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DF Forum 3: Google Search

Google is a growing company that has emerged as a market leader in “information” access, distribution,
and online advertising services. Have you ever wondered how Google can afford to build, staff and
operate Best of Breed data centers that enable instant access to a world of information, with an
“intuitive” capability that adapts to the search interests of a user? Here is your opportunity to find out.

Note: This Discussion Board assignment (Forum 5 Module/Week 5) requires the viewing of a video from
Chapter 16, Video Case 16 Google Inc.: The Right Ads at the Right Time. Read the Google Video Case 16
and watch the Google video: http://www.viddler.com/embed/bf7fc9fa Create and post an initial thread
that addresses the following questions or issues:

 When conducting a Google search, why do some search results appear before others?
Describe in detail the processes that Google uses to prioritize the positioning of search results?
 Describe Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) and AdSense services and how each may
benefit a company’s online advertising effort with Google.

 Explain why there is increasingly concern about potential eavesdropping practices by Google

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and other companies via Internet-enabled “smart home” devices (e.g., televisions, assistants,

and Wi-Fi networks)? What preventative measures may be taken by consumers to mitigate

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“always listening,” hacking, eavesdropping, and other surreptitious information gathering

conducted by unwanted intruders?
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“Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.” (Psalm 147:5 NIV)

 Describe the vastness of God’s wisdom, knowledge, and power, in consideration of the power
of human marvels such as Google.
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When conducting a Google search, why do some search results appear before others? Describe in
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detail the processes that Google uses to prioritize the positioning of search results?

The best three or four list items at the head of the page are supported outcomes that organizations can
pay to be put in. While Google gives a supported indication next to these list items, they appear higher
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on the page than any generic query result. After the supported inquiries are recorded, numerous
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individuals believe that there are a few hints or tricks that organizations can use to ascend higher in the
searches. It is fundamental to realize that the connections are not ordered by which page has the best
on-page SEO or the most links, however, are instead requested by client expectation (Montti, 2018).
Google eventually picks the sites to be recorded based on how relevant, and useful the sites are.

Describe Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) and AdSense services and how each may benefit a

company’s online advertising effort with Google.

Google Ads is the help given by Google to permit advertisers to run their promotions close to a particular

search. This type of advertising can be advantageous for organizations since it very well may be
moderately cheap. Promoters can pay for cost per click on these advertisements, which permits them
only to pay Google when the ad leads to a response from the customer. Another way this can be
beneficial is that companies can find the particular audience that they want to reach through online
advertising. This can be done by targeting a specific geographic area or a particular age group that a
particular company wants to advertise (Kerin & Hartley, 2020).

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Google AdSense is a service that allows advertisers to place their ads anywhere online next to
content that is similar to their product or site. These are more traditional ads that you would see as a
banner or picture on a website that can be both viewed or clicked. These types of ads are sold either as
price per click or price per thousand views, depending on what type of advertisement it is (Kerin &
Hartley, 2020). One of the main benefits of Google AdSense is how measurable the results are;
customers can know almost instantly how successful the ad has been and how that ad is driving site
traffic or actual purchases.

Explain why there is increasingly concern about potential eavesdropping practices by Google and
other companies via Internet-enabled “smart home” devices (e.g., televisions, assistants, and Wi-Fi
networks)? What preventative measures may be taken by consumers to mitigate “always listening,”
hacking, eavesdropping, and other surreptitious information gathering conducted by unwanted

The main reason there is an increasing concern when it comes to eavesdropping with big companies
such as Google is that we have all experienced some scary incident that proves to us that we are being

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listened to. Almost everybody has had a conversation with someone about a particular product that they
have never searched online for in their entire life. Then 15 minutes after your real-life discussions, you

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see ad after ad for that product on Google or your Facebook feed. These instances, while very alarming,
are becoming the norm when it comes to privacy.

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One of the best practices is to figure out how to turn off listening in the settings if it is something that
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bothers you. While most products will not come out and admit that they are listening to your
conversations, if you go to the settings of your phone or your smart home device, you can turn off the
listening and recording features.

“Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.” (Psalm 147:5 NIV). Describe
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the vastness of God’s wisdom, knowledge, and power, in consideration of the power of human
marvels such as Google.

While these companies are large and can do such amazing things, our God is bigger and can-do way
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more. I think we need to realize that our minds cannot even come close to comprehending how big and
infinitely powerful. We need to make sure that we do not compare God to Google or limit the power of
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God to only what our mind can comprehend because he is so much bigger and better than what we even
can grasp.


Kerin, R. A., & Hartley, S. (2020). Marketing: Core (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Custom
Montti, R. (2018, March 20). 7 Insights into How Google Ranks Websites. Retrieved from

This study source was downloaded by 100000828961449 from CourseHero.com on 08-02-2021 12:27:54 GMT -05:00

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