Empowerment Technologies Midterms Reviewer
Empowerment Technologies Midterms Reviewer
Empowerment Technologies Midterms Reviewer
Online Ethics focuses on the acceptable use of online resources in an online environment.
Netiquette - A combination of the word's “net” (from internet) and “etiquette”.
- Focuses on the acceptable behavior of the person while using the
internet resource.
The core rules of netiquette Rule 1: Remember the Human
Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in
real life
Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace
Rule 4: Respect other people's time and bandwidth
Rule 5: Make yourself look good online
Rule 6: Share expert knowledge
Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control
Rule 8: Respect other people's privacy
Rule 9: Don't abuse your power
Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people's mistakes
Common issues and crimes on the 1. Cyberbullying
internet 2. Hacking
3. Identity Theft
4. Plagiarism
5. Intellectual property rights and copyright issues
Cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another
Hacking generally, refers to unauthorized intrusion into a computer or a network.
Identity theft is the unauthorized collection of personal information and its subsequent use
for criminal reasons
Plagiarism is the "wrongful appropriation" and "stealing and publication" of
another author's "language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions" and the
representation of them as one's own original work.
Intellectual property refers to any intellectual creation, such as literary works, artistic works,
inventions, designs, symbols, names, images, computer code, etc.
Intellectual property law exists in order to protect the creators and covers areas of copyright, trademark
law, and patents.
Information and Communication • refers to all technology that is used to handle telecommunication and
Technology access information.
• Convergence of several technologies including internet and wireless
Communication Technologies Wireless fidelity
Data Services
Dial Up Services
Virtual Private Networks
Emerging Technologies 1. Artificial Intelligence
2. Robotics
3. Biometrics
4. Quantum Cryptography
5. Computer Assisted Translation
6. 3-D Imaging and Holography
7. Virtual Reality
ONLINE • Describe as a state of being connected to the cyberspace through a
medium of internet or simply to a computer network even without
ONLINE SYSTEMS May include computerized reservation systems, internet and intranet support
tools, and learning management systems.
PLATFORMS Define as a group of technologies that are used as a base upon which other
applications, processes, or technologies are developed.
COMMON ONLINE Social Media Platform
PLATFORMS E-Commerce Platform
Online Learning Program
Online Video Platform
Social Media Platform it is a web-based technology that allows the development, and management of
social media solutions and services.
E-Commerce Platform it is a collection of software technologies that allows merchants to create a
storefront on the internet.
Online Learning Program it is an incorporated set of interactive online services that provides the teacher;
learners, parents, and others involved in the education sector.
Online Video Platform it is a service providing end-to-end tools used to create, customize, publish,
and manage videos online.
Web Template Is a ready-made design for your website. Including images, some navigations,
preferably several sample pages and in some cases flash animation.
TYPES OF WEB TEMPLATES • Self contained ZIP file downloads
• Part of a proprietary web builder interface
• Included with an HTML software editing program
• They may be responsive, adaptive or static in design or configured
specifically for mobile
INCLUDE? • (.jpg)(.png) or (gif) images
• jQuery and CSS3 animation
• Shopping carts
• Contact forms
• Dynamic image galleries and slideshows
• PDF download links page
• Video players (including embedded Youtube movies)
WYSIWYG editor or program is one that allows a developer to see what the end result will
look like while the interface or document is being created. It is an acronym for
"what you see is what you get".
Advantages of Using a WYSIWYG It’s Fun!
Editor It’s Fast!
It’s on Windows!
Online Platform A group of technologies that is used as a base upon which other applications or
process are developed. It helps us to produce and share more meaningful
ACCESS API Application Programming Interferences. It is the most common type of
platform. On this level, the processes of building and running the application
itself is solely done by the developer who possesses both technical expertise
and financial resources
PLUG-IN API Is a kind of platform approach that, historically, has been used in end-user
application to let developers build new functions into the core system and its
user interface. Like photoshop and firefox and online example like facebook.
WEB DESIGN - Is a concept of planning, creating and maintaining websites
- It is a process of creatively designing and constructing a website and
updating it regularly to incorporate changes.
VISUAL This explains the order in which human eye perceives what is sees. This
HIERARCHY technique wherein; as the developer, you have to distinguish the importance
of every part of your web page.
