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The Journal of Neuroscience, July 15, 2002, 22(14):5865–5878

A Dual Role for the SDF-1/CXCR4 Chemokine Receptor System in

Adult Brain: Isoform-Selective Regulation of SDF-1 Expression
Modulates CXCR4-Dependent Neuronal Plasticity and Cerebral
Leukocyte Recruitment after Focal Ischemia

Ralf K. Stumm,1 Jutta Rummel,1 Vera Junker,2 Carsten Culmsee,2 Manuela Pfeiffer,1 Josef Krieglstein,2
Volker Höllt,1 and Stefan Schulz1
1 Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, 39120 Magdeburg, Germany, and
2 Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Philipps University Marburg, 35037 Marburg, Germany

The chemoattractant stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1) and SDF-1␤ expression was selectively increased in endothelial
its receptor CXC chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4) are key mod- cells of penumbral blood vessels and decreased in endothelial
ulators of immune function. In the developing brain, SDF-1 is cells of nonlesioned brain areas. In the penumbra, SDF-1␤
crucial for neuronal guidance; however, cerebral functions of upregulation was associated with a concomitant infiltration of
SDF-1/CXCR4 in adulthood are unclear. Here, we examine the CXCR4-expressing peripheral blood cells, including macro-
cellular expression of SDF-1 isoforms and CXCR4 in the brain phages. Neuronal SDF-1␣ was transiently downregulated and
of mice receiving systemic lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or perma- neuronal CXCR4 was transiently upregulated in the nonle-
nent focal cerebral ischemia. CXCR4 mRNA was constitutively sioned cerebral cortex in response to ischemia. Although en-
expressed in cortical and hippocampal neurons and ependymal dothelial SDF-1␤ may control cerebral infiltration of CXCR4-
cells. Hippocampal neurons targeted the CXCR4 receptor to carrying leukocytes during cerebral ischemia, the neuronal
their somatodendritic and axonal compartments. In cortex and SDF-1␣/CXCR4 system may contribute to ischemia-induced
hippocampus, CXCR4-expressing neurons exhibited an over- neuronal plasticity. Thus, the isoform-specific regulation of
lapping distribution with neurons expressing SDF-1 transcripts. SDF-1 expression modulates neurotransmission and cerebral
Although neurons synthesized SDF-1␣ mRNA, the SDF-1␤ iso- infiltration via distinct CXCR4-dependent pathways.
form was selectively expressed by endothelial cells of cerebral
microvessels. LPS stimulation dramatically decreased endo- Key words: CXC chemokine; stromal cell-derived factor-1;
thelial SDF-1␤ mRNA expression throughout the forebrain but CXCR4; focal cerebral ischemia; lipopolysaccharide; in situ hy-
did not affect neuronal SDF-1␣. After focal cerebral ischemia, bridization; immunocytochemistry; antibody

Chemokines are small proteins with chemotactic effects on leu- nodeficiency virus (HIV-1) in lymphocytes (Bleul et al., 1996b;
kocytes. Among chemokines expressed in brain, stromal cell- Feng et al., 1996; Oberlin et al., 1996). CXCR4-mediated apo-
derived factor-1 (SDF-1) attracted much attention because it was ptosis in neuronal cultures induced by HIV-1 glycoprotein gp120
shown to be crucial for cerebellar development (Ma et al., 1998; and SDF-1 indicates a potential role of this receptor in neurode-
Zou et al., 1998; Klein et al., 2001; Lu et al., 2001). The isoforms generation (Hesselgesser et al., 1998; Kaul and Lipton, 1999).
SDF-1␣ and SDF-1␤ arise by alternative splicing from the SDF-1 Microglia-enhanced SDF-1-stimulated release of TNF␣ and glu-
gene. They share an identical 5⬘-untranslated and coding region tamate from astrocytes in vitro was proposed as a novel excitotoxic
but differ at the 3⬘-end (Tashiro et al., 1993; Nagasawa et al., 1994; pathomechanism in neurodegenerative diseases (Bezzi et al.,
Shirozu et al., 1995). A rat SDF-1␥ mRNA has been described, 2001). Because SDF-1 modulates synaptic transmission via neu-
which is similar to SDF-1␤ but contains a 2.5 kb insertion after ronal CXCR4 receptors in the developing cerebellum (Limatola
codon 89 (Gleichmann et al., 2000). The SDF-1␣ and SDF-1␤ et al., 2000), SDF-1 may exert physiological functions also in
proteins are identical except four C-terminal amino acids and other brain regions.
represent endogenous ligands of the CXC chemokine receptor 4 Our understanding of the role of the SDF-1/CXCR4 receptor
(CXCR4), which also functions as coreceptor for human immu- system in the adult brain has been hampered, however, by the lack
of information about the cellular expression of CXCR4 and
Received Jan. 15, 2002; revised April 29, 2002; accepted May 1, 2002. SDF-1 isoforms. Previous contradictory studies described SDF-1
This work was supported by Volkswagen Stiftung Grant I/75172 (V.H., S.S.). We expression either as widespread in neurons and oligodendrocytes
thank Dr. Martin Lipp and Dr. Reinhold Förster (Max Delbrück Center for
Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany) for kindly providing mouse CXCR4 cDNA (Gleichmann et al., 2000) or as restricted to distinct neuronal
and rat monoclonal anti-CXCR4 antibody clone 2B11. We also thank Dr. Tasuku populations and endothelial cells (Tham et al., 2001). Moreover,
Honjo and Dr. Kei Tashiro (Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan) for kindly providing
mouse SDF-1␣ cDNA. Excellent technical assistance by Diana Gericke, Evelyn the differential cellular expression, regulation, and function of
Kahl, Dana Mayer, and Nancy Schlawin is gratefully acknowledged. SDF-1 isoforms has not been characterized in the brain.
Correspondence should be addressed to Stefan Schulz, Institut für Pharmakologie SDF-1 is involved in inflammation and wound healing (Nanki
und Toxikologie, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Leipziger Strasse 44,
39120 Magdeburg, Germany. E-mail: Stefan.Schulz@medizin.uni-magdeburg.de. et al., 2000; Fedyk et al., 2001). SDF-1 triggers adhesion of
Copyright © 2002 Society for Neuroscience 0270-6474/02/225865-14$15.00/0 lymphocytes to activated endothelial cells in vitro (Kantele et al.,
5866 J. Neurosci., July 15, 2002, 22(14):5865–5878 Stumm et al. • SDF-1 and CXCR4 Expression after Cerebral Ischemia

