Ufo Cases

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For Ryan Skinner from Albert S Rosales

Chronology of UFO/Humanoid and other

high strangeness cases in Utah.

Location. Ft. Bridger, Utah

Date: 1858 Time: unknown
During the founding of Ft Bridger by the colonists they reportedly found a “tribe” of small, smelly
people, who were called the Northern Paiutes. They only ate corn, which they got from the local
Indians and lived, in “holes” in the ground. They left shortly before the main force of “white people”
made it to the area.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Updates, Toronto

Location. Utah territory

Date: 1880’s Time: various
Two native methods of treating the sick were in use among the Utes at the time this material was
in preparation (1914-1916). In both these methods there was a dependence on supernatural aid, but
in one method no material means were employed, while in the other method it was customary to
administer herbs or other remedies. These two methods were also used by the Chippewa and Sioux
and following the precedent of those volumes the term “medicine man” will be used to designate the
person who depended entirely upon supernatural means and the term “doctor” to designate the
person administering herbs. The following section comprises information given by Pa’gits a
representative of the first-named method, and Mrs. Washington, a representative of the second.
Pa’gits explained the distinction between the two methods by saying that a medicine man, when
treating a dick person, proceeded according to directions from his supernatural adviser, given him at
the time, while a doctor, under similar circumstances, stated first the authority by which he practiced
his profession, describing a long-past vision, usually of a bird or animal. He said that medicine men did
not buy songs of each other, as every medicine man possessed the ability to secure songs in a
supernatural manner. Doctors, on the other hand, were accustomed to buy and sell songs, the older
doctors frequently transferring songs to younger men. A good remedy was worth a horse, this price
including the herb, the history of its medicinal use, and the song without which it would not be
Pa’gits, whose material will first be presented, said that he was entirely independent of material
means, not even using a rattle or wearing amulets or “charms” when treating the sick. He said that
after seeing and questioning a sick person he could tell whether he could cure him. On being asked
whether he ever began the treatment of a case concerning which he felt uncertain, he replied without
hesitation that he never did so, saying, “We believe that if a doctor begins on a case which he is not
sure he can cure he will certainly fail.” Continuing, he said, “I always tell the person that he will get
well because I know it is true;” also, “If the sick person does not think I can cure him I do not talk
about it; I just cure him and prove it.”
Concerning the source of his power, Pa’gits said that he treated the sick under the tutelage of a
“little green man” and that numerous other medicine men were under the same guidance, there being
many of the little green men. He first saw the little green man when he was a boy of about 12 years
and has seen him at intervals ever since. The songs used in his treatment of the sick were, however,
received by him about three years previous to giving this information. At that time he was in the
mountains and fell asleep. He then heard the little green man singing these songs and learned them in
this manner. He said that when a man hears a song in a dream he sings aloud in his sleep and
remembers the song after he wakes.
Describing the “the little green man.” Pa’gits indicated his height as about 2 feet, saying he was
green from head to foot and carried a bow and arrows. In disposition he was “good to those he liked,”
and especially favored medicine men. He could hear those who spoke unkindly of him and “shot his
arrow” into them. These “arrows” were removed by the medicine men, who were paid for the
treatment. Pa’gits said that the little green man “came around only at night.” If Pa’gits wished to talk
with the little green man he sat outdoors in the early morning before sunrise. He sat facing the east
and smoked. No ceremonial act was connected with this and he had no drum or rattle, neither did he
sing. Sometimes it was not even necessary for him to smoke in order to talk with the little green man.
If he wished to make a present to the little green man he left it beside the “hole” which was the door
of his dwelling. He was not obliged to give him a present after each successful treatment of the sick,
but once in a while he gave him a handkerchief or another small gift.
The abodes of the little green men were said to look like little chimneys and to be scattered
through the mountains or any unsettled country. Those who pass such a dwelling and recognize it
always throw a little branch of cedar or some other offering in front of it so the little man will not be
angry with them. Tradition says that one night some white people filled the door of a little green
man’s house with stones but in the morning all the stones had been removed. Pa’gits said: “The little
man makes a fire at night, and you can see a little light. In the early morning you can see smoke
coming out of his house.”

HC addendum
Source: Kay Massingill in magonia_exchange@yahoogroups.com quoting ‘The Collected works of
Sir Humphry Davy…: Discourses delivered before the Royal society. Elements of agricultural chemistry,
pt. I”
Location. Near North Ogden, Utah
Date: July 20 1894 Time: evening
Last Friday evening, Bernard Parry and wife are reported having seen a most unusual phenomenon.
As they were nearing their home in Marriotts settlement, about sundown, they observed a small black
cloud in the direction of North Ogden, coming swiftly toward them. The cloud seemed to enlarge, then
collapse again, all the while rapidly moving toward the southwest. When it approached within 150 yards
of the road it seemed to stop and remain motionless in the air. The sides appeared to be folded toward
the center and pinned---something like the uniform hat of the old Continentals and resembled the
meshes of a net. In the center appeared to be many small birds part black and part white. All at once the
cloud wheeled toward Ogden and in a moment was lost to sight.
Other parties living north of Marriotts claim to have seen the same startling phenomenon.

HC addendum
Source: Kay Massingill in Magonia_exchange@yahoogroups.com quoting Ogden Utah Standard
Examiner 1894-07-26 Type: X

Location. Stansbury Island, Great Salt Lake, Utah

Date: August 1903 Time: afternoon
A terrible, nameless, unclassified creature of the animal world is exciting the curiosity, wonder
and fear of occasional visitors to Stansbury Island, in the southern portion of Great Salt Lake. This
monster, for it can be called nothing else, has lately, it is said, been seen by several persons, but the
best account of its characteristics and movements is given by Martin Gilbert and John Barry, two
hunters who this week returned from an expedition over the island, in the course of which they
studied the habits of this hitherto unheard-of creature for three days.
The monster which appears to be almost equally at home in the air, on the beach, or submerged
in the briny waters of Salt Lake, is probably the sole survivor of a prehistoric species. It is doubtless
the last representative of a family whose other members, dead ages since, have left the testimony of
their existence in the primeval rocks of the mountains.
Arranging in concise form the description of this incredible relic of the animal world, from the
accounts given by those who have observed it at close range, it seems in plain, unscientific language a
combination of fish, alligator and bat. In size it is simply tremendous. Gilbert places its length at 50
feet, while Barry, who is an amateur scientist, says that an examination of its tracks demonstrates
that the monster must be at least 65 feet from head to tail. The head is like that of an alligator, the
eyes fiercely glowing, the jaws, capable of opening to a distance of 10 feet from the top of the upper
to the lower, are provided with a fearful array of sharp saw-edged teeth, the body, so far as
observation goes, is increased with heavy, horny scales. As to this Gilbert and Barry are not positive,
as the constant diving of the beast, if such it may be called, into the strong brine of the lake has
incrusted it with a thick coating of salt, which save near the wings completely hides the body.
It is due to this unusual phenomenon that the hunters obtained their first sight of the monster.
According to their account they first sighted it at a distance of between one and a half and two miles.
The day was clear, the sun intensely bright. Gilbert’s own words of the discovery are:
“We were walking eastward from the east shore of the island about 9 o’clock in the morning
when suddenly to the northwest there appeared a thing. I don’t know what to call it. It looked to me
like a brilliant rainbow folded into compact mass, moving rapidly through the air.
“In three or four minutes the monster’s position was such that it no longer reflected the sunlight
directly toward us, and we would then discern the outline of the form. Its wings were bat-like,
stretching out over a great expanse. I should say at least 100 feet from tip to tip. The tail was
proportionately short, and resembled that of a huge fish. We were not close enough at this time to
tell much about the head, only we saw that the jaws were very long. In shape the head was like that
of a crocodile.
“We watched it disappear in the gathering gloom of night, but were for a long time paralyzed with
fear, not knowing when it might return. It was probably an hour later when it did come back. We
heard the swish of the mighty wings before it could be seen, but as it drew nearer, by the light of the
young moon in the west, we saw that it carried in its jaws a large horse, which I supposed it had
swooped down upon while feeding. The horse was badly crushed and mangled. The monster carried
its burden into the cave, and we could hear the crunching of its jaws and the cracking of the horse’s
bones as the beast devoured its victim. After an hour or so all was so still, and then slipped quietly
away in the darkness and returned to our camp on the eastern shore of the island.”

HC addendum
Source: Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania September 3 1903 quoting Salt Lake City Co.
Denver News Type: X

Location. Western Utah

Date: late spring 1952 Time: unknown
According to various sources, a large craft of several hundred feet diameter crash-landed in the
area, clipping the top of a hillside and leaving a gouge in the valley floor before coming to rest.
Apparently some undescribed humanoids survived the crash and are holed up in the area, where
there have been numerous sightings of entities on the ground.

HC addition # 3018
Source: CSETI

Location. Near Salt Lake City, Utah

Date: August 3 1952 Time: night
Still working the night shift, Truman Bethurum (involved in several encounters) was just
completing repairs to several trucks on the camp’s perimeter when he saw what looked like a meteor
streaking through the night sky, pulsing brightly from bluish-green to yellow, orange and back again.
The “meteor” fell from the sky, vanishing silently behind the dune desert landscape about a half mile
east of the site of his initial encounter. Sure that the saucer had returned Bethurum lit out across the
desert in his own small truck, bumping and bouncing over the rough terrain, too eager even to bother
searching out a road toward his destination. He found the ship again hovering close to the ground
only a mile from busy Highway 91, the main thoroughfare through Salt Lake City. A group of small
men milled about in front of the saucer, talking together in that same mumbling language whose
rumble had awakened him in his truck when they first met. A doorway opened and the lady captain
appeared, beckoning for him to approach with a wave of her hand. He followed her into the ship and
down the long corridor to her cabin. The captain again gestured for him to take a seat on the curving
couch, and then sat beside him, smiling. They talked openly together, like old friends. She explained
that the nature of earthlings and of her own people was very similar, that the people of her world
were human beings, sharing the same feeling and foibles, the same natural talents and challenges.
Her people however, had met these challenges directly, and had chosen a less destructive course than
the one presently being pursued by the people of Earth. “The things worry you Earth people,” she told
him, “in our homes you will never find. We know nothing of illness, doctors or nurses. You have
mechanics and laborers, too. In our land they only mean trouble, so you see they are all taboo.” She
was unimpressed by Earth technology and military might as well, lamenting our invariably destructive
use of these resources. She valued Earth’s politics and politicians no more highly, declaring, “That’s
what’s cleft your world through,” and adding. “With so many politicians, voting hardly seems
worthwhile.” After only half an hour the captain from the planet Clarion signaled that the visit was
over. As soon as Bethurum placed his feet on the sandy ground outside the great saucer, the disc was
gone, streaking away into the night as mysteriously as it had appeared.