PROPORTION You can make use of the golden ratio, a magical number approximately equal
to 1.618 that makes all things aesthetically pleasing.
HICK’S LAW This law can be considered as a guideline for decision making in a viewers
FITTS’ LAW According to this law, the time needed to move to a target is dependent upon
the size of the target as well as the distance to the target.
ACCESSIBILITY When a visitor enters a website, he she must be able to access each bit of
information in the easiest manner.
VISIBLE LANGUAGE A web page design should communicate with the users clearly and in an
engaging manner. The following are principles for a successful visual
language: organize, economize, and communicate.
WHITE SPACE AND SIMPLE White space helps divide the web page into several distinct parts or areas that
DESIGN make it simpler for the users to process information. The following are some
of the other things that can be considered as a part of a simple design:
GRID-BASED LAYOUT The content of this layout is divided into columns, boxes, and different
F-PATTERN DESIGN Design a web page or website in a way that complements the natural reading
behavior of the visitors like the “f-pattern”.
CONVENTIONAL DESIGNS Still work well as far as visitor response or likeability is concerned. They add a
hint of trust, reliability as well as brand credibility.
REGULAR TESTING Test early and test often, or teto, is another web design principle that all
designers and website owners must consider.
Web Design Elements - Normal
- Visited
- Active
- Hover
NORMAL This is the default state of a link (i.e., one that is not being hovered over or
being clicked or pointing to a url that the user has already visited).
VISITED This is a link that is not being hovered over or clicked but whose target has
been visited by the user.
ACTIVE Is one that is currently being clicked by the user. Most developers will
replicate the hover state here if a style is not provided to them.
HOVER Is what the link looks like when the user moves the mouse over it. This and the
normal states are the ones most designers prepare for.
FORM (Criteria) - Form Label
- Input Fields and Label
FORM LABEL Forms typically collect personal data that users are reluctant to give out. As
such, properly informing users of the exact purpose of the form is wise.
INPUT FIELDS AND LABELS Plan on how the input fields of the form will be laid out on the page and how
the labels for those fields will be styled and oriented relative to the fields.
Form Validation An important related detail is form validation. This is the critical point where
the website communicates the user requirements and errors in a form. There
are three core things to consider:
1. Required fields all required fields should be indicated. This is done
usually with an asterisk.
2. Real-time validation some validation can be done in real time as the
user completes the form. This king of validation informs the user as
quickly as possible of any problems with the data they have inputted.
3. Post-back validation this kind of validation happens after the user has
submitted the form. The style used for real-time validation is often
repeated here, but another option is to group at errors into a single
STATUS MESSAGES: ERRORS, Users will usually need some sort of feedback after performing an action on
WARNINGS, CONFIRMATION your website. The most likely scenario is after submitting a form, but many
other events could occur as well. Carefully consider your website and the
actions that users might take, and plan for the messages that the website will
need to communicate
ANIMATIONS: POP-UPS, On a standard HTML and CSS, animations and transitions are so easy to
TOOLTIPS, TRANSITIONS overlook. If animations are critical, it is the best to provide developers with a
sample of how they should work so that the product functions as it should.
Some of the most common places - Tool Tips
animations are used include: - Lightbox
- Image rotators or sliders
Tooltips Those little pop-ups when user’s mouse hovers over elements.
Image rotators or sliders Home page slide shows are all the rage and a wide range of options is
available for transitions and styles.
Lightbox You can style not only the lightbox itself, but also the transition to it.
Mind Map It is a concept of using diagrams for representing tasks, words, concepts, or
items linked to and arranged around a central concept or subject.
File Management System A type of software that manages data file in a computer system.
Online File Management System designed to manage individual or group files
MindMeister An online mind mapping tool that allows users to create, develop, and share
ideas visually.
Sibelius An online platform used for writing music.
Google Forms A tool used for creating surveys, tests, or web input forms.
File Management and Mapping Mind Map
File Management System
Online File Management System
Google Forms
team structure a less hierarchical organizational structure in which individuals are divided
into teams.
involves group of people who forms team that work toward a common goal of
the overall structure.
team dynamics • “the unconscious, psychological forces that influence the direction of a
team’s behavior and performance.
Collective Each need to help the group reach a consensus and then take action
collectively on the decisions to make.
