Soal UTN 2020

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Pedagoic Test

Teks untuk nomor 1-3

Thematic instruction is based on the idea that people acquire knowledge best when
(1) learning in the context of a coherent “whole,” and when (2) they can
connect what they’re learning to the real world. Thematic instruction (3)
seeks to put the introduction of cognitive skills such as reading, mathematics,
science, and writing in the context of a real-world subjectthat is both specific enough
to be practical, and broad enough to allow creative exploration. (3 soal)

1. Which of the following sentences can best replace the underlined part (1) in the
a. Discovering knowledge broadly
b. Learning in an integrated way
c. Integrating different lessons
d. Knowing broad concepts

2. Which of the following sentences can best replace the underlined part (3) in the
A. Educates cognitive mastery
B. Prioritize the mastery cognition
C. Teaches mainly cognitive capacities
D. Emphasizes the teaching of cognitive aspects

3. Which of the following sentences can best replace the underlined part (2) in the
A. There is no difference between learning and living
B. There is a relation between learning and the world
C. There is a link between classroom learning and real life
D. There is no disparity between class and outside class work

Which of the following sentences can best replace the underlined part in
the text!
Thematic instruction is based on the idea that people acquire knowledge best
when (1)learning in the context of a coherent “whole,” and when (2) they can
connect what they’re learning to the real world . Thematic instruction (3)
seeks (try) to put the introduction of cognitive skills such as reading,
mathematics, science, and writing in the context of a real-world subject that is both
specific enough to be practical, and broad to allow creative exploration.
1. (1) = . . .
a. Discovering knowledge broadly
b. Learning in an integrated way
c. Integrating different lessons
d. Knowing broad concepts
2. (3) = . . .
a. Educates cognitive mastery
b. Prioritezes the mastery of cognition
c. Teaches mainly cognitive capacities
d. Emphasizes the teaching of cognitive aspects
3. (2) = . . .
a. There is no difference between learning and living
b. There is a relation between learning and the world
c. There is a link between classroom learning and real life
d. There is no disparity between class and outside class work

The numbered heads together strategy enables the teacher to check for
understanding while engaging every student can in (1) simultaneous interaction
and grouping processing. The benefit of this strategy is that each student can use all
four language skills to further academic language (2) development. This strategy
is essential for making each student responsible for learning while providing (3)
equal opportunity for class participation.

4. The appropriate antonym of the underlined word (2) in the text is …

A. degradation
B. reduction
C. decline
D. deficit

5. The appropriate antonym of the underlined word (3) in the text is …

A. unrelated
B. biased
C. varied
D. mixed
6. The experiment result indicate that the short period . . . the PQRST strategy is
implemented to college students allows them to yield significant effects on
reading comprehension of academic
a. Within which
b. From which
c. At which
d. By which
e. Of which
7. The meaning that best expresses these two sentences:
‘The facilitator taught me a teaching technique.’ It was practical to me.’ Is ….
a. The facilitator taught me a teaching technique that I found it practical
b. The facilitator taught me a teaching technique I found it was practical
c. The facilitator taught me a teaching technique which I found practical
d. The facilitator taught me a teaching technique that I found was practical
e. The facilitator taught me a teaching technique, which was I found it practical

8. To some students, writing a thesis is a challenging job. As a result, some of them

……. although their capability in completing their thesis is undeniable and their
research topic is interesting.
a. are afraid of their own shadow = afraid of everything; coward
b. make their blood run cold = afraid
c. are a bundle of nerves = nervous and worried
d. are out of the left side
e. are like a silly goose = silly / stupid

9. To write an explanation on what a kangaroo lives on by assigning the students to

explore not just written and spoken but also pictographic information, a
teacher can most appropriately make use of ....
a. Internet resources
b. Historical books
c. Video recordings
d. Audio Recordings
e. Historical films

10. Communicative approach which is based on the theory that children acquire
language rules by using language involves....
a. Creating situations in which the students have the needs to say
b. Setting a task for students to do that involves the use of language
c. Involving the students' attention or interest to drills and practices
d. Noting down errors but not correcting them during the activity
e. Showing pictures of people in various situations to the learners
11.When determining your methods of direct instruction in your lesson plan,
consider the following question EXCEPT....
a. How can I best tap into the various learning modalities?
b. What materials are available to me for this lesson?
c. What relevant vocabulary do I need to present to my students?
d. How can my students engage in discussion and participation beyond
e. What will my students need to learn to complete the lesson plan's objective?