HC addendum
Source: Clarion Call! Truman Bethurum Type: G

Location. Near Salt Lake City, Utah

Date: August 18 1952 Time: night
Barely two weeks after his second encounter Truman Bethurum saw the “scow” ship streaking
down from the sky to a spectacular, silent landing less than 200 yards from Bethurum’s small truck. He
joined the captain again in her cabin this time armed, in anticipation of their conversation, with a list
of questions he had compiled since their last meeting. Topping his list was the lady captain’s name.
“Aura Rhanes” she told him, then she spelled it out loud, in English, so that he could accurately record
it among the growing notes he had begun to keep of his encounters. They spoke together of the vast
desert spaces, the extreme heat, and the scarcity of water in the arid landscape around them---to
which she concluded, cryptically, “I expect to be around for a thousand years, but the water in your
deserts will mostly be tears.” She allowed him to touch her arm and shoulder, to assure himself of her
reality that he was not dreaming. They exchanged family stories, the tiny, seemingly youthful Captain
Rhanes revealing that she was a grandmother, with two small grandchildren back on Clarion. She told
him of her journeys, “We land on various planets in many locations. Also, we have made many
landings in different places on your Earth. Our only purpose in landing is for our own education, and
to relax a bit and replenish our atmosphere tanks, since when we travel our scow is sealed right
against outside influences.” The conversation turned again to the social conditions found on Earth.
She spoke sadly about the continual strife her crew had observed among earthlings, concluding that,
“Other planets are much too busy improving the welfare of their inhabitants to have time for even
minor controversies.” The beautiful captain closed their conversation with this warning:
“We figure our lives and plan our actions far in advance, and every one of us knows how to do
this. We have not the problems you have, because we know what is right and want to do it. The same
could be true upon your Earth. God has been liberal in his blessings, and there is no dearth. Your
people’s could amalgamate and act in unison instead of constantly warring upon each other, and then
your deserts and plains could be transformed into gardens that would be like Heaven. The substance
and effort and life spent each year on your wars would bring an abundance of water into your deserts,
if not from your polluted rivers, then from the atmosphere itself, or from your distant oceans. These
things can be done. And you’d have a paradise in which to build your homes and rear your children
and see your sons bloom into manhood in peace, without the nagging horror and fear of bloody death
and maimed and crazed young bodies. But so far as I can see into the future of this planet, the water
in your desert will mostly be tears.”

HC addendum
Source: Clarion Call! Truman Bethurum Type: G

Location. Murray, Utah

Date: Summer 1953 Time: night
The 5-year old witness remembers seeing two glowing almond shaped eyes floating in
front of him. They seemed to move towards him. He could not move or scream. He tried to
get up but could not. Then there was a bright flash and a popping sound and the eyes
disappeared. He ran down the stairs to his mother and told her that “angels” had visited his

HC addendum
Source: UFO Experiencer Support

Location. Moab Utah

Date: 1955 Time: late afternoon
The young witness (involved in previous encounters) was playing in his backyard alone
while his mother washed clothes on the back porch. She went inside to the kitchen for 4
minutes and came back out to see the witness missing. They searched for him all over the
neighborhood and found him an hour later crying and inside a coal box on the back of the
house. Asked how he got there, the witness could only remember that several “little men”
(not described) had carried him there. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: UFO Experiencer Support

Location. Western Utah desert

Date: 1958 Time: unknown
The United States recovered a third alien spacecraft in the Utah desert. The craft was in excellent
flying condition, and had been mysteriously abandoned by its occupants. When examined by a group
of scientists, the instrumentation was so complex that none of them could fully comprehend its
operation. Shortly thereafter, funds were not only appropriated by Project Snowbird to begin a more
intensive study but also to contact the aliens who had abandoned the craft.

HC addendum
Source: Utah UFO Hunters

Location. Near Cedar City, Utah

Date: February 28 1959 Time: afternoon
Gerry Irwin, a Nike missile technician, was driving from Nampa Idaho to his barracks at Fort Bliss,
El Paso, he’d reached Cedar City when he observed a glowing object crossing the sky. Irwin decided it
may have been an airliner on fire, which was attempting to land, and he went to investigate. Using
shoe polish, he wrote “Stop” on the side of his car, and left a note on the steering wheel which read:
“Have gone to investigate possible plane crash. Please call law enforcement officers”). A short while
later, a fish and game inspector did stop and took the note to the Cedar County sheriff, Otto Fife, who
returned to the site with a group of volunteers. No trace of an airplane crash was found, but Irwin was
soon discovered unconscious and taken to a hospital. When Irwin finally woke up form a deep sleep,
he was puzzled by the absence of his jacket. He was flown back to Fort Bliss and placed under
observation for four days, after which he returned to duty. Irwin behaved very strangely; he was
plagued by fainting, didn’t seem to be aware of the correct date, and kept asking, “Were there any
survivors?” He was placed in a hospital for psychiatric examination, and the day after being
discharged, April 18, Irwin felt a powerful urge to return to the site of his strange encounter. Once
there he walked straight to a bush and found his missing jacket. There was a pencil in a buttonhole
with a piece of paper wound tightly around it. Irwin curiously took the paper and burned it. He then
went to the sheriff Pfief, who provided him with all the details of the initial incident. Shortly
thereafter, Irwin’s case came to the attention of the inspector general, who ordered a new
investigation. On July 10, Irwin re-entered the hospital. On August 1, he failed to report for duty. One
month later, he was listed as a deserter and was never seen again.

HC addendum
Source: Jacques Vallee, "Passport To Magonia" & The
Ignored and Unexplained Type: G?
Comments: Permanent abduction? The name of the Sheriff Otto Pfeif has recently been corrected
to Otto Fife (apparently the real name).

Location. Roosevelt Utah

Date: Spring 1963 Time: 07:50 a.m.
Sam Brough saw a domed silver object the size of a small house, emitting a hum, when it was
hovering overhead (at an altitude of 30 ft), he could feel pressure. He could see a “long, skinny”
human face in a window of the object, which he examined through his riflescope.

Humcat 1963-9
Source: Joseph Junior Hicks & Frank B Salisbury Type: A
High Strangeness Index: 6
Reliability of Source: 9
Comments: Early type A. report from Utah, published in the Utah UFO Experiment by

Location. Emigration Canyon Utah

Date: June 1964 Time: 01:30 a.m.
Paul Pedersen was leaving his neighbor’s house after a visit and as he walked back home he began
to feel a vibration or noise that pulsed through his body. He then saw an object passing behind his
home over a nearby ridge. The object was huge and dark and was somewhat shaped like a dirigible.
The object slowed down and floated towards the witness and then hovered just above the driveway.
It had round windows like portholes from which a pale green light shone. He was able to see several
man-like figures looking down from the portholes, several figures seemed to come to the portholes
and look down. The witness felt a telepathic message from the object and thought he had been
invited to go with them. He declined, moments later the craft rose up and disappeared from sight.
Total silence permeated the area during the encounter.

HC addition # 1648
Source: James L. Thompson, Aliens & UFOs Type: A

Location. Near Provo, Utah
Date: 1965 Time: night
A 19-year old semiliterate shipping clerk reported being taken from his house in a glassy sphere
into a large black object where he met a 6-foot 7-inch tall man, apparently the leader and a beautiful
copper skinned girl with blond hair and blue eyes, who wore black uniforms with disc-shaped
shoulder epaulets and serpents motifs on the pockets. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: Dr. Frank Salisbury Type: G

Location. Near Roosevelt Utah

Date: Fall 1965 Time: night
Two young girls were driving back home after visiting a nearby town and were on an isolated
stretch of road when as they neared the top of a hill they noticed a very bright light. As they
approached the light they both suddenly panicked and apparently became disoriented. Next thing
they were aware of was of both of them screaming and pulling into town very late. Years later both
recalled seeing on top of the hill an object shaped like a “sawhorse,” next to the object stood three
tall men wearing dark shiny tight fitting wetsuits. They appeared to have very pale complexions. A
bright light shone from behind them and no other features could be seen. They could not remember
anything else and both felt a sense of unnatural evil emanating from the men.

HC addition # 1647
Source: James L. Thompson, Aliens & UFOs Type: C?

Location. Cisco, Utah

Date: April 2 1966 Time: 02:08 a.m.
While driving west on US 50 near Cisco an amber disc rotating counter-clockwise came up from
behind a hill and approached the witness’ vehicle, it was approximately 200 feet in the air. The car
shut off and lost all power and came to a stop in the middle of the 2 lane road. The witness had been
listening to AM radio at the time (KSL Salt Lake City) and remembered the time. His next memory was
leaning out the window watching something moving across the sky to the southwest. The car tried to
start and died as clutch was engaged. The radio was playing a song and then the DJ said it was 2:44
a.m. the car then started and drove on.

HC addendum
Source: MUFON CMS Type: G?
Comments: Unexplored abduction event?
Location. Salt Lake City, Utah
Date: July 18 1966 Time: unknown
A huge bird---“about as big as a Piper Cub airplane,” in one witness’s words---showed up over Salt
Lake City, and sent residents scurrying for cover. It circled the area several times before disappearing
in the east.

HC addendum
Source: John A. Keel “The Mothman Prophecies”

Location. White Rocks Utah

Date: October 12 1967 Time: 03:00 a.m.
In the midst of a mini wave of UFO sightings in the Uintah Basin, in northeast Utah, during the
night of October 11-12, Jay Anderson, of White Rocks, observed a strange figure standing in a
doorway of his home. Dressed in a metallic looking suit, and giving off a luminous glow, the figure
turned and walked out after being discovered.

