Southeast University: Assignment For Continuous Assessments

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Southeast Business School

Program: Bachelor of Business Administration

Assignment for Continuous Assessments

Semester: Summer- 2020
Course code: BUS 111
Course Title: Introduction to Business
Section: A
Name: S.M.Adnan Doza
ID: 2020110000003


Company profile:
Advanced Chemical Industries or ACI limited was established as a subordinate of Imperial
Chemical Industries (ICI). It was established within then East Pakistan in 1968. After the
independence, the company has been incorporated in People's Republic of Bangladesh on the
24th of January 1973. This Company also obtain listed with Dhaka Stock Exchange in 1976. ACI
limited one of the leading companies in Bangladesh. With a multinational heritage. ACI limited
has three major business units.

ACI limited focuses on delivering the best quality products in all possible areas of consumer
needs. They desires with the aim of providing additional value to shareholders, investors and
offer highest possible benefits to all its consumers. They are committed to their world-class
products to provide the highest level of satisfaction to its customers.

 To attain a good position in each category of its businesses.
 To attain a high level of productivity in all its operations through effective and efficient
use of resources.
 To develop their employees by encouraging empowerment and rewarding innovation.
 To provide products by ensuring value for money to its customers.
 To encourage the qualitative improvement of the services of its suppliers and
 To establish good relationship with the community and promote greater environmental
responsibility within its sphere of influence.

Marketing mix of an organization:

1. Place:

a) Headquarter: Dhaka, Bangladesh.

b) Company Location: Bangladesh.
c) Distribution point: Dhaka, Narayanganj, Faridpur, Mymensingh, Tangail,
Rangpur, Bogra, Rajshahi, Sylhet, Jessore, Khulna, Barisal, Noakhali, Comilla and
Chittagong. Even customers can purchase products from online.
d) International operations: Chile, Cuba, Sri Lanka, Vietnam etc.

2. Price:
A company’s pricing strategy mainly changed with circumstances and time. So there is
no fixed method. However, the following steps can as a basic guideline:

a. Develop Marketing Strategy: To make pricing decisions a detailed analysis is

much needed.
b. Make Marketing Mix Decisions: In this step the product, distribution, and
promotional elements are taken.
c. Estimate Demand Curve: They have to know about how the price affects the
product demand.
d. Calculate Costs: Each and every part of the process such as- production,
packaging, delivery etc. Has to be calculated.
e. Assess Environment: It is very important to understand competitor’s strategies
on pricing.
f. Determine Price: After going through all these information, a company is now in
a good position to set the best price for its products.

A company should be concern about their price. So a company should analysis there
customers that how much buyer will pay for a product. A company can have both higher
class and lower-class customer. So, there should be some offers or sales for their low-
class customers.
Value based pricing strategy of setting prices is so important. There are always some
customers who are willing to pay more to get some extra features to their products. For
this the companies can also produce some unique products. By this a company can
make a good reputation and also attract new customers.

3. Promotion:
They are promoting their products by-
 Advertising on newspaper.
 Writing blog posts.
 Giving offers and sales.
 Social media posts
 Email marketing
 Events
 Facebook ads
 Customer Reviews

4. Products:
ACI limited has three main business units, which are- Pharmaceuticals, Consumer Brands
and Agribusinesses. Over 5000 plus Products are Marketed Presently in Bangladesh and
10 plus countries Spread across 3 continents. Among these units there are a lot of
products, such as- medicine, personal care, home care, kitchen care, consumer
electronics etc.


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