2000). Most likely, endothelial SDF-1 plays a crucial role in with biotinylated anti-rabbit IgG antibodies (Vector) followed by cyanine
trans-endothelial migration of leukocytes (Campbell et al., 1998; 3.18 (C y3)-conjugated streptavidin (Amersham).
Pablos et al., 1999; Grabovsky et al., 2000). This raises the Immunohistochemistry
question to what extent SDF-1 in the brain may exert chemotactic Male NMRI mice or male Wistar rats were deeply anesthetized with
effects on monocytes and lymphocytes after endothelial activa- chloral hydrate and transcardially perf used with T yrode’s solution fol-
tion by systemic LPS-induced immune challenge (Bleul et al., lowed by Z amboni’s fixative containing 4% paraformaldehyde and 0.2%
1996a; Quan et al., 1997; Lebel et al., 2000; Rivest et al., 2000). picric acid in 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.4. Brains were rapidly
The potential excitotoxic and chemotactic activities of SDF-1 may dissected and postfixed in the same fixative for 2 hr at room temperature.
Tissue was cryoprotected by immersion in 30% sucrose for 48 hr at 4°C
also be relevant in focal cerebral ischemia, a condition involving before sectioning using a freezing microtome. Free-floating sections
disruption of the blood–brain barrier (BBB), excitotoxic neuro- (30 – 40 ␮m) were washed and incubated with 1 ␮g /ml affinity-purified
degeneration, and glial activation (Stoll et al., 1998). anti-C XCR4 antibodies. Staining of primary antibody was detected using
Here, we established the cellular expression patterns of SDF-1 C y3-conjugated anti-rabbit antibody or the tyramine amplification pro-
cedure as described (Schulz et al., 1998). For dual immunofluorescence
isoforms and CXCR4 in the adult mouse brain by in situ hybrid- of C XCR4 and GFAP, sections were first stained for C XCR4 as de-
ization. The subcellular distribution of CXCR4 was character- scribed above and subsequently labeled with guinea pig anti-GFAP
ized by confocal microscopy using a novel antiserum. We provide antibody (1:2000) (Progen, Heidelberg, Germany), which was visualized
evidence for differential expression of SDF-1 isoforms in endo- with a C y5-conjugated secondary antibody. For immunocytochemical
thelial and neuronal cells. Furthermore, our results suggest that controls, the primary antibody was omitted, replaced by preimmune sera,
or absorbed with several concentrations ranging from 1 to 10 ␮g /ml of
isoform-specific regulation of SDF-1␣ and SDF-1␤ selectively homologous or heterologous peptides for 2 hr at room temperature.
modulates CXCR4-dependent neurotransmission and cerebral Specimens were examined using a Leica TC S-N T laser scanning confocal
leukocyte infiltration. microscope (Heidelberg, Germany) equipped with a krypton /argon laser.
C y3 was imaged with 568 nm excitation and 570 – 630 nm bandpass
MATERIALS AND METHODS emission filters, and C y5 was imaged with 647 nm excitation and 665 nm
longpass emission filters.
Generation of anti-peptide antisera
Rabbit polyclonal antisera were generated against the C -terminal por- Probes used in in situ hybridization
tion of the mouse C XCR4 receptor (residues 338 –359, KGK RGGHSS- The expression of the SDF-1 isoforms was characterized using ribo-
VSTESESSSF HSS), which is identical in mouse, rat, and human. The probes derived from three partial mouse cDNAs. The first probe (called
peptide was coupled to keyhole limpet hemocyanin, and the conjugate SDF-1) was complementary to nucleotides (nt) 11–273 of SDF-1␣ and
was emulsified with Freund’s adjuvant and injected into three rabbits SDF-1␤ (GI:12025675 and GI:12025674). This corresponds to parts of
(2144 –2146) for immunization as described (Schreff et al., 2000). T wo of the 5⬘-untranslated as well as the coding region (nt 82–351 of GI:
the three antisera (2144 and 2145) developed a titer against their immu- 12025675). The nt 19 –262 of this probe are also 96% identical to rat
nizing peptide and yielded essentially identical results during antibody SDF-1␣, SDF-1␤, and SDF-1␥. The second probe (SDF-1␣) was com-
characterization. Antiserum 2144 was subjected to immunoaffinity puri- plementary to nt 1005–1780 of GI:12025675, which are specific for mouse
fication and used throughout this study. SDF-1␣. The mouse SDF-1␣ cDNA (Tashiro et al., 1993) was kindly
provided by Dr. T. Honjo and Dr. K . Tashiro (Kyoto University, Kyoto,
Western blot analysis Japan). The third probe (SDF-1␤) was complementary to nt 366 –1186 of
The mouse C XCR4 cDNA (kind gift of Dr. Martin Lipp and Dr. SDF-1␤ (GI:12025674) and exhibited no similarity with SDF-1␣. In the
Reinhold Förster, Max Delbrück C enter for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, rat, a SDF-1␥ mRNA has recently been described, which is similar to
Germany) was tagged at its N terminus with the T7 epitope tag sequence SDF-1␤ but contains a 2.5 kb insertion after codon 89 (Gleichmann et al.,
M ASMTGGQQMG and subcloned into pcDNA3.1 expression vector 2000). Although a similar isoform has not been described so far in mice,
(Invitrogen, Groningen, The Netherlands) as described (Koch et al., our SDF-1␤ probe would be expected to hybridize also to such a putative
2001). C ell membranes were prepared from human embryonic kidney mouse SDF-1␥ mRNA. For simplicity, we refer to the detected mRNA as
(H EK) 293 cells stably transfected with the C XCR4 receptor, as well as SDF-1␤ mRNA. The SDF-1 and SDF-1␤ cDNAs as well as the cDNAs
from mouse brain, and solubilized in lysis buffer (150 mM NaC l, 5 mM of the rat C XCR4 (U90610, nt 1–1050), the ␤ polypeptide of the mouse
EDTA, 3 mM EGTA, 20 mM H EPES, pH 7.4, containing 4 mg /ml complement component 1q (C1q; nt 35–1041) (Wood et al., 1988), mouse
dodecyl-␤-maltoside, and proteinase inhibitors: 1 mM phenylmethylsul- GFAP (nt 189 –1054) (Lewis et al., 1984), rat pre-prosomatostatin (nt
fonylfluoride, 1 ␮M pepstatin, 10 ␮g /ml leupeptin, and 2 ␮g /ml aproti- 32–307) (Goodman et al., 1985), and mouse interleukin-1 ␤ (IL -1␤; nt
nin). The lysate was cleared and subjected to immunoprecipitation with 205–724) (Telford et al., 1986) were amplified by RT-PCR. C1q was used
anti-C XCR4 antibodies. Alternatively, glycoproteins were partially pu- as marker for both brain microglial cells and macrophages (Schwaeble et
rified using wheat germ lectin agarose (WGA; Vector Laboratories, al., 1995; Schafer et al., 2000). All described cDNAs were cloned into the
Burlingame, CA). Beads were washed and eluted with SDS-sample buffer pGEM-Teasy vector (Promega) and subjected to double-strand DNA
for 20 min at 60°C. Either crude membrane proteins (100 ␮g per lane) or sequencing. A riboprobe for glutamate acid decarboxylase was used
WGA extracts purified from 500 ␮g membrane proteins were subjected previously (Stumm et al., 2001). For the mouse C XCR4 receptor
to 10% SDS-PAGE and immunoblotted onto nitrocellulose. Blots were (Heesen et al., 1996; Nagasawa et al., 1996), the cDNA of Dr. M. Lipp
incubated with 1 ␮g /ml affinity-purified anti-C XCR4 (2144) or rat mono- and Dr. R. Förster was used. Riboprobes in antisense and sense orien-
clonal anti-C XCR4 antibody clone 2B11, which is directed against the N tation were generated from the linearized vector constructs by in vitro
terminus (Forster et al., 1998), overnight at 4°C. Bound primary antibod- transcription (Melton et al., 1984) using [ 35S]-UTP (1000 C i /mmol; 15
ies were then detected using peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibodies ␮M concentration in the transcription reaction) or digoxigenin-UTP
and enhanced chemiluminescence. For absorption controls, anti-C XCR4 (DIG) (Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany) as label. The probes
antibody was preincubated with 10 ␮g /ml of its cognate peptide for 2 hr were subjected to mild alkaline hydrolysis (Angerer et al., 1987) and
at room temperature. purified using P-30 spin columns (Bio-Rad).

Immunocytochemistry In situ hybridization histochemistry

Wild-type H EK 293 cells or H EK 293 cells stably transfected with Radioactive in situ hybridization was performed as described previously
T7-tagged C XCR4 receptor were grown on coverslips overnight. For (Stumm et al., 2001). Fixation of slide-mounted frozen sections (14 ␮m
internalization studies, cells were treated with SDF-1␣ in concentrations thickness) was performed in phosphate-buffered 4% paraformaldehyde
ranging from 1 to 1000 ng /ml for 30 min and fixed with 4% paraformal- for 60 min. After washing in PBS, the slides were incubated for 10 min in
dehyde and 0.2% picric acid in 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, for 1 hr 0.4% Triton X-100, rinsed in distilled water, and incubated for 10 min in
at room temperature. C ells were washed and stained with affinity- 0.1 M triethanolamine, pH 8.0 (Sigma, Deisenhofen, Germany) contain-
purified anti-C XCR4 or anti-T7 antibodies (Gramsch Laboratories) as ing 0.25% v/ v acetic anhydrate (Sigma). After washing in PBS, the
described (Pfeiffer et al., 2001). Bound primary antibodies were detected sections were dehydrated in 50 and 70% 2-propanol, air dried, and stored
Stumm et al. • SDF-1 and CXCR4 Expression after Cerebral Ischemia J. Neurosci., July 15, 2002, 22(14):5865–5878 5867

Figure 1. Cerebral expression patterns

of SDF-1 isoforms. In situ hybridization
was performed with riboprobes specific
for SDF-1␣ ( A), SDF-1␤ (B, D–G), and a
riboprobe detecting all SDF-1 isoforms
( C). A–C, X-ray autoradiograms of coro-
nal brain sections at the striatal level. A,
Arrows, SDF-1␣ mRNA is expressed in
neuronal structures of the cingulate (Cg)
and the secondary somatosensory cortex
(S2) as well as the claustrum (Cl ). Spe-
cific hybridization signals for SDF-1␣
are undetectable in other structures of
the brain parenchyma. Note that some
SDF-1␣ expression occurs in the menin-
ges. B, SDF-1␤ mRNA is evenly ex-
pressed throughout the brain and not re-
lated to specific structures. C, The probe
for all SDF-1 isoforms shows an expres-
sion pattern that reflects the simulta-
neous detection of SDF-1␣ (C, arrows)
and SDF-1␤ mRNAs. D–G, The left
hemisphere of coronal sections after hy-
bridization with the SDF-1␤-selective
probe is shown at the level of the olfac-
tory bulb ( D), the medial septal nucleus
(MS) ( E), the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMH ) ( F), and the facial nucleus ( 7) ( G). D–G, Note that SDF-1␤ mRNA-expressing cells do not
show any specific clustering in structures of gray or white matter. Gl, Glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb; GrO, granule layer of the olfactory bulb;
ON, olfactory nerve layer; M2, secondary motor cortex; LV, lateral ventricle; CPu, caudate putamen; DEn, dorsal endopiriform nucleus; RS, retrosplenial
cortex; GrDG, granule layer of the dentate gyrus; CP, choroid plexus; VP, ventral posterolateral and posteromedial thalamic nuclei; Ent, entorhinal
cortex; BLA, basolateral amygdaloid nucleus, anterior part; CBL, cerebellum; 4V, fourth ventricle. D–G, Exposure time, 21 d. Scale bars: A–C, 3 mm;
G, 2 mm.

