Essay - World Peace

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World peace: an illusive dream


2-What makes world peace appear like an illusive dream?

a-Consistent prsence of of conflicts and chaos across the globe dwindles faith in peace (Chaos
from Hong Kong to Syria to Latin America)

b-Presence of war mongering tendencies as a constant in history and human nature(Herculitus

said 'polemus pater panton')

c-Corporate and economic interests of states and organizations in hostile world (US military-
industrial complex)

d-Inefficiency of peace ensuring bodies(UN failure in Syria, Kashmir, Palestine)

e-Growing nulear proliferation and arms race(Iran, Korea s effort to attain nuclear technology,
US-Saudi arms deal)

f-Change in ideological narratives of the world

i-Attainment of economic and political hegemony in Realist world( Karl Marx's

stance on )

ii- Rise of nationalist leaders and extremist ideologies( Hindutva, Trump's

declaration about Israel)

g-Competition for material progress and resources as a result of globalization( South Asia,
Central Asia, middle East as new battle fields for proxy wars)

3-Are there any affirmative signs of possibility of world peace?

a- Fear of irrepaarble loss by modern warfare( millions of deaths in WW1 and WW2)

b-Post-League of Nations world order calls for cooperation as a universal norm ( Peace
conventions and treaties)

c- Changing nature of means to fight war( cyber warfare, Economic imperialism replaced
invasion and annexation)
d-High economic cost associated with wars and economic interdenpence of states

g- universalization of liberal democracy terminates tendencies of war (thesis of Fukuyama in

End of the history)

4-How the probability of world peace can be enhanced?

a-By permeation of the ideology of cooperation not competition for mutual co-existence

b-increased integration and interdepence in all speheres

c- Impartiality and effectiveness of United Nations

d- Preference of human development over defence spending


To achieve world peace can be a difficult task but not an impossible one.

Peace is an accloded norm and the only recourse for the survival of mankind. It is imperative for
co-existence of human beings and advancement of civilization. The chronicles of history
delineate contrary to it. From pre-history to contemporay times, conflicts and wars have been a
constast attribute of human culture.The instinct to dominate and compete kept man in captivity
of the desire of war. The world of today could not purge itself from the attrocities inflicted by
conflicts and clashes. There is no nook and crany of the world where a conflict is not going on,
either trivial or massive.These circumstances employ the thought that world pecae is nothing
than an illusive dream. This notion take manifold expostions at thoeratical and practical level.
propagation of war-mongerig ideologies, increased competition by globalization and vested
economic interests of states favor the continuation of conflicts across the world.Nevertheless,
there is no denying the fact that the world cannot sustain if the same sitution goes on. There
are high hopes asscaited with the probabilities of the occurence of world peace as Russell said
'extreme hopes are born out of extreme miseries.' World peace is an unintelligible reality in
the recent times but there also exists the desire and an array of efforts to establish a tranquil
world order. To corroborate the stance, the debate has been ensued on the illusive nature of
world peace. Arguments have also been given to reflect the bright side of the matter.

World peace is an illusive dream in the present world because no part of the world is safe from
the interal conflicts and from external conspiracies. In the following lines, light is shed on the
given stance.

There is a consistent presence of conflicts, wars, and social or political chaos in the world which
dwindles the faith in the possibility of the presence of world peace.It seems like a dream to
hope for peace in the world where people are constantly losing lives, where life is deprived of
basic means of living.Having a look across the globe , one shall come to know the fact that the
whole world is replete with chaos.This chaos ranges from political to religious to social
nature.From the shores of Pacific to the isles of Latin America, the public is engaged in either
political protests or the covert and overt wars are going on. If Latin America is englufed with
anti-government protests then Middle East has foreign games going on.Harari said'World
politics is like a chess game.' The manifestation of this thrilling game is obvious on the theatre
of the world. Hence, in the prsece of these global realities it is hard to believe that the dream of
world peace can be accomplished.

Desire for war and domination, as the opposite of peace, has always reflected its tendencies in
the annals of history as a part of human nature. Something so intrinsic to human nature is an
undeniable force for world peace.No matter how much mankind wants to establish peaceful
social order, the inherent desire to compete against other men and to dominate others can not
be given up. It can be alleviated only by a counter civilizational code. The savage nature of man
led him to fight against each other in pre-poltical and pre-social world.History tells us that war
or conflicts were recorded with the first jotted down manuscript of the world. From Greek wars
to the Alexander's quest to invade the whole world to Crusades and to the great wars of the
modern world, no period of history was free from it.Heraclitus said,' Polemus panter panton'
means war is the father of all things. Therefore, it is a herculian task to strive for pecae in a
world which carries such strong inclination for war.

There are certain corportae and economic interests of the statese associated with the war
benefits in the present world order which act as a blow to the world paece efforts. The world in
21st centry is very much in the grip of economic and corporate forces. All the actions of the
states are taken keeping in view the economic cost of the venture. Karl Marx predicted this
long ago that economic forces are central to all actions of the societies. In the post-
industrialization world of today, industries and big guns have made war a profitable busniess.
Arms selling earns revenue for the states which they use to enhance their influence. The classisc
example of this whole scenario is the US military-industrial complex. Folloing first world war, US
gained strength by the same means and the usage of war to gain money is still going on. That is
why it is no less than a dream to witness peace in the world where chaos is delibrately planned.

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