Transparency Feedback and trust are essential elements of collaboration. Being transparent
with information is crucial.
Independence Ensure that group-think does not emerge and that people are thinking for
Persistence You need to be persistent in your application of these application, to ensure
that all content is kept within the community and easily accessible to all
Emergence You need to ensure that you focus on the end of the goal rather than worrying
about how it is achieved. The collaborative community should set their own
goals and objectives.
Groups are social community, consisting of two or more people who have something
in common.
Team is a special assistance of a group in which the commonality is a shared goal.
Team members are dependent on each other for success.
group dynamics describes the way in which people in a group interact with one another.
To strengthen team’s dynamics, use • Know your team.
the following strategies: • Tackle problems quickly with good feedback.
• Define roles and responsibilities.
• Break down barriers.
• Focus on communication.
• Pay attention.
Collaborating online is the way to bridge the distance between employees, as they can work
together on the same documents at the same time as if they were all in the
same room.
5 Essential Features of an Online Easy and clean interface
Collaborative Tool Permission control
File Storage with document versioning
Document Locking
Easy and clean interface Applications that are simple and intuitive are much easier to learn to use, so
you and your team would not have to waste time in long tutorials.
Permission control Users need to be able to easily add people to workspaces and control what they
are able to do in each workspace or document.
File Storage with document You need to be sure that all document versions are saved on the tool. This will
versioning make it easy to track the progress of a document, and if any past versions need
to be referenced, it is easy to do so.
Whiteboard Is very useful in a collaboration tool, as they let team members communicate
in a more informal way.It also possible to host a virtual brainstorming session,
so the flow of ideas never stops.
Document Locking This feature ensures that only one person is working on a document at a
time.This way, no two peole can change the document at the same time,
keeping documents completely organized, and preventing confusion.
Common Online Collaborative Trello
Tools Podio
Google Apps
Trello This project management tool is like a magical customizable to do list on a
single interface, which you can share with others in real time. Based on a
system of cards, which are essentially Post-it notes, you can categorize and
order text, photos, drawings, and mock-ups whichever way you want.
Podio is an enterprise social network that aims to add the functionality of a project
management system. Each user has his own profile, which is associated with
other people such as manager, project manager, and lead developer. A chat
app, internal e-mail, contacts, calendar and tasks are also included.
Asana created by Dustin Moscovitz, co-founder of Facebook, and former Facebook
tech-lead Justin Rosentein, is a project or workflow management tool that lets
users customize their interface to whatever configuration makes them more
Google Apps provides, via Gmail, Hangouts, Calendars, Docs, Sheets, Slides, and more.
Many of the features project management and collaboration software offer.
Users can work on the same document at the same time and see changes in
Yammer Is a great tool for communication and collaboration among employees
and offers many features free. Its ease of use is often compared to
Users can create a personal profile page, create and join groups, share
and like comments, upload images, and attach files.
Its strongest attribute is communication
Key Objectives of Project Active projects and projects to be initiated are based on a business
Management rationale and are appropriately authorized
Projects are managed and steered to achieve the specified goals on
Transition of project deliverables to production and deployment are
performed in a controlled manner.
Project benefits are realized
Key Roles in Project Management Project Owner
Project Steering Group
Process Owner
Project manager
Project Management Office (PMO)
Project Owner He is the head of the business unit and bears the responsibility for successful
project implementation and is usually the chairperson of the project steering
Project Steering Group consists of the representatives of the business, ICT and the vendor.
Process Owner The owner is the chairperson of the steering group
Project manager Responsible for daily project management and ensures that the project
produces the agreed deliverables at the appropriate level of quality.
Project Management Office (PMO) is often established to gather project resources together and to develop and
update the company’s project practices and management policy.==l
web hosting service is an internet service that allows individual users and organizations to make
their website accessible over the World Wide Web
Most common hosting technologies Windows Hosting
that are readily available over the Unix Hosting
internet Linux Hosting
JSP (Java Server Pages)
Adobe Dreamweaver
Secure Server
Windows Hosting Means hosting of web services that run on the Windows operating system
Unix Hosting Hosting of web pages that run on the Unix operating system, Unix was the
first web server operating system.
Linux Hosting Hosting of web services that run on the Linux OS
ASP Active Server Pages is a server-side scripting technology developed by
Microsoft. You can create dynamic web pages by putting script code inside
your HTML pages.