at ⫺20°C. Riboprobes were diluted in hybridization buffer [3⫻ sodium heated to 92–95°C for 15 min in 0.01 M citrate buffer, pH 6.0. Hybrid-
chloride/sodium citrate (SSC), 50 mM NaPO4, 20 mM dithiothreitol, 1 ⫻ ization and washing were performed as described above. After washing,
Denhardt’s solution, 0.25 gm / l yeast tRNA, 10% dextran sulfate, and sections were blocked by incubation in PBS containing 5% bovine serum
50% formamide] to 50,000 dpm /␮l. Hybridization was performed for 14 albumin (BSA) for 30 min. A rabbit anti-human vW F antibody (Dako,
hr at 60°C. The slides were washed in 2⫻ SSC and 1⫻ SSC before a 30 Glostrup, Denmark) was diluted 1:1000 in PBS containing 2% BSA and
min treatment with 1 U/ml RNase T1 and 20 ␮g /ml RNase A (Roche applied overnight. For negative controls, the primary antibody was omit-
Diagnostics) at 37°C in 10 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 0.5 M NaC l, 1 mM EDTA. ted. After several washes in distilled water followed by rinsing in PBS, a
Slides were extensively washed in 1⫻ and 0.2⫻ SSC at room temperature biotinylated secondary antibody (Dianova, Hamburg, Germany) was ap-
and subsequently in 0.2⫻ SSC for 60 min at 60°C. After washing in water, plied for 1 hr. After another series of washes, sections were incubated for
the tissue was dehydrated in 50 and 70% 2-propanol. Slides were exposed 45 min with the ABC reagents (Vectastain ABC K it, Vector) followed by
together with [ 14C] standards (ARC, St. L ouis, MO) to x-ray film for 2–5 diaminobenzidine reaction (0.125 ␮g /ml diaminobenzidine) for 10 min at
d. For high-power bright- and dark-field microscopic analysis, autoradio- room temperature. Autoradiographic detection of 35S was performed
graphic detection of 35S was performed with N TB-2 nuclear emulsion with N TB-2 nuclear emulsion (Eastman Kodak).
(Eastman Kodak, Rochester, N Y). E xposure times were 10 – 42 d. Cresyl
violet was used as counterstain. Mapping of SDF-1, SDF-1␣, SDF-1␤, and CXCR4 mRNA
expression in the brain
Double in situ hybridization histochemistry Coronal brain sections of two male NMRI mice were cut at 14 ␮m. At
The visualization of two different RNA transcripts in the same tissue intervals of 500 ␮m, cresyl violet staining and in situ hybridization
section was performed by combining radioactive and nonradioactive in analysis of the SDF-1, SDF-1␣, SDF-1␤, and C XCR4 mRNAs was
situ hybridization essentially as described (Stumm et al., 2001). performed on adjacent sections. C erebral structures were identified, and
Digoxigenin-labeled riboprobes (see above) were diluted in radioactive abbreviations were assigned according to the mouse brain atlas (Franklin
hybridization solution to 1 ␮g /ml, hybridized, and washed as above. To and Paxinos, 1997).
detect nonradioactive hybrids, slides were equilibrated in buffer 1 (0.1 M
maleic acid, 150 mM NaC l, pH 7.5) containing 0.05% T ween 20 (Merck, Animal experiments
Darmstadt, Germany). After blocking for 1 hr in blocking buffer (buffer For all animal procedures, ethical approval was sought before the exper-
1 containing 2% blocking reagent; Roche), alkaline phosphatase- iments according to the requirements of the German National Act on the
conjugated anti-DIG Fab fragments (Roche) were applied overnight at a Use of E xperimental Animals. Male virus- and pathogen-free NMRI
concentration of 0.5 U/ml blocking buffer. Slides were washed twice for mice (30 gm, Tierzucht Schönwalde or Charles River, Germany) and
30 min in buffer 1 and equilibrated in buffer 2 (100 mM Tris, 100 mM male Wistar rats (300 gm, Tierzucht Schönwalde) were used.
NaC l, 50 mM MgC l2, pH 9.4, 0.05% T ween 20) before a 16 hr color Lipopol ysaccharide challenge. NMRI mice were intraperitoneally in-
reaction using 0.2 mM 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate and 0.2 mM jected (8:30 –9:30 A.M.) with lipopolysaccharide (L PS) from Escherichia
nitroblue tetrazolium salt (Roche). The reaction was stopped by washing coli (50 ␮g, total volume 500 ␮l; Sigma-Aldrich L3129, Schnelldorf,
the slides in distilled water. The 35S-labeled probes were detected by K5 Germany) suspended in sterile saline. Five groups of three L PS-injected
photo-emulsion (I lford); exposure times were 14 – 60 d. mice each were killed by cervical dislocation and decapitation after 0.5,
1, 3, 6, and 24 hr. As a control group, four mice were injected with 500
Combination of immunohistochemistry and in ␮l sterile saline and killed after 3 hr. Brains and spleens were removed
situ hybridization and processed for quantitative in situ hybridization. Changes in cerebral
Immunocytochemistry for von Willebrand factor (vW F), an established SDF-1 and C XCR4 mRNA expression were analyzed by comparison of
marker of cerebral vascular endothelial cells (Yamamoto et al., 1998), the five L PS-treated groups with the control group. To verif y the efficacy
was combined with radioactive in situ hybridization for SDF-1 and of the L PS stimulus, we analyzed IL -1␤ mRNA levels in the spleens of
SDF-1␤ mRNAs. Before hybridization, the formalin-fixed sections were all groups by in situ hybridization. E xpression of IL -1␤ was dramatically
5868 J. Neurosci., July 15, 2002, 22(14):5865–5878 Stumm et al. • SDF-1 and CXCR4 Expression after Cerebral Ischemia

artery occlusion (MCAO) was performed in male NMRI mice according

to Welsh et al. (1987). After the mice were anesthetized by intraperito-
neal injection of tribromoethanol (600 mg / kg), a hole was drilled into the
skull to expose the middle cerebral artery. The stem of the middle
cerebral artery and both branches were permanently occluded by elec-
trocoagulation. Body temperature was maintained at 37 ⫾ 1°C with a
heating lamp during the surgical procedure. After MCAO, mice were
kept at an environmental temperature of 30°C for 2 hr and then trans-
ferred to their home cages. At different time points after ischemia, the
animals were deeply anesthetized with halothane, and the brains were
quickly removed and frozen in isopentane at ⫺30°C.
Three independent experiments were performed to determine ischemia-
related changes in SDF-1 and CXCR4 mRNA expression by quantitative in
situ hybridization. In experiment 1, three naive animals were compared
with the MCAO groups, which consisted of three animals at 6 hr and 1 d as
well as four animals at 2 and 4 d. In experiments 2 and 3, the possible effects
of surgery (skull trepanation) were analyzed 1 and 2 d after treatment. At
either time point three MCAO-treated, three sham-operated, and three
naive animals were compared with each other. For double in situ hybrid-
ization, two animals were prepared 2 d after MCAO and after sham
operation, respectively.

Image analysis
Film autoradiograms of three sections from each animal were digitized
on an illumination screen using N IH Image 1.62. For calibration, density
measurements of the film background and the [ 14C] standards were
obtained and plotted against the tissue radioactivity equivalents
(nanoCuries per gram tissue; American Radiolabeled Chemicals, St.
L ouis, MO). A threshold level was set to exclude pixel values below
background density from the measurement. The density measurements
were expressed as integrated optical density (IOD) (i.e., average optical
density ⫻ proportional area). The regions of interest were the entire
brain section in the L PS experiment and three manually selected areas in
the ischemia experiments: the infarct including the directly adjacent
area, the ipsilateral area, in which neurodegeneration was not observed,
and the entire contralateral hemisphere. To obtain the mean value of a
region of interest in a single animal, measurements of three sections were

Statistical analysis
Figure 2. Demonstration of neuronal SDF-1 expression and endothelial One-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett’s multiple comparison test was
SDF-1␤ expression by in situ hybridization with a riboprobe detecting all used in the L PS experiment and in the ischemia-experiment 1. In
SDF-1 splice variants ( A–C) and a riboprobe specific for SDF-1␤ mRNA Ischemia-experiments 2 and 3, the groups were compared with each
( D–F). A, D, Dark-field micrographs of coronal sections of the cingulate other using ANOVA followed by Newman –Keuls multiple comparison
cortex reveal the mRNA expression of SDF-1 isoforms by neuronal cells test. p values ⬍0.05 were considered statistically significant.
in laminas V and VI (A, arrows) and the absence of SDF-1␤ mRNA from
neurons in the cingulate cortex ( D). The corpus callosum (cc) and the
meningeal surface (dotted line) are indicated for orientation. SDF-1 and RESULTS
SDF-1␤ mRNAs are expressed in vascular structures (A, D, arrowheads)
running perpendicularly to the meningeal surface. A, Inset, High-power Cell-specific expression of SDF-1 splice variants
bright-field magnifications showing SDF-1 mRNA expression by neuronal To analyze the differential cellular expression of SDF-1 splice
cells with large round nuclei (arrows) as well as endothelial cells with variants in the brain, two riboprobes were used for in situ hybrid-
small round and small oval nuclei (arrowheads). D, Inset, SDF-1␤ mRNA
is present in endothelial cells with small round and small oval nuclei ization that were specific for either the SDF-1␣ or the SDF-1␤
(arrowheads) but not in a neuron with large round nucleus (arrow). E, mRNA. As shown in x-ray autoradiograms of the septal area,
Nonradioactive in situ hybridization showing the rod-shaped morphology SDF-1␣ mRNA was expressed by distinct neuronal structures in
of SDF-1␤-expressing endothelial cells of a microvessel. F, Combination the cortex and claustrum (Fig. 1 A, arrows). In contrast, SDF-1␤
of immunohistochemistry for vWF (detected as black reaction product)
was expressed in numerous cells that exhibited a homogenous
and in situ hybridization for SDF-1␤ mRNA (detected as grains) identifies
specific SDF-1␤ expression by vWF-ir endothelial cells (arrowheads). B, distribution throughout the brain (Fig. 1 B). A riboprobe that
C, Black reaction products, microglial cells ( B), and astrocytes ( C) are recognized all SDF-1 isoforms (SDF-1 mRNA) showed a com-
identified by nonradioactive in situ hybridization for C1q and GFAP, bined expression pattern of the SDF-1␣ and SDF-1␤ mRNAs
respectively. Co-hybridized 35S-labeled riboprobes to SDF-1 (detected as (Fig. 1C). Low-power analysis of emulsion-coated serial sections
grains) reveal SDF-1 expression by endothelial cells (arrowheads in B, C)
and the absence of SDF-1 expression from microglial cells (arrows in B) revealed that SDF-1␤ mRNA-expressing cells were not selec-
and astrocytes (arrows in C). B, Double arrow, Note the juxtavascular tively localized in any specific structures of the white or gray
localization of the SDF-1 mRNA-negative microglial cell. Exposure matter (Fig. 1 D–G). At high-power magnification it was apparent
times: A, 42 d; D, 21 d; B, C, F, 28 d. Scale bars: A, D, 400 ␮m; insets, 25 that SDF-1␤ mRNA-expressing cells contained small round or
␮m; B, C, F, 30 ␮m; E, 100 ␮m.
small oval-shaped nuclei (Fig. 2 D, inset). These cells had a rod-
like shape without processes and were aligned in clusters of three
to five cells, which suggests that SDF-1␤ is expressed in the
elevated in all animals 0.5–3 hr after L PS and was virtually absent 24 hr
after L PS as well as in the control group, which is in excellent agreement cerebral endothelium (Fig. 2 E). To test this hypothesis, a com-
with previous studies. bination of immunohistochemistry for vWF, which is an estab-
Animal model of focal cerebral ischemia. Permanent middle cerebral lished marker for cerebral endothelial cells, and in situ hybrid-
Stumm et al. • SDF-1 and CXCR4 Expression after Cerebral Ischemia J. Neurosci., July 15, 2002, 22(14):5865–5878 5869

