User Guide To PWT 9.1 Data Files 1
User Guide To PWT 9.1 Data Files 1
User Guide To PWT 9.1 Data Files 1
1 data files
Table of Contents
User Guide to PWT 9.1 data files 1
PWT 9.1 1
National Accounts data 2
ICP benchmark data 2
Trade detail 2
Labor detail 2
Capital detail 3
Expenditure share correlations 3
Outlier update 4
PWT 9.1
This file, in Excel or Stata format, is the Penn World Table and includes the main variables. In
its variables and their construction, this data file closely resembles PWT versions 8.0, 8.1 and
9.0. New users are therefore advised the following:
Feenstra, Robert C., Robert Inklaar and Marcel P. Timmer (2015), "The Next Generation of the Penn World
Table" American Economic Review, 105(10), 3150-3182.
the concept of capital services for estimating growth and comparative levels of
Experienced users are advised to start with document 5 and move backwards as needed.
This document discusses how we use National Accounts from official sources for the period
1950–1969 for the Netherlands and the United States. We have since expanded this to Brazil,
Sweden, Japan and Israel.
Trade detail
PWT includes relative prices for exports (pl_x) and imports (pl_m) and reports the share of
exports (csh_x) and imports (csh_m) in real GDP at current PPPs. Underlying these figures are
the relative prices and shares for exports and imports by Broad Economic Category (BEC).
Those underlying figures are given in the Trade Detail data file.
Labor detail
PWT includes information on total employment (emp), average hours worked (avh), human
capital (hc) and the share of labor income in GDP (labsh). The compilation of employment
data involves combining information from various sources; the variable i_emp in the labor
detail file indicates which observation is sourced where. The document ‘Human Capital in
PWT 9.0’ details how we compile data on average years of schooling and how we use this
information to construct a human capital index. The variable yr_sch gives the average years
‘Constant prices’ is a somewhat dated term in National Accounts, as the widespread adoption of chained index
numbers means that data cannot be said to be in prices of a particular year. Various alternative terms are
therefore used, including ‘real GDP’, the ‘quantity of GDP’ and the ‘volume of GDP’. The aim is the same, namely
to have a GDP series that does not reflect changes in prices.
of schooling we use and variable source gives the source we use for each country. Note that
for Barro-Lee we use version 2.0 of their data; for Cohen-Soto-Leker, we use the 2014 update
of the Cohen-Soto database, available at
The labor income share data is based on a set of possible alternative measures. The variable
i_labsh indicates which choice we make for each country and i_labsh2 indicates whether the
data in a given year are based on observed data or assumed constant from the first or last
observation or interpolated between observations. In addition, all alternative labor share
measures (comp_sh and lab_sh#, where # = 1, … 4) and included as well are whether those
are observed or assumed constant or interpolated.
Capital detail
In PWT 9.1 we modify our measure of capital substantially. The most important change is that
we introduce new ‘productive capital input’ measures that are more appropriate for
comparing productivity across countries and over time than the capital stock measures we
had relied on previously. This new methodology, that relies on estimating user costs of capital
and capital services is discussed in more detail in the document ‘Capital Services in PWT 9.1’.
The ‘What is new in PWT 9.1’ document provides a brief summary and a discussion of the
changes compared to PWT 9.0 that aims to provide a better understanding of why and by
how much particular measures change.
The capital detail file contains price levels and current values for investment, capital stock,
capital consumption and capital services by assets. The capital stock (CN and RNNA) as well
as the capital services (CK and RKNA) reported in the main PWT 9.1 file are built up from
investment data by asset. At the most detailed level, we estimate investment for 9 assets but
at that level of detail, the degree of estimation required for most countries is such that this
would not be generally usable or informative. So instead, we provide information for 4 assets:
structures (including residential and non-residential), machinery (including computers,
communication equipment and other machinery), transport equipment and other assets
(including software, other intellectual property products, and cultivated assets).
Also note that we cannot provide the (cross-country) relative prices time series at the asset
detail level that underlie the pl_k variable, since that would require more detailed
information than we can provide from ICP 2005 and ICP 2011. For the other benchmark years,
the ICP benchmark data provide the relative prices.
Outlier update
Country/year observations in which relative prices and (sometimes) relative income levels
take on values that are hard to reconcile with ICP benchmark information have been labeled
as outliers, starting with PWT 8.0. The approach taken is discussed in more detail there (see With new relative price and National
Accounts data the classification of outliers is revisited for PWT 9.1. New outliers were
identified for one or more years for Argentina (ARG), Azerbaijan (AZE), Bosnia and
Herzegovina (BIH), Brunei Darussalam (BRN), Egypt (EGY), Iran (IRN), Kyrgyzstan (KGZ), Malta
(MLT), Nigeria (NGA), Syrian Arab Republic (SYR), Turkmenistan (TKM), Uzbekistan (UZB), and
Viet Nam (VNM).