Humcat 1967-103
Source: Joseph Junior Hicks & Frank Salisbury Type: D

Location. Kaysville, Utah

Date: October 1968 Time: night
19-year old Richard Brinkerhoff had come home from work one night and found that his parents
and brothers and sisters weren’t home. It was getting late so he went to bed. He shared a basement
room with a younger brother. The room had no windows and when the door closed it was pitch black.
After lying there for a while, he opened his eyes and could make out the pattern of the wood paneling
in the room. It was as if the door was open and the light was on down the hall. He halfway rolled over
to see if the family had come home. He could see a figure standing next to his bed and assumed it was
his brother, so he lay back down. He sensed he was still standing there, so the witness rolled over
again and indeed ‘he’ was still standing there. He could see that whoever was standing there was
wearing red and had long, messed up red hair. He knew his brother had been wearing a red t-shirt
earlier and for some reason he thought he was wearing an old red wig their mother kept for the
younger children to wear when then played dress up. He still thought it was his brother so he asked
him what he wanted. He then lay back down and waited for him to respond. There was nothing but
silence. He again asked him what he wanted. Still no reply, but continued to stand there silently.
Getting impatient Richard sat up in bed and turned and faced him. He asked a final time what he
wanted and when there was again nothing but silence, he put out his arm to push him away. To his
horror his hand went right through him, and while he was sitting there looking at his hand, the figure
floated backward and all the light in the room gathered around it and it got smaller and smaller until
it became a pinpoint of light and then just went out. Terrified the witness jumped out of bed and
turned out every light in the house he could. But whatever it had been it had disappeared.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales---May 2007 Type: E
Comments: Apparitional entity?

Location. Midvale, Utah

Date: late December 1968 Time: daytime
During his Christmas vacation, Robert McAllister, a student, was out checking his animal traps
when he came upon a circular object hovering 6 ft off the ground. About 15’ in diameter, the object
made no noise and Robert approached to within a few feet. From behind some rocks emerged three
figures, their heads encased in helmets; they held a cable at the end of which, floating about 10 ft off
the ground, was a chair, on which sat a smiling, apparently aged man, with silver hair and a benign
smile. He wore a kind of tunic, while the three men on the ground wore uniforms of a hard, shiny blue
type of material. Ignoring the boy, they “escorted” the seated man to the object, in which a door
opened; the man and two of his escorts entered the latter by floating up to it. The remaining figure
approached the boy and, placing his arm around him, led the child around the craft, pointing out
various features and speaking in a strange language the boy did not recognize. Noticing a ball point
pen in Robert’s pocket, the man took it to write a paper he drew from his pocket; when Robert
indicated he could keep the pen, he again reached into his pocket and brought out his own, which
heave gave to the boy, repeating a phrase that sounded like, “Ab-doon! Ab-doon!” he floated up to
the door and disappeared inside. The door closed then re-opened, and then man made gestures for
Robert to move further away; then the object rose slowly and silently, suddenly shooting off at
tremendous speed. After school had resumed, Robert was visited at his home by a stranger who
handed him a “deaf mute” card; the man, rather than accepting the offered coins, asked for the pen,
(the one given to the witness by the humanoid) which he took and quickly left.

Humcat 1968-84
Source: Saucer News Vol. 16 # 4 Type: B

Location. Near Salt Lake City Utah

Date: mid-June 1969 Time: after midnight
Bill McGuire and Nora Johnson, with Nora’s 2-year old son Alan, was driving westward from Salt
Lake City when they saw a light in the air following them. It came up to within 100 feet of them, &
they could see that it was a fish shaped object, with a back “fin” and a flat bottom, with a red light on
top. It emitted a strange humming sound, and made them feel “funny vibrations” in their bodies. Nora
stepped on the accelerator, but the car slowed down, and would not go above 55 mph. The object
continued to follow them until they reached a roadside rest area, where a camper was parked. Inside
the camper, looking out, they saw a “bony, peculiar, not quite human” face. Beside it Bill saw a figure
“like a snowman” dressed in a white rubbery suit that walked toward them. Nora could not see it.
When the car’s headlights were turned on, Bill could not see it either, but when they were switched
off, he saw it again, coming closer. They drove away, with the UFO still following them and holding
their maximum speed at 55 mph. It left them only with the coming of dawn. After a 2-hour sleep, they
again drove westward. They came up with a camper that seemed to be the same one they had seen,
and passed it; Nora looked at its drivers and screamed. Wearing black leather suits, they had only
“dim outlines” of heads, except for Cheshire-cat-like grins. Under hypnosis 5 years later, Nora
remembered leaving her body and floating from the car into the UFO, in which she saw a curved
instrument panel with gauges and levers. About 20 short humanoids were in it, having oversized
heads and large green insect like eyes; they communicated by “buzzing or mumbling.” They terrified
her. Bill likewise remembered being floated up out of the car and into a white “round room” with a
clear dome, where she saw white “little people” with big heads, no hair, minute round mouths, and
very big light green eyes. He felt himself to be in a reclining chair, paralyzed. He felt that the creatures
had telepathic knowledge of his thoughts; when they read his thoughts, it made him feel tired. There
was some large device in the room around which they clustered. Then he fell asleep, although he was
afraid to do so, and remembered nothing more until he found himself back in the car. He thought the
experience lasted 20-30 minutes.

Humcat 1969-39
Source: Jerome Clark FSR 16, 5, p. 21 also Scott Rogo

Location. Summit County Utah

Date: Fall 1972 Time: 04:30 a.m.
Rancher Lennis Gines and his 16-year old son noticed blue and yellow lights in the fields behind
their rural home. The lights were silent and rotated. The family’s dog whimpered and ran inside to
hide. The 16-year old son then drove his truck near the lights and was able to see an object with a
doorway, windows, and shadowy figures going in and out. Nearby several nervous cows huddled
together. Their milk production declined after the incident.

HC addition # 2982
Source: Zack Van Eyck

Location. Gadianton Canyon, Utah

Date: May 1972 Time: 2230
Four coed friends were driving on an isolated road near Modena when they reached an area
where two sets of blacktop highway headed off into the desert---one veered sharply to the southeast,
the other shooting northeast toward the canyon country. They decided to take the left road toward
the canyon country. Five minutes later, the Chevy entered a red rock canyon. One of the girls suddenly
noticed that the car’s headlights were shining more brightly on the pavement. Looking closer she let
out a gasp. The white centerline was gone. Instead of black asphalt, they were driving on white
cement. Suddenly the highway ended abruptly at a rocky cliff face. The Chevy screeched to a stop in
front of the cliff. They kept driving on the canyon road, hemmed in by red canyon walls. They canyon
gradually gave way to open country. The girls gasped. Instead of moonlit desert, they saw grain fields
on the right and a large lake, with stands of ponderosa pine, on the left. Up ahead they spied what
appeared to be a tavern and an adjacent parking lot. It seemed to have a neon sign, but they could
not read it. What should have been letters were brightly lit squiggles and curlicues. Some men came
out of the building. They slowed down their vehicle and one of the girls rolled down the window in
order to ask for directions. They noticed what appeared to be consternation among the men. As if
they’d been startled by some unknown animal.
One of the girls stuck her head out the window and suddenly let out a terrified scream. She yelled
at the driver to leave the area quickly. They looked back and saw that four queer-looking machines
described as egg-shaped mounted on tricycle wheels were chasing them. That is with two large
wheels on the front and a smaller wheel in the rear. A single bright white headlight shone from the
front of each pursuing machine. They made a strange whirring or buzzing sound as they rolled along.
Ahead the road led back into a red-rock canyon. The road was very narrow and seemed to hem them
in. They could no longer see their pursuers. Minutes later they roared out of the canyon, back into the
familiar desert. The car skidded down an arroyo and came to rest at the bottom. The girl that had
stuck her head out the window was hysterical and could only describe that the men were not
“human.” An hour later they managed to flag down a highway patrol trooper that towed their vehicle
from the area. No one could explain how the Chevy had gotten nearly two miles north of Highway 56
without leaving any physical trace of its passage through the rough desert terrain. Had the girls
somehow gone into another dimension?

HC addendum
Source: Rense.com and Joseph Trainor Type: G or F?
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7

Location. Lehi Utah

Date: October 16-17 1973 Time: late night
A woman was abducted from her home, as well as possibly three of her children and a neighbor
boy, and given a medical examination on board a craft. Carrying a “machine” of some sort, three
beings lifted the woman from a couch and carried her by the arms. Her next memory was of a big,
bright room with lots of “lights and buttons” and glass tubes containing liquid. She observed four or
five humanoids on the craft and at least two human like beings. The humanoids did not communicate
with her, were coldly efficient, and made her feel like a guinea pig. They were 4-5 feet tall, with head
coverings, no noses, and long fish like mouths, orange hands (gloves?) with two or three big claws or
fingers that opened “like a clasp.” They had large oval eyes that wrapped around the side of the head.
The pupils were big, black, and round and move a lot. Their suits were a fluorescent ‘silvery and blue,”
in contrast to the three beings that took her from her home who wore shiny, bright white uniforms.
During the exam she was hooked up to a machine, probed with needles, given a blood pressure test
and a gynecological exam. The beings were able to read her mind. One of the humans was bald, about
55, and talked with her and helped during the exam. They gave her a shot to make her forget, and
then carried her out a door to be reunited with her children. The incident took 45 minutes to an hour.