ization for SDF-1␤ mRNA was used. This approach clearly

revealed that SDF-1␤ was expressed by vWF-immunoreactive (ir)
endothelial cells of small but not large cerebral blood vessels (Fig.
2 F). SDF-1␤ transcripts were not detected in neurons (Fig. 2 D).
The possible expression of the SDF-1 gene in glia was analyzed by
combining radioactive in situ hybridization for all SDF-1 mRNAs
and nonisotopic in situ hybridization for GFAP and C1q, estab-
lished markers for astrocytes and microglial cells. However,
SDF-1 expression was not observed in these glial populations
(Fig. 2 B, C). The use of the riboprobe for all SDF-1 transcripts
allowed the visualization of a SDF-1 splice variant in neurons
(Fig. 2 A). Hybridization with the SDF-1␣-selective probe re-
vealed that the neuronally generated SDF-1 transcripts consisted
of the ␣-isoform. SDF-1␣ mRNA was also detected in meningeal
cells and occasionally in the endothelium of large parenchymal
blood vessels (data not shown). These findings provide evidence
for cell-specific splicing of SDF-1 transcripts in the mouse brain.
Although SDF-1␤ mRNA is selectively generated in endothelial
cells, SDF-1␣ mRNA is expressed predominantly by neurons.
SDF-1 expression in astrocytes and microglial cells was below the
detection limit.
In a brain-mapping study using the probe detecting all SDF-1
isoforms, we clearly identified neurons expressing SDF-1 mRNA
in the cerebral cortex (Fig. 3B–D), claustrum (Fig. 3B), granular
layer of the dentate gyrus (Fig. 3C,D), basolateral nucleus of the
amygdala (Fig. 3C,D), and the amygdalohippocampal area (Fig.
3D). In the cortical areas, high neuronal SDF-1 mRNA levels
were localized to the deep laminae of the prelimbic and infral-
imbic cortex and areas 1 and 2 of the cingulate cortex (laminas V
and VI), as well as in the insular and entorhinal cortex. In the
secondary motor, secondary somatosensory, and secondary visual
as well as the ventral part of the auditory cortex, SDF-1 mRNA-
expressing neurons were seen in the deepest layer.
Expression of the CXCR4 receptor in mouse brain
To examine the distribution of CXCR4-expressing cells in the
brain, we first performed in situ hybridization (Fig. 3G–L). In
contrast to the pancerebral endothelial SDF-1␤ mRNA expres-
sion, the expression of CXCR4 mRNA was restricted to distinct
neuronal cell groups, the ependymal layer of the four ventricles,
and cells in the Purkinje cell layer of the cerebellum (Fig. 3G–L).
Neuronal populations expressing CXCR4 mRNA were localized
to the cerebral cortex, hippocampal formation, and amygdala. In
the cerebral cortex, scattered CXCR4 mRNA-expressing neurons
were found in the prelimbic and infralimbic areas as well as the

Figure 3. Cerebral expression patterns of CXCR4 mRNA and neuronal 4

and non-neuronal SDF-1 isoforms. Dark-field micrographs of coronal
sections hybridized with riboprobes detecting all SDF-1 transcripts ( A–F) SDF-1 mRNAs are present in the dorsal endopiriform nucleus (DEn)
or CXCR4 ( G–L). A–F, In addition to moderate SDF-1 mRNA levels in ( H ). Note SDF-1 mRNA expression in the choroid plexus (CP) of the
endothelial cells throughout the brain, high SDF-1 mRNA levels are lateral ventricle (B, C) and CXCR4 mRNA expression in the subfornical
present in neuronal structures of the forebrain ( B–D). G, In the olfactory organ (SFO) ( H ) as well as the ependymal layers of the lateral ventricle
bulb, CXCR4 mRNA expression is abundant in the glomerular layer (LV ) ( H–J), the dorsal and ventral parts of the third ventricle (D3V, 3V )
(Gl ). B–D, H–J, SDF-1 and CXCR4 mRNA-expressing neurons are (H–J ), and the fourth ventricle (4V ) ( K). In the amygdala, neuronal
located in areas 1 and 2 (Cg1, Cg2) of the cingulate cortex (B, H ), in the SDF-1 mRNA is selectively located in the anterior (BLA) ( C) and
insular cortex (In) (B, H ), in the lateral entorhinal and ectorhinal cortex posterior (BLP) ( D) parts of the basolateral nucleus and in the amygda-
(LEnt, Ect) (C, D, I, J), and in the claustrum (Cl ) (B, H ). B–D, In the lohippocampal area (AHi) ( D), whereas only few CXCR4 mRNA-
secondary motor cortex (M2) (B, C) and secondary somatosensory cortex expressing neurons without any clear assignment to subnuclei are detect-
(S2) (B, C), the medial aspect of the secondary visual cortex (V2) ( D) and able (I, J ). In the hippocampal formation, numerous CXCR4 mRNA-
the ventral auditory cortex (AuV ) ( D), cortex neurons expressing SDF-1 expressing neurons are present in the moleculare lacunosum and
mRNA are present, whereas CXCR4 mRNA-expressing neurons are molecular layers (Mol ) (I, J ) as well as the polymorphic layer (PoDG) (I,
mostly absent ( H–J). Lower neuronal SDF-1 mRNA levels and fewer J ), whereas SDF-1 mRNA is expressed only in the granular layer (GrDG)
CXCR4 mRNA-expressing neurons are present in the retrosplenial (RS) (C, D). K, L, In the cerebellum (CBL), CXCR4 mRNA is expressed in the
(C, I ) than in the cingulate cortex (B, H ). C, D, Cerebrocortical neurons Purkinje cell layer. K, L, In the brainstem, neuronal CXCR4 mRNA
expressing SDF-1 mRNA are frequently located in the deep cortical expression cannot be identified. Exposure time, 42 d. 7n, Facial nerve.
layers. B, H, Neurons expressing CXCR4 mRNA but none expressing Scale bar (shown in A for A–L): 2 mm.
5870 J. Neurosci., July 15, 2002, 22(14):5865–5878 Stumm et al. • SDF-1 and CXCR4 Expression after Cerebral Ischemia

Figure 4. Characterization of the anti-CXCR4 antiserum using stably transfected HEK 293 cells. Immunofluorescent labeling and confocal imaging of
wild-type HEK 293 cells ( B) and HEK 293 cells transfected with a construct coding for a T7-tagged CXCR4 receptor (A, C–F ) are shown. Cells were
either not treated ( A–D) or exposed to 10 or 100 ng/ml SDF-1␣ for 30 min (E, F ), fixed, and stained with the anti-CXCR4 antiserum (2144) (A–C, E,
F ) or anti-T7 antibody ( D). G–I, Western blot analysis of CXCR4-LIR in transfected HEK 293 cells and mouse brain. G, I, Membrane preparations
from wild-type HEK 293 cells, T7CXCR4-expressing HEK 293 cells, or mouse brain were immunoblotted (IB) with the anti-CXCR4 antibody (2144 ).
H, CXCR4 receptors were immunoprecipitated (IP) using the C-terminal rabbit anti-CXCR4 antibody (2144 ) and immunoblotted with the N-terminal
rat anti-CXCR4 antibody (2B11) as described in Materials and Methods. For absorption controls, the anti-CXCR4 antiserum was preincubated with 10
␮g/ml of its immunizing peptide (C, G, I ). Note that anti-CXCR4 antiserum yielded prominent immunofluorescence localized at the level of the plasma
membrane only in CXCR4 T7tag-expressing HEK 293 cells but not in wild-type cells. This staining was essentially identical to that seen with the anti-T7
antibody and completely abolished by preincubation with homologous peptide. SDF-1␣ induced a dose-dependent internalization of the CXCR4
receptor. Note that anti-CXCR4 antiserum detected a single 45 kDa band in both transfected cells and mouse brain. WT, Wild-type. Ordinate represents
migration of protein molecular weight markers (Mr ⫻ 10 ⫺ 3). Scale bar ( A–F): 15 ␮m.

