development areas have temperature – subsequently increase in power to demonstrate
been initiated. For carrying out system studies, verifying the
high temperature capability)
developed computer codes and for material compatibility studies; Design and development related activities for 600 MWTh
many experimental facilities are under development. HTR for hydrogen production as well as a low power
Developmental work related to materials and fuels are being carried compact power pack for supplying electricity in areas not con
out. Analytical studies related to safety and effects of external nected to electrical grid.
events are underway.
3.2 MODELING OF PERFORMANCE OF TRISO product attack on structural layer, etc. One such mode is by fracture
PARTICLES of the silicon carbide layer (pressure vessel failure). Some preliminary
modelling of TRISO particles has been initiated, by using FEM to
CHTR uses TRISO coated fuel particles. This study aims to model the model this pressure vessel failure mechanism. For these calculations,
behavior of the TRISO particle under irradiation. The TRISO fuel an axisymmetric element capable of modelling creep and irradiation
particles consist of a central fuel containing kernel surrounded by induced swelling was formulated and programmed into a general
four layers, viz. low density pyrocarbon buffer layer, inner high- purpose FEM code. A 0.5-degree sector (to maintain aspect ratio
density pyrocarbon layer, silicon carbide layer and outer high-density of one) of the TRISO particle was analysed. The dimensions of the
pyrocarbon layer. The overall dimension of this particle is ~900 μm. particle and the meshing used are illustrated and the results along
The silicon carbide layer acts as the retaining layer for the fission with comparison with available theoretical solutions for a perfectly
products and no external cladding is needed. There are numerous spherical particle are presented in the Table.
mechanisms for failure of such particles viz. kernel migration, fission
Comparison of stresses obtained in the present analysis with the analytical solution
3.3 PASSIVE POWER REGULATION SYSTEM Rod insertion analysis with different pressures
The concept of passive power regulation is one of the important The driver tube is housed within a niobium control tube and is filled
guidelines in the design of CHTR. The coolant temperature is used with Pb-Bi eutectic. The control rod, which is housed in the control
to passively drive the control rods, to achieve power regulation. The tube, is made up of boron carbide and is clad in niobium. The
system performance analysis and its response to various anticipated annular space between the driver and control tube is also filled with
scenarios are discussed. Pb-Bi eutectic and the control rod is designed to float in it. The
system is thus designed to have two free liquid surfaces, one in the
driver tube and the other in the control tube. The space above the
liquid level is filled with an inert gas like argon. The PPRS gas header,
located in the top plenum, is submerged in the coolant. The current
location of the gas header ensures that it senses the coolant
temperature immediately downstream of the heat removal devices
(a set of heat pipes). Under normal operating conditions, the gas
header is surrounded by coolant at a temperature of approx.
900 ºC. Any condition, which causes the coolant to return at a
temperature higher than the normal temperature will cause the
gas, in the gas header, to also heat up. Due to this pressure will rise
in the driver tube, causing a pressure imbalance between the driver
and the control tube. This, in turn, will cause the level of Pb-Bi
eutectic in the driver tube to go down and that in the control tube
Schematic of Passive Power Regulation System to go up. Since the absorber rod floats on Pb-Bi eutectic, it will also
rise with the Pb-Bi eutectic level in the core, thus inserting negative In addition, work has been done to analyse the upper plenum
reactivity. Depending on the temperature rise that has been sensed, design of the CHTR. Since the PPRS depends, for its operation, on
the system will stabilise at a particular value of insertion. The PPRS the temperature signal carried by the coolant, it is important to
was analysed using TRAPPOR (TRAnsient Passive POwer Regulation), know the time frame in which coolant will carry the signal to the
a computer code developed in-house. PPRS header. The analysis showed that the coolant velocities are
very low.
Simultaneously, means to actively control the CHTR are also being
explored within the same setup. Analysis has been carried out for
two scenarios, one in which the driver tube is pressurised and the
other in which the control tube is depressurised.
In all the above analysis the thermal contact resistances at all interfaces
were assumed negligible. The heat generation in nuclear fuel and
moderator has been considered. Appropriate material properties
have also been assumed.
The variation of total heat loss with respect to inner gas gap shows which yielded maximum fuel temperatures well below the maximum
that increasing this gap beyond 20 mm will not affect any significant allowable value for the fuel (1600°C).
economy in core heat.
The results from the transient analysis show that even after fifty
minutes have elapsed after overpower, the fuel temperature does
not exceed 1510°C, well below the limiting temperature of the fuel.
pressure on both sides becomes equal and this ensures that the
siphon process is continued without any break. This system has an
advantage that once started this system will stop only when the
entire liquid metal has been poured down. To reduce the chances of
common mode failure, the liquid metal reservoir is subdivided into
four compartments, the capacity of each compartment catering to
one quarter of the gas gap volume.
Three probable liquid metals, which can be used to fill the gas gaps,
have been considered. These liquids are Indium, Tin and Aluminum
which were chosen, due to their ease of availability, low melting
points and good thermal conductivities.
Using this principle, the height of the siphon above the liquid level
was calculated to be 135 mm for Indium and Tin and 380 mm for
Aluminium for a set point of 1000°C. The gas bulb encounters this
temperature in the event of a loss of heat sink.
The bulb senses the temperature increase of the coolant and forces
the liquid metal to move up the siphon tube and siphon is started.
The liquid metal is conveyed to the inner gas gap by means of the
siphon tube. Holes have been provided on the shell separating the
two gas gaps at its bottom end so that liquid metal flows into the
outer gas gap also. The gas displaced by the liquid metal is pushed
into a gas tank.
The figure also shows the effect of the vent tube. The line A shows 3.6 APPROACH FOR GRAPHITE COMPONENT
the liquid level in the reservoir, without considering the effect of DESIGN
the vent tube, wherein the pressure in the reservoir keeps decreasing,
preventing the complete flow of liquid metal. The case in which the A large proportion of CHTR is composed of graphite, a brittle
vent tube is incorporated is shown as B. The level in the reservoir material. Two draft codes, (which are yet to be finalized) are available
falls below that of the excess liquid metal (indicated by the blue for graphite component design of HTRs, namely the ASME Section
line), which implies that the gas-gaps have been filled. III Division 2 Subsection CE and the KTA 3232, Ceramic internals for
HTR pressure vessels, 1992.
Cases were analysed to get the gas-gap filling time for each of the
three liquid metals considered. Different numbers of siphon tubes In view of the absence of authoritative design rules for nuclear
were also considered. The results are summarised. components, a literature survey was carried out to identify the
The heat pipe is a very effective device for transmitting heat at high
transfer rates over considerable distances with extremely small
temperature drops. They are simple in construction, easy to control,
passive in operation and can be used in any orientation. Heat pipes
are used in CHTR to remove heat, under normal operating and
accidental conditions, from the primary coolant.
The thermal stresses in the upper plenum block and the graphite
reflector block was calculated and used for estimating the failure
probabilities. Tentative values for the statistical parameters have
been assumed for this analysis. It has been found that if the upper
plenum block is fully restrained in radial direction, the probability of
failure is approximately one, implying an almost certain failure.
However, this value dropped to 0.0040 if free expansion is allowed,
representative of the more favourable stress levels. The probability
of failure of the graphite reflector blocks has been estimated to be
1.24x10-5 and 1.87x10-6 for the cases where it is free to expand in
axial direction and fully constrained in the axial direction respectively.
It is interesting to note that, for this case, an axial constraint gives
lower value of failure probability. An examination of the stress
distribution indicates that the tensile stresses are more predominant
in the first case, which is reflected in the higher value of failure
probability. A similar approach is applicable for the design of beryllia
blocks. Variation of sonic and viscous limits with
internal diameter of heat pipes
The working temperature range for the setup has been selected as
400°C to 1200°C, so as to enable testing of moderate to high
temperature heat pipes. With minor modifications, this may also be
used for testing of low temperature heat pipes. The heat pipe has
three regions - evaporator, adiabatic and condenser sections, which
serve as heat input, heat transport and heat output areas respectively.
Hence the facility has a means to input heat (by means of a heater),
reject heat (to a calorimeter) and means to minimise heat losses (by
means of insulation). The setup consists of a heat pipe enclosed in a
metallic vessel. To prevent oxidation of the heat pipe material
at high temperatures, the vessel is purged with a mixture of
argon and helium gas. The portion of the vessel enclosing the
condenser section of the heat pipe is cooled by means of silicone oil
Variation of entrainment, capillary and boiling flowing in a helical coil wrapped around its outer diameter.
limitations with internal diameters of heat pipes
Vapour pressure variation inside heat pipe Schematic of the High Temperature Heat Pipe Test
Facility (not to scale)
by the heater arrangement, which is positioned inside the vessel.
study performance of heat pipes, The heat pipe test setup is designed to test heat pipes at a maximum
study startup behaviour of frozen heat pipes, power input of 20 kW. In view of the large heat input, high
study operation under various transients and temperatures involved and rapid heating requirement, a RF induction
evaluate impact of corrosion by liquid metals under heater is used.
high temperature on heat pipe lifetime and
performance I.V. Dulera <>
Serve as a test bed for validating computer codes
Heat Transfer Analysis
The second stage of Indian nuclear power programme involves establishing Fast Breeder Reactors for power generation. The Prototype Fast
Breeder Reactor is being developed to demonstrate the techno-economic viability of Fast Breeder Reactor technology. This chapter highlights
the recent activities carried out in the fields of radiation shielding and design of inclined fuel transfer machine.
The PFBR is a 500 MWe, sodium cooled, pool type, mixed oxide (MOX) fuelled reactor having two secondary loops. The primary objective of
the PFBR is to demonstrate techno-economic viability of fast breeder reactors on an industrial scale. The entire primary sodium circuit is
contained in a large diameter vessel (Æ 12900 mm) called main vessel and consists of core, primary pumps, intermediate heat exchanger and
primary pipe connecting the pumps and the grid plate. The vessel has no penetrations and is welded at the top to the roof slab. The main vessel
is cooled by cold sodium to enhance its structural integrity. The core subassemblies are supported on the grid plate, which in turn is supported
on the core support structure.
The main vessel is surrounded by the safety vessel, closely following the shape of the main vessel, with a nominal gap of 300 mm to permit
robotic and ultrasonic inspection of the vessels. The safety vessel also helps to keep the sodium level above the inlet windows of the intermediate
heat exchanger ensuring continued cooling of the core in case of a leak of main vessel. The inter space between main & safety vessel is filled with
inert nitrogen. The main vessel is closed at its top by a top shield, which includes roof slab, large & small rotary plugs and control plug. The top
shield is a box structure made from special carbon steel plates and is filled with heavy density concrete (r = 3500 kg/m3) and provides thermal
and biological shielding in the top axial direction. The principal material of construction is SS 316 LN for the vessels and boiler quality carbon
steel for top shield. The reactor vault concrete provides the biological shielding in the radial and bottom axial direction outside the main vessel.
HANDLING SYSTEM OF PFBR-500 MWe During spent sub-assembly (SA) handling, IFTM receives the spent
SA from Transfer Arm (TA) inside the reactor vessel and delivers it to
Cell Transfer Machine (CTM) in fuel building to transfer it to storage
bay and during fresh SA handling it receives fresh SA from CTM and
delivers it to TA to place inside the reactor core. IFTM transfers SA
in 170 inclined position to the vertical. Design of IFTM is totally
indigenous. The irradiated SA after being cooled at storage location
inside reactor vessel is put in a sodium filled Transfer Pot (TP) of IFTM
by Transfer Arm (TA) at In-vessel Transfer Position (IVTP). TP is then
hoisted up inside Rotatable Shielded Leg (RSL) by hoisting mechanism
through Primary Ramp (PR) & Primary Tilting Mechanism (PTM). RSL
is rotated by 1800 by rotation mechanism and aligned on secondary
side and the TP is lowered in Ex-Vessel Transfer Position (EVTP)
through Secondary Ramp (SR) Secondary Tilting Mechanism (STM)
from where the irradiated SA is replaced by fresh SA using Cell
Transfer Machine (CTM). The fresh SA will be transferred from
EVTP to IVTP in the reverse manner. A shield plug has been provided
in the primary ramp for attenuating primary sodium gamma rays
during reactor operation. Gate valves have been provided on both
primary and secondary ramps, which act as a barrier between the
radioactive argon cover gas of MV & fresh argon gas of Fuel Transfer
Cell (FTC), which is required for containment isolation. Bellows are
Inclined Fuel Transfer Machine provided on both sides to absorb the differential thermal expansion.
Fuel handling takes place within a leaktight cell. Adequate shielding
and sealing arrangement has been provided in IFTM. During fuel
handling IFTM internals are maintained at high temperature (423-
473 K) by hot argon flushing during fuel handling operation in
order to maintain sodium in liquid form filled in transfer pot. Also
For better utilization of fuel & available natural resources in India
during reactor some of the components of IFTM viz. PR & PTM see
and based on the successful operation of 40 MWt Fast Breeder Test
very high temperatures (823 K).
Reactor (FBTR) at the IGCAR, Kalpakkam, a 500 MWe Prototype
Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR) is being built at Kalpakkam, which will
Design and analysis
be first reactor of its kind in India. PFBR will be a 500 MWe (1250
MWt), 2-loop, sodium cooled, pool type reactor. It will utilize the IFTM design has been finalized. Detailed design of all the components
MoX fuel (PuO2 + UO2) and depleted Uranium oxide as blanket. of IFTM has been completed. Design of all the components of IFTM
PFBR is designed vertical in configuration. Off load refuelling is is based on all the types of loadings viz. dead weight, thermal
envisaged for PFBR. It is designed to do refuelling after every 185 loading and seismic loading. Detailed stress analysis has been
Effective Full Power Days (EFPD) of the reactor. In one refuelling performed for static, thermal and seismic loadings. Design of PR
campaign 62 fuel SA, 25 blanket SA and 5 absorber SA will be & PTM has been analyzed for creep and fatigue loadings also as they
replaced. Inclined Fuel Transfer Machine (IFTM) is one of the fuel see high temperature and thermal cycling. Profile of ramps
handling machine of PFBR which transfers spent SA from reactor and tilting mechanism has been finalized by making
vessel to fuel building and fresh SA from fuel building to reactor 3-D models and simulating the pot movement through
them, which was done using VIZ software. Various design documents handling have been demonstrated successfully. Endurance test is in
and reports (45) have been prepared and issued. progress.