Humcat 1973-37
Source: David Webb in “1973 the Year of the Humanoids” Type: G

Location. Salt Lake City Utah

Date: October 1975 Time: late afternoon
The witness had just arrived at his apartment and had sat down to do some relaxation exercises.
As he closed his eyes he became enveloped by a very strong sound in his mind; he felt as if every cell
in his body was vibrating. He opened his eyes and found himself standing next to an enormous
pyramid. He felt an unusual calm and felt at peace. He began walking around the pyramid and noticed
that it was completely smooth. There was a bright sky filled with stars above him. He then arrived to a
second structure that resembled a large flattened ball. He walked up to the building and felt
compelled to walk right through its walls. He found himself in a large brightly lit room. The walls,
floor, and ceiling appeared to be made out of thick glass, ahead of him stood a group of human like
individuals both male and female. They were described as very beautiful and elegant in appearance.
These beings communicated telepathically with the witness and somehow made him understand their
origin and purpose. They guided him across the room to a specific area on the floor. Out of the floor
rose an elliptical glass like shaft and as the witness stared into it, many different concepts began
passing through his mind. After a few moments the witness found himself sitting back on his sofa.

HC addition # 1344
Source: www.summun.us/about/firstencounter.shtml Type: G?

Location. Near Panguitch, Utah

Date: Summer 1976 Time: 2300
Driving north on State Road 89 through within the Dixie National Forest in a lightly forested area
the witnesses were driving with their high beams on when they partially picked up what they
described as a half-man-half-bird creature standing in the middle of a clearing containing no visible
trees. The creature stood about 70 feet away. They described it as about 5-½ ft tall to 6 ft tall, it had
large eyes that did not glow or produce any color, a large head and no visible neck. It had wings that
were either folded or attached to the front itself. There were visible feathers and the skin looked like
weathered human looking skin with dark or dirty spots on it. It had a wide body that seemed to
accommodate its wings. The driver slowed the car as they drove by the creature. They turned around
but failed to see the creature again.

HC addendum
Source: Utah UFO Hunters Type: E

Location. Near Richfield, Utah

Date: September 17 1976 Time: late night
Don Rogers was driving along a deserted road with an unusual feeling of fear and of that of being
watched. He drove into town and there was not a person to be seen in sight. He went to a nearby
Mormon church but it was completely empty. As he left Richfield he heard a peculiar man’s voice in
his head that said: “How would you like to go on AM? The last word was one that he had never heard
of before. He understood the word to mean a spaceship or flying saucer. He replied in the positive.
Then he looked up through the sunroof to see if he could see a ship. He thought about stopping but
was terrified and continued on. He became disoriented and could only recall seeing darkness around
him. He noticed that he was only going at 40 mph and shifted to third gear traveling on a road that he
had no idea where it went. After driving for what seemed like hours, he finally arrived at Cary then
continued on until he reached the next town, Arco. There he realized that he had somehow lost
several hours of time. Soon at home he began to experience lucid dreams of somehow having being
“kidnapped.” Soon he was able to recall that he had been lying on a small bed that was recessed into
the wall. He was in a small room that was brightly lit from the ceiling, which was all white. There was
a counter on the right end of the room and a door with no handles at the end. The room was
completely bare. Suddenly the door slides open and a man appears, he is about six feet tall with
reddish hair. Although no words were spoken, Rogers understood that he was to go with him on a
tour. They went down a narrow hallway and turned right. The hallway was very dimly lit. However he
did see another man who was a little shorter standing further down the hallway.
This man gave Rogers a very disdainful look; he then walked down the hall and disappeared. He
walked through some kind of control room, which was dark and was hard to see what was in there. It
was shaped like a half circle approximately 20 feet across. There was a console that ran around most
of the way of the room. There was a smaller curved console that was in the middle of the room. Both
consoles had colored lights on them that seemed to be the only source of light. The height of the
consoles seemed very short for normal people. The one image that affected Roger’s life more than
any other from the experience was the energy source. It seems that the ship’s energy was stored in a
metal sphere, a little larger than a yard in diameter. It was located on the edge of the “saucer” with
two windows in it. They were shaped like rounded triangles. He looked through the windows and saw
what appeared to be a sphere inside that was spinning at an incredible speed. It also appeared to be
fluid and seemed to change shape slightly as he watched. He could only describe it as looking at
spinning mercury. His next recollection was of being strapped in a reclined chair with his legs arms
and head restrained. He hears a small whirr like a small motor and feels a needle poke him at the base
of his skull. He understood that they wanted a small “sample”. The needle goes deeper into his skull
and he experiences pain. His next recollection was of waking up at home screaming.

HC addendum
Source: Alien Dave, UFOs in Utah

Location. Utah, (exact location not given)

Date: summer 1981 Time: night
The witness lived in a small rural community in Utah and one night she was driving home from
visiting a friend late at night when her car broke down. She was only about 2 miles from home so she
decided to walk home and come back in the morning for the car. About 5 minutes into her walk a
bright object flew past her about as high up as a treetop. The only sound it made was the sound of the
air as it went through it (air displacement). She got really scared and threw herself into the vegetation
by the roadside to hide. The object was about as big as a mobile home and shaped like a football and
was white with some gray panels. She saw the object land by the road about 200 yards up the road.
She hid in a bush just watching. She couldn’t see very well and was frightened but also curious. She
knew that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity to see a real UFO up close and knew that if she
didn’t try to take a closer look now that she had the chance she would regret it for the rest of her life.
So she decided to sneak closer even if it meant risking her life. She started walking carefully and went
over towards the UFO. When she got to within 50 feet of it she hid behind a bush, from this position
she could see everything.
She watched the UFO for about 5 minutes when a hatch opened and a figure came out. It looked
like a human but shorter and had a strange looking face but still human-like. The witness then stood
up and raised her right hand to greet him and smiled. The alien noticed her and got a real worried
look and yelled something back into the UFO. Then there was a bright flash and she must have passed
out. She woke up on the ground and the UFO was gone. She guessed they didn’t want to make
contact. She has no regrets for what she did. The aliens didn’t want to hurt her and but were doing
something and wanted to be left alone.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.ufosentinel.com/

Location. Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (Lake Powell), Utah

Date: June 27 1981 Time: 2230

This is the main witness’s report verbatim:
“I was a park ranger assigned in law enforcement at Glen Canyon National Recreation area (Lake
Powell). On the night of 6/29/1981 a gentleman called the Wahweap District Rangers office and
requested a ranger meet him at the Wahweap launch ramp. A ranger responded and took this formal
Department of Interior, National Park Service, Case Incident Report.
The incident was given case Incident Number 811310.
The gentleman reported, that two night earlier, his group of 15 individuals from Salt Lake City,
Utah were camping in Cow Canyon, in the Escalante River Arm, of Lake Powell. The group were all
members of the LDS Church and there was absolutely no use of alcohol, or drugs on the trip. The
group had a houseboat that was used as a base, for the trip.
NOTE: The following account is taken directly and verbatim from the National Park Service Case
Incident Report Number 811310. I have used quotation marks for all information taken verbatim from
the Case Incident Report, where I have used the word “NAME” I have left out the name of the person
who gave the account of the incident, to the National Park Service. I have corrected some obvious
spelling errors that were in the original account and I have put in brackets ( ) information that can
clarify the report, to persons reading it.
“On 06-29-81, at approximately 1715 hrs received a call from a visitor wanting to report a strange
experience in the Escalante River. I contacted NAME at approx. 2230 hrs. NAME and 14 other persons
in his group were camped in Cow Canyon, a side canyon off the Escalante (Escalante River arm of Lake
“NAME” was about to tell the group a story of an incident his family experienced five years earlier
in Explorer Canyon, which is the next canyon south of Cow canyon, when the same experience began
to happen again. A bright light, which was described to be flashing at 2-4 seconds intervals, was
coming down the left side of the canyon in midair. It circled above the group and then flew down the
right side of the canyon. The light was described to be similar to a strobe light and bright enough to
light up the canyon wall. The group observed the light flying in close proximity to their campsite for
approximately one and a half hour. At one point (the object) was thirty (30) feet away when group
members shined a spot light on it and described what he saw as “creature like.” Further details
include, “winged and larger than a bat.” NAME stated that another light appeared and seemed to
flash a signal which was answered by the original light. Both lights then disappeared down the middle
of the canyon. NAME stated that this experience was very similar to the one five (5) years ago in
Explorer Canyon, only the light was brighter. No alcohol was consumed by any member of the group
that night. Cleared 1800 hrs.
“To me his is an amazing report. The individual making the report did not want his name used and
wanted no publicity for himself. The length of time that the object was observed is in itself
remarkable and I have not heard of any other report of this duration.”
During the summer of 1981 the National Park Service received a number of reports, from visitors,
camped on the shoreline of Lake Powell, of “giant fireflies.” Several of the reports were received at
the Carl Hayden Visitor Center, located near Glen Canyon Dam. At first the National Park Service, staff
members, thought the campers were seeing the strobe lights on the stacks of the Navajo Generating
Station, southeast of Page, Arizona. These lights can be seen for miles but some of the campers were
in canyon locations, where the power plant stacks could not be seen. It is possible that the sightings of
“giant fireflies” were what the group of 15 saw on the night of 6/27/1981.
There was a second verbal report given to the Bullfrog District Ranger about a similar sighting to
the 6/27/1981 one. The second report was not documented unfortunately but occurred two weeks
after the 6/27/1981 report. The individuals who made the second report were supposed to be on Lake
Powell for a week, on a houseboat. The first night out of Bullfrog, Utah, where they rented the
houseboat, they camped in Cow Canyon, the same canyon as the 6/27/1981 sighting. The second
sighting was very similar to the first sighting. The second group were so disturbed by what they saw,
that they returned to Bullfrog Marina the following morning and turned in their houseboat and said,
“We are getting the hell out of here,” after describing what had happened to them.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com Type: E

Location. Murray Utah

Date: August 11 1981 Time: 1849
The witness remembers lying in bed and being taken up by a beam of light into a hovering
spacecraft. Two undescribed beings greeted him inside. He was reportedly shown different scientific
formulas, such as cold fusion techniques, splitting the atom, and the advancement of computers. The
beings were not threatening and attempted to comfort the witness. They transmitted peaceful
thoughts into his head. They also warned him what would happen if humanity did not stop the
(deployment) use of nuclear weapons. The witness apparently blacked out at this point and
remembers being shown back in time, the exact moment of his birth. Later he was safely returned. No
other information.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC Type: G
Comments: Unfortunately the description of the humanoids is not given.