cingulate, insular, and entorhinal areas (Fig. 3H–J ). Thus, neu-

ronal CXCR4 and neuronal SDF-1 revealed a closely overlapping
distribution in these regions. The highest levels of CXCR4
mRNA were detected in the glomerular layer of the olfactory
bulb and in the hippocampal formation (Fig. 3G, I, J ).
To further characterize the subcellular distribution of the
CXCR4 receptor protein, we generated an anti-peptide antibody
directed against the cytoplasmic tail of the CXCR4 receptor.
Antibodies were affinity purified and further characterized using
immunofluorescent staining of stably transfected HEK 293 cells.
When wild-type HEK 293 cells or T7-tagged CXCR4-transfected
cells were stained, the anti-CXCR4 antibodies yielded prominent
immunofluorescence at the plasma membrane only in HEK 293
cells bearing the CXCR4 receptor but not in wild-type cells (Fig.
4 A, B). This staining was virtually identical to that seen with
anti-T7 tag antibodies and completely blocked by preincubation
of the antiserum with homologous peptide (Fig. 4C,D). After
exposure of CXCR4-expressing cells with SDF-1␣, a proportion
of immunoreactive CXCR4 receptors underwent a dose-
dependent redistribution from the plasma membrane into vesicle-
like structures within the cytoplasm (Fig. 4 E, F ). In Western blot
assays, the anti-CXCR4 antibody detected a broad band migrat-
ing at 45 kDa only in membrane extracts from CXCR4- Figure 5. Distribution of CXCR4-LIR in the forebrain. Low-power
expressing cells but not in wild-type cells (Fig. 4G). Essentially confocal images of coronal brain sections stained by fluorescent immu-
identical results were obtained when CXCR4 receptors were first nohistochemistry. Strong CXCR4-LIR is present in the glomerular layer
of the olfactory bulb (Gl ) ( A) and the ependymal layer of the lateral
immunoprecipitated with our C-terminal rabbit anti-CXCR4 an- ventricle (LV ) (B, D) as well as the ventral and dorsal parts of the third
tibody (2144) and then immunoblotted with N-terminal rat mono- ventricle (3V, D3V ) ( D). The molecular layer of the dentate gyrus and the
clonal anti-CXCR4 antibody (2B11) (Fig. 4 H). The anti-CXCR4 lacunosum moleculare layer of the hippocampus (Mol ) ( D) exhibit strong
antibody (2144) also detected a single 45 kDa band in membrane CXCR4-LIR. Note the presence of CXCR4-ir fibers in the shell region of
the accumbens nucleus (ACbSh) (B) and the virtual absence of CXCR4-ir
extracts from mouse brain (Fig. 4 I). The CXCR4-ir bands were perikarya from the claustrum and the dorsal endopiriform nucleus (Cl,
no longer detected when the antiserum was preincubated with its DEn) ( B). C, CXCR4-LIR is completely neutralized by preabsorption with
immunizing peptide (Fig. 4G,I ). the peptide used for immunization. Scale bars: A, C, 700 ␮m; B, D, 1.2 mm.
Stumm et al. • SDF-1 and CXCR4 Expression after Cerebral Ischemia J. Neurosci., July 15, 2002, 22(14):5865–5878 5871

Figure 6. CXCR4 mRNA expression and

cellular localization of CXCR4-LIR in the
hippocampal formation. Coronal sections
are shown in a dark-field micrograph after
in situ hybridization ( A) and in confocal
images after fluorescent immunohisto-
chemistry ( B–G). A, B, Low-power mic-
rographs comparing the distribution of
( B); note corpus callosum (cc) for orienta-
tion. In the oriens layer (Or), few CXCR4
mRNA-expressing and CXCR4-LIR neu-
rons are detectable (shown at higher mag-
nification in B), but none are detectable in
the pyramidal cell layer (Py), stratum ra-
diatum (Rad), or granular layer (GrDG). In
the lacunosum moleculare layer (LMol ), in
the molecular layer (Mol ), and at the bor-
der of the granular and polymorphic layers
(PoDG), numerous CXCR4 mRNA-
expressing and CXCR4-ir neurons are de-
tected. Within the polymorphic layer, neu-
rons express high CXCR4 mRNA levels
but exhibit no detectable somatoden-
dritic C XCR4-LIR. C–G, High-power
confocal images demonstrating the subcel-
lular targeting of CXCR4-LIR. C, In neu-
rons of the molecular layer, CXCR4-LIR
is somatodendritic (C, arrows) and axonal
(C, arrowheads). Note the perpendicular
orientation of several CXCR4-ir axons to
the granular layer (C, arrowheads in GrDG
and Mol ). At the border of the granular
and polymorphic layers, CXCR4-LIR is
restricted to neuronal perikarya and their
proximal dendrites (C, asterisk). D, In the
lacunosum moleculare layer, CXCR4-LIR
typically exhibits somatodendritic (D, ar-
rows) and axonal targeting (D, arrowhead)
in parallel orientation to the hippocampal
fissure. E–G, CXCR4-ir neurons in the
molecular and lacunosum moleculare lay-
ers either exhibit CXCR4-ir spine-like pro-
trusions at their cell bodies and dendrites
(E, G, arrows) or exhibit a spine-free mor-
phology ( F). G, Note the CXCR4-ir axon
(arrowhead). Scale bars: A, 400 ␮m; B, 300
␮m; inset in B, 30 ␮m; C, 40 ␮m; D, 20 ␮m;
E, F, 10 ␮m; G, 15 ␮m.

In brain sections of adult mice, high levels of CXCR4-like- tected in the polymorphic layer as well as at the border of the
immunoreactivity (LIR) were detected in brain regions express- granular and polymorphic layers (Fig. 6 A). The distribution pat-
ing high levels of CXCR4 mRNA, including the olfactory bulb, terns of CXCR4-ir neuronal perikarya and CXCR4 mRNA-
the hippocampal formation, and the ependymal layer of the four expressing neurons in the hippocampal formation were virtually
ventricles (Fig. 5). CXCR4-ir axon terminals were occasionally identical (Fig. 6 A, B). The only exception were several neurons in
detected in regions where CXCR4 mRNA was not detectable, e.g., the polymorphic layer (hilar neurons) that exhibited high CXCR4
in the accumbens shell (Fig. 5B). In contrast to in situ hybridiza- mRNA levels, coexpressed the mRNA of pre-prosomatostatin
tion, immunocytochemistry did not label neurons in the claustrum (data not shown), but exhibited no detectable CXCR4-LIR at
and dorsal endopiriform nucleus. All immunostainings were com- their somatodendritic domain (Fig. 6 A, B). Because hilar soma-
pletely abolished by preabsorption of the CXCR4 antibody with tostatinergic neurons are known to project to the outer molecular
homologous but not with heterologous peptides (Fig. 5C). layer, this discrepancy could be explained by the selective target-
The potential hippocampal targets of the SDF-1-producing ing of the CXCR4 receptor to their axonal compartment in the
dentate gyrus granule cells and entorhinal neurons were then molecular layer. In fact, CXCR4-ir axons running perpendicu-
characterized in detail. In the hippocampus, CXCR4 mRNA- larly to the granular layer were observed in the granular layer and
expressing neurons were detected most frequently in the lacuno- in the inner molecular layer (Fig. 6C, arrowheads). These axons
sum moleculare layer, sparsely in the oriens layer, and very rarely may contribute to the dense network of CXCR4-ir fibers in the
in the pyramidal cell layer and the stratum radiatum (Fig. 6 A). In outer molecular layer (Fig. 6 B). In the CXCR4-ir neurons at the
the dentate gyrus, numerous CXCR4 mRNA-expressing neurons border of the granular and polymorphic layers, CXCR4 receptors
were localized in the molecular layer (Fig. 6 A). In addition, were restricted to the somata and proximal dendrites (Fig. 6C,
numerous CXCR4-expressing neurons, some of which coex- asterisk). In neurons of the lacunosum moleculare layer and the
pressed glutamic acid decarboxylase (data not shown), were de- molecular layer, CXCR4-LIR was present at the plasma mem-
5872 J. Neurosci., July 15, 2002, 22(14):5865–5878 Stumm et al. • SDF-1 and CXCR4 Expression after Cerebral Ischemia