PHP Is the widely-used, free, and efficient alternative to competitors such as
Microsoft’s ASP
JSP (Java Server Pages) is a server-side technology much like ASP, developed by Sun, you can create
dynamic web pages by putting Java code inside your HTML pages
ColdFusion is another server-side scripting language used to develop dynamic web pages,
developed by Adobe.
Adobe Dreamweaver is a website design tool owned by Adobe Systems. Allows users to develop a
website without any deep knowledge of web development.
Secure Server Can transmit data encrypted. If you plan to do online credit card transactions,
or other types that need to be protected against unauthorized access
Cloud Hosting Cloud offers unlimited ability to handle high traffic. A team of servers(cloud)
works together to host a group of websites. This allows multiple computers to
work together to handle high traffic levels for any particular website.
ONLINE GRAPHICS refers to a program or collection of programs that enable a person to
SOFTWARE manipulate images or models visually on a computer.
Raster/Bitmap Graphics These are made of pixels
Pixel Is a single point or the smallest single element in the display device
Vector Graphics Are mathematical calculations from one point to another that form geometrical
Picasa a discontinued image organizer and image viewer for organizing and editing
digital photos, plus an integrated photo-sharing website, originally created by a
company named Lifescape in 2002.
Fotor a free online picture editor and graphic designer, allowing you to use online
photo editing tools, such as add filters, frames, text, stickers and etc.
Pixlr a cloud-based set of image tools and utilities, including a number of photo
editors, a screen recorder browser extension, and a photo sharing service.
The suite was intended for non-professionals, however the apps
range from simple to advanced photo editing.
Photoscape a graphics editing program, developed by MOOII Tech, Korea. The basic
concept of PhotoScape is 'easy and fun', allowing users to easily edit
photographs taken from their digital cameras or even mobile phones.
Photoplus Starter Edition is a freeware image editing and photo enhancement suite that competes with
Photoshop and similar tools.
GIMP a free and open-source raster graphics editor used for image retouching and
editing, free-form drawing, converting between different image formats, and
more specialized tasks.
Paint.net a freeware raster graphics editor program for Microsoft Windows, developed
on the .NET Framework.
Image Hosting Sites Imgur
Imgur An online image sharing community and image host founded by Alan Schaaf
in 2009.
Flickr an image hosting service and video hosting service. It was created by Ludicorp
in 2004. It has changed ownership several times and has been owned by
SmugMug since April 2018.
Photobucket an American image hosting and video hosting website, web services suite, and
online community. Photobucket hosts more than 10 billion images from 100
million registered members, who upload more than four million images and
videos per day from the Web and connected digital devices.
SlickPic a photo sharing site offering unlimited uploads, but it's limited in features,
interface, and community.
Zenfolio A photography websites make it easy to showcase work, attract new customers
and sell photos and services online.
Digital Arts an artistic work or practice that uses digital technology as an essential part of
the creative or presentation process.
Online Technologies are machines that are turned on and connected to other devices.
Cloud Computing the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to
store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal
3 Cloud Computing Benefits Self-Service Provisioning
Self-Service Provisioning also known as cloud self-service, is a system that allows end users to set up
and launch applications and services in a cloud computing environment
without the direct intervention of an IT organization.
Elasticity “the degree to which a system is able to adapt to workload changes by
provisioning and de-provisioning resources in an autonomic manner”
Pay-per-use also called Metered Services, is any type of payment structure in which a
customer has access to potentially unlimited resources but only pays for what
they actually use.
Prezi presentation software company founded in 2009, with offices in Budapest, San
Francisco, and Riga. It was founded by Peter Arvai, Peter Halacsy and Adam
Advantages of using Prezi • Prezi is very creative
• Prezi is free
• Prezi has lots of animations that engage the audience more into the
Disadvantages of using Prezi • The movements/transitions/animations in Prezi can cause the irritation
of your audience
• Prezi is web-based, thus it completely depends on your internet
• You cannot add audio to the Prezi presentation
Emaze online, web-based presentation creator that can be used to build and edit
presentations on any personal computer.
Advantages of using Emaze • Variety of Graphics
• Easy to use template
• Can insert videos, images, and shapes
• Gives you the exact colors to compliment your presentation
• Excellent quality
Disadvantages of using Emaze • Very Slow
• No special transitions or animations
• Difficult to adjust items that you insert
• Cannot work with others at the same time
• No grid lines
• Too many text boxes
• Can't set speed for presentation
Principles of graphics and design Balance
Balance It describes the placement of elements of equal weight on the page.
The three types of balance are:
• Symmetrical
• Asymmetrical
• Radial
Movement It describes the flow of elements on the page
Unity It is the sense of oneness of the elements that creates balance and harmony.
Repetition It describes the consistent and balanced repetition of a design or element.
Proximity It describes the organization and relationship of elements included in the
Contrast It is the combination of opposing characteristics of element like color, size,
thickness, etc.
It allows emphasis on key elements
Whitespace It is the negative space or large margins that allow your design to breathe
within the elements.
Infographic Also known as data visualization, is defined by Oxford Dictionary as a visual
image such as a chart or diagram that is used to explain information or data.
Infographic makes the data easily understood at a glance and quickly
communicates a message especially to simplify the presentation of large
amounts of data.
Cropping It is a process of removing unwanted parts of the image focusing only on the
When cropping, one must always follow the rule of thirds to organize the
image composition.
Color Balance In any image manipulating program, this command will allow you to make
changes in the mixture of colors in an image.
Adjusting the Brightness and the This command is the most basic when adjusting the image tone (highlights,
contrast shadows and midtones)
Compression and Resizing Compressing and Resizing an image is an important aspect in image
Images to be uploaded on the web must be of the standard resolution of 72 dpi
(dots per inch) to maintain its file size of 30-50 KB.
Color Blending It utilizes the different special effects buttons available in the different image
editing software.
You can combine colors and commands that will give you a more dynamic
image result.
Combining multiple images It is a process of removing unwanted parts of the image focusing only on the
When cropping, one must always follow the rule of thirds to organize the
image composition.
Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) A type of wireless local area network technology
Bluetooth Uses packet-based transmission over short-range radio signals
GSM Global system for mobile communications
GPRS General packet radio service
Data services Data networking services for mobile phones
Dial-up services Data networking services using modems and telephone lines
Virtual Private Networks (VPN) Secure access to a private network
Artificial Intelligence The branch of computer science focused with making computers work and act
like humans
Robotics The field of computer science and engineering concerned with creating devices
that can move and react to sensory input, it is a form of artificial intelligence
Biometrics In ICT, biometrics is the technology used to measure and analyze human body
characteristics such as DNA, fingerprints, eye retinas, hand measurements for
authentication purposes
Quantum cryptography The science of encoding and decoding information or messages which depends
on physics, not mathematics. It is used for information privacy and security
Computer Assisted translation The use of computers to assist in the transition of one or more natural
(CAT) languages into another or others, and vice versa
3-D imaging and holography +Is a photographic technique that uses light to project objects in a way that
appears 3-dimensional
Virtual Reality Term used to describe a three-dimensional, computer-generated environment
that can be explored and interacted with by a person
Freeware Is copyrighted, which can be used for free and for an unlimited time
Shareware Is commercial software that is copyrighted, which can be copied for trial but
needs to be purchased for continued use
Hyperlink Is a link that will direct you to another page or part of the same document
Mail merge Allows yu to quickly produce and send information, newsletter, resumes, or
brochures to many people
Slide animation Is a moving computer graphic effect that can be added to the text, object, or
the entire slide itself
Action Button Allows you to play sounds, animate or run a program
Functions Predefined operations to make the worksheet construction easier
SUM Calculates the sum of a range of cells
AVERAGE Calculates the arithmetic mean of a range of cells
MAX Gives maximum value in a range of cells
MIN Gives the minimum value in a range of cells
COUNT Counts the number of cells in a range of cells
Benefits of Online Software Convenience
Convenience This application should be intuitive and easy to use to ensure everyone can use
them without spending a lot of time learning how
Scalability Should be able to be used in all areas of your business and also work
effectively no matter how much demand there is to use them or how much
your business grows
Safety Should be safe to use with all existing systems and should have the ability to
fully integrate with all other software and not inhibit the workers ability to do
their job
Sustainability All consumer-based software should be flexible and adaptable and have the
ability to last for up to 10 years