Location. Near Salt Lake City, Utah
Date: October 1982 Time: night
A young couple was sitting on an empty field behind a local school talking. There was a pleasant
cool mist falling. Soon the ground became very muddy. It suddenly became very quiet and both
looked up at the same time, and the hairs on the back of their necks stood up, they looked behind and
over their left shoulders and saw about 200 ft away “something” crawling on its stomach out of the
shadows edge. They stared in horror as they watched the bizarre figure crawl towards them. It was
dark in color, no apparent clothes on and was lying on his belly with its arms down, held close to its
waist. It was inching forward with nothing but its feet to push it forward. Its knees were bent forward,
the joints went back and away. The head of the humanoid looked up and all they could see was two
black pools where the eyes should had been. Both witnesses jumped up and ran into the car about 50
ft away. After a few seconds they started the car and drove off at high speed. Later strange tracks
were found in the mud.

HC addendum
Source: Castle of Spirits, Stories Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 5
Comments: Believe it or not this type of “crawling” alien was recently reported in Chile (2001) and
possibly before.

Location. Simpson Springs, Utah

Date: November 1983 Time: night
George Pekoric, a local recluse that lived in an isolated trailer at the edge of the Dugway Proving
Grounds, complained to police that unknown objects with bright flashing lights were flying over his
trailer landing some distance away in the desert. Later he saw little men running around his place,
shining lights into his trailer and peering at him through his windows. Sometimes they would knock on
its thin metal walls and also steal property only to return it undamaged a few nights later. When the
police officer returned one day to talk to Pekoric he found that he was nowhere to be found. A
“missing persons” report was filed and apparently Pekoric was never heard from again. (Soon after his
disappearance a military staff car accompanied by a dark blue Air Force van full of electronic
equipment showed up asking about George and to the location of his trailer. They told the police that
it was a “national security matter.”)

HC addition # 3466
Source: H. L. O’Neal, Far Out, winter 1992 Type: D or G?

Location. Salt Lake City Utah

Date: 1984 Time: night
Mary and her young son were driving south on 2000 East when a bright light descended in front of
them. It was so bright that it formed a wall in front of the witnesses, they could not see anything. She
then apparently suffered a black out and could not recall anything else after that. A year later, Mary
had an accident and went to the hospital. After X-rays she was told that she had a small object in the
center of her brain and it was not known how it got there. Later under hypnosis she was able to
remember more of the encounter. She remembered being taken onboard an object and undergoing
some type of medical procedure. The beings responsible were described as short, gray skinned with
large black bug-like eyes.

HC addition # 2784
Source: Zack Van Eyck, Deseret News

Location. Provo, Utah

Date: Summer 1984 Time: late night
The witness woke up to see a small gray being floating in the air in front of her, just under the
ceiling, suspended in midair, the being pointed at her son, who was also wide-awake, playing with
some toys. She then realized that the little being wanted her and her son to come with him. She
agreed and the three of them moved into a light, through the upstairs floor, through the telephone
lines and into a ship that was hovering in an open field in front of the house. The object was about 30
ft across and made of metal resembling polished silver. It was round like a saucer with a row of lights
extending around the top that resembled strobe lights that flashed red and blue and cast an eerie
light on the surrounding houses. Soon she found herself walking around a hallway with another type
of being, described as Nordic appearing woman. She was very beautiful with blond hair and blue eyes.
She wore a jumpsuit made of a very fine material that was colored brown and yellow. The walls in the
hallway were highly polished, reflective and with no windows. As they walked they both
communicated with each other, all telepathically. The witness then walked past a room where she
saw her son and another black haired boy standing in the center of the room next to a metal column.
She stopped and watched in fascination as they pulled a device that looked much like a water
massage from out of the metal pole. It was connected to the pole by what looked like a flex cord. Both
boys appeared to be playing with it. The main witness continued to walk around the ship. Her next
memory was of standing outside the craft next to a short gray humanoid, his eyes looking at her,
penetrating her soul. She seemed to be in a garage cluttered with boxes. The gray humanoid pointed
to an object at the other end of the room. It was faint at first, but finally it came into view as it slowly
drifted across the room. She was told telepathically by the gray being that it was dangerous to allow
one of those beings to share the same space with you. Next she found herself in a room with several
people standing around. No one was talking and the room was silent. Her son was there too.
Everyone was naked and was standing around as if in a trance. Her next memory was of seeing the
craft hovering and spinning emitting a strange whirring sound. Soon she woke up in her bed and sat
straight up.

HC addendum
Source: Alien Link, The Awakening Type: G

Location. Mapleton, Utah

Date: June 1984 Time: 23:00
25-year old Don Anderson shut off the television in the bedroom of his mother’s basement where
he was staying. He glanced down at his 4-year old son who sat on the edge of a mattress on the floor
playing with a truck. Suddenly he noticed a gray alien floating in the middle of the room. “We looked
at each other. He pointed to my son, as if he were asking to take him.” Anderson recalls. He returned
the alien’s gaze and telepathically communicated, “Ok, let me go with him, if I go with him, he won’t
be afraid,” and then a beam of blue iridescent light shot through the room. He took his son by the
hand. They jumped into the light beam and followed the gray alien across the basement, through the
wall and upward through the ground to the grass outside. Anderson says they moved toward a huge
saucer-shaped spacecraft across the street that hovered 60 feet in the air. “It was 30 feet across with
red and blue lights that were strobe through the neighborhood, flashing off houses in the area. He
wondered why no one in the neighborhood was waking up to noticed the ship. “It was deadly quiet.
There were no dogs barking or crickets chirping.” All he could hear was the hum of the ship. He says
that as he, his son and the gray alien traveled upward to the bottom of the ship, they felt a tingling
sensation as they passed through telephone wires. He then remembers walking around the polished
interior of the ship. “Everything was metal and really shiny, like it was made from stainless steel. I was
walking on a cushy catwalk.”
Anderson and a tall blond woman who seemed somehow familiar to him walked and
telepathically communicated with each other. After he asked her if she could heal a serious stomach
disorder he was currently experiencing, he heard her laugh. “The moment her eyes caught mine, it
was like she said, “Don’t worry, you will be Ok.” Anderson then saw his son and another boy through
an arched doorway. They stood beneath a metal column, holding what looked like a hand-held
shower massager. “My son grabbed it from the kid he just met and put it above his own head. Blue
volts of what looked like electricity shot over his body. He cracked up and thought that was really
funny. I watched them each use that about three times. I think the aliens took me there so that my
son would know I was around and not be frightened, and I would know he was safe.” Before long,
Anderson was back in the front room of his mother’s house. “The screen door was open, and I could
look through and see the ship hovering and whirring outside.” He says the room was also filled with
elderly strangers he had never seen before. “They stood motionless, like they were in coma. We were
all sitting there watching and listening to the sound of this flying saucer across the street.” He looked
at the clock and it was six in the morning. Under hypnotic regression Anderson was able to recall
other incidents throughout his life.

HC addendum
Source: Carolyn Campbell Type: G

Location. Utah, exact location not given

Date: 1985 Time: 01:30 a.m.
The witness was lying in her bed along when she heard a “clicking” sound coming from the kitchen
area. She went to investigate and checked all the doors without finding anything amiss. As she turned
to walk back she saw a pale gray face peering at her from around the corner of the hallway. She
turned the lights on and decided to go through the dining area, but there a short gray figure blocked
her path too. She woke up two hours later in bed with no memory of what had happened.

HC addition # 1649
Source: James L. Thompson, Aliens and UFOS

Location. Utah, exact location not given

Date: summer 1985 Time: night
A man was working as a sheepherder in an isolated area. The herds were up higher in the
mountains and he was by himself, just a couple of dogs and a few horses besides the sheep. One night
he says the sheep were all restless and he was afraid there was a predator in the area. So he was
staying alert that night, but saw no sign of any predators. Finally very late that night everything
settled down, so he lay down in his tent to rest. After about 15 minutes just dozing off, he heard wings
suddenly beating against the top of the tent. He thought an owl had somehow gotten caught on top of
the tent. He grabbed a flashlight, ran outside and shined it up on the tent. He said what he saw looked
like a ‘little man’ about 2 feet tall, naked with large bat-like wings. He said the creature looked at him
for a couple of seconds, then flew off through the trees. The next day he saddled up, came off the
mountain, and sent his brother to watch the sheep for a few days. He only ever told this story to a few
close friends. He never saw the creature again, he would never herd sheep alone after that, and
always had his little brother or cousin in camp.

HC addendum
Source: California Native Entities and Bigfoot Forum Story # 818
Location. Near St. George, Utah
Date: July 1987 Time: night
The main witness was driving home from Ogden on the I-15 with her daughter, friend and brother
in-law. As they neared St George the main witness, who was driving, began to feel sleepy, everybody
else was tired so she pulled over to the side in order to rest. As she closed her eyes a bright light came
over their car. At this point she could not move or talk, she was scared. She noticed a tall man-like
figure approach the car and then she began to float out. The tall figure wore a dark diving suit and
told the witness that “everything was alright, not to be frightened, that they just wanted to do some
experiments.” She saw 7 to 8 tall figures standing behind the main figure; she remembers seeing the
car clock which read 12:07 a.m. She saw her brother-in-law next to her leaning against the passenger
door; her friend and daughter were in the back seat asleep. The next thing she remembers was being
placed back into the car, everything sent silent and then she screamed, and at this point everyone was
screaming for her to get the car out of there. (The witness did not undergo a hypnotic regression).

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com/ Type: G?

Location. Near Salt Lake City, Utah

Date: August 1987 Time: early evening
The witness had been hitch hiking east of town and was walking near an overpass when he heard
some rustling noises coming from some nearby brush. Looking over, he saw a short pasty-gray thin
humanoid creature with huge black eyes and long thin limbs. Its hands ended in very long skinny
fingers. The creature stood and stared at the witness for a few moments, while the witness attempted
to avert his gaze hoping the humanoid had not seen him. The humanoid briefly crouched down and
then stood up again. As the witness began to walk away the creature dove over the brush and into a
wash. As the witness watched, the humanoid looked back at him one more time before disappearing
from sight.

