Altosid XR-G Specimen Label

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Altosid XR-G

those which may transmit West Nile virus, Zika, dengue, chikungunya and other mosquito-
borne diseases)


(S)-Methoprene (CAS #65733-16 - 6) . . . . 1.5% It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in
OTHER INGREDIENTS: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98.5% a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
Total . . . . . 100.0%
EPA Reg. No. 2724-451 ALTOSID XR-G® releases effective levels of ALTOSID®
EPA Est. No. 2724-TX-1 insect growth regulator for up to 21 days after
application. Applications should be continued
KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN throughout the entire season to maintain adequate
CAUTION control. Treated larvae continue to develop normally
to the pupal stage where they die. Rotar y and
fixed-wing aircraft equipped with granular spreaders
PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS capable of applying rates listed below may be used
to apply ALTOSID XR-G®. Ground equipment which
HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESTIC will achieve even coverage at these rates may also
ANIMALS - CAUTION be used. Apply ALTOSID XR-G ® uniformly and
Causes moderate eye irritation. Harmful if absorbed repeat application as necessary.
through skin. Avoid contact with eyes or skin. Due to
the size and abrasiveness of the granule, use protective NOTE: ALTOSID ® insect growth regulator has no
eyewear and clothing to minimize exposure during effect on mosquitoes which have reached the pupal
loading and handling. Wash thoroughly with soap and or adult stage prior to treatment.
water after handling. APPLICATION TIME
ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS Apply ALTOSID XR-G® at any stage of larval mosquito
Do not contaminate water when disposing of development. Granules may be applied prior to
rinsate or equipment washwaters. flooding (i.e., "pre-hatch" or "pre-flood") in areas
which flood intermittently. In such areas, 1 application
FIRST AID of ALTOSID XR-G ® can prevent adult mosquito
If in eyes • Hold eye open and rinse slowly and emergence from several subsequent floodings. The
gently with water for 15-20 minutes. Remove actual length of control depends on the duration and
contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, frequency of flooding events.
then continue rinsing eye.
If on skin or clothing • Take off contaminated Aedes, Anopheles, and Psorophora spp.: Apply
clothing. • Rinse skin immediately with plenty of ALTOSID XR-G® at 5 - 10 lb/acre (5.6-11.2 kg/ha).
water for 15-20 minutes. Culex, Culiseta, Coquillettidia, and Mansonia spp.:
Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment Apply ALTOSID XR-G® at 10-20 lb/acre (11.2-22.4
advice. Have the product container or label with kg/ha). Within these ranges, use lower rates when
you when calling a poison control center or doctor, water is shallow [< 2 feet (60 cm)] and vegetation
or going for treatment. You may also contact and/or pollution are minimal. Use higher rates when
1-800-248-7763 for emergency medical treatment water is deep [> 2 feet (60 cm)] and vegetation
information. and/or pollution are heavy.
Non-Crop Areas: ALTOSID XR-G® may be applied as Do not contaminate water, food, or feed by
directed above to temporary and permanent sites storage or disposal.
which suppor t mosquito lar val development.
Examples of such sites include: snow pools, salt and PESTICIDE STORAGE
tidal marshes, freshwater swamps and marshes Store closed containers of ALTOSID XR-G ® in a
(cattail, red cedar, white maple marshes), woodland cool, dry place.
pools and meadows, dredging spoil sites, drainage PESTICIDE DISPOSAL
areas, ditches, wastewater treatment facilities, Wastes resulting from the use of this product may
livestock runoff lagoons, retention ponds, harvested be disposed of on site or at an approved waste
timber stacks, swales, storm water drainage areas, disposal facility.
sewers, catch basins, tree holes, animal watering
troughs, water-holding receptacles (e.g., tires, urns, PESTICIDE CONTAINER DISPOSAL
flower pots, cans, and other containers), and other Nonrefillable container. Do not reuse or refill this
natural and manmade water-holding depressions. container. Triple rinse (or equivalent). Then offer for
recycling, if available, or puncture and dispose of
Crop Areas: ALTOSID XR-G ® may be applied as in a sanitary landfill, or by incineration, or if
directed above to temporary and permanent sites allowed by state and local authorities, by burning.
which suppor t mosquito lar val development. If burned, stay out of smoke.
Examples of such sites include: irrigated croplands,
pastures, rangeland, vineyards, rice fields (domestic WARRANTY AND CONDITIONS OF SALE
and wild), date palm, citrus, fruit, nut orchards, berry Seller makes no warranty, expressed or implied,
fields and bogs. concerning the use and handling of this product other
NOTE: Application of ALTOSID XR-G® to sites subject than indicated on the label. Buyer assumes all risks of
to water flow or exchange will diminish the product’s use and handling of this material when such use and
effectiveness and may require higher application rates handling are contrary to label instructions.
and/or more frequent applications. For information call 1-800-248-7763.

Altosid, Altosid XR-G, and ZÖECON with design are

registered trademarks of Wellmark International.
January, 2017
VEC 17-005 ©2005-2017 WELLMARK INTERNATIONAL Schaumburg, IL

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