Functioning of IFTM has been demonstrated by commissioning of After completion of detailed design various detailed drawings (165)
small scale (1:10) acrylic working model of IFTM. Design of critical and technical specification for manufacture of IFTM have been
components has been validated by making small scale models viz. prepared and handed over to BHAVINI to float the tender. Bhavini
secondary ramp, tilting mechanism, siphoning arrangement, safety had floated tender for manufacture of IFTM and quotations were
brake, etc. received. Technical evaluation of bidders is in progress.
chain sensing arrangement. Various functional and design In future it is planned to manufacture an IFTM and test it in shop
requirements viz. compatibility of chain & sprocket, possibility of for functional requirements. Then IFTM will be installed at Large
chain coming out of sprocket grooves, entanglement of two chains Component Test Rig (LCTR), Kalpakkam for performance test in
while pot movement, effect of unequal length of chains, behavior reactor simulated conditions. First it will be tested in air at ambient
of chain with load, performance of chain sensing arrangement, conditions and then at reactor simulated conditions along with
etc. have been checked. Load testing of operation and emergency control system before making it reactor worthy.
4.2 PROTOTYPE FAST BREEDER REACTOR in IHX, fission rate at fission counter detector location, fast neutron
SHIELDING EXPERIMENTS AT APSARA leaking from bottom plenum, exit gamma for transfer arm etc.) are
called Bias Factors (BF). These BFs are used as multipliers in the exit
PFBR is a pool type sodium cooled fast reactor. Core is surrounded flux from a shielding set up. These experiments were used by reactor
by fertile blankets and in-vessel shielding. The Intermediate Heat physicists of IGCAR in arriving at proper bias factors.
eXchanger (IHX) and sodium pumps are in the pool. The in-vessel
shield is provided to reduce radiation damage to inner vessel,
secondary sodium activation, activation of IHX, sodium pumps,
. Summary of bias factors arrived at by
designers of PFBR shield
axial leakages through bottom FP gas plenum. Mockup shielding
experiments in Apsara shielding corner were carried out to optimize A bias factor of 4 is necessary for transport through
design of this in-vessel shield.. shields of SS/Na/ B4C.
Bias factor has come down to a factor of 2.5 in case of
Apsara is a 1MWth swimming pool reactor with HEU Al alloy fuel. It secondary sodium activity in IHX.
is presently operated up to 400 kWth. As Apsara is a thermal reactor, Neutron flux at detector location on the lattice plate is
PFBR blanket leakage neutron spectrum in shielding corner was under-predicted by a factor of 2.
simulated using depleted uranium fuel assemblies.
H. K. Dravid <>
The twin units of Boiling Water Reactors at Tarapur were the first nuclear power stations established in the Indian sub continent. These
reactors, commissioned in 1969, are the longest serving Boiling Water Reactors in the world. This chapter on Boiling Water Reactors
highlights the work done on simulated optimisation scheme for control rod withdrawal sequence, the core shroud acoustic load
evaluation and the transient dynamic response.
Tarapur Atomic Power Station (TAPS) has an installed capacity of program. In addition to the control rod drive system, a stand by
2 x 210 MWe. This reactor is a forced circulation boiling water Liquid Poison System (LPS) is provided to manually initiate
reactor, producing steam for direct use in the steam turbine. injection of a neutron poison (liquid sodium pentaborate
The fuel consists of uranium dioxide pellets contained in solution) into the reactor to make the reactor sub-critical.
Zircaloy-2 tubes. Water serves as both the moderator and
coolant. An Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) is designed to pump
water directly from the suppression pool into the reactor vessel
The bottom entry cruciform control rods provide Safety Control and drywell under the postulated loss of coolant accident
Rods Accelerated Movement (SCRAM) as well as reactor control conditions. The system design is such that there is minimal fuel
function. Each drive has its own separate control and scram, damage and containment structures are not challenged even in
devices. A control rod reactivity-limiting device called Rod Worth the worst accident scenario. This system has inbuilt redundancy
Minimiser (RWM) limits the reactivity addition in the reactor and to take care of any component failure.
assures that any reactivity addition is as per predetermined
(Operating on single cycle since 1984 after isolation of secondary steam generators)
Fuel Assemblies
Control System
Number of Loops - 02
5.1 SIMULATED ANNEALING OPTIMIZATION objective to minimize the difference between them. This code is
SCHEME FOR OBTAINING CONTROL ROD made operational in parallel computing environment for
WITHDRAWAL SEQUENCE IN TAPS obtaining quicker results.
A.K.Kulkarni, <>
Off-gas Activity Trend
Considering the growing energy demands and the necessity to increase the energy potential, a second line of light water reactors has
been added to the current indigenous programme of Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors. Two Light Water Reactors of 1000 MWe VVER
units are being installed at Kudankulam in collaboration with the Russian Federation. These reactors in addition to accelerating the
nuclear energy potential would also help in expanding the knowledge pool by broadening the research activities in reactor technology.
This chapter on Kudankulam VVERs, highlights the recent work in the areas of reactor analysis, code development with visual interfaces
for physics computation and pin-by-pin simulation of hexagonal lattice cores.
V V E R is an acronym for “Voda Voda Energo Reactor” meaning a pressurising system connected to the reactor with each loop
water-cooled, water moderated energy reactor. The VVER containing a horizontal steam generator, a main circulating pump
reactors belong to the family of the Pressurised Water Reactors and passive part of emergency core cooling system
(PWRs). The KK-VVER has a three-year fuel cycle. This reactor (accumulators). The loops are connected with the reactor
requires annual refueling of one third of the core i.e., pressure vessel assembly by interconnected piping. The reactor
approximately 55 fuel assemblies. also consists of a reactor protection and regulation system,
engineered safety features, auxiliary system, fuel handling and
The reactor plant consists of four circulating loops and storage system.
6.1 VVER-1000 MWe REACTOR ANALYSIS After generating the complete lattice database with EXCEL code
for 11 fuel types, the VVER-1000 Mwe reactor core of KK Project
The VVER-1000 MWe reactor core of Kudankulam (KK) Project was followed up for 8 fuel cycles. Each hexagonal assembly cell
is a Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) of Russian design. It is was divided into 54 triangular meshes. The results like critical
necessary to develop indigenous capability of in-core fuel soluble boron, radial and axial power distribution, 2-D and 3-D
management of these reactors. This capability is also essential peaking factors were compared with Russian data. The calculated
for an in-depth review of the PSAR documents submitted by critical boron with a uniform keff normalization agreed well with
Russian Federation for KK Project. The detailed analysis and Russian data for all eight fuel cycles. The deviation was slightly
comparison of results with the Russian design project reports more for first fuel cycle, possibly due to non-equilibrium Sm
giving the physical characteristics under various steady state load. Power dependent feedback is being implemented
conditions has revealed that it is essential to develop capability in TRIHEX-FA code to reduce the deviations observed in power
for analysing some of the slow (xenon) and fast transients. distribution. The modeling of reflector region is also being fine
Indigenous lattice burnup code EXCEL and core diffusion
analysis codes TRIHEX-FA and pin-by-pin simulation code HEXPIN V. Jagannathan, <>
have been developed and are used to analyze the KK core.
Typical Comparison of Radial Power and Burnup Distribution Core Follow-up Simulation for KK Cycle-8
for any axial plane and each energy group. Figures give typical
3D flux display at selected plane for different types of reactor
analysis. These were plotted using the program ‘RealPlot3D’ or
the ‘Display’ program. These 3D plots give the clear depiction of
flux profiles in large 3D cores. Inadvertent input error, if any,
can easily be identified and corrected.
V. Jagannathan, <>
Typical Epithermal Flux Profile in
TAPS BWR – by Plot3D
The code ‘HEXPIN’ has been developed for core follow-up analysis
for first time with a pin-by-pin cell description of the entire core
and reflector regions up to pressure vessel. The input to HEXPIN
code consists only of fuel assembly type disposition.
The geometrical specifications within each fuel type are directly
derived from the output of hexagonal lattice cell burnup code
EXCEL. The core external regions are alternate ring layers of
steel and water up to pressure vessel. The hexagonal cells within
a given radius are automatically identified by the code. The
HEXPIN code has been used for small PWR cores with 7/13/19
assemblies and also for the VVER-1000 MWe reactor core of KK
Project with 163 assemblies. With HEXPIN code the deviation in
power distribution is within 2% of the Russian values in core
interior regions.
BARC is currently operating three research reactors namely Apsara, CIRUS and Dhruva at Trombay. These reactors serve as basic research
platforms for nuclear scientists and engineers. Apsara is the first research reactor built in India and commissioned in 1956 ushering in the
nuclear era of the country. It is a 1MWt pool type reactor using high-enriched uranium as fuel with light water as coolant and moderator.
This reactor is extensively used for basic research, radioisotope production, neutron radiography, detector testing and shielding
experiments. CIRUS is a 40 MWt vertical tank type research reactor, commissioned in 1960. It has been serving in the frontier research
areas of materials testing and neutron beam research. After satisfactory operation for nearly four decades, Cirus was
refurbished and put back in service in October 2002. The reactor power has been raised in steps to the design power level and
production of radioisotopes & experimental irradiations have been resumed. In the year 1985, indigeniously designed & built 100 MWt.
tank type reaserch reactor DHRUVA was commissioned. Dhruva is a high power research reactor with a maximum flux level of 1.8 x 1014
n/cm 2/s, heavy water cooled with natural uranium as fuel. The reactor system is adaptable to varying core configurations due to
provisions for interchangeability of fuel, shut off rods and other in-pile irradiation assemblies. This reactor has been extensively utilised
for neutron beam research, materials analysis, activation analysis, solid-state physics and studies on magnetic materials.
This chapter highlights the shielding experiments in APSARA, ageing management activities in CIRUS and installation of 2-MW inpile loop
in Dhruva, carried out recently.
7.1 APSARA attenuation in the axial and radial configuration of the proposed
PFBR design. Shielding experiments involved the following major
Apsara has been extensively used for basic research as well as in activities:
areas like beam tube research, neutron radiography, forensic
science, shielding experiments, testing of reactor components & Design, fabrication and installation of an assembly to
neutron detectors and trace element analysis. The average enhance the neutron flux of desired neutron
availability factor of the reactor is more than 80%. spectrum in the shielding corner cavity.
shielding experiments shielding corner.
Modification of the shield model trolley.
Ten sets of shielding experiments have been carried out in three Design of trolley for installation and handling of
phases, with mock-up radial and axial shield configurations of Uranium converter assemblies.
PFBR shielding. The data collected has been used by the Modification of handling tools for the converter and
designers for understanding the uncertainties in the calculation irradiation foils.
methods and neutron cross section data set used in the PFBR
shielding design. This has also provided bias factors for detailed Prior to the experiments core re-shuffling and required
design calculations and optimization of the shield design. mock-ups at low power operation were carried out.
The experiments were successfully carried out with simulated
The shield models consisted of combination of shield materials of shield models.
sodium, steel, boron carbide and graphite for studying neutron
Apsara Sectional Plan Showing Equipment Layout for PFBR Shield Experiment
shielding design. 1 to 10 kW.
Small size pins of two types, containing Vibro-compacted Performance of reactivity meter based on Kalman filtering
powder of Gadolinium-Aluminate with different Gadolinium technique was evaluated under different operating conditions
concentration (Burnable Poison Rods) were tested for such as steady state operation, power variations, shutdown and
estimation of their relative worths and uniform distribution of trip conditions. For this, signals were tapped from Log, Linear
absorber material. Relative worth measurements were done by channel outputs and also signals corresponding to control rod
sub-critical method in Apsara core central location D-4 by positions. Reactivity meter could be successfully used for
placing a hollow Graphite bock in place of the solid Graphite estimation of instantaneous reactivity in critical steady state,
rod. Reactor was made sub-critical by 1 mK by partial unloading sub-critical steady state and in transient conditions. It could also
of the core and the testing was done in two parts (straight and be used to monitor the sub-criticality of the system.
inverted) covering the full length of the BPR which was more
than the fuel height. After initial reactivity calibration of 9 BPRs
by sub-critical measurements, 30 more pins of two types were S.K.Agarwal, S.Duraisamy, <>
Thermal column facility and core position dry tube G-7 have Cirus attained its first criticality in July, 1960 and operated with
been extensively used for testing various types of neutron an availability factor of more than 70%. The reactor has been
detectors like Fission Counters, LPRMs, IRMs, Self Powered refurbished recently with a view to achieve a trouble-free and
Neutron Detectors and Ionization Chambers for performance safe life extension of 10-15 years.
evaluation. These detectors are subsequently used in nuclear
power stations and other research reactors. After refurbishment, the reactor has been re-commissioned. A
The repairing of the tongue and groove flanged joints between block ventilation system under any postulated initiating
the reactor vessel and cover gas system piping is an involved job, events. Design and installation of an on line data
due to site constraints and handling of heavy shields in high acquisition system for continuous multipoint
radiation fields. A technique for remote repairs of the joint was temperature monitoring of graphite reflector.
Installation of sealing clamps on chambers of Reactor Regulating System (RRS) and gain
leaky flanged joints adjustment of amplifiers. Similar exercise was repeated at
higher power levels.
The potable water produced by the unit is passed through . On-power tray rod for production of I125 by irradiation
a mixed bed ion exchange cartridge and is utilized to augment of natural xenon gas.
the capacity of demineralised water make up plant at Cirus.
installed in one of the beam-holes. system. The system is designed in a manner that the FIT can be
flow test station
. Loss of flow
The aforementioned accidental scenarios were considered along Depressurization phase following the LOCA
with various reactor trips for shut down system actuation and
interlocks. For all safety analysis first reactor trip is neglected.
The results of the analysis for the case of sudden guillotine Ritesh Krishnaji Bagul, <>
rupture of the pressure tube in the test section just before the
fuel bundles are presented here. Depressurization of the system
followed by the rupture is observed to be dependent on the
resistance of the restrictions in the flow path. The gaps get filled
and pressurized first and then depressurize in stepwise manner.
The transient variation in power and pressure of the system are
The Accelerator Driven System (ADS) is an innovative concept of employing a sub critical reactor coupled to a high power proton beam
accelerator, through a spallation neutron source. This system gains immense importance due to its ability to transmute radioactive waste,
inherent safety, efficient fuel usage and its direct applicability in the large-scale thorium utilisation under the three-stage power
programme. The important ongoing activities highlighted in this challenging research area are the spallation target studies, experimental
programmes and thermal and structural analysis of the radio frequency quadrupoles in the high intensity proton linear accelerators.
