Summary On Feminist Manifesto
Summary On Feminist Manifesto
Summary On Feminist Manifesto
The author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie a Nigerian woman, who wrote a book based on
feminism that considered a Feminist Manifesto named “Dear Ijeawele”, it has 15 parts or
suggestions for helping parents, focused more on mothers, as she starts with “Be a full
person. Motherhood is a glorious gift,” and how to raise their children as feminists, to
decrease the gender division. It starts by telling the parents on how they should not only
define as just “Parents”, but also as the individuals they are. This helps the child to have a
wide view that people are not only one thing they define as, but many, and that is a gift.
As the fragment of the book continuous she explains the second suggestion for parents and
how they should divide their parenting responsibility equally and “Do it together”, she
supports it by saying that this action of division will eradicate the traditional thought that, for
example the mother is the one who makes all the chores in the house and take care of the
kids, and meanwhile the dad is the one who work all day and supports the family
economically. Chimamanda ends her manifesto with the third suggestion by saying that
parents should teach their kids that the idea of gender roles it’s crazy and nonsense, and
that they should never tell them how they should do or don't do something because they are
a girl or a boy, instead she gives them ideas to start with, like buying toys with no gender
filter “Buy her toys like blocks and trains – and dolls, too, if you want to.”
This fragment of the book made me reflect on many things that have been in my life since I
was a little girl, and that somehow I wish my parents knew, because they cultivated in my
that idea in my head of gender division, like blue is for boys and pink is for girls. Also, as the
author mentions there should be just baby clothes displaced by age and in all colors,
because at the end the infants, girls or boys have similar body shape. Furthermore a
fragment of this text that made me think of something that is real its at the start of the second
suggestion, when she says “Remember in primary school we learned that a verb was a
‘doing’ word? Well, a father is as much a verb as a mother” .She is not only giving her
idea of equality, but also using a literary figure called metaphor, as she says that both father
and mother are “verbs”. Her tone in this quote is grievance, and the mood that I as a reader
perceive is the feeling of hardly wanting men to realize they could do the same parenting as
a mother. Last but not least another literary figure that i found in this text are the rhetorical
questions the author uses, for example: “Why not just have baby clothes organized by
age and displayed in all colours?”.