expression levels of endothelial SDF-1␤ and neuronal SDF-1␣

transcripts. Quantitative analysis of x-ray autoradiograms of hy-
bridized brain sections (Fig. 7 E, F ) revealed that the expression
levels of SDF-1␤ mRNA at 3, 6, and 24 hr after LPS administra-
tion were decreased to 34, 36, and 53% ( p ⬍ 0.05) of the levels
seen in saline-injected animals, respectively (Table 1). The down-
regulation was of similar intensity in cortex, caudate putamen,
basal forebrain, and choroid plexus. Qualitative analysis at high
power confirmed that at 3 hr after LPS stimulation the endothe-
lial SDF-1␤ mRNA expression was decreased to levels near the
detection limit (Fig. 7G,H ). Hybridization with the probe detect-
ing all SDF-1 isoforms showed a LPS-induced decrease in endo-
thelial SDF-1 expression similar to the SDF-1␤-selective probe
(Fig. 7A–D). Hybridization with the probe to SDF-1␣ or the
probe to all SDF-1 isoforms revealed that LPS application did not
affect SDF-1 mRNA expression in neurons of cortex or claustrum
(Fig. 7A–D). Thus, systemic LPS stimulation selectively affects
endothelial SDF-1␤ expression but does not alter neuronal
SDF-1␣ levels.
CXCR4 mRNA levels analyzed in the ependymal layer of the
lateral ventricles and neurons in the cingulate cortex were not
changed after LPS stimulation as compared with the saline-
injected group. There was no evidence for an infiltration of the
Figure 7. LPS-induced decrease in endothelial but not neuronal SDF-1
mRNA expression revealed by in situ hybridization with a riboprobe brain by CXCR4 mRNA-expressing leukocytes in any of the
detecting all SDF-1 isoforms ( A–D) and a riboprobe specific for SDF-1␤ investigated regions (data not shown).
mRNA ( E–H). Coronal brain sections 3 hr after LPS (LPS) (B, D, F, H )
or saline application (Sal ) (A, C, E, G) are shown as x-ray autoradiograms Adaptive plasticity of the SDF-1/CXCR4 receptor
of the whole brain (A, B, E, F) and as dark-field micrographs of the system after focal ischemia
cingulate cortex (C, D, G, H ). A, B, After LPS application, SDF-1 mRNA We then investigated adaptive changes of endothelial and neuro-
expression is dramatically reduced as compared with saline-injected ani-
mals. Note that the LPS-induced decrease in SDF-1 mRNA levels is most
nal SDF-1 mRNA expression in relation to the presence of
obvious where neuronally expressed SDF-1 isoforms are absent, e.g., in CXCR4 mRNA-expressing infiltrates and regulation of neuronal
the caudate putamen (CPu) and choroid plexus (CP). SDF-1 expression in CXCR4 mRNA levels after focal cerebral ischemia. A compara-
neuronal structures (A, B, arrows) of the cingulate and secondary somato- tive analysis of the primary infarcted area, the area at the border
sensory cortex (Cg, S2) as well as the claustrum (Cl ) is unchanged after of the infarcted and nonlesioned tissues (border zone), and the
LPS stimulation as compared with the saline-injected control. C, D,
SDF-1 expression in the cingulate cortex is decreased by LPS in endo- ipsilateral area without detectable neurodegeneration (ipsilateral
thelial cells (arrowheads) but not neurons (arrows). E, F, Throughout the nonlesioned area) as well as the contralateral hemisphere was
brain, SDF-1␤ mRNA levels are strongly reduced after LPS stimulation performed (Fig. 8G). For simplicity during quantitative image
as compared with the saline-injected control. Note the pronounced down- analysis, the border zone and the primary infarct were treated as
regulation of SDF-1␤ in endothelial cells after LPS injection ( H ) as
compared with the control (G, arrowheads). Exposure times: A, B, 3 d; E,
one region.
F, 2 d; C, D, G, H, 21 d. Scale bars: A, B, E, F, 3 mm; C, D, G, H, 550 ␮m.
Changes in endothelial SDF-1␤ mRNA expression
As shown for 1 d after MCAO (Fig. 8 A, C), there was a down-
brane of somata and dendrites (Fig. 6C,D, arrows) as well as axons
regulation of SDF-1␤ mRNA expression to different extents in
(Fig. 6C, D, G, arrowheads). In the outer molecular layer,
the four regions as compared with controls. The decrease in
CXCR4-ir neurons were frequently orientated parallel to the
SDF-1␤ mRNA levels was most pronounced in the primary
hippocampal fissure. In both the molecular and the lacunosum
infarct, most likely due to degeneration of cells. However,
moleculare layers, immunoreactive CXCR4 receptors were found
SDF-1␤ expression was also decreased in the nonlesioned areas.
in spine-free neurons (Fig. 6F ) and neurons with spine-like pro-
This downregulation was more pronounced in the ipsilateral than
trusions at their cell bodies and dendrites (Fig. 6 E, G, arrows).
in the contralateral hemisphere (Fig. 8C). Quantitative analysis of
Cell-specific regulation of SDF-1 expression after SDF-1␤ mRNA expression revealed that MCAO induced a de-
systemic LPS administration crease from 6 hr to 4 d in all regions as compared with control
To test whether endothelial and neuronal SDF-1 isoforms may be animals. In addition, the quantitative analysis revealed an inverse
differently regulated in the brain, we applied LPS systemically at relationship of lesion-distance and extent of SDF-1␤ downregu-
a dose known to activate the cerebral endothelium and analyzed lation (Table 2). All changes in endothelial SDF-1 mRNA expres-

Table 1. SDF-1␤ mRNA levels in the mouse brain after peripheral LPS administration

3 hr saline 0.5 hr LPS 1 hr LPS 3 hr LPS 6 hr LPS 24 hr LPS

SDF-1␤ mRNA 381 ⫾ 36 289 ⫾ 26 275 ⫾ 44 133 ⫾ 82*(34%) 138 ⫾ 92*(36%) 203 ⫾ 57*(53%)

SDF-1␤ mRNA levels of whole-brain sections expressed in nanoCuries per gram ⫾ SD (mean values of four animals in the group 3 hr after saline injection and three animals
per LPS-treated group). Bold values express measurements as percentage of the group 3 hr after saline injection. *p ⬍ 0.05 versus the saline-injected group. One-way ANOVA
followed by Dunnett’s multiple comparison test.
Stumm et al. • SDF-1 and CXCR4 Expression after Cerebral Ischemia J. Neurosci., July 15, 2002, 22(14):5865–5878 5873

sham operated animals at 1 d and 2 d revealed significantly lower

SDF-1␤ mRNA levels after MCAO than after sham operation
(Table 3). These findings strongly suggest, that skull trepanation
decreases SDF-1␤ expression in the brain and that focal ischemia
induces a reduction in endothelial SDF-1␤ mRNA expression
independently from trepanation.

Recruitment of CXCR4-expressing cells to the lesioned brain

The spatial relationship of SDF-1- and CXCR4-expressing cells
in the ischemic brain was analyzed at low-power under dark-field
illumination (Fig. 9). There were virtually no peripheral CXCR4-
expressing cells infiltrating the ischemic brain after 6 hr or 1 d
(Fig. 9D, Fig. 8 F), when endothelial SDF-1 expression was
strongly decreased in all analyzed regions (Figs. 9A,B, 8 A,C).
Surprisingly, after 2 d numerous CXCR4 mRNA-expressing cells
were detected in the border-zone of the infarct (Fig. 9G, arrow-
head). In close spatial and temporal overlap with the accumula-
tion of CXCR4-expressing cells a strong focal induction of SDF-1
mRNA expression was observed in single vascular structures (Fig.
9 E, G, arrow-heads). In contrast, in the infarcted core and the
nonlesioned areas SDF-1 expression was still strongly decreased
at 2 d after MCAO as compared with the control (Fig. 9A,E).
After 4 d numerous CXCR4-expressing cells were present in both
the primary infarct and the border-zone, which was in correspon-
dence with a moderate SDF-1 mRNA expression in both regions
(Fig. 9F,H ). It should be noted, that there was no evidence for
peripheral CXCR4-expressing cells infiltrating the nonlesioned
areas at all stages after cerebral ischemia.

Transient changes of neuronal SDF-1 and neuronal CXCR4

mRNA expression
In addition to the changes of non-neuronal SDF-1␤ and CXCR4
Figure 8. Patterns of middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO)-induced
changes in SDF-1␤ ( A–C) and CXCR4 ( D–F) mRNA expression. A–F, expression, there were pronounced changes of neuronal SDF-1
Low-power micrographs of x-ray autoradiograms of hybridized coronal and CXCR4 expression in nonlesioned brain regions after focal
sections from naive mice (CTRL) (A, D) and mice 1 d after sham ischemia (Figs. 8,9). Sham operation had no effect on neuronal
operation (B, E) or MCAO (C, F ). The lateral borders of the infarct are SDF-1 (not shown) or CXCR4 expression (Fig. 8 D, E). An
indicated by arrowheads (C, F ). C, After MCAO, SDF-1␤ mRNA levels
are decreased throughout the brain as compared with the sham operation
ischemia-induced upregulation of neuronal CXCR4 mRNA ex-
( B) or the naive control ( A). The decrease in SDF-1␤ mRNA expression pression was seen in the dorsal endopiriform nucleus (Fig. 9D,G,
is most pronounced within the infarct. C, In the nonlesioned brain areas, asterisks) and the cingulate cortex (Fig. 9D,G, arrows) from 6 hr to
SDF-1␤ expression is decreased more strongly in the ipsilateral than in 2 d after MCAO. Neuronal CXCR4 levels in both structures were
the contralateral hemisphere. B, Note that sham operation induced a similar to controls after 4 d (Fig. 9C,H ). At 6 hr and 1 d the
decrease in SDF-1␤ mRNA expression throughout the brain, which in-
creases with proximity to the trepanation site (B, arrow). F, In the increased CXCR4 expression in the cingulate cortex was re-
hemisphere ipsilateral to MCAO, there is a strong increase in CXCR4 stricted to lamina VI (Figs. 9D, 8 F). After 2 d CXCR4 mRNA
mRNA expression in lamina VI of the cingulate cortex and the dorsal expression was induced in laminae II/III and VI (Fig. 9G).
endopiriform nucleus (F, arrows) as compared with naive animals or sham Neuronal SDF-1 mRNA expression in the cingulate cortex was
operations (D, E). A similar but less pronounced increase is observed in
cingulate cortex and dorsal endopiriform nucleus of the contralateral
decreased in lamina V and VI 6 hr and 1 d after MCAO (Fig.
hemisphere. G, Low-power micrograph of a cresyl violet (nissl )-stained 9A,B) but virtually unchanged at later time-points (Fig. 9A,E,F ).
coronal section through a mouse forebrain 2 d after MCAO at bregma All described changes of neuronal SDF-1 and CXCR4 mRNA
⫹0.14 mm. Delineated by dotted lines are the infarcted area, which expression were also seen in the contralateral hemisphere but
includes the primary (S1) and secondary (S2) somatosensory cortex, the were less pronounced than in the ipsilateral hemisphere (Fig. 8 F).
insular cortex ( I ), and the dorsal parts of the piriform cortex (Pir). The
cingulate (Cg) and secondary motor (M2) cortices are nonlesioned cere-
brocortical areas. The primary motor cortex (M1), the lateral aspect of the Characterization of SDF-1- and CXCR4-expressing cells in the
caudate putamen (CPu), and parts of the piriform cortex contribute to an border zone
area at the border of nonlesioned and infarcted tissue. The largest part of Combinations of radioactive in situ hybridization and immuno-
the caudate putamen (medial aspect) is not infarcted. Exposure times:
cytochemistry or nonisotopic in situ hybridization were applied to
A–C, 2 d; D–F, 3 d. Scale bar (shown in F for A–F): 3 mm.
further characterize SDF-1- and CXCR4-expressing cells in the
border zone after 2 d. The vascular SDF-1 upregulation was
sion were similar, when examined with the SDF-1␤⫺selective detected in vWF-ir endothelial cells using the probe to all SDF-1
probe or the probe detecting all SDF-1 isoforms (Figs. 8, 9). isoforms (data not shown) as well as the SDF-1␤⫺selective probe
Notably, also the sham operation induced a decrease in SDF-1␤ (Fig. 10 A, arrowheads). SDF-1 isoforms were not detected by
mRNA expression 1 d and 2 d after treatment as compared with either probe in reactive astrocytes (data not shown) and large
control animals (Table 3, Fig. 8 A,B). Comparison of ischemic and reactive microglial cells (Fig. 10 B, asterisks), which were identi-
5874 J. Neurosci., July 15, 2002, 22(14):5865–5878 Stumm et al. • SDF-1 and CXCR4 Expression after Cerebral Ischemia