8.1 ACCELERATOR DRIVEN REACTOR SYSTEMS technologies related to high power accelerators, removal of the
intense heat generated by the interaction of the high power
The Accelerator Driven System (ADS) is a new type of reactor proton beam with the target, and associated materials
which produces power even though it remains sub-critical development.
throughout its life. All operating reactors in the world are “
critical” reactors - which means that the number of neutrons Accurate computer simulations play a very important role in
produced by fission is exactly balanced by the number lost by determining the performance of the ADS reactor. The studies
leakage and absorption by various materials in the reactor. are geared to develop accurate computer simulation codes for
This balance is responsible for maintaining a constant reactor ADS, compile necessary nuclear data for this purpose, carry out
power at any desired level. Sub-critical reactors produce fewer experimental and numerical tests regarding the adequacy of the
neutrons by fission than are lost by absorption and leakage, and simulations and finally to use these simulations to evaluate ADS
require an external supply of neutrons to maintain a constant performance with regard to the design objectives. The “state-
reactor power. This external neutron supply comes from the of-the-art” codes have been developed for carrying out fuel
interaction of a high energy proton beam with a heavy atom burnup simulations based on the exact Monte Carlo method and
nucleus such as lead through what is known in nuclear physics as the (accurate and quicker) multigroup transport theory method
spallation. The power level in an ADS is greater for stronger for this purpose. The codes are functional for fixed fuel ADS and
external sources and for reactors which are closer to “critical”. are being put to use for evaluating some of the interesting ideas
conceived for applications of ADS. Further development of these
Such reactors were conceived by the Nobel laureate physicist, codes is being carried out to include fueling operations
Carlo Rubbia (Report CERN/AT 95-53) and his team at CERN, (insertion, removal, or shuffling) and it is expected to be
among others, for power generation, but have caught the completed within a year.
attention of the world for an equally important role - that of
burning nuclear waste. It is well known that nuclear reactors A facility for carrying out experiments on the Physics of ADS is
generate radioactive waste which retains its radio-toxicity for being set up at Purnima labs, BARC. A report on the
millions of years and disposal of this waste has been a major experimental program has been prepared and experiments will
source of public concern. The new reactor is designed to safely commence once the facility becomes operational. The
transmute the waste into stable elements or those whose radio- experiments will serve the equally important purpose of testing
activity is relatively short lived, while producing useful power. the simulation methods under development. Measurement of
the degree of sub-criticality is one such important experiment,
Indian interest in ADS has an additional dimension, which is as monitoring this parameter for ADS will be an important safety
related to the planned utilisation of its large thorium reserves for requirement. This can be done by pulsing the accelerator or by
future nuclear energy generation. Thorium has the added studying tiny fluctuations in the reactor power, called “noise”.
advantage that it produces much less quantities of long lived A new theory of Reactor Noise in ADS has been developed and is
radioactive wastes as compared to uranium. However, thorium gaining international acceptance.
by itself is not fissile and must be first converted to fissile U-233
by neutron irradiation, a process called breeding. In ADS, the The Advanced Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR) is being designed
accelerator delivers additional neutrons over and above those and developed at BARC for the purpose of thorium utilization.
coming from fission. Moreover long term reactivity changes due In view of the remarks on thorium utilization in ADS made
to burnup are not controlled using parasitic absorber rods. earlier, the following questions assume importance. What is the
The ADS is, therefore, expected to possess superior breeding reduction in the annual fuel requirement of a thorium fuelled
characteristics as compared to critical reactors. Since ADS heavy water reactor if operated in the ADS mode? Is a self
reactors are not required to maintain criticality, it is possible to sustaining cycle possible? How much extra energy can be
increase burnup i.e. to extract more energy from a given mass extracted from a given mass of fuel before it is discharged?
of fuel. This effect is rather large for thorium based fuel. Being a What would be the accelerator power required to drive
new type of reactor, the ADS requires development of several such a reactor?
Figures illustrate the use of the simulation codes The scheme allows 10% thorium (1 GWd/t is equivalent to fission
for answering such questions. Figure shows the maximum of 1% fuel mass) to be burnt before the fuel is discharged.
multiplication factor that is possible in a heavy water reactor However, the energy gain is small and hence, a large fraction of
with thorium fuel in a once through cycle (i.e. one which does the reactor power (about 30%) would have to fed back to the
not require reprocessing of thorium for recycling in the accelerator. If light water is used as the coolant, the
reactor). The initial fissile seed could be natural uranium or even multiplication factor is lower and the ADS would require greater
spent fuel from Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRs). accelerator power.
. Mercury experimental
8.2 SPALLATION TARGET STUDIES generated in the riser gives rise to the liquid metal circulation.
The nitrogen is separated in the separator and mercury alone
flows through windowless simulation region, downcomer pipe
One of the key components of the ADS is the spallation target.
and enters the riser pipe and window simulation region. The
Based on neutron yield, thermal-hydraulics, radiation damage
maximum mercury flow rate of 6kg/s can be achieved in this
issues, liquid Lead-Bismuth-Eutectic (LBE) has been chosen as
spallation target. An R&D programme has been initiated to
address various technology issues. Under this programme,
8.3 THERMAL AND STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF operation. A cooling scheme of 24 cooling channels using water
CW-RFQ FOR ACCELERATOR DRIVEN SYSTEM as the coolant was designed to extract the heat.
A high intensity proton linear accelerator (linac) is required for Frequency shift depends upon the thermal deformation of the
typical ADS applications. It will produce a continuous wave (CW) vanes and is very sensitive to radial deflection of the vane tip.
proton beam of current of about 10 mA and energy of 1 GeV. Hence, temperature rise of the vane tip should be minimum.
Its low-energy section will consist of a number of components The location of the channels specially the vane channel-1 should
including a high intensity Radio-Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ). be as close to the tip as possible for efficient removal of heat.
The heat transfer can be increased by higher flow rate of cooling
The integrated thermal/structural analysis of a RFQ is crucial to fluid but it is limited by material erosion. Fluid temperature should
its design and operation. The heat generated due to resistive be such that the over all temperature rise and the resulting
losses in the copper walls of RFQ is required to be dissipated. detuning should be within limit.
If the RFQ is not properly cooled, this heating can cause large
temperature excursions in the RFQ structure along with Analysis of the RFQ has been done in two stages. In the first
distortions in the vane geometry, leading to thermal strains. stage 2-D analysis has been carried out and frequency shift has
The thermal distortions lead to significant deformation and been evaluated at inlet and outlet plane for various channel inlet
detuning of the structure. temperatures. For 3-D analysis, the channel inlet temperature
has been chosen on the basis of the minimum average frequency
The RFQ consists of four vanes and individual vanes will be made shift as obtained from the 2-D analysis. After doing a number of
of Oxygen Free High Conductivity (OFHC) copper. A four-vane iterations, temperature distributions, subsequent deflection and
type RFQ structure and its cross section are shown in Figure. frequency shift have been obtained.
The Indian nuclear power programme is envisaged in three stages focusing on the judicious utilisation of our fuel resources, especially the
vast thorium reserves to ensure long-term energy sustenance. The multifaceted research activities have also widened ensuring
synchronous advancement. In this chapter the concepts of a thorium breeder reactor and a multi purpose research reactor have
been highlighted.
9.1 T H O R I U M R E A C T O R D E S I G N W I T H Pu O 2
ATBR Equilibrium Core 120 FAs/Batch – ATBR – 600 Equilibrium Core with PuO 2 Seed In ThO 2
720 EFPD - k eff vs Cycle Burnup in FPD - Thermal Flux Distribution at BOC – 0 FPD
V. Jagannathan, <>
materials. The MPRR will supplement the isotope production are sized such that adequate core submergence is always assured
capacity of Dhruva and Cirus research reactors to meet the even in the event of a rupture of beam tube.
projected requirements of various isotopes beyond the year 2015.
Experimental positions
This chapter deals with work done in connection with safety of reactor components. The areas addressed in this connection are
postulated pressure tube failure accidents inside the calandria, analysis of aircraft impact on reactor building, fire modeling, thermal
analysis of transportation cask for transportation of nuclear materials etc. Several computational codes like FLUSOL & FLUSHELL,
IMPACT, PFIRE-M, FAIR, risk monitor etc., have been developed and used. Methodology and testing for qualification approval and ageing
studies on hardware systems/components/materials used in nuclear instrumentation have also been dealt with.
10.1 FLUID-STRUCTURE INTERACTION STUDIES It was concluded that the neighboring channels would meet the
FOR PHWR CALANDRIA AND IN-CORE design requirements though the local shock pressures were higher
COMPONENTS than the calandria shell pressure as shown in the table. The
predictions made from these studies have been verified with the
Postulated pressure tube failure accident inside the calandria is results of the simulated pressure tube failure accident
one of the important design basis accidents that needed to be experiments carried out for PHWRs in Whiteshell laboratory.
addressed for ensuring the integrity of calandria and in core
safety related components. Earlier studies were carried out to
R K Singh, <>
obtain the limiting pressure on the calandria shell and the
influence of pressurization of calandria shell due to volume
addition of the flashing fluid, bubble growth, shock wave
propagation, bubble condensation and bubble collapse were 10.2 DAMAGE EVALUATION IN 540 MWE
investigated with a one dimensional model. This pioneer study INDIAN PHWR NUCLEAR CONTAINMENT
helped to identify the influence of above mentioned various FOR AIR CRAFT IMPACT
The loading time history for Boeing and Airbus categories of
For detailed investigation of the problem, transient finite ele- a ir c r a f t s h a s b e e n g e n e r a t e d w it h in - h o u se c od e
ment two-dimensional code FLUSOL and three-dimensional code “IMPACT” developed for soft and hard missile impacting on rigid
FLUSHEL were developed to analyze this class of reactor safety and deformable targets for penetration and perforation
problems. In these studies the influence of shock wave simulation. Similitude relations were developed using Riera’s model
propagation on a local six channels model was studied with as reference aircraft Boeing 707-320 (with known crushing
coupled fluid and shell model. This model was used to analyze strength and mass distribution along the aircraft length) and
the shock wave loading of the neighboring channels due to load time histories were developed for the modern aircrafts.
postulated failure of channel C1 shown in the figure. Fish mouth The transient analysis assumes the impact due to smaller
opening and double ended rupture of the channel leading to domestic planes of Boeing and Airbus families with high velocity
generation of loadings due to the surface wave front and line which could be possibly maneuvered at lower heights (typically
wave front in case of axial cracking of the pressure tube were ~50m for a nuclear containment) easily compared to heavier
simulated in this study for TAPS 3 & 4 540 MWe PHWRs. This aircrafts of larger sizes, which is a realistic postulation.
local model included the wave reflection effects from the
neighboring channels while radiation boundary was used at the Nonlinear transient dynamic analysis of 540 MWe PHWR
moderator boundaries to avoid any spurious wave reflections. containment structure has been carried out for Boeing 707-320
and Airbus 300B4-200 impact for cracking, crushing and rebar
yielding evaluation. Computational simulation of scabbing,
spalling, penetration, perforation and damage evaluation of
safety structures for internal / external hard / soft missiles with
multiple barriers has been illustrated. The conclusions made from
the analysis are:
Overall integrity of OCW structure would be maintained
as the global displacement at points away from impact is No perforation of inner containment wall is observed.
of the order of ~ 2 to 5 mm Inner Containment Wall
[ICW]. The conclusions made in this analysis are (with total available wall
R K Singh, <>
shopping complex fire, ventilated fire, Steckler experiment, entrainment, pulsating pool fire, plume puffing, plume flow
buoyant plume, plume in presence of a cross wind and other structures, flame exhaust, bi-directional flow in presence of a
reported experiments and benchmarked against international large opening and oscillatory flow behaviour in ceiling opening.
cable fire benchmark problem for emergency switchgear room CFD Modelling is being extensively used in solving the applied
of a PWR. problems from nuclear industry i.e., evaluation of
various possible fire fighting strategies for NPPs, a hypothetical
Apart from the applied validation studies the FDS has been used fire near Indian PHWR containment building due to a plane crash
for basic research and separate effects studies on plume and fire risk assessment for the Cobalt Teletherapy System.
10.4 THERMAL ANALYSIS OF TRANSPORTATION Design basis: Type-B(M), Shape: Cuboidal, Shielding thickness
CASK (lead): 150 mm, Cavity size: 1600 mm x 750 mm x 920 mm
The transportation cask/packages are used to transport of Analysis for normal condition
radioactive material from one place to other. Different types of
packages are used for the transport of radioactive material. For this case maximum surface temperature was obtained for
Packages are classified to various categories based on activity the cask with ambient temperature of 42 oC with a specified
and physical form of material contained in the package which insulation to account for solar heat flux incident on outer
are specified in the regulatory guides. The package should surface and heat transfer coefficient. The temperature obtained
demonstrate its compliance to various tests under normal and was within the limit.
accident conditions and to general design requirement as
required by regulatory authority. The overall objectives of all Fire test analysis
these tests are to demonstrate that the loss of radioactive During fire
contents or dose to the public do not exceed the respective
limits specified in the regulatory guides. Fire test has been simulated by specifying boundary condition of
800 oC for 30 minutes with no solar heat flux, surface
For thermal test, package should be tested on fully engulf fire absorptivity of 0.8 and flame emissivity of 1.0. Initial condition
for at least 30 minutes. A fire should be controlled to an extent for temperature distribution for fire test has been taken from
that it sufficiently engulfs a test package and develops at least normal condition. Suitable heat transfer coefficient on outer
the required minimum heat flux (based on the temperature of surface with temperature dependent material properties has been
800oC to ambient temperature) to the package. A package may considered. Melting is modeled as enthalpy formulation. The
be thermally tested in a furnace if acceptable conditions in the contours plot at the end of the 30 minutes are shown in Figure.
furnace can be achieved. Alternately, the same can be achieved It is found that maximum temperature occurs at the corners
by carrying out requisite thermal analysis. The thermal analyses and melt front penetrates up to about 63 % thickness at corner
of a number of casks such as cask for transportation of Thorium of lead at 30 minute fire test.
fuel, marine product irradiator, exposure device etc. have been
carried out. Post fire
. Spent Fuel Transportation Cask Analysis has been continued after 30 minute fire until all tem-
perature start dropping. The boundary conditions of 42 oC as
Fire test analysis of spent fuel cask has been carried out. This ambient temperature, 0.8 as surface emissivity and suitable
cask is 2026 mm long 1176 mm width and 1346 mm in height. heat transfer coefficient were applied for post fire analysis.
Due to symmetry 1/8th model has been modeled. Finite element The melt front continues to penetrate post fire due to the stored
mesh considered for this geometry is shown below. heat. It was found that corner region completely melted
after ~48 minutes approximately. The temperature variation at
the corner location of various materials across thickness is shown These analyses help in design improvement and reduce the
Similarly, analysis has been carried out for the cask used for
transportation of exposure device and marine product
irradiator. A finite element mesh and contour plot for the P.K. Sharma, <>
Temperature contour plots Temperature contour plots Temp. contour plot in lead at
Temperature Transient at the Finite Element Mesh and Temperature contour plot for the exposure device
corner transportation cask
10.5 F U E L MODELLING UNDER NORMAL Code addresses following issues related to high
¾ Conductivity Degradation
The prediction of fuel pin behavior under different reactor
¾ Radial Flux Redistribution
transients is an important requirement for safety analysis.The
¾ Fission Gas Release from HBS
fuel pin including clad forms the first barrier against release of
¾ Pellet-Clad Mechanical Interaction
radioactive material to public domain. Hence, the assurance of
¾ High Burnup Grain Structure
integrity of clad under all reactor scenarios will improve reactor
¾ Burnup Dependent Grain Boundary Saturation Limit
safety considerably.
