Go 2003 - 07
Go 2003 - 07
Go 2003 - 07
@1 The Magazine You Can Play 123Headstrong Bsus? Daw? Bick off, we'll take you on, head = song. 1 take on ay = one Ess? Dons? cs 1 know that you are wrong and thie x tt where you be = long — Bridge 2rd, w/e backround ves E cs bs 124 GUITAR ONE «guitronemag.com «JULY 2003Headstrong (Gu. 2: w/ RTA tines) be 1 cet Ss Daw? cwust Eu? Deus? Caus2 JULY 2008) 1 The Magazine You Can Play 128,Headstrong Interlude Double-Time Feel nad) Dado nd serene Oh eetons, py 12 Feta. = = St Ss aes TE a [Se =] Fe +: S ae SS = aa avin ae oie ps | & End Double-Time Feel Em(add9) = ae & = 1 know, know alla boot 1 know, 1 know all about yourGin. 283 et Coda Bridge ‘lr: Rh. 2 (times) ‘Timi ak round vocals Es and (G1 w/ Ray Fa your ae Headstrong DS.al Coda BGs ide. you be = hong — cnt ive cs bs thing gee (Ge. & 2:0/ Ry. FT SRA stim) yy Es cs cs bs ps where you be = fong.— Repeat and Fade maWhat’s Between the Lines mixing’#0s alt-rock sounds with | Mixolydian tonality in the midst theiréignature heavy tunage, the | of a tune squarely in E minor. band secured an identity sepa- Figs. 2-8 below, with their ratefrom theircontemporaries. | octavesand low D drone, are fur “Minerva,” the first single | ther examples of how to estab- from Defiones' eagerly antici- _ lish a modal tonality. Fig.2is an pated self-titled release, picks | example in D Mixolydian up where White Ponyleft off. (D-E-F8-G-A-B-C),andFig.3isin Diydian (D-E-Ft-GE-A-B-CH) nTRO RIFF To jam along with guitar- | THECNORUS ist Stephen Carpenter and | Since drop-D tuning and its Miners,"youllfisineedvotune | accompanying one-finger your axe to drop D, dow a half | power chords came into voRue ep (D-AS-D-Gi-BH-E5, low to | & few years ago, the suspended high). With an ever-so-slight- | chord has become a favorite of touch-of-grunge modern metal gut lean tone gainsetto tarists, Carpenter *19,Campenter opens included. The chorus the track with an Hck offwith a Gsus2; intriguing take on a play thechord simply 9 chord (Fg. 1. By f with your index fn selectively picking ger barring strings 5 two of three notes at and 6, and with your the chord, fing finger fretting he creates a chilling string 4. The sus: haunting, atmopher. pended chord, par Ieefect that sets the Heularly the #us2 tone for Moreno’s chord, adds to the esoteric yrce, ‘ast and open sone feel of the ForRITA theguitarsexplodein | song-—not really major, not alltheitheavygloryintoanoctave | really minor, just big BP Tine played over a droning low D note PlaytheG,A.andF¥octave | TONE ZONE on ” Shapes with yourindectingeron | GUITAR: Solldbody electric inerva {heh string (hat finger should | PIGKUPPOSTON: also mute the 4th string) and | Humbucker/Bridge = fltheryourringo pinky ger | @AIN: 8 oa oe eee ata | eae nes ements hen Deftones hit the | the alt-metal heap; the single | you—on the 3rd string. = ie ee ‘ene back in 1995 | “My Own Summer (Shove It)” | The drone is a particularly | El ‘were one of the first in the crop | Deftones had become a chart | in which you want to establish of nd-metal bands. They were | success, yet they stillhad much | an ethereal feel. The drone is erroneouslylumpedinasaKorn | to show the world in terms of | alsoaneffective tool for creating derivative, however, as they | theirmusicalability.The band’s | modal sounds. You can hear a jemated theirmetalriffingand | 2000 release, White Pony, cap- | great example of this in the screaming vocals with ethereal | tured their experimental side, | interlude to Soundgarden’s moods and whispered vocals. | withfansanderiticsexclaiming, | “Fell on Black Days” [DEC/97}, Then, in 1997, Around the Fur | “Wow, Chino can really sing!" By | where the band establishes a D | aa = 128 GUITAR OME « gutaronemag.com «JULY 2008,GNX3 Guitar Workstation Powered MINERVA ‘As Recorded by Deftones (From the Maverick Recording DEFTONES) Transcribed by Adam Perlmutter By Camillo ‘Chino’ Moreno, Stephen Carpenter, ‘Chi Cheng, Abe Cunningham, Frank Delgado Drop B ning. tune down 12 ste (low thigh) BeabDeGe- Bs Intro Slow Rock J= 72 be s s st jie 4 SOA CRISS Ed Rhy. Fig s PAAR RS D ia nd RITA 2) 2 ie 2: wR — 3 —- « ——— Se = = a Moe at 3ULY 2008 1 The Magazine You Can Play 129Minerva Bverse a é i eae = Se = | (tr 3: W/ RAFAL (ines) oa ai ° eee Such sarge a oe ° : Ce TP Pe wo ttTtPetetsyetetitsr a | ee ae | UL 2008 G1 The Magazine You Can Play 153GNX3 en AOS ae teen eS DON’T BE CRUEL As Recorded by Elvis Presley (From the RCA Recording ELVIS: 30 #1 HITS) Arranged by Adam Perlmutter Words and Music by Otis Blackwell and Eivis Presley ER a tel an tn HEH ire Moderate Shure J = 160 (J = JD) Verse a ply 3 mes > Yo know 1 canbe found — by, if 1 mide you mad = st = ng ome ak ene “ for some tht “T" might have” sd D aS i = you cmt comes + roan lim game eaten ee ye fe ue Tos a: Rt = s+ ales —— we = = ‘= want 0 oh = er ove be by its jut D a —S=— = —t se tink ing of 3. Don't — SSS —2 e t t crane ne = v om oe. =. a 4184 GUITAR ONE « gutaronemag.com « JULY 2008Don’t Be Cruel = t t way come en Over here and love me, you oe Then youll know Soul Tawve me, and "Tu Db Em — te = pa = SI know what 1 want =e you tay. oes ae Know aT fre you. a heart thats NPE 219) tea OIE pen. fetter Sly one ga ia fen ke cee cae Be aie he A > p+ = = = Jaeas : my ces my tan ers j ‘you 'm—_ ‘think - ing = SEES eee SESE 3 ee as t — be ~ = —————— 1 don't int ot 7 fe inking love JULY 20090 G1 The Magazine You Can Play 158