Table 2. Influence of MCAO on SDF-1␤ mRNA levels in the mouse brain

Control 6 hr MCAO 1 d MCAO 2 d MCAO 4 d MCAO

Infarct and border zone 318 ⫾ 49 6.7 ⫾ 3.6* (3%) 7.6 ⫾ 3.6* (3%) 21.7 ⫾ 13.6* (7%) 49.2 ⫾ 19.5*(16%)
Ipsilateral nonlesioned area 175 ⫾ 39.3 33.2 ⫾ 26.6* (19%) 25.2 ⫾ 28.1* (15%) 34.3 ⫾ 31.5* (20%) 48.5 ⫾ 14.8*(28%)
Contralateral hemisphere 233 ⫾ 35.7 69.0 ⫾ 26.3* (30%) 88.3 ⫾ 67.0* (38%) 96.8 ⫾ 46.0* (42%) 104 ⫾ 38.2*(45%)

Measurements are mean SDF-1␤ mRNA levels in nanoCuries per gram ⫾ SD (three naive animals as control group, three animals at 6 hr and 1 d after MCAO, four animals
at 2 d and 4 d after MCAO, respectively). The regions of interest in animals receiving MCAO were the infarct including the border zone, the ipsilateral area where no
neurodegeneration was observed (ipsilateral nonlesioned area), and the entire hemisphere contralateral to MCAO. In the controls, the three corresponding regions were
analyzed. Bold values express measurements after MCAO as percentage of controls. *p ⬍ 0.05 versus the control animals; one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett’s multiple
comparison test.

Figure 9. Dark-field micrographs of the

brain hemisphere ipsilateral to middle
cerebral artery occlusion at various time
points after surgery (B, D, E–H ) and of
the corresponding brain hemisphere of
control mice (CRTL) (A, C). In situ hy-
bridization was performed with a ribo-
probe detecting all SDF-1 isoforms (A,
B, E, F ) and a riboprobe for CXCR4
mRNA (C, D, G, H). A, B, E, F, SDF-1
mRNA expression by neurons in the cin-
gulate cortex is strongly decreased at 6
hr ( B) and unchanged at 2 and 4 d after
MCAO (E, F ) as compared with the
control ( A). After 6 hr and 2 d, endo-
thelial SDF-1 mRNA expression is at
the detection limit within the infarct and
strongly decreased in the nonlesioned
area (B, E) as compared with the control
( A). Note the very strong induction of
SDF-1 mRNA expression in the border
zone of the infarct after 2 d (E, arrow-
head). F, After 4 d a moderate to strong
SDF-1 mRNA expression is detectable within the infarct and its border zone (F, arrowhead), whereas non-neuronal SDF-1 mRNA expression in the
nonlesioned area is moderately decreased as compared with the control ( A). C, D, G, H, After 6 hr and 2 d but not after 4 d, neuronal CXCR4 mRNA
expression is strongly increased in the dorsal endopiriform nucleus (D, G, asterisks) and lamina VI of the cingulate cortex (D, G, arrows) as compared
with the control ( C). G, Note the induction of CXCR4 mRNA expression in the superficial layers of the cingulate cortex after 2 d. G, H, In the border
zone of the infarct (G, arrowhead), a massive accumulation of CXCR4 mRNA-expressing cells is detectable after 2 and 4 d. H, After 4 d, numerous
CXCR4 mRNA-expressing cells are also present within the infarcted core. Exposure times: A, B, E, F, 21 d; C, D, G, H, 42 d. Scale bar (shown in H
for A–H): 3 mm.

fied by their strong GFAP and C1q mRNA expression, respec- DISCUSSION
tively. CXCR4 mRNA was detectable in a small subset of C1q- In the present study, we provide the first in situ hybridization
positive cells (⬃30 cells per section). These cells were small, evidence for cell- and tissue-specific expression of SDF-1 splice
without processes, and restricted to the border zone (Fig. 10C, variants in the mouse brain using a pan-SDF-1 probe, a SDF-1␣-
arrow). Most of the C1q-positive cells that were devoid of any selective probe, and a SDF-1␤⫺selective probe, which does not
CXCR4 labeling were larger, exhibited swollen processes, and detect SDF-1␣ but may hybridize to a putative mouse SDF-1␥
were frequent in the entire ipsilateral hemisphere (Fig. 10C, isoform as well. We show that in the adult mouse brain SDF-1␤ is
asterisk). Because C1q detects both macrophages and microglial selectively generated in the endothelium of cerebral microvessels
cells in the brain, the smaller C1q-positive cells expressing but not in neurons, whereas SDF-1␣ is generated predominantly in
CXCR4 most likely represent infiltrating macrophages, whereas distinct neuronal populations and meningeal cells. After systemic
the larger CXCR4-negative cells are resident activated microglial LPS administration, cerebro-endothelial SDF-1␤ was selectively
cells. Notably, the cells coexpressing CXCR4 and C1q mRNAs downregulated, whereas neuronal SDF-1␣ remained unchanged.
were only a subset (⬃10%) of CXCR4 mRNA-expressing cells in After focal ischemia, endothelial SDF-1␤ showed a persistent
the border zone. Double in situ hybridization and double immu- downregulation in the nonlesioned brain, and neuronal SDF-1␣
nohistochemistry revealed that most of the CXCR4 mRNA- showed a transient downregulation in the nonlesioned brain. In the
expressing cells were negative for GFAP (Fig. 10 D, E,E⬘). A penumbra, SDF-1␤ was selectively upregulated in the endothelium
minor population (⬍ 1%) of reactive astrocytes in the border of single blood vessels. Thus, alternative splicing may represent the
zone expressed CXCR4 mRNA (data not shown). These findings primary mechanism by which the expression of SDF-1 in the CNS
strongly suggest that resident astrocytes and microglial cells do is regulated in a tissue- and stimulus-specific manner.
not upregulate CXCR4 expression during activation after cere- We observed a striking mismatch between the widespread
bral ischemia. CXCR4-expressing cells in the border zone 2 d endothelial SDF-1␤ expression and the restricted CXCR4 expres-
after MCAO most likely represent infiltrating peripheral blood sion yet a close overlap between the distinct neuronal SDF-1␣
cells, including macrophages. and neuronal CXCR4 expression, indicating that SDF-1␣ and
Stumm et al. • SDF-1 and CXCR4 Expression after Cerebral Ischemia J. Neurosci., July 15, 2002, 22(14):5865–5878 5875

Table 3. Relative influence of sham operation and MCAO on SDF-1␤ mRNA levels in the mouse brain

Control 1 1 d sham 1 d MCAO Control 2 2 d sham 2 d MCAO

Infarct and border zone 248 ⫾ 7.5 126 ⫾ 31.0*(50%) 13.3 ⫾ 6.2* (5%) 495 ⫾ 29.4 279 ⫾ 34.9*(56%) 61 ⫾ 77*† (12%)
Ipsilateral nonlesioned area 187 ⫾ 14.3 122 ⫾ 14.5*(65%) 70.8 ⫾ 27.6*† (37%) 442 ⫾ 40.6 318 ⫾ 13.8*(71%) 225 ⫾ 40.0*†(50%)
Contralateral hemisphere 234 ⫾ 15.4 183 ⫾ 11.0*(78%) 117.9 ⫾ 31.0*† (50%) 465 ⫾ 42.1 351 ⫾ 26.5*(75%) 281 ⫾ 51.3* (60%)

Mean SDF-1␤ mRNA levels (expressed in nanoCuries per gram ⫾ SD; calculated from three animals per group) are shown for two independent experiments. In both
experiments, naive mice were used as control groups (control 1, control 2). In the first experiment, animals 1 d after sham operation and 1 d after MCAO were analyzed. In
the second experiment, animals 2 d after sham operation and 2 d after MCAO were analyzed. The regions of interest in animals receiving MCAO were the infarct including
the border zone, the ipsilateral area where no neurodegeneration was observed (ipsilateral nonlesioned area), and the entire hemisphere contralateral to MCAO. In the
controls and sham-operated animals, the three corresponding regions were analyzed. Bold values express SDF-1␤ mRNA levels after MCAO as percentage of controls. *p ⬍
0.05 versus the control animals; †p ⬍ 0.05 versus the sham-operated animals. One-way ANOVA followed by Newman –Keuls multiple comparison test.