¾ Burnup Dependent Mechanical Properties
¾ Burnup Dependent Failure Mechanism
A finite element based code FAIR has been developed over the
¾ Fuel Matrix Saturation Limit
years for this purpose. This code has modeling capability of
¾ He Adsorption and Release
complex thermo-mechanical and chemical processes occurring
in a nuclear reactor fuel pin. B.K. Dutta, <>
provides safety status information for a plant and thus aids in Various applications of Risk Monitor software are given below:
decision making about whether continued plant operation is
tolerable under certain system function outages. It may also Decision-making in operations
support operations and be of help in deciding on maintenance
strategies allowing immediate assessment of different plant If CDF value exceeds the prescribed probabilistic safety criterion,
configurations. efforts should always be made to lower the CDF through different
tests and maintenance policies.
Risk Monitor, a PC based software which can assess the risk
profile has been developed. This software can be used to optimise Maintenance strategies
the operation in Nuclear Power Plants with respect to risk over
the operating time. Risk Monitor is user friendly and can re- Risk Achievement Worth (RAW), which is the ratio of risk when
evaluate Core Damage Frequency (CDF) for changes in component a component is down to the nominal risk, is the well suited
status, test interval, initiating event frequency etc. Plant indicator for deciding maintenance policies. Maintenance actions
restoration advice, when the plant is in high risk configuration, need to be planned according to the order in which RAWs of
current status of all plant equipment and equipment maintenance components are ranked, i.e. components having higher RAWs
prioritization are also provided in the package. Using this need to be maintained with higher priority. Similarly, component
software, ‘What-If’ analysis can also be done.
having higher Risk Reduction Worth (RRW), which is defined as
ratio of nominal risk to the risk when a component is completely
Software Developmental Aspects of Risk available, should be given attention from the design point of
Monitor view, since these can enhance the reliability of the system. This
type of decision is less sensitive to the absolute values of the
The Software has been developed in Visual Basic. The various component failure parameters; however, the relative values of
modules developed in the package are as follows and main screen failure parameters influence the values of RAW and RRW.
is shown in the following figure.
of risk and relegate it to various systems and down to components approval and ageing studies on hardware systems/components/
to obtain an idea of their importance in terms of contribution to materials, to provide reasonable assurance regarding their survival
the risk. Risk Monitor can be effectively employed for analysing capability under simulated environment even at the end of
the change in CDF whenever there is a change in Inspection specified service life, is needed. Facilities like PANBIT and LOCA
plans and thereby analyse for an optimum scheduling plan. Risk simulator have been set up within BARC. A similar facility to test
importance measures like Fussel-Vesely and Birnbaum Importance bigger components like pump motors, motorised valves, etc has
are evaluated for various components and systems in the Risk been setup at Electrical Research and Development Association
Monitor for risk informed inspection planning. (ERDA), Vadodara.
Review of Technical Specifications Technical services are being regularly provided to upcoming and
operating Nuclear Power Stations which have significantly helped
Technical Specifications are usually based on deterministic in taking appropriate decisions in the areas such as
assessment and engineering judgement. Technical specifications (i) standardisation of new engineering hardware and their
based on probabilistic considerations can be evolved to optimise procurement, (ii) estimation of residual life, (iii) failure analysis
the Allowable Outage Times (AOT) and Surveillance Test Intervals and reliability improvement and (iv) import substitution.
(STI) for various Systems and components.
M. Hari Prasad, <> Ageing research studies are being carried out in respect of
electronic, electrical and process instruments. These include
studies on cables and elastomeric materials etc. for various NPPs
10.7 LOCA QUALIFICATION AND THERMAL AND and other nuclear facilities.
USED IN NUCLEAR . Test and Measurement Facilities
. Introduction
Thermal ageing
Synergism Simulator
Effect of LOCA test (120 oC steam) on insulation resistance (IR) of unaged cables
Effect of LOCA test (120 o C steam) on insulation resistance (IR) of thermally aged (100 oC for 60 days) cables
Effect of LOCA test (120 oC steam) on insulation resistance (IR) of radiation aged (50 Mrad) cables
This chapter covers the research and development activities on the materials of importance for the development of nuclear reactor
technology. These activities cover various aspects of materials research ranging from the development of processes for extraction,
fabrication routes for optimisation of material properties, characterisation of materials for newer alloys by micro-structural studies etc..
Along with this, various studies related to degradations and failure mechanisms under the application environment are also being carried
out to characterise as well as optimise the performance of these materials.
This chapter gives a brief description of all such activities mentioned above and provides the readers with an option to probe further into
the topic of their interest by contacting respective author(s).
11.1 CHARACTERISATION AND DEVELOPMENT resulted in the martensitic transformation and as a result of this
OF NEW CLADDING ALLOYS the β phase present in the specimen was transformed to
martensite. The microstructure showed sharper and longer laths.
The future PHWR reactors with higher coolant temperatures, Also, the stress associated with the martensitic transformation
higher burn ups and partial boiling condition operations will resulted in the formation of twin related laths.
require development of newer cladding alloys.
seen segregated at the plate boundaries. The hot rolled A collaborative work with NFC is being pursued where evolution
microstructure showed evidences of dynamic recovery occurred of microstructure during different stages of fabrication of
during the process of deformation at a temperature above the cladding tubes will be assessed and correlated with the
recrystallization temperature. Presence of smaller, defect-free properties. Based on these studies an optimized fabrication flow
and equiaxed grains formed during recrystallization process were sheet will be developed for cladding tubes with reproducible
observed in TEM micrographs. However, evidences of partial microstructure and properties.
recrystallization were noticed as the needle like Widmanstatten
structure was retained in various parts of the samples used for
metallographic examination. The process of β quenching
Microstructure of as extruded Zr-1Nb alloy The majority of the two-phase structure consists of
Widmanstätten α in a β matrix. Deformation in such regions was
restricted to softer β. Uni-directional rolling aligned the α plates
along rolling direction and only on rolling plane, but individual α
plates remained nearly single crystalline. No macroscopic strain
was present in α plates and significant hardening of β was
observed. In-Plane Rigid Body Rotation of α plates in an
apparently continuous β matrix possibly explains absence of
quantitative texture development in rolled two-phase alloy.
the role of elastic deformation and to link the hydride formation to a great extent, through the development of microstructure
with macroscopic values of anisotropic distribution in residual and specifically through the precipitation of fine, coherent
stresses. β-NiAl ordered phase on aging of solution-quenched structure
G. K. Dey, <>
selected few refractory metal-based alloys and the results are which is then heated at 1173-1473K in an inert surrounding
summarised in table. An optical microstructure of Mo-30W alloy atmosphere for 8-24 hours. In the process halide activator
revealing large grains of about 200-300 μm is presented in Figure. (NH4F/NH4Cl) decomposes at high temperature to produce
volatile halide vapours of the master alloy (Al/Si) elements. The
chemical potential gradient between the master alloy and the
substrate drives gas phase diffusion of the metallic halides to
result in surface deposition.
Amongst a large number of coating techniques, Halide the microstructure of coating cross section on TZM, no cracks
Activated Pack Cementation (HAPC) process has been taken up were observed in the coating layer. The two types of layers,
to form single and multilayer coatings. The HAPC method is a present in the coating, the outer layer consists of the ternary
diffusion coating process that involves embedding the substrate intermetallic phase of Mo(Si, Al)2 and the inner layer of MoSi2
of the alloy and dissolved only partially during the solutionising 11.5 Z I R C O N I U M ALLOYS AND MODIFIED
treatment and (b) chromium rich ordered bcc precipitates 9Cr-1Mo FERRITIC STEEL
resulting from the decomposition of the supersaturated solid
solution. The precipitation was, however, seen to take place
through the formation of solute rich clusters that evolve, on
. Fabricability of a Modified 9Cr-1Mo
Ferritic Steel
further aging, into metastable ordered fcc precipitates before
attaining their equilibrium status as ordered bcc precipitates. The modified 9Cr - 1Mo (T 91 grade) steel was developed over
A comparison of these results with those on dilute binary Cu-Cr the years by steel makers with an aim to meet requirements of
alloys revealed that the addition of Zr to the binary alloy strongly SG pipes and headers in boilers as a substitute to austenitic
influenced the sequence of precipitation. Also, the stacking fault stainless steels and was found to have good void swelling
energy got lowered from 0.074 J/m2 for pure Cu to 0.037 J/m2 resistance under fast neutron environment. Though, the
for the ternary alloy. Because of this, an improvement in the available data suggests that the modified 9Cr-1Mo steel has
fatigue resistance of the alloy results due to a change in the excellent fabrication properties and adequate long term strength,
nature of slip from ‘wavy’ in the case of pure Cu to ‘planar’ in it is still necessary to get a few field trials before it can be
the case of the ternary alloy. accepted as the substitute material for high temperature use.
The aim of the present investigation will be to evaluate the
The first wall of a commercial tokamak is to consist of the plasma fabricability aspects of this steel at room and elevated
facing tungsten bonded to Cu-Cr-Zr alloy (as an intermediate temperatures. This evaluation is done by estimating the
heat sink material) and stainless steel 316, which will handle the mechanical properties under different microstructural
structural loading. For this purpose, the process of diffusion conditions. Deformation behavior was studied from 77 to 1273
bonding using nickel as an intermediate layer could obtain K under these microstructural conditions. The results were
metallurgically sound joints between the three. The whole analyzed using existing deformation models and the
assembly could be bonded in a single step and the tensile strength deformation mechanism is classified in strain-rate, strain and
of the assembly was found to be 325 MPa with fracture always temperature space.
occurring in tungsten.
the austenitic stainless steel 316 appears difficult by Two series of alloys, which have found extensive applications as
conventional welding techniques due to some physical and in-core structural materials of nuclear reactors, are zircaloys and
metallurgical factors. With wide differences in melting points, Zr-Nb alloys. Though both the alloys have given reasonably good
coefficients of thermal expansion and thermal conductivities, performance, efforts are being made to modify composition
along with formation of hard brittle phases, leave no chance and microstructure and to understand in-service degradation
except going for low but concentrated heat input by electron mechanisms so as to obtain enhanced performance. Studies
beam welding. Welding carried out by selecting appropriate weld related to safety issues of concern viz., creep deformation,
parameters and offset for 1mm thick plates revealed that deformation behavior under accidental conditions and
complete mixing of the melts from the alloy and the steel is hydrogen/hydride induced degradation of mechanical
difficult to achieve if liquation cracking is to be avoided. properties are being presently pursued at the Materials Science
However, despite the macro-inhomogeneity in the weld pool, Division.
the welds were found to be crack-free and stronger than the
alloy, irrespective of the thermal history of the welds. These Deformation behavior of Zr-alloys
results are relevant for the commercial scale electron beam
In Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor, Zr-2.5Nb tubes serve as
miniature pressure vessels operating at about 573 K, with a
conditions, deformation behavior was characterized by uni-axial Another manifestation of localized embrittlement, caused by
tension tests at temperatures between room temperature and hydrogen migration down the temperature gradient, is the
1073 K as a function of specimen orientation, test temperature formation of hydride blisters at cold spots. The morphology of
and strain-rate. Results showed that both yield and ultimate blisters and their microstructural details were systematically
tensile strengths of this alloy decreased with increasing test studied in a Zr-2.5Nb pressure tube material. The computed
temperatures, with a rapid fall in strengths above a temperature stress field around a hydride blister, grown under controlled
of 623 K. The alloy exhibited extensive superplasticity thermal boundary conditions could explain the hydride platelet
(ductility exceeding 100 %) in the temperature range of orientation in the matrix surrounding the blister. Experiments
923 – 1073 K and under optimum conditions it exhibited are under way to determine the cracking strength of blisters and
a ductility value of approximately 950 %. influence of presence of blisters on mechanical properties.
water chemistry similar to BWRs, the issue of Stress Corrosion rolling, bending, machining/grinding, warm working.
Cracking (SCC) of these components has to be addressed. The Degree Of Sensitization (DOS) was measured using
Ensuring absence of sensitisation and Low Temperature electrochemical potentiodynamic reactivation (EPR) technique.
Sensitisation (LTS) over the complete design life of the It was shown that cold worked materials heat-treated at 5000 C
components will ensure freedom from early onset of IGSCC. for 11 days do not always result in LTS but the mechanism changes
However, there is no data to assure that LTS will not take place in to sensitisation with newer chromium rich carbides precipitating
100 years of operation at around 3000 C. at grain boundaries. Therefore, extrapolation of the results
obtained at 5000 C to the behaviour at 3000 C (5000 C for 11 days
All the IGSCC failures in recirculation pipelines of BWRs have as equivalent to 3000 C for 100 years) is not valid. It was also
occurred at the heat affected regions of weldment and not shown that type 304 L and 304 stainless steels have a tendency
elsewhere in the base material. It has been shown that there is a to transform into martensite upon cold rolling. The martensite
residual strain of 15-20% in the region between the weld fusion phase sensitised very fast (in a few minutes) between 300 to
line and the heat-affected zone (HAZ). Since all the LTS related 5000 C. This changed the LTS behaviour completely from that of
cracking have been in this region, it is pertinent to study the LTS an all-austenitic stainless steel and is shown in Figure. Similarly,
behaviour of stainless steels which are in cold-worked condition. on samples of type 304 that were bent by 90 0 showed
In a recent work completed last year, it has been shown that cold accelerated LTS kinetics due to retained strain in the material.
work has an important influence on LTS behaviour of stainless
steels. Types 304/304L/304LN/316L/316LN were used for LTS The influence of Low Temperature Sensitisation (LTS) on the
studies in solution annealed/fabricated conditions with or Degree Of Sensitisation (DOS) in two grades of 304LN stainless
without different degrees of cold rolling. Modes of steels with 0.12 and 0.15 wt.% nitrogen were evaluated. A heat
deformation/working encountered during fabrication of treatment at 5000 C for 11 days was used to simulate LTS for 100
stainless steel components were also investigated viz. cold years at 3000 C. The constant strain samples in annealed, sensitised
and LTS treated conditions were used in the SCC tests. In the first
SCC test the specimens were exposed in a boiling solution of
acidified NaCl as per G 123, ASTM. In the second test, the
specimens were exposed in a recirculating loop in oxygenated
water at 280 0 C and 8 MPa for 1000 hours. A similar test was
done with high purity water (specific conductivity
0 . 0 5 5 μS / c m ) . I t w a s s h o w n t h a t 3 0 4 L N w i t h
0.15 wt.% nitrogen is more susceptible to sensitisation and LTS.