HC addendum
Source: Art Bell, Coast to Coast, August 19 2002 Type: E
Comments: Typical gray type humanoid report of the time.

Location. Uintah Basin Utah

Date: June 1991 Time: late night
The witness suddenly woke up from a sound sleep and felt someone holding her hand very gently.
She opened her eyes and saw a huge hairy humanoid sitting beside her on her bed holding her hand.
The witness screamed then the tall hairy creature ran down a hallway and into the family room and

HC addition # 1650
Source: James L. Thompson, Aliens and UFOS

Location. Uintah Basin, Utah

Date: December 1 1991 Time: late night
The witness again woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and as she came back to
bed and lay down she felt something moving across the bed, she then saw two large hairy hands moving
beneath her. She was then lifted from bed by a huge hairy “Bigfoot” type creature that then stepped
back a few feet and rose straight up with her, apparently carrying her through floors and ceiling. She
closed her eyes and felt rising up. She does not recall what happened and next thing she knew she was
being deposited back in her bed. The being again held her hard and apparently became angry when she
removed his hand and jumped on top of her but without any apparent harm to her.

HC addition # 1651
Source: James L. Thompson, “Aliens and UFOs”

Location. Hurricane, Iron County, Utah

Date: February 1993 Time: evening
A man and a woman saw a dozen UFOs near Hurricane, including an egg-shaped craft, with
telephone pole size landing gear and a large hot-dog shaped craft. After the sightings, the couple
surveyed the ground nearby and found a trail of small three-toed footprints in the snow. Other markings
indicated a tail might have been dragging behind whatever made the prints. The woman who lives in
Kanab confirmed the sighting in an interview with the Deseret News but did not want her name

HC addendum
Source: Bill Lyons, MUFON Type: B?

Location. Salt Lake City, Utah

Date: 1995 Time: afternoon?
A woman was visiting a local Nordstrom store with her grandson when she saw three peculiar looking
“teenagers” walking by. The strange thing was that two of them were almost 7 ft. tall, identical
looking, and their faces were entirely void of blemishes. Their arms reached almost to their
knees and the ‘boy” who accompanied them was gamboling around them in a manner that
reminded her of a gargoyle. As they passed her and her grandson (who like the two tall boys,
was blond haired and had the popular short “bowl cut” type hair style, 6 ft. tall) she faintly
overhead one of them say, after looking towards her teenaged grandson, “Is he one of us?” At
which the other replied in the negative. The woman was completely flabbergasted; however
being an abductee---as was her grandson---she was familiar with other reports of reptilian
abductors and “infiltrators”.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.think-aboutit.com/branton/they-_live_part_4.htm Type: E

Location. Uintah County, Utah

Date: March 12 1997 Time: late night
At an isolated ranch in Northeastern Utah barking dogs alerted a team of investigators to something
lurking in a tree near the ranch house. Tom Gorman grabbed a hunting rifle and took off in his truck
toward the tree. Two NIDS staffers followed in another vehicle. Up in the tree branches, they could
make out a huge set of yellowish, reptilian eyes. The head of this “animal” had to be three feet wide,
they guessed. At the bottom of the tree there was something else. Gorman described it as huge and
hairy, with massively muscled front legs and a dog-like head, Gorman who is a crack shot, fired at both
figures from a distance of 40 yards. The creature on the ground seemed to vanish. The thing in the tree
apparently fell to the ground because Gorman heard it as it landed heavily in the patches of snow
below. All three men ran through the pasture and scrub brush, chasing what they thought was a
wounded animal, but they never found the animal and saw no blood either. A professional tracker failed
to locate anything. At the bottom of the tree, they found and photographed a weird footprint, or rather,
a claw print. The print left in the snow was from something large. It had three digits with what they
guessed were sharp claws on the end. After analysis, and incredibly, the print closely resembled that of a
velociraptor, an extinct dinosaur made famous in the Jurassic Park films.

HC addendum
Source: Las Vegas Mercury & NIDS Type: E

Location. Near Ballard, Uintah County, Utah

Date: August 28 1997 Time: 02:00 a.m.
In the middle of his isolated ranch (known as the Sherman Ranch or more popularly as ‘The
Skinwalker Ranch) in Northeastern Utah, Tom Gorman saw a dull white light appearing out of nowhere,
researcher Chad Deetken also saw the light. Gorman and Deetken were out in the pasture as part of an
ongoing effort to document unusual activity on the property. Both men watched intently as the light
grew brighter. It was as if someone had opened a window or doorway. Gorman grabbed his night vision
binoculars to get a better look but could hardly believe what he was seeing. The dull light began to
resemble a bright portal, and at one end of the portal, a large, black heavily muscled, humanoid figure
seemed to be struggling to crawl through the tunnel of light. After a few minutes, the humanoid figure
wriggled out of the light and took off into the darkness. As it did, the window of light snapped shut, as if
someone had flicked the “off” switch. Deetken had the presence of mind to snap a few photos of the
event but would later learn that the film had recorded little of what the two men had witnessed.

HC addendum
Source: Las Vegas Mercury, NIDS Type: B?

Location. Goose Neck Canyon, Utah

Date: September 28 1998 Time: 11:30 a.m.
On the Arizona border the main witness, his brother and a friend were in this scenic state run
lookout, a very remote location and they were the only ones there, when all of the sudden they were
startled by a huge “roar” “rumbling” or something from their left. They looked and saw a huge black
aircraft with no markings at all. It was so low to the ground they could see the pilot and he looked down
at them. The main witness claims that it was much larger than a normal stealth fighter. The shape was
triangular with a bit of a nose. Although it was moving fast they only saw it for 3-4 seconds. The main
witness is convinced that the aircraft was indeed an “Aurora” prototype.
HC addendum
Source: http://www.area51zone.com/sightings Type: A?

Location. Vernal Utah

Date: October 19 1998 Time: 00:34 a.m.
Several men were out elk hunting in an isolated area when they saw what appeared to be a plane
crashing. They exited the truck and proceeded over the ridge to investigate. As they neared the area
they saw two more craft apparently hovering over the area. On the ground they saw what appeared to
be some “people” gathering around. No other information.

HC addition # 3192
Source: NUFORC Type: C?
Location. Colchester, Utah
Date: August 2000 Time: afternoon
The witness was having a BBQ in the garden when suddenly the sky went pitch black. They all
looked up at the sky in surprise. Everyone gasped as they saw several, skinny, bony, black creatures
with wings flying at a rapid pace over the city. Around the same time another witness was parked in
her driveway when she saw about five weird skinny, black creatures with round, big eyes. She
screamed as they kept trying to get in. One of the weird creatures had broken the window and had
bitten into her arm. After an hour the creatures gave up and left. When she got out of the car her arm
was covered in blood. The police told her that it must have been a pack of dogs.

HC addendum
Source: Ghost Source.com, True Encounters Archive Type: E

Location. Red Mountain Pass, Utah

Date: April 21 2001 Time: afternoon
Two witnesses scouting for deer near the Strawberry Reservoir Area when they smelled a strong
odor resembling raw sewage. After a-while the smell sort of dissipated and they kept walking on the
trail. As they rounded a bend there was a tremendous crash, like thunder, in the forest off to their right.
Twigs and branches breaking and something huge running at a high speed preceded it. Later they heard
more sounds and a sound resembling a “grunt.” One of the witnesses thought he saw a shadow or an
outline of a “person” walking from tree to tree. He estimated it to be from 5 to 6 ft tall and bipedal.

HC addendum
Source: Utah UFO Hunters Type: E

Location. West Weber, Utah

Date: July 2001 Time: 04:00 a.m.
The witness was delivering newspapers as usual and had her son along with her to help out. It was
still very dark. After dropping a paper into the box she began to drive forward to the next house and
noted a late model white pickup truck coming up behind her. She pulled out onto the side of the road
and waited for the truck to pass. She claims that everything seemed to be in slow motion at that point.
As the truck passed there did not seem to be a driver. The passenger turned to look into the car. She
says it was not a natural movement; it seemed to turn its entire body to watch them as it passed instead
of just turning its head. The movement was so unnatural it was like it was wearing a full body scuba suit
or a suit of armor that was difficult to move about in. Silhouetted in the street light a few yards up she
saw no signs of hair on its head that seemed larger than normal, but at the same time it was darker than
the darkness around it. Even as the truck passed under the streetlight the figure was still dark. The truck
then turned onto a road that she claimed to be a dead end or a long road with no turn off. All this
happened within a time space of about 30 seconds. She dropped a paper into the next box and then
hesitantly turned down the same street to find that the truck had disappeared.

HC addendum
Source: Kyra Greenleaf in Utah UFO Hunters

Location. Southeastern Utah town

Date: Summer 2002 Time: late night
The main witness and her mother were at home late one night when they both suddenly felt groggy.
His right arm was sore. Later the main witness recalled that while in a dream-like state he was lying in
bed when he saw a blue white glow coming through the door. He was not afraid as he saw three figures
about 5 ft tall enter the room. They were incredibly thin, had no ears, large eyes, large heads, gray
smooth skin, and long thin hands. As they walked in he felt soothed and subdued. He felt they were
inside his mind commanding and directing him. One put a hand on her chest and she rose up to a sitting
position on the edge of her bed. The one that had touched her lightly grasped her arm and the other
one her other arm. Their touch felt warm and fuzzy. The whole time they communicated among
themselves through telepathy. They led her out of the room one at each arm and one behind her. As
they entered the kitchen she saw that there were two or three of them standing with her mother in the
living room. This upset the witness who then attempted to resist them. She started to barge towards her
mother and felt an oppressive presence in her mind. As she continued to try to pull away she was
suddenly slammed against the refrigerator by a powerful force. She felt her arm snap and possibly
brake; a voice in her mind commanded her to stop fighting them. She then felt one of them lightly grasp
her arm and the pain was gone. She and her mother were then led outside to a small 3 ft wide saucer
shaped object with an opening that emitted a bright blue light. There was a sudden bright flash around
her and at that point her memory ended. She remembers thinking how they were going to fit in such a
small object.