Figure 10. High-resolution analysis of the cellular expression of SDF-1 isoforms and CXCR4 mRNA in the border zone 2 d after MCAO. Hybridized
S-labeled riboprobes (35S) to SDF-1␤ ( A), SDF-1 ( B), and CXCR4 (C, D) mRNAs are detected as grains; immunocytochemistry for vWF ( A) and
co-hybridized DIG-labeled riboprobes (DIG) to C1q (B, C) and GFAP ( D) mRNAs are detected as black reaction products. A, Arrowheads, Strong
SDF-1␤ mRNA expression is detected specifically in vWF-ir endothelial cells. B, SDF-1 mRNA is absent from activated C1q mRNA-expressing
microglial cells/macrophages (B, asterisk s) but expressed by endothelial cells (B, arrowheads). Note the absence of SDF-1 mRNA expression from
a juxtavascular C1q mRNA-expressing cell (B, arrow). C, C XCR4 mRNA is absent from a large C1q mRNA-expressing activated microglial cell
(C, asterisk) but present in a small presumed C1q mRNA-expressing macrophage (C, arrow). Note C1q mRNA-negative C XCR4 mRNA-expressing
cells (C, arrowheads). D, Detection of numerous C XCR4 mRNA-expressing cells (D, arrows) in the presence of C XCR4 mRNA-negative
GFAP-positive activated astrocytes (D, asterisk s). E, E⬘, Double immunohistochemistry for C XCR4 ( E) and GFAP (E⬘) demonstrating the
absence of C XCR4-LIR (arrows) on activated astrocytes (asterisk s). Scale bar: A–D, 40 ␮m; E, E⬘, 20 ␮m.

CXCR4 constitute a functional receptor/ligand system in neu- cate that cerebro-endothelial SDF-1␤ may represent a chemoat-
rons. The pronounced gene regulation of neuronal SDF-1 and tractant for peripheral blood cells.
neuronal CXCR4 after focal ischemia indicates a potential role of Conserved expression of SDF-1 and CXCR4 in the
SDF-1/CXCR4 in adaptive neuronal plasticity. The lesion- adult mouse and rat brain
induced upregulation of endothelial SDF-1␤ and the concomitant Using highly sensitive isotopic in situ hybridization, we showed
appearance of CXCR4-expressing cells 2 d after ischemia indi- the expression of SDF-1 in neurons of the cerebral cortex, dentate
5876 J. Neurosci., July 15, 2002, 22(14):5865–5878 Stumm et al. • SDF-1 and CXCR4 Expression after Cerebral Ischemia

gyrus, basolateral amygdala, and the amygdalohippocampal area Endothelial-specific functions of SDF-1␤
as well as endothelial cells of the adult mouse brain. Our findings We found a remarkable mismatch between the pancerebral en-
are in line with previous reports showing the expression of SDF-1 dothelial distribution of SDF-1␤ mRNA and the restricted cere-
in distinct neuronal populations and endothelial but not glial cells bral expression of CXCR4. The simplest explanation for this
of the adult rat brain (Tham et al., 2001). Another study reported finding is that circulating leukocytes expressing CXCR4 but not
widespread expression of SDF-1 in neurons and oligodendrocytes cerebral resident cells are likely targets for endothelial SDF-1␤.
but not in astrocytes using nonisotopic in situ hybridization Recently, SDF-1 has been shown to augment tethering and firm
(Gleichmann et al., 2000). However, the findings by Tham et al. adhesion of leukocytes to TNF␣-activated endothelial cells
(2001) and our own observations in mice and rats indicate con- (Grabovsky et al., 2000). SDF-1 modulates the interaction of
served SDF-1/CXCR4 expression patterns in rodent brain and do endothelial adhesion molecules including intercellular adhesion
not support a widespread distribution of SDF-1 in neuronal or molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1
glial cells. (VCAM-1) with leukocyte integrins (Campbell et al., 1998;
Using species-specific riboprobes and our antiserum, we iden- Grabovsky et al., 2000; Kantele et al., 2000). In the cerebral
tified CXCR4-expressing cells in the ventricular ependyma, ol- endothelium, constitutive expression of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 is
factory bulb, cerebral cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, and cere- low but strongly upregulated by systemic LPS or TNF␣ admin-
bellum in rat (data not shown) and mouse. In the cerebral cortex istration (Henninger et al., 1997). Interestingly, the massive LPS-
and hippocampus, CXCR4 is expressed exclusively in neurons. induced downregulation of endothelial SDF-1␤ mRNA expres-
The axonal and somatodendritic targeting of CXCR4-LIR sug- sion observed in the present study exhibited a similar time course
gests presynaptic and postsynaptic functions of this receptor. In a as the VCAM-1/ICAM-1 upregulation reported by Henninger et
recent in vitro study, Bezzi et al. (2001) implicated SDF-1␣ in al. (1997). Thus, balanced expression of SDF-1␤ and endothelial
glutamate release from cultured astrocytes. The proposed mech- adhesion molecules in cerebral endothelial cells may be crucial
anism involves CXCR4-mediated TNF␣ release from activated for preservation of BBB integrity during systemic infection. This
microglia and astrocytes. However, in the adult nonlesioned and is in line with the absence of CXCR4-expressing leukocyte infil-
ischemia-lesioned brain, CXCR4 expression in the vast majority trates in the brain after systemic LPS. However, other chemo-
of identified astrocytes and microglial cells was below the detec- kines including monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1)
tion limit. Nevertheless, the possibility cannot be excluded that may selectively target leukocytes to specific brain regions during
glial CXCR4 expression levels are differently regulated during systemic infection. MCP-1 mRNA expression is most potently
development or in astrocyte cultures (Wong et al., 1996; Klein et induced in all circumventricular organs and choroid plexus after
al., 1999; Lazarini et al., 2000; Bezzi et al., 2001). systemic LPS (Thibeault et al., 2001).
Systemic LPS application may regulate cerebral SDF-1 expres-
CXCR4-mediated neuromodulation and plasticity sion via direct Toll-like receptor-mediated mechanisms or via an
array of indirect pathways. Direct treatment of cultured neurons,
SDF-1 has recently been shown to modulate synaptic transmis-
astrocytes, and microglial cells with LPS in vitro can induce either
sion in the developing cerebellum (Limatola et al., 2000). The
downregulation or upregulation of SDF-1 expression (Ohtani et
codistribution of neurons expressing SDF-1␣ mRNA and neurons
al., 1998; Bajetto et al., 1999). In contrast, in vivo LPS application
expressing CXCR4 in the adult cerebral cortex and hippocampus
selectively downregulates endothelial but not neuronal SDF-1,
suggests that SDF-1 may exert neuromodulatory actions also in
suggesting that neuronal SDF-1␣ expression is mostly resistant to
these brain regions. Prominent CXCR4-LIR was detected in systemic LPS.
spiny and aspiny neuronal somata, in dendrites and axons of the Like systemic LPS, focal ischemia caused a decrease in endo-
moleculare lacunosum, and in molecular layers of hippocampus thelial SDF-1␤ expression throughout the forebrain. Unlike sys-
and dentate gyrus. Neuronal SDF-1 mRNA is highly expressed in temic LPS, the MCAO-induced decrease in SDF-1␤ expression
the granule cells of the dentate gyrus and in the entorhinal area was dependent on the distance to the lesion site. At later stages
of the cortex. Although SDF-1 synthesized in granule cells is after ischemia, we detected a strong induction of SDF-1␤ expres-
likely to interact locally with CXCR4-expressing interneurons of sion in single vascular structures and a local infiltration of
the polymorphic layer of the dentate gyrus, SDF-1 synthesized in CXCR4-expressing peripheral blood cells in the border zone of
the entorhinal cortex may be present in perforant path projections the infarct. Thus, focal endothelial SDF-1␤ upregulation may
that terminate in the molecular layer of the dentate gyrus. guide peripheral CXCR4-expressing cells to the lesioned site and
Cerebral ischemia evoked dramatic changes in neuronal SDF-1 is likely to contribute to local post-ischemic inflammation and
and CXCR4 mRNA expression in noninfarcted areas. The strong later reorganization of the infarct.
decrease in neuronal SDF-1 mRNA expression in cerebrocortical CXCR4-expressing infiltrates were not observed in brain re-
neurons was most prominent at 6 hr after MCAO and may be gions with persistent endothelial SDF-1␤ downregulation. Thus,
related to the acute excitotoxic phase and peri-infarct depolar- the ischemia-induced decrease in endothelial SDF-1␤ mRNA
izations. In contrast, neuronal CXCR4 mRNA levels in the ce- expression in nonlesioned areas could reflect a protective mech-
rebral cortex and the dorsal endopiriform nucleus were persis- anism that prevents SDF-1-induced leukocyte attraction and
tently upregulated from 6 hr to 2 d after MCAO. This platelet activation in brain microvessels (Forster et al., 1998;
upregulation may be related to lesion-induced neuronal adapta- Kowalska et al., 2000). This is particular relevant under condi-
tions rather than acute excitotoxicity. However, pro-apoptotic tions of impaired blood flow and ischemia-induced upregulation
effects of CXCR4 in neurons must also be considered (Kaul and of adhesion molecules, including ICAM-1, P-selectin, and
Lipton, 1999). Together, our findings point to a potential role of E-selectins in endothelial cells (Dirnagl et al., 1999). SDF-1␤
the SDF-1/CXCR4 system in neuronal plasticity and repair in the mRNA expression in the brain appears to be sensitive to even
adult brain. small brain lesions, as indicated by the effect of the sham opera-
Stumm et al. • SDF-1 and CXCR4 Expression after Cerebral Ischemia J. Neurosci., July 15, 2002, 22(14):5865–5878 5877

tion. However, the SDF-1␤ downregulation after sham operation chemokine SDF-1 alpha is mediated by the chemokine receptor
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Kantele JM, Kurk S, Jutila MA (2000) Effects of continuous exposure to
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