For comparison, sensitised 304 samples were also exposed in the
test using high purity water. While the sensitised 304 showed
intergranular cracking (shown in the figure), the DOS developed
in the annealed materials after the LTS treatment was not suffi-
cient to make it susceptible to inter granular stress Stress – strain behaviour of duplex stainless steel
corrosion cracking. However, type 316LN stainless steel was under different applied cathodic potentials
found to be the most resistant grade of stainless steel to LTS. showing the effect of hydrogen embrittlement
and the lower figure shows the crack arrest at
Even after 20% cold rolling, the 5000 C heating for 11 days could the austenite phase.
not increase its DOS.
Technique (SSRT) technique in 0.1N sulphuric acid under At high applied ΔK regimes, the FCGR values didn’t have any
cathodic charging conditions. Results show that depending on appreciable difference indicating mechanical failure to be
the magnitude of cathodic potentials DSS can be severely dominant with very little influence of the environment.
embrittled. Cracks were mostly seen to originate from the Electrochemical tests on solution annealed DSS indicated that no
ferritic phase and were seen to terminate on certain occasions pitting occurred even at very high applied potentials.
when it encountered the austenite phase as shown in the figure. Hence pitting was ruled out as a precursor to fatigue crack
Data from SSRT tests reveal only the susceptibility to SCC
qualitatively and has little importance in design or in residual life Though SS 304 is a workhorse in the stainless steel family, its
assessment. But fracture mechanics approach to corrosion yields application in sea water is limited to a great extent due to its
useful results which help in determining the residual life of proneness to localized corrosion. In the sensitized condition very
in-service components in various environments. Effect of dilute quantities of thiosulphate are sufficient to cause SCC in
hydrogen on the fracture toughness of DSS was investigated presence of residual/applied strain. It is prone to SCC in the
using this approach. Cathodically hydrogen precharged fatigue presence of very small quantities of thiosulphate which may be
precracked CT specimens were used to determine the fracture formed due to the presence of sulphate reducing bacteria. Tests
toughness as per the ASTM standard E 1820. Results indicated were carried using the Slow Strain Rate Test (SSRT) technique.
a decrease in the initiation CTOD values and also a decrease in the Results of SSRT tests at room temperature indicated that
crack growth resistance . sensitization and thiosulphate concentration greatly increased
the susceptibility to SCC. Intergranular SCC was observed in
Duplex stainless steels have widespread marine applications. Thus solutions containing as low as 5 ppm thiosulphate. Experiments
corrosion resistance in chlorides becomes critical. Corrosion were also carried out at various applied potentials and current
fatigue tests were thus carried out at room temperature in 3.5% transients were observed to occur which corresponded to crack
NaCl solutions of varying pH, for different specimen nucleation. Results indicated that film rupture and dissolution
orientations – TL and LT to study this behaviour. Testing was was the most likely mechanism of SCC.
done as per ASTM standard E 647. Results indicated an increase
in the Fatigue Crack Growth Rates (FCGR) by a factor of 2-3 in Initial studies on FCGR/SCC have been carried out at room
low applied ΔK regimes due to the presence of chloride ions. This t e mp e r a t u r e . H o w e v e r, mo s t o f t h e e n g i ne e r i ng
indicates an appreciable effect of the chloride ions on the FCGR. materials used in plants experience high temperatures and
pressures in various aqueous environments. FCGR data available
under such conditions will be of great significance. An
experimental facility to carry out fatigue/SCC studies in
environments at elevated temperature and pressure is planned
to be set up. Such fatigue/SCC studies can be carried out in
various conditions of applied potentials and water chemistry.
Various reactor components operating under such
conditions will be studied in such a setup. Crack growth will be
monitored using the reversible DCPD technique.
Testing facility for carrying out the tests under flowing conditions
is also planned to be setup to simulate the conditions
experienced by the materials in actual service.
11.8 F R A C T U R E B E H A V I O U R O F Z I R C O N I U M the new test method adopted for this data generation and some
PRESSURE TUBE ALLOYS: EFFECT OF important experimental observations on the effect of hydrogen
HYDROGEN AND IMPURITIES and impurity segregation are given.
This work, using unirradiated samples, has generated a load normalization method, which is based on the Key Curve
database, which can be referred for assessing the toughness approach, has been established. This method does not need any
level of the pressure tube materials (Zircaloy-2 and Zr-2.5Nb) as on-line crack-monitoring unit. It uses single specimen
a function of the hydrogen content. Through a systematic study, load – Load Line Displacement (LLD) record for the evaluation of
J-R curves for Zircaloy-2 pressure tube alloy charged fracture behaviour of both Zircaloy-2 and Zr-2.5Nb pressure
with 50 ppm of hydrogen at different test temperatures tube materials over a range of temperature and hydrogen
using ASTM method (open symbols) and Load
content. This method compares well with the conventional ASTM
Normalization method (filled symbols).
test methods. Figure compares J-R curves obtained by this
11.9 R A T C H E T I N G B E H A V I O U R O F P R I M A R Y ratio becomes more negative the hysteresis loop opens up during
HEAT TRANSPORT PIPING STEELS ratcheting. This suggests that a negative Rσ ratio promotes the
development of a hysteresis loop during ratcheting. The plot
Ratcheting has been defined as accumulation of strain due to also shows that the accumulation of strain in the first few cycles
asymmetrical stress cycling in materials. The phenomenon is is more rapid at slow loading conditions than at a stress rate of
potentially dangerous, because for a suitable combination of 100 MPa/s and 1000 MPa/s. This is more clearly seen in figure,
mean and cyclic loads, there can be continuous cycle-by-cycle where the effect of two stress ratios on the evolution of strain
plastic deformation. This contributes to the development of has been shown. It is clearly seen that at the slow stress rates (5
unacceptably large strains in the component. PHWR and AHWR and 10 MPa/s) the strain accumulation is much faster as compared
have extensive piping layout to provide for heat transport. to stress rates of 100 and 1000 MPa/s. Further at these faster
Ratcheting experiments carried out on piping components used stress rates there is an incubation period before the ratcheting
in Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR) have shown that commences. The conditions observed for the two types of
during seismic excitation the cross section of a pipe subjected to accumulation, one with an incubation period and one without
internal pressure and cyclic bending undergoes progressive have been shown in figure, as filled diamond and circle symbols
ovalization. There is, therefore, a need to understand and respectively. The appearance of incubation period is also seen for
characterize the ratcheting behaviour in these piping steels. Rσ = -1, where there is no mean stress. It is also seen from figure
In this study the uniaxial cyclic deformation experiments have that at stress rate of 10000 MPa/s there was no ratcheting for
been carried out on SA 333 Gr 6. It is a low carbon steel used as both the asymmetrical and symmetrical stress cycling. The
primary heat transport piping and forged header material in ratcheting boundary has been defined on the basis that no
PHWRs. This study is a part of an ongoing comprehensive significant strain accumulation has been observed for 103 cycles.
program for characterization of the ratcheting behaviour of
various piping steels used in PHWR and AHWR. In the present tests it has been observed that the difference in
the ratcheting rates due to a change in Rσ from –0.5 to –0.75
The ratcheting tests were carried out at σ max = 350 MPa with increases as the applied stress rate decreases. This may be due to
five different stress ratios (Rσ = (σmin/σmax) ; Rσ = 0, -0.25, -0.5, an interaction between stress rate and stress ratio in the slower
-0.75,-1) and five levels of stress rate (= 5 , 10 , 100, 1000, stress rate regime where there is a possibility of rapid dislocation
10000 MPa/s).The stress controlled tests, have been carried out multiplication. At a combination of low stress rate and negative
by varying Rσ. Figure shows the combinations of Rσ and which stress ratio the significant increase in strain accumulation rate
have shown ratcheting (represented as filled points) as well as may be due to dynamic Lüders band formation and larger
those that have not displayed accumulation of strain (represented dislocation annihilation rates. This leads to a synergistic
as open points). The trends of the stress – strain hysteresis loops interaction between stress rate and stress ratio, which may
have also been shown for comparison in the case of a few points accelerate the onset and increase the extent of cyclic softening
in the ratcheting domain. The plot shows that at Rσ = 0 in the ratcheting tests.
and –0.25 there has been no observed ratcheting. However, for
the stress rates between 5-1000 MPa/s, employed for the tests
at Rσ = -0.5 and –0.75 there has been significant ratcheting
evident by the accumulation of strain. This suggests that in the
present quasi-reversed tests, stress ratio has to be sufficiently
negative for ratcheting to occur. Comparing the hysteresis curves
in terms of the σ-ε plots for stress ratios Rσ= -0.5 and –0.75, at
slow and fast stress rates it has been found that at stress rate of
1000 MPa/s the hysteresis loop that develops during ratcheting
is smaller than in the case of stress rate of 10 MPa/s (inset C and
D in Figure). Further it has been seen from the evolution of
hysterisis loops within the ratcheting domain that as the stress
11.10 CORROSION BEHAVIOUR OF COLD dispersive X-ray analyses indicated an enrichment of Fe, followed
WORKED ALLOY 800 IN 673 K STEAM by Ni and Cr on the surfaces exposed in steam similar to bulk
composition of the alloy. X-ray Photoelecron Spectroscopy
Cold worked (~ 50 % ) Alloy 800 containing a small volume ( XPS ) studies revealed that the surface films formed on the alloy
fraction of hexagonal ε-martensite in the austenite matrix was after an exposure in 673 K steam of initial pH in the nearly
exposed in 673 K steam of initial pH either in the nearly neutral neutral region contained mixed oxides of chromium, iron and
or alkaline region for a period of 264 hours. The alloy indicated nickel along with their elemental forms whereas, the presence of
very low corrosion rates. Scanning Electron Microscope ( SEM ) chromium oxide could not be detected in the surface films that
studies of the alloy exposed in 673 K steam of initial pH in the formed in 673 K steam of initial pH in the alkaline region.
nearly neutral region revealed a few small oxide particles whereas,
a number of small oxide particles was noticed on the surface
exposed in steam of initial pH in the alkaline region. Energy
Vivekanand Kain,
As received SS 304 sample with DL-EPR value of 0.05 and the Austenitic Stainless Steel AISI 304LN has been
sample of SS 304 irradiated at 4.2 x 10 16 protons/cm 2 of energy selected for primary system components of
4 MeV (0.2 dpa) at FOTIA showing radiation induced
AHWR. Design life of AHWR is 100 years. Low
segregation (RIS) and a DL-EPR value of 0.25.
Temperature Sensitisation (LTS) has been
identified as one of the material degradation
In this just initiated study, accelerated irradiation using proton mechanisms which can limit the life of component by making it
beam of high energy (up to 10 MeV) is used to simulate the susceptible to localised corrosion viz. IGC/IGSCC.
irradiation damage due to high energy neutrons. Towards this, Even though stainless steel may be non-sensitized to start with,
a high temperature experimental setup to be used for the welding can result in formation of chromium carbide nuclei
proton irradiation at 300o C was designed and fabricated; and at grain boundaries in Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) which can
experiments were carried out using proton irradiation at FOlded grow at 300° C and over long term service may result in
Tandem Ion Accelerator (FOTIA) and Pelletron at room completely sensitised microstructure. This necessitated
temperature and at 300 C in separate experiments. Samples
the qualification of austenitic stainless steel material
were irradiated to different levels of dpa and subjected to with respect to LTS susceptibility.
The Kinetics of LTS is controlled by diffusion of Cr through the
lattice. Using Arrhenius equation and appropriate activation The role of inclusions in corrosion of stainless steels in nitric acid
energy for Cr diffusion, it was established that 100 years service environment has been brought out clearly in our earlier study.
at 300° C can be simulated by 11 days thermal exposure at 500° The role of type of inclusions (oxides/nitrides/sulfides/silicates
C. Austenitic stainless steel 304 LN in solution was annealed, as etc) on initiation of corrosion in nitric acid medium will be
well as welded conditions were given this simulation heat studied separately. Recent work on the mechanism of end grain
treatment and evaluated for LTS susceptibility as per ASTM A262 pitting has shown that processing of the stainless steels may also
Pr. A & E. Solution annealed material did not show sensitized result in chromium depletion along the flow lines in highly worked
microstructure whereas welded material showed sensitised products e.g. tubular products. EPMA analysis had shown the
microstructure in ASTM A 262 Pr. A. However, in both the presence of chromium depletion in regions adjacent to the flow
conditions material passed ASTM A262 Pr. E test. This observation bands and the end grain corrosion attack was along the direc-
indicates AISI 304LN grade material will not become susceptible tion of these flow bands. Earlier this type of segregation of Nb/
to LTS –induced IGC/IGSCC during service at 300° C for 100 Ti along flow bands and end grain corrosion was reported for
years. stabilized stainless steels.
highly resistant to end grain corrosion also. The general concentration of acidic waste stream during vitrification and
corrosion rate was very low, < 2 mpy in concentrated boiling use of other corrosive additives will be accounted for to arrive
nitric acid solutions (e.g. practice C, A 262, ASTM). The influence at a safe material-process combination for a specified duration.
of beta phase that gets precipitated during welding/processing
was not found to be harmful possibly because of absence of
Vivekanand Kain, <>
depletion of the alloying elements around the beta phase.
12. H E A LT H P H Y S I C S & E N V I R O N M E N T
In the siting of a nuclear power plant, three zones are defined for control of population. The innermost zone, called the Exclusion Zone
(EZ), surrounds the plant and defines an area directly under the control of the plant. The second zone, an annulus around the exclusion
zone defines the Sterilised Zone or the Low Population Zone, where the growth of population is limited by administrative control. The
outer-most zone defines the minimum distance to a high population centre This chapter talks about the evolution of exclusion zones,
siting practices and factors determining the extent of exclusion zone for the current and future nuclear facilities.
12.1 E X C L U S I O N B O U N D A R Y F O R N U C L E A R
. Evolution of the Exclusion Zone
The methodology for implementing this in the US Context is On the lines of the above, all NPP sites in India have an exclusion
coded in the USAEC document TID-14844 . When implemented, boundary of radius 1.6 km, except the Kaiga site, where the
the exclusion distances for most US reactors fall in the range radius is 2.3 km. Where more than one twin station is sited, each
0.5–1.6 km. must have an exclusion radius of 1.6 km.
The Indian siting code defines the exclusion area as follows: The practice in some countries is illustrated in the table:
The first Indian power reactors were the two 210-MWe BWRs the consequence could be limited to the fenced area of each
sited at Tarapur. A site radius of 1.6 km was selected. The plant.
distance was believed to be conservative but to what extent
could not be ascertained. Recently an interesting application of In view of the involatile waste forms and relatively small
the 10 CFR 100 methodology was made to the Tarapur BWRs. inventories, the same can be said to be valid for waste
The results indicate an exclusion radius of about 950 m. An management facilities at power reactor sites.
adaptation of the US methodology to Indian PHWRs is shown in
Tables. For 220 MWe double containment PHWRs, an exclusion
boundary of about 625 m is calclulated.