HC addendum
Source: I was abducted.com

Location. Fruitland, Utah

Date: August 1 2002 Time: night
A group of people involved in a “UFO watch” had asked a highly sensitive person that has the ability
to call in or contact aliens to do so. The sensitive told them that he would call down a “real” alien and
not a “Nordic” type humanoid in order to make the experience more believable. During the proceedings
they noticed a hole open up in the clouds in a perfect circle. Only then could they see what appeared to
be a triangular “cloaked” ship coming down very slowly, it seemed to block out the stars. One of those
present walked around back and felt that the air was different, cooler and thicker and he called one of
the others to experience it, then another and another then the last person. They could sense the area of
coolness to be circular, and sense that something was there with them. A beam of light was witnessed.
One of the group had their pony tail pulled and he said, “They are here, but they are cloaked.” He then
walked towards “them” and disappeared, but could still be heard; he reappeared on the other side of
the “coolness” he then said that “they” were embracing him. The others present then walked to the
center of the coolness hoping for a more personal experience. They felt an overwhelming sense of
oneness, love, and safety and said it was very natural. They each asked them different things,
communicating with them telepathically. They could hear them talking, “it was like clicking” and could
hear them walking about and breathing. Even sometimes seeing their shadows. As the night went on the
aliens de-cloaked partially revealing their large red eyes, about the size of a coffee cup saucer and 8 ½
feet above the ground. And each person of the group was touched by the wing or arm of a praying
mantis type alien. Later they sensed and knew that they were leaving and watched the clouds close back
and they couldn’t see the stars again for the rest of the night. Tracks, apparently belonging to the aliens
were found on the ground after the incident. They later learned that there had been 9 different aliens
involved in the encounter.

HC addendum
Source: Utah UFO Hunters, Mufon Type: C or F?

Location. Spanish Fork Canyon, Utah

Date: November 26 2002 Time: 1930
At the junction of highway 89 and highway 6 the witness was returning home from his sister’s house
and was traveling southeast on highway 6 when in the front window of his car he saw a metallic green
disc descending straight down and apparently crash landing on a mountain top on the southeast corner.
It lit the whole sky like it was noon. There were other cars in the area maybe 10 others. The witness did
not stop thinking that the whole area would be covered with military personnel in a very short time.
When he got home in Price Utah, he watched the news to see if anyone had reported it but there was
no news. He called the television station and reported what he had seen. He further described the disc
as dark green in color with a white corona around it and about 200m in diameter. It seemed to crash
land at a very high rate of speed. He estimated that the craft could have been about 2 miles away; he
thought he heard a distant boom when it crashed.

HC addendum
Source: http://ufoinfo.com/sightings/usa/

Location. Provo, Utah

Date: July 4 2004 Time: 05:36 a.m.
The witness was sitting on the front steps of his home waiting for the fireworks to start when
all of the sudden a tear-drop shaped vehicle came out of the sky in a flash of white light,
which burned his eyes, the next thing he remembered was lying on his bed two days later,
not remembering anything that had happened the last 2 days. No other information.

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC Type: G
Comments: Apparently there hasn’t been a hypnotic regression performed.
Location. Huntsville, Utah
Date: June 13 2005 Time: 01:30 a.m.
A couple enjoying a discreet interlude at a place called Cemetery Point was startled by the
sudden appearance of a strange creature walking on its hind legs. It was tall and hairy,
they later said, very reptilian-looking, with a hunched back. They watched as it walked on
two legs, made a curious ‘gagging’ sound, then dropped down to all fours, and scampered
like a deer into the darkness.

HC addendum
Source: B. M. Nunnelly, “The Inhumanoids, encounters with creatures that can’t exist” p.

Location. Kanab, Utah

Date: September 2005 Time: midnight
The witness was in bed around midnight when he looked out the open window by the bed.
Something was moving outside, he put on his glasses to see what it was. It was a very small
person about 4 feet tall. He was creeping around the yard apparently not wanting to be
seen. However the yard was brightly illuminated. The figure was wearing some kind of one
piece suit with a hood; the witness did not see any ears. The witness lay back briefly and
upon looking again the short figure had disappeared.

HC addendum
Source: http://mufoncms.com Type: E

Location. Salt Lake City, Utah

Date: 2006 Time: 21:00
Jack Napier and his friends were filming a fan-made batman film in Downtown Salt
Lake City. It was probably around 21:00 or so and it was Jack, and his friends Tyler and
Sam, and Tyler’s little sister. It happened while they were in between takes filming a
scene in the alley between two old courthouse high rise buildings. They all saw
something extremely large flying through the air above them and they all looked up
because they heard what sounded like wings flapping. The object was flying at a height
about as tall as the courthouse buildings they were standing below. They all watched as
it glided and latched onto the side of the building. It was definitely extremely bat-like, but
way too big to be any kind of known North American bat, especially bats here in Utah.
Once it latched to the comer/side of the building, it just sat there hanging on by the
clawed hand at the tip of its wing and it was all spread out. They watched it for about 5
minutes before it decided to fly away. At the time, they were filming with a pretty low
quality Sony video camera that didn’t do well at all in low light situations, but they did
film the creature and they have the video footage somewhere. It’s just too damn hard to
make out details and even movement. After about 5 minutes, the thing flew away to the
south. It had leathery wings that looked just like that of a bat. The head, they couldn’t
make out, and it didn’t look like it had fur on it anywhere. It had a wingspan of at least 6
feet or so, and had to be the size of a medium sized dog or coyote. That’s about the best
size reference he can give.
The weird coincidence about this sighting, is that it showed itself to them when they
were filming a ‘batman’ movie. Another weird thing, is that Napier saw it again when he
was by himself about a week or two later, it literally glided in front of his car and it was
gliding down to go under the on-ramp of the freeway. He didn’t see it again after that.

HC addendum
Source: Jim Harold’s Virtual Campfire – Share Stories of Ghosts, Cryptids, UFOs

Location. Salt Lake City, Utah

Date: March 8 2007 Time: night

Michael Smith claims he was abducted by a race of aliens who call themselves the “Aertuk”. They
shot a bright beam of bluish light at him (out of a small barely visible cone-shaped craft with small bright
blue flames coming out of a camouflaged surface) and he was suddenly inside a small tube with capped
ends resembling titanium, where strange large hovering creatures poked unidentifiable objects into him,
the third of which acted like a sedative, and he lost consciousness. When he next woke up, he was in the
same tube, a door was open, and the beam of bluish light was shining on him. He climbed out of the
tube and found himself in the center of his backyard in Utah. As soon as his feet left the tube, the light
intensified and the tube disappeared without a trace. After that from fear of being put in a psychiatric
ward, he did not speak of anything and he is just now recently revealing the story for the first time.
The inside of the ship looked like the inside of a laboratory, except instead of white walls, the walls
were a dull pulsing gray with small glowing designs etched into it. The spacecraft was about 20 feet in
diameter at the bottom and about 100 feet long.

HC addendum
Source: http://www.iwasabducted.com/ufoboard/reports Type: G
Comments: Unfortunately the witness does not provide a description of the aliens.

Location. Near Red Mesa Chapter House Community, Utah

Date: summer 2007 Time: 18:00

A 19-year old Navajo Indian Native was driving back from Farmington New Mexico. The sun had just
set, however he was enjoying the pleasant light the sun still emits after falling below the western
horizon while he had just made the turn west from County Rd 21. As he continued on in his small Ford
Ranger, there were minor twists and turns on the road, but he still could see miles and miles away since
the local area has a semi-desert climate, so only brush and small hills are the only thing preventing him
from seeing 30 to 50 miles out. After completing a wide turn, he found himself on a straightaway on the
country road, which has a small incline down into a dip, then eventually rises again to another hill. He
then noticed a black figure walking on the right–hand shoulder of the road about 2 or 3 minutes ahead
of him. It was nothing new to him, since everyone was accustomed to seeing hitchhikers, runners, and
sometimes kids running, and playing beside the Navajo Nation highways. But as neared this individual, it
seemed apparent that this was no ordinary person. In fact, he was very, very, skinny and very, very tall,
as he got closer he noticed that this individual was wearing clothes that were entirely black, however he
felt no fear and slowed his truck down and peered out to see the man as he slowly passed him. At this
point the strange individual came to a halt, but was still facing forward. Finally as the vehicle was
gradually moved forward in a position that the witness could see the frontal part of the figure, he was
horrified to see that the stranger dressed in black had no face. No eyes, no mouth, no nose structure at
all. Shocked, the witness drove forward very fast and then stopped. Finally composing himself he drove
back where he had last seen the faceless figure standing only a few moments before, but it had
vanished; only footprints remained on the sand. At this point an overpowering fear overtook him and he
drove away as quickly as possible, ending up parked in front of his grandfather’s house, where he had to
be forcibly dragged out of the truck.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales---April 2009

Location. Near Bear Lake, Utah

Date: July 2008 Time: 02:00 a.m.
The witness was at a scout camp and had suffered a concussion while playing
around. One night he woke up with a headache and walked outside the tent. He took a
few steps and then decided to go on a walk for more fresh air. He walked for a few
minutes when he decided to go out to the lake and check if there were any rabbits or
squirrels drinking water. He started to walk down the path to the lake and suddenly
noticed a strange figure moving around by the lake at first he could only see part of
it so he went down further, starting to fast walk down to see what it was, being very
curious in nature. Much to his surprise, about 200 ft away from the lake, he saw a
giant, weird animal, it had legs and feet, but it move in a slither. Its head was
that of a lizard and so was the body, but it had some eel-like features to it. Being
very excited and scared at the same time, the witness attempted to approach even
closer. He must have stepped on something because it suddenly went into the water and
swam away.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales, October 2008 Type: E?
Comments: Cryptid????

Location. Provo, Utah

Date: summer 2009 Time: 06:00 a.m.
The main witness and her boyfriend woke up early one morning and went outside onto the porch
of their trailer to smoke a cigarette. The porch had a metal overhang that covered the entire area
except the steps. They were sharing a cigarette, standing on the porch under the overhang, facing
the steps (south). She walked down one of the steps and looked up at the sky. She remembers it
was a nice warm clear morning. It was mainly a clear blue sky, and when she looked up she saw
something flying, which was odd because it seemed like it just appeared. She hadn’t notice
anything in the distance before that. She was facing south, and at first she thought it was a plane
because it looked pretty big to her. But then she realized that it wasn’t a plane.
She heard no noise from it. She thought she could see a rounded, long beak/nose and a giant
body. She compared it to a bat or a pterodactyl, she didn’t see any feathers. It was hard to tell
because it was kind of shadowy, or blurry, like it was blending in with the sky or surroundings,
that’s the best description she could give it. But it wasn’t invisible, it was just hard to see details.
Its coloring was grayish brown, dark, maybe even black, which she thinks helped the shadowy,
blurring camouflaged appearance. Its wings looked like bat wings and it was pretty big, not as
big as a plane like she first thought. Maybe the size of a small plane, like on that sprays pesticide
on crops, or a little smaller.
She was facing south, standing on the bottom steps of her porch, and it was flying over her
neighborhood, above the treetops, heading north. She ran out, about 2-4 feet away from the
porch, so she could see over the overhand and trailer, and had a more clear view of the sky,
facing north. The strangest thing about it was how it flew. It looked like it was “swimming”
through the sky, kind of gliding. It undulated through the sky and it was going pretty fast, but in
a sort of “leisurely pace”. Her boyfriend saw it about the same time she did, she can’t remember
who actually saw it first, but they both ran out, away from the porch steps, to get a better view of
the sky. Another strange thing happened once they were no longer on the porch, under the
overhang. As soon as they got out in the open and were watching this creature swim through the
air, they both got a feeling of “fear”. She doesn’t know if it was just because they saw this
strange unknown creature fling above the house, but as soon as she moved away from the porch
she got extremely scared, somehow she knew it could see her now and could feel it watching her.
The feeling intensified, getting much worse, until she looked at her boyfriend for a second and
they both “freaked out” and ran up onto the porch and inside the door. The second they got
inside, the feeling of fear lessened, and her boyfriend immediately ran back outside, and she
followed him. He went off the porch so he could see over the trailer and she hid behind him, but
they did not see it. Afterwards, he said he got the same feeling of fear, like it was watching them,
and intensified until it made him run for cover also. It must have been moving pretty fast,
because they should have been able to see it flying for a-while, the skies were clear and it was
easily visible over the treetops, with a large area of sky visible in the direction it was going. The
last she saw it, she was a few feet out from her porch steps facing north, looking up at the sky. It
was already pretty far out past her porch and trailer, probably 5-6 trailers away, steadily
swimming/flying north and it seemed to be staying at the same altitude, above the trees. The
entire time she had it in sight it still had that weird blurry, shadowy, blending appearance, which
could have had something to do with the way it flew. It didn’t look like anything flying, it looked
like it was swimming through the air, like a snake or jelly fish would swim through water.

HC addendum

Location. Salt Lake City, Utah

Date: August 8 2010 Time: 01:20 a.m.
A security guard reported that while patrolling an area in downtown Salt Lake in a location
where there was a “Target” under construction, he saw a strange figure walking on all fours
with long arms and pale skin. Stunned, he went looking for his flashlight but when he looked
back it had vanished. He had been moving his patrol vehicle to the other side of the
construction site and saw the strange creature as he was getting ready to park. He furthered
described the strange figure as having pale gray skin with ‘bumps’ and it walked on its hands
which had to be as long as its legs. Its head was of an ‘abnormal’ shape and it didn’t turn to look
at the witness, so he didn’t see the face. It didn’t appear to have any hair on its body and it had
no clothing. He reportedly found strange ‘hand prints’ where he had seen it but didn’t have a
‘cam’ with him at the time, he didn’t hear any noises but later heard noises on the roof as if
someone was walking around on the roof. Additionally, the witness estimated the creature
must have been at least 7-8 feet in height, he could make out its ‘spine’ and rib cage through its
skin but the arms appeared to be muscular.

HC addendum
Source: Private correspondence with witness

Location. Between Monticello & Moab, Utah

Date: November 2010 Time: pre-dawn
Driving on Highway 191 a couple had pulled off to the side of the road after arguing briefly.
They were at the County Road 46 intersection and it was still a bit dark but the sky was getting
brighter. She stayed in the car while her boyfriend stepped out of the truck to get some fresh
air. As he was about to finish he took a quick glance at the road behind them and noticed in the
distance, a little less than a mile, a figure on the side of the road “hobbling” as it walked toward
the truck. This surprised him in that they hadn’t seen or passed a person since they left
Monticello. As he stood there, he realized it grew in size, meaning that it approached at
incredible speed.
Backing up, he yelled at his girlfriend, “Get ready to leave fast!” At a dead sprint he ran into his
truck and jumped into the passenger side only to find himself screaming at the top of his lungs
at his girlfriend, instructing her to, “Go! Go! Go!” Slamming his door, he took one glance back
outside his window as the truck peeled off, and saw what he said can only be described as the
most mangy looking human/animal he had ever seen. He couldn’t tell if it was in rags or just a
heavy---coated black animal running/hobbling very fast, as it did quickly catch up to the side of
his truck. According to him, the way the eyes looked struck him with terror. They were very
large, almost bulging out as would as praying mantis’s eyeballs, but with pinpoint pupils. Too
afraid he looked away to his wife, who was starting to shake uncontrollably. He took the
steering wheel realizing she also took a glance at this thing, her foot still flooring the
accelerator. Trying to calm her down, he maintained a firm grip on the steering wheel for a
good two minutes, finally looking over his shoulders outside the truck and saw, nothing. Half an
hour later, they were driving into the city limits of Moab, Utah.

HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales, April 2011
Location. Stansbury Park, Utah

Date: July 20 2011 Time: 02: 00 a.m.

Two tall thin black beings with a square-shaped head with no visible arms were seen by the witness
standing by the neighbor’s car in the street. They stood still without moving. The witness, a 6-year old
girl had gone up to get a glass of water from the kitchen and the blinds were open. She looked outside
and saw them standing by a car. She ran to her parent’s room and her father went to go see what she
saw, but there was nothing there. The girl said the beings looked like ‘Halloween creatures’.

HC addendum
Source: Mufon CMS

Location. Vernal, Utah

Date: February 10 2013 Time: 1:30 a.m.
The main and his son were in their driveway installing a stereo in his Durango
when they heard in the field across their street coyotes starting to feed, a very
late pack of them, and then they heard several howls from something unknown
and then they began to ‘hoot’ at each other. And then all ‘hell’ broke lose, as it
seemed that whatever was howling attacked the coyotes and was tearing them
apart. It was very loud and terrifying to listen to. After it ended his neighbor came
out and asked them what the hell it was. They said they had no idea what just
attacked the coyotes. They went into the woods to see but had a terrible fear and
went back into their home. The next evening it was raining a lot and he had
several friends over and told them of what they had heard so they all went
outside to tell and show them about where it happened and in the field was a pair
of red glowing eyes staring right at them. He hit them with a laser pointer and
from behind the first being four and then six more stepped out from behind it and
they were like jumping and frolicking about each other but all the time the first
one stayed staring at them. The main witness then noticed that two of the beings
staring walking on the side of the field and he thought that whatever they were
they were ‘hunting’ them and were attempting to outflank them. So they ran into
the house and waited several hours but all through the night the figures were
staring at the house. The next day they were gone and they could not find any
footprints which was crazy, since it had rained all night. When they measured the
height of the red eyes they were about 10 feet tall. After that the main witness
experienced several strange events, he has seen bright floating orbs in the sky
above his home and his son and a friend witnessed a flashing lighted craft land on
the Mountain range just above his home. He has been unable to shake the fear
and uneasy feeling and his dogs have run into the house on several occasions.
And appeared scared and ready to attack whatever have spooked the. One night a
terrible whooshing and explosion blew through his yard and a tree in his backyard
fell down and then it was picked up and turned 180 degrees and placed down
with no markings from it being moved from the ground.

HC addendum

Location. Salt Lake City, Utah

Date: March 6 2014 Time: night
About 3-4 weeks before; above the Wasatch Mountains there was an oval white ship hovering
about the mountains near the witness’ location. About a week later “red headed Lyrans” came to
him in “a dream form” and pulled him through the ceiling which was concrete on the roof, he
doesn’t remember being pulled through the air. As he came aboard a ship, some of the aliens
were curly haired strawberry red heads and some were tall; some were short. He saw ‘keyboards’
which were all black and a large “mouse-looking” orb on the console which controlled the ship.
He asked them how they operated the ship and they bluntly refused to tell him how the ship
worked. After that he saw an outside view of the ship and they told him they needed him for
something while he remember them flying him over North Dakota and seeing piles of snow on
the outside. When they shot up in the air the ship went from 100 feet above the ground to 40,000
feet in a matter of a second. When he was on the craft he asked them who the “greys” were and
they told him a word which meant “They are your tan”. He looked up the root word and it means

HC addendum
Source: NUFORC

Location. Provo, Utah

Date: mid-February 2015 Time: early morning
The witness was driving to the university where he teaches from his home in the canyon. It was just
getting light out and he could see the secluded canyon road clearly. From the left he saw what he
assumed to be a small child, maybe two years old, running toward his car from a side street, crossing in
front of the witness through his headlights. He noted that this “child” was about two feet tall, dressed in
a perfectly form-fitting track suit of a light-blue satin-like fabric. He had longish blond hair and was
running in perfect runners form. He thought it strange that such a young child would be running alone
on a street so far from any houses. The small runner turned and ran down the canyon road in the
opposite direction he was driving. He stopped his car and decided to follow him and call the police to
report an unattended child. When he got turned around, he could see that he small figure was several
hundred yards down the road where he made a sharp right turn and ran into the forest. It finally
dawned on the witness that this 24-inch person was running at an impossible rate of speed. The next
day he brought a physics professor friend to the spot. He measured the distance and his best estimate of
elapsed time, and he calculated the “child” was running at approximately 37 mph.
HC addendum
Source: Your true ghost and paranormal stories March 2015 Type: E

Ryan, hopefully you can use some of the material. I included everything I had, some of it obvious B.S. but
I am just a messenger.



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