12.When asked to determine the practically level of a written test, a teacher

usually asks the following question EXCEPT whether the...
a. Test can be administered easily and smoothly
b. Scoring system is feasible within the teacher's timeframe
c. Administrative details are clearly established prior to the test
d. Learners can complete the test within the set timeframe
e. Test fulfils the teacher's and student's interest

13.When employing a peer assessment scheme to assess students’ writing ability,

a teacher hopes that the students will be capable of …..
a. Assessing themselves at about the same level as their tutors.
b. Interpreting the criteria of success or failure in the same way.
c. Eliminating the tendency to become demotivated to write.
d. Measuring their colleagues’ achievement in writing
e. Detecting their strengths and weaknesses in writing

14.An example of formulating problems in classroom action research dealing with

issues pertaining to writing descriptive texts using ‘topic based synthesis-analysis
strategy’ would be ….
a. How can ‘topic-based synthesis-analysis strategy’ improve students’ writing
descriptive texts?
b. Can ‘topic-based synthesis-analysis strategy’ improve students’ writing
descriptive texts?
c. Is ‘topic-based synthesis-analysis strategy’ effective to improve students’
writing descriptive texts?
d. How effective is ‘topic-based synthesis-analysis strategy’ in improving
students’ writing descriptive texts?
e. Is there any difference in students’ writing descriptive texts before and after
teaching using ‘topic-based synthesis-analysis strategy?
15.The controlled practice activities allow for close observation that the learning
objectives are understood. In these activities the learners may do the following
activities, EXCEPT …..
a. Language function practice such as apologizing, negotiating, and thanking.
b. Completing the sentence exercises to encourage specific written formulas.
c. Finding chances to learn a concept through various means.
d. Reading and listening comprehension activities.
e. Gap filling exercises on tense conjugation.

In foreign language learning, error correction has become one of the important
teaching processes. But actually, few teachers know about error analysis and some
related theories. (1) ………. As a result, they could not tolerate any errors and tend
to correct them as soon as they could find any. Consequently, although they think
they have been working hard enough and spend much time and energy working on
error correction, (2) ………….. and the students do not believe they have a
benefited a lot.

16. The appropriate sentence for the blank space (2) in the text is …
A. Their effort is not effective
B. Their teaching impacts negatively
C. Teacher’s correcting jobs increase
D. Correcting errors is still necessary to do

In foreign language learning, error correction has become one of the

important teaching processes. But actually, few teachers know about error
analysis and some related theories. (1) . . . . . As a result, they could not tolerate
any errors and tend to correct them as soon as they could find any. Consequently,
although they think they have been working hard enough and spend much
time and energy working on error correction, (2) . . . . . and the students do not
believe they have benefited a lot.

4. (2) = . . .
a. Their effort is not effective
b. Their teaching impacts negatively
c. Teachers’ correcting jobs increase
d. Correcting errors is still necessary to do

5. (1) = . . .
a. Errors are considered as a nuisance in learning
b. Ineffective teaching is believed to be the cause
c. They often take so negative attitudes toward errors
d. Learning should result in accurate forms of language
17.Based on Mr. Jatmiko’s observation, his class was below the mastery learning
criterion in seven out of nine micro skills of reading stipulated in the graduate
competence standards. To solve the problem, he design an innovative strategy
through classroom action research the steps of which have the elements of....
a. TPS : Think-Pair-Share
b. SQ3R : Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review
c. Jigsaw
d. Mind Mapping
e. Genre-based approach

18. To introduce functional words like sentence connectors and conjunctions

in written narrative texts in controlled yet contextual use exercises may be
best achieved through ....
a. cloze procedures
b. substitution drills
c. transformation tasks
d. sentence completion
e. simulated conversations

19.The following are four main activities in the PPP format of an EFL learning
lesson plan, EXCEPT ....
a. teacher produces a situation and presents L2 in context
b. students practice L2 items using accurate techniques
c. students use L2 and make sentences of their own
d. students discuss what they have learned during the lesson
e. teacher and students play a game using the target language

20.One important difference between first-language acquisition and second-

language acquisition is that the process of second-language acquisition is
influenced by…..
a. Languages that the learner already knows
b. Learning styles that the learners’ apply
c. Motivation coming from different environments
d. The learner’s attitude towards the target language
e. Different levels of anxiety within the learners’ mind

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