. Exclusion Zone for Advanced Reactors
N.B.: Whole body dose controlling for Proposed Assumptions Exclusion Boundary Distance (m) for Light
Thyroid dose controlling for 10 CFR 100 Assumptions Water Reactors
N.B.: All exclusion distances above based on thyroid dose Exclusion Boundary Distance (m) for
which is controlling. Single-Containment PHWRs
N.B.: Partial double-containment exclusion distances controlled Exclusion Boundary Distance (m) for Double
by thyroid dose. Full double-containment exclusion Containment PHWRs
distances controlled by whole body dose
This chapter covers various research and developmental activities pertaining to the life management of ageing components of Indian
nuclear reactors. During the course of operation in the reactor environment, components age and degrade which affect their intended
performance and limit their service life also. Sometimes, unintended material degradations take place as well, for which no consideration
was given at the time of design. These unintended degradations not only affect the performance of the components but also shorten
their intended service live. Such a situation has among others, an economic penalty as well.
Several R&D activities are being carried out to meet the challenges posed by the situation. These activities range from the basic
experimental studies under the simulated environment to understand the mechanism of degradations, development of numerical models
for predicting such degradations in advance and design, development and commissioning of repair tools and technologies for life
management and life extension of these components.
The model first evaluates the critical length of hydride using the
inputs of applied stress intensity factor and material properties
. Computer code for design optimisation of
Pressure Tube thickness for AHWR
like Poisson ratio, yield strength, fracture strength of hydride at
a given temperature. Thereafter, rate of diffusion of hydrogen A computer program has been developed to optimise pressure
(hydrogen flux) to the crack tip under stress gradient and tube thickness from strength and creep/growth considerations.
concentration gradient is evaluated at the end of each small The diameter of pressure tube had been fixed based on thermal
time interval, which together constitutes the total experimental hydraulic and fuel bundle dimension considerations.
period. The hydrogen diffused to the crack tip is checked for its The minimum required thickness of pressure tube based on
potential to grow to hydride of critical length. When the strength consideration changes as per pressure and
hydrogen diffused to the crack tip is sufficient for the growth temperature conditions at different points along the length of
of hydride of critical length, the crack front is assumed to the tube. The program calculates the pressure and safe working
advance by an amount equal to the critical length of hydride. stress based on temperature at different points spaced at an
interval of 10 mm from inlet for design, normal operating and
Accurate analysis of the hydrogen diffusion at the crack tip hot shutdown conditions. For safe working stress at a particular
requires finite element analysis tools. Analysis based on finite temperature, it linearly interpolates the values at defined
difference method along with cylindrical approximation to the temperatures. Similarly for operating pressure and temperature
stress field at the crack tip gives results, which are in reasonable at a particular elevation, it linearly interpolates the defined
agreement with experiment. Some typical studies carried out values at previous and next data points defined by thermal
using this code for the published experimental work have shown hydraulics considerations. For all possible combinations of loads
an excellent match. from tail pipes and feeder pipes in addition to pressure loads, it
compares the stress components with allowable limits as per
ASME requirements. Based on this analysis, it arrives at a final
minimum thickness
required from strength
point of view for any
predetermined loading
condition. Based on the
final thickness for all
loading conditions, it
calculates creep and
growth of the channel
under normal operating
conditions and estimates
the probable life of the
pressure tube for
predetermined extreme
values of design
In this code, a composite sleeve (made of SS304L and SS403) Sliver Sample Scraping Technique (SSST), has been developed to
rolled joint with pressure tube has been simulated as a compound take samples from the inside surface of the operating pressure
tubes of Indian PHWRs. These samples are later analysed for
assessing safe operating life of the pressure tubes. The SSST is a
non-destructive technique as it does not affect the remaining
service life of pressure tube and is remotely operable. The sample,
contact pressure even after subsequent thermal cycles during hydrogen content of the sampled pressure tube. It is being used
Variation of hoop stress at ID as well as OD in Scraping tools have been used extensively for life management
the intermediate sleeve at different conditions.
activities of pressure tubes since 1998. Till date, approximately
637 samples have been obtained from 170 pressure tubes in
S.K. Sinha, <> various campaigns and from various reactor sites.
Sampling Module-2
Sample from SS Plate
It is well known that hydrogen, when present in zirconium alloys Several other studies like growth of hydride blisters, crack
manifests into problems like hydride blistering, hydrogen propagation by DHC mechanism under the simulated in-reactor
embrittlement and propagation of flaw introduced either condition of pressure and temperature and hydride
during service or in the manufacturing process by Delayed embrittlement etc., have been planned. Development of
Hydride Cracking (DHC) mechanism. These hydrogen-induced technique for in-situ measurement of hydrogen is being carried
degradations limit the safe operating life of Zirconium alloy out.
pressure tubes and hence are required to be studied for
(i) understanding their mechanisms and (ii) quantification of the These studies will not only help in understanding the
extent of damage by each of them on periodic basis under mechanisms in a better way but also help in strengthening the
in-reactor conditions. Several experimental and analytical in-house developed numerical models for these damaging
studies related to these phenomena have been carried out world
wide and are still being done. Most of the published research
work is limited to small specimens and very few of them have Growth and Characterisation Studies of
been carried out on actual component. Difficulty in charging Hydride Blister
hydrogen in a large length of Pressure tube could be the prime
reason for lesser number of above studies on the actual The experiment of growing multiple blisters in a zirconium alloy
component. pressure tube piece under the simulated in-reactor pressure and
temperature condition was carried out in an experimental facility
The technology for accelerated but controlled charging of called ‘High Temperature Loop’ (HTL). A total of 10 blisters were
hydrogen in large length of pressure tube piece has been planned to grow on the hydrogen charged Zr-2.5%Nb pressure
developed over the past few years. In this, zirconium alloy tube spool piece. These were symmetrically located with respect
pressure tube piece filled with 1.0 M (or higher) aqueous solution to tube ends in two groups of five each. The axial separation
of lithium hydroxide and hydraulically sealed at both the ends is between the two groups was 50 mm. Within the group, the
heated to 300 C for several hours ranging from 50 hrs – 300 hrs
o blisters were located at different angular positions.
depending upon the amount of hydrogen to be charged.
Typically, 50 hrs of experiment will charge nearly 30 ppm –
Experimental Set-up
All the blisters present in the tube had lenticular shape, which
was similar to those observed in irradiated tubes.
The yield strength and ultimate tensile strength of the material designed to dislodge and remove sludge from secondary side of
of test pressure tube was not been measured at that moment. In tube sheet of mushroom type steam generators of PHWRs. This
these circumstances, the strength revealed by the burst test equipment comprises of
was compared with that available in the literature. In the
transverse direction, UTS of a CW Zr-2.5% Nb tube produced by Closed loop de-mineralised water circulation system
NFC, India, was found to be 641 MPa whereas the burst test of
the blistered tube revealed the value to be around 430 MPa. This
. High-pressure remote lancing Jet Manipulator
Assembly (JMA)
conclusively proves that the blistered tube is likely to fail at a
pressure much lower than that actually given by UTS. The extent Remote Visual Inspection System (RVIS)
of decrease in the burst pressure will depend upon the size of
hydride blister(s). In the present case depths of the cracked
. Instrumentation & control system.
System description
The six process modules comprise: operated double diaphragm pump (EP-1 or EP-2) capable of
handling 0 to 18.0 m3 / hour of sludge water. This sludge water
Air-operated double diaphragm pumps for removing is passed through the rotary cleaner and further filtered using
the sludge water mixture, basket and cartridge filter stages before being circulated to the
high-pressure triplex pump. The discharge of the triplex pump is
Sludge tank and Rotary Cleaner for removing sludge connected to the nozzle head of the jet manipulator assembly.
particles above 100 μ;
The specially designed compact pneumatically-operated
30 μ, 2 μ & 0.5 μ filter assemblies for removal of manipulator carrying the nozzle head assembly (Jet manipulator
dislodged sludge, assembly) moves in forward and reverse directions, in the no
tube lane by gripping to the steam generator tubes. The nozzle
Storage tank with 4 cubic meter capacity and centrifugal head is also moved vertically up/down for effective lancing. The
pumps for circulation camera positioning, control and lighting module of the Remote
Visual Inspection System (RVIS) are connected to another
High pressure Triplex Plunger pump for generating pneumatically operated manipulator, for visual inspection of the
high-pressure water at 250 bar at a flow of 250 lpm. tube sheet. The camera module of the RVIS houses four CCD
cameras with 75,50,25 & 4 mm focal lengths and light source.
The pan & tilt mechanism gives angular orientation to the camera
The high pressure lancing water in the nozzle head assembly module. The process modules are located in the ground floor
generates multiple high velocity jets along the 3 mm wide inter and the manipulators & valve control stations are located close
tube lanes of the steam generator to clean the tube sheet. This to the steam generator in the SG floor.
high-pressure water jet dislodges the sludge from the secondary
side of steam generator tubes (of limited heights ~ 150 mm) The equipment is maneuvered remotely from two control
and tube sheet face, which gets collected on the bottom tube consoles. The interlocked equipment and manipulator controls
sheet. This is extracted to Sludge Tank (ST-1) by self-priming air are implemented using networked PLC-based control system.
Air operated diaphragm pumps Sludge tank (ST-1), Centrifugal Pump Main storage tank (ST-2)
(EP-1 and EP-2), (BP-1), Rotary Cleaner (RC)
Snapshots of the ceremony of handing over of sludge lancing system to NPCIL, attended
Chairman, AEC, Director, BARC, CMD, NPCIL
This chapter contains articles on analytical and experimental simulation for structural qualification of reactor components and systems
under normal, upset and accident conditions. Development of methodologies for meeting Leak before Break (LBB) criteria for high
pressure and temperature piping systems under all conditions, fracture studies on various piping components, generation of valuable
information by testing large piping components, analytical and experimental studies of bimetallic weld joints and development and
testing of energy absorbing devices like Elasto Plastic Dampers (EPDs) and Lead Extrusion Dampers (LEDs), are some of the important
research activities highlighted in this chapter.
14.1 CYCLIC FRACTURE INVESTIGATION ON significant reduction in the fracture resistance under cyclic loading
Total 45 fracture tests were carried out at SERC, Chennai on Crack growth in a surface cracked pipe in
27 pipes and 18 elbows made of PHT carbon steel material carbon steel pipe
All these newly proposed equations have been validated with the
experimental data, generated under Component Integrity Test
Program and also available in the literature. Large number of
research papers have been published in international journals
based on these works.
Studies have been carried out on 28 carbon steel pipes and pipe
elbows to demonstrate the leak before break design criterion
and validate the analytical procedures. Summary of the typical
results for 200 NB pipes and elbows having part through notch
is given below.
piping of PHWR, the number of cycles to crack initiation is very 14.5 FATIGUE AND FRACTURE RESISTANCE OF
large compared to the expected number of cycles. Paris constants AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL PIPE AND
obtained from the standard specimens can be used directly for PIPE WELDS
crack growth rate analysis of pipes. The use of the fatigue crack
growth curve given in ASME Section XI will produce a conservative A component integrity test program was started to evaluate the
result. Even after crack initiation, the number of cycles required fatigue and fracture behaviour of the main heat transport system
for the crack to grow through-wall is enormously large thus piping of the Advanced Heavy Water Reactors. Under this
satisfying LBB level-2 criteria. The ratio of moment required to program, extensive studies have been carried out on pipe and
cause instability to the moment expected during SSE is more pipe welds of austenitic stainless steel material (type 304LN).
than √2 , thus Tests on full-scale pipe welds using different welding processes
satisfying the LBB are rare. The effects of crack shape evolution during crack growth
level-3 criterion. for different initial aspect ratio on fatigue life prediction have
also been studied.
In case of elbows,
crack initiation has Results of the studies on crack resistance behaviour of the
been observed from austenitic stainless steel pipe and pipe welds along with CT
the inside as well as specimens can be summarized as: For the typical stress range
outside surface of the expected in the piping of AHWR, the number of cycles to crack
crown region of the initiation is very large as compared to the expected number of
elbow irrespective of cycles. Fatigue crack growth also depends on the aspect ratio.
the nature of stress Aspect ratio (2C/a) at the point of through thickness lies in the
(i.e. tensile or range of 3 to 4 irrespective of the initial notch aspect ratio . This
compressive). Crack provides justification for the usual assumption in LBB that for a
growth from the reasonable part through crack the length at break out (leakage
outer and inner size crack) is not likely to be more than that is normally assumed.
surface in thickness Crack growth in surface direction is more for the aspect ratio
direction is shown in greater than 4 as compared to thickness direction. Notch of
figure. The two cracks semi circular front (2C/a=2) maintains its shape till through
join to produce thickness. Number of cycles required for crack to grow through
through wall crack. thickness is very large compared to expected during plant life.
There i s no c r a c k The use of the fatigue crack growth curve given in ASME Section
growth under XI will produce a conservative result. Fracture resistance properties
monotonic loading of the pipe and pipe welds prepared by GTAW are comparable
for the elbow having whereas that of pipe welds prepared by GTAW+SMAW is on
through wall crack at lower side. Initiation of crack growth starts prior to the maximum
the crown. Failure of moment attained by the pipe welds. For the base material the
the elbow has been growth is negligible or small. For GTA weld the growth is
observed by net marginally higher than base. There is substantial growth of crack
section collapse. in case of pipe welds (GTAW+SMAW) shown in figure. Because
of crack growth limit load expression available for the pipes gives
non-conservative results. This non-conservatism gets enhanced
Cracked Elbow
in pipe welds of GTAW+SMAW. Suitable multiplication factor
of 0.85 for GTAW and 0.7 for SMAW has been suggested for
J.Chattopadhyay, <>
conservative prediction of limit load based on flow stress
P. K.Singh, RSD, <>
of the base material.
On the analytical front, biaxial ratcheting analysis has been carried . The phenomenon of ratcheting has been observed in
out on the pressurized pipe tubes subjected to reversible cyclic piping components when loaded by actuators as well as
axial strain loading. The radial dilation after 5, 10, 20, … load when loaded on shaketable.
cycles has been evaluated for various combinations of primary
and secondary stresses. Based on these the Ratchet Assessment In general, the number of cycles required to produce
Diagrams (RADs) have been developed for SA333Gr6 carbon significant ratcheting is quite large. Detailed Ratcheting
steel material. The RADs are the plot of iso-strain (i.e. Assessment can help in reducing the conservatism in the
accumulated plastic strain after ‘N’ number of cycles) curves on seismic design of piping.
