Birmingham - 134B New Street - Birmingham - 48127 - 52815

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For further information

Prime Shop To Let

please contact:

Guy Sankey
0121 609 8588

134B New Street Birmingham B2 4QJ Richard Jones

0121 609 8719

Location Terms Rent

Birmingham is the administrative and The property is available by way of a new £175,000 per annum exclusive.
cultural capital of the West Midlands and XLTA lease expiring 24 March 2022.
is firmly established as the UK’s second Planning
major city. With a population of circa 1.28 Accommodation
The property currently has A2 (Professional
million, it is the largest regional centre in
and Financial Services) planning consent.
the UK in both population and economic
GF Sales 1,408 130.81
terms. Birmingham sits at the centre of the Legal Costs
larger West Midlands conurbation with a
population of approximately 2.86 million. FF Anc 1,998 185.62 Each party to be responsible for there own
legal costs incurred in this transaction.
The property occupies a prime trading Business Rates
position on New Street. Nearby occupiers EPC
include Lush, Specsavers, Clarks, Odeon The property is assessed for rates as
follows; EPC rating of D 86 . The EPC is available
Cinema, Primark and Yorkshire Bank.
upon request.
H&M have recently opened their flagship
Rateable Value: £160,000
store in close vicinity. VAT
Rate in £ (2018/19): 49.3p
Description Rates Payable: £78,880
VAT if applicable will be charged at the
Interested parties should make their own standard rate.
The property comprises a retail unit
recently white boxed and arranged over enquiries wit the Local Authority to verify
ground and first floors. this information.
Strictly by prior appointment with the sole

0121 236 8236
Avison Young
3 Brindleyplace, Birmingham B1 2JB
Avison Young is the trading name of GVA Grimley Limited. ©2018 GVA Grimley Limited July 2018 File number: 01B808104

Avison Young hereby gives notice that the information provided (either for itself, for any joint agents or for (3) No person in the employment of Avison Young or any joint agents, has any authority to make or
the vendors lessors of this property whose agent Avison Young is in this brochure is provided on the give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to the property or properties in this
following conditions: (1) The particulars are set out as a general outline only, for the guidance of brochure. (4) All prices quoted are exclusive of VAT.
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(2) All descriptions, dimensions and references to this property’s condition and any necessary permission Avison Young.
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