Pushers Syndrome

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Pushers syndrome

A clinical disorder where patients actively A lesion in the vestibular cortex does often lead

push away from the non -

www.panetic side , to a tilt of the perceived visual vertical , but

leading to a ton of postural balance . not to contravenesine pushing .

" "
falling sensation

Patient's that their Mechanisms heading to pusher syndrome
Kamath 120001 examined the ability of patients
body posture in relation to
is altered
to determine upright position in

They experience upright a sealing


orientation when the body is device

allowing timing of the
patient .

patients with Ps experienced their body

tilted to the ipsileisonaln.de
④ ⑧ as
upright at 18 degree tilt towards the

Hallett ~
101 .
of stroke survivors ,
and occurs side of the lesion .

with equal frequency in with left →

They had disturbed orientation perception
patients no

and right brain damage : 471 . vs 53% of the visual world .

they could align

respectively . themselves with visual clues .

Pusher's show a normal

perception of usual Under normal beside conditions ,
patient's with Ps

but do not align their body visual vertical ,

vertical ,
they exhibit a severe tilt of perciened with the

body posture in relation to gravity . perceived postural vertical or immediate posture .

Instead moving their body in opposite direction .

Although controversial
pushing within patients By pwning longitudinal body axis towards

with right -
side lesions were highly associated the control himat side ,
may be
trying to

with compensate for the mismatch between visual vertical

spatial neglect , neglect nutty


tilted orientation at the

cake of the
pushing behaviour .
and the
body verticality .

Patients with left side brain damage this is supported by the observation that
snowed patients
with PS diminish their behaviour, with
no symptoms of neglect , but rather had
aphasia , pushing
their eyes closed

Right -

side brain damage



left -
side brain damage -

Balan U

Whilst there are not

causally related to
pushing , Pushing behaviour may be a
secondary response
the relevant brain structures amounted with these to the patient 's unexpected experience that

functions lie in Uwe anatomical proximity .

they use lateral balance , as the center of
man is shifted too far to the ipsi lesionat side .

Damage to the patients are unable to me the visual input to

posterolaleral thalamus untrue upright body posture .

is involved in our No
purring occurs when patients sit immobilised

by lateral stabilisation
control of upright

posture .

Non pantie Extremities


Traditionally , the posterdaterat thalamus Patient's with PS me their non


pantie extremities to

Unni derned of

bring about the lateral tilt

structure the
was as the relay body axis .

for the vestibular


brainstem : cortex .

Ipsi lesionat hand abducted

Patients can be successfully retrained to

② Ipsi lesionat elbow extended -

me their structured
surroundings to
③ Ipsi lesionat leg abducted -

that they're not in an erect

position .

④ Ipsilesional kneel hip extended -

the experience of not falling after attaining the

Resistance to panine correction unreeled position ,

combined with
seeing themselves

Any attempt by the examiner to move the tilted upright increases confidence , and lowers the

body axis to an upright position by shifting the extent 1 presence of the reaction to abduct 1 extend .

weight towards me nmparetic side , elicits active

resistance from the patient .

Only need
Diagnosis →
3 variables important for
diagnosis :

spontaneous body posture position

Increase at of
pushing force by me non panelic

extremities away from the body

} -
resistance to panine correction

can be analysed wing : clinical scale for .

cognitively intact

contravenes ive pushing LSCPI .


learn from it

on feet 1 waiting when pushing


3 intensities

external , extrinsic cue ,
consider intrinsic wheat
severe contravenesive hit with
falling the side


contralateral to the brain lesion


Homionopia I neglect may impact ability

2 severe contravenesive hit without
falling using visuals to re orientate this then

. . .

3- mild contravenes ive hit without

falling pushing returns

Prognosis """

Patients with PS have a more severely impaired smaller Bos , worse

pushing ]
level of consciousness and ability to wave ,
paresis may push tying down it serene

of UL ILL and initial lower function in ADLS .

push with head I push backwards ( Atp )

abnormal movement '

busy I unstable
It is well compensated by brain nmpoinehc

the .

6 ↳
months after a stroke ,
pamovoqn.cat pushing feels different to the 1 but rigid e active

behaviour is rarely still evident .

impaired T Bos for

Patients More
take on average 3.6 weeks
longer man

patient's without push comes back as

you to Bos
pusher syndrome to reach the .

same functional level →

treat intact side first !
weight transfer

Treatment stability sitting standing


Patients SHOULD NOT be treated in a horizontal -
active midline perm

position . but in an earth vertical position .

Never push back on patient who has PS parietal


0 MCA common stroke site ps

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