‘stress amplitude (secondary load)’ and ‘hoop stress (primary
load)‘ plane and provide a simplified way of ratchetting Further studies are required to formulate design rules to
assessment. account for this phenomenon.
The ballooning in the elbow tests was predicted from these RADs.
The comparison of the predicted and experimental values is Suneel Gupta, <>
reasonably good.
14.7 RATCHETING STUDIES OF PIPING old and new PHWR respectively and 304L for AHWR. Ratcheting
MATERIALS FOR NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS studies are being carried out on the above mentioned materials
both at the lab specimen and component level. The objective of
Ratcheting is defined as the accumulation of strain during the studies is to determine the most important factors leading
asymmetrical stress cycling in a material. This is quite significant to ratcheting, derive design criteria based on experiments and
as for a suitable combination of mean and cyclic loads there can finally validation of design in component level tests. Finite Element
be large deformations in the structure. In piping materials, even Analysis and modeling based on various coupled kinematic
at room temperature significant ratcheting strain accumulation hardening rules will be also used to predict the ratcheting
has been found both at specimen level and in actual piping behavior.
component. The seismic design aspect of piping components
receives high importance and is met through a conservative design An experiment has been conducted on a straight pipe subjected
practice, which leads to increase in cost of building nuclear to internal pressure and cyclic bending load. Cyclic bending load
facilities. It has therefore been realized that in order to develop has been applied to the pipe in three point and four point bend
realistic design code rules ensuring safety against seismic loads test configurations. Finite Element Analysis also has been carried
experimental ratcheting data needs to be determined. PHWR out to simulate ratcheting phenomenon. The pipe is modeled
and the proposed AHWR have an elaborate piping network to using large strain plastic shell element and analyzed for constant
cater to the PHT requirements of the respective nuclear reactors. internal pressure. Chaboche non-linear kinematic hardening model
They are primarily made up of SA 106 B and SA 333 Gr 6 for the is used for predicting ratcheting response.
Hoop strain vs. Number of Cycles for 3-point bend test on straight pipe
systems with EPDs. Subsequently the EPD was incorporated in a Lead Extrusion Dampers work on the principle of extrusion of
piping loop at SERC (Chennai) and the response of the loop with lead. LED absorbs vibration energy by plastic deformation of
and without EPD was measured. It is seen that there is significant lead and thereby mechanical energy is converted to heat. On
reduction in the response of the piping system. Nonlinear being extruded lead re-crystallizes immediately and recovers its
dynamic analysis was also carried out on the piping and the
methodology was validated by comparison with test results . A
complex piping with and without EPDs was also tested on shake
table at CPRI (Bangalore) and the reduction in the response of
the piping is observed.
This chapter covers various research and developmental activities pertaining to the online integrity monitoring of the components of
Indian nuclear reactors. These systems help in advance planning of programmes for in-service inspection, maintenance and life extension
of the ageing components. Besides, such systems also help in taking timely action against any abnormal behaviours by detecting them
in advance.
Several systems for online monitoring have been developed and deployed in field. A real time creep and fatigue monitoring computa-
tional code BOSSES has also been developed.
The rotating blades in a steam turbine are
one of the most critical components working round the clock in Main coolant pumps of Dhruva research reactor in Trombay, are
hostile steam environment. Due to the demand of high duty in continuous use since 1985 when the reactor was made
cycle and adverse working environment, there are number of critical. Over these years, these pumps have served the plant
very well. However, in the recent times, there have been a couple
of reactor outages due to non-availability of these pumps. Pump
breakdown has largely been due to ageing related
deteriorations. One of the early indicators of ageing in any
machinery is its vibrations history. Realising the importance of
the continuous availability of the pumps for the reactor
operation, an online vibration monitoring system has been
installed on pump No.3 in September 2004. The mounted
blade failures reported all over the world. Such incidences are a accelerometers on the bearings of the motor and the flywheel
safety hazard as well as economic burden on industry. are connected to a PC-based data acquisition and analysis
Presently, there is no commercial diagnostic package available system. The system keeps a trend of the key frequency
for monitoring the health of the turbine blades during components in the vibration signal that help in monitoring the
operation. With a view to fulfill this industrial requirement, BARC health of the bearing and the shaft. On two occasions, the
in collaboration with NPCIL and thermal power plants in private system has detected premature failure in the bearing. The plant
sector have developed a blade diagnostic system. The system is has made good use of the system in the way it takes advance
non-intrusive, i.e. it can be implemented in an operating plant action to replace the faulty bearing. The system is operating
and is cost effective. The system is tuned to detect satisfactorily without any breakdown so far. Based on the good
blade vibration caused by internal excitation during off design feedback, action has been taken to install similar system on all
working condition or due to other design deviation that affect the three pumps..
the blade dynamics. The technique has been implemented and
validated in nuclear and thermal power plants.
A. Ramarao, <>
A. Ramarao, <>
. data acquisition,
. visualization.
B.K.Dutta, <>
This chapter summarises several technological developments that have taken place in the field of in-service inspection of the components,
repair of the faulty components and handling of emergency situations in nuclear reactors and other nuclear facilities. All these tools have
been developed to meet the challenging requirements of remote operation under the harsh environment of radiation, temperature and
pressure. In addition, fail safe design and easy installation and operation have also been the guiding philosophies to meet the requirements
of inherent safety and keeping the reactor outages and the manrem consumption to a minimum. Some of the important developments
are channel inspection tool “BARCIS”, radiation-resistant camera, In-situ Property Measurement tool (IProM), CHannel Isolation Plug
(CHIP), remotely operated hydraulic trolley with manipulator (ROHYTAM) and water hydraulic manipulators.
BARCIS drive mechanism in fuelling CCD cameras have limited radiation life (in the order of few
machine vault of KAPS thousand rads). Hence for application in highly radioactive
areas, radiation-resistant CCTV cameras are needed.
BARCIS-KAPS system has been designed to be lightweight for To fulfill this requirement, radiation-resistant CCTV camera has
ease of installation and hence considerably reducing total Man been developed indigenously. This camera has been designed for
Rem expenditure. The new system will also facilitate accessibility inspection of coolant channels of PHWRs. The camera has a
to top row channels by the BARCIS. Till date four BARCIS radiation life of 100 Mega-Rads. This camera system has been
systems have been supplied to NPCIL and more than 900 coolant successfully used in calandria tube inspection (during EMCCR) of
channels have been inspected. units 1&2 of MAPS. The camera was also deployed for visual
inspection of channel K11 in the unit 1 of Kaiga atomic power
Technique for inspection of rolled joint has been developed and station.
is being used to qualify the rolled joint spools in unit 1 of MAPS
before re-tubing. This technique is also being integrated in the
BARCIS system and will be available as an inspection option in the
near future.
. Improved
equipment for BARCIS
contingency handling
A device for handling leakages for full coolant channel bore has
been developed and integrated as part of BARCIS contingency
handling equipment. The device is very easy to handle and can Radiation Resistant CCTV Camera System
arrest a full bore leak in 30 seconds.
16.3 I N - S I T U P R O P E R T Y M E A S U R E M E N T
The load deformation curve and the flow curve, estimated for a station hydraulically connected by a long hose. Measuring
typical material during the feasibility studies are shown in station consists of piston, cylinder, lead screw and hand wheel.
figures. As the hand wheel is rotated, the piston of measuring station
moves forward. The volume of liquid moved by this piston
enters and creates equivalent space in the cylinder of the
inspection head. The tapered piston rod in the inspection head
push out the radial legs until the legs are in contact with the
inside diameter of the tube. The final contact point can be
established by a sudden rise in force i.e., pressure in closed
volume. The linear scale at the measuring station is graduated in
terms of diameter with respect to axial movement. The linear
scale is fixable in such a way that final position of hand wheel
gives the direct reading in terms of inside diameter.
Typical load deformation curve for SS 410.
Qualification was done in two stages. In the 1 st stage,
qualification trials were carried out in dry tube without seal plug
and its handling system. In 2nd stage, qualification trials were
carried out in water filled pressure tube at the coolant channel
mock-up facility at KAPS, NPCIL. Feasibility of operating
procedure, compatibility with the existing ISI seal plug and drive
tubes and accuracy of measurement was checked and found to
be satisfactory during qualification trials.
experimental basis. Further refinement is in progress.
to monitor different parameters. For these techniques existing
FMs are used which makes it possible to do the job remotely and Special Sealing Plug for BARC Channel
quickly. These techniques have been described in the following Inspection System (BARCIS)
head to outside. Thus special seal plug plays a major role in ISI The entire scraping operation of one channel can be completed
operation. Different versions of plug have been evolved and in about 4-5 hours. This tool has become standard tool for
used for ISI of more than 700 channels in 220 MW (e) PHWRs. taking sliver samples. WEST has been successfully used for
scraping channels in different units of Indian PHWRs.
Recently Mark IV design has been
developed having advanced
features for better reliability and
safety. This design is mature, sturdy,
operator friendly and saves further
man-rem expenditure and time.
Maintenance frequency required is
also less. MK-IV design of the plug
has been used for ISI of 35 channels
at MAPS successfully.
Hydrogen concentration is an
important parameter that must be
assessed to evaluate the fitness for
service of pressure tubes. Earlier methods required removal of Leaky Seal Plug identification by using Acoustic
channel or required channel in dry condition. To increase the Emission Technique
productivity, to minimize man-rem expenditure and reactor shut
down time a scheme was worked out to convert the existing After installation of seal plug, fuelling machine ensures that
tool such that it can be used to take the sliver samples from leakage is within acceptable limit of 20 gms/min. After some
water filled channels using fuelling machines. This has been time this leakage is expected to reduce to less than 10 gms/day.
accomplished by incorporating in the tool some additional Considering large number of seal plug and rise in trtium activity
features like miniature, special bearings for self orientation at due to small leakage also routine monitoring of plugs is
12’O clock position, compatibility with fuel, provision of a piston necessary. For this purpose an acoustic emission based leakage
to transmit the fuelling machine ram force and motion to the monitoring system has been developed in collaboration with other
carriage of the tool etc.. The technique was named as WEt Scraping groups within BARC. The leakage through seal defect gives rise
Tool (WEST). ‘C’ Ram force of FM is applied to move the carriage to acoustic signal, which is picked up by an acoustic sensor and
at desired speed taking proper sliver cut. Scheme is such that signal is processed to assess the leakage. A tool mounted with
three WEST tools are used which enables taking of three sliver sensors is held by fuelling machine. Fuelling machine takes this
samples from three axial locations from each channel, in a single tool to reactor face and contact is established for monitoring
visit of fuelling machine. the signal. The data acquisition and analysis system is kept in
accessible area. Laboratory experiments indicated that a leakage Pressure tube I.D. Measurement using Three Point
of 100 cc/hour might be possible to measure. The technique was Micrometer
used once in KAPS unit –2 and in NAPS unit -2 successfully.
Attempt is being made to develop the scheme for confirming A scheme for measuring coolant channel inside diameter in
the leakage from the detected leaky seal plugs. water filled condition for 220MW(e) PHWR was
e v o l v e d
jointly with
Nuclear Power
of India. The
tool was
qualified and
used for
the inside diameter of some of the channels in KAPS unit
Channel Isolation Plug (CHIP) –2 in the year 2002. The measurement did not indicate
ballooning of pressure tubes. This tool was recently
During operation of the r e a c t o r, some time used again in KAPS.
clo s u re s eal fa ce gets
damaged. To enable this
repair in water filled
channel, a concept of
Channel Isolation Plug was
developed for isolating the
closure seal face and make
it accessible for repair. This
plug has been supplied to
almost all power stations.
End Fitting Blanking Assembly (EFBA)
Handling of fuel bundles of PHWR
EFBA has been developed to block the excessive leakage from
the seal plug temporarily till the next opportunity for the repair.
. Manual override operation of direction control valves of
MAPS fuelling machine
This works as a secondary sealing device. An ‘O’ ring seal is used
to be located, behind the seal plug on an adapter. This is retained . Nut splitting operation with integrating nut splitter
by split rings and retainer sleeve. It has got the provision for
releasing the pressure before removal. This has been qualified by
. Dismantling greylock joint nut using hydraulic torque
analysis as well as experiments. The dimensions are optimised
such that neighboring channels can be refueled. Installation takes
. Cleaning floors in an inaccessible area using vacuum
about 1 minute time. This is being used by the operating PHWRs.
Operations on concrete structures by integrating
R.J. Patel, M. Dev, <> concrete rotary saw
DEVELOPMENT Operations on concrete structures by integrating
concrete splitter.
Remotely operated Hydraulic Trolley along with 6 DOF Hydraulic
Manipulator (ROHYTAM) has been developed for handling some
. Operations on concrete structures by integrating
concrete spreader
of the emergencies, repair and decommissioning work in PHWRs
and other nuclear facilities. ROHYTAM is electro hydraulic servo . Operations by integrating tube cutter
Modified ROHYTAM
16.7 D E V E L O P M E N T O F W A T E R H Y D R A U L I C
Fuel bundle handling
Combined Double Axis Servo Rotary Actuator & its Cross Sectional View
developed for Under Water Manipulator
Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) methods are traditionally employed for detection, location and characterisation of flaws in
engineering components. These three factors form vital inputs for structural integrity assessment of engineering components, their
residual life estimation and extension beyond the design life.
This chapter deals with the development of NDT methods for in-service inspection of reactor core components and characterisation of
material properties.
The past few years have witnessed a surge in the application of towards improvements in flaw and material characterization
NDE methods for characterization of material properties as well. capabilities and broadening the scope of NDE so that it can be
Extensive research is being carried out worldwide to develop applied on inaccessible components operating in hostile
NDE method(s) for measurement of residual stress. In environments. The key drivers in achieving these objectives will
Department of Atomic Energy, NDE methods are employed for be acoustic-based techniques like ultrasonics and acoustic
Quality Control during fabrication of nuclear fuel and reactor emission, electro-magnetic based techniques like eddy current
core components and Ageing Management of nuclear facilities and magnetic-based techniques like barkaussen noise, magnetic
like Power and Research Reactors, Heavy Water Plants and Waste flux leakage, 3MA approach, etc. The key goals will be to
Management Plants. In future there will be demands on develop and implement NDE methods and techniques
development of NDE methods for in-service inspection of new that are more sensitive, accurate, reliable, informative,
generation reactors like AHWR, VVER (PWR) and PFBR. The NDE cost-effective and fast so that the inspection can be
technology in the Department has evolved over the years from carried out effectively in the shortest possible time.
the conventional techniques like penetrant testing, radiography,
ultrasonic, etc. to more advanced techniques like ultrasonic 17.1 D E V E L O P M E N T O F N D T M E T H O D S F O R
imaging, acoustic emission, barkaussen noise, magnetic flux IN-SERVICE INSPECTION OF REACTOR
leakage, neutron radiography and so on. The impetus for this CORE COMPONENTS
development has come from the stringent quality requirement
of reactor core components and the need to monitor their de- The coolant channel, comprising of a pressure tube,
gradation periodically by NDE. The past decadeor so has surrounding calandria tube and a pair or two of garter spring
witnessed the development of two very successful indigenous spacers, is at the core of Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors
in-service inspection tools, one for the coolant channels of PHWRs (PHWRs). The integrity of zirconium alloy pressure tubes
and the other for core shroud of BWR. (Zircaloy-2 / Zr-2.5% Nb) is central to the safety of PHWR.
Non-destructive Examination (NDE) of coolant channels during
There exist numerous challenges during in-service inspection of periodic in-service inspection plays a crucial role in this regard. It
critical components, which are required to be addressed. provides information on presence or absence of flaws in
Suitable NDE methods like replication, optical profilometry and pressure tube, the location of garter spring spacers and the gap
ultrasonic spectroscopy need to be developed to classify the between the pressure tube and calandria tube. These inputs are
flaws in PHWR pressure tubes into sharp or blunt. Existing NDE vital to the plant operators and the regulatory authorities for
methods for detection of hydride blisters in coolant channels taking decision regarding the continued operation of coolant
will be fine-tuned and new methods like critical angle channels. The non-destructive examination of coolant channels
measurement and lamb waves will be studied. One of the most employ UlTrasonic (UT) and Eddy Current Testing (ECT) methods.
challenging tasks would be the measurement of hydrogen in the These sensors are mounted on an inspection head of a
pressure tube by NDE. Ultrasonic and Eddy Current based semi-automated tool, BARCIS (BARC Channel Inspection System).
methods hold good promise in this regard. In Pressure Vessel Hundreds of coolant channels in all the operating PHWRs of our
type reactors (BWRs, PWRs), the emphasis will be on country have been examined by BARCIS.
development of testing techniques for pressure vessels, nozzles
and pipelines. Advanced technology like ultrasonic phased array The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) initiated a
needs to be developed and employed for faster and reliable Coordinated Research Programme (CRP) on Intercomparison of
inspection. Ultrasonic Guided Wave technology will play a crucial Techniques for Pressure Tube Inspection and Diagnostics
role in examination of inaccessible pipelines in these reactors. involving countries, which include Canada, Korea, China,
Extensive analytical and experimental work using magnetic and Argentina, Romania and India. The objective of this CRP was to
ultrasonic methods will be required for assessment of irradiation intercompare inspection and diagnostics techniques for
damage in core components. pressure tubes during their service, as being used and developed
by participating countries. Phase 1 of this CRP, which deals with
In future, the key research areas in the field of NDE will be ‘Flaw Characterization in Pressure Tubes by in-situ
destructive means) for all the samples. This will help to identify
most accurate and reliable methods of characterization for
different kinds of flaws in pressure tubes and also define areas of
future R&D to fully meet the flaw characterization requirements
of PHWRs.
Ultrasonic B-scan Images of Flaws in Pressure Tube Samples flowing primary coolant from the downward flowing
feed-water. It also provides structural support to the core and
One of the most challenging tasks during in-service inspection maintains its geometry. The core shroud in BWRs at Tarapur is
of pressure tubes is the detection of zirconium hydride blisters. made of AISI 304 grade Stainless Steel. This material, if sensitized
The conventional ultrasonic testing technique based on during welding, is prone to IGSCC attack due to the presence of
reflection principle cannot detect the blister as there is no oxygenated water chemistry under BWR operating conditions.
significant acoustic impedance (product of sound velocity and In view of the above, it was decided to carry out in-service
density) difference between zircaloy and zirconium hydride. inspection of core shroud welds. The core shroud at Tarapur has
Ultrasonic examination techniques based on measurement of nine circumferential welds (H1 to H10), out of which only the
longitudinal to shear velocity ratio and time-of-flight based B &
C-scan imaging were developed in the laboratory for detection
of uncracked zirconium hydride blisters. When the pressure tube
is examined from the ID surface using normal beam longitudinal
wave, there is a reduction in time-of-travel of OD signal at the
blister location as the velocity of longitudinal wave is higher in
zirconium hydride as compared to zircaloy. The shift in OD signal
is clearly s een i n the B- scan i mag e. The r e v e r s e
happens while using shear wave. This technique was very reliable
for blisters of the order of a millimeter. In order to detect
blisters of much finer depth (0.2 mm), existing techniques are
being refined. New techniques based on critical angle and
spectral analysis are also being attempted in this regard.
Development of Non-Destructive Examination Methods for The examination was required to be carried out remotely and
Core Shroud of Boiling Water Reactors (BWR) under-water from inside surface of the shroud using special
manipulators from top of the reactor.
In the early 1990s, several boiling water reactors all over the
world revealed InterGranular Stress Corrosion Cracking (IGSCC) Non-destructive examination methods based on visual and
in the heat affected zones of core shroud weld. The core shroud ultrasonic examination were developed, standardized and
is a cylindrical vessel (inside the pressure vessel) that surrounds implemented for carrying out in-service inspection of
the core of BWR. Its primary function is to separate the upward core shroud welds. While the objective of visual examination is
PROPERTIES uranium rods as well as to qualify any changes made in the heat
treatment process.
PP Nanekar, <>
This chapter summarises some of the work done related to component manufacturing, development of facility for testing of the reactor
components, development of components for import substitution and development of several spin-off technologies to be transferred
to public / private enterprises. Manufacture of components for both power reactors and research reactors are being done in the
manufacturing facility built in BARC over a period of time. Some of the important components manufactured are fuelling machine
heads, sensor stop & pusher assemblies for fuelling machine, seal discs, components for control rod guide tubes of BWR (TAPS). A high
temperature and Pressure and Temperature Cycling Facility (PTCF) have been developed in BARC for testing of reactor
components like valves, pipe and pipe fittings, couplings, thermal and pressure sensors which are occasionally subjected to high
temperature and pressure.
Special purpose machines for reactor maintenance, fast acting valve and other special purpose valves have also been developed. The
know how of several technologies has been transferred to outside parties which include a hydraulic circuit with acceleration
deceleration valve, some water lubricated bearings etc.
Manufacture of components for both power reactors and End Fitting Bodies and Liner Tubes (1700 each) required for TAPS
research reactors are being done in the manufacturing facility 3 & 4 have been manufactured. The tubular shaped end fitting
built over a period in BARC. This research centre pioneered in the body, with a maximum outer diameter of 188.5 mm and length
field of process development and manufacture of the several of 2516 mm is made out of solid AISI 403 type stainless steel
critical components of the nuclear reactors like fuelling machine forging. The raw material in the form of solid forging
heads, sensor stop & pusher assemblies for fuelling machine, seal undergoes 20 different stages of machining operations. The
discs, components for control rod guide tubes of BWR (TAPS) components are subjected to thermal stress relief operation for
etc. relieving residual stresses induced during the manufacturing
. Fuelling
540 MWe PHWR
machine components for
operation. Ultrasonic flaw detection, magnetic particle testing
and hydrostatic testing are being carried out at appropriate
stages to qualify these components.
Technology for the manufacture of ram housing assemblies, The liner tube is made out of a seamless stainless steel tube AISI
pressure housings and end covers for fuelling machines of 540 SS 410 grade. It has 111.86 mm outer diameter, 104 mm bore
MWe PHWRs has been developed. In addition, technology for and 2135 mm length, demanding IT7/ IT8 grade dimensional
electrolysing sealing plug jaws for use on these reactors has been tolerances, with stringent geometrical features like cylindricity
developed and matured to a level of batch production of this and straightness of the order of 0.01 mm / 100 mm.
All the tooling, the manufacturing process
and the qualification procedures required for these
components have been developed in-house.
p l a t e s
(including both the longitudinal and circumferential welds) and
4-meter length of welding of 40 mm thick plate are
involved. All the welds were qualified by 100% radiography.
Exhaustive preparations Jigs / fixtures / pre-heating
arrangements etc. are made to execute this large vessel. For this
Control rod drive mechanism housing purpose, Vertical Welding (3G-position) with Twin Welders
Technique was developed, established and used.
Critical components for other reactors
Reactor tank
The top plate has a circular opening of 3350 mm diameter to equipped for testing these items at high temperature and
allow access to the reactor tank. A revolving floor supported on pressure conditions specified for reactor applications. Therefore
a bearing closes this opening. An ingenuously designed oil seal the need was felt to develop an in-house high pressure &
comprising of two metallic ring shells of appropriate diameter temperature test facility.
and height welded to the top plate of the square box and
another similar ring shell welded to the revolving floor, isolates The Pressure and Temperature Cycling Facility (PTCF), which has
the atmosphere from the environment inside the box. The been developed for this purpose, is a mobile, rig-type, compact,
lattice girder system carries AHWR and PHWR test fuel high pressure and temperature test facility. It provides a test
assemblies, with flexibility of configuring the reactor core at any platform for evaluation of process instruments, components
desired square pitch between 206 mm and 286 mm. All lattice and small equipment designed for use at PHWR /AHWR process
positions within the variable square pitch are accessible though a
set of 4 flanged, oblong openings on the revolving floor. These
openings are provided with appropriate closures to ensure leak
tightness and are positioned and sized in such a way that rotating
the revolving floor to the required extent accesses all lattice
positions in the Reactor Core.
conditions. The facility can be operated either in high pressure 18.3 S P E C I A L PURPOSE MACHINES FOR
or in high temperature cycling mode depending upon the test REACTOR MAINTENANCE
The process flow sheet of the facility is shown above. The overall
. Guide Sleeve and Sensor Tip Cutting
Machine for 220 MWe PHWR
size of the facility is 2(L)x2(W)x2.5(H) meters. The facility mainly
consists of a stainless steel water storage tank and a high A special purpose machine tool and machining process have
pressure simplex reciprocating pump, Interchanger, Loop Heater, been developed to cut the guide sleeve of the fuelling machine
Mixing chamber, Test Section and a Loop Cooler. The operating of 220 MWe PHWR, in case guide sleeve can’t be retracted back
conditions of PTCF are indicated in the table below. into the fuelling machine after a refueling operation. This will be
an emergency situation for a PHWR.
18.5 D E V E L O P M E N T O F W A T E R H Y D R A U L I C
Design features
c) Opening Time: <10 m-sec
d) Closing Time : Not important
e) Upstream Size: 65NB
Differential Pressure Reducing Valve for
disc diameter,
These valves are both of 30 lpm (220MWe PHWR) and 70 lpm
weight of the valve stem and associated parts and
(540MWe PHWR) capacity.
disc lift.
High Flow Servo Valve has been designed and developed to meet
the requirement of high flow (1100 lpm) with precise control
(2% accuracy). The current design consists of two modules, high
flow control valve and a pressure compensator. It doesn’t
contain any dynamic elastomeric seal.
This chapter briefly covers the work recently done in the field of nuclear desalination. The 300 MWe Advanced Heavy Water Reactor
(AHWR) being developed in BARC has a make up water requirement of about 360m3/day. This make up water has to be DeMineralised
(DM) water. Conventional technology exists for producing DM water from raw water. But, to meet this high requirement of AHWR, the
conventional method will not be cost effective. As such, there is a need to develop new technologies for DM water production to satisfy
the make up water need of the AHWR. The Desalination Division of BARC has come up with a Low Temperature Multi Effect Desalination
Plant (LT-MED) using low temperature steam, which would produce 500m3 of DM water every day.
BARC is setting up 300 MWe Advanced Heavy Water Reactor producing 500 m3/day DeMineralised (DM) water for in-house
(AHWR). Make up requirement of DeMineralized (DM) water for requirement as shown below.
this reactor is about 360m3/day. The conventional DM system
raw water is used to produce DM water at an exorbitant cost.
Desalination of seawater is one of the options that can be used One important feature of the LT -MED desalination technology
to meet the requirements of DM water for the reactor. AHWR is that it can produce high purity water from highly saline
uses seawater for condenser cooling. A small fraction of this seawater. This process requires minimum pretreatment and is
seawater can be taken as feed for desalination plant. eco-friendly. Another important factor is that it operates with
low pressure steam extracted from the LP turbine of power
plant which results in negligible loss of power. In addition to
19.1 LT-MED DESALINATION PLANT UTILIZING utilization of low pressure steam, sharing of common facilities
LOW PRESSURE STEAM AVAILABLE FROM for seawater intake and reject and operation and maintenance
THE LP TURBINE OF AHWR will drastically reduce the production cost of DM water. This
high quality water can be used by AHWR for DM water make up
A Low Temperature Multi Effect Distillation (LT -MED) with minor polishing and reduce load on the ion-exchangers bed
desalination plant, utilizing low pressure steam @ 0.95 bar (demineraliser) thereby cutting down the use of regeneration
available from the LP turbine of AHWR, is proposed to be chemicals which pollute to the environment. An other use of
integrated with the Advanced Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR) for this high quality water is that it can be mixed with the existing
Schematic process flow diagram of proposed LT-MED desalination plant for AHWR.
brackish water in suitable proportion, thereby generated in the effects are reused in the succeeding effects as
augmenting the availability of potable water. heating medium. The effects are maintained at a lower pressure
than the preceding effect. The vapors generated in the last
The LT-MED plant is a 4-effect low temperature desalination effect are condensed in the final condenser. Condensate from all
plant having Horizontal Tube Thin Film (HTTF) type of the effects is collected as product water. Figure below shows the
evaporators. Low-pressure steam is used in the tube side as schematic flow diagram of the LT-MED Desalination Plant for
heating medium. Feed seawater is sprayed on the outside of AHWR.
horizontal tubes by spray nozzles forming a thin film of
seawater. Nucleate boiling takes place on the outside of the 19.2 LT E D E S A L I N AT I O N P L A N T U T I L I Z I N G
tubes. This type of boiling is more efficient than pool boiling due WASTE HEAT FROM MHT PURIFICATION
to heat transfer through, thin film of seawater and absence of CIRCUIT OF AHWR.
any hydrostatic head over the boiling liquid. This results in high
heat transfer coefficients and heat transfer is possible with low The design of AHWR incorporates several features to simplify
temperature differences. An intermediate heat exchanger is used the design and to eliminate certain systems and components, so
as an isolation barrier to eliminate any probability of radioactive as to make it economically competitive with other available
contamination and generate low pressure steam for use in the options for power generation. Utilization of waste heat by using
desalination plant. Low-pressure steam from the isolation heat desalination is one such feature of AHWR. A proposal to utilize
exchanger is used in the first effect as heating medium. Vapors waste heat from Main Heat Transport (MHT) purification circuit
Schematic process flow diagram of the proposed LTE